]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PHOS/AliPHOSCalibrator.cxx
Copy constructor is corrected (by T.P.)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PHOS / AliPHOSCalibrator.cxx
a6edf90e 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
18// Class to calculate calibration parameters from beam tests etc.
19// First pass - one should calcuate pedestals, in the second pass - gains.
21// To calculate pedestals we scan pedestals events and fill histos for each
22// channel. Then in each histo we find maximum and fit it with Gaussian in the
23// visinity of the maximum. Extracted mean and width of distribution are put into
24// resulting histogram which cheks results for 'reasonability'.
26// To evaluate gains: scans beam events and calculate gain in the cristall with
27// maximal energy deposition, assuming, that 90% of energy deposited in it.
28// For each channel separate histogramm is filled. When scan is finished,
29// these histograms are fitted with Gaussian and finds mean and width, which
30// are put in final histogram. Finaly gains are checked for deviation from mean.
32// Finally fills database.
34// Use Case:
35// AliPHOSCalibrator * c = new AliPHOSCalibrator("path/galice.root") ;
36// c->AddRun("path2/galice.root") ;
37// c->ScanPedestals();
38// c->CalculatePedestals();
39// c->WritePedestals();
40// c->ScanGains() ;
41// c->CalculateGains() ;
42// c->WriteGains() ;
44//*-- Author : D.Peressounko (RRC KI)
47// --- ROOT system ---
a6edf90e 48#include "TF1.h"
024a7e64 49#include "TFile.h"
a6edf90e 50#include "TObjString.h"
024a7e64 51#include "TROOT.h"
9b471956 52#include "TClonesArray.h"
e957fea8 53
a6edf90e 54// --- Standard library ---
56// --- AliRoot header files ---
6f06e050 57#include "AliLog.h"
a6edf90e 58#include "AliPHOSCalibrManager.h"
59#include "AliPHOSCalibrationData.h"
024a7e64 60#include "AliPHOSCalibrator.h"
61#include "AliPHOSConTableDB.h"
3255d660 62#include "AliRawReaderDate.h"
9b471956 63#include "AliPHOSRawStream.h"
64#include "AliPHOSDigit.h"
a6edf90e 65
3255d660 66#ifdef ALI_DATE
67#include "event.h"
69#define PHYSICS_EVENT 7
a6edf90e 72ClassImp(AliPHOSCalibrator)
76 AliPHOSCalibrator::AliPHOSCalibrator():TTask("AliPHOSCalibrator","Default")
78 //Default constuctor for root. Normally should not be used
79 fRunList=0 ;
9b471956 80 fBeamEnergy = 0. ;
a6edf90e 81 fNch = 0 ;
82 fPedHistos = 0 ;
83 fGainHistos = 0 ;
84 fhPedestals = 0 ;
85 fhPedestalsWid = 0 ;
86 fctdb = 0 ;
87 fConTableDB = "Beamtest2002" ;
88 fConTableDBFile = "ConTableDB.root" ;
88cb7938 91AliPHOSCalibrator::AliPHOSCalibrator(const char* file, const char* title):
a6edf90e 92 TTask("AliPHOSCalibrator",title)
00953b03 93{
94 //Constructor which should normally be used.
