]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG/FLOW/Tasks/AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent.cxx
Merge branch 'master' into dev
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG / FLOW / Tasks / AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent.cxx
1c1d4332 1/*************************************************************************
2* Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3* *
4* Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5* Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6* *
7* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
940a5ed1 13* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
1c1d4332 14**************************************************************************/
fdff44c8 16////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17// AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent:
19// analysis task for filling the flow event
20// from MCEvent, ESD, AOD ....
940a5ed1 21// and put it in an output stream so it can
22// be used by the various flow analysis methods
fdff44c8 23// for cuts the correction framework is used
24// which also outputs QA histograms to view
25// the effects of the cuts
1c1d4332 28#include "Riostream.h" //needed as include
29#include "TChain.h"
30#include "TTree.h"
31#include "TFile.h" //needed as include
32#include "TList.h"
c926fac9 33#include "TF1.h"
44e060e0 34#include "TH2F.h"
489fdf79 35#include "TRandom3.h"
36#include "TTimeStamp.h"
1c1d4332 37
7183fe85 38// ALICE Analysis Framework
1c1d4332 39#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
fbdb53fa 40#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
85d2ee8d 41#include "AliESDtrackCuts.h"
1c1d4332 42
7183fe85 43// ESD interface
1c1d4332 44#include "AliESDEvent.h"
45#include "AliESDInputHandler.h"
7183fe85 47// AOD interface
1c1d4332 48#include "AliAODEvent.h"
49#include "AliAODInputHandler.h"
7183fe85 51// Monte Carlo Event
1c1d4332 52#include "AliMCEventHandler.h"
53#include "AliMCEvent.h"
7183fe85 55// ALICE Correction Framework
1c1d4332 56#include "AliCFManager.h"
7183fe85 58// Interface to Event generators to get Reaction Plane Angle
59#include "AliGenCocktailEventHeader.h"
60#include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h"
48ad51a1 61#include "AliGenGeVSimEventHeader.h"
26f120fa 62#include "AliGenEposEventHeader.h"
7183fe85 63
6e214c87 64// Interface to Load short life particles
65#include "TObjArray.h"
66#include "AliFlowCandidateTrack.h"
7183fe85 68// Interface to make the Flow Event Simple used in the flow analysis methods
940a5ed1 69#include "AliFlowEvent.h"
daf66719 70#include "AliFlowTrackCuts.h"
71#include "AliFlowEventCuts.h"
d459546b 72#include "AliFlowCommonConstants.h"
7183fe85 73#include "AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent.h"
77111ee6 75#include "AliLog.h"
3a7af7bd 77using std::cout;
78using std::endl;
1c1d4332 79ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent)
940a5ed1 80
1c1d4332 81//________________________________________________________________________
940a5ed1 82AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent::AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent() :
83 AliAnalysisTaskSE(),
46bec39c 84 // fOutputFile(NULL),
12b2b8bc 85 fAnalysisType("AUTOMATIC"),
ef4799a7 86 fRPType("Global"),
1c1d4332 87 fCFManager1(NULL),
88 fCFManager2(NULL),
daf66719 89 fCutsEvent(NULL),
90 fCutsRP(NULL),
91 fCutsPOI(NULL),
8eca5d19 92 fCutContainer(NULL),
499fe731 93 fQAList(NULL),
fdff44c8 94 fMinMult(0),
95 fMaxMult(10000000),
7a01f4a7 96 fMinA(-1.0),
97 fMaxA(-0.01),
98 fMinB(0.01),
99 fMaxB(1.0),
499fe731 100 fQAon(kFALSE),
6e214c87 101 fLoadCandidates(kFALSE),
d459546b 102 fNbinsMult(10000),
103 fNbinsPt(100),
104 fNbinsPhi(100),
105 fNbinsEta(200),
106 fNbinsQ(500),
15725198 107 fNbinsMass(1),
d459546b 108 fMultMin(0.),
109 fMultMax(10000.),
110 fPtMin(0.),
111 fPtMax(10.),
