]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/MUONmassPlot_ESD.C
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / MUONmassPlot_ESD.C
5473f16a 1#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
2// ROOT includes
48d6b312 3#include "TTree.h"
5473f16a 4#include "TBranch.h"
5#include "TClonesArray.h"
6#include "TLorentzVector.h"
7#include "TFile.h"
8#include "TH1.h"
ac3c5325 9#include "TH2.h"
5473f16a 10#include "TParticle.h"
11#include "TTree.h"
12#include <Riostream.h>
8cde4af5 13#include <TGeoManager.h>
21939432 14#include <TROOT.h>
5473f16a 15
16// STEER includes
0ff94351 17#include "AliLog.h"
a99c3449 18#include "AliCDBManager.h"
1c2bdf00 19#include "AliESDEvent.h"
995a61aa 20#include "AliESDVertex.h"
103e6575 21#include "AliESDMuonTrack.h"
5473f16a 22
23// MUON includes
a99c3449 24#include "AliMUONCDB.h"
211c52eb 25#include "AliMUONTrackParam.h"
37827b29 26#include "AliMUONTrackExtrap.h"
103e6575 27#include "AliMUONESDInterface.h"
5473f16a 28#endif
5473f16a 29
e54bf126 30/// \ingroup macros
31/// \file MUONmassPlot_ESD.C
a99c3449 32/// \brief Macro MUONmassPlot_ESD.C for ESD
e54bf126 33///
34/// \author Ch. Finck, Subatech, April. 2004
37/// Macro to make invariant mass plots
38/// for combinations of 2 muons with opposite charges,
39/// from root file "MUON.tracks.root" containing the result of track reconstruction.
40/// Histograms are stored on the "MUONmassPlot.root" file.
41/// introducing TLorentzVector for parameter calculations (Pt, P,rap,etc...)
42/// using Invariant Mass for rapidity.
44/// Add parameters and histograms for analysis
5473f16a 45
a99c3449 46Bool_t MUONmassPlot(const char* esdFileName = "AliESDs.root", const char* geoFilename = "geometry.root",
47 const char* ocdbPath = "local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB",
48 Int_t FirstEvent = 0, Int_t LastEvent = 10000, Int_t ExtrapToVertex = -1,
49 Int_t ResType = 553, Float_t Chi2Cut = 100., Float_t PtCutMin = 1.,
50 Float_t PtCutMax = 10000., Float_t massMin = 9.17,Float_t massMax = 9.77)
5473f16a 51{
a99c3449 52 /// \param FirstEvent (default 0)
53 /// \param LastEvent (default 10000)
54 /// \param ExtrapToVertex (default -1)
55 /// - <0: no extrapolation;
56 /// - =0: extrapolation to (0,0,0);
57 /// - >0: extrapolation to ESDVertex if available, else to (0,0,0)
58 /// \param ResType 553 for Upsilon, anything else for J/Psi (default 553)
59 /// \param Chi2Cut to keep only tracks with chi2 per d.o.f. < Chi2Cut (default 100)
60 /// \param PtCutMin to keep only tracks with transverse momentum > PtCutMin (default 1)
61 /// \param PtCutMax to keep only tracks with transverse momentum < PtCutMax (default 10000)
62 /// \param massMin (default 9.17 for Upsilon)
63 /// \param massMax (default 9.77 for Upsilon);
64 /// to calculate the reconstruction efficiency for resonances with invariant mass
65 /// massMin < mass < massMax.
