]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PHOS/AliPHOSRaw2Digits.cxx
changes in vertexers: AliITSStrLine and AliITSSimpleVertex moved to STEER
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PHOS / AliPHOSRaw2Digits.cxx
f74edaba 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
702ab87e 18/* History of cvs commits:
19 *
20 * $Log$
21 */
f74edaba 23//_________________________________________________________________________
ddaf8726 24// Class designed to convert raw data to aliroot format. We assume, that
25// prototype is situated in the center of 3 PHOS module and convert prototype
26// outpur to AliPHOSDigits. In addition, we fill branch of TreeE with
27// AliPHOSBeamTestEvent, contaning description of event(triggers etc).
28// Note, that one byte per channel in raw data is transvormed to class
29// AliPHOSDigit, so finale zise increase ~ 100 times. So output can be split
30// into peases of reasonable size: each file can not contain more than
31// fMaxPerFile: if there are still events in raw file, then new directory
32// is created and header+digits files are written to it.
34// Use Case:
35// AliPHOSRaw2Digits * r = new AliPHOSRaw2Digits("path/input.file") ;
36// //note, that it can be gzipped file!
37// //Set position of the target in the given run.
38// //Z axis along beam direction, from target to prototype (0-surface of prototype)
39// //X axis along columns of prototype (0-center of prototype)
40// //Y axis along raws of prototype (0-center of prototype)
41// Double_t pos[3]={0,0,-452.} ;
42// r->SetTargetPosition(pos) ;
43// //Read/create connection Table:
44// TFile f("ConTableDB.root") ;
45// AliPHOSConTableDB * cdb = f.Get("AliPHOSConTableDB") ;
46// f.Close() ;
47// r->SetConTableDB(cdb) ;
48// r->ExecuteTask() ;
50// As a result files galice.root and PHOS.Digits.root should be produced in
51// current dir, and, possibly, dirs 1,2,3... each with galice.root and PHOS.Digits.root,
52// where the rest of data are written.
f74edaba 53//
54/*-- Author: Maxim Volkov (RRC KI)
55 Dmitri Peressounko (RRC KI & SUBATECH)
56 Yuri Kharlov (IHEP & SUBATECH) */
60// --- ROOT system ---
61#include "TClonesArray.h"
62#include "TFile.h"
63#include "TTree.h"
ddaf8726 64#include "TSystem.h"
540e818b 65//#include "Bytes.h"
f74edaba 66
67// --- Standard library ---
540e818b 68
a5d22cd5 69#include <stdio.h>
f74edaba 70
71// --- AliRoot header files ---
72#include "AliPHOSDigit.h"
73#include "AliPHOSConTableDB.h"
74#include "AliPHOSBeamTestEvent.h"
75#include "AliPHOSRaw2Digits.h"
f74edaba 76#include "AliRun.h"
82 AliPHOSRaw2Digits::AliPHOSRaw2Digits():TTask()
540e818b 84 //As one can easily see, this is constructor.
f74edaba 85 fInName="";
86 fMK1 = 0x0123CDEF ;
87 fMK2 = 0x80708070 ;
88 fMK3 = 0x4321ABCD ;
89 fMK4 = 0x80618061 ;
90 fCKW = 0x4640E400 ;
91 fDebug = kFALSE; // Debug flag
92 fIsInitialized = kFALSE ;
93 fTarget[0] = 0 ;
94 fTarget[1] = 0 ;
95 fTarget[2] = 0 ;
96 fDigits = 0 ;
ddaf8726 97 fHeaderFile = 0 ;
98 fDigitsFile = 0 ;
f74edaba 99 fPHOSHeader =0 ;
cd228525 100 fMaxPerFile = 20000 ; //Maximal number of events in root file.
