]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MUON/MUONrecoNtuple.C
New MUON Data container and MUON loader
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MUON / MUONrecoNtuple.C
c2a319d4 1// Macro MUONrecoNtuple.C (TO BE COMPILED)
2// for testing the C++ reconstruction code
3// and producing an Ntuple with reconstructed tracks
4// in output file "MUONtrackReco.root".
5// An example for using the Ntuple is in the macro MUONmassPlot.C
7// Arguments:
8// FirstEvent (default 0)
9// LastEvent (default 0)
10// RecGeantHits (1 to reconstruct GEANT hits) (default 0)
11// FileName (for signal) (default "galice.root")
12// BkgGeantFileName (for background),
13// needed only if RecGeantHits = 1 and background to be added
16// under "root" or "root.exe", execute the following commands:
17// 1. "gSystem->SetIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/MUON -I$ALICE_ROOT/STEER -I$ROOTSYS/include")" to get the right path at compilation time
18// 2. ".x loadlibs.C" to load the shared libraries
19// 3. ".x MUONrecoNtuple.C+()" with the right arguments, without forgetting the "+" which implies the compilation of the macro before its execution
21#include <iostream.h>
23#include <TClassTable.h>
24#include <TClonesArray.h>
25#include <TFile.h>
26#include <TParticle.h>
27#include <TROOT.h>
28#include <TTree.h>
5ac84131 30#include "AliHeader.h"
c2a319d4 31#include "AliRun.h"
88cb7938 33#include "AliMUON.h"
c2a319d4 34#include "AliMUONEventReconstructor.h"
35#include "AliMUONTrack.h"
36#include "AliMUONTrackHit.h"
37#include "AliMUONTrackParam.h"
39// Classes for Ntuple ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
41class AliMUONTrackRecNtuple : public TObject {
42 public:
43 // for direct access to members
44 Int_t fCharge; // charge of reconstructed track (+/- 1)
45 Float_t fPxRec; // Px of reconstructed track at vertex (GeV/c)
46 Float_t fPyRec; // Py of reconstructed track at vertex (GeV/c)
47 Float_t fPzRec; // Pz of reconstructed track at vertex (GeV/c)
48 Float_t fZRec; // Z of reconstructed track at vertex (cm)
49 Float_t fZRec1; // Z of reconstructed track at first hit (cm)
50 Int_t fNHits; // number of hits
51 Float_t fChi2; // chi2 of fit
52 Float_t fPxGen; // Px of best compatible generated track at vertex (GeV/c)
53 Float_t fPyGen; // Py of best compatible generated track at vertex (GeV/c)
54 Float_t fPzGen; // Pz of best compatible generated track at vertex (GeV/c)
55 AliMUONTrackRecNtuple(){;} // Constructor
56 virtual ~AliMUONTrackRecNtuple(){;} // Destructor
57 protected:
58 private:
59 ClassDef(AliMUONTrackRecNtuple, 1) // AliMUONTrackRecNtuple
60 };
62class AliMUONHeaderRecNtuple : public TObject {
63 public:
64 // for direct access to members
65 Int_t fEvent; // event number
66 AliMUONHeaderRecNtuple(){;} // Constructor
67 virtual ~AliMUONHeaderRecNtuple(){;} // Destructor
68 protected:
69 private:
70 ClassDef(AliMUONHeaderRecNtuple, 1) // AliMUONHeaderRecNtuple
71 };
73ClassImp(AliMUONTrackRecNtuple) // Class implementation in ROOT context
74ClassImp(AliMUONHeaderRecNtuple) // Class implementation in ROOT context
76 //__________________________________________________________________________
77void AliMUONEventRecNtupleFill(AliMUONEventReconstructor *Reco, Int_t FillWrite = 0)
79 // Fill Ntuple for reconstructed event pointed to by "Reco"
80 // if "FillWrite" different from -1.
81 // Ntuple is created automatically before filling first event.
