]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PHOS/AliPHOSRecParticle.cxx
Fix for coverity 17980
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PHOS / AliPHOSRecParticle.cxx
6ad0bfa0 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
b2a60966 15/* $Id$ */
6ad0bfa0 16//_________________________________________________________________________
b2a60966 17// A Reconstructed Particle in PHOS
2f04ed65 18// To become a general class of AliRoot ?
19// Why should I put meaningless comments
20// just to satisfy
21// the code checker
b2a60966 22//
23//*-- Author: Yves Schutz (SUBATECH)
6ad0bfa0 25
26// --- ROOT system ---
28// --- Standard library ---
ed4205d8 30
6ad0bfa0 31// --- AliRoot header files ---
7fb9892d 32#include "AliStack.h"
33#include "AliPHOSHit.h"
34#include "AliPHOSDigit.h"
35#include "AliPHOSTrackSegment.h"
36#include "AliPHOSEmcRecPoint.h"
6ad0bfa0 37#include "AliPHOSRecParticle.h"
7fb9892d 38#include "AliPHOSLoader.h"
c81ced2d 39#include "AliPHOSGeometry.h"
1212b8da 40#include "AliLog.h"
6ad0bfa0 41
0272607d 42//____________________________________________________________________________
43fbaae1 43AliPHOSRecParticle::AliPHOSRecParticle():
44 fPHOSTrackSegment(0),
45 fDebug(kFALSE),
46 fPos()
0272607d 47{
48 // ctor
304864ab 49 const Int_t nSPECIES = AliPID::kSPECIESN;
88340ded 50 for(Int_t i = 0; i<nSPECIES ; i++)
0272607d 51 fPID[i]=0.;
6ad0bfa0 53
a73f33f0 55//____________________________________________________________________________
43fbaae1 56AliPHOSRecParticle::AliPHOSRecParticle(const AliPHOSRecParticle & rp):
57 AliPHOSFastRecParticle(rp),
58 fPHOSTrackSegment(rp.fPHOSTrackSegment),
59 fDebug(kFALSE),
60 fPos()
a73f33f0 61{
b2a60966 62 // copy ctor
a73f33f0 63 fType = rp.fType ;
83974468 64 fIndexInList = rp.fIndexInList ;
b2a60966 65
cafda784 66 fPdgCode = rp.fPdgCode;
67 fStatusCode = rp.fStatusCode;
68 fMother[0] = rp.fMother[0];
69 fMother[1] = rp.fMother[1];
70 fDaughter[0] = rp.fDaughter[0];
71 fDaughter[1] = rp.fDaughter[1];
72 fWeight = rp.fWeight;
73 fCalcMass = rp.fCalcMass;
74 fPx = rp.fPx;
75 fPy = rp.fPy;
76 fPz = rp.fPz;
77 fE = rp.fE;
78 fVx = rp.fVx;
79 fVy = rp.fVy;
80 fVz = rp.fVz;
81 fVt = rp.fVt;
82 fPolarTheta = rp.fPolarTheta;
83 fPolarPhi = rp.fPolarPhi;
84 fParticlePDG = rp.fParticlePDG;
304864ab 85 const Int_t nSPECIES = AliPID::kSPECIESN;
88340ded 86 for(Int_t i = 0; i<nSPECIES ; i++)
0272607d 87 fPID[i]=rp.fPID[i];
b2a60966 88}
83974468 89
6c8ba828 90//____________________________________________________________________________
91AliPHOSRecParticle & AliPHOSRecParticle::operator = (const AliPHOSRecParticle &)
93 Fatal("operator =", "not implemented");
94 return *this;
8f3968d8 97//____________________________________________________________________________
17323043 98Int_t AliPHOSRecParticle::GetNPrimaries() const
88cb7938 99{
100 return -1;
a278df55 101}
17323043 104Int_t AliPHOSRecParticle::GetNPrimariesToRecParticles() const
8f3968d8 105{
e957fea8 106 // Get the number of primaries at the origine of the RecParticle
8f3968d8 107 Int_t rv = 0 ;
33c3c91a 108 AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Instance() ;
09828f52 109 AliPHOSLoader * phosLoader = static_cast<AliPHOSLoader*>(rl->GetLoader("PHOSLoader"));
110 Int_t emcRPindex = static_cast<AliPHOSTrackSegment*>(phosLoader->TrackSegments()->At(GetPHOSTSIndex()))->GetEmcIndex();
111 static_cast<AliPHOSEmcRecPoint*>(phosLoader->EmcRecPoints()->At(emcRPindex))->GetPrimaries(rv) ;
8f3968d8 112 return rv ;
83974468 114
c81ced2d 115//____________________________________________________________________________
116const TParticle * AliPHOSRecParticle::GetPrimary() const
118 // Get the primary particle at the origine of the RecParticle and
119 // which has deposited the largest energy in SDigits
33c3c91a 120 AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Instance() ;
09828f52 121 AliPHOSLoader * phosLoader = static_cast<AliPHOSLoader*>(rl->GetLoader("PHOSLoader"));
7fb9892d 122 rl->GetEvent(rl->GetEventNumber()) ;
123 rl->LoadKinematics("READ");
124 rl->LoadSDigits("READ");
c81ced2d 126 if(GetNPrimaries() == 0)
127 return 0 ;
128 if(GetNPrimaries() == 1)
129 return GetPrimary(0) ;
130 Int_t AbsId = 0;
131 Int_t module ;
6c8cd883 132
133 // Get PHOS Geometry object
134 AliPHOSGeometry *geom;
135 if (!(geom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance()))
136 geom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance("IHEP","");
137 Double_t x,z ;
5a9ecaeb 138//DP to be fixed: Why do we use this method here??? M.B. use RecPoint???
