]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG/muon/AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG / muon / AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu.cxx
aad6618e 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
27de2dfb 16/* $Id$ */
662e37fe 18//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
19/// \class AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu
20/// Analysis task for single muons in the spectrometer.
a07db2fb 21/// The output is a list of histograms and CF containers.
b201705a 22/// The macro class can run on AODs or ESDs.
9728bcfd 23/// If Monte Carlo information is present, some basics checks are performed.
662e37fe 24///
25/// \author Diego Stocco
aad6618e 28#define AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu_cxx
a07db2fb 30#include "AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu.h"
aad6618e 32// ROOT includes
aad6618e 33#include "TROOT.h"
9728bcfd 34#include "TH1.h"
35#include "TH2.h"
9728bcfd 36#include "TAxis.h"
662e37fe 37#include "TCanvas.h"
a07db2fb 38#include "TLegend.h"
9728bcfd 39#include "TMath.h"
589e3f71 40#include "TObjString.h"
55065f3f 41#include "TObjArray.h"
a07db2fb 42#include "TF1.h"
43#include "TStyle.h"
44//#include "TMCProcess.h"
a07db2fb 45#include "TArrayI.h"
261f31ad 46#include "TArrayD.h"
c6e0141f 47#include "TPaveStats.h"
12e33589 48#include "TFitResultPtr.h"
ac2e110b 49#include "TFile.h"
50#include "THashList.h"
aad6618e 51
52// STEER includes
aad6618e 53#include "AliAODEvent.h"
54#include "AliAODTrack.h"
a07db2fb 55#include "AliAODMCParticle.h"
75008b31 56#include "AliMCEvent.h"
9728bcfd 57#include "AliMCParticle.h"
b201705a 58#include "AliESDEvent.h"
59#include "AliESDMuonTrack.h"
a07db2fb 60#include "AliVHeader.h"
61#include "AliAODMCHeader.h"
62#include "AliStack.h"
9728bcfd 63
589e3f71 64// ANALYSIS includes
65#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
589e3f71 66
67// CORRFW includes
589e3f71 68#include "AliCFContainer.h"
69#include "AliCFGridSparse.h"
c6e0141f 70#include "AliCFEffGrid.h"
589e3f71 71
c6e0141f 72// PWG includes
a07db2fb 73#include "AliVAnalysisMuon.h"
74#include "AliMergeableCollection.h"
75#include "AliCounterCollection.h"
ebba9ef0 76#include "AliMuonEventCuts.h"
c6e0141f 77#include "AliMuonTrackCuts.h"
ebba9ef0 78#include "AliAnalysisMuonUtility.h"
a07db2fb 79
aad6618e 80
662e37fe 81/// \cond CLASSIMP
82ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu) // Class implementation in ROOT context
83/// \endcond
aad6618e 84
9728bcfd 85
aad6618e 86//________________________________________________________________________
a07db2fb 87AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu::AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu() :
88 AliVAnalysisMuon(),
89 fThetaAbsKeys(0x0),
90 fCutOnDimu(kFALSE)
aad6618e 91{
a07db2fb 92 /// Default ctor.
aad6618e 93}
9728bcfd 95//________________________________________________________________________
a07db2fb 96AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu::AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu(const char *name, const AliMuonTrackCuts& cuts) :
97 AliVAnalysisMuon(name, cuts),
98 fThetaAbsKeys(0x0),
99 fCutOnDimu(kFALSE)
aad6618e 100{
101 //
a07db2fb 102 /// Constructor.
9728bcfd 103 //
a07db2fb 104 TString thetaAbsKeys = "ThetaAbs23 ThetaAbs310";
105 fThetaAbsKeys = thetaAbsKeys.Tokenize(" ");
589e3f71 106}
a07db2fb 109//________________________________________________________________________
589e3f71 111{
112 //
a07db2fb 113 /// Destructor
589e3f71 114 //
a07db2fb 116 delete fThetaAbsKeys;
aad6618e 117}
a07db2fb 120void AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu::MyUserCreateOutputObjects()
aad6618e 121{
589e3f71 122
a07db2fb 123 TH1* histo = 0x0;
124 TString histoName = "", histoTitle = "";
9728bcfd 125
589e3f71 126 Int_t nVzBins = 40;
127 Double_t vzMin = -20., vzMax = 20.;
a07db2fb 128 TString vzName("Vz"), vzTitle("Vz"), vzUnits("cm");
9728bcfd 129
a07db2fb 130 histoName = "hIpVtx";
131 histo = new TH1F(histoName.Data(), histoName.Data(), nVzBins, vzMin, vzMax);
132 histo->SetXTitle("v_{z} (cm)");
133 AddObjectToCollection(histo, kIPVz);
589e3f71 134
a07db2fb 135
136 Int_t nPtBins = 80;
137 Double_t ptMin = 0., ptMax = 80.;
171652d3 138 TString ptName("Pt"), ptTitle("p_{T}"), ptUnits("GeV/c");
a07db2fb 139
140 Int_t nEtaBins = 25;
141 Double_t etaMin = -4.5, etaMax = -2.;
142 TString etaName("Eta"), etaTitle("#eta"), etaUnits("");
144 Int_t nPhiBins = 36;
12e33589 145 Double_t phiMin = 0.; Double_t phiMax = 2.*TMath::Pi();
a07db2fb 146 TString phiName("Phi"), phiTitle("#phi"), phiUnits("rad");
589e3f71 148 Int_t nChargeBins = 2;
149 Double_t chargeMin = -2, chargeMax = 2.;
150 TString chargeName("Charge"), chargeTitle("charge"), chargeUnits("e");
9728bcfd 151
a07db2fb 152 Int_t nThetaAbsEndBins = 2;
153 Double_t thetaAbsEndMin = -0.5, thetaAbsEndMax = 1.5;
