]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG/EMCAL/macros/AddTaskEmcalPreparation.C
remove exotic cells by default. This makes the new approach identical to the old...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG / EMCAL / macros / AddTaskEmcalPreparation.C
99db8690 1AliAnalysisTaskSE *AddTaskEmcalPreparation(const char *perstr = "LHC11h",
2 const char *pass = 0 /*should not be needed*/
3 ) {
5 AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager();
6 if (!mgr)
7 {
8 ::Error("AddTaskEmcalPreparation", "No analysis manager to connect to.");
9 return NULL;
10 }
12 TString period(perstr);
13 period.ToLower();
15 Bool_t isMC = kFALSE;
16 if(period.Sizeof()>7) isMC = kTRUE;
17 // Bool_t isMC = (mgr->GetMCtruthEventHandler() != NULL); //only works for ESD
18 if(isMC) Printf("AddTaskEmcalPreparation: Running on MC");
19 else Printf("AddTaskEmcalPreparation: Running on DATA");
21 //----------------------- Add tender -------------------------------------------------------
22 Bool_t distBC = kFALSE; //switch for recalculation cluster position from bad channel
23 Bool_t recalibClus = kFALSE;
24 Bool_t recalcClusPos = kFALSE;
25 Bool_t nonLinearCorr = kFALSE;
26 Bool_t remExoticCell = kFALSE;
27 Bool_t remExoticClus = kFALSE;
28 Bool_t fidRegion = kFALSE;
29 Bool_t calibEnergy = kTRUE;
30 Bool_t calibTime = kTRUE;
31 Bool_t remBC = kTRUE;
32 UInt_t nonLinFunct = 0;
33 Bool_t reclusterize = kFALSE;
34 Float_t seedthresh = 0.1; // 100 MeV
35 Float_t cellthresh = 0.05; // 50 MeV
36 UInt_t clusterizer = 0;
37 Bool_t trackMatch = kFALSE;
38 Bool_t updateCellOnly = kFALSE;
39 Float_t timeMin = -50e-9; // minimum time of physical signal in a cell/digit
40 Float_t timeMax = 50e-9; // maximum time of physical signal in a cell/digit
41 Float_t timeCut = 1e6;
42 if(isMC) {
1fc0e3e8 43 calibEnergy = kFALSE;
44 calibTime = kFALSE;
99db8690 45 timeMin = -1.;
46 timeMax = 1e6;
47 }
49 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG/EMCAL/macros/AddTaskEMCALTender.C");//tendertasks
e7560c21 50 AliAnalysisTaskSE *tender = AddTaskEMCALTender(distBC, recalibClus, recalcClusPos, nonLinearCorr, remExoticCell, remExoticClus,
99db8690 51 fidRegion, calibEnergy, calibTime, remBC, nonLinFunct, reclusterize, seedthresh,
52 cellthresh, clusterizer, trackMatch, updateCellOnly, timeMin, timeMax, timeCut,pass);
54 //----------------------- Add clusterizer -------------------------------------------------------
55 clusterizer = AliEMCALRecParam::kClusterizerv2;
f20345ac 56 remExoticCell = kTRUE;
99db8690 57 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG/EMCAL/macros/AddTaskClusterizerFast.C");
58 AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterizeFast *clusterizerTask = AddTaskClusterizerFast("ClusterizerFast","","",clusterizer,cellthresh,seedthresh,
59 timeMin,timeMax,timeCut,remExoticCell,distBC,
60 AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterizeFast::kFEEData);
62 //----------------------- Add cluster maker -----------------------------------------------------
63 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG/EMCAL/macros/AddTaskEmcalClusterMaker.C"); //cluster maker: non-linearity,
64 UInt_t nonLinFunct = AliEMCALRecoUtils::kBeamTestCorrected;
65 if(isMC) {
66 if(period == "lhc12a15a")
67 nonLinFunct = AliEMCALRecoUtils::kPi0MCv2;
68 else
69 nonLinFunct = AliEMCALRecoUtils::kPi0MCv3;
70 }
fbcadaad 71 remExoticClus = kTRUE;
72 AliEmcalClusterMaker *clusMaker = AddTaskEmcalClusterMaker(nonLinFunct,remExoticClus,0,"EmcCaloClusters",0.,kTRUE);
99db8690 73
8b750c39 74 return clusterizerTask;
99db8690 75}