82 // If "FillWrite" = -1, write and close the file
84 static Bool_t firstTime = kTRUE;
85 static TTree *ntuple;
86 static AliMUONHeaderRecNtuple *header = new AliMUONHeaderRecNtuple();
87 static TClonesArray *recTracks = new TClonesArray("AliMUONTrackRecNtuple",5);
89 Int_t trackIndex;
90 AliMUONTrack *track;
91 AliMUONTrackParam *trackParam;
92 AliMUONTrackRecNtuple *recTrackNt;
93 Double_t bendingSlope, nonBendingSlope, pYZ;
95 if (FillWrite == -1) {
88cb7938 96 printf(">>> Writing Ntuple of reconstructed tracks\n");
c2a319d4 97 // better to create the file before the Ntuple ????
98 TFile *file = new TFile("MUONtrackReco.root","recreate");
99 ntuple->Write();
100 file->Write();
101 file->Close();
102 }
104 if (firstTime) {
105 firstTime = kFALSE;
106 // first call: create tree for Ntuple...
88cb7938 107 printf(">>> Creating Ntuple of reconstructed tracks\n");
c2a319d4 108 ntuple = new TTree("MUONtrackReco", "MUONtrackReco");
109 ntuple->Branch("Header","AliMUONHeaderRecNtuple", &header);
110 ntuple->Branch("Tracks", &recTracks);
111 }
113 // header
88cb7938 114
c2a319d4 115 header->fEvent = gAlice->GetHeader()->GetEvent();
117 TClonesArray *recoTracksPtr = Reco->GetRecTracksPtr();
118 recoTracksPtr->Compress(); // for simple loop without "Next" since no hole
119 recTracks->Clear(); // to reset the TClonesArray of tracks to be put in the ntuple
120 // Loop over reconstructed tracks
121 for (trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < Reco->GetNRecTracks(); trackIndex++) {
122 track = (AliMUONTrack*) ((*recoTracksPtr)[trackIndex]);
123 recTrackNt = (AliMUONTrackRecNtuple*)
124 new ((*recTracks)[trackIndex]) AliMUONTrackRecNtuple();
125 // track parameters at Vertex
126 trackParam = track->GetTrackParamAtVertex();
127 recTrackNt->fCharge =
128 Int_t(TMath::Sign(1., trackParam->GetInverseBendingMomentum()));
129 bendingSlope = trackParam->GetBendingSlope();
130 nonBendingSlope = trackParam->GetNonBendingSlope();
131 pYZ = 1/TMath::Abs(trackParam->GetInverseBendingMomentum());
132 recTrackNt->fPzRec = pYZ / TMath::Sqrt(1.0 + bendingSlope * bendingSlope);
133 recTrackNt->fPxRec = recTrackNt->fPzRec * nonBendingSlope;
134 recTrackNt->fPyRec = recTrackNt->fPzRec * bendingSlope;
135 recTrackNt->fZRec = trackParam->GetZ();
136 // track parameters at first hit
137 trackParam = ((AliMUONTrackHit*)
138 (track->GetTrackHitsPtr()->First()))->GetTrackParam();
139 recTrackNt->fZRec1 = trackParam->GetZ();
140 // chi2
141 recTrackNt->fChi2 = track->GetFitFMin();
142 // number of hits
143 recTrackNt->fNHits = track->GetNTrackHits();
04c865aa 144 printf("test> Px %f Py %f Pz %f \n", recTrackNt->fPxRec, recTrackNt->fPyRec, recTrackNt->fPzRec);
c2a319d4 145 // track parameters at vertex of best compatible generated track:
146 // in fact muon with the right charge
04c865aa 147 TTree* mtreeK=gAlice->TreeK();
148 TBranch *brparticle = mtreeK->GetBranch("Particles");
149 Int_t nPart = brparticle->GetEntries();
150 TParticle *particle = new TParticle();
151 mtreeK->SetBranchAddress("Particles",&particle);
152 for (Int_t iPart = 0; iPart < nPart; iPart++) {
153 brparticle->GetEntry(iPart);
154 //cout << "Code Particle: " << particle->GetPdgCode() << "\n";
155 if ((particle->GetPdgCode() * recTrackNt->fCharge) == -13) {
156 recTrackNt->fPxGen = particle->Px();
157 recTrackNt->fPyGen = particle->Py();
158 recTrackNt->fPzGen = particle->Pz();
159 printf("Gen: Px %f Py %f Pz %f \n", recTrackNt->fPxGen, recTrackNt->fPyGen, recTrackNt->fPzGen);
160 }
161 }
c2a319d4 162 } // for (trackIndex = 0;...
