]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PMD/AliPMDDDLRawData.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PMD / AliPMDDDLRawData.cxx
28328eeb 1/***************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16#include <Riostream.h>
17#include <TClonesArray.h>
18#include <TTree.h>
19#include <TBranch.h>
20#include <TMath.h>
95ec17e6 21#include <TString.h>
22#include <TSystem.h>
28328eeb 23
ecee2a1a 24#include "AliLog.h"
f7ee745b 25#include "AliRawDataHeaderSim.h"
cff75ba7 26#include "AliBitPacking.h"
28328eeb 27#include "AliPMDdigit.h"
0a666212 28#include "AliPMDBlockHeader.h"
29#include "AliPMDDspHeader.h"
30#include "AliPMDPatchBusHeader.h"
a4e4efaa 31#include "AliPMDRawStream.h"
28328eeb 32#include "AliPMDDDLRawData.h"
362c9d61 33#include "AliDAQ.h"
08f92f14 34#include "AliFstream.h"
28328eeb 35
39 fDigits(new TClonesArray("AliPMDdigit", 1000))
41 // Default Constructor
42 //
a4e4efaa 43
28328eeb 44}
a48edddd 45//____________________________________________________________________________
46AliPMDDDLRawData::AliPMDDDLRawData(const AliPMDDDLRawData& ddlraw):
47 TObject(ddlraw),
48 fDigits(ddlraw.fDigits)
50 //Copy Constructor
53AliPMDDDLRawData & AliPMDDDLRawData::operator=(const AliPMDDDLRawData& ddlraw)
55 //Assignment operator
56 if(this != &ddlraw)
57 {
58 fDigits = ddlraw.fDigits;
59 }
60 return *this;
28328eeb 62//____________________________________________________________________________
66 // Default Destructor
67 //
a4e4efaa 72void AliPMDDDLRawData::WritePMDRawData(TTree *treeD)
28328eeb 73{
74 // write digits into raw data format
08f92f14 76 AliFstream *outfile;
28328eeb 77
78 TBranch *branch = treeD->GetBranch("PMDDigit");
ecee2a1a 79 if (!branch)
80 {
81 AliError("PMD Digit branch not found");
82 return;
83 }
28328eeb 84 branch->SetAddress(&fDigits);
ecee2a1a 86 Int_t nmodules = (Int_t) treeD->GetEntries();
87 AliDebug(1,Form("Number of modules inside treeD = %d",nmodules));
28328eeb 88
362c9d61 89 const Int_t kDDL = AliDAQ::NumberOfDdls("PMD");
28328eeb 90 Int_t modulePerDDL = 0;
f7ee745b 93 AliRawDataHeaderSim header;
28328eeb 94 UInt_t sizeRawData = 0;
95ec17e6 95
40f4a63f 96 const Int_t kbusSize = 51;
95ec17e6 97 const Int_t kSize = 1536;
28328eeb 98 UInt_t buffer[kSize];
40f4a63f 100 UInt_t busPatch[kbusSize][1536];
95ec17e6 101
40f4a63f 102 Int_t contentsBus[kbusSize];
95ec17e6 103
28328eeb 104 Char_t filename[80];
95ec17e6 106
28328eeb 107 Int_t mmodule = 0;
108 for(Int_t iddl = 0; iddl < kDDL; iddl++)
109 {
362c9d61 110 strcpy(filename,AliDAQ::DdlFileName("PMD",iddl));
08f92f14 111
112 outfile = new AliFstream(filename);
28328eeb 113
114 if (iddl < 4)
115 {
116 modulePerDDL = 6;
117 mmodule = 6*iddl;
28328eeb 118 }
119 else if (iddl == 4)
120 {
121 modulePerDDL = 12;
122 mmodule = 24;
28328eeb 123 }
124 else if (iddl == 5)
125 {
126 modulePerDDL = 12;
a4e4efaa 127 mmodule = 30;
28328eeb 128 }
