]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PHOS/AliPHOSDigitizer.cxx
Pi0 identification with PID was wrongly done, changes in GetEllipseParameters
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PHOS / AliPHOSDigitizer.cxx
990119d6 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
88cb7938 18
990119d6 19//_________________________________________________________________________
990119d6 20//*-- Author : Dmitri Peressounko (SUBATECH & Kurchatov Institute)
a4e98857 22// This TTask performs digitization of Summable digits (in the PHOS case it is just
23// the sum of contributions from all primary particles into a given cell).
990119d6 24// In addition it performs mixing of summable digits from different events.
7b7c1533 25// The name of the TTask is also the title of the branch that will contain
26// the created SDigits
27// The title of the TTAsk is the name of the file that contains the hits from
28// which the SDigits are created
bca3b32a 29//
30// For each event two branches are created in TreeD:
31// "PHOS" - list of digits
32// "AliPHOSDigitizer" - AliPHOSDigitizer with all parameters used in digitization
a4e98857 34// Note, that one can set a title for new digits branch, and repeat digitization with
bca3b32a 35// another set of parameters.
a4e98857 37// Use case:
990119d6 38// root[0] AliPHOSDigitizer * d = new AliPHOSDigitizer() ;
39// root[1] d->ExecuteTask()
40// Warning in <TDatabasePDG::TDatabasePDG>: object already instantiated
41// //Digitizes SDigitis in all events found in file galice.root
bca3b32a 42//
8cb3533f 43// root[2] AliPHOSDigitizer * d1 = new AliPHOSDigitizer("galice1.root") ;
44// // Will read sdigits from galice1.root
45// root[3] d1->MixWith("galice2.root")
990119d6 46// Warning in <TDatabasePDG::TDatabasePDG>: object already instantiated
a4e98857 47// // Reads another set of sdigits from galice2.root
8cb3533f 48// root[3] d1->MixWith("galice3.root")
a4e98857 49// // Reads another set of sdigits from galice3.root
8cb3533f 50// root[4] d->ExecuteTask("deb timing")
51// // Reads SDigits from files galice1.root, galice2.root ....
52// // mixes them and stores produced Digits in file galice1.root
53// // deb - prints number of produced digits
54// // deb all - prints list of produced digits
55// // timing - prints time used for digitization
990119d6 56//
990119d6 57
58// --- ROOT system ---
990119d6 59#include "TTree.h"
60#include "TSystem.h"
8cb3533f 61#include "TBenchmark.h"
e957fea8 62#include "TRandom.h"
ba54256b 63
990119d6 64// --- Standard library ---
66// --- AliRoot header files ---
e957fea8 67
3f81a70b 68#include "AliRunDigitizer.h"
990119d6 69#include "AliPHOSDigit.h"
7b7c1533 70#include "AliPHOSGetter.h"
990119d6 71#include "AliPHOSDigitizer.h"
72#include "AliPHOSSDigitizer.h"
8cb3533f 73#include "AliPHOSGeometry.h"
7437a0f7 74#include "AliPHOSTick.h"
990119d6 75
88cb7938 80 AliPHOSDigitizer::AliPHOSDigitizer():AliDigitizer("",""),
81 fInput(0),
82 fInputFileNames(0x0),
83 fEventNames(0x0)
990119d6 84{
85 // ctor
8d0f3f77 86 InitParameters() ;
9bd3caba 87 fDefaultInit = kTRUE ;
fbf811ec 88 fManager = 0 ; // We work in the standalong mode
88cb7938 89 fEventFolderName = "" ;
3f81a70b 91
e191bb57 93AliPHOSDigitizer::AliPHOSDigitizer(TString alirunFileName,
94 TString eventFolderName):
95 AliDigitizer("PHOS"+AliConfig::Instance()->GetDigitizerTaskName(),
96 alirunFileName),
88cb7938 97 fInputFileNames(0), fEventNames(0), fEventFolderName(eventFolderName)
3f81a70b 98{
99 // ctor
8d0f3f77 100 InitParameters() ;
3f81a70b 101 Init() ;
92f521a9 102 fDefaultInit = kFALSE ;
88cb7938 103 fManager = 0 ; // We work in the standalong mode
107AliPHOSDigitizer::AliPHOSDigitizer(const AliPHOSDigitizer & d)
a8c47ab6 108 : AliDigitizer(d)
88cb7938 109{
110 // copyy ctor
112 SetName(d.GetName()) ;
113 SetTitle(d.GetTitle()) ;
114 fPinNoise = d.fPinNoise ;
115 fEMCDigitThreshold = d.fEMCDigitThreshold ;
116 fCPVNoise = d.fCPVNoise ;