e54bf126 66
5473f16a 67 cout << "MUONmassPlot " << endl;
68 cout << "FirstEvent " << FirstEvent << endl;
69 cout << "LastEvent " << LastEvent << endl;
70 cout << "ResType " << ResType << endl;
71 cout << "Chi2Cut " << Chi2Cut << endl;
72 cout << "PtCutMin " << PtCutMin << endl;
73 cout << "PtCutMax " << PtCutMax << endl;
74 cout << "massMin " << massMin << endl;
75 cout << "massMax " << massMax << endl;
78 //Reset ROOT and connect tree file
79 gROOT->Reset();
5473f16a 81 // File for histograms and histogram booking
82 TFile *histoFile = new TFile("MUONmassPlot.root", "RECREATE");
83 TH1F *hPtMuon = new TH1F("hPtMuon", "Muon Pt (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.);
ac3c5325 84 TH1F *hPtMuonPlus = new TH1F("hPtMuonPlus", "Muon+ Pt (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.);
85 TH1F *hPtMuonMinus = new TH1F("hPtMuonMinus", "Muon- Pt (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.);
5473f16a 86 TH1F *hPMuon = new TH1F("hPMuon", "Muon P (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 200.);
87 TH1F *hChi2PerDof = new TH1F("hChi2PerDof", "Muon track chi2/d.o.f.", 100, 0., 20.);
88 TH1F *hInvMassAll = new TH1F("hInvMassAll", "Mu+Mu- invariant mass (GeV/c2)", 480, 0., 12.);
ac3c5325 89 TH1F *hInvMassBg = new TH1F("hInvMassBg", "Mu+Mu- invariant mass BG(GeV/c2)", 480, 0., 12.);
f57d136a 90 TH2F *hInvMassAll_vs_Pt = new TH2F("hInvMassAll_vs_Pt","hInvMassAll_vs_Pt",480,0.,12.,80,0.,20.);
91 TH2F *hInvMassBgk_vs_Pt = new TH2F("hInvMassBgk_vs_Pt","hInvMassBgk_vs_Pt",480,0.,12.,80,0.,20.);
92 TH1F *hInvMassRes;
6ab68e5f 93 TH1F *hPrimaryVertex = new TH1F("hPrimaryVertex","SPD reconstructed Z vertex",150,-15,15);
5473f16a 94
95 if (ResType == 553) {
96 hInvMassRes = new TH1F("hInvMassRes", "Mu+Mu- invariant mass (GeV/c2) around Upsilon", 60, 8., 11.);
97 } else {
98 hInvMassRes = new TH1F("hInvMassRes", "Mu+Mu- invariant mass (GeV/c2) around J/Psi", 80, 0., 5.);
99 }
101 TH1F *hNumberOfTrack = new TH1F("hNumberOfTrack","nb of track /evt ",20,-0.5,19.5);
102 TH1F *hRapMuon = new TH1F("hRapMuon"," Muon Rapidity",50,-4.5,-2);
103 TH1F *hRapResonance = new TH1F("hRapResonance"," Resonance Rapidity",50,-4.5,-2);
104 TH1F *hPtResonance = new TH1F("hPtResonance", "Resonance Pt (GeV/c)", 100, 0., 20.);
ac3c5325 105 TH2F *hThetaPhiPlus = new TH2F("hThetaPhiPlus", "Theta vs Phi +", 760, -190., 190., 400, 160., 180.);
106 TH2F *hThetaPhiMinus = new TH2F("hThetaPhiMinus", "Theta vs Phi -", 760, -190., 190., 400, 160., 180.);
5473f16a 107
109 // settings
110 Int_t EventInMass = 0;
6678cd54 111 Int_t EventInMassMatch = 0;
112 Int_t NbTrigger = 0;
5473f16a 114 Float_t muonMass = 0.105658389;
115// Float_t UpsilonMass = 9.46037;
116// Float_t JPsiMass = 3.097;
22ccc301 118 Int_t fCharge1, fCharge2;
5473f16a 119 Double_t fPxRec1, fPyRec1, fPzRec1, fE1;
120 Double_t fPxRec2, fPyRec2, fPzRec2, fE2;
5473f16a 121
a99c3449 122 Int_t ntrackhits;
5473f16a 123 Double_t fitfmin;
e3c6ae4c 124 Double_t fZVertex=0;
211c52eb 125 Double_t fYVertex=0;
126 Double_t fXVertex=0;
690d2205 127 Double_t errXVtx=0;
128 Double_t errYVtx=0;
5473f16a 129
130 TLorentzVector fV1, fV2, fVtot;
a99c3449 131
8cde4af5 132 // Import TGeo geometry (needed by AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToVertex)
133 if (!gGeoManager) {
134 TGeoManager::Import(geoFilename);
135 if (!gGeoManager) {
cec5541f 136 Error("MUONmass_ESD", "getting geometry from file %s failed", geoFilename);
8cde4af5 137 return kFALSE;
138 }
139 }
5473f16a 141 // open the ESD file
142 TFile* esdFile = TFile::Open(esdFileName);
143 if (!esdFile || !esdFile->IsOpen()) {
144 Error("MUONmass_ESD", "opening ESD file %s failed", esdFileName);