28328eeb 130
95ec17e6 131
a4e4efaa 132 // Write the Dummy Data Header into the file
08f92f14 133 Int_t bHPosition = outfile->Tellp();
134 outfile->WriteBuffer((char*)(&header),sizeof(header));
28328eeb 135
40f4a63f 136 for (Int_t ibus = 0; ibus < kbusSize; ibus++)
95ec17e6 137 {
138 contentsBus[ibus] = 0;
40f4a63f 139 for (Int_t ich = 0; ich < kSize; ich++)
95ec17e6 140 {
141 busPatch[ibus][ich] = 0;
142 }
143 }
28328eeb 144
145 for(Int_t ium = 0; ium < modulePerDDL; ium++)
146 {
95ec17e6 147 if (iddl == 4 && ium == 6) mmodule = 42;
a4e4efaa 148
28328eeb 149 // Extract energy deposition per cell and pack it
150 // in a 32-bit word and returns all the total words
151 // per one unit-module
95ec17e6 153 GetUMDigitsData(treeD, mmodule, iddl, contentsBus, busPatch);
28328eeb 154 mmodule++;
95ec17e6 155 }
28328eeb 156
95ec17e6 157
159 Int_t ij = 0;
160 Int_t dsp[10];
161 Int_t dspBus[10];
162 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)
163 {
164 dsp[i] = 0;
165 dspBus[i] = 0;
166 for (Int_t ibus=0; ibus < 5; ibus++)
167 {
40f4a63f 168 ij++;
95ec17e6 169 if (contentsBus[ij] > 0)
170 {
171 dsp[i] += contentsBus[ij];
95ec17e6 172 }
080bdcd5 173 dspBus[i]++;
95ec17e6 174 }
175 // Add the patch Bus header to the DSP contents
176 dsp[i] += 4*dspBus[i];
177 }
0a666212 179 Int_t dspBlockARDL = 0;
180 Int_t dspBlockBRDL = 0;
722ccc67 181 Int_t remainder = 0;
0a666212 183
95ec17e6 184 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
185 {
186 Int_t ieven = 2*i;
187 Int_t iodd = 2*i + 1;
188 if (dsp[ieven] > 0)
189 {
190 dspBlockARDL += dsp[ieven];
722ccc67 191 remainder = dsp[ieven]%2;
0a666212 192 if (remainder == 1)
193 {
194 dspBlockARDL++;
195 }
95ec17e6 196 }
197 if (dsp[iodd] > 0)
198 {
199 dspBlockBRDL += dsp[iodd];
722ccc67 200 remainder = dsp[iodd]%2;
0a666212 201 if (remainder == 1)
202 {
722ccc67 203 dspBlockBRDL++;
0a666212 204 }
95ec17e6 205 }
28328eeb 206 }
722ccc67 207
91e6e2a0 208 dspBlockARDL += 50;
209 dspBlockBRDL += 50;
95ec17e6 211 // Start writing the DDL file
0a666212 212
213 AliPMDBlockHeader blHeader;
214 AliPMDDspHeader dspHeader;
215 AliPMDPatchBusHeader pbusHeader;
217 const Int_t kblHLen = blHeader.GetHeaderLength();
218 const Int_t kdspHLen = dspHeader.GetHeaderLength();
219 const Int_t kpbusHLen = pbusHeader.GetHeaderLength();
95ec17e6 221 UInt_t dspRDL = 0;
0a666212 222 UInt_t dspBlockHeaderWord[8];
223 UInt_t dspHeaderWord[10];
224 UInt_t patchBusHeaderWord[4];
40f4a63f 225 Int_t iskip[5];
722ccc67 226 UInt_t ddlEndWord[2] = {0xDEADFACE, 0xDEADFACE};
91e6e2a0 228 Int_t bknJunk = 0;
95ec17e6 231 for (Int_t iblock = 0; iblock < 2; iblock++)
232 {
233 // DSP Block Header
0a666212 235 for (Int_t i=0; i<kblHLen; i++)
95ec17e6 236 {
0a666212 237 dspBlockHeaderWord[i] = 0;
238 }
239 if (iblock == 0)
240 {
241 dspBlockHeaderWord[1] = (UInt_t) (dspBlockARDL + kblHLen);
242 dspBlockHeaderWord[2] = (UInt_t) dspBlockARDL;