154 TString thetaAbsEndName("ThetaAbsEnd"), thetaAbsEndTitle("#theta_{abs}"), thetaAbsEndUnits("a.u.");
589e3f71 156 Int_t nMotherTypeBins = kNtrackSources;
157 Double_t motherTypeMin = -0.5, motherTypeMax = (Double_t)kNtrackSources - 0.5;
158 TString motherType("MotherType"), motherTypeTitle("motherType"), motherTypeUnits("");
a07db2fb 159
160 Int_t nbins[kNvars] = {nPtBins, nEtaBins, nPhiBins, nVzBins, nChargeBins, nThetaAbsEndBins, nMotherTypeBins};
161 Double_t xmin[kNvars] = {ptMin, etaMin, phiMin, vzMin, chargeMin, thetaAbsEndMin, motherTypeMin};
162 Double_t xmax[kNvars] = {ptMax, etaMax, phiMax, vzMax, chargeMax, thetaAbsEndMax, motherTypeMax};
163 TString axisTitle[kNvars] = {ptTitle, etaTitle, phiTitle, vzTitle, chargeTitle, thetaAbsEndTitle, motherTypeTitle};
164 TString axisUnits[kNvars] = {ptUnits, etaUnits, phiUnits, vzUnits, chargeUnits, thetaAbsEndUnits, motherTypeUnits};
9728bcfd 165
a07db2fb 166 AliCFContainer* cfContainer = new AliCFContainer("SingleMuContainer","Container for tracks",kNsteps,kNvars,nbins);
4ab8d5a6 167
589e3f71 168 for ( Int_t idim = 0; idim<kNvars; idim++){
169 histoTitle = Form("%s (%s)", axisTitle[idim].Data(), axisUnits[idim].Data());
170 histoTitle.ReplaceAll("()","");
a07db2fb 171
172 cfContainer->SetVarTitle(idim, histoTitle.Data());
173 cfContainer->SetBinLimits(idim, xmin[idim], xmax[idim]);
9728bcfd 174 }
a07db2fb 175
176 TString stepTitle[kNsteps] = {"reconstructed", "generated"};
589e3f71 177
a07db2fb 178 TAxis* currAxis = 0x0;
589e3f71 179 for (Int_t istep=0; istep<kNsteps; istep++){
a07db2fb 180 cfContainer->SetStepTitle(istep, stepTitle[istep].Data());
181 AliCFGridSparse* gridSparse = cfContainer->GetGrid(istep);
183 currAxis = gridSparse->GetAxis(kHvarMotherType);
184 for ( Int_t ibin=0; ibin<fSrcKeys->GetEntries(); ibin++ ) {
185 currAxis->SetBinLabel(ibin+1, fSrcKeys->At(ibin)->GetName());
9728bcfd 186 }
187 }
4ab8d5a6 188
a07db2fb 189 AddObjectToCollection(cfContainer, kTrackContainer);
191 histoName = "hRecoDimu";
192 TH2* histoDimu = new TH2F(histoName.Data(), histoName.Data(), 24, 0., 120., 30, 0., 150.);
193 histoDimu->SetXTitle("min. p_{T}^{#mu} (GeV/c)");
194 histoDimu->SetYTitle("M_{#mu#mu} (GeV/c^{2})");
195 AddObjectToCollection(histoDimu, kNobjectTypes);
197 histoName = "hGeneratedZ";
3575043a 198 TH2* histoGenZ = static_cast<TH2*>(histoDimu->Clone(histoName.Data()));
199 histoGenZ->SetTitle(histoName.Data());
200 AddObjectToCollection(histoGenZ, kNobjectTypes+1);
203 histoName = "hZmuEtaCorr";
3575043a 204 histoDimu = new TH2F(histoName.Data(), histoName.Data(), 160, -8., 8., 160, -8., 8.);
205 histoDimu->SetXTitle("#eta_{#mu-}");
206 histoDimu->SetYTitle("#eta_{#mu+}");
207 AddObjectToCollection(histoDimu, kNobjectTypes+2);
c6e0141f 209 fMuonTrackCuts->Print("mask");
56e01f1b 210
211 AliInfo(Form("Apply cut on dimuon (60<M_mumu<120 GeV/c^2) to reject Z contribution: %i", fCutOnDimu));
aad6618e 212}
a07db2fb 215void AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu::ProcessEvent(TString physSel, const TObjArray& selectTrigClasses, TString centrality)
aad6618e 216{
217 //
a07db2fb 218 /// Fill output objects
aad6618e 219 //
ebba9ef0 221 Double_t ipVz = AliAnalysisMuonUtility::GetVertexSPD(InputEvent())->GetZ();
ac2e110b 222 Double_t ipVzMC = MCEvent() ? AliAnalysisMuonUtility::GetMCVertexZ(InputEvent(),MCEvent()) : 0.;
a07db2fb 223
224 for ( Int_t itrig=0; itrig<selectTrigClasses.GetEntries(); ++itrig ) {
225 TString trigClassName = ((TObjString*)selectTrigClasses.At(itrig))->GetString();
226 ((TH1*)GetMergeableObject(physSel, trigClassName, centrality, "hIpVtx"))->Fill(ipVz);
9728bcfd 227 }
5936324e 228
d5a197f5 229 // Bool_t isPileupFromSPD = ( fAODEvent && ! fAODEvent->GetTracklets() ) ? InputEvent()->IsPileupFromSPD(3, 0.8, 3., 2., 5.) : InputEvent()->IsPileupFromSPDInMultBins(); // Avoid break when reading Muon AODs (tracklet info is not present and IsPileupFromSPDInMultBins crashes // UNCOMMENT TO REJECT PILEUP
230 // if ( isPileupFromSPD ) return; // UNCOMMENT TO REJECT PILEUP
a07db2fb 231
232 Double_t containerInput[kNvars];
233 AliVParticle* track = 0x0;
93d6def1 234
ac2e110b 235 Int_t nSteps = MCEvent() ? 2 : 1;
236 for ( Int_t istep = 0; istep<nSteps; ++istep ) {
237 Int_t nTracks = ( istep == kStepReconstructed ) ? AliAnalysisMuonUtility::GetNTracks(InputEvent()) : MCEvent()->GetNumberOfTracks();
239 TObjArray selectedTracks(nTracks);
240 TArrayI trackSources(nTracks);
261f31ad 241 TArrayD trackWgt(nTracks);
5936324e 242 trackWgt.Reset(1.);
a07db2fb 243 for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < nTracks; itrack++) {
ac2e110b 244 track = ( istep == kStepReconstructed ) ? AliAnalysisMuonUtility::GetTrack(itrack,InputEvent()) : MCEvent()->GetTrack(itrack);
a07db2fb 245
246 // In case of MC we usually ask that the particle is a muon
247 // However, in W or Z simulations, Pythia stores both the initial muon
248 // (before ISR, FSR and kt kick) and the final state one.