117 fCPVDigitThreshold = d.fCPVDigitThreshold ;
118 fTimeResolution = d.fTimeResolution ;
119 fTimeThreshold = d.fTimeThreshold ;
120 fTimeSignalLength = d.fTimeSignalLength ;
121 fADCchanelEmc = d.fADCchanelEmc ;
122 fADCpedestalEmc = d.fADCpedestalEmc ;
123 fNADCemc = d.fNADCemc ;
124 fADCchanelCpv = d.fADCchanelCpv ;
125 fADCpedestalCpv = d.fADCpedestalCpv ;
126 fNADCcpv = d.fNADCcpv ;
127 fEventFolderName = d.fEventFolderName;
990119d6 128}
990119d6 130//____________________________________________________________________________
88cb7938 131AliPHOSDigitizer::AliPHOSDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer * rd):
e191bb57 132 AliDigitizer(rd,"PHOS"+AliConfig::Instance()->GetDigitizerTaskName()),
88cb7938 133 fEventFolderName(0)
990119d6 134{
45fa49ca 135 // ctor Init() is called by RunDigitizer
88cb7938 136 fManager = rd ;
8da7719d 137 fEventFolderName = fManager->GetInputFolderName(0) ;
88cb7938 138 SetTitle(dynamic_cast<AliStream*>(fManager->GetInputStream(0))->GetFileName(0));
b22e4735 139 InitParameters() ;
fbf811ec 140 fDefaultInit = kFALSE ;
990119d6 141}
144 AliPHOSDigitizer::~AliPHOSDigitizer()
146 // dtor
797e311f 147 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(GetTitle(),fEventFolderName);
148 gime->PhosLoader()->CleanDigitizer();
88cb7938 149 delete [] fInputFileNames ;
150 delete [] fEventNames ;
990119d6 152}
fc7e2f43 155void AliPHOSDigitizer::Digitize(Int_t event)
a4e98857 156{
158 // Makes the digitization of the collected summable digits.
159 // It first creates the array of all PHOS modules
dc986a1d 160 // filled with noise (different for EMC, and CPV) and
a4e98857 161 // then adds contributions from SDigits.
162 // This design avoids scanning over the list of digits to add
163 // contribution to new SDigits only.
990119d6 164
88cb7938 165 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ;
45fa49ca 166 Int_t ReadEvent = event ;
167 if (fManager)
168 ReadEvent = dynamic_cast<AliStream*>(fManager->GetInputStream(0))->GetCurrentEventNumber() ;
b67f6b2d 169 Info("Digitize", "Adding event %d from input stream 0 %s %s", ReadEvent, GetTitle(), fEventFolderName.Data()) ;
45fa49ca 170 gime->Event(ReadEvent, "S") ;
88cb7938 171 TClonesArray * digits = gime->Digits() ;
7b7c1533 172 digits->Clear() ;
990119d6 173
7b7c1533 174 const AliPHOSGeometry *geom = gime->PHOSGeometry() ;
990119d6 175 //Making digits with noise, first EMC
176 Int_t nEMC = geom->GetNModules()*geom->GetNPhi()*geom->GetNZ();
178 Int_t nCPV ;
990119d6 179 Int_t absID ;
990119d6 180
88cb7938 181 nCPV = nEMC + geom->GetNumberOfCPVPadsZ() * geom->GetNumberOfCPVPadsPhi() * geom->GetNModules() ;
9688c1dd 183 digits->Expand(nCPV) ;
8cb3533f 184
88cb7938 185 // get first the sdigitizer from the tasks list
186 if ( !gime->SDigitizer() )
187 gime->LoadSDigitizer();
188 AliPHOSSDigitizer * sDigitizer = gime->SDigitizer();
190 if ( !sDigitizer )
b67f6b2d 191 Fatal("Digitize", "SDigitizer with name %s %s not found", GetTitle(), fEventFolderName.Data() ) ;
88cb7938 192
193 //take all the inputs to add together and load the SDigits
194 TObjArray * sdigArray = new TObjArray(fInput) ;
195 sdigArray->AddAt(gime->SDigits(), 0) ;
196 Int_t i ;
197 for(i = 1 ; i < fInput ; i++){
198 TString tempo(fEventNames[i]) ;
199 tempo += i ;
45fa49ca 200 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(fInputFileNames[i], tempo) ;
201 if (fManager)
202 ReadEvent = dynamic_cast<AliStream*>(fManager->GetInputStream(i))->GetCurrentEventNumber() ;
b67f6b2d 203 Info("Digitize", "Adding event %d from input stream %d %s %s", ReadEvent, i, fInputFileNames[i].Data(), tempo.Data()) ;
45fa49ca 204 gime->Event(ReadEvent,"S");
88cb7938 205 sdigArray->AddAt(gime->SDigits(), i) ;
38bb0fd5 206 }
9688c1dd 207
7a9d98f9 208 //Find the first crystall with signal
9688c1dd 209 Int_t nextSig = 200000 ;
88cb7938 210 TClonesArray * sdigits ;
211 for(i = 0 ; i < fInput ; i++){
212 sdigits = dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(sdigArray->At(i)) ;