a6edf90e 95 //file: path/galice.root - header file
96 //title: branch name of PHOS reconstruction (e.g. "Default")
88cb7938 97
a6edf90e 98
99 fRunList = new TList() ;
100 fRunList->SetOwner() ;
101 fRunList->Add(new TObjString(file)) ;
a6edf90e 102 fNch = 0 ;
9b471956 103 fBeamEnergy = 10. ;
a6edf90e 104
105 fNChan = 100 ;
106 fGainMax = 0.1 ;
107 fNGainBins= 100 ;
108 fAcceptCorr = 10 ; //Maximal deviation from mean, considered as normal
110 fGainAcceptCorr = 5 ; //Factor for gain deviation
111 fPedHistos = 0 ;
112 fGainHistos = 0 ;
113 fhPedestals = 0 ;
114 fhPedestalsWid = 0 ;
115 fctdb = 0 ;
116 fConTableDB = "Beamtest2002" ;
117 fConTableDBFile = "ConTableDB.root" ;
121 AliPHOSCalibrator::~AliPHOSCalibrator()
00953b03 123 // dtor
a6edf90e 124 if(fPedHistos)
125 delete fPedHistos ;
126 if(fGainHistos)
127 delete fGainHistos ;
128 if(fhPedestals)
129 delete fhPedestals ;
130 if(fhPedestalsWid)
131 delete fhPedestalsWid ;
132 if(fctdb)
133 delete fctdb ;
134 if(fRunList)
135 delete fRunList ;
00953b03 138void AliPHOSCalibrator::AddRun(const char * filename)
a6edf90e 140 //Adds one more run to list of runs, which will be scanned in ScanXXX methods
142 TObjString * fn = new TObjString(filename) ;
143 if(!fRunList){
144 fRunList=new TList() ;
145 fRunList->SetOwner() ;
146 fRunList->Add(fn) ;
147 return ;
148 }
149 else{
150 TIter next(fRunList) ;
151 TObjString * r ;
152 while((r=(TObjString *)(next()))){
153 if(fn->String().CompareTo(r->String())==0){
6f06e050 154 AliError(Form("Run already in list: %s",filename)) ;
a6edf90e 155 return ;
156 }
157 }
158 fRunList->Add(fn) ;
159 }
163void AliPHOSCalibrator::Exec(Option_t * option)
00953b03 165 // reads parameters and does the calibration
a6edf90e 166 ScanPedestals(option);
167 CalculatePedestals();
168 WritePedestals();
169 ScanGains(option) ;
170 CalculateGains() ;
171 WriteGains() ;
00953b03 174void AliPHOSCalibrator::Init(void)
176 // intializes everything
a6edf90e 177
178 //check if ConTableDB already read
179 if(!fctdb){
9b471956 180 SetConTableDB(fConTableDBFile) ;
a6edf90e 181 }
183 fNch = fctdb->GetNchanels() ;
184 fhPedestals = new TH1F("hPedestals","Pedestals mean",fNch,0.,fNch) ;
185 fhPedestalsWid= new TH1F("hPedestalsWid","Pedestals width",fNch,0.,fNch) ;
186 fhGains = new TH1F("hGains","Gains ",fNch,0.,fNch) ;
187 fhGainsWid = new TH1F("hGainsWid","Gains width",fNch,0.,fNch) ;
00953b03 190void AliPHOSCalibrator::SetConTableDB(const char * file,const char * name)
a6edf90e 192 //Reads Connection Table database with name "name" from file "file"
194 if(file==0 || name == 0){
6f06e050 195 AliError(Form("Please, specify file with database and its title")) ;
a6edf90e 196 return ;
197 }
198 if(fctdb && strcmp(fctdb->GetTitle(),name)==0) //already read
199 return ;
201 //else read new one
202 if(fctdb){
203 delete fctdb ;
204 fctdb = 0;
205 }
207 TFile * v = gROOT->GetFile(fConTableDBFile) ;
208 if(!v)
209 v = TFile::Open(fConTableDBFile) ;
210 if(!v){
6f06e050 211 AliError(Form("Can not open file with Connection Table DB: %s",fConTableDBFile.Data())) ;
a6edf90e 212 return ;
213 }
9b471956 214 fctdb = new AliPHOSConTableDB(*(dynamic_cast<AliPHOSConTableDB *>(v->Get("AliPHOSConTableDB")))) ;
215 v->Close() ;
a6edf90e 216
00953b03 219void AliPHOSCalibrator::PlotPedestal(Int_t chanel)
a6edf90e 221 //Plot histogram for a given channel, filled in Scan method
222 if(fPedHistos && fPedHistos->GetEntriesFast()){
223 static_cast<TH1F*>(fPedHistos->At(chanel))->Draw() ;
224 }
225 else{
6f06e050 226 AliInfo(Form("Histograms not created yet! \n")) ;
a6edf90e 227 }
00953b03 230void AliPHOSCalibrator::PlotPedestals(void)
232 // draws pedestals distribution
a6edf90e 233 fhPedestals->Draw() ;
00953b03 236void AliPHOSCalibrator::PlotGain(Int_t chanel)
a6edf90e 238 //Plot histogram for a given channel, filled in Scan method
239 if(fGainHistos && fGainHistos->GetEntriesFast()){
240 static_cast<TH1F*>(fGainHistos->At(chanel))->Draw() ;
241 }
242 else{
6f06e050 243 AliInfo(Form("Histograms not created yet! \n")) ;
a6edf90e 244 }
00953b03 247void AliPHOSCalibrator::PlotGains(void)
249 // draws gains distribution
a6edf90e 250 fhGains->Draw() ;
00953b03 253void AliPHOSCalibrator::ScanPedestals(Option_t * option )
a6edf90e 255 //scan all files in list fRunList and fill pedestal hisgrams
256 //option: "clear" - clear pedestal histograms filled up to now
257 // "deb" - plot file name currently processed
259 if(!fctdb)
260 Init() ;
262 if(fPedHistos && strstr(option,"clear"))
263 fPedHistos->Delete() ;
264 if(!fPedHistos)
265 fPedHistos = new TObjArray(fNch) ;
267 //Create histos for each channel, fills them and extracts mean values.