243 }
244 else if (iblock == 1)
245 {
246 dspBlockHeaderWord[1] = (UInt_t) (dspBlockBRDL + kblHLen);
247 dspBlockHeaderWord[2] = (UInt_t) dspBlockBRDL;
95ec17e6 248 }
08f92f14 250 outfile->WriteBuffer((char*)dspBlockHeaderWord,kblHLen*sizeof(UInt_t));
95ec17e6 251
252 if (iblock == 0)
253 {
254 iskip[0] = 0;
255 iskip[1] = 10;
256 iskip[2] = 20;
257 iskip[3] = 30;
258 iskip[4] = 40;
259 }
260 else if (iblock == 1)
261 {
262 iskip[0] = 5;
263 iskip[1] = 15;
264 iskip[2] = 25;
265 iskip[3] = 35;
266 iskip[4] = 45;
267 }
28328eeb 268
95ec17e6 269 for (Int_t idsp = 0; idsp < 5; idsp++)
270 {
271 // DSP Header
272 Int_t dspno = 0;
273 if (iblock == 0)
274 {
275 dspno = 2*idsp;
276 dspRDL = (UInt_t) dsp[dspno];
277 }
278 else if (iblock == 1)
279 {
280 dspno = 2*idsp + 1;
281 dspRDL = (UInt_t) dsp[dspno];
282 }
0a666212 284 for (Int_t i=0; i<kdspHLen; i++)
95ec17e6 285 {
0a666212 286 dspHeaderWord[i] = 0;
95ec17e6 287 }
722ccc67 288 remainder = dspRDL%2;
0a666212 289 if (remainder == 1) dspRDL++;
291 dspHeaderWord[1] = dspRDL + kdspHLen;
292 dspHeaderWord[2] = dspRDL;
293 dspHeaderWord[3] = dspno;
294 if (remainder == 1) dspHeaderWord[8] = 1; // setting the padding word
722ccc67 295
08f92f14 297 outfile->WriteBuffer((char*)dspHeaderWord,kdspHLen*sizeof(UInt_t));
0a666212 298
95ec17e6 299 for (Int_t ibus = 0; ibus < 5; ibus++)
300 {
301 // Patch Bus Header
722ccc67 302
40f4a63f 303 Int_t busno = iskip[idsp] + ibus + 1;
95ec17e6 304 Int_t patchbusRDL = contentsBus[busno];
0a666212 305
306 if (patchbusRDL > 0)
95ec17e6 307 {
0a666212 308 patchBusHeaderWord[0] = 0;
309 patchBusHeaderWord[1] = (UInt_t) (patchbusRDL + kpbusHLen);
310 patchBusHeaderWord[2] = (UInt_t) patchbusRDL;
311 patchBusHeaderWord[3] = (UInt_t) busno;
95ec17e6 312 }
0a666212 313 else if (patchbusRDL == 0)
314 {
315 patchBusHeaderWord[0] = 0;
316 patchBusHeaderWord[1] = (UInt_t) kpbusHLen;
317 patchBusHeaderWord[2] = (UInt_t) 0;
318 patchBusHeaderWord[3] = (UInt_t) busno;
319 }
08f92f14 322 outfile->WriteBuffer((char*)patchBusHeaderWord,4*sizeof(UInt_t));
95ec17e6 323
91e6e2a0 324 bknJunk += patchbusRDL;
95ec17e6 326 for (Int_t iword = 0; iword < patchbusRDL; iword++)
327 {
328 buffer[iword] = busPatch[busno][iword];
329 }
08f92f14 331 outfile->WriteBuffer((char*)buffer,patchbusRDL*sizeof(UInt_t));
0a666212 332
333 } // End of patch bus loop
336 // Adding a padding word if the total words odd
337 if (remainder == 1)
338 {
339 UInt_t paddingWord = dspHeader.GetDefaultPaddingWord();
08f92f14 340 outfile->WriteBuffer((char*)(&paddingWord),sizeof(UInt_t));
95ec17e6 341 }
342 }
343 }
0a666212 344
722ccc67 345 // Write two extra word at the end of each DDL file
346 outfile->WriteBuffer((char*)ddlEndWord,2*sizeof(UInt_t));
a4e4efaa 348 // Write real data header
349 // take the pointer to the beginning of the data header
28328eeb 350 // write the total number of words per ddl and bring the