139 Double_t vtx[3]={0.,0.,0.} ;
140 geom->ImpactOnEmc(vtx,static_cast<double>(Theta()),static_cast<double>(Phi()), module,z,x);
c81ced2d 141 Int_t amp = 0 ;
142 Int_t iPrim=-1 ;
143 if(module != 0){
144 geom->RelPosToAbsId(module,x,z,AbsId) ;
7fb9892d 145 TClonesArray * sdigits = phosLoader->SDigits() ;
c81ced2d 146 AliPHOSDigit * sdig ;
148 for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < sdigits->GetEntriesFast() ; i++){
149 sdig = static_cast<AliPHOSDigit *>(sdigits->At(i)) ;
150 if((sdig->GetId() == AbsId)){
151 if((sdig->GetAmp() > amp) && (sdig->GetNprimary())){
152 amp = sdig->GetAmp() ;
153 iPrim = sdig->GetPrimary(1) ;
154 }
155 // do not scan rest of list
156 if(sdig->GetId() > AbsId)
157 continue ;
158 }
159 }
160 }
161 if(iPrim >= 0)
7fb9892d 162 return rl->Stack()->Particle(iPrim) ;
c81ced2d 163 else
164 return 0 ;
09286392 167//____________________________________________________________________________
eb0b1051 168Int_t AliPHOSRecParticle::GetPrimaryIndex() const
09286392 169{
170 // Get the primary track index in TreeK which deposits the most energy
171 // in Digits which forms EmcRecPoint, which produces TrackSegment,
172 // which the RecParticle is created from
1212b8da 174
33c3c91a 175 AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Instance() ;
09828f52 176 AliPHOSLoader * phosLoader = static_cast<AliPHOSLoader*>(rl->GetLoader("PHOSLoader"));
7fb9892d 177 rl->GetEvent(rl->GetEventNumber()) ;
178 rl->LoadHits("READ");
179 rl->LoadDigits("READ");
180 rl->LoadRecPoints("READ");
181 rl->LoadTracks("READ");
1212b8da 182
09286392 183 // Get TrackSegment corresponding to this RecParticle
7fb9892d 184 const AliPHOSTrackSegment *ts = phosLoader->TrackSegment(fPHOSTrackSegment);
09286392 185
186 // Get EmcRecPoint corresponding to this TrackSegment
187 Int_t emcRecPointIndex = ts->GetEmcIndex();
1212b8da 188
7fb9892d 189 const AliPHOSEmcRecPoint *emcRecPoint = phosLoader->EmcRecPoint(emcRecPointIndex);
09286392 190
191 // Get the list of digits forming this EmcRecParticle
192 Int_t nDigits = emcRecPoint->GetDigitsMultiplicity();
193 Int_t *digitList = emcRecPoint->GetDigitsList();
e4ca05c3 194
09286392 195 // Find the digit with maximum amplitude
09286392 196 Int_t maxAmp = 0;
197 Int_t bestDigitIndex = -1;
198 for (Int_t iDigit=0; iDigit<nDigits; iDigit++) {
7fb9892d 199 const AliPHOSDigit * digit = phosLoader->Digit(digitList[iDigit]);
09286392 200 if (digit->GetAmp() > maxAmp) {
201 maxAmp = digit->GetAmp();
202 bestDigitIndex = iDigit;
203 }
204 }
7fb9892d 205 if (bestDigitIndex>-1) {
206 const AliPHOSDigit * digit = phosLoader->Digit(digitList[bestDigitIndex]);
207 if (digit==0) return -12345;
208 }
c48a7283 209
09286392 210 // Get the list of primary tracks producing this digit
211 // and find which track has more track energy.