145 return kFALSE;
146 }
1c2bdf00 147 AliESDEvent* esd = new AliESDEvent();
48d6b312 148 TTree* tree = (TTree*) esdFile->Get("esdTree");
149 if (!tree) {
a99c3449 150 Error("MUONmass_ESD", "no ESD tree found");
48d6b312 151 return kFALSE;
152 }
8b4a9b89 153 esd->ReadFromTree(tree);
f9ebb3bd 154
a99c3449 155 // get run number
156 if (tree->GetEvent(0) <= 0) {
157 Error("MUONmass_ESD", "no ESD object found for event 0");
158 return kFALSE;
159 }
160 Int_t runNumber = esd->GetRunNumber();
162 // load necessary data from OCDB
163 AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetDefaultStorage(ocdbPath);
164 AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetRun(runNumber);
165 if (!AliMUONCDB::LoadField()) return kFALSE;
167 // set the magnetic field for track extrapolations
168 AliMUONTrackExtrap::SetField();
211c52eb 169
170 AliMUONTrackParam trackParam;
0ff94351 171
5473f16a 172 // Loop over events
a99c3449 173 Int_t nevents = (Int_t)tree->GetEntries();
5473f16a 174 for (Int_t iEvent = FirstEvent; iEvent <= TMath::Min(LastEvent, nevents - 1); iEvent++) {
5473f16a 176 // get the event summary data
a99c3449 177 if (tree->GetEvent(iEvent) <= 0) {
178 Error("MUONmass_ESD", "no ESD object found for event %d", iEvent);
5473f16a 179 return kFALSE;
180 }
a99c3449 181
f9ebb3bd 182 // get the SPD reconstructed vertex (vertexer) and fill the histogram
43939bd8 183 AliESDVertex* Vertex = (AliESDVertex*) esd->GetVertex();
43939bd8 184 if (Vertex->GetNContributors()) {
211c52eb 185 fZVertex = Vertex->GetZv();
186 fYVertex = Vertex->GetYv();
187 fXVertex = Vertex->GetXv();
690d2205 188 errXVtx = Vertex->GetXRes();
189 errYVtx = Vertex->GetYRes();
211c52eb 190 }
f9ebb3bd 191 hPrimaryVertex->Fill(fZVertex);
48d6b312 193 Int_t nTracks = (Int_t)esd->GetNumberOfMuonTracks() ;
5473f16a 194
195 // printf("\n Nb of events analysed: %d\r",iEvent);
48d6b312 196 // cout << " number of tracks: " << nTracks <<endl;
5473f16a 197
198 // loop over all reconstructed tracks (also first track of combination)
199 for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++) {
b1fea02e 201 // skip ghosts
202 if (!esd->GetMuonTrack(iTrack)->ContainTrackerData()) continue;
8cde4af5 204 AliESDMuonTrack* muonTrack = new AliESDMuonTrack(*(esd->GetMuonTrack(iTrack)));
5473f16a 205
8cde4af5 206 // extrapolate to vertex if required and available
207 if (ExtrapToVertex > 0 && Vertex->GetNContributors()) {
103e6575 208 AliMUONESDInterface::GetParamAtFirstCluster(*muonTrack, trackParam);
690d2205 209 AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToVertex(&trackParam, fXVertex, fYVertex, fZVertex, errXVtx, errYVtx);
103e6575 210 AliMUONESDInterface::SetParamAtVertex(trackParam, *muonTrack); // put the new parameters in this copy of AliESDMuonTrack
8cde4af5 211 } else if ((ExtrapToVertex > 0 && !Vertex->GetNContributors()) || ExtrapToVertex == 0){
103e6575 212 AliMUONESDInterface::GetParamAtFirstCluster(*muonTrack, trackParam);
690d2205 213 AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToVertex(&trackParam, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
103e6575 214 AliMUONESDInterface::SetParamAtVertex(trackParam, *muonTrack); // put the new parameters in this copy of AliESDMuonTrack
211c52eb 215 }
8cde4af5 216
22ccc301 217 fCharge1 = Int_t(TMath::Sign(1.,muonTrack->GetInverseBendingMomentum()));
219 muonTrack->LorentzP(fV1);
8cde4af5 220
5473f16a 221 ntrackhits = muonTrack->GetNHit();
222 fitfmin = muonTrack->GetChi2();
224 // transverse momentum
225 Float_t pt1 = fV1.Pt();
227 // total momentum
228 Float_t p1 = fV1.P();
230 // Rapidity
231 Float_t rapMuon1 = fV1.Rapidity();
233 // chi2 per d.o.f.