351 // pointer to the current file position and close it
08f92f14 352 UInt_t cFPosition = outfile->Tellp();
a4e4efaa 353 sizeRawData = cFPosition - bHPosition - sizeof(header);
95ec17e6 354
a4e4efaa 355 header.fSize = cFPosition - bHPosition;
356 header.SetAttribute(0); // valid data
08f92f14 357 outfile->Seekp(bHPosition);
358 outfile->WriteBuffer((char*)(&header),sizeof(header));
359 outfile->Seekp(cFPosition);
28328eeb 360
08f92f14 361 delete outfile;
28328eeb 362 } // DDL Loop over
95ec17e6 367void AliPMDDDLRawData::GetUMDigitsData(TTree *treeD, Int_t imodule,
368 Int_t ddlno, Int_t *contentsBus,
369 UInt_t busPatch[][1536])
28328eeb 370{
e54787da 371 // Retrives digits data UnitModule by UnitModule
93622f4a 372
cff75ba7 373 UInt_t baseword;
28328eeb 374 UInt_t mcmno, chno;
375 UInt_t adc;
28328eeb 376 Int_t det, smn, irow, icol;
a98f9d26 377 Int_t parity;
a0a6a406 378
40f4a63f 379 const Int_t kMaxBus = 51; // BKN
95ec17e6 380 Int_t totPatchBus, bPatchBus, ePatchBus;
381 Int_t ibus, totmcm, rows, cols, rowe, cole;
382 Int_t moduleno;
383 Int_t busno = 0;
384 Int_t patchBusNo[kMaxBus], mcmperBus[kMaxBus];
385 Int_t startRowBus[kMaxBus], startColBus[kMaxBus];
386 Int_t endRowBus[kMaxBus], endColBus[kMaxBus];
388 Int_t beginPatchBus = -1;
389 Int_t endPatchBus = -1;
390 for(Int_t i = 0; i < kMaxBus; i++)
391 {
392 patchBusNo[i] = -1;
393 mcmperBus[i] = -1;
394 startRowBus[i] = -1;
395 startColBus[i] = -1;
396 endRowBus[i] = -1;
397 endColBus[i] = -1;
398 }
399 Int_t modulePerDDL = 0;
400 if (ddlno < 4)
401 {
402 modulePerDDL = 6;
403 }
404 else if (ddlno == 4 || ddlno == 5)
405 {
406 modulePerDDL = 12;
407 }
95ec17e6 409 TString fileName(gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT"));
411 if(ddlno == 0)
412 {
413 fileName += "/PMD/PMD_Mapping_ddl0.dat";
414 }
415 else if(ddlno == 1)
416 {
417 fileName += "/PMD/PMD_Mapping_ddl1.dat";
418 }
419 else if(ddlno == 2)
420 {
421 fileName += "/PMD/PMD_Mapping_ddl2.dat";
422 }
423 else if(ddlno == 3)
424 {
425 fileName += "/PMD/PMD_Mapping_ddl3.dat";
426 }
427 else if(ddlno == 4)
428 {
429 fileName += "/PMD/PMD_Mapping_ddl4.dat";
430 }
431 else if(ddlno == 5)
432 {
433 fileName += "/PMD/PMD_Mapping_ddl5.dat";
434 }
436 ifstream infile;
437 infile.open(fileName.Data(), ios::in); // ascii file
438 if(!infile)
439 AliError(Form("Could not read the mapping file for DDL No = %d",ddlno));
441 for (Int_t im = 0; im < modulePerDDL; im++)
442 {
443 infile >> moduleno;
444 infile >> totPatchBus >> bPatchBus >> ePatchBus;
446 if (moduleno == imodule)
447 {
448 beginPatchBus = bPatchBus;
449 endPatchBus = ePatchBus;
450 }
452 for(Int_t i=0; i<totPatchBus; i++)
453 {
454 infile >> ibus >> totmcm >> rows >> rowe >> cols >> cole;
456 if (moduleno == imodule)
457 {
458 patchBusNo[ibus] = ibus;
459 mcmperBus[ibus] = totmcm;
460 startRowBus[ibus] = rows;
461 startColBus[ibus] = cols;
462 endRowBus[ibus] = rowe;