249 // The first muon is of course there only for information and should be rejected.
250 // The Pythia code for initial state particles is 21
f7852207 251 // When running with POWHEG, Pythia puts the hard process input of POWHEG in the stack
252 // with state 21, and then re-add it to stack before applying ISR, FSR and kt kick.
253 // This muon produces the final state muon, and its status code is 11
254 // To avoid all problems, keep only final state muon (status code <10)
255 // FIXME: is the convention valid for other generators as well?
256 Bool_t isSelected = ( istep == kStepReconstructed ) ? fMuonTrackCuts->IsSelected(track) : ( TMath::Abs(track->PdgCode()) == 13 && AliAnalysisMuonUtility::GetStatusCode(track) < 10 );
a07db2fb 257 if ( ! isSelected ) continue;
259 selectedTracks.AddAt(track,itrack);
260 trackSources[itrack] = GetParticleType(track);
261f31ad 262 TObject* wgtObj = GetWeight(fSrcKeys->At(trackSources[itrack])->GetName());
264 if ( wgtObj ) {
265 AliVParticle* mcTrack = ( istep == kStepReconstructed ) ? MCEvent()->GetTrack(track->GetLabel()) : track;
266 if ( wgtObj->IsA() == TF1::Class() ) trackWgt[itrack] = static_cast<TF1*>(wgtObj)->Eval(mcTrack->Pt());
267 else if ( wgtObj->IsA()->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class()) ) {
268 TH1* wgtHisto = static_cast<TH1*>(wgtObj);
269 trackWgt[itrack] = wgtHisto->GetBinContent(wgtHisto->GetXaxis()->FindBin(mcTrack->Pt()));
270 }
271 AliDebug(3,Form("Apply weights %s: pt %g gen pt %g weight %g",wgtObj->GetName(),track->Pt(),mcTrack->Pt(),trackWgt[itrack]));
5936324e 272// Int_t iancestor = fUtilityMuonAncestor->GetAncestor(track,MCEvent());
273// AliVParticle* motherPart = MCEvent()->GetTrack(iancestor);
274// trackWgt[itrack] = beautyMuWgt->GetBinContent(beautyMuWgt->GetXaxis()->FindBin(motherPart->Pt()));
275 }
276 } // loop on tracks
278 // Loop on selected tracks
279 TArrayI rejectTrack(nTracks);
280 for ( Int_t itrack=0; itrack<nTracks; itrack++) {
281 track = static_cast<AliVParticle*>(selectedTracks.At(itrack));
282 if ( ! track ) continue;
3575043a 284 // Check dimuons
285 for ( Int_t jtrack=itrack+1; jtrack<nTracks; jtrack++ ) {
286 AliVParticle* auxTrack = static_cast<AliVParticle*>(selectedTracks.At(jtrack));
287 if ( ! auxTrack ) continue;
288 if ( track->Charge() * auxTrack->Charge() >= 0 ) continue;
47b31d8b 289
3575043a 290 TLorentzVector dimuPair = AliAnalysisMuonUtility::GetTrackPair(track,auxTrack);
291 Double_t ptMin = TMath::Min(track->Pt(),auxTrack->Pt());
292 Double_t invMass = dimuPair.M();
293 if ( fCutOnDimu && invMass > 60. && invMass < 120. ) {
294 rejectTrack[itrack] = 1;
295 rejectTrack[jtrack] = 1;
296 }
297 Double_t dimuWgt = trackWgt[itrack] * trackWgt[jtrack];
298 if ( istep == kStepReconstructed ) {
299 for ( Int_t itrig=0; itrig<selectTrigClasses.GetEntries(); ++itrig ) {
300 TString trigClassName = ((TObjString*)selectTrigClasses.At(itrig))->GetString();
301 if ( ! fMuonTrackCuts->TrackPtCutMatchTrigClass(track, fMuonEventCuts->GetTrigClassPtCutLevel(trigClassName)) || ! fMuonTrackCuts->TrackPtCutMatchTrigClass(auxTrack, fMuonEventCuts->GetTrigClassPtCutLevel(trigClassName)) ) continue;
302 ((TH2*)GetMergeableObject(physSel, trigClassName, centrality, "hRecoDimu"))->Fill(ptMin,invMass,dimuWgt);
303 } // loop on triggers
304 }
305 else {
306 if ( trackSources[itrack] == kZbosonMu && trackSources[jtrack] == kZbosonMu ) {
307 Bool_t isAccepted = kTRUE;
308 AliVParticle* muDaughter[2] = {0x0, 0x0};
309 for ( Int_t imu=0; imu<2; imu++ ) {
310 AliVParticle* currPart = ( imu == 0 ) ? track : auxTrack;
311 if ( currPart->Charge() < 0. ) muDaughter[0] = currPart;
312 else muDaughter[1] = currPart;
313 if ( currPart->Eta() < -4.5 || currPart->Eta() > -2. ) {
314 isAccepted = kFALSE;
315 }
316 } // loop on muons in the pair
47b31d8b 317
3575043a 318 Double_t pairRapidity = dimuPair.Rapidity();
319 if ( pairRapidity < -4. || pairRapidity > -2.5 ) isAccepted = kFALSE;
320 //printf("Rapidity Z %g pair %g\n",track->Y(), pairRapidity);
47b31d8b 321
3575043a 322 for ( Int_t itrig=0; itrig<selectTrigClasses.GetEntries(); ++itrig ) {
323 TString trigClassName = ((TObjString*)selectTrigClasses.At(itrig))->GetString();