f74edaba 101 fEvent = 0 ;
102 fctdb = 0;
88cb7938 105 AliPHOSRaw2Digits::AliPHOSRaw2Digits(const char * filename):TTask("Default","")
f74edaba 106{
88cb7938 107 //this constructor should be normally used. Parameters: imput file
f74edaba 108 fInName=filename;
ddaf8726 109 TString outname("") ;
88cb7938 110
111 outname =fInName ;
112 outname.ToLower() ;
113 outname.ReplaceAll(".fz",".root") ;
114 outname.ReplaceAll(".gz","") ;
f74edaba 116 SetTitle(outname) ;
118 fMK1 = 0x0123CDEF ;
119 fMK2 = 0x80708070 ;
120 fMK3 = 0x4321ABCD ;
121 fMK4 = 0x80618061 ;
122 fCKW = 0x4640E400 ;
123 fDebug = kFALSE; // Debug flag
124 fIsInitialized = kFALSE ;
125 fTarget[0] = 0 ;
126 fTarget[1] = 0 ;
127 fTarget[2] = 0 ;
128 fDigits = 0 ;
129 fPHOSHeader =0 ;
ddaf8726 130 fHeaderFile = 0 ;
131 fDigitsFile = 0 ;
132 fMaxPerFile = 20000 ;
f74edaba 133 fEvent = 0 ;
134 fctdb = 0;
540e818b 136//____________________________________________________________________________
137AliPHOSRaw2Digits::AliPHOSRaw2Digits(AliPHOSRaw2Digits & r2d):TTask(r2d.GetName(), r2d.GetTitle())
e957fea8 139 // cpy ctor
540e818b 140 fInName=r2d.fInName ;
540e818b 141
142 fMK1 = r2d.fMK1 ;
143 fMK2 = r2d.fMK2 ;
144 fMK3 = r2d.fMK3 ;
145 fMK4 = r2d.fMK4 ;
146 fCKW = r2d.fCKW ;
147 fDebug = kFALSE; // Debug flag
148 fIsInitialized = kFALSE ;
149 fTarget[0] = r2d.fTarget[0] ;
150 fTarget[1] = r2d.fTarget[1] ;
151 fTarget[2] = r2d.fTarget[2] ;
152 fDigits = r2d.fDigits ;
153 fPHOSHeader = r2d.fPHOSHeader ;
154 fHeaderFile = new TFile( (r2d.fHeaderFile)->GetName(), "new" ) ;
155 fDigitsFile = new TFile( (r2d.fDigitsFile)->GetName(), "new" ) ;
156 fMaxPerFile = r2d.fMaxPerFile ;
157 fEvent = r2d.fEvent ;
158 fctdb = new AliPHOSConTableDB( *(r2d.fctdb) ) ;
f74edaba 161//____________________________________________________________________________
cd228525 164//destructor
f74edaba 165 if(fPHOSHeader)
166 fPHOSHeader->Delete() ;
167 if(fDigits){
168 fDigits->Delete() ;
169 delete fDigits ;
170 }
702ab87e 174void AliPHOSRaw2Digits::Exec(const Option_t *){
f74edaba 175 //This is steering method performing all the conversion
177 if(!fIsInitialized) //need initialization
178 if(!Init()) //failed to initialize
179 return ;
181 ProcessRawFile() ;
f74edaba 183}
185Bool_t AliPHOSRaw2Digits::Init(void){
ddaf8726 186 //Makes initialization of contaniers
f74edaba 187
188 if(fIsInitialized)
189 return kTRUE;
ddaf8726 191 //Make container for digits
192 fDigits = new TClonesArray("AliPHOSDigit",1000) ;
193 fPHOSHeader = new AliPHOSBeamTestEvent() ;
194 fIsInitialized = kTRUE ;
195 return StartRootFiles() ;
e957fea8 199Bool_t AliPHOSRaw2Digits::StartRootFiles(void ) const {
88cb7938 200// //Create PHOS geometry, sets magnetic field to zero,
201// //create Generator - to store target position,
202// //opens out file, creates TreeE
ddaf8726 203
88cb7938 204// //create gAlice if nececcary
205// if(!gAlice)
206// new AliRun("gAlice","The ALICE Off-line Simulation Framework") ;