463 endColBus[ibus] = cole;
464 }
465 }
467 }
469 infile.close();
28328eeb 471 treeD->GetEntry(imodule);
472 Int_t nentries = fDigits->GetLast();
95ec17e6 473 Int_t totword = nentries+1;
28328eeb 474
0a666212 475 AliPMDdigit *pmddigit;
a48edddd 476
28328eeb 477 for (Int_t ient = 0; ient < totword; ient++)
478 {
0a666212 479 pmddigit = (AliPMDdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(ient);
28328eeb 480
0a666212 481 det = pmddigit->GetDetector();
482 smn = pmddigit->GetSMNumber();
483 irow = pmddigit->GetRow();
484 icol = pmddigit->GetColumn();
485 adc = (UInt_t) pmddigit->GetADC();
28328eeb 486
e54787da 487 TransformS2H(smn,irow,icol);
95ec17e6 488
40f4a63f 489 GetMCMCh(ddlno, smn, irow, icol, beginPatchBus, endPatchBus,
95ec17e6 490 mcmperBus, startRowBus, startColBus,
491 endRowBus, endColBus, busno, mcmno, chno);
28328eeb 492
28328eeb 493 baseword = 0;
cff75ba7 494 AliBitPacking::PackWord(adc,baseword,0,11);
495 AliBitPacking::PackWord(chno,baseword,12,17);
496 AliBitPacking::PackWord(mcmno,baseword,18,28);
497 AliBitPacking::PackWord(0,baseword,29,30);
a98f9d26 498 parity = ComputeParity(baseword); // generate the parity bit
499 AliBitPacking::PackWord(parity,baseword,31,31);
95ec17e6 500
501 Int_t jj = contentsBus[busno];
502 busPatch[busno][jj] = baseword;
504 contentsBus[busno]++;
28328eeb 505 }
e54787da 507}
95ec17e6 508
e54787da 509//____________________________________________________________________________
510void AliPMDDDLRawData::TransformS2H(Int_t smn, Int_t &irow, Int_t &icol)
512 // Does the Software to Hardware coordinate transformation
513 //
95ec17e6 514
e54787da 515 Int_t irownew = 0;
516 Int_t icolnew = 0;
e54787da 517
518 // First in digits we have all dimension 48x96
95ec17e6 519 // Transform into the realistic one, i.e, For SM 0&1 96(row)x48(col)
520 // and for SM 2&3 48(row)x96(col)
e54787da 521 //
522 if(smn < 12)
523 {
95ec17e6 524 irownew = icol;
525 icolnew = irow;
e54787da 526 }
527 else if( smn >= 12 && smn < 24)
528 {
95ec17e6 529 irownew = irow;
530 icolnew = icol;
e54787da 531 }
533 irow = irownew;
534 icol = icolnew;
28328eeb 535
e54787da 537
28328eeb 539//____________________________________________________________________________
e54787da 540
40f4a63f 541void AliPMDDDLRawData::GetMCMCh(Int_t ddlno, Int_t smn, Int_t row, Int_t col,
95ec17e6 542 Int_t beginPatchBus, Int_t endPatchBus,
543 Int_t *mcmperBus,
544 Int_t *startRowBus, Int_t *startColBus,
545 Int_t *endRowBus, Int_t *endColBus,
546 Int_t & busno, UInt_t &mcmno, UInt_t &chno)
28328eeb 547{
9ac124a2 548 // This converts row col to hardware channel number
549 // This is the final version of mapping supplied by Mriganka
40f4a63f 551 UInt_t iCh[16][4];
40f4a63f 553 static const UInt_t kChDdl01[16][4] = { {6, 4, 5, 7},
554 {10, 2, 1, 9},
555 {12, 0, 3, 11},
556 {14, 8, 13, 15},
557 {16, 18, 23, 17},
558 {20, 28, 31, 19},
559 {22, 30, 29, 21},
