]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PHOS/AliPHOSReconstructioner.cxx
Remoing debuggin messages
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PHOS / AliPHOSReconstructioner.cxx
d15a28e7 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
b2a60966 16/* $Id$ */
d15a28e7 18//_________________________________________________________________________
a3dfe79c 19//*--
7acf6008 20//*-- Author: Gines Martinez & Yves Schutz (SUBATECH)
a4e98857 21//*-- Compleetely redisigned by Dmitri Peressounko (SUBATECH & RRC KI) March 2001
7acf6008 22/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9a6ec61a 23// Wrapping class for reconstruction. Allows to produce reconstruction from
24// different steps: from previously produced hits,sdigits, etc. Each new reconstruction
a4e98857 25// flow (e.g. digits, made from them RecPoints, subsequently made TrackSegments,
26// subsequently made RecParticles) are distinguished by the title of created branches. One can
27// use this title as a comment, see use case below.
28// Thanks to getters, one can set
29// parameters to reconstruction briks. The full set of parameters is saved in the
30// corresponding branch: e.g. parameters of clusterizer are stored in branch
31// TreeR::AliPHOSClusterizer with the same title as the branch containing the RecPoints.
32// TTree does not support overwriting, therefore one can not produce several
9a6ec61a 33// branches with the same names and titles - use different titles.
a4e98857 35// Use case:
7acf6008 36//
37// root [0] AliPHOSReconstructioner * r = new AliPHOSReconstructioner("galice.root")
38// // Set the header file
39// root [1] r->ExecuteTask()
a4e98857 40// // Make full chain of reconstruction
7acf6008 41//
42// // One can specify the title for each branch
43// root [2] r->SetBranchFileName("RecPoints","RecPoints1") ;
7acf6008 44//
9a6ec61a 45// // One can change parameters of reconstruction algorithms
46// root [3] r->GetClusterizer()->SetEmcLocalMaxCut(0.02)
48// // One can specify the starting point of the reconstruction and title of all
49// // branches produced in this pass
50// root [4] r->StartFrom("AliPHOSClusterizer","Local max cut 0.02")
51// // means that will use already generated Digits and produce only RecPoints,
52// // TS and RecParticles
7acf6008 53//
54// // And finally one can call ExecuteTask() with the following options
9a6ec61a 55// root [5] r->ExecuteTask("debug all timing")
7acf6008 56// // deb - prints the numbers of produced SDigits, Digits etc.
57// // deb all - prints in addition list of made SDigits, digits etc.
58// // timing - prints benchmarking results
9a6ec61a 59///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
d15a28e7 60
61// --- ROOT system ---
63#include "TClonesArray.h"
7acf6008 64#include "TROOT.h"
65#include "TTree.h"
2bd5457f 66#include "TFile.h"
d15a28e7 67
68// --- Standard library ---
7acf6008 69#include <iostream.h>
364de5c6 70
d15a28e7 71// --- AliRoot header files ---
7acf6008 72#include "AliRun.h"
d15a28e7 73#include "AliPHOSReconstructioner.h"
7acf6008 74#include "AliPHOSClusterizerv1.h"
75#include "AliPHOSDigitizer.h"
76#include "AliPHOSSDigitizer.h"
77#include "AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1.h"
