]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PHOS/AliPHOSClusterizerv1.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PHOS / AliPHOSClusterizerv1.h
e9a88722 1#ifndef ALIPHOSCLUSTERIZERV1_H
d15a28e7 2#define ALIPHOSCLUSTERIZERV1_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6ad0bfa0 6/* $Id$ */
b2a60966 8//_________________________________________________________________________
9// Implementation version 1 of the clusterization algorithm
baef0810 10// Performs clusterization (collects neighbouring active cells) and
11// unfolding of the clusters with several local maxima.
12// results are stored in TreeR#, branches PHOSEmcRP (EMC recPoints),
13// PHOSCpvRP (CPV RecPoints) and AliPHOSClusterizer
b2a60966 14//
88cb7938 15//*-- Author: Yves Schutz (SUBATECH)
d15a28e7 16
17// --- ROOT system ---
88cb7938 18
d15a28e7 19// --- Standard library ---
21// --- AliRoot header files ---
23#include "AliPHOSClusterizer.h"
9a1398dd 24class AliPHOSEmcRecPoint ;
25class AliPHOSDigit ;
26class AliPHOSDigitizer ;
27class AliPHOSGeometry ;
88cb7938 28class AliPHOSCalibrationDB ;
d15a28e7 29
30class AliPHOSClusterizerv1 : public AliPHOSClusterizer {
9688c1dd 34 AliPHOSClusterizerv1() ;
88cb7938 35 AliPHOSClusterizerv1(const TString alirunFileNameFile, const TString eventFolderName = AliConfig::fgkDefaultEventFolderName);
a8c47ab6 36 AliPHOSClusterizerv1(const AliPHOSClusterizerv1 & clu) : AliPHOSClusterizer(clu) {
88cb7938 37 // cpy ctor: no implementation yet
38 // requested by the Coding Convention
0bc3b8ed 39 Fatal("cpy ctor", "not implemented") ;
40 }
9688c1dd 41 virtual ~AliPHOSClusterizerv1() ;
d15a28e7 42
1f96ab2a 43 virtual Int_t AreNeighbours(AliPHOSDigit * d1, AliPHOSDigit * d2)const ;
9a1398dd 44 // Checks if digits are in neighbour cells
3758d9fc 45
46 virtual Float_t Calibrate(Int_t amp, Int_t absId)const ; // Tranforms Amp to energy
baef0810 48 virtual void GetNumberOfClustersFound(int * numb )const{ numb[0] = fNumberOfEmcClusters ;
49 numb[1] = fNumberOfCpvClusters ; }
9a1398dd 50
51 virtual Float_t GetEmcClusteringThreshold()const{ return fEmcClusteringThreshold;}
52 virtual Float_t GetEmcLocalMaxCut()const { return fEmcLocMaxCut;}
53 virtual Float_t GetEmcLogWeight()const { return fW0;}
9688c1dd 54 virtual Float_t GetEmcTimeGate() const { return fEmcTimeGate ; }
9a1398dd 55 virtual Float_t GetCpvClusteringThreshold()const{ return fCpvClusteringThreshold; }
56 virtual Float_t GetCpvLocalMaxCut()const { return fCpvLocMaxCut;}
57 virtual Float_t GetCpvLogWeight()const { return fW0CPV;}
fbf811ec 58 virtual const char * GetRecPointsBranch() const{ return GetName() ;}
59 virtual const Int_t GetRecPointsInRun() const {return fRecPointsInRun ;}
9a1398dd 60
eabde521 61 virtual void Exec(Option_t *option); // Does the job
9a1398dd 62
88cb7938 63 void Print()const ;
9a1398dd 64
d72dfbc3 65 virtual void SetEmcClusteringThreshold(Float_t cluth) { fEmcClusteringThreshold = cluth ; }
9a1398dd 66 virtual void SetEmcLocalMaxCut(Float_t cut) { fEmcLocMaxCut = cut ; }
67 virtual void SetEmcLogWeight(Float_t w) { fW0 = w ; }
fbf811ec 68 virtual void SetEmcTimeGate(Float_t gate) { fEmcTimeGate = gate ;}
ed4205d8 69 virtual void SetCpvClusteringThreshold(Float_t cluth) { fCpvClusteringThreshold = cluth ; }
9a1398dd 70 virtual void SetCpvLocalMaxCut(Float_t cut) { fCpvLocMaxCut = cut ; }