560 {24, 26, 27, 25},
561 {38, 36, 37, 39},
562 {42, 34, 33, 41},
563 {44, 32, 35, 43},
564 {46, 40, 45, 47},
565 {48, 50, 55, 49},
566 {52, 60, 63, 51},
567 {54, 62, 61, 53},
568 {56, 58, 59, 57} };
571 static const UInt_t kChDdl23[16][4] = { {57, 59, 58, 56},
572 {53, 61, 62, 54},
573 {51, 63, 60, 52},
574 {49, 55, 50, 48},
575 {47, 45, 40, 46},
576 {43, 35, 32, 44},
577 {41, 33, 34, 42},
578 {39, 37, 36, 38},
579 {25, 27, 26, 24},
580 {21, 29, 30, 22},
581 {19, 31, 28, 20},
582 {17, 23, 18, 16},
583 {15, 13, 8, 14},
584 {11, 3, 0, 12},
585 {9, 1, 2, 10},
586 {7, 5, 4, 6} };
589 static const UInt_t kChDdl41[16][4] = { {56, 58, 59, 57},
590 {54, 62, 61, 53},
591 {52, 60, 63, 51},
592 {48, 50, 55, 49},
593 {46, 40, 45, 47},
594 {44, 32, 35, 43},
595 {42, 34, 33, 41},
596 {38, 36, 37, 39},
597 {24, 26, 27, 25},
598 {22, 30, 29, 21},
599 {20, 28, 31, 19},
600 {16, 18, 23, 17},
601 {14, 8, 13, 15},
602 {12, 0, 3, 11},
603 {10, 2, 1, 9},
604 {6, 4, 5, 7} };
607 static const UInt_t kChDdl42[16][4] = { {7, 5, 4, 6},
608 {9, 1, 2, 10},
609 {11, 3, 0, 12},
610 {15, 13, 8, 14},
611 {17, 23, 18, 16},
612 {19, 31, 28, 20},
613 {21, 29, 30, 22},
614 {25, 27, 26, 24},
615 {39, 37, 36, 38},
616 {41, 33, 34, 42},
617 {43, 35, 32, 44},
618 {47, 45, 40, 46},
619 {49, 55, 50, 48},
620 {51, 63, 60, 52},
621 {53, 61, 62, 54},
622 {57, 59, 58, 56} };
625 static const UInt_t kChDdl51[16][4] = { {7, 5, 4, 6},
626 {9, 1, 2, 10},
627 {11, 3, 0, 12},
628 {15, 13, 8, 14},
629 {17, 23, 18, 16},
630 {19, 31, 28, 20},
631 {21, 29, 30, 22},
632 {25, 27, 26, 24},
633 {39, 37, 36, 38},
634 {41, 33, 34, 42},
635 {43, 35, 32, 44},
636 {47, 45, 40, 46},
637 {49, 55, 50, 48},
638 {51, 63, 60, 52},
639 {53, 61, 62, 54},
640 {57, 59, 58, 56} };
644 static const UInt_t kChDdl52[16][4] = { {56, 58, 59, 57},
645 {54, 62, 61, 53},
646 {52, 60, 63, 51},
647 {48, 50, 55, 49},
648 {46, 40, 45, 47},
649 {44, 32, 35, 43},
650 {42, 34, 33, 41},
651 {38, 36, 37, 39},
652 {24, 26, 27, 25},
653 {22, 30, 29, 21},
654 {20, 28, 31, 19},
655 {16, 18, 23, 17},
656 {14, 8, 13, 15},
657 {12, 0, 3, 11},
658 {10, 2, 1, 9},
659 {6, 4, 5, 7} };
662 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
663 {
664 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 4; j++)
665 {
666 if (ddlno == 0 || ddlno == 1) iCh[i][j] = kChDdl01[i][j];
667 if (ddlno == 2 || ddlno == 3) iCh[i][j] = kChDdl23[i][j];
669 if (ddlno == 4 && smn < 6) iCh[i][j] = kChDdl41[i][j];
670 if (ddlno == 4 && (smn >= 18 && smn < 24))iCh[i][j] = kChDdl42[i][j];
671 if (ddlno == 5 && (smn >= 12 && smn < 18))iCh[i][j] = kChDdl51[i][j];
672 if (ddlno == 5 && (smn >= 6 && smn < 12))iCh[i][j] = kChDdl52[i][j];
673 }
674 }
95ec17e6 677 Int_t irownew = row%16;
678 Int_t icolnew = col%4;
40f4a63f 680 chno = iCh[irownew][icolnew];
a0a6a406 681
95ec17e6 683 for (Int_t ibus = beginPatchBus; ibus <= endPatchBus; ibus++)
684 {
685 Int_t srow = startRowBus[ibus];