78#include "AliPHOSPIDv1.h"
9ec91567 79#include "AliPHOSFastRecParticle.h"
0b06c60d 80#include "AliPHOSCpvRecPoint.h"
d15a28e7 81
d15a28e7 84//____________________________________________________________________________
7acf6008 85 AliPHOSReconstructioner::AliPHOSReconstructioner():TTask("AliPHOSReconstructioner","")
d15a28e7 86{
b2a60966 87 // ctor
7acf6008 88 fDigitizer = 0 ;
89 fClusterizer = 0 ;
90 fTSMaker = 0 ;
91 fPID = 0 ;
92 fSDigitizer = 0 ;
9c88dd1b 93 fHeaderFileName = "galice.root" ;
d15a28e7 94
7acf6008 95 fIsInitialized = kFALSE ;
d15a28e7 96
6ad0bfa0 97}
6ad0bfa0 99//____________________________________________________________________________
7acf6008 100AliPHOSReconstructioner::AliPHOSReconstructioner(const char* headerFile):TTask("AliPHOSReconstructioner","")
d15a28e7 101{
7acf6008 102 // ctor
104 fHeaderFileName = headerFile ;
106 fSDigitsBranch="" ;
107 fSDigitizer = new AliPHOSSDigitizer(fHeaderFileName.Data(),fSDigitsBranch.Data()) ;
108 Add(fSDigitizer) ;
110 fDigitsBranch="" ;
111 fDigitizer = new AliPHOSDigitizer(fHeaderFileName.Data(),fDigitsBranch.Data()) ;
112 Add(fDigitizer) ;
115 fRecPointBranch="" ;
116 fClusterizer = new AliPHOSClusterizerv1(fHeaderFileName.Data(),fRecPointBranch.Data()) ;
117 Add(fClusterizer) ;
2131115b 118
b73f246d 119
7acf6008 120 fTSBranch="" ;
121 fTSMaker = new AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1(fHeaderFileName.Data(),fTSBranch.Data()) ;
122 Add(fTSMaker) ;
125 fRecPartBranch="" ;
126 fPID = new AliPHOSPIDv1(fHeaderFileName.Data(),fRecPartBranch.Data()) ;
127 Add(fPID) ;
129 fIsInitialized = kTRUE ;
a4e98857 133void AliPHOSReconstructioner::Exec(Option_t *option)
7acf6008 135 //chesk, if the names of branches, which should be made conicide with already
136 //existing
137 if(!fIsInitialized)
138 Init() ;
140 gAlice->GetEvent(0) ;
142 if(fSDigitizer->IsActive()&& gAlice->TreeS()){ //Will produce SDigits
144 TBranch * sdigitsBranch = 0;
145 TBranch * sdigitizerBranch = 0;
147 TObjArray * branches = gAlice->TreeS()->GetListOfBranches() ;
148 Int_t ibranch;
149 Bool_t phosNotFound = kTRUE ;
150 Bool_t sdigitizerNotFound = kTRUE ;
152 for(ibranch = 0;ibranch <branches->GetEntries();ibranch++){
153 if(phosNotFound){
154 sdigitsBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ;
155 if(( strcmp("PHOS",sdigitsBranch->GetName())==0 ) &&
156 (fSDigitsBranch.CompareTo(sdigitsBranch->GetTitle())== 0 ))
157 phosNotFound = kFALSE ;
158 }
159 if(sdigitizerNotFound){
160 sdigitizerBranch = (TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ;
161 if(( strcmp(sdigitizerBranch->GetName(),"AliPHOSSDigitizer") == 0) &&
162 (fSDigitsBranch.CompareTo(sdigitizerBranch->GetTitle())== 0 ) )
163 sdigitizerNotFound = kFALSE ;
164 }
165 }
167 if(!(sdigitizerNotFound && phosNotFound)){
168 cout << "AliPHOSReconstructioner error: "<< endl ;
169 cout << " Branches ''PHOS'' or ''AliPHOSSDigitizer'' with title ``" << fSDigitsBranch.Data() << "''" << endl ;
170 cout << " already exist in TreeS. ROOT does not allow updating/overwriting." << endl ;
171 cout << " Specify another title for branches or use ''StartFrom()'' method" << endl ;
173 //mark all tasks as inactive