a6eedfad 213 if ( !sdigits->GetEntriesFast() )
7a9d98f9 214 continue ;
88cb7938 215 Int_t curNext = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit *>(sdigits->At(0))->GetId() ;
216 if(curNext < nextSig)
217 nextSig = curNext ;
9688c1dd 218 }
88cb7938 219
220 TArrayI index(fInput) ;
9688c1dd 221 index.Reset() ; //Set all indexes to zero
88cb7938 222
9688c1dd 223 AliPHOSDigit * digit ;
224 AliPHOSDigit * curSDigit ;
88cb7938 225
7437a0f7 226 TClonesArray * ticks = new TClonesArray("AliPHOSTick",1000) ;
88cb7938 227
9688c1dd 228 //Put Noise contribution
88cb7938 229 for(absID = 1 ; absID <= nEMC ; absID++){
9688c1dd 230 Float_t noise = gRandom->Gaus(0., fPinNoise) ;
88cb7938 231 new((*digits)[absID-1]) AliPHOSDigit( -1, absID, sDigitizer->Digitize(noise), TimeOfNoise() ) ;
9688c1dd 232 //look if we have to add signal?
88cb7938 233 digit = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit *>(digits->At(absID-1)) ;
9688c1dd 235 if(absID==nextSig){
236 //Add SDigits from all inputs
7437a0f7 237 ticks->Clear() ;
9688c1dd 238 Int_t contrib = 0 ;
7437a0f7 239 Float_t a = digit->GetAmp() ;
88cb7938 240 Float_t b = TMath::Abs( a / fTimeSignalLength) ;
241 //Mark the beginning of the signal
7437a0f7 242 new((*ticks)[contrib++]) AliPHOSTick(digit->GetTime(),0, b);
243 //Mark the end of the ignal
244 new((*ticks)[contrib++]) AliPHOSTick(digit->GetTime()+fTimeSignalLength, -a, -b);
88cb7938 245
9688c1dd 246 //loop over inputs
88cb7938 247 for(i = 0 ; i < fInput ; i++){
248 if( dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(sdigArray->At(i))->GetEntriesFast() > index[i] )
249 curSDigit = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit*>(dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(sdigArray->At(i))->At(index[i])) ;
5c9dfca0 250 else
251 curSDigit = 0 ;
9688c1dd 252 //May be several digits will contribute from the same input
253 while(curSDigit && curSDigit->GetId() == absID){
254 //Shift primary to separate primaries belonging different inputs
255 Int_t primaryoffset ;
9891b76e 256 if(fManager)
257 primaryoffset = fManager->GetMask(i) ;
9688c1dd 258 else
21c293b7 259 primaryoffset = 10000000*i ;
260 curSDigit->ShiftPrimary(primaryoffset) ;
7437a0f7 261
262 a = curSDigit->GetAmp() ;
263 b = a /fTimeSignalLength ;
264 new((*ticks)[contrib++]) AliPHOSTick(curSDigit->GetTime(),0, b);
265 new((*ticks)[contrib++]) AliPHOSTick(curSDigit->GetTime()+fTimeSignalLength, -a, -b);
88cb7938 266
9688c1dd 267 *digit = *digit + *curSDigit ; //add energies
88cb7938 268
9688c1dd 269 index[i]++ ;
88cb7938 270 if( dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(sdigArray->At(i))->GetEntriesFast() > index[i] )
271 curSDigit = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit*>(dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(sdigArray->At(i))->At(index[i])) ;
5c9dfca0 272 else
273 curSDigit = 0 ;
9688c1dd 274 }
275 }
88cb7938 276
9688c1dd 277 //calculate and set time
7437a0f7 278 Float_t time = FrontEdgeTime(ticks) ;
9688c1dd 279 digit->SetTime(time) ;
88cb7938 280
9688c1dd 281 //Find next signal module
7437a0f7 282 nextSig = 200000 ;
88cb7938 283 for(i = 0 ; i < fInput ; i++){
284 sdigits = dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(sdigArray->At(i)) ;
5c9dfca0 285 Int_t curNext = nextSig ;
286 if(sdigits->GetEntriesFast() > index[i] ){
88cb7938 287 curNext = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit *>(sdigits->At(index[i]))->GetId() ;
5c9dfca0 288 }
9688c1dd 289 if(curNext < nextSig) nextSig = curNext ;
7b7c1533 290 }
291 }
990119d6 292 }
3f81a70b 293
7437a0f7 294 ticks->Delete() ;
295 delete ticks ;
88cb7938 296
9688c1dd 297 //Now CPV digits (different noise and no timing)
298 for(absID = nEMC+1; absID <= nCPV; absID++){
299 Float_t noise = gRandom->Gaus(0., fCPVNoise) ;
300 new((*digits)[absID-1]) AliPHOSDigit( -1,absID,sDigitizer->Digitize(noise), TimeOfNoise() ) ;
301 //look if we have to add signal?