c48a7283 212 //Int_t nPrimary = digit->GetNprimary();
213 //TParticle *track = 0;
214 //Double_t energyEM = 0;
215 //Double_t energyHadron = 0;
216 //Int_t trackEM = -1;
217 //Int_t trackHadron = -1;
218 //for (Int_t iPrim=0; iPrim<nPrimary; iPrim++) {
219 // Int_t iPrimary = digit->GetPrimary(iPrim+1);
220 // if (iPrimary == -1 || TMath::Abs(iPrimary)>10000000)
221 // continue ; //PH 10000000 is the shift of the track
222 // //PH indexes in the underlying event
223 // track = gime->Primary(iPrimary);
224 // Int_t pdgCode = track->GetPdgCode();
225 // Double_t energy = track->Energy();
226 // if (pdgCode==22 || TMath::Abs(pdgCode)==11) {
227 // if (energy > energyEM) {
228 // energyEM = energy;
229 // trackEM = iPrimary;
230 // }
231 // }
232 // else {
233 // if (energy > energyHadron) {
234 // energyHadron = energy;
235 // trackHadron = iPrimary;
236 // }
237 // }
238 //}
239 // Preferences are given to electromagnetic tracks
240 //if (trackEM != -1) return trackEM; // track is gamma or e+-
241 //if (trackHadron != -1) return trackHadron; // track is hadron
242 //return -12345; // no track found :(
245 // Get the list of hits producing this digit,
246 // find which hit has deposited more energy
247 // and find the primary track.
7fb9892d 249 TClonesArray *hits = phosLoader->Hits();
25ed816e 250 if (hits==0) return -12345;
c48a7283 252 Double_t maxedep = 0;
253 Int_t maxtrack = -1;
254 Int_t nHits = hits ->GetEntries();
7fb9892d 255 Int_t id = (phosLoader->Digit(digitList[bestDigitIndex]))->GetId();
c48a7283 256
257 for (Int_t iHit=0; iHit<nHits; iHit++) {
7fb9892d 258 const AliPHOSHit * hit = phosLoader->Hit(iHit);
c48a7283 259 if(hit->GetId() == id){
260 Double_t edep = hit->GetEnergy();
261 Int_t track = hit->GetPrimary();
262 if(edep > maxedep){
263 maxedep = edep;
264 maxtrack = track;
09286392 265 }
266 }
267 }
c48a7283 268
269 if (maxtrack != -1) return maxtrack; // track is hadron
270 return -12345; // no track found :(
09286392 271}
8f3968d8 273//____________________________________________________________________________
274const TParticle * AliPHOSRecParticle::GetPrimary(Int_t index) const
c81ced2d 276 // Get one of the primary particles at the origine of the RecParticle
a278df55 277 if ( index > GetNPrimariesToRecParticles() ) {
51d189f4 278 if (fDebug)
88cb7938 279 Warning("GetPrimary", "AliPHOSRecParticle::GetPrimary -> %d is larger that the number of primaries %d",
280 index, GetNPrimaries()) ;
281 return 0 ;
51d189f4 282 }
88cb7938 283 else {
284 Int_t dummy ;
33c3c91a 285 AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Instance() ;
09828f52 286 AliPHOSLoader * phosLoader = static_cast<AliPHOSLoader*>(rl->GetLoader("PHOSLoader"));
88cb7938 287
09828f52 288 Int_t emcRPindex = static_cast<AliPHOSTrackSegment*>(phosLoader->TrackSegments()->At(GetPHOSTSIndex()))->GetEmcIndex();
289 Int_t primaryindex = static_cast<AliPHOSEmcRecPoint*>(phosLoader->EmcRecPoints()->At(emcRPindex))->GetPrimaries(dummy)[index] ;
7fb9892d 290 return rl->Stack()->Particle(primaryindex) ;
88cb7938 291 }
fc7e2f43 292 // return 0 ;
8f3968d8 293}
948a4b24 294
06e774ed 295//____________________________________________________________________________
85c60a8e 296void AliPHOSRecParticle::SetPID(Int_t type, Float_t weight)
06e774ed 297{
cc1fe362 298 // Set the probability densities that this reconstructed particle
06e774ed 299 // has a type of i:
300 // i particle types
301 // ----------------------
302 // 0 electron
303 // 1 muon
304 // 2 pi+-
305 // 3 K+-
306 // 4 p/pbar
307 // 5 photon
308 // 6 pi0 at high pt
309 // 7 neutron
310 // 8 K0L
cc1fe362 311 // 9 Conversion electron
313 fPID[type] = weight ;
06e774ed 314}