]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG0/dNdEta/AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector.cxx
implemented analysis using 3d information (vtx_z, eta, pt)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG0 / dNdEta / AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector.cxx
dc740de4 1/* $Id$ */
79ab56b9 3#include "AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector.h"
539b6cb4 4
5#include <TStyle.h>
6#include <TSystem.h>
7#include <TCanvas.h>
8#include <TParticle.h>
9#include <TParticlePDG.h>
745e836a 11#include <TChain.h>
12#include <TSelector.h>
45e97e28 13#include <TFile.h>
745e836a 14
539b6cb4 15#include <AliLog.h>
79ab56b9 16#include <AliGenEventHeader.h>
539b6cb4 17#include <AliTracker.h>
745e836a 18#include <AliHeader.h>
fcf2fb36 19#include <AliESDVertex.h>
20#include <AliESD.h>
21#include <AliESDtrack.h>
45e97e28 22#include <AliRunLoader.h>
23#include <AliStack.h>
539b6cb4 24
37dbb69e 25#include "esdTrackCuts/AliESDtrackCuts.h"
45e97e28 26#include "dNdEta/AlidNdEtaCorrection.h"
27#include "AliPWG0Helper.h"
539b6cb4 28
79ab56b9 29ClassImp(AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector)
539b6cb4 30
fcf2fb36 31AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector::AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector() :
16e24ca3 32 AliSelectorRL(),
539b6cb4 33 fEsdTrackCuts(0),
45e97e28 34 fdNdEtaCorrection(0)
539b6cb4 35{
79ab56b9 36 //
539b6cb4 37 // Constructor. Initialization of pointers
79ab56b9 38 //
539b6cb4 39}
79ab56b9 41AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector::~AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector()
539b6cb4 42{
79ab56b9 43 //
44 // Destructor
45 //
539b6cb4 46
47 // histograms are in the output list and deleted when the output
48 // list is deleted by the TSelector dtor
79ab56b9 51void AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector::Begin(TTree * tree)
539b6cb4 52{
53 // The Begin() function is called at the start of the query.
54 // When running with PROOF Begin() is only called on the client.
55 // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed).
16e24ca3 57 AliSelectorRL::Begin(tree);
539b6cb4 58}
79ab56b9 60void AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector::SlaveBegin(TTree * tree)
539b6cb4 61{
62 // The SlaveBegin() function is called after the Begin() function.
63 // When running with PROOF SlaveBegin() is called on each slave server.
64 // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed).
16e24ca3 66 AliSelectorRL::SlaveBegin(tree);
539b6cb4 67
45e97e28 68 fdNdEtaCorrection = new AlidNdEtaCorrection();
539b6cb4 69
16e24ca3 70 if (fTree)
71 fEsdTrackCuts = dynamic_cast<AliESDtrackCuts*> (fTree->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("AliESDtrackCuts"));
539b6cb4 72
79ab56b9 73 if (!fEsdTrackCuts)
b8e8168f 74 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "ERROR: Could not read EsdTrackCuts from user info");
539b6cb4 75}
79ab56b9 77Bool_t AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector::Process(Long64_t entry)
539b6cb4 78{
79 // The Process() function is called for each entry in the tree (or possibly
80 // keyed object in the case of PROOF) to be processed. The entry argument
81 // specifies which entry in the currently loaded tree is to be processed.
82 // It can be passed to either TTree::GetEntry() or TBranch::GetEntry()
83 // to read either all or the required parts of the data. When processing
84 // keyed objects with PROOF, the object is already loaded and is available
85 // via the fObject pointer.
86 //
87 // This function should contain the "body" of the analysis. It can contain
88 // simple or elaborate selection criteria, run algorithms on the data
89 // of the event and typically fill histograms.
91 // WARNING when a selector is used with a TChain, you must use
92 // the pointer to the current TTree to call GetEntry(entry).
93 // The entry is always the local entry number in the current tree.
16e24ca3 94 // Assuming that fTree is the pointer to the TChain being processed,
95 // use fTree->GetTree()->GetEntry(entry).