ddaf8726 207
88cb7938 208// //Create PHOS
209// if(!gAlice->GetModule("PHOS"))
210// new AliPHOSv1("PHOS","GPS2") ;
f74edaba 211
88cb7938 212// //Set Magnetic field
213// gAlice->SetField(0,2);
f74edaba 214
88cb7938 215// //Set positin of the virtex
216// AliGenerator * gener = gAlice->Generator() ;
217// if(!gener)
218// gener = new AliGenBox(1);
219// Float_t ox = fTarget[1];
220// Float_t oy = fTarget[2]+460.;
221// Float_t oz = fTarget[0];
222// gener->SetOrigin(ox, oy, oz);
f74edaba 223
88cb7938 224// //make directory
225// Int_t nRootFile = (fEvent+1)/fMaxPerFile ;
226// if(nRootFile){
227// char dname[20];
228// sprintf(dname,"%d",nRootFile) ;
229// if(gSystem->AccessPathName(dname)) //strange return: 0 if exists
230// if(gSystem->MakeDirectory(dname)!=0)
231// Fatal("StartRootFiles","Can not make directory %s \n",dname) ;
ddaf8726 232
88cb7938 233// if(!gSystem->ChangeDirectory(dname))
234// Fatal("StartRootFiles","Can not cd to %s\n",dname) ;
235// }
ddaf8726 236
88cb7938 237// // Create the output file
238// TString outname("") ;
239// if(strstr(GetTitle(),"root")){
240// outname=GetTitle();
241// }
242// else{
243// outname = fInName ;
244// outname.ToLower() ;
245// outname.ReplaceAll(".fz",".root") ;
246// }
f74edaba 247
88cb7938 248// fHeaderFile = new TFile(outname,"recreate");
249// fHeaderFile->SetCompressionLevel(2);
ddaf8726 250
88cb7938 251// // Create the Root Trees
ddaf8726 252
88cb7938 253// gime->MakeTree("E") ;
255// //Fill now TreeE
256// Int_t splitlevel = 0 ;
257// Int_t bufferSize = 32000 ;
258// TBranch * headerBranch = gAlice->TreeE()->Branch("AliPHOSBeamTestEvent",
259// "AliPHOSBeamTestEvent",
260// &fPHOSHeader,bufferSize,splitlevel);
261// headerBranch->SetName("AliPHOSBeamTestEvent") ;
f74edaba 262
88cb7938 263// // if(fToSplit){
264// // fDigitsFile = new TFile("PHOS.Digits.root","recreate") ;
265// // fDigitsFile->SetCompressionLevel(2) ;
266// // }
267 return kTRUE ;
f74edaba 268}
ddaf8726 270Bool_t AliPHOSRaw2Digits::CloseRootFiles(void ){
271 //cleans everething to start next root file
52d6fcfd 272 if(fHeaderFile){
273 printf("writing gAlice \n") ;
274 fHeaderFile->cd() ;
275 gAlice->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
276 gAlice->TreeE()->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
277 }
f74edaba 278
ddaf8726 279 delete gAlice ;
281 if(fHeaderFile){
282 fHeaderFile->Close() ;
283 delete fHeaderFile ;
284 fHeaderFile = 0;
285 }
287 if(fDigitsFile){
288 fDigitsFile->Close() ;
289 delete fDigitsFile ;
290 fDigitsFile = 0 ;
291 }
293 Int_t nRootFile = (fEvent-1)/fMaxPerFile ;
294 if(nRootFile){
295 if(!gSystem->ChangeDirectory("../")){
296 Fatal("CloseRootFile","Can not return to initial dir \n") ;
297 return kFALSE ;
298 }
299 }
300 return kTRUE ;
303Bool_t AliPHOSRaw2Digits::ProcessRawFile(){
f74edaba 305 //Method opens zebra file and reads successively bytes from it,
306 //filling corresponding fields in header and digits.