112 fPhiMin(0.),
113 fPhiMax(TMath::TwoPi()),
114 fEtaMin(-5.),
115 fEtaMax(5.),
116 fQMin(0.),
117 fQMax(3.),
15725198 118 fMassMin(-1.),
119 fMassMax(0.),
644f1368 120 fHistWeightvsPhiMin(0.),
121 fHistWeightvsPhiMax(3.),
f6f8c3fc 122 fExcludedEtaMin(0.),
123 fExcludedEtaMax(0.),
124 fExcludedPhiMin(0.),
125 fExcludedPhiMax(0.),
54089829 126 fAfterburnerOn(kFALSE),
127 fNonFlowNumberOfTrackClones(0),
128 fV1(0.),
129 fV2(0.),
130 fV3(0.),
131 fV4(0.),
1a80f9f6 132 fV5(0.),
c926fac9 133 fDifferentialV2(0),
7d27a354 134 fFlowEvent(NULL),
ad4d7e4e 135 fShuffleTracks(kFALSE),
aab6527a 136 fMyTRandom3(NULL)
1c1d4332 137{
138 // Constructor
cea49479 139 AliDebug(2,"AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent::AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent()");
1c1d4332 140}
489fdf79 142//________________________________________________________________________
6e214c87 143AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent::AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent(const char *name, TString RPtype, Bool_t on, UInt_t iseed, Bool_t bCandidates) :
940a5ed1 144 AliAnalysisTaskSE(name),
145 // fOutputFile(NULL),
12b2b8bc 146 fAnalysisType("AUTOMATIC"),
44e060e0 147 fRPType(RPtype),
489fdf79 148 fCFManager1(NULL),
149 fCFManager2(NULL),
daf66719 150 fCutsEvent(NULL),
151 fCutsRP(NULL),
152 fCutsPOI(NULL),
8eca5d19 153 fCutContainer(new TList()),
499fe731 154 fQAList(NULL),
fdff44c8 155 fMinMult(0),
156 fMaxMult(10000000),
7a01f4a7 157 fMinA(-1.0),
158 fMaxA(-0.01),
159 fMinB(0.01),
160 fMaxB(1.0),
499fe731 161 fQAon(on),
6e214c87 162 fLoadCandidates(bCandidates),
d459546b 163 fNbinsMult(10000),
164 fNbinsPt(100),
165 fNbinsPhi(100),
166 fNbinsEta(200),
167 fNbinsQ(500),
15725198 168 fNbinsMass(1),
d459546b 169 fMultMin(0.),
170 fMultMax(10000.),
171 fPtMin(0.),
172 fPtMax(10.),
173 fPhiMin(0.),
174 fPhiMax(TMath::TwoPi()),
175 fEtaMin(-5.),
176 fEtaMax(5.),
177 fQMin(0.),
178 fQMax(3.),
15725198 179 fMassMin(-1.),
180 fMassMax(0.),
644f1368 181 fHistWeightvsPhiMin(0.),
182 fHistWeightvsPhiMax(3.),
f6f8c3fc 183 fExcludedEtaMin(0.),
184 fExcludedEtaMax(0.),
185 fExcludedPhiMin(0.),
186 fExcludedPhiMax(0.),
54089829 187 fAfterburnerOn(kFALSE),
188 fNonFlowNumberOfTrackClones(0),
189 fV1(0.),
190 fV2(0.),
191 fV3(0.),
192 fV4(0.),
1a80f9f6 193 fV5(0.),
c926fac9 194 fDifferentialV2(0),
7d27a354 195 fFlowEvent(NULL),
ad4d7e4e 196 fShuffleTracks(kFALSE),
aab6527a 197 fMyTRandom3(NULL)
489fdf79 198{
199 // Constructor
cea49479 200 AliDebug(2,"AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent::AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent(const char *name, Bool_t on, UInt_t iseed)");
940a5ed1 201 fMyTRandom3 = new TRandom3(iseed);
489fdf79 202 gRandom->SetSeed(fMyTRandom3->Integer(65539));
65201059 203
6e214c87 204 int availableINslot=1;
44e060e0 205 //FMD input slot
206 if (strcmp(RPtype,"FMD")==0) {
6e214c87 207 DefineInput(availableINslot++, TList::Class());
44e060e0 208 }
6e214c87 209 //Candidates input slot
210 if( fLoadCandidates )
211 DefineInput(availableINslot, TObjArray::Class());
65201059 212
213 // Define output slots here
489fdf79 214 // Define here the flow event output
940a5ed1 215 DefineOutput(1, AliFlowEventSimple::Class());
499fe731 216 DefineOutput(2, TList::Class());
6e214c87 217
489fdf79 218 // and for testing open an output file
219 // fOutputFile = new TFile("FlowEvents.root","RECREATE");
1c1d4332 223//________________________________________________________________________
226 //
227 // Destructor
228 //
32b846cd 229 delete fMyTRandom3;
f299ea19 230 delete fFlowEvent;
499fe731 231 delete fCutsEvent;
499fe731 232 delete fQAList;
8eca5d19 233 if (fCutContainer) fCutContainer->Delete(); delete fCutContainer;
940a5ed1 234 // objects in the output list are deleted
1c1d4332 235 // by the TSelector dtor (I hope)
32b846cd 239//________________________________________________________________________