539b6cb4 96
16e24ca3 97 if (AliSelectorRL::Process(entry) == kFALSE)
539b6cb4 98 return kFALSE;
b8e8168f 100 // check prerequesites
101 if (!fESD)
102 {
103 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "ESD branch not available");
104 return kFALSE;
105 }
dc740de4 107 AliHeader* header = GetHeader();
108 if (!header)
b8e8168f 109 {
dc740de4 110 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "Header not available");
b8e8168f 111 return kFALSE;
112 }
45e97e28 114 AliRunLoader* runLoader = GetRunLoader();
115 if (!runLoader)
116 {
117 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "RunLoader not available");
118 return kFALSE;
119 }
121 runLoader->LoadKinematics();
122 AliStack* stack = runLoader->Stack();
123 if (!stack)
124 {
125 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "Stack not available");
126 return kFALSE;
127 }
b8e8168f 129 if (!fEsdTrackCuts)
130 {
131 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "fESDTrackCuts not available");
539b6cb4 132 return kFALSE;
b8e8168f 133 }
539b6cb4 134
45e97e28 135 Bool_t vertexReconstructed = AliPWG0Helper::IsVertexReconstructed(fESD);
745e836a 136
45e97e28 137 Bool_t eventTriggered = AliPWG0Helper::IsEventTriggered(fESD);
539b6cb4 138
45e97e28 139 fdNdEtaCorrection->IncreaseEventCount();
140 if (eventTriggered)
141 fdNdEtaCorrection->IncreaseTriggeredEventCount();
539b6cb4 142
539b6cb4 143 // get the MC vertex
dc740de4 144 AliGenEventHeader* genHeader = header->GenEventHeader();
539b6cb4 145
146 TArrayF vtxMC(3);
147 genHeader->PrimaryVertex(vtxMC);
539b6cb4 148
539b6cb4 149 // loop over mc particles
45e97e28 150 Int_t nPrim = stack->GetNprimary();
539b6cb4 151
45e97e28 152 for (Int_t iMc = 0; iMc < nPrim; ++iMc)
539b6cb4 153 {
45e97e28 154 AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, Form("MC Loop: Processing particle %d.", iMc));
156 TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(iMc);
539b6cb4 157
158 if (!particle)
45e97e28 159 {
160 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, Form("UNEXPECTED: particle with label %d not found in stack (mc loop).", iMc));
539b6cb4 161 continue;
45e97e28 162 }
539b6cb4 163
45e97e28 164 if (AliPWG0Helper::IsPrimaryCharged(particle, nPrim) == kFALSE)
539b6cb4 165 continue;
745e836a 167 Float_t eta = particle->Eta();
45e97e28 168 Float_t pt = particle->Pt();
170 if (vertexReconstructed)
171 fdNdEtaCorrection->FillParticle(vtxMC[2], eta, pt);
539b6cb4 172
45e97e28 173 fdNdEtaCorrection->FillParticleAllEvents(eta, pt);
174 if (eventTriggered)
175 fdNdEtaCorrection->FillParticleWhenEventTriggered(eta, pt);
176 }// end of mc particle
e8cb44f1 177
539b6cb4 178 // ########################################################
179 // loop over esd tracks
180 Int_t nTracks = fESD->GetNumberOfTracks();
45e97e28 181
182 // count the number of "good" tracks for vertex reconstruction efficiency
183 // TODO change to number of ITS clusters or similar
184 Int_t nGoodTracks = 0;
539b6cb4 185 for (Int_t t=0; t<nTracks; t++)
186 {
45e97e28 187 AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, Form("ESD Loop: Processing track %d.", t));
539b6cb4 189 AliESDtrack* esdTrack = fESD->GetTrack(t);
191 // cut the esd track?
192 if (!fEsdTrackCuts->AcceptTrack(esdTrack))
193 continue;
45e97e28 195 nGoodTracks++;
197 // using the properties of the mc particle
539b6cb4 198 Int_t label = TMath::Abs(esdTrack->GetLabel());
79ab56b9 199 if (label == 0)
539b6cb4 200 {
b8e8168f 201 AliDebug(AliLog::kWarning, Form("WARNING: cannot find corresponding mc part for track %d.", t));
539b6cb4 202 continue;
203 }
539b6cb4 204
45e97e28 205 TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(label);
206 if (!particle)
207 {
208 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, Form("UNEXPECTED: particle with label %d not found in stack (track loop).", label));
209 continue;
210 }
539b6cb4 211
45e97e28 212 if (vertexReconstructed)
213 fdNdEtaCorrection->FillParticleWhenMeasuredTrack(vtxMC[2], particle->Eta(), particle->Pt());
539b6cb4 214 } // end of track loop
847489f7 216
217 if (eventTriggered)
218 {
219 fdNdEtaCorrection->FillEvent(vtxMC[2], nGoodTracks);
220 if (vertexReconstructed)
221 fdNdEtaCorrection->FillEventWithReconstructedVertex(vtxMC[2], nGoodTracks);
222 }
45e97e28 223
539b6cb4 224 return kTRUE;
79ab56b9 227void AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector::SlaveTerminate()
539b6cb4 228{
229 // The SlaveTerminate() function is called after all entries or objects
230 // have been processed. When running with PROOF SlaveTerminate() is called
231 // on each slave server.
16e24ca3 233 AliSelectorRL::SlaveTerminate();
539b6cb4 234
235 // Add the histograms to the output on each slave server
236 if (!fOutput)
237 {
b8e8168f 238 AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "ERROR: Output list not initialized");
539b6cb4 239 return;
240 }
79ab56b9 241
745e836a 242 fOutput->Add(fdNdEtaCorrection);
539b6cb4 243}
79ab56b9 245void AlidNdEtaCorrectionSelector::Terminate()
539b6cb4 246{
247 // The Terminate() function is the last function to be called during
248 // a query. It always runs on the client, it can be used to present
249 // the results graphically or save the results to file.
16e24ca3 251 AliSelectorRL::Terminate();
539b6cb4 252
45e97e28 253 fdNdEtaCorrection = dynamic_cast<AlidNdEtaCorrection*> (fOutput->FindObject("dndeta_correction"));
79ab56b9 254
45e97e28 255 fdNdEtaCorrection->Finish();
539b6cb4 256
257 TFile* fout = new TFile("correction_map.root","RECREATE");
259 fEsdTrackCuts->SaveHistograms("esd_track_cuts");
45e97e28 260 fdNdEtaCorrection->SaveHistograms();
539b6cb4 261
262 fout->Write();
263 fout->Close();
45e97e28 265 fdNdEtaCorrection->DrawHistograms();
539b6cb4 266}