268 //First - prepare histos
269 Int_t ich ;
270 for(ich=0;ich<fNch ;ich++){
271 TH1F * h = static_cast<TH1F *>(fPedHistos->At(ich)) ;
272 if(!h ){
273 TString n("hPed");
274 n+=ich ;
275 TString name("Pedestal for channel ") ;
276 name += ich ;
277 fPedHistos->AddAt(new TH1F(n,name,fNChan,0,fNChan),ich) ;
278 }
279 }
281 TIter next(fRunList) ;
282 TObjString * file ;
283 while((file = static_cast<TObjString *>(next()))){
284 if(strstr(option,"deb"))
285 printf("Processing file %s \n ",file->String().Data()) ;
6f06e050 286
9b471956 287 //Now open data file
3255d660 288 AliRawReaderDate *rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate(file->String().Data()) ;
9b471956 289 AliPHOSRawStream *rawStream = new AliPHOSRawStream(rawReader) ;
290 rawStream->SetConTableDB(fctdb) ;
291 TClonesArray * digits = new TClonesArray("AliPHOSDigit",300) ;
292 Int_t nevents=0 ;
293 //Scan all event in file
294 while(rawReader->NextEvent()){
295 //Is it PHYSICAL event
296 if(rawReader->GetType() == PHYSICS_EVENT){
297 nevents++ ;
298 if(rawStream->ReadDigits(digits)){
299 if(rawStream->IsPEDevent()){
300 for(Int_t idigit = 0; idigit<digits->GetEntriesFast() ; idigit++){
301 AliPHOSDigit * digit = static_cast<AliPHOSDigit *>(digits->At(idigit) ) ;
302 ich = fctdb->AbsId2Raw(digit->GetId());
303 if(ich>=0){
304 Float_t amp = digit->GetAmp() ;
305 TH1F * hh = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(fPedHistos->At(ich)) ;
306 hh->Fill(amp) ;
307 }
308 }
a6edf90e 309 }
310 }
311 }
312 }
9b471956 313 if(strstr(option,"deb"))
6f06e050 314 AliInfo(Form(" found %d events \n ",nevents)) ;
9b471956 315 delete rawStream ;
316 delete rawReader ;
317 delete digits ;
318 }
a6edf90e 319}
00953b03 321void AliPHOSCalibrator::CalculatePedestals()
a6edf90e 323 //Fit histograms, filled in ScanPedestals method with Gaussian
324 //find mean and width, check deviation from mean for each channel.