174 TIter next(fTasks);
175 TTask *task;
176 while((task=(TTask*)next()))
177 task->SetActive(kFALSE) ;
179 return ;
180 }
2131115b 181 }
59cd4405 182
7acf6008 183 if(fDigitizer->IsActive() && gAlice->TreeD()){ //Will produce Digits
184 TBranch * digitsBranch = 0;
185 TBranch * digitizerBranch = 0;
187 TObjArray * branches = gAlice->TreeD()->GetListOfBranches() ;
188 Int_t ibranch;
189 Bool_t phosNotFound = kTRUE ;
190 Bool_t digitizerNotFound = kTRUE ;
192 for(ibranch = 0;ibranch <branches->GetEntries();ibranch++){
193 if(phosNotFound){
194 digitsBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ;
195 if(( strcmp("PHOS",digitsBranch->GetName())==0 ) &&
196 (fDigitsBranch.CompareTo(digitsBranch->GetTitle())== 0 ))
197 phosNotFound = kFALSE ;
198 }
199 if(digitizerNotFound){
200 digitizerBranch = (TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ;
201 if(( strcmp(digitizerBranch->GetName(),"AliPHOSDigitizer") == 0) &&
202 (fDigitsBranch.CompareTo(digitizerBranch->GetTitle())== 0 ) )
203 digitizerNotFound = kFALSE ;
204 }
364de5c6 205 }
2aad621e 206
7acf6008 207 if(!(digitizerNotFound && phosNotFound)){
208 cout << "AliPHOSReconstructioner error: "<< endl ;
209 cout << " Branches ''PHOS'' or ''AliPHOSDigitizer'' with title ``" << fDigitsBranch.Data() << "''" << endl ;
210 cout << " already exist in TreeD. ROOT does not allow updating/overwriting." << endl ;
211 cout << " Specify another title for branches or use ''StartFrom()'' method" << endl ;
213 //mark all tasks as inactive
214 TIter next(fTasks);
215 TTask *task;
216 while((task=(TTask*)next()))
217 task->SetActive(kFALSE) ;
219 return ;
220 }
2aad621e 221 }
364de5c6 222
7acf6008 223 if(fClusterizer->IsActive() && gAlice->TreeR()){ //Will produce RecPoints
224 TBranch * emcBranch = 0;
225 TBranch * cpvBranch = 0;
226 TBranch * clusterizerBranch = 0;
228 TObjArray * branches = gAlice->TreeR()->GetListOfBranches() ;
229 Int_t ibranch;
230 Bool_t emcNotFound = kTRUE ;
231 Bool_t cpvNotFound = kTRUE ;
232 Bool_t clusterizerNotFound = kTRUE ;
234 for(ibranch = 0;ibranch <branches->GetEntries();ibranch++){
236 if(emcNotFound){
237 emcBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ;
238 if(fRecPointBranch.CompareTo(emcBranch->GetTitle())==0 )
239 if( strcmp(emcBranch->GetName(),"PHOSEmcRP") == 0)
240 emcNotFound = kFALSE ;
241 }
242 if(cpvNotFound){
243 cpvBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ;
244 if(fRecPointBranch.CompareTo(cpvBranch->GetTitle())==0 )
245 if( strcmp(cpvBranch->GetName(),"PHOSCpvRP") == 0)
246 cpvNotFound = kFALSE ;
247 }
248 if(clusterizerNotFound){
249 clusterizerBranch = (TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ;
250 if( fRecPointBranch.CompareTo(clusterizerBranch->GetTitle()) == 0)
251 if( strcmp(clusterizerBranch->GetName(),"AliPHOSClusterizer") == 0)
252 clusterizerNotFound = kFALSE ;
253 }
254 }
6ad0bfa0 255
7acf6008 256 if(!(clusterizerNotFound && emcNotFound && cpvNotFound)){
257 cout << "AliPHOSReconstructioner error: "<< endl ;
258 cout << " Branches ''PHOSEmcRP'', ''PHOSCpvRP'' or ''AliPHOSClusterizer'' with title ``"
259 << fRecPointBranch.Data() << "''" << endl ;
260 cout << " already exist in TreeR. ROOT does not allow updating/overwriting." << endl ;