88cb7938 164 printf(">>> Filling Ntuple of reconstructed tracks\n");
c2a319d4 165 ntuple->Fill();
167 return;
170void MUONrecoNtuple (Int_t FirstEvent = 0, Int_t LastEvent = 0, Int_t RecGeantHits = 0, Text_t *FileName = "galice.root", Text_t *BkgGeantFileName = "")
172 //
173 cout << "MUON_recoNtuple" << endl;
174 cout << "FirstEvent " << FirstEvent << endl;
175 cout << "LastEvent " << LastEvent << endl;
176 cout << "RecGeantHits " << RecGeantHits << endl;
177 cout << "FileName ``" << FileName << "''" << endl;
178 cout << "BkgGeantFileName ``" << BkgGeantFileName << "''" << endl;
179// // Dynamically link some shared libs
180// if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) {
181// gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C");
182// loadlibs();
183// }
88cb7938 185
186 // Creating Run Loader and openning file containing Hits, Digits and RecPoints
187 AliRunLoader * RunLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(FileName,"Event","UPDATE");
188 if (RunLoader ==0x0) {
189 printf(">>> Error : Error Opening %s file \n",FileName);
190 return;
c2a319d4 191 }
88cb7938 192 // Loading AliRun master
193 RunLoader->LoadgAlice();
194 gAlice = RunLoader->GetAliRun();
04c865aa 195 RunLoader->LoadKinematics("READ");
88cb7938 197 // Loading MUON subsystem
198 AliMUON * MUON = (AliMUON *) gAlice->GetDetector("MUON");
199 AliLoader * MUONLoader = RunLoader->GetLoader("MUONLoader");
200 MUONLoader->LoadHits("READ");
201 MUONLoader->LoadRecPoints("READ");
203 Int_t ievent, nevents;
204 nevents = RunLoader->GetNumberOfEvents();
c2a319d4 205
206 // Initializations
207 // AliMUON *MUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON"); // necessary ????
896c4449 208 MUON->SetTreeAddress();
c2a319d4 209 AliMUONEventReconstructor *Reco = new AliMUONEventReconstructor();
211 Reco->SetRecGeantHits(RecGeantHits);
213 // The right place for changing AliMUONEventReconstructor parameters
214 // with respect to the default ones
215// Reco->SetMaxSigma2Distance(100.0);
04c865aa 216// Reco->SetPrintLevel(20);
217 Reco->SetPrintLevel(1);
c2a319d4 218// Reco->SetBendingResolution(0.0);
219// Reco->SetNonBendingResolution(0.0);
220 cout << "AliMUONEventReconstructor: actual parameters" << endl;
221 Reco->Dump();
222// gObjectTable->Print();
c2a319d4 223 // Loop over events
896c4449 224 for (Int_t event = FirstEvent; event < LastEvent; event++) {
c2a319d4 225 cout << "Event: " << event << endl;
896c4449 226 RunLoader->GetEvent(event);
227 // Int_t nparticles = gAlice->GetEvent(event);
228 // cout << "nparticles: " << nparticles << endl;
c2a319d4 229 // prepare background file and/or event if necessary
230 if (RecGeantHits == 1) {
231 if (event == FirstEvent) Reco->SetBkgGeantFile(BkgGeantFileName);
232 if (Reco->GetBkgGeantFile())Reco->NextBkgGeantEvent();
233 }
234 Reco->EventReconstruct();
235 // Dump current event
236 Reco->EventDump();
237 // Fill Ntuple
238 AliMUONEventRecNtupleFill(Reco, 0);
239// gObjectTable->Print();
896c4449 240 MUON->ResetRawClusters();
c2a319d4 241 } // Event loop
242 // Write Ntuple
243 AliMUONEventRecNtupleFill(Reco, -1);