71 virtual void SetCpvLogWeight(Float_t w) { fW0CPV = w ; }
88cb7938 72 virtual void SetUnfolding(Bool_t toUnfold = kTRUE ) { fToUnfold = toUnfold ;}
9a1398dd 73 static Double_t ShowerShape(Double_t r) ; // Shape of EM shower used in unfolding;
74 //class member function (not object member function)
7b7c1533 75 static void UnfoldingChiSquare(Int_t & nPar, Double_t * Grad, Double_t & fret, Double_t * x, Int_t iflag) ;
76 // Chi^2 of the fit. Should be static to be passes to MINUIT
88cb7938 77 void Unload() ;
78 virtual const char * Version() const { return "clu-v1"; }
9a1398dd 79
1f96ab2a 80protected:
88cb7938 82 void WriteRecPoints() ;
1f96ab2a 83 virtual void MakeClusters( ) ;
84 virtual Bool_t IsInEmc (AliPHOSDigit * digit)const ; // Tells if id digit is in EMC
85 virtual Bool_t IsInCpv (AliPHOSDigit * digit)const ; // Tells if id digit is in CPV
7b7c1533 87
d15a28e7 88private:
7b7c1533 89
fbf811ec 90 const TString BranchName() const ;
3758d9fc 91 void GetCalibrationParameters(void) ;
a0636361 93 Bool_t FindFit(AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * emcRP, AliPHOSDigit ** MaxAt, Float_t * maxAtEnergy,
baef0810 94 Int_t NPar, Float_t * FitParametres) const; //Used in UnfoldClusters, calls TMinuit
fbf811ec 95 void Init() ;
96 void InitParameters() ;
9a1398dd 97
9a1398dd 98 virtual void MakeUnfolding() ;
9a1398dd 99 void UnfoldCluster(AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * iniEmc,Int_t Nmax,
a0636361 100 AliPHOSDigit ** maxAt,Float_t * maxAtEnergy ) ; //Unfolds cluster using TMinuit package
9a1398dd 101 void PrintRecPoints(Option_t * option) ;
92f521a9 105 Bool_t fDefaultInit; //! Says if the task was created by defaut ctor (only parameters are initialized)
9a1398dd 106
3758d9fc 107 Int_t fEmcCrystals ; // number of EMC cristalls in PHOS
9a1398dd 109 Bool_t fToUnfold ; // To perform unfolding
ed4205d8 111 Int_t fNumberOfEmcClusters ; // number of EMC clusters found
9688c1dd 112 Int_t fNumberOfCpvClusters ; // number of CPV clusters found
7b7c1533 113
c2cd5471 114 //Calibration parameters
88cb7938 115 AliPHOSCalibrationDB * fCalibrationDB ; //! Calibration database if aval
3758d9fc 116 Float_t fADCchanelEmc ; // width of one ADC channel in GeV
88cb7938 117 Float_t fADCpedestalEmc ; //
3758d9fc 118 Float_t fADCchanelCpv ; // width of one ADC channel in CPV 'popugais'
88cb7938 119 Float_t fADCpedestalCpv ; //
b2a60966 121 Float_t fEmcClusteringThreshold ; // minimum energy to include a EMC digit in a cluster
ed4205d8 122 Float_t fCpvClusteringThreshold ; // minimum energy to include a CPV digit in a cluster
9a1398dd 123 Float_t fEmcLocMaxCut ; // minimum energy difference to distinguish local maxima in a cluster
b2a60966 124 Float_t fW0 ; // logarithmic weight for the cluster center of gravity calculation
9a1398dd 125 Float_t fCpvLocMaxCut ; // minimum energy difference to distinguish local maxima in a CPV cluster
d72dfbc3 126 Float_t fW0CPV ; // logarithmic weight for the CPV cluster center of gravity calculation
2b60655b 127 Int_t fRecPointsInRun ; //! Total number of recpoints in one run
9688c1dd 128 Float_t fEmcTimeGate ; // Maximum time difference between the digits in ont EMC cluster
88cb7938 130 ClassDef(AliPHOSClusterizerv1,3) // Clusterizer implementation version 1
d15a28e7 131