261 cout << " Specify another title for branches or use ''StartFrom()'' method" << endl ;
263 //mark all tasks as inactive
264 TIter next(fTasks);
265 TTask *task;
266 while((task=(TTask*)next()))
267 task->SetActive(kFALSE) ;
268 return ;
269 }
031f0861 270 }
2aad621e 271
7acf6008 272 if(fTSMaker->IsActive() && gAlice->TreeR()){ //Produce TrackSegments
274 TBranch * tsMakerBranch = 0;
275 TBranch * tsBranch = 0;
277 TObjArray * branches = gAlice->TreeR()->GetListOfBranches() ;
278 Int_t ibranch;
279 Bool_t tsMakerNotFound = kTRUE ;
280 Bool_t tsNotFound = kTRUE ;
282 for(ibranch = 0;(ibranch <branches->GetEntries())&&(tsMakerNotFound||tsNotFound);ibranch++){
283 if(tsMakerNotFound){
284 tsMakerBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ;
285 if( fTSBranch.CompareTo(tsMakerBranch->GetTitle())==0 )
286 if( strcmp(tsMakerBranch->GetName(),"AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker") == 0)
287 tsMakerNotFound = kFALSE ;
288 }
289 if(tsNotFound){
290 tsBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ;
291 if( fTSBranch.CompareTo(tsBranch->GetTitle())==0 )
292 if( strcmp(tsBranch->GetName(),"PHOSTS") == 0)
293 tsNotFound = kFALSE ;
294 }
51926850 295 }
7acf6008 296
297 if(!(tsMakerNotFound &&tsNotFound) ){
298 cout << "AliPHOSReconstructioner error: "<< endl ;
299 cout << " Branches ''PHOSTS'' or ''AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker'' with title ``"
300 << fTSBranch.Data() << "''" << endl ;
301 cout << " already exist in TreeR. ROOT does not allow updating/overwriting." << endl ;
302 cout << " Specify another title for branches or use ''StartFrom()'' method" << endl ;
304 //mark all tasks as inactive
305 TIter next(fTasks);
306 TTask *task;
307 while((task=(TTask*)next()))
308 task->SetActive(kFALSE) ;
309 return ;
2aad621e 310
51926850 311 }
7acf6008 312
83974468 313 }
7acf6008 314
315 if(fPID->IsActive() && gAlice->TreeR()){ //Produce RecParticles
316 TBranch * pidBranch = 0;
317 TBranch * rpBranch = 0;
2aad621e 318
7acf6008 319 TObjArray * branches = gAlice->TreeR()->GetListOfBranches() ;
320 Int_t ibranch;
321 Bool_t pidNotFound = kTRUE ;
322 Bool_t rpNotFound = kTRUE ;
324 for(ibranch = 0;(ibranch <branches->GetEntries()) && pidNotFound && rpNotFound ;ibranch++){
325 if(pidNotFound){
326 pidBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ;
327 if( (strcmp(fRecPartBranch,pidBranch->GetTitle())==0 ) &&
328 (strcmp(pidBranch->GetName(),"AliPHOSPID") == 0) )
329 pidNotFound = kFALSE ;
330 }
331 if(rpNotFound){
332 rpBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ;
333 if( (strcmp(fRecPartBranch,rpBranch->GetTitle())==0 ) &&
334 (strcmp(rpBranch->GetName(),"PHOSRP") == 0) )
335 rpNotFound = kFALSE ;
336 }
337 }
339 if(!pidNotFound || !rpNotFound ){
340 cout << "AliPHOSReconstructioner error: "<< endl ;
341 cout << " Branches ''PHOSRP'' or ''AliPHOSPID'' with title ``"
342 << fRecPartBranch.Data() << "''" << endl ;
343 cout << " already exist in TreeR. ROOT does not allow updating/overwriting." << endl ;
344 cout << " Specify another title for branches." << endl ;
346 //mark all tasks as inactive
347 TIter next(fTasks);
348 TTask *task;
349 while((task=(TTask*)next()))