240void AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent::NotifyRun()
242 //at the beginning of each new run
68e9b988 243 if (fCutsRP) fCutsRP->SetRunsMuon(fInputHandler); // XZhang 20120604
244 if (fCutsPOI) fCutsPOI->SetRunsMuon(fInputHandler); // XZhang 20120604
32b846cd 245 AliESDEvent* fESD = dynamic_cast<AliESDEvent*> (InputEvent());
2a745a5f 246 if (!fESD) return;
3abf7ecc 247
248 Int_t run = fESD->GetRunNumber();
249 AliInfo(Form("Stariting run #%i",run));
32b846cd 250}
1c1d4332 252//________________________________________________________________________
940a5ed1 253void AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent::UserCreateOutputObjects()
1c1d4332 254{
255 // Called at every worker node to initialize
cea49479 256 AliDebug(2,"AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent::CreateOutputObjects()");
1c1d4332 257
12b2b8bc 258 if (!(fAnalysisType == "AOD" || fAnalysisType == "ESD" || fAnalysisType == "ESDMCkineESD" || fAnalysisType == "ESDMCkineMC" || fAnalysisType == "MC" || fAnalysisType == "AUTOMATIC"))
940a5ed1 259 {
12b2b8bc 260 AliError("WRONG ANALYSIS TYPE! only ESD, ESDMCkineESD, ESDMCkineMC, AOD, MC and AUTOMATIC are allowed.");
1c1d4332 261 exit(1);
262 }
d459546b 263
264 //set the common constants
265 AliFlowCommonConstants* cc = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster();
266 cc->SetNbinsMult(fNbinsMult);
267 cc->SetNbinsPt(fNbinsPt);
268 cc->SetNbinsPhi(fNbinsPhi);
269 cc->SetNbinsEta(fNbinsEta);
270 cc->SetNbinsQ(fNbinsQ);
15725198 271 cc->SetNbinsMass(fNbinsMass);
d459546b 272 cc->SetMultMin(fMultMin);
273 cc->SetMultMax(fMultMax);
274 cc->SetPtMin(fPtMin);
275 cc->SetPtMax(fPtMax);
276 cc->SetPhiMin(fPhiMin);
277 cc->SetPhiMax(fPhiMax);
278 cc->SetEtaMin(fEtaMin);
279 cc->SetEtaMax(fEtaMax);
280 cc->SetQMin(fQMin);
281 cc->SetQMax(fQMax);
15725198 282 cc->SetMassMin(fMassMin);
283 cc->SetMassMax(fMassMax);
644f1368 284 cc->SetHistWeightvsPhiMax(fHistWeightvsPhiMax);
285 cc->SetHistWeightvsPhiMin(fHistWeightvsPhiMin);
d459546b 286
0d16f553 287 fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(10000);
7d27a354 288
499fe731 289 if (fQAon)
290 {
291 fQAList=new TList();
a14b8f3c 292 fQAList->SetOwner();
499fe731 293 fQAList->SetName(Form("%s QA",GetName()));
cd62a2a8 294 if (fCutsEvent->GetQA()) fQAList->Add(fCutsEvent->GetQA()); //0
295 if (fCutsRP->GetQA()) fQAList->Add(fCutsRP->GetQA()); //1
296 if (fCutsPOI->GetQA())fQAList->Add(fCutsPOI->GetQA()); //2
297 fQAList->Add(new TH1F("event plane angle","event plane angle;angle [rad];",100,0.,TMath::TwoPi())); //3
499fe731 298 PostData(2,fQAList);
299 }
1c1d4332 300}
940a5ed1 303void AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent::UserExec(Option_t *)
1c1d4332 304{
305 // Main loop
306 // Called for each event
7d27a354 307 //delete fFlowEvent;
940a5ed1 308 AliMCEvent* mcEvent = MCEvent(); // from TaskSE
309 AliESDEvent* myESD = dynamic_cast<AliESDEvent*>(InputEvent()); // from TaskSE
310 AliAODEvent* myAOD = dynamic_cast<AliAODEvent*>(InputEvent()); // from TaskSE
ef4799a7 311 AliMultiplicity* myTracklets = NULL;
333ce021 312 AliESDPmdTrack* pmdtracks = NULL;//pmd
ef4799a7 313
6e214c87 314 int availableINslot=1;
3ca4688a 315
2a745a5f 316 if (!(fCutsRP&&fCutsPOI&&fCutsEvent))
317 {
318 AliError("cuts not set");
319 return;
320 }
7d27a354 322 //DEFAULT - automatically takes care of everything
12b2b8bc 323 if (fAnalysisType == "AUTOMATIC")
daf66719 324 {
7d9ab4fb 325 //check event cuts
e821bc8b 326 if (InputEvent() && !fCutsEvent->IsSelected(InputEvent(),MCEvent()))
327 return;
7d9ab4fb 328
03d364db 329 //first attach all possible information to the cuts
441ea1cf 330 fCutsRP->SetEvent( InputEvent(), MCEvent() ); //attach event
331 fCutsPOI->SetEvent( InputEvent(), MCEvent() );
32b846cd 332
03d364db 333 //then make the event
7d27a354 334 fFlowEvent->Fill( fCutsRP, fCutsPOI );