324 if ( isAccepted ) ((TH2*)GetMergeableObject(physSel, trigClassName, centrality, "hGeneratedZ"))->Fill(ptMin,invMass,dimuWgt);
325 ((TH2*)GetMergeableObject(physSel, trigClassName, centrality, "hZmuEtaCorr"))->Fill(muDaughter[0]->Eta(),muDaughter[1]->Eta(),dimuWgt);
326 } // loop on selected trig
327 } // both muons from Z
328 } // kStepGeneratedMC
329 } // loop on auxiliary tracks
47b31d8b 330 if ( rejectTrack[itrack] > 0 ) continue;
a07db2fb 331
332 Double_t thetaAbsEndDeg = 0;
333 if ( istep == kStepReconstructed ) {
ebba9ef0 334 thetaAbsEndDeg = AliAnalysisMuonUtility::GetThetaAbsDeg(track);
93d6def1 335 }
a07db2fb 336 else {
337 thetaAbsEndDeg = ( TMath::Pi()-track->Theta() ) * TMath::RadToDeg();
93d6def1 338 }
a07db2fb 339 Int_t thetaAbsBin = ( thetaAbsEndDeg < 3. ) ? kThetaAbs23 : kThetaAbs310;
341 containerInput[kHvarPt] = track->Pt();
342 containerInput[kHvarEta] = track->Eta();
343 containerInput[kHvarPhi] = track->Phi();
344 containerInput[kHvarVz] = ( istep == kStepReconstructed ) ? ipVz : ipVzMC;
345 containerInput[kHvarCharge] = track->Charge()/3.;
346 containerInput[kHvarThetaAbs] = (Double_t)thetaAbsBin;
47b31d8b 347 containerInput[kHvarMotherType] = (Double_t)trackSources[itrack];
a07db2fb 348
349 for ( Int_t itrig=0; itrig<selectTrigClasses.GetEntries(); ++itrig ) {
350 TString trigClassName = ((TObjString*)selectTrigClasses.At(itrig))->GetString();
ebba9ef0 351 if ( istep == kStepReconstructed && ! fMuonTrackCuts->TrackPtCutMatchTrigClass(track, fMuonEventCuts->GetTrigClassPtCutLevel(trigClassName)) ) continue;
5936324e 352 ((AliCFContainer*)GetMergeableObject(physSel, trigClassName, centrality, "SingleMuContainer"))->Fill(containerInput,istep,trackWgt[itrack]);
a07db2fb 353 } // loop on selected trigger classes
354 } // loop on tracks
355 } // loop on container steps
589e3f71 356}
662e37fe 357
662e37fe 358
9728bcfd 359//________________________________________________________________________
a07db2fb 360void AliAnalysisTaskSingleMu::Terminate(Option_t *) {
589e3f71 361 //
a07db2fb 362 /// Draw some histograms at the end.
589e3f71 363 //
33898693 364
a07db2fb 365 AliVAnalysisMuon::Terminate("");
33898693 366
a07db2fb 367 if ( ! fMergeableCollection ) return;
369 TString physSel = fTerminateOptions->At(0)->GetName();
370 TString trigClassName = fTerminateOptions->At(1)->GetName();
371 TString centralityRange = fTerminateOptions->At(2)->GetName();
372 TString furtherOpt = fTerminateOptions->At(3)->GetName();
12e33589 373
374 TString minBiasTrig = "";
375 TObjArray* optArr = furtherOpt.Tokenize(" ");
376 TString currName = "";
377 for ( Int_t iopt=0; iopt<optArr->GetEntries(); iopt++ ) {
378 currName = optArr->At(iopt)->GetName();
df1e3f7a 379 if ( currName.Contains("-B-") || currName.Contains("ANY") ) minBiasTrig = currName;
12e33589 380 }
381 delete optArr;
33898693 382
a07db2fb 383 furtherOpt.ToUpper();
df1e3f7a 384 Bool_t plotChargeAsymmetry = furtherOpt.Contains("ASYM");
a07db2fb 385
9bb3925a 386 AliCFContainer* inContainer = static_cast<AliCFContainer*> ( GetSum(physSel,trigClassName,centralityRange,"SingleMuContainer") );
387 if ( ! inContainer ) return;
389 AliCFContainer* cfContainer = inContainer;
391 if ( ! furtherOpt.Contains("GENINTRIGCLASS") && trigClassName != "ANY" ) {
392 // The output container contains both the reconstructed and (in MC)
393 // the generated muons in a specific trigger class.
394 // Since the trigger pt level of the track is matched to the trigger class,
395 // analyzing the MUHigh trigger (for example) is equivalent of analyzing
396 // Hpt tracks.
397 // However, in this way, the generated muons distribution depend
398 // on a condition on the reconstructed track.
399 // If we calculate the Acc.xEff. as the ratio of reconstructed and
400 // generated muons IN A TRIGGER CLASS, we are biasing the final result.
401 // The correct value of Acc.xEff. is hence obtained as the distribution
402 // of reconstructed tracks in a muon trigger class, divided by the
403 // total number of generated class (which is in the "class" ANY).
404 // The following code sets the generated muons as the one in the class ANY.