326 if(!fPedHistos || !fPedHistos->At(0)){
6f06e050 327 AliError(Form("You should run ScanPedestals first!")) ;
a6edf90e 328 return ;
329 }
331 //Now fit results with Gauss
332 TF1 * gs = new TF1("gs","gaus",0.,10000.) ;
333 Int_t ich ;
334 for(ich=0;ich<fNch ;ich++){
335 TH1F * h = static_cast<TH1F *>(fPedHistos->At(ich)) ;
336 Int_t max = h->GetMaximumBin() ;
337 Axis_t xmin = max/2. ;
338 Axis_t xmax = max*3/2 ;
339 gs->SetRange(xmin,xmax) ;
340 Double_t par[3] ;
341 par[0] = h->GetBinContent(max) ;
342 par[1] = max ;
343 par[2] = max/3 ;
344 gs->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],par[2]) ;
345 h->Fit("gs","QR") ;
346 gs->GetParameters(par) ;
347 fhPedestals->SetBinContent(ich,par[1]) ;
348 fhPedestals->SetBinError(ich,par[2]) ;
349 fhPedestalsWid->Fill(ich,par[2]) ;
350 }
351 delete gs ;
353 //now check reasonability of results
354 TF1 * p0 = new TF1("p0","pol0",0.,fNch) ;
355 fhPedestals->Fit("p0","Q") ;
356 Double_t meanPed ;
357 p0->GetParameters(&meanPed);
358 for(ich=0;ich<fNch ;ich++){
359 Float_t ped = fhPedestals->GetBinContent(ich) ;
360 if(ped < 0 || ped > meanPed+fAcceptCorr){
361 TString out("Pedestal of channel ") ;
362 out+=ich ;
363 out+=" is ";
364 out+= ped ;
365 out+= "it is too far from mean " ;
366 out+= meanPed ;
6f06e050 367 AliError(Form("PHOSCalibrator %s",out.Data())) ;
a6edf90e 368 }
369 }
370 delete p0 ;
00953b03 374void AliPHOSCalibrator::ScanGains(Option_t * option)
a6edf90e 376 //Scan all runs, listed in fRunList and fill histograms for all channels
377 //options: "clear" - clean histograms, filled up to now
378 // "deb" - print current file name
379 // "narrow" - scan only narrow beam events
381 if(!fctdb)
382 Init() ;
383 if(fGainHistos && strstr(option,"clear"))
384 fGainHistos->Delete() ;
385 if(!fGainHistos){
386 if(strstr(option,"deball"))
6f06e050 387 AliInfo(Form("creating array for %d channels \n",fNch)) ;
a6edf90e 388 fGainHistos = new TObjArray(fNch) ;
389 }
391 //Create histos for each channel, fills them and extracts mean values.
392 //First - prepare histos
394 if(!fGainHistos->GetEntriesFast()){
395 Int_t ich ;
396 for(ich=0;ich<fNch ;ich++){
397 TString n("hGain");
398 n+=ich ;
399 TString name("Gains for channel ") ;
400 name += ich ;
401 fGainHistos->AddAt(new TH1F(n,name,fNGainBins,0,fGainMax),ich) ;
402 // static_cast<TH1F*>(fGainHistos->At(ich))->Sumw2() ;
403 }
404 }
a6edf90e 406 TIter next(fRunList) ;
407 TObjString * file ;
408 while((file = static_cast<TObjString *>(next()))){
9b471956 409 //Now open data file
3255d660 410 AliRawReaderDate *rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate(file->String().Data()) ;
9b471956 411 AliPHOSRawStream *rawStream = new AliPHOSRawStream(rawReader) ;
412 rawStream->SetConTableDB(fctdb) ;
414 TClonesArray * digits = new TClonesArray("AliPHOSDigit",300) ;
415 Int_t nevents=0 ;
416 //Scan all event in file
417 while(rawReader->NextEvent()){
418 //Is it PHYSICAL event
419 if(rawReader->GetType() == PHYSICS_EVENT){
420 if(rawStream->ReadDigits(digits)){
421 //Test trigger
422 if(rawStream->IsNELevent() || rawStream->IsWELevent()){
423 nevents ++ ;
424 AliPHOSDigit * digit ;
425 Int_t max = 0 ;
426 Int_t imax = 0;
427 for(Int_t idigit = 0; idigit<digits->GetEntriesFast() ; idigit++){
428 digit = static_cast<AliPHOSDigit *>(digits->At(idigit) ) ;