234 Float_t ch1 = fitfmin / (2.0 * ntrackhits - 5);
235// printf(" px %f py %f pz %f NHits %d Norm.chi2 %f charge %d\n",
22ccc301 236// fPxRec1, fPyRec1, fPzRec1, ntrackhits, ch1, fCharge1);
5473f16a 237
238 // condition for good track (Chi2Cut and PtCut)
a99c3449 240// if ((ch1 < Chi2Cut) && (pt1 > PtCutMin) && (pt1 < PtCutMax)) {
5473f16a 241
242 // fill histos hPtMuon and hChi2PerDof
243 hPtMuon->Fill(pt1);
244 hPMuon->Fill(p1);
245 hChi2PerDof->Fill(ch1);
246 hRapMuon->Fill(rapMuon1);
22ccc301 247 if (fCharge1 > 0) {
ac3c5325 248 hPtMuonPlus->Fill(pt1);
22ccc301 249 hThetaPhiPlus->Fill(fV1.Phi()*180./TMath::Pi(),fV1.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi());
ac3c5325 250 } else {
251 hPtMuonMinus->Fill(pt1);
22ccc301 252 hThetaPhiMinus->Fill(fV1.Phi()*180./TMath::Pi(),fV1.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi());
ac3c5325 253 }
5473f16a 254 // loop over second track of combination
255 for (Int_t iTrack2 = iTrack + 1; iTrack2 < nTracks; iTrack2++) {
b1fea02e 257 // skip ghosts
258 if (!esd->GetMuonTrack(iTrack2)->ContainTrackerData()) continue;
8cde4af5 260 AliESDMuonTrack* muonTrack2 = new AliESDMuonTrack(*(esd->GetMuonTrack(iTrack2)));
262 // extrapolate to vertex if required and available
263 if (ExtrapToVertex > 0 && Vertex->GetNContributors()) {
103e6575 264 AliMUONESDInterface::GetParamAtFirstCluster(*muonTrack2, trackParam);
690d2205 265 AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToVertex(&trackParam, fXVertex, fYVertex, fZVertex, errXVtx, errYVtx);
103e6575 266 AliMUONESDInterface::SetParamAtVertex(trackParam, *muonTrack2); // put the new parameters in this copy of AliESDMuonTrack
8cde4af5 267 } else if ((ExtrapToVertex > 0 && !Vertex->GetNContributors()) || ExtrapToVertex == 0){
103e6575 268 AliMUONESDInterface::GetParamAtFirstCluster(*muonTrack2, trackParam);
690d2205 269 AliMUONTrackExtrap::ExtrapToVertex(&trackParam, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
103e6575 270 AliMUONESDInterface::SetParamAtVertex(trackParam, *muonTrack2); // put the new parameters in this copy of AliESDMuonTrack
211c52eb 271 }
8cde4af5 272
8cde4af5 273 fCharge2 = Int_t(TMath::Sign(1.,muonTrack2->GetInverseBendingMomentum()));
5473f16a 274
22ccc301 275 muonTrack2->LorentzP(fV2);
5473f16a 276
8cde4af5 277 ntrackhits = muonTrack2->GetNHit();
278 fitfmin = muonTrack2->GetChi2();
5473f16a 279
280 // transverse momentum
281 Float_t pt2 = fV2.Pt();
283 // chi2 per d.o.f.