405 // The feature is the default. If you want the generated muons in the same
406 // trigger class as the generated tracks, use option "GENINTRIGCLASS"
407 AliCFContainer* fullMCcontainer = static_cast<AliCFContainer*> ( GetSum(physSel,"ANY",centralityRange,"SingleMuContainer") );
408 if ( fullMCcontainer ) {
409 cfContainer = static_cast<AliCFContainer*>(cfContainer->Clone("SingleMuContainerCombo"));
410 cfContainer->SetGrid(kStepGeneratedMC,fullMCcontainer->GetGrid(kStepGeneratedMC));
411 }
412 }
c6e0141f 413
414 AliCFEffGrid* effSparse = new AliCFEffGrid(Form("eff%s", cfContainer->GetName()),Form("Efficiency %s", cfContainer->GetTitle()),*cfContainer);
415 effSparse->CalculateEfficiency(kStepReconstructed, kStepGeneratedMC);
417 AliCFGridSparse* gridSparseArray[3] = {effSparse->GetNum(), effSparse->GetDen(), effSparse};
418 TString gridSparseName[3] = {cfContainer->GetStepTitle(kStepReconstructed), cfContainer->GetStepTitle(kStepGeneratedMC), "Efficiency"};
33898693 419
420 Int_t srcColors[kNtrackSources] = {kBlack, kRed, kSpring, kTeal, kBlue, kViolet, kMagenta, kOrange, kGray};
421 // TString allSrcNames = "";
422 // for ( Int_t isrc=0; isrc<kNtrackSources; ++isrc ) {
423 // if ( ! allSrcNames.IsNull() ) allSrcNames.Append(" ");
424 // allSrcNames += fSrcKeys->At(isrc)->GetName();
425 // }
a07db2fb 427 TCanvas* can = 0x0;
428 Int_t xshift = 100;
429 Int_t yshift = 100;
430 Int_t igroup1 = -1;
431 Int_t igroup2 = 0;
433 Bool_t isMC = furtherOpt.Contains("MC");
33898693 434
435 TAxis* srcAxis = gridSparseArray[0]->GetAxis(kHvarMotherType);
8ac7181e 436 Int_t unIdBin = srcAxis->FindBin(fSrcKeys->At(kUnidentified)->GetName());
437 if ( unIdBin < 1 ) unIdBin = srcAxis->GetNbins();
33898693 438
439 Int_t firstSrcBin = ( isMC ) ? 1 : unIdBin;
440 Int_t lastSrcBin = ( isMC ) ? srcAxis->GetNbins() - 1 : unIdBin;
441 if ( ! isMC ) srcColors[unIdBin-1] = 1;
ac2e110b 442
a07db2fb 443 ////////////////
444 // Kinematics //
445 ////////////////
ac2e110b 446 TString chargeNames[3] = {fChargeKeys->At(0)->GetName(), fChargeKeys->At(1)->GetName(), "Total"};
447 THashList histoList[3];
448 for ( Int_t icharge=0; icharge<3; icharge++ ) {
449 histoList[icharge].SetName(chargeNames[icharge].Data());
450 }
33898693 451 for ( Int_t isrc = firstSrcBin; isrc <= lastSrcBin; ++isrc ) {
ac2e110b 452 for ( Int_t icharge=0; icharge<3; ++icharge ) {
453 Int_t icharge1 = ( icharge < 2 ) ? icharge : 0;
454 Int_t icharge2 = ( icharge < 2 ) ? icharge : 1;
c6e0141f 455 for ( Int_t igrid=0; igrid<3; ++igrid ) {
456 if ( gridSparseArray[igrid]->GetEntries() == 0. ) break;
457 if ( gridSparseArray[igrid]->IsA() != AliCFEffGrid::Class() ) {
458 SetSparseRange(gridSparseArray[igrid], kHvarEta, "", -3.999, -2.501);
33898693 459 SetSparseRange(gridSparseArray[igrid], kHvarMotherType, "", isrc, isrc, "USEBIN");
ac2e110b 460 SetSparseRange(gridSparseArray[igrid], kHvarCharge, "", icharge1+1, icharge2+1, "USEBIN");
c6e0141f 461 }
ac2e110b 462 TH1* histo = gridSparseArray[igrid]->Project(kHvarPt, kHvarEta);
33898693 463 histo->SetName(Form("hPtEta_%s_%s_%s", gridSparseName[igrid].Data(), srcAxis->GetBinLabel(isrc), chargeNames[icharge].Data()));
f7852207 464 histo->SetDirectory(0);
ac2e110b 465 if ( histo->Integral() > 0 ) histoList[icharge].Add(histo);
c6e0141f 466 for ( Int_t iproj=0; iproj<4; ++iproj ) {
ac2e110b 467 histo = gridSparseArray[igrid]->Project(iproj);
33898693 468 histo->SetName(Form("proj%i_%s_%s_%s", iproj, gridSparseName[igrid].Data(), srcAxis->GetBinLabel(isrc), chargeNames[icharge].Data()));
f7852207 469 histo->SetDirectory(0);
ac2e110b 470 if ( histo->Integral() > 0 ) histoList[icharge].Add(histo);
471 } // loop on projections
472 } // loop on grid sparse
473 } // loop on charge
c6e0141f 474 } // loop on track sources
ac2e110b 476 // Get charge asymmetry or mu+/mu-
477 THashList histoListRatio;
478 TString basePlotName = plotChargeAsymmetry ? "ChargeAsymmetry" : "ChargeRatio";
479 histoListRatio.SetName(basePlotName.Data());
480 Int_t baseCharge = 1;
481 Int_t auxCharge = 1-baseCharge;
482 for ( Int_t ihisto=0; ihisto<histoList[baseCharge].GetEntries(); ihisto++ ) {
483 TObject* obj = histoList[baseCharge].At(ihisto);
484 TString histoName = obj->GetName();
485 if ( histoName.Contains(gridSparseName[2].Data()) ) continue;
486 TString searchName = histoName;
487 searchName.ReplaceAll(fChargeKeys->At(baseCharge)->GetName(), fChargeKeys->At(auxCharge)->GetName());
488 TH1* auxHisto = static_cast<TH1*> (histoList[auxCharge].FindObject(searchName.Data()));