429 if(digit->GetAmp() > max){
430 imax = idigit ;
431 max = digit->GetAmp() ;
432 }
433 }
434 digit = static_cast<AliPHOSDigit *>(digits->At(imax) ) ;
435 Int_t ich = fctdb->AbsId2Raw(digit->GetId());
436 if(ich>=0){
437 Float_t pedestal = fhPedestals->GetBinContent(ich) ;
438 const Float_t kshowerInCrystall = 0.9 ;
439 Float_t gain = fBeamEnergy*kshowerInCrystall/
440 (digit->GetAmp() - pedestal) ;
441 static_cast<TH1F*>(fGainHistos->At(ich))->Fill(gain) ;
442 }
a6edf90e 443 }
444 }
a6edf90e 445 }
446 }
9b471956 447 delete rawReader ;
448 delete rawStream ;
449 delete digits ;
6f06e050 450 if(strstr(option,"deb"))
451 AliInfo(Form(" found %d events \n",nevents)) ;
a6edf90e 452 }
00953b03 455void AliPHOSCalibrator::CalculateGains(void)
457 //calculates gain
a6edf90e 458
459 if(!fGainHistos || !fGainHistos->GetEntriesFast()){
6f06e050 460 AliError(Form("You should run ScanGains first!")) ;
a6edf90e 461 return ;
462 }
464 //Fit results with Landau
465 TF1 * gs = new TF1("gs","landau",0.,10000.) ;
466 Int_t ich ;
467 for(ich=0;ich<fNch ;ich++){
468 TH1F * h = static_cast<TH1F *>(fGainHistos->At(ich)) ;
469 Int_t bmax = h->GetMaximumBin() ;
470 Axis_t center = h->GetBinCenter(bmax) ;
471 Axis_t xmin = center - 0.01 ;
472 Axis_t xmax = center + 0.02 ;
473 gs->SetRange(xmin,xmax) ;
474 Double_t par[3] ;
475 par[0] = h->GetBinContent(bmax) ;
476 par[1] = center ;
477 par[2] = 0.001 ;
478 gs->SetParameters(par[0],par[1],par[2]) ;
479 h->Fit("gs","QR") ;
480 gs->GetParameters(par) ;
481 fhGains->SetBinContent(ich,par[1]) ;
482 fhGains->SetBinError(ich,par[2]) ;
483 fhGainsWid->Fill(ich,par[2]) ;
484 }
485 delete gs ;
487 //now check reasonability of results
488 TF1 * p0 = new TF1("p0","pol0",0.,fNch) ;
489 fhGains->Fit("p0","Q") ;
490 Double_t meanGain ;
491 p0->GetParameters(&meanGain);
492 for(ich=0;ich<fNch ;ich++){
493 Float_t gain = fhGains->GetBinContent(ich) ;
494 if(gain < meanGain/fGainAcceptCorr || gain > meanGain*fGainAcceptCorr){
495 TString out("Gain of channel ") ;
496 out+=ich ;
497 out+=" is ";
498 out+= gain ;
499 out+= "it is too far from mean " ;
500 out+= meanGain ;
6f06e050 501 AliError(Form("PHOSCalibrator %s",out.Data())) ;
a6edf90e 502 }
503 }
504 delete p0 ;
9b471956 507//____________________________________________________________________________
508void AliPHOSCalibrator::ReadFromASCII(const char * filename){
509// We read pedestals and gains from *.dat file with following format:
510// 0 0 0 0 37.09 1972. // next nmodrows*nmodcols*ncryrows*ncrycols lines
511// 0 0 0 1 28.53 2072. // contains <RR CC r c ped peak>
512// 0 0 0 2 30.93 1938. //
513// where module is an array of 8*8 crystals and RR and CC are module raw and column position
514 FILE * file = fopen(filename, "r");
515 if (!file) {
516 Error("ReadFromASCII", "could not open file %s", filename);
517 return;
518 }
519 if(!fctdb || !fhPedestals || !fhGains){
520 Init() ;
521 }
522 else{
523 //Clean Hitograms
524 Reset() ;
525 }
a6edf90e 526
9b471956 527 Int_t modRaw,modCol,raw,col;
528 Float_t ped,pik;
529 Int_t nread = 0 ;
530 while(fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %f %f",&modRaw,&modCol,&raw,&col,&ped,&pik)==6){
531 //Calculate plain crystal position:
532 Int_t rawPosition = (modRaw*8+raw)*fctdb->GetNColumns()+modCol*8+col ;
533 fhPedestals->SetBinContent(rawPosition,ped) ;
534 if(pik!=0.)