302 if(absID==nextSig){
88cb7938 303 digit = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit *>(digits->At(absID-1)) ;
9688c1dd 304 //Add SDigits from all inputs
88cb7938 305 for(i = 0 ; i < fInput ; i++){
306 if( dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(sdigArray->At(i))->GetEntriesFast() > index[i] )
307 curSDigit = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit*>( dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(sdigArray->At(i))->At(index[i])) ;
5c9dfca0 308 else
309 curSDigit = 0 ;
a6eedfad 310
9688c1dd 311 //May be several digits will contribute from the same input
312 while(curSDigit && curSDigit->GetId() == absID){
313 //Shift primary to separate primaries belonging different inputs
314 Int_t primaryoffset ;
9891b76e 315 if(fManager)
316 primaryoffset = fManager->GetMask(i) ;
9688c1dd 317 else
318 primaryoffset = 10000000*i ;
319 curSDigit->ShiftPrimary(primaryoffset) ;
321 //add energies
322 *digit = *digit + *curSDigit ;
323 index[i]++ ;
88cb7938 324 if( dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(sdigArray->At(i))->GetEntriesFast() > index[i] )
325 curSDigit = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit*>( dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(sdigArray->At(i))->At(index[i]) ) ;
5c9dfca0 326 else
327 curSDigit = 0 ;
9688c1dd 328 }
329 }
a6eedfad 330
9688c1dd 331 //Find next signal module
a6eedfad 332 nextSig = 200000 ;
88cb7938 333 for(i = 0 ; i < fInput ; i++){
334 sdigits = dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(sdigArray->At(i)) ;
5c9dfca0 335 Int_t curNext = nextSig ;
336 if(sdigits->GetEntriesFast() > index[i] )
88cb7938 337 curNext = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit *>( sdigits->At(index[i]) )->GetId() ;
9688c1dd 338 if(curNext < nextSig) nextSig = curNext ;
339 }
341 }
342 }
88cb7938 343
344 delete sdigArray ; //We should not delete its contents
9688c1dd 345
990119d6 346 //remove digits below thresholds
88cb7938 347 for(i = 0 ; i < nEMC ; i++){
548f0134 348 digit = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit*>( digits->At(i) ) ;
aaf8a71c 349 if(sDigitizer->Calibrate( digit->GetAmp() ) < fEMCDigitThreshold)
a6eedfad 350 digits->RemoveAt(i) ;
aaf8a71c 351 else
352 digit->SetTime(gRandom->Gaus(digit->GetTime(),fTimeResolution) ) ;
353 }
a6eedfad 355
356 for(i = nEMC; i < nCPV ; i++)
88cb7938 357 if( sDigitizer->Calibrate( dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit*>(digits->At(i))->GetAmp() ) < fCPVDigitThreshold )
a6eedfad 358 digits->RemoveAt(i) ;
9688c1dd 359
7b7c1533 360 digits->Compress() ;
990119d6 361
7b7c1533 362 Int_t ndigits = digits->GetEntriesFast() ;
7b7c1533 363 digits->Expand(ndigits) ;
990119d6 364
3758d9fc 365 //Set indexes in list of digits and make true digitization of the energy
990119d6 366 for (i = 0 ; i < ndigits ; i++) {
548f0134 367 digit = dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit*>( digits->At(i) ) ;
990119d6 368 digit->SetIndexInList(i) ;
f672adc8 369 Float_t energy = sDigitizer->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp()) ;
3758d9fc 370 digit->SetAmp(DigitizeEnergy(energy,digit->GetId()) ) ;
990119d6 371 }
7b7c1533 372}
548f0134 373
3758d9fc 374//____________________________________________________________________________
375Int_t AliPHOSDigitizer::DigitizeEnergy(Float_t energy, Int_t absId)
0bc3b8ed 377 // Returns digitized value of the energy in a cell absId
3758d9fc 379 Int_t chanel ;
380 if(absId <= fEmcCrystals){ //digitize as EMC
381 chanel = (Int_t) TMath::Ceil((energy - fADCpedestalEmc)/fADCchanelEmc) ;
382 if(chanel > fNADCemc ) chanel = fNADCemc ;
383 }
384 else{ //Digitize as CPV
385 chanel = (Int_t) TMath::Ceil((energy - fADCpedestalCpv)/fADCchanelCpv) ;
386 if(chanel > fNADCcpv ) chanel = fNADCcpv ;
387 }
388 return chanel ;
548f0134 390
7b7c1533 391//____________________________________________________________________________
392void AliPHOSDigitizer::Exec(Option_t *option)
212d1c0f 394 // Steering method to process digitization for events
395 // in the range from fFirstEvent to fLastEvent.