489 if ( ! auxHisto ) continue;
490 histoName.ReplaceAll(fChargeKeys->At(baseCharge)->GetName(),basePlotName.Data());
491 TH1* histo = static_cast<TH1*> (obj->Clone(histoName.Data()));
33898693 492 if ( plotChargeAsymmetry ) {
ac2e110b 493 histo->Add(auxHisto, -1.);
494 // h2 + h1 = 2xh2 + (h1-h2)
495 auxHisto->Add(auxHisto, histo, 2.);
496 }
497 histo->Divide(auxHisto);
498 TString axisTitle = plotChargeAsymmetry ? Form("(%s - %s) / (%s + %s)", fChargeKeys->At(1)->GetName(), fChargeKeys->At(0)->GetName(), fChargeKeys->At(1)->GetName(), fChargeKeys->At(0)->GetName()) : Form("%s / %s", fChargeKeys->At(1)->GetName(), fChargeKeys->At(0)->GetName());
499 axisTitle.ReplaceAll("MuPlus","#mu^{+}");
500 axisTitle.ReplaceAll("MuMinus","#mu^{-}");
501 histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(axisTitle.Data());
502 histo->SetStats(kFALSE);
f7852207 503 histo->SetDirectory(0);
ac2e110b 504 histoListRatio.Add(histo);
505 }
507 // Plot kinematics
508 TString histoName = "", drawOpt = "";
509 for ( Int_t itype=0; itype<3; itype++ ) {
510 THashList* currList = 0x0;
511 Int_t nCharges = 1;
512 if ( itype == 1 ) currList = &histoListRatio;
513 else if ( itype == 2 ) currList = &histoList[2];
514 else nCharges = 2;
515 for ( Int_t igrid=0; igrid<3; ++igrid ) {
516 igroup1 = igrid;
517 TCanvas* canKine = 0x0;
518 TLegend* legKine = 0x0;
519 for ( Int_t iproj=0; iproj<4; ++iproj ) {
33898693 520 for ( Int_t isrc = firstSrcBin; isrc <= lastSrcBin; ++isrc ) {
ac2e110b 521 for ( Int_t icharge=0; icharge<nCharges; ++icharge ) {
522 if ( itype == 0 ) currList = &histoList[icharge];
33898693 523 histoName = Form("proj%i_%s_%s_%s", iproj, gridSparseName[igrid].Data(), srcAxis->GetBinLabel(isrc), currList->GetName());
ac2e110b 524 TH1* histo = static_cast<TH1*>(currList->FindObject(histoName.Data()));
525 if ( ! histo ) continue;
526 if ( ! canKine ) {
527 igroup2 = itype;
528 igroup1 = igrid;
529 currName = Form("%s_%s_%s", GetName(), currList->GetName(), gridSparseName[igrid].Data());
530 canKine = new TCanvas(currName.Data(),currName.Data(),igroup1*xshift,igroup2*yshift,600,600);
531 canKine->Divide(2,2);
532 legKine = new TLegend(0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 0.8);
533 }
534 canKine->cd(iproj+1);
535 if ( itype != 1 ) {
536 if ( ( iproj == kHvarPt || iproj == kHvarVz ) && gridSparseArray[igrid]->IsA() != AliCFEffGrid::Class() ) gPad->SetLogy();
537 }
538 Bool_t isFirst = ( gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->GetEntries() == 0 );
539 drawOpt = isFirst ? "e" : "esames";
33898693 540 histo->SetLineColor(srcColors[isrc-1]);
541 histo->SetMarkerColor(srcColors[isrc-1]);
ac2e110b 542 histo->SetMarkerStyle(20+4*icharge);
543 histo->Draw(drawOpt.Data());
544 TPaveStats* paveStats = (TPaveStats*)histo->FindObject("stats");
33898693 545 if ( paveStats ) paveStats->SetTextColor(srcColors[isrc-1]);
ac2e110b 546 if ( iproj == 0 ) {
547 TString legEntry = ( itype == 0 ) ? fChargeKeys->At(icharge)->GetName() : "";
33898693 548 if ( isMC ) legEntry += Form(" %s", srcAxis->GetBinLabel(isrc));
ac2e110b 549 if ( ! legEntry.IsNull() ) legKine->AddEntry(histo,legEntry.Data(), "lp");
550 }
551 } // loop on mu charge
552 } // loop on track sources
553 } // loop on projections
554 if ( legKine && legKine->GetNRows() > 0 ) {
555 canKine->cd(1);
556 legKine->Draw("same");
557 }
558 } // loop on grid sparse
559 } // loop on types
ac2e110b 560
c6e0141f 561
562 for ( Int_t igrid=0; igrid<3; igrid++ ) {
c6e0141f 563 if ( gridSparseArray[igrid]->IsA() == AliCFEffGrid::Class() ) continue;
564 SetSparseRange(gridSparseArray[igrid], kHvarCharge, "", 1, gridSparseArray[igrid]->GetAxis(kHvarCharge)->GetNbins(), "USEBIN"); // Reset range
a07db2fb 565 } // loop on container steps
a07db2fb 566
567 //////////////////////
568 // Event statistics //
569 //////////////////////
570 printf("\nTotal analyzed events:\n");
571 TString evtSel = Form("trigger:%s", trigClassName.Data());
572 fEventCounters->PrintSum(evtSel.Data());
573 printf("Physics selected analyzed events:\n");
574 evtSel = Form("trigger:%s/selected:yes", trigClassName.Data());
575 fEventCounters->PrintSum(evtSel.Data());
577 TString countPhysSel = "any";
578 if ( physSel.Contains(fPhysSelKeys->At(kPhysSelPass)->GetName()) ) countPhysSel = "yes";
579 else if ( physSel.Contains(fPhysSelKeys->At(kPhysSelReject)->GetName()) ) countPhysSel="no";
580 countPhysSel.Prepend("selected:");
581 printf("Analyzed events vs. centrality:\n");
582 evtSel = Form("trigger:%s/%s", trigClassName.Data(), countPhysSel.Data());