ddaf8726 307
f74edaba 309 fStatus= -3 ;
310 //First of all, open file and check if it is a zebra file
ddaf8726 311
f74edaba 312 char command[256];
313 sprintf(command,"zcat %s",fInName.Data());
314 FILE *dataFile = popen(command, "r");
315 if (dataFile == NULL) {
21cd0c07 316 Warning("ProcessRawFile", " Cannot open file %s\n", fInName.Data() ) ;
f74edaba 317 perror(fInName.Data()) ;
318 fStatus = -1 ;
319 return kFALSE ;
320 }
f74edaba 321
322 // Check if byte ordering is little-endian
323 UInt_t w = 0x12345678;
324 Int_t swapo = memcmp(&w, "\x78\x56\x34\x12", sizeof(UInt_t)) == 0;
325 if(fDebug)
21cd0c07 326 Info("ProcessRawFile", "swapo=%f\n", swapo ) ;
f74edaba 327
329 UInt_t recBuf[300] ;
331 // Read physical record control words
332 UInt_t nb = 8*sizeof(UInt_t);
333 Int_t n = fread(recBuf, nb, 1, dataFile);
334 if(static_cast<UInt_t>(n) != 1) {
335 if (n < 0 )
336 perror(fInName.Data());
337 else
21cd0c07 338 Error("ProcessRawFile", "Could not read physical record control words" ) ;
f74edaba 339 fStatus = -2 ;
340 return kFALSE;
341 }
343 if(fDebug)
21cd0c07 344 Info("ProcessRawFile", "recbuf[0] = %d\n", recBuf[0] );
f74edaba 345
346 // Check if it is a ZEBRA file and if the words are swapped
347 UInt_t swapi = 0 ;
348 if (recBuf[0] != fMK1) {
349 Swab4(recBuf, &w, 1);
350 if (w != fMK1) {
21cd0c07 351 Error("ProcessRawFile", "Does not look like a ZEBRA file\n" ) ;
f74edaba 352 pclose(dataFile) ;
353 fStatus = -2 ;
354 return kFALSE;
355 }
356 swapi=1 ;
357 }
359 if(fDebug){
21cd0c07 360 TString message ;
361 message = " w = %f\n" ;
362 message += " swapi = %f\n" ;
363 Info("ProcessRawFile", message.Data(), w, swapi ) ;
f74edaba 364 }
366 // Get number of words in physical record
367 UInt_t nwphr ;
368 if (swapi)
369 Swab4(&recBuf[4],&nwphr,1);
370 else
371 nwphr = recBuf[4];
372 nwphr*=2; // 1998 -- Now we have 2 records 150 words each
375 //start loop over data
376 // Read rest of record
377 nb = (nwphr-8)*sizeof(UInt_t);
378 n = fread(&recBuf[8], nb, 1, dataFile) ;
379 if (static_cast<UInt_t>(n) != 1) {
380 if (n < 0 ){
381 perror(fInName.Data());
382 fStatus = -2 ;
383 return kFALSE;
384 }
385 }
386 nb = nwphr *sizeof(UInt_t);
388 UInt_t userVector[16] ;
389 UInt_t zheader[12];
390 UShort_t pattern ;
391 UShort_t scanning[32] ;
392 UShort_t charge[12];
393 UInt_t scaler[12];
394 UShort_t tdc2228[32];
396 //read untill the end of file
397 fEvent=0 ;
398 while(1){
400 // StartNewEvent() ;
401 fDigits->Delete() ;
ddaf8726 402 if((fEvent%fMaxPerFile == 0) && fEvent ){
403 CloseRootFiles() ;
404 StartRootFiles() ;
405 }
406 gAlice->SetEvent(fEvent%fMaxPerFile) ;
408 //Set Beam Energy
409 fPHOSHeader->SetBeamEnergy(fBeamEnergy) ;
f74edaba 410
411 Int_t i ;
412 for(i=0;i<16;i++)
413 userVector[i]=*(recBuf+21+i);
414 if(!swapi)
415 Swab4(userVector, userVector, 16);
416 fPHOSHeader->SetUserVector(userVector) ;
419 // ZEBRA event header
420 for(i=0;i<12;i++)
421 zheader[i]=*(recBuf+47+i);
422 if(swapi)
423 Swab4(zheader, zheader, 12);
424 fPHOSHeader->SetHeader(zheader) ;
426 // Swap input
427 if (swapi)
428 Swab4(recBuf, recBuf, nwphr);
430 /* Physical record control words */
431 UInt_t * recptr = recBuf; //Pointer to current position
433 if(recptr[7] != 1) {
21cd0c07 434 Error("ProcessRawFile", "Cannot handle fast blocks" ) ;
f74edaba 435 fStatus = -2 ;
436 return kFALSE;
437 }
438 recptr += 8;
440 // Logical record control words
441 UInt_t lrtyp = recptr[1];
442 if (lrtyp != 3) {
21cd0c07 443 Error("ProcessRawFile", "Can not handle logical record type %d", lrtyp ) ;
f74edaba 444 fStatus = -2 ;
445 return kFALSE;
446 }
448 recptr += 2;
449 if (recptr[0] != fCKW) {
21cd0c07 450 Error("ProcessRawFile", "Bad check word" ) ;
f74edaba 451 fStatus = -2 ;
452 return kFALSE;
453 }
455 UInt_t nwuh = recptr[9];
456 recptr += 10+nwuh;
458 // Bank system words
459 UInt_t nd = recptr[8]; /* Number of data words */
460 recptr += 10;
462 // Data words
463 UInt_t evtno = recptr[2]; /* Event number */
465 if(fDebug)
21cd0c07 466 Info("ProcessRawFile", "evtno= %d", evtno);
f74edaba 467
468 UInt_t nh = recptr[4]; /* Number of header words in data bank */
469 recptr += nh;
471 // Unswap data from VME
472 if (swapi)
473 Swab4(recptr, recptr, nd-nh-3);
475 // Give buffer to monitor program
476 // UInt_t esize = nd-nh-3;
477 // if (swapo)
478 // Swab2(recptr, recptr, esize);
479 // Two byte data are correct after this operation.