535 fhGains->SetBinContent(rawPosition,1./pik);
536 else
537 fhGains->SetBinContent(rawPosition,0.);
538 nread++ ;
539 }
540 if(nread != fctdb->GetNColumns()*fctdb->GetNRaws()){
541 Error("ReadFromASCII","Read %d parameters instead of %d\n",nread,fctdb->GetNColumns()*fctdb->GetNRaws()) ;
542 }
543 fclose(file) ;
a6edf90e 545//_____________________________________________________________________________
9b471956 546void AliPHOSCalibrator::WritePedestals(const char * version)
00953b03 547{
a6edf90e 548 //Write calculated data to file using AliPHOSCalibrManager
549 //version and validitirange (begin-end) will be used to identify data
551 if(!fctdb){
6f06e050 552 AliError(Form("\n Please, supply Connection Table DB (use SetConTableDB()) \n" )) ;
a6edf90e 553 return ;
554 }
555 //fill data
556 AliPHOSCalibrationData ped("Pedestals",version);
557 for(Int_t i=0; i<fNch;i++){
558 Int_t absid=fctdb->Raw2AbsId(i) ;
559 ped.SetData(absid,fhPedestals->GetBinContent(i)) ;
560 ped.SetDataCheck(absid,fhPedestalsWid->GetBinContent(i)) ;
561 }
9b471956 563// //evaluate validity range
564// if(begin==0){
565// TIter next(fRunList) ;
566// Int_t ibegin=99999;
567// Int_t iend=0 ;
568// TObjString * file ;
569// while((file=((TObjString*)next()))){
570// TString s = file->GetString() ;
571// TString ss = s(s.Last('_'),s.Last('.'));
572// Int_t tmp ;
573// if(sscanf(ss.Data(),"%d",&tmp)){
574// if(ibegin<tmp)
575// ibegin=tmp ;
576// if(iend>tmp)
577// iend=tmp ;
578// }
579// }
580// ped.SetValidityRange(ibegin,iend) ;
581// }
582// else
583// ped.SetValidityRange(begin,end) ;
a6edf90e 584
585 //check, may be Manager instance already configured?
586 AliPHOSCalibrManager * cmngr = AliPHOSCalibrManager::GetInstance() ;
587 if(!cmngr){
6f06e050 588 AliWarning(Form("Using database file 'PHOSBTCalibration.root'")) ;
a6edf90e 589 cmngr = AliPHOSCalibrManager::GetInstance("PHOSBTCalibration.root") ;
590 }
9b471956 591 cmngr->WriteData(ped) ;
a6edf90e 592}
9b471956 594void AliPHOSCalibrator::ReadPedestals(const char * version)
00953b03 595{
596 //Read data from file using AliPHOSCalibrManager
a6edf90e 597 //version and range will be used to choose proper data
599 AliPHOSCalibrationData ped("Pedestals",version);
600 AliPHOSCalibrManager * cmngr = AliPHOSCalibrManager::GetInstance() ;
601 if(!cmngr){
6f06e050 602 AliWarning(Form("Using database file 'PHOSBTCalibration.root'")) ;
a6edf90e 603 cmngr = AliPHOSCalibrManager::GetInstance("PHOSBTCalibration.root") ;
604 }
9b471956 605 cmngr->GetParameters(ped) ;
a6edf90e 606 Int_t npeds=ped.NChannels() ;
607 fNch = fctdb->GetNchanels() ;
608 if(fhPedestals)
609 delete fhPedestals ;
610 fhPedestals = new TH1F("hPedestals","Pedestals mean",fNch,0.,fNch) ;
611 for(Int_t i=0;i<npeds;i++){
612 Int_t raw =fctdb->AbsId2Raw(i) ;
613 if(raw){
614 fhPedestals->SetBinContent(raw-1,ped.Data(i)) ;
615 fhPedestals->SetBinError(raw-1,ped.DataCheck(i)) ;
616 }
617 }
9b471956 620void AliPHOSCalibrator::ReadGains(const char * version)
00953b03 621{
622 //Read data from file using AliPHOSCalibrManager
a6edf90e 623 //version and range will be used to choose proper data