396 // This range is optionally set by SetEventRange().
45fa49ca 397 // if fLastEvent=-1, then process events until the end.
398 // by default fLastEvent = fFirstEvent (process only one event)
88cb7938 399
400 if (!fInit) { // to prevent overwrite existing file
401 Error( "Exec", "Give a version name different from %s", fEventFolderName.Data() ) ;
402 return ;
403 }
990119d6 404
7b7c1533 405 if (strstr(option,"print")) {
88cb7938 406 Print();
7b7c1533 407 return ;
8cb3533f 408 }
990119d6 409
7b7c1533 410 if(strstr(option,"tim"))
411 gBenchmark->Start("PHOSDigitizer");
3f81a70b 412
fb43ada4 413 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(GetTitle()) ;
88cb7938 414
212d1c0f 415 if (fLastEvent == -1)
416 fLastEvent = gime->MaxEvent() - 1 ;
396a348e 417 else if (fManager)
418 fLastEvent = fFirstEvent ;
45fa49ca 419
212d1c0f 420 Int_t nEvents = fLastEvent - fFirstEvent + 1;
7b7c1533 422 Int_t ievent ;
88cb7938 423
212d1c0f 424 for (ievent = fFirstEvent; ievent <= fLastEvent; ievent++) {
88cb7938 425
426 gime->Event(ievent,"S") ;
b22e4735 427
7b7c1533 428 Digitize(ievent) ; //Add prepared SDigits to digits and add the noise
88cb7938 429
90cceaf6 430 WriteDigits() ;
88cb7938 431
01a599c9 432 if(strstr(option,"deb"))
433 PrintDigits(option);
94de8339 434
435 //increment the total number of Digits per run
436 fDigitsInRun += gime->Digits()->GetEntriesFast() ;
88cb7938 437 }
8cb3533f 439 if(strstr(option,"tim")){
440 gBenchmark->Stop("PHOSDigitizer");
21cd0c07 441 TString message ;
442 message = " took %f seconds for Digitizing %f seconds per event\n" ;
443 Info("Exec", message.Data(),
444 gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("PHOSDigitizer"),
212d1c0f 445 gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("PHOSDigitizer")/nEvents );
21cd0c07 446 }
990119d6 447}
9688c1dd 449//____________________________________________________________________________
0bc3b8ed 450Float_t AliPHOSDigitizer::FrontEdgeTime(TClonesArray * ticks) const
452 // Returns the shortest time among all time ticks
7437a0f7 454 ticks->Sort() ; //Sort in accordance with times of ticks
455 TIter it(ticks) ;
456 AliPHOSTick * ctick = (AliPHOSTick *) it.Next() ;
457 Float_t time = ctick->CrossingTime(fTimeThreshold) ;
459 AliPHOSTick * t ;
460 while((t=(AliPHOSTick*) it.Next())){
461 if(t->GetTime() < time) //This tick starts before crossing
462 *ctick+=*t ;
463 else
464 return time ;
466 time = ctick->CrossingTime(fTimeThreshold) ;
9688c1dd 467 }
468 return time ;
9688c1dd 469}
8d0f3f77 470
7b7c1533 471//____________________________________________________________________________
3f81a70b 472Bool_t AliPHOSDigitizer::Init()
8d0f3f77 473{
fbf811ec 474 // Makes all memory allocations
88cb7938 475 fInit = kTRUE ;
476 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ;
8d0f3f77 477 if ( gime == 0 ) {
88cb7938 478 Fatal("Init" ,"Could not obtain the Getter object for file %s and event %s !", GetTitle(), fEventFolderName.Data()) ;