480 //But we're in trouble if the data array contains 4 byte data!
482 // From now on deal with VME data (MSB first, or network byte order).
485 // Fill the event with data from ADCs
486 UChar_t *byteptr=(UChar_t*)recptr;
488 // Trigger bit register
ddaf8726 489 pattern=net2host(*(UShort_t*)byteptr);
f74edaba 490 fPHOSHeader->SetPattern(pattern) ;
491 byteptr+=sizeof(UShort_t);
493 // Either peak ADCs, 10 modulesX8=80 channels,
494 //or Kurchatov 64+2 channel ADC
495 //(the rest of the channels padded with 0xffff)
496 for(i=0;i<80;i++){
ddaf8726 497 Int_t peak = static_cast<Int_t>(net2host(*(UShort_t*)byteptr));
f74edaba 498 //make digit
499 Int_t absID = fctdb->Raw2AbsId(i) ;
500 if(absID > 0)
501 new((*fDigits)[i])AliPHOSDigit(-1,absID,peak,0.,i) ;
502 if(fDebug){
503 if(peak>(UShort_t)1000)
21cd0c07 504 Info("ProcessRawFile", "event= %d peak[%d] = %f", fEvent, i, peak);
f74edaba 505 }
506 byteptr+=sizeof(UShort_t);
507 }
509 // Scanning ADCs, 4 modulesX8=32 channels
510 for(i=0;i<32;i++){
ddaf8726 511 scanning[i]=net2host(*(UShort_t*)byteptr);
f74edaba 512 byteptr+=sizeof(UShort_t);
513 }
514 fPHOSHeader->SetScanning(scanning) ;
516 // Charge ADCs, 1 moduleX12=12 channels
517 for(i=0;i<12;i++){
ddaf8726 518 charge[i]=net2host(*(UShort_t*)byteptr);
f74edaba 519 byteptr+=sizeof(UShort_t);
520 }
521 fPHOSHeader->SetCharge(charge) ;
523 // Scalers, 1 moduleX12=12 (4 byte) channels
524 for(i=0;i<12;i++){
ddaf8726 525 scaler[i]=net2host(*(UInt_t*)byteptr);
f74edaba 526 byteptr+=sizeof(UInt_t);
527 }
528 fPHOSHeader->SetScaler(scaler) ;
530 // LeCroy TDC 2228A, 4 moduleX8=32 channels
531 for(i=0;i<8;i++){
ddaf8726 532 tdc2228[i]=net2host(*(UShort_t*)byteptr);
f74edaba 533 byteptr+=sizeof(UShort_t);
534 }
535 fPHOSHeader->SetTDC(tdc2228) ;
537 WriteDigits() ;
538 if(fDebug)
21cd0c07 539 Info("ProcessRawFile", "event= %d written", fEvent) ;
f74edaba 540
541 // Read next record
542 UInt_t nb = nwphr *sizeof(UInt_t);
543 n = fread( recBuf, nb,1,dataFile);
544 if (n < 0 ){
545 perror(fInName);
546 fStatus = -2 ;
547 return kFALSE;
548 }
549 if (static_cast<UInt_t>(n) != 1) {
550 pclose(dataFile) ;
551 fStatus = 1 ;
552 return kTRUE ; //all read
553 }
554 fEvent++ ;
555 }
52d6fcfd 556 CloseRootFiles() ;
f74edaba 557
558 fStatus = 1 ;
559 return kTRUE ;
540e818b 561
f74edaba 562//____________________________________________________________________________
540e818b 563void AliPHOSRaw2Digits::Swab4(void *from, void *to, size_t nwords)const
f74edaba 565 // The function swaps 4 bytes: byte#3<-->byte#0, byte#2<-->byte#1
566 register char *pf=static_cast<char*>(from) ;
567 register char *pt=static_cast<char*>(to) ;
568 register char c;
569 while (nwords-- > 0 ) {
570 c = pf[0];
571 pt[0] = pf[3];
572 pt[3] = c;
573 c = pf[1];
574 pt[1] = pf[2];
575 pt[2] = c;
576 pf += 4;
577 pt += 4;
578 }
