]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PHOS/macros/RawProcessing/PedAmp.C
Wrong mag field signs convention in the online GRP retrieval.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PHOS / macros / RawProcessing / PedAmp.C
03b71a7c 1#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
2#include "AliRawReaderRoot.h"
3#include "AliCaloRawStream.h"
4#include "TString.h"
5#include "TH2F.h"
6#include "TH1S.h"
7#include "TFile.h"
8#include "TStopwatch.h"
9#include "iostream.h"
13/* $Id$ */
15void PedAmp(const char *rawFile, const Int_t debug=0)
17 // Read raw data, decode it to samples,
18 // calculate pedestals from presamples,
19 // evaluate the signal amplitude as a maximum sample,
20 // and fill histograms with pedestals and amplitudes
21 // This script should be compiled to speed up the data processing:
22 // .L PedAmp.C++
23 //___
24 // Yuri Kharlov. 6 September 2007
26 TStopwatch stopwatch;
27 stopwatch.Start();
29 AliRawReaderRoot* rf = new AliRawReaderRoot(rawFile);
30 AliCaloRawStream in(rf,"PHOS");
31 in.SetOldRCUFormat(kTRUE);
32 const Int_t nPresample = 10;
34 TString baseNamePed ="hPed";
35 TString baseTitlePed="Ped in cell (";
36 TString baseNameLed ="hLED";
37 TString baseTitleLed="LED in cell (";
38 const char* sgain[2]={"high","low"};
40 const Int_t gainMax=2,modMax=5,colMax=56,rowMax=64;
41 TH1F *hPed[2][56][64];
42 TH1F *hLed[2][56][64];
43 for (Int_t gain=0; gain<gainMax; gain++) {
44 for (Int_t mod=0; mod<modMax; mod++) {
45 for (Int_t col=0; col<colMax; col++) {
46 for (Int_t row=0; row<rowMax; row++) {
47 hPed[gain][col][row] = 0;
48 hLed[gain][col][row] = 0;
49 }
50 }
51 }
52 }
53 TH1F *hPedHiMean1 = new TH1F("hPedHiMean1","Mean pedestals, high gain" ,100,0.,100.);
54 TH1F *hPedHiRMS1 = new TH1F("hPedHiRMS1" ,"RMS pedestals, high gain" ,100,0.,50.);
55 TH1F *hPedLoMean1 = new TH1F("hPedLoMean1","Mean pedestals, low gain" ,100,0.,100.);
56 TH1F *hPedLoRMS1 = new TH1F("hPedLoRMS1" ,"RMS pedestals, low gain" ,100,0.,50.);
57 hPedHiMean1->Sumw2();
58 hPedHiRMS1 ->Sumw2();
59 hPedLoMean1->Sumw2();
60 hPedLoRMS1 ->Sumw2();
62 TH2F *hPedHiMean = new TH2F("hPedHiMean","Mean pedestals, high gain",
63 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
64 TH2F *hPedHiRMS = new TH2F("hPedHiRMS" ,"R.M.S. of pedestals, high gain",
65 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
66 TH2F *hPedHiNum = new TH2F("hPedHiNum" ,"Number of pedestals, high gain",
67 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
68 TH2F *hPedLoMean = new TH2F("hPedLoMean","Mean pedestals, low gain",
69 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
70 TH2F *hPedLoRMS = new TH2F("hPedLoRMS" ,"R.M.S. of pedestals, low gain",
71 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
72 TH2F *hPedLoNum = new TH2F("hPedLoNum" ,"Number of pedestals, low gain",
73 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
75 TH2F *hLedHiMean = new TH2F("hLedHiMean","Mean LED, high gain",
76 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
77 TH2F *hLedHiRMS = new TH2F("hLedHiRMS" ,"R.M.S. of LED, high gain",
78 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
79 TH2F *hLedHiNum = new TH2F("hLedHiNum" ,"Number of LED, high gain",
80 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
81 TH2F *hLedLoMean = new TH2F("hLedLoMean","Mean LED, low gain",
82 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
83 TH2F *hLedLoRMS = new TH2F("hLedLoRMS" ,"R.M.S. of LED, low gain",
84 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
85 TH2F *hLedLoNum = new TH2F("hLedLoNum" ,"Number of LED, low gain",
86 rowMax,0.,rowMax, colMax,0.,colMax);
88 Int_t iEvent=0;
89 Int_t iBin=0;
90 Int_t gain=-1,mod=-1,col=-1,row=-1;
91 Int_t runNum = 0;
92 Double_t maxAmp = 0;
93// Double_t meanPed,rmsPed;
94 Float_t pedMean = 0;
95 Int_t nPed = 0;
96 while (rf->NextEvent()) {
97 cout << "\n\n\tEvent "<< iEvent << " of type " << rf->GetType() << endl;
98 runNum = rf->GetRunNumber();
99 while ( in.Next() ) {
100 if (!in.IsNewHWAddress() && debug > 1) {
101 cout << " time=" << in.GetTime() << "/"<< in.GetTimeLength()
102 << " amp=" << in.GetSignal() <<endl;
103 }
104 if (in.IsNewHWAddress()) {
105 iBin = 0;
106 if (gain!=-1 && col!=-1 && row!=-1) {
107 if (nPed < 1) continue;
108 maxAmp -= (Double_t)(pedMean/nPed); // "pedestal subtraction"
109 if (maxAmp > 5) hLed[gain][col][row]->Fill(maxAmp);
110 }
111 maxAmp = 0;
112 pedMean = 0;
113 nPed = 0;
114 gain = in.IsLowGain(); // 0-high, 1-low
115 mod = in.GetModule();
116 col = in.GetColumn();
117 row = in.GetRow();