8d0f3f77 479 return kFALSE;
480 }
482 const AliPHOSGeometry * geom = gime->PHOSGeometry() ;
b22e4735 483
88cb7938 484 fEmcCrystals = geom->GetNModules() * geom->GetNCristalsInModule() ;
8d0f3f77 485
88cb7938 486 TString opt("Digits") ;
487 if(gime->VersionExists(opt) ) {
488 Error( "Init", "Give a version name different from %s", fEventFolderName.Data() ) ;
489 fInit = kFALSE ;
490 }
8d0f3f77 492 // Post Digitizer to the white board
493 gime->PostDigitizer(this) ;
45fa49ca 495 fFirstEvent = 0 ;
496 fLastEvent = fFirstEvent ;
88cb7938 497 if (fManager)
498 fInput = fManager->GetNinputs() ;
499 else
500 fInput = 1 ;
502 fInputFileNames = new TString[fInput] ;
503 fEventNames = new TString[fInput] ;
504 fInputFileNames[0] = GetTitle() ;
505 fEventNames[0] = fEventFolderName.Data() ;
506 Int_t index ;
507 for (index = 1 ; index < fInput ; index++) {
508 fInputFileNames[index] = dynamic_cast<AliStream*>(fManager->GetInputStream(index))->GetFileName(0);
509 TString tempo = fManager->GetInputFolderName(index) ;
45fa49ca 510 fEventNames[index] = tempo.Remove(tempo.Length()-1) ; // strip of the stream number added by fManager
8d0f3f77 511 }
88cb7938 512
513 //to prevent cleaning of this object while GetEvent is called
514 gime->PhosLoader()->GetDigitsDataLoader()->GetBaseTaskLoader()->SetDoNotReload(kTRUE);
516 return fInit ;
8d0f3f77 517}
520void AliPHOSDigitizer::InitParameters()
a4e98857 521{
45fa49ca 522 // Set initial parameters Digitizer
0bc3b8ed 523
c74936f1 524 fPinNoise = 0.004 ;
525 fEMCDigitThreshold = 0.012 ;
3758d9fc 526 fCPVNoise = 0.01;
527 fCPVDigitThreshold = 0.09 ;
aaf8a71c 528 fTimeResolution = 0.5e-9 ;
3758d9fc 529 fTimeSignalLength = 1.0e-9 ;
530 fDigitsInRun = 0 ;
531 fADCchanelEmc = 0.0015; // width of one ADC channel in GeV
532 fADCpedestalEmc = 0.005 ; //
533 fNADCemc = (Int_t) TMath::Power(2,16) ; // number of channels in EMC ADC
535 fADCchanelCpv = 0.0012 ; // width of one ADC channel in CPV 'popugais'
536 fADCpedestalCpv = 0.012 ; //
537 fNADCcpv = (Int_t) TMath::Power(2,12); // number of channels in CPV ADC
539 fTimeThreshold = 0.001*10000000 ; //Means 1 MeV in terms of SDigits amplitude
212d1c0f 540 SetEventRange(0,-1) ;
8cb3533f 541
990119d6 542}
7b7c1533 543
990119d6 544//__________________________________________________________________
fc7e2f43 545void AliPHOSDigitizer::MixWith(TString alirunFileName, TString eventFolderName)
a4e98857 546{
ba54256b 547 // Allows to produce digits by superimposing background and signal event.
bca3b32a 548 // It is assumed, that headers file with SIGNAL events is opened in
a4e98857 549 // the constructor.
550 // Sets the BACKGROUND event, with which the SIGNAL event is to be mixed
551 // Thus we avoid writing (changing) huge and expensive
bca3b32a 552 // backgound files: all output will be writen into SIGNAL, i.e.
553 // opened in constructor file.
554 //
a4e98857 555 // One can open as many files to mix with as one needs.