335 //fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent( fCutsRP, fCutsPOI );
60875c3c 337 // if (myESD)
4aae2a93 338 fFlowEvent->SetReferenceMultiplicity(fCutsEvent->GetReferenceMultiplicity(InputEvent(),mcEvent));
8fa6a5fa 339 fFlowEvent->SetCentrality(fCutsEvent->GetCentrality(InputEvent(),mcEvent));
7d27a354 340 if (mcEvent && mcEvent->GenEventHeader()) fFlowEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(mcEvent);
daf66719 341 }
940a5ed1 342
343 // Make the FlowEvent for MC input
a0241c3a 344 else if (fAnalysisType == "MC")
940a5ed1 345 {
1c1d4332 346 // Process MC truth, therefore we receive the AliAnalysisManager and ask it for the AliMCEventHandler
347 // This handler can return the current MC event
940a5ed1 348 if (!(fCFManager1&&fCFManager2))
349 {
77111ee6 350 AliError("ERROR: No pointer to correction framework cuts! ");
940a5ed1 351 return;
352 }
353 if (!mcEvent)
354 {
77111ee6 355 AliError("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC event");
940a5ed1 356 return;
357 }
1c1d4332 358
6d7734d2 359 fCFManager1->SetMCEventInfo(mcEvent);
360 fCFManager2->SetMCEventInfo(mcEvent);
940a5ed1 361
77111ee6 362 AliInfo(Form("Number of MC particles: %d", mcEvent->GetNumberOfTracks()));
364 //check multiplicity
365 if (!fCFManager1->CheckEventCuts(AliCFManager::kEvtGenCuts,mcEvent))
366 {
367 AliWarning("Event does not pass multiplicity cuts"); return;
368 }
369 //make event
7d27a354 370 fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(mcEvent,fCFManager1,fCFManager2);
1c1d4332 371 }
ef4799a7 372
940a5ed1 373 // Make the FlowEvent for ESD input
374 else if (fAnalysisType == "ESD")
375 {
376 if (!(fCFManager1&&fCFManager2))
377 {
77111ee6 378 AliError("ERROR: No pointer to correction framework cuts!");
940a5ed1 379 return;
380 }
381 if (!myESD)
382 {
77111ee6 383 AliError("ERROR: ESD not available");
940a5ed1 384 return;
385 }
77111ee6 386
b0569f96 387 //check the offline trigger (check if the event has the correct trigger)
ade93aa4 388 AliInfo(Form("ESD has %d tracks", fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks()));
77111ee6 389
390 //check multiplicity
391 if (!fCFManager1->CheckEventCuts(AliCFManager::kEvtRecCuts,myESD))
392 {
393 AliWarning("Event does not pass multiplicity cuts"); return;
394 }
396 //make event
ef4799a7 397 if (fRPType == "Global") {
7d27a354 398 fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(myESD,fCFManager1,fCFManager2);
ef4799a7 399 }
a0241c3a 400 else if (fRPType == "TPCOnly") {
7d27a354 401 fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(myESD,fCFManager2,kFALSE);
cd755f77 402 }
a0241c3a 403 else if (fRPType == "TPCHybrid") {
7d27a354 404 fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(myESD,fCFManager2,kTRUE);
cd755f77 405 }
ef4799a7 406 else if (fRPType == "Tracklet"){
7d27a354 407 fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(myESD,myTracklets,fCFManager2);
ef4799a7 408 }
44e060e0 409 else if (fRPType == "FMD"){
cc0afcfc 410 TList* dataFMD = dynamic_cast<TList*>(GetInputData(availableINslot++));
411 if(!dataFMD) {
412 cout<<" No dataFMD "<<endl;
dd60b476 413 return;
414 }
cc0afcfc 415 TH2F* histFMD = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(dataFMD->FindObject("dNdetadphiHistogramTrVtx"));
dd60b476 416 if (!histFMD) {
417 cout<< "No histFMD"<<endl;
418 return;
419 }
7d27a354 420 fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(myESD,histFMD,fCFManager2);
44e060e0 421 }
333ce021 422 else if (fRPType == "PMD"){
7d27a354 423 fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(myESD,pmdtracks,fCFManager2);
333ce021 424 }
5104aa35 425 else return;
44e060e0 426
ef4799a7 427 // if monte carlo event get reaction plane from monte carlo (depends on generator)
7d27a354 428 if (mcEvent && mcEvent->GenEventHeader()) fFlowEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(mcEvent);
5104aa35 429 //set reference multiplicity, TODO: maybe move it to the constructor?