625 AliPHOSCalibrationData gains("Gains",version);
626 AliPHOSCalibrManager * cmngr = AliPHOSCalibrManager::GetInstance() ;
627 if(!cmngr){
6f06e050 628 AliWarning(Form("Using database file 'PHOSBTCalibration.root'")) ;
a6edf90e 629 cmngr = AliPHOSCalibrManager::GetInstance("PHOSBTCalibration.root") ;
630 }
9b471956 631 cmngr->GetParameters(gains) ;
a6edf90e 632 Int_t npeds=gains.NChannels() ;
633 fNch = fctdb->GetNchanels() ;
634 if(fhGains)
635 delete fhGains ;
636 fhGains = new TH1F("hGainss","Gains mean",fNch,0.,fNch) ;
637 for(Int_t i=0;i<npeds;i++){
638 Int_t raw =fctdb->AbsId2Raw(i) ;
639 if(raw){
640 fhGains->SetBinContent(raw-1,gains.Data(i)) ;
641 fhGains->SetBinError(raw-1,gains.DataCheck(i)) ;
642 }
643 }
9b471956 646void AliPHOSCalibrator::WriteGains(const char * version)
00953b03 647{
648 //Write gains through AliPHOSCalibrManager
a6edf90e 649 //version and validity range(begin-end) are used to identify data
651 if(!fctdb){
6f06e050 652 AliError(Form("\n Please, supply Connection Table DB (use SetConTableDB()) \n" )) ;
a6edf90e 653 return ;
654 }
656 AliPHOSCalibrationData gains("Gains",version);
657 for(Int_t i=0; i<fNch;i++){
658 Int_t absid=fctdb->Raw2AbsId(i) ;
659 gains.SetData(absid,fhGains->GetBinContent(i)) ;
660 gains.SetDataCheck(absid,fhGainsWid->GetBinContent(i)) ;
661 }
9b471956 662// if(begin==0){
663// TIter next(fRunList) ;
664// Int_t ibegin=99999;
665// Int_t iend=0 ;
666// TObjString * file ;
667// while((file=((TObjString*)next()))){
668// TString s = file->GetString() ;
669// TSubString ss = s(s.Last('_'),s.Last('.'));
670// Int_t tmp ;
671// if(sscanf(ss.Data(),"%d",&tmp)){
672// if(ibegin<tmp)
673// ibegin=tmp ;
674// if(iend>tmp)
675// iend=tmp ;
676// }
677// }
678// gains.SetValidityRange(ibegin,iend) ;
679// }
680// else
681// gains.SetValidityRange(begin,end) ;
a6edf90e 682 AliPHOSCalibrManager * cmngr = AliPHOSCalibrManager::GetInstance() ;
683 if(!cmngr){
6f06e050 684 AliWarning(Form("Using database file 'PHOSBTCalibration.root'")) ;
a6edf90e 685 cmngr = AliPHOSCalibrManager::GetInstance("PHOSBTCalibration.root") ;
686 }
9b471956 687 cmngr->WriteData(gains) ;
a6edf90e 688}
e957fea8 690void AliPHOSCalibrator::Print()const
00953b03 691{
692 // prints everything
6f06e050 693 AliInfo(Form("--------------PHOS Calibrator-----------------\n")) ;
a6edf90e 694 printf("Files to handle:\n") ;
695 TIter next(fRunList) ;
696 TObjString * r ;
697 while((r=(TObjString *)(next())))
698 printf(" %s\n",r->GetName()) ;
700 printf("Name of ConTableDB:.....................%s\n",fConTableDB.Data()) ;
701 printf("File of ConTableDB:.....................%s\n",fConTableDBFile.Data() ) ;
702 printf("Maximal deviation from mean Gain (factor):.%f\n",fGainAcceptCorr) ;
703 printf("Maximal deviation of Pedestal from mean:...%f\n",fAcceptCorr) ;
704 printf("Range used in Gain histos:..............%f\n",fGainMax) ;
705 printf("Number of bins in Gain histos:..........%d\n",fNGainBins) ;
706 printf("Number of channels to calibrate:........%d\n",fNch) ;
707 printf("Number of bins in pedestal histos:......%d\n",fNChan) ;
a6edf90e 708 printf("--------------------------------------------------\n") ;