7b7c1533 556 // However only Sdigits with the same name (i.e. constructed with the same SDigitizer)
557 // can be mixed.
bca3b32a 558
88cb7938 559 if( strcmp(fEventFolderName, "") == 0 )
8cb3533f 560 Init() ;
9891b76e 562 if(fManager){
88cb7938 563 Warning("MixWith", "Cannot use this method with AliRunDigitizer\n" ) ;
3f81a70b 564 return ;
565 }
88cb7938 566 // looking for file which contains AliRun
567 if (gSystem->AccessPathName(alirunFileName)) {// file does not exist
568 Error("MixWith", "File %s does not exist!", alirunFileName.Data()) ;
569 return ;
990119d6 570 }
88cb7938 571 // looking for the file which contains SDigits
572 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance() ;
573 TString fileName( gime->GetSDigitsFileName() ) ;
e191bb57 574 if ( eventFolderName != AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName()) // only if not the default folder name
88cb7938 575 fileName = fileName.ReplaceAll(".root", "") + "_" + eventFolderName + ".root" ;
576 if ( (gSystem->AccessPathName(fileName)) ) {
577 Error("MixWith", "The file %s does not exist!", fileName.Data()) ;
578 return ;
7b7c1533 579 }
88cb7938 580 // need to increase the arrays
581 TString tempo = fInputFileNames[fInput-1] ;
582 delete [] fInputFileNames ;
583 fInputFileNames = new TString[fInput+1] ;
584 fInputFileNames[fInput-1] = tempo ;
586 tempo = fEventNames[fInput-1] ;
587 delete [] fEventNames ;
588 fEventNames = new TString[fInput+1] ;
589 fEventNames[fInput-1] = tempo ;
591 fInputFileNames[fInput] = alirunFileName ;
592 fEventNames[fInput] = eventFolderName ;
593 fInput++ ;
990119d6 594}
7b7c1533 595
990119d6 596//__________________________________________________________________
88cb7938 597void AliPHOSDigitizer::Print()const
21cd0c07 598{
dd5c4038 599 // Print Digitizer's parameters
88cb7938 600 Info("Print", "\n------------------- %s -------------", GetName() ) ;
601 if( strcmp(fEventFolderName.Data(), "") != 0 ){
602 printf(" Writing Digits to branch with title %s\n", fEventFolderName.Data()) ;
604 Int_t nStreams ;
605 if (fManager)
606 nStreams = GetNInputStreams() ;
607 else
608 nStreams = fInput ;
610 Int_t index = 0 ;
611 for (index = 0 ; index < nStreams ; index++) {
612 TString tempo(fEventNames[index]) ;
613 tempo += index ;
614 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(fInputFileNames[index], tempo) ;
615 TString fileName( gime->GetSDigitsFileName() ) ;
e191bb57 616 if ( fEventNames[index] != AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName()) // only if not the default folder name
88cb7938 617 fileName = fileName.ReplaceAll(".root", "") + "_" + fEventNames[index] + ".root" ;
618 printf ("Adding SDigits from %s %s\n", fInputFileNames[index].Data(), fileName.Data()) ;
619 }
620 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ;
621 printf("\nWriting digits to %s", gime->GetDigitsFileName().Data()) ;
623 printf("\nWith following parameters:\n") ;
624 printf(" Electronics noise in EMC (fPinNoise) = %f\n", fPinNoise ) ;
625 printf(" Threshold in EMC (fEMCDigitThreshold) = %f\n", fEMCDigitThreshold ) ;
626 printf(" Noise in CPV (fCPVNoise) = %f\n", fCPVNoise ) ;
627 printf(" Threshold in CPV (fCPVDigitThreshold) = %f\n",fCPVDigitThreshold ) ;
628 printf(" ---------------------------------------------------\n") ;
990119d6 629 }
8cb3533f 630 else
88cb7938 631 Info("Print", "AliPHOSDigitizer not initialized" ) ;
8cb3533f 632
88cb7938 634
8cb3533f 635//__________________________________________________________________
21cd0c07 636 void AliPHOSDigitizer::PrintDigits(Option_t * option)
3bf72d32 638 // Print a table of digits
21cd0c07 639
88cb7938 640 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ;
3bf72d32 641 TClonesArray * digits = gime->Digits() ;
88cb7938 643 Info("PrintDigits", "%d", digits->GetEntriesFast()) ;
644 printf("\nevent %d", gAlice->GetEvNumber()) ;
645 printf("\n Number of entries in Digits list %d", digits->GetEntriesFast() ) ;