cd228525 582void AliPHOSRaw2Digits::Swab2(void *from, void *to, size_t nwords)const
540e818b 584 //The function swaps 2x2 bytes: byte#0<-->byte#1, byte#2<-->byte#3
f74edaba 585 register char *pf=static_cast<char*>(from) ;
586 register char *pt=static_cast<char*>(to);
587 register char c;
588 while (nwords-- > 0 ) {
589 c = pf[0];
590 pt[0] = pf[1];
591 pt[1] = c;
592 c = pf[2];
593 pt[2] = pf[3];
594 pt[3] = c;
595 pf += 4;
596 pt += 4;
597 }
f74edaba 601void AliPHOSRaw2Digits::WriteDigits(void){
602 //In this method we create TreeD, write digits and Raw2Digits to it
603 // and write Header to TreeE. Finally we write TreeD to root file
605 //Start from Digits
606 fDigits->Sort() ;
607 fDigits->Expand(fDigits->GetEntriesFast()) ;
608 for(Int_t i=0;i<fDigits->GetEntriesFast(); i++)
609 static_cast<AliPHOSDigit*>(fDigits->At(i))->SetIndexInList(i) ;
611 char hname[30];
ddaf8726 612 sprintf(hname,"TreeD%d",fEvent%fMaxPerFile);
f74edaba 613 TTree * treeD = new TTree(hname,"Digits");
614 //treeD->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
616 // -- create Digits branch
617 Int_t bufferSize = 32000 ;
618 TBranch * digitsBranch = treeD->Branch("PHOS",&fDigits,bufferSize);
619 digitsBranch->SetTitle("Default");
621 // -- Create Digitizer branch
622 Int_t splitlevel = 0 ;
623 const AliPHOSRaw2Digits * d = this ;
624 TBranch * digitizerBranch = treeD->Branch("AliPHOSRaw2Digits",
625 "AliPHOSRaw2Digits", &d,bufferSize,splitlevel);
626 digitizerBranch->SetTitle("Default");
ddaf8726 627
628 if(fDigitsFile)
629 fDigitsFile->cd() ;
f74edaba 630 digitsBranch->Fill() ;
631 digitizerBranch->Fill() ;
632 treeD->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
634 delete treeD ;
636 //Write header
ddaf8726 637 fHeaderFile->cd() ;
f74edaba 638 gAlice->TreeE()->Fill();
702ab87e 641void AliPHOSRaw2Digits::Print(const Option_t *)const{
cd228525 642 //prints current configuration and status.
ddaf8726 643
644 printf("----------AliPHOSRaw2Digits---------- \n") ;
645 printf("Current input File: %s\n",fInName.Data()) ;
646 printf("Current output File: %s\n", GetTitle());
647 printf("Events processes in the last file %d\n",fEvent) ;
648 printf("Input file status\n") ;
f74edaba 649 switch (fStatus){
ddaf8726 650 case 0: printf("`Have not processed yet'\n") ;
f74edaba 651 break ;
ddaf8726 652 case 1: printf("`Processed normally'\n") ;
f74edaba 653 break ;
ddaf8726 654 case -1: printf("`File not found'\n") ;
f74edaba 655 break ;
ddaf8726 656 case -2: printf("`Error in reading'\n") ;
f74edaba 657 break ;
ddaf8726 658 case -3: printf("'Interupted'\n") ;
f74edaba 659 default: ;
660 }
ddaf8726 661 printf("Connection table: " );
f74edaba 662 if(fctdb)
ddaf8726 663 printf("%s %s \n",fctdb->GetName(), fctdb->GetTitle() ) ;
f74edaba 664 else
ddaf8726 665 printf(" no DB \n" );
21cd0c07 666
f74edaba 667}