686 Int_t erow = endRowBus[ibus];
687 Int_t scol = startColBus[ibus];
688 Int_t ecol = endColBus[ibus];
689 Int_t tmcm = mcmperBus[ibus];
690 if ((row >= srow && row <= erow) && (col >= scol && col <= ecol))
a4e4efaa 691 {
95ec17e6 692 busno = ibus;
a0a6a406 693
95ec17e6 694 // Find out the MCM Number
695 //
a0a6a406 696
95ec17e6 697 if (ddlno == 0 || ddlno == 1)
698 {
699 // PRE plane, SU Mod = 0, 1
40f4a63f 700 mcmno = (col-scol)/4 + 1;
a0a6a406 701
93622f4a 702 }
a0a6a406 703 else if (ddlno == 2 || ddlno == 3)
95ec17e6 704 {
a0a6a406 705 // PRE plane, SU Mod = 2, 3
00284d65 706 icolnew = (col - scol)/4;
40f4a63f 707 mcmno = tmcm - icolnew;
93622f4a 708 }
709 else if (ddlno == 4 )
95ec17e6 710 {
711 // CPV plane, SU Mod = 0, 3 : ddl = 4
40f4a63f 713 if(ibus <= 18)
95ec17e6 714 {
a0a6a406 715 Int_t midrow = srow + 16;
716 if(row >= srow && row < midrow)
95ec17e6 717 {
40f4a63f 718 mcmno = 12 + (col-scol)/4 + 1;
95ec17e6 719 }
93622f4a 720 else if(row >= midrow && row <= erow)
95ec17e6 722 {
40f4a63f 723 mcmno = (col-scol)/4 + 1;
95ec17e6 724 }
725 }
95ec17e6 726
40f4a63f 727 else if (ibus > 18)
95ec17e6 728 {
729 Int_t rowdiff = endRowBus[ibus] - startRowBus[ibus];
730 if(rowdiff > 16)
731 {
732 Int_t midrow = srow + 16;
93622f4a 733 if (row >= midrow && row <= erow)
95ec17e6 734 {
40f4a63f 735 mcmno = 12 + (ecol -col)/4 + 1;
95ec17e6 736 }
a0a6a406 737 else if (row >= srow && row < midrow)
95ec17e6 738 {
40f4a63f 739 mcmno = (ecol - col)/4 + 1;
95ec17e6 740 }
741 }
40f4a63f 742 else if (rowdiff < 16)
95ec17e6 743 {
40f4a63f 744 mcmno = (ecol - col)/4 + 1;
745 }
95ec17e6 746 }
747 }
93622f4a 748 else if ( ddlno == 5)
749 {
40f4a63f 750 // CPV plane, SU Mod = 1, 2 : ddl = 5
93622f4a 751
40f4a63f 752 if(ibus <= 18)
93622f4a 753 {
754 Int_t midrow = srow + 16;
755 if(row >= srow && row < midrow)
756 {
40f4a63f 757 mcmno = 12 + (col-scol)/4 + 1;
93622f4a 758 }
759 else if(row >= midrow && row <= erow)
760 {
40f4a63f 761 mcmno = (col-scol)/4 + 1;
93622f4a 762 }
763 }
40f4a63f 765 else if (ibus > 18)
93622f4a 766 {
767 Int_t rowdiff = endRowBus[ibus] - startRowBus[ibus];
768 if(rowdiff > 16)
769 {
770 Int_t midrow = srow + 16;
771 if (row >= midrow && row <= erow)
772 {
40f4a63f 773 mcmno = 12 + (ecol - col)/4 + 1;
93622f4a 774 }
775 else if (row >= srow && row < midrow)
776 {
40f4a63f 777 mcmno = (ecol - col)/4 + 1;
93622f4a 778 }
779 }
40f4a63f 780 else if (rowdiff < 16)
93622f4a 781 {
40f4a63f 782 mcmno = (ecol - col)/4 + 1;
783 }
93622f4a 784 }
785 }
786 }
95ec17e6 787 }
a0a6a406 788}
28328eeb 790//____________________________________________________________________________
a98f9d26 792Int_t AliPMDDDLRawData::ComputeParity(UInt_t baseword)
794 // Generate the parity bit
796 Int_t count = 0;
797 for(Int_t j=0; j<29; j++)
798 {
799 if (baseword & 0x01 ) count++;
800 baseword >>= 1;
801 }
802 Int_t parity = count%2;
803 return parity;