118 if (debug > 0) {
119 cout << "\n\tNew HW address: "<<in.GetHWAddress()
120 << ", gain="<< gain
121 << ", module="<<mod
122 << ", xz=("<<col<<","<<row<<")"<< endl;
123 }
125 // Create a new histo for the new cell, if it does not exist yet
126 if (!hPed[gain][col][row]) {
127 TString name = baseNamePed;
128 TString title = baseTitlePed;
129 name +="_g"; name +=gain;
130 name +="_m"; name +=mod;
131 name +="_z"; name +=col;
132 name +="_x"; name +=row;
134 title +=mod; title +=",";
135 title +=col; title +=",";
136 title +=row; title +="), ";
137 title +=sgain[gain]; title +=" gain";
139 hPed[gain][col][row] = new TH1F(name,title,100,0.,100.);
140 hPed[gain][col][row]->Sumw2();
141 hPed[gain][col][row]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
142 hPed[gain][col][row]->SetOption("eph");
143 }
144 if (!hLed[gain][col][row]) {
145 TString name = baseNameLed;
146 TString title = baseTitleLed;
147 name +="_g"; name +=gain;
148 name +="_m"; name +=mod;
149 name +="_z"; name +=col;
150 name +="_x"; name +=row;
152 title +=mod; title +=",";
153 title +=col; title +=",";
154 title +=row; title +="), ";
155 title +=sgain[gain]; title +=" gain";
157 hLed[gain][col][row] = new TH1F(name,title,1023,0.,1023.);
158 hLed[gain][col][row]->Sumw2();
159 hLed[gain][col][row]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
160 hLed[gain][col][row]->SetOption("eph");
161 }
162 }
164 iBin++;
165 // Assume that first nPresample are pedestals
166 if (in.GetTimeLength()-iBin < nPresample) {
167 hPed[gain][col][row]->Fill(in.GetSignal());
168 pedMean += in.GetSignal();
169 nPed++;
170 }
171 if (in.GetSignal() > maxAmp) maxAmp = in.GetSignal();
172 } // end of next signal
173 iEvent++;
174 } // end of next event
176 // Fill 2-dim histograms for mean, rms and n pedestals
178 gain = 0;
179 for (Int_t col=0; col<colMax; col++) {
180 for (Int_t row=0; row<rowMax; row++) {
181 if (hPed[gain][col][row] != 0) {
182 hPedHiMean1->Fill( hPed[gain][col][row]->GetMean());
183 hPedHiRMS1 ->Fill( hPed[gain][col][row]->GetRMS() );
184 hPedHiMean ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hPed[gain][col][row]->GetMean() );
185 hPedHiRMS ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hPed[gain][col][row]->GetRMS() );
186 hPedHiNum ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hPed[gain][col][row]->GetEntries() );
187 }
188 if (hLed[gain][col][row] != 0) {
189 hLedHiMean ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hLed[gain][col][row]->GetMean() );
190 hLedHiRMS ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hLed[gain][col][row]->GetRMS() );
191 hLedHiNum ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hLed[gain][col][row]->GetEntries() );
192 }
193 }
194 }
195 gain = 1;
196 for (Int_t col=0; col<colMax; col++) {
197 for (Int_t row=0; row<rowMax; row++) {
198 if (hPed[gain][col][row] != 0) {
199 hPedLoMean1->Fill( hPed[gain][col][row]->GetMean());
200 hPedLoRMS1 ->Fill( hPed[gain][col][row]->GetRMS() );
201 hPedLoMean ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hPed[gain][col][row]->GetMean() );
202 hPedLoRMS ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hPed[gain][col][row]->GetRMS() );
203 hPedLoNum ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hPed[gain][col][row]->GetEntries() );
204 }
205 if (hLed[gain][col][row] != 0) {
206 hLedLoMean ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hLed[gain][col][row]->GetMean() );
207 hLedLoRMS ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hLed[gain][col][row]->GetRMS() );
208 hLedLoNum ->Fill( (Double_t)row, (Double_t)col, hLed[gain][col][row]->GetEntries() );
209 }
210 }
211 }
213 // Write existing histograms to a root file
215 TString fileName = "ped";
216 fileName += runNum;
217 fileName += ".root";
218 TFile *file = new TFile(fileName,"RECREATE");
220 for (Int_t gain=0; gain<gainMax; gain++) {
221 for (Int_t col=0; col<colMax; col++) {
222 for (Int_t row=0; row<rowMax; row++) {
223 if (hPed[gain][col][row] != 0)
224 hPed[gain][col][row]->Write();
225 if (hLed[gain][col][row] != 0)
226 hLed[gain][col][row]->Write();
227 }
228 }
229 }
230 hPedHiMean1->Write();
231 hPedHiRMS1 ->Write();
232 hPedLoMean1->Write();
233 hPedLoRMS1 ->Write();
234 hPedHiMean ->Write();
235 hPedHiRMS ->Write();
236 hPedHiNum ->Write();
237 hPedLoMean ->Write();
238 hPedLoRMS ->Write();
239 hPedLoNum ->Write();
241 hLedHiMean ->Write();
242 hLedHiRMS ->Write();
243 hLedHiNum ->Write();
244 hLedLoMean ->Write();
245 hLedLoRMS ->Write();
246 hLedLoNum ->Write();
248 file->Close();
249 stopwatch.Print();