7d27a354 430 fFlowEvent->SetReferenceMultiplicity(AliESDtrackCuts::GetReferenceMultiplicity(myESD,kTRUE));
1c1d4332 431 }
ef4799a7 432
940a5ed1 433 // Make the FlowEvent for ESD input combined with MC info
434 else if (fAnalysisType == "ESDMCkineESD" || fAnalysisType == "ESDMCkineMC" )
435 {
436 if (!(fCFManager1&&fCFManager2))
437 {
77111ee6 438 AliError("ERROR: No pointer to correction framework cuts! ");
940a5ed1 439 return;
440 }
441 if (!myESD)
442 {
77111ee6 443 AliError("ERROR: ESD not available");
940a5ed1 444 return;
445 }
77111ee6 446 AliInfo(Form("There are %d tracks in this event", fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks()));
940a5ed1 447
448 if (!mcEvent)
449 {
77111ee6 450 AliError("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC event");
940a5ed1 451 return;
452 }
1c1d4332 453
6d7734d2 454 fCFManager1->SetMCEventInfo(mcEvent);
455 fCFManager2->SetMCEventInfo(mcEvent);
1c1d4332 456
77111ee6 457 //check multiplicity
458 if (!fCFManager1->CheckEventCuts(AliCFManager::kEvtRecCuts,myESD))
459 {
460 AliWarning("Event does not pass multiplicity cuts"); return;
461 }
463 //make event
940a5ed1 464 if (fAnalysisType == "ESDMCkineESD")
465 {
7d27a354 466 fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(myESD, mcEvent, AliFlowEvent::kESDkine, fCFManager1, fCFManager2 );
940a5ed1 467 }
468 else if (fAnalysisType == "ESDMCkineMC")
469 {
7d27a354 470 fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(myESD, mcEvent, AliFlowEvent::kMCkine, fCFManager1, fCFManager2 );
1c1d4332 471 }
7d27a354 472 if (!fFlowEvent) return;
85d2ee8d 473 // if monte carlo event get reaction plane from monte carlo (depends on generator)
7d27a354 474 if (mcEvent && mcEvent->GenEventHeader()) fFlowEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(mcEvent);
85d2ee8d 475 //set reference multiplicity, TODO: maybe move it to the constructor?