11f9c5ff 647
3bf72d32 648 if(strstr(option,"all")||strstr(option,"EMC")){
8cb3533f 649 //loop over digits
650 AliPHOSDigit * digit;
88cb7938 651 printf("\nEMC digits (with primaries):\n") ;
652 printf("\n Id Amplitude Time Index Nprim: Primaries list \n") ;
9688c1dd 653 Int_t maxEmc = gime->PHOSGeometry()->GetNModules()*gime->PHOSGeometry()->GetNCristalsInModule() ;
8cb3533f 654 Int_t index ;
a6eedfad 655 for (index = 0 ; (index < digits->GetEntriesFast()) &&
88cb7938 656 (dynamic_cast<AliPHOSDigit *>(digits->At(index))->GetId() <= maxEmc) ; index++) {
7b7c1533 657 digit = (AliPHOSDigit * ) digits->At(index) ;
21cd0c07 658 if(digit->GetNprimary() == 0)
659 continue;
81d5f731 660 printf("%6d %8d %6.5e %4d %2d :",
11f9c5ff 661 digit->GetId(), digit->GetAmp(), digit->GetTime(), digit->GetIndexInList(), digit->GetNprimary()) ;
8cb3533f 662 Int_t iprimary;
21cd0c07 663 for (iprimary=0; iprimary<digit->GetNprimary(); iprimary++) {
88cb7938 664 printf("%d ",digit->GetPrimary(iprimary+1) ) ;
21cd0c07 665 }
81d5f731 666 printf("\n") ;
21cd0c07 667 }
9688c1dd 668 }
3bf72d32 669
9688c1dd 670 if(strstr(option,"all")||strstr(option,"CPV")){
8cb3533f 671
9688c1dd 672 //loop over CPV digits
673 AliPHOSDigit * digit;
88cb7938 674 printf("\nCPV digits (with primaries):\n") ;
675 printf("\n Id Amplitude Time Index Nprim: Primaries list \n") ;
9688c1dd 676 Int_t maxEmc = gime->PHOSGeometry()->GetNModules()*gime->PHOSGeometry()->GetNCristalsInModule() ;
677 Int_t index ;
a6eedfad 678 for (index = 0 ; index < digits->GetEntriesFast(); index++) {
9688c1dd 679 digit = (AliPHOSDigit * ) digits->At(index) ;
680 if(digit->GetId() > maxEmc){
81d5f731 681 printf("%6d %8d %4d %2d :",
11f9c5ff 682 digit->GetId(), digit->GetAmp(), digit->GetIndexInList(), digit->GetNprimary()) ;
9688c1dd 683 Int_t iprimary;
21cd0c07 684 for (iprimary=0; iprimary<digit->GetNprimary(); iprimary++) {
88cb7938 685 printf("%d ",digit->GetPrimary(iprimary+1) ) ;
21cd0c07 686 }
81d5f731 687 printf("\n") ;
21cd0c07 688 }
9688c1dd 689 }
8cb3533f 690 }
88cb7938 691
8cb3533f 692}
7b7c1533 693
9688c1dd 694//__________________________________________________________________
0bc3b8ed 695Float_t AliPHOSDigitizer::TimeOfNoise(void) const
9688c1dd 696{ // Calculates the time signal generated by noise
697 //to be rewritten, now returns just big number
698 return 1. ;
8cb3533f 700}
7b7c1533 701
88cb7938 702//__________________________________________________________________
703void AliPHOSDigitizer::Unload()
706 Int_t i ;
707 for(i = 1 ; i < fInput ; i++){
708 TString tempo(fEventNames[i]) ;
709 tempo += i ;
710 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(fInputFileNames[i], tempo) ;
711 gime->PhosLoader()->UnloadSDigits() ;
712 }
714 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ;
715 gime->PhosLoader()->UnloadDigits() ;
7b7c1533 718//____________________________________________________________________________
90cceaf6 719void AliPHOSDigitizer::WriteDigits()
7b7c1533 720{
722 // Makes TreeD in the output file.
723 // Check if branch already exists:
724 // if yes, exit without writing: ROOT TTree does not support overwriting/updating of
725 // already existing branches.
726 // else creates branch with Digits, named "PHOS", title "...",
727 // and branch "AliPHOSDigitizer", with the same title to keep all the parameters
728 // and names of files, from which digits are made.
88cb7938 730 AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName) ;
731 const TClonesArray * digits = gime->Digits() ;
732 TTree * treeD = gime->TreeD();
7b7c1533 734 // -- create Digits branch
735 Int_t bufferSize = 32000 ;
ba54256b 736 TBranch * digitsBranch = treeD->Branch("PHOS",&digits,bufferSize);
88cb7938 737 digitsBranch->SetTitle(fEventFolderName);
738 digitsBranch->Fill() ;
fbf811ec 739
88cb7938 740 gime->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE");
741 gime->WriteDigitizer("OVERWRITE");
743 Unload() ;
b3690abb 744
7b7c1533 745}