284 Float_t ch2 = fitfmin / (2.0 * ntrackhits - 5);
286 // condition for good track (Chi2Cut and PtCut)
a99c3449 287// if ((ch2 < Chi2Cut) && (pt2 > PtCutMin) && (pt2 < PtCutMax)) {
5473f16a 288
289 // condition for opposite charges
22ccc301 290 if ((fCharge1 * fCharge2) == -1) {
5473f16a 291
292 // invariant mass
293 fVtot = fV1 + fV2;
294 Float_t invMass = fVtot.M();
296 // fill histos hInvMassAll and hInvMassRes
297 hInvMassAll->Fill(invMass);
298 hInvMassRes->Fill(invMass);
ac3c5325 299 hInvMassAll_vs_Pt->Fill(invMass,fVtot.Pt());
6678cd54 300 Int_t ptTrig;
301 if (ResType == 553)
8d4fefab 302 ptTrig = 0x20;// mask for Hpt unlike sign pair
6678cd54 303 else
8d4fefab 304 ptTrig = 0x10;// mask for Lpt unlike sign pair
6678cd54 305
f57d136a 306 if (esd->GetTriggerMask() & ptTrig) NbTrigger++;
5473f16a 307 if (invMass > massMin && invMass < massMax) {
308 EventInMass++;
8cde4af5 309 if (muonTrack2->GetMatchTrigger() && (esd->GetTriggerMask() & ptTrig))// match with trigger
6678cd54 310 EventInMassMatch++;
5473f16a 312 hRapResonance->Fill(fVtot.Rapidity());
313 hPtResonance->Fill(fVtot.Pt());
314 }
22ccc301 316 } // if (fCharge1 * fCharge2) == -1)
a99c3449 317// } // if ((ch2 < Chi2Cut) && (pt2 > PtCutMin) && (pt2 < PtCutMax))
8cde4af5 318 delete muonTrack2;
5473f16a 319 } // for (Int_t iTrack2 = iTrack + 1; iTrack2 < iTrack; iTrack2++)
a99c3449 320// } // if (ch1 < Chi2Cut) && (pt1 > PtCutMin)&& (pt1 < PtCutMax) )
8cde4af5 321 delete muonTrack;
5473f16a 322 } // for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nrectracks; iTrack++)
324 hNumberOfTrack->Fill(nTracks);
48d6b312 325 // esdFile->Delete();
5473f16a 326 } // for (Int_t iEvent = FirstEvent;
ac3c5325 328// Loop over events for bg event
330 Double_t thetaPlus, phiPlus;
331 Double_t thetaMinus, phiMinus;
332 Float_t PtMinus, PtPlus;
334 for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < hInvMassAll->Integral(); iEvent++) {
336 hThetaPhiPlus->GetRandom2(phiPlus, thetaPlus);
337 hThetaPhiMinus->GetRandom2(phiMinus,thetaMinus);
338 PtPlus = hPtMuonPlus->GetRandom();
339 PtMinus = hPtMuonMinus->GetRandom();
341 fPxRec1 = PtPlus * TMath::Cos(TMath::Pi()/180.*phiPlus);
342 fPyRec1 = PtPlus * TMath::Sin(TMath::Pi()/180.*phiPlus);
343 fPzRec1 = PtPlus / TMath::Tan(TMath::Pi()/180.*thetaPlus);
345 fE1 = TMath::Sqrt(muonMass * muonMass + fPxRec1 * fPxRec1 + fPyRec1 * fPyRec1 + fPzRec1 * fPzRec1);
346 fV1.SetPxPyPzE(fPxRec1, fPyRec1, fPzRec1, fE1);
348 fPxRec2 = PtMinus * TMath::Cos(TMath::Pi()/180.*phiMinus);
349 fPyRec2 = PtMinus * TMath::Sin(TMath::Pi()/180.*phiMinus);
350 fPzRec2 = PtMinus / TMath::Tan(TMath::Pi()/180.*thetaMinus);
352 fE2 = TMath::Sqrt(muonMass * muonMass + fPxRec2 * fPxRec2 + fPyRec2 * fPyRec2 + fPzRec2 * fPzRec2);
353 fV2.SetPxPyPzE(fPxRec2, fPyRec2, fPzRec2, fE2);
355 // invariant mass
356 fVtot = fV1 + fV2;
358 // fill histos hInvMassAll and hInvMassRes
359 hInvMassBg->Fill(fVtot.M());
360 hInvMassBgk_vs_Pt->Fill( fVtot.M(), fVtot.Pt() );
361 }
5473f16a 363 histoFile->Write();
364 histoFile->Close();
6678cd54 366 cout << endl;
5473f16a 367 cout << "EventInMass " << EventInMass << endl;
6678cd54 368 cout << "NbTrigger " << NbTrigger << endl;
369 cout << "EventInMass match with trigger " << EventInMassMatch << endl;
5473f16a 370
371 return kTRUE;