7d27a354 476 fFlowEvent->SetReferenceMultiplicity(AliESDtrackCuts::GetReferenceMultiplicity(myESD,kTRUE));
1c1d4332 477 }
940a5ed1 478 // Make the FlowEventSimple for AOD input
479 else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD")
480 {
481 if (!myAOD)
482 {
77111ee6 483 AliError("ERROR: AOD not available");
940a5ed1 484 return;
485 }
ade93aa4 486 AliInfo(Form("AOD has %d tracks", myAOD->GetNumberOfTracks()));
7d27a354 487 fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(myAOD);
1c1d4332 488 }
6e214c87 490 //inject candidates
491 if(fLoadCandidates) {
cc0afcfc 492 TObjArray* candidates = dynamic_cast<TObjArray*>(GetInputData(availableINslot++));
493 //if(candidates->GetEntriesFast())
15725198 494 // printf("I received %d candidates\n",candidates->GetEntriesFast());
cc0afcfc 495 if (candidates)
422c61c7 496 {
cc0afcfc 497 for(int iCand=0; iCand!=candidates->GetEntriesFast(); ++iCand ) {
498 AliFlowCandidateTrack *cand = dynamic_cast<AliFlowCandidateTrack*>(candidates->At(iCand));
422c61c7 499 if (!cand) continue;
68e9b988 500 //printf(" - Checking at candidate %d with %d daughters: mass %f\n",iCand,cand->GetNDaughters(),cand->Mass());
41dc4195 501 for(int iDau=0; iDau!=cand->GetNDaughters(); ++iDau) {
68e9b988 502 //printf(" - Daughter %d with fID %d", iDau, cand->GetIDDaughter(iDau) );
7d27a354 503 for(int iRPs=0; iRPs!=fFlowEvent->NumberOfTracks(); ++iRPs ) {
504 AliFlowTrack *iRP = dynamic_cast<AliFlowTrack*>(fFlowEvent->GetTrack( iRPs ));
41dc4195 505 if (!iRP) continue;
506 if( !iRP->InRPSelection() )
507 continue;
508 if( cand->GetIDDaughter(iDau) == iRP->GetID() ) {
509 //printf(" was in RP set");
15725198 510 //cand->SetDaughter( iDau, iRP );
41dc4195 511 //temporarily untagging all daugters
512 iRP->SetForRPSelection(kFALSE);
15725198 513 fFlowEvent->SetNumberOfRPs( fFlowEvent->GetNumberOfRPs() -1 );
41dc4195 514 }
515 }
516 //printf("\n");
517 }
15725198 518 cand->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE);
519 fFlowEvent->InsertTrack( ((AliFlowTrack*) cand) );
422c61c7 520 }
6e214c87 521 }
522 }
7d27a354 524 if (!fFlowEvent) return; //shuts up coverity
a0241c3a 525
77111ee6 526 //check final event cuts
7d27a354 527 Int_t mult = fFlowEvent->NumberOfTracks();
b851452e 528 // AliInfo(Form("FlowEvent has %i tracks",mult));
ade93aa4 529 if (mult<fMinMult || mult>fMaxMult)
77111ee6 530 {
531 AliWarning("FlowEvent cut on multiplicity"); return;
532 }
940a5ed1 533
f6f8c3fc 534 //define dead zone
7d27a354 535 fFlowEvent->DefineDeadZone(fExcludedEtaMin, fExcludedEtaMax, fExcludedPhiMin, fExcludedPhiMax );
f6f8c3fc 536
54089829 538 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
539 ///////////////////////////AFTERBURNER
540 if (fAfterburnerOn)
541 {
542 //if reaction plane not set from elsewhere randomize it before adding flow
7d27a354 543 if (!fFlowEvent->IsSetMCReactionPlaneAngle())
544 fFlowEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(gRandom->Uniform(0.0,TMath::TwoPi()));
54089829 545
c926fac9 546 if(fDifferentialV2)
547 fFlowEvent->AddV2(fDifferentialV2);
548 else
549 fFlowEvent->AddFlow(fV1,fV2,fV3,fV4,fV5); //add flow
7d27a354 550 fFlowEvent->CloneTracks(fNonFlowNumberOfTrackClones); //add nonflow by cloning tracks
54089829 551 }
552 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ef4799a7 554 //tag subEvents
7d27a354 555 fFlowEvent->TagSubeventsInEta(fMinA,fMaxA,fMinB,fMaxB);
940a5ed1 556
cd62a2a8 557 //QA
558 if (fQAon)
559 {
60875c3c 560 TH1* h1 = static_cast<TH1*>(fQAList->FindObject("event plane angle"));
cd62a2a8 561 h1->Fill(fFlowEvent->GetMCReactionPlaneAngle());
562 }
ad4d7e4e 564 //do we want to serve shullfed tracks to everybody?
565 fFlowEvent->SetShuffleTracks(fShuffleTracks);
567 // associate the mother particles to their daughters in the flow event (if any)
568 fFlowEvent->FindDaughters();
46bec39c 570 //fListHistos->Print();
7d27a354 571 //fOutputFile->WriteObject(fFlowEvent,"myFlowEventSimple");
572 PostData(1,fFlowEvent);
940a5ed1 573}
1c1d4332 574
940a5ed1 576void AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent::Terminate(Option_t *)
1c1d4332 577{
578 // Called once at the end of the query -- do not call in case of CAF
1c1d4332 579}
489fdf79 580