583 fEventCounters->Print("centrality",evtSel.Data(),kTRUE);
ac2e110b 585 TString outFilename = Form("/tmp/out%s.root", GetName());
f7852207 586 printf("\nCreating file %s\n", outFilename.Data());
ac2e110b 587 TFile* outFile = new TFile(outFilename.Data(),"RECREATE");
588 for ( Int_t icharge=0; icharge<3; icharge++ ) {
589 histoList[icharge].Write();
590 }
591 histoListRatio.Write();
592 outFile->Close();
ac2e110b 593
a07db2fb 594 ///////////////////
595 // Vertex method //
596 ///////////////////
597 if ( ! furtherOpt.Contains("VERTEX") ) return;
a07db2fb 598 igroup1++;
12e33589 599 TH1* eventVertex = (TH1*)GetSum(physSel, minBiasTrig, centralityRange, "hIpVtx");
a07db2fb 600 if ( ! eventVertex ) return;
601 Double_t minZ = -9.99, maxZ = 9.99;
602 Double_t meanZ = 0., sigmaZ = 4.;
603 Double_t nSigma = 2.;
12e33589 604 TString fitOpt = "R0S";
a07db2fb 605 Bool_t fixFitRange = kFALSE;
606 TString fitFormula = Form("[0]+[1]*(x+[2])");
33898693 607
608 // Get vertex shape
a07db2fb 609 if ( eventVertex->GetSumw2N() == 0 ) eventVertex->Sumw2();
610 Double_t eventVtxIntegral = eventVertex->Integral(0,eventVertex->GetNbinsX()+1); // Include under/overflow
611 printf("Event vertex integral %.0f\n\n", eventVtxIntegral);
612 if ( eventVtxIntegral <= 0. ) return;
613 eventVertex->Scale(1./eventVtxIntegral);
614 printf("\nFit MB vertex\n");
615 eventVertex->Fit("gaus",fitOpt.Data(),"",minZ,maxZ);
616 TF1* vtxFit = (TF1*)eventVertex->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("gaus");
617 currName = "vtxIntegrated";
618 can = new TCanvas(currName.Data(),currName.Data(),igroup1*xshift,igroup2*yshift,600,600);
619 can->SetLogy();
620 eventVertex->Draw();
621 vtxFit->Draw("same");
33898693 622
a07db2fb 623
624 enum {kRecoHF, kRecoBkg, kInputHF, kInputDecay, kRecoAll, kNrecoHistos};
625 TString baseRecoName[kNrecoHistos] = {"RecoHF", "RecoBkg", "InputHF", "InputDecay", "RecoAll"};
626 TArrayI sumMothers[kNrecoHistos];
627 sumMothers[kRecoHF].Set(0);
628 sumMothers[kRecoBkg].Set(0);
629 sumMothers[kInputHF].Set(3);
8ac7181e 630
631 sumMothers[kInputHF][0] = srcAxis->FindBin(fSrcKeys->At(kCharmMu)->GetName());
632 sumMothers[kInputHF][1] = srcAxis->FindBin(fSrcKeys->At(kBeautyMu)->GetName());
633 sumMothers[kInputHF][2] = srcAxis->FindBin(fSrcKeys->At(kQuarkoniumMu)->GetName());
a07db2fb 634 sumMothers[kInputDecay].Set(1);
8ac7181e 635 sumMothers[kInputDecay][0] = srcAxis->FindBin(fSrcKeys->At(kDecayMu)->GetName());
33898693 636 sumMothers[kRecoAll].Set(srcAxis->GetNbins());
8ac7181e 637 for ( Int_t isrc=0; isrc<srcAxis->GetNbins(); ++isrc ) {
638 sumMothers[kRecoAll][isrc] = isrc+1;
b201705a 639 }
a07db2fb 640
641 meanZ = vtxFit->GetParameter(1);
642 sigmaZ = vtxFit->GetParameter(2);
644 Double_t minZfit = ( fixFitRange ) ? minZ : meanZ - nSigma*sigmaZ;
645 Double_t maxZfit = ( fixFitRange ) ? maxZ : meanZ + nSigma*sigmaZ;
647 TF1* fitFunc = new TF1("fitFunc", fitFormula.Data(), minZ, maxZ);
648 fitFunc->SetLineColor(2);
649 fitFunc->SetParNames("Line norm", "Line slope", "Free path");
650 const Double_t kFreePath = 153.; // 150.; // 130.; // cm
651 //fitFunc->SetParameters(0.,1.);
652 fitFunc->FixParameter(2, kFreePath);
33898693 653
a07db2fb 654 AliCFGridSparse* gridSparse = cfContainer->GetGrid(kStepReconstructed);
655 TAxis* ptAxis = gridSparse->GetAxis(kHvarPt);
657 Double_t slope = 0.;
658 Double_t limitNorm = 0., limitSlope = 0.;
12e33589 659 Int_t firstPtBin = 0, lastPtBin = 0;
661 gStyle->SetOptFit(1111);
33898693 662
a07db2fb 663 for ( Int_t itheta=0; itheta<kNthetaAbs; ++itheta ) {
664 igroup2++;
665 SetSparseRange(gridSparse, kHvarThetaAbs, "", itheta+1, itheta+1, "USEBIN");
666 SetSparseRange(gridSparse, kHvarPt, "", 1, ptAxis->GetNbins(), "USEBIN");
667 TH1* recoHisto[kNrecoHistos];
668 for ( Int_t ireco=0; ireco<kNrecoHistos; ++ireco ) {
669 recoHisto[ireco] = gridSparse->Project(kHvarPt);
670 histoName = Form("%sMuon_%s", baseRecoName[ireco].Data(), fThetaAbsKeys->At(itheta)->GetName());
671 recoHisto[ireco]->SetName(histoName.Data());
672 recoHisto[ireco]->SetTitle(histoName.Data());
673 recoHisto[ireco]->Reset();
674 recoHisto[ireco]->Sumw2();
675 for ( Int_t isrc=0; isrc<sumMothers[ireco].GetSize(); ++isrc ) {
33898693 676 SetSparseRange(gridSparse, kHvarMotherType, "", sumMothers[ireco][isrc], sumMothers[ireco][isrc], "USEBIN");
a07db2fb 677 TH1* auxHisto = gridSparse->Project(kHvarPt);
678 recoHisto[ireco]->Add(auxHisto);
679 delete auxHisto;
680 }
b201705a 681 }