350 task->SetActive(kFALSE) ;
351 return ;
2aad621e 352 }
031f0861 354 }
7acf6008 355}
357 void AliPHOSReconstructioner::Init()
a4e98857 359 // initiliaze Reconstructioner if necessary: we can not do this in default constructor
7acf6008 360
361 if(!fIsInitialized){
362 // Initialisation
364 fSDigitsBranch="" ;
365 fSDigitizer = new AliPHOSSDigitizer(fHeaderFileName.Data(),fSDigitsBranch.Data()) ;
366 Add(fSDigitizer) ;
368 fDigitsBranch="" ;
369 fDigitizer = new AliPHOSDigitizer(fHeaderFileName.Data(),fDigitsBranch.Data()) ;
370 Add(fDigitizer) ;
372 fRecPointBranch="" ;
373 fClusterizer = new AliPHOSClusterizerv1(fHeaderFileName.Data(),fRecPointBranch.Data()) ;
374 Add(fClusterizer) ;
376 fTSBranch="" ;
377 fTSMaker = new AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1(fHeaderFileName.Data(),fTSBranch.Data()) ;
378 Add(fTSMaker) ;
381 fRecPartBranch="" ;
382 fPID = new AliPHOSPIDv1(fHeaderFileName.Data(),fRecPartBranch.Data()) ;
383 Add(fPID) ;
385 fIsInitialized = kTRUE ;
386 }
baef0810 391 // Delete data members if any
7acf6008 393 if(fSDigitizer)
394 delete fSDigitizer ;
83974468 395
7acf6008 396 if(fDigitizer)
397 delete fDigitizer ;
399 if(fClusterizer)
400 delete fClusterizer ;
402 if(fTSMaker)
403 delete fTSMaker ;
405 if(fPID)
406 delete fPID ;
2bd5457f 407
408// TFile * file = (TFile*) gROOT->GetFile(fHeaderFileName.Data()) ;
410// if(file != 0) {
411// file->Close();
412// delete file;
413// printf("File %s is closed\n",fHeaderFileName.Data());
414// }
7acf6008 416}
baef0810 418void AliPHOSReconstructioner::SetBranchTitle(const char* branch, const char * title)
7acf6008 420 //Diverge correcpoinding branch to the file "title"
422 if(strcmp(branch,"SDigits") == 0){
423 fSDigitizer->SetSDigitsBranch(title) ;
424 fDigitizer->SetSDigitsBranch(title) ;
425 fSDigitsBranch = title ;
426 return ;
2aad621e 427 }
7acf6008 428
429 if(strcmp(branch,"Digits") == 0){
7b7c1533 430 fDigitizer->SetName(title) ;
431 fClusterizer->SetName(title) ;
7acf6008 432 fDigitsBranch = title ;
433 return ;
434 }
436 if(strcmp(branch,"RecPoints") == 0){
437 fClusterizer->SetRecPointsBranch(title) ;
438 fTSMaker->SetRecPointsBranch(title) ;
439 fRecPointBranch = title ;
440 return ;
441 }
443 if(strcmp(branch,"TrackSegments") == 0){
444 fTSMaker->SetTrackSegmentsBranch(title) ;
445 fPID->SetTrackSegmentsBranch(title) ;
446 fTSBranch = title ;
447 return ;
448 }
450 if(strcmp(branch,"RecParticles") == 0){
451 fPID->SetRecParticlesBranch(title) ;
452 fRecPartBranch = title ;
453 return ;
454 }
456 cout << "There is no branch " << branch << "!"<< endl ;
457 cout << "Available branches `SDigits', `Digits', `RecPoints', `TrackSegments' and `RecParticles' " << endl ;
a4e98857 461void AliPHOSReconstructioner::StartFrom(char * module,char* title)
9a6ec61a 463 // in the next pass of reconstruction (call ExecuteTask()) reconstruction will
a4e98857 464 // start from the module "module", and in the case of non zero title all
465 // pruduced branches will have title "title". The following "modules" are recognized
9a6ec61a 466 // "SD" - AliPHOSSDigitizer,
467 // "D" - AliPHOSDigitizer
468 // "C" - AliPHOSClusterizer
469 // "TS" - AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker
470 // "RP" - AliPHOSPID
7acf6008 471
472 if(!fIsInitialized)
9a6ec61a 473 Init() ;
475 char * moduleName = new char[30];
476 if(strstr(module,"SD"))
477 sprintf(moduleName,"AliPHOSSDigitizer") ;
478 else
479 if(strstr(module,"D") )
480 sprintf(moduleName,"AliPHOSDigitizer") ;
481 else
482 if(strstr(module,"C") || strstr(module,"RecPoint") )
483 sprintf(moduleName,"AliPHOSClusterizer") ;
484 else
485 if(strstr(module,"TS") || strstr(module,"Track") )
486 sprintf(moduleName,"AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker") ;
487 else
488 if(strstr(module,"PID") || strstr(module,"Particle") || strstr(module,"RP") )
489 sprintf(moduleName,"AliPHOSPID") ;
490 else{
491 cout << "Do not know such a module / Rec Object " << endl;
492 return ;
493 }
7acf6008 495 TIter next(fTasks);
496 TTask *task;
497 Bool_t active = kFALSE ;
498 while((task=(TTask*)next())){
9a6ec61a 499 if (strcmp(moduleName,task->GetName())==0)
7acf6008 500 active = kTRUE;
501 task->SetActive(active) ;
9a6ec61a 502 if(active && title){ // set title to branches
503 switch(strlen(task->GetName()) ) {
504 case 17: // "AliPHOSSDigitizer"
505 fSDigitizer->SetSDigitsBranch(title) ;
506 fDigitizer->SetSDigitsBranch(title) ;
507 fSDigitsBranch = title ;
508 break ;
509 case 16: //"AliPHOSDigitizer"
7b7c1533 510 fDigitizer->SetName(title) ;
511 fClusterizer->SetName(title) ;
9a6ec61a 512 fDigitsBranch = title ;
513 break ;
514 case 18: //"AliPHOSClusterizer"
515 fClusterizer->SetRecPointsBranch(title) ;
516 fTSMaker->SetRecPointsBranch(title) ;
517 fRecPointBranch = title ;
518 break ;
519 case 24: //"AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker"
520 fTSMaker->SetTrackSegmentsBranch(title) ;
521 fPID->SetTrackSegmentsBranch(title) ;
522 fTSBranch = title ;
523 break ;
524 case 10: // "AliPHOSPID"
525 fPID->SetRecParticlesBranch(title) ;
526 fRecPartBranch = title ;
527 break ;
528 }
530 }
7acf6008 531 }
9a6ec61a 532
533 delete moduleName;
7acf6008 534}
7acf6008 535//____________________________________________________________________________
baef0810 536
537void AliPHOSReconstructioner::Print(Option_t * option)const {
538 // Print reconstructioner data
7acf6008 540 cout << "-----------------AliPHOSReconstructioner---------------" << endl ;
541 cout << " Reconstruction of the header file " <<fHeaderFileName.Data() << endl ;
542 cout << " with the following modules: " << endl ;
544 if(fSDigitizer->IsActive()){
545 cout << " (+) " << fSDigitizer->GetName() << " to branch : " << fSDigitsBranch.Data() << endl ;
546 cout << endl ;
547 }
548 if(fDigitizer->IsActive()){
549 cout << " (+) " << fDigitizer->GetName() << " to branch : " << fDigitsBranch.Data() << endl ;
550 cout << endl ;
551 }
553 if(fClusterizer->IsActive()){
554 cout << " (+) " <<fClusterizer->GetName() << " to branch : " <<fRecPointBranch.Data() << endl ;
555 cout << endl ;
556 }
558 if(fTSMaker->IsActive()){
559 cout << " (+) " << fTSMaker->GetName() << " to branch : " << fTSBranch.Data() << endl ;
560 cout << endl ;
561 }
564 if(fPID->IsActive()){
565 cout << " (+) " << fPID->GetName() << " to branch : " <<fRecPartBranch.Data() << endl ;
566 cout << endl ;
567 }
2aad621e 569
51926850 570}