be436bdc 682 SetSparseRange(gridSparse, kHvarMotherType, "", firstPtBin, lastSrcBin, "USEBIN");
a07db2fb 683 Int_t currDraw = 0;
33898693 684
a07db2fb 685 for ( Int_t ibinpt=0; ibinpt<=ptAxis->GetNbins(); ++ibinpt ) {
686 firstPtBin = ibinpt;
687 lastPtBin = ( ibinpt == 0 ) ? ptAxis->GetNbins() : ibinpt;
688 SetSparseRange(gridSparse, kHvarPt, "", firstPtBin, lastPtBin, "USEBIN");
689 TH1* histo = gridSparse->Project(kHvarVz);
690 histo->SetName(Form("hVtx_%s_%s_ptBin%i", cfContainer->GetStepTitle(kStepReconstructed), fThetaAbsKeys->At(itheta)->GetName(), ibinpt));
ac2e110b 691 if ( histo->Integral() < 100. ) break;
a07db2fb 692 printf("\nFit %.2f < pt < %.2f (entries %g)\n", ptAxis->GetBinLowEdge(firstPtBin), ptAxis->GetBinUpEdge(lastPtBin), histo->GetEntries());
693 histo->Divide(eventVertex);
694 Double_t norm = histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(0.));
695 histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{dN_{#mu}}{dv_{z}} / #left(#frac{1}{N_{MB}}#frac{dN_{MB}}{dv_{z}}#right)");
b84f935c 696 histo->SetTitle(Form("%g < p_{T} (GeV/c) < %g",ptAxis->GetBinLowEdge(firstPtBin), ptAxis->GetBinUpEdge(lastPtBin)));
33898693 697 slope = ( histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(meanZ+sigmaZ)) -
a07db2fb 698 histo->GetBinContent(histo->FindBin(meanZ-sigmaZ)) ) / ( 2. * sigmaZ );
700 if ( slope < 0. ) slope = norm/kFreePath;
702 // Try to fit twice: it fit fails the first time
703 // set some limits on parameters
704 for ( Int_t itry=0; itry<2; itry++ ) {
705 fitFunc->SetParameter(0, norm);
706 fitFunc->SetParameter(1, slope);
707 if ( itry > 0 ) {
708 limitNorm = 2.*histo->Integral();
709 limitSlope = 2.*histo->Integral()/kFreePath;
710 //fitFunc->SetParLimits(0, 0., limitNorm); // REMEMBER TO CHECK
711 fitFunc->SetParLimits(1, 0., limitSlope); // REMEMBER TO CHECK
712 printf("Norm 0. < %f < %f slope 0. < %f < %f\n", norm, limitNorm, slope, limitSlope);
713 }
12e33589 714 TFitResultPtr fitRes = histo->Fit(fitFunc, fitOpt.Data(), "", minZfit, maxZfit);
a07db2fb 715
33898693 716 // if ( gMinuit->fCstatu.Contains("CONVERGED") &&
12e33589 717 if ( ((Int_t)fitRes) == 0 &&
33898693 718 fitFunc->GetParameter(0) > 0. &&
a07db2fb 719 fitFunc->GetParameter(1) > 0. )
720 break;
7e7619d1 721 else if ( furtherOpt.Contains("REFIT") ) printf("Re-fit with limits\n");
a07db2fb 722 else {
7e7619d1 723 printf("Warning: fit problems !!!\n");
724 break;
a07db2fb 725 }
726 }
728 Double_t p0 = fitFunc->GetParameter(0);
729 Double_t p0err = fitFunc->GetParError(0);
730 Double_t p1 = fitFunc->GetParameter(1);
731 Double_t p1err = fitFunc->GetParError(1);
733 Double_t nullVz = ( p1 != 0. ) ? -p0/p1 : 0.;
734 Double_t nullVzErr = ( p0 != 0. && p1 != 0. ) ? TMath::Abs(nullVz) * TMath::Sqrt(p0err*p0err/(p0*p0) + p1err*p1err/(p1*p1) ) : 0.;
736 printf("Null value at %f +- %f\n", nullVz - kFreePath, nullVzErr);
738 recoHisto[kRecoHF]->SetBinContent(ibinpt, p0);
739 recoHisto[kRecoHF]->SetBinError(ibinpt, p0err);
740 recoHisto[kRecoBkg]->SetBinContent(ibinpt, ( kFreePath + meanZ ) * p1);
741 recoHisto[kRecoBkg]->SetBinError(ibinpt, ( kFreePath + meanZ ) * p1err);
742 if ( currDraw%4 == 0 ){
743 currName = Form("vtx_%s_PtBin%i",fThetaAbsKeys->At(itheta)->GetName(), ibinpt);
744 can = new TCanvas(currName.Data(),currName.Data(),igroup1*xshift,igroup2*yshift,600,600);
745 can->Divide(2,2);
746 }
747 can->cd( currDraw%4 + 1 );
748 can->SetLogy();
749 histo->Draw();
750 fitFunc->DrawCopy("same");
751 currDraw++;
752 } // loop on pt bins
be436bdc 753 SetSparseRange(gridSparse, kHvarMotherType, "", firstSrcBin, lastSrcBin, "USEBIN");
a07db2fb 754 currName = Form("recoPt_%s",fThetaAbsKeys->At(itheta)->GetName());
755 can = new TCanvas(currName.Data(),currName.Data(),(igroup1+1)*xshift,igroup2*yshift,600,600);
756 TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 0.8);
757 drawOpt = "e";
758 for ( Int_t ireco=0; ireco<kNrecoHistos-1; ++ireco ) {
759 if ( recoHisto[ireco]->GetEntries() == 0. ) continue;
760 TH1* ratio = (TH1*)recoHisto[ireco]->Clone(Form("%s_ratio", recoHisto[ireco]->GetName()));
761 ratio->Divide(recoHisto[kRecoAll]);
762 ratio->SetLineColor(srcColors[ireco]);
763 ratio->SetMarkerColor(srcColors[ireco]);
764 ratio->SetMarkerStyle(20+ireco);
765 ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("fraction of total");
766 ratio->Draw(drawOpt.Data());
767 leg->AddEntry(ratio,baseRecoName[ireco].Data(), "lp");
768 drawOpt = "esame";
b201705a 769 }
a07db2fb 770 leg->Draw("same");
771 } // loop on theta abs
589e3f71 772}