Commit | Line | Data |
695019eb | 1 | /**************************************************************************\r |
2 | * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *\r | |
3 | * *\r | |
4 | * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *\r | |
5 | * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *\r | |
6 | * *\r | |
7 | * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *\r | |
8 | * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *\r | |
9 | * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *\r | |
10 | * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *\r | |
11 | * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *\r | |
12 | * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *\r | |
13 | * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *\r | |
14 | **************************************************************************/\r | |
15 | \r | |
16 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r | |
17 | //\r | |
18 | // Check basic detector results at ESD level\r | |
19 | // - Geometrical efficiency \r | |
20 | // - Tracking efficiency \r | |
21 | // - PID efficiency \r | |
22 | // - Refit efficiency \r | |
23 | //\r | |
24 | // Author\r | |
25 | // Alex Bercuci <A.Bercuci@gsi.de>\r | |
26 | //\r | |
27 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r | |
28 | \r | |
29 | #include <TClonesArray.h>\r | |
30 | #include <TCanvas.h>\r | |
31 | #include <TObjArray.h>\r | |
32 | #include <TPad.h>\r | |
33 | #include <TLegend.h>\r | |
34 | #include <TLatex.h>\r | |
35 | #include <TLine.h>\r | |
36 | #include <TF1.h>\r | |
37 | #include <TH2I.h>\r | |
38 | #include <TH2F.h>\r | |
39 | #include <TH3S.h>\r | |
40 | #include <TH3F.h>\r | |
41 | #include <TProfile2D.h>\r | |
42 | #include <TProfile.h>\r | |
43 | #include <TGraphErrors.h>\r | |
44 | #include <TGraphAsymmErrors.h>\r | |
45 | #include <TFile.h>\r | |
46 | #include <TTree.h>\r | |
47 | #include <TROOT.h>\r | |
48 | #include <TChain.h>\r | |
49 | #include <TParticle.h>\r | |
50 | #include <TTimeStamp.h>\r | |
51 | \r | |
52 | #include "AliLog.h"\r | |
53 | #include "AliAnalysisManager.h"\r | |
54 | #include "AliESDEvent.h"\r | |
55 | #include "AliESDkink.h"\r | |
56 | #include "AliMCEvent.h"\r | |
57 | #include "AliESDInputHandler.h"\r | |
58 | #include "AliMCEventHandler.h"\r | |
59 | \r | |
60 | #include "AliESDtrack.h"\r | |
61 | #include "AliMCParticle.h"\r | |
62 | #include "AliPID.h"\r | |
63 | #include "AliStack.h"\r | |
64 | #include "AliTrackReference.h"\r | |
65 | \r | |
66 | #include "AliTRDcheckESD.h"\r | |
67 | \r | |
68 | ClassImp(AliTRDcheckESD)\r | |
69 | \r | |
70 | const Float_t AliTRDcheckESD::fgkxTPC = 290.;\r | |
71 | const Float_t AliTRDcheckESD::fgkxTOF = 365.;\r | |
72 | const UChar_t AliTRDcheckESD::fgkNgraph[AliTRDcheckESD::kNrefs] ={\r | |
73 | 8, 4, 2, 20};\r | |
74 | FILE* AliTRDcheckESD::fgFile = NULL;\r | |
75 | \r | |
76 | const Float_t AliTRDcheckESD::fgkEvVertexZ = 15.;\r | |
77 | const Int_t AliTRDcheckESD::fgkEvVertexN = 1;\r | |
78 | const Float_t AliTRDcheckESD::fgkTrkDCAxy = 40.;\r | |
79 | const Float_t AliTRDcheckESD::fgkTrkDCAz = 15.;\r | |
80 | const Int_t AliTRDcheckESD::fgkNclTPC = 100;\r | |
81 | const Float_t AliTRDcheckESD::fgkPt = 0.2;\r | |
82 | const Float_t AliTRDcheckESD::fgkEta = 0.9;\r | |
83 | const Float_t AliTRDcheckESD::fgkQs = 0.002;\r | |
84 | \r | |
85 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
86 | AliTRDcheckESD::AliTRDcheckESD():\r | |
87 | AliAnalysisTaskSE()\r | |
88 | ,fStatus(0)\r | |
89 | ,fNRefFigures(0)\r | |
90 | ,fESD(NULL)\r | |
91 | ,fMC(NULL)\r | |
92 | ,fHistos(NULL)\r | |
93 | ,fResults(NULL)\r | |
94 | {\r | |
95 | //\r | |
96 | // Default constructor\r | |
97 | //\r | |
76106bcc | 98 | SetNameTitle("TRDcheckESD", "Check TRD @ ESD level");\r |
695019eb | 99 | SetMC(kTRUE);\r |
100 | }\r | |
101 | \r | |
102 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
103 | AliTRDcheckESD::AliTRDcheckESD(char* name):\r | |
104 | AliAnalysisTaskSE(name)\r | |
105 | ,fStatus(0)\r | |
106 | ,fNRefFigures(0)\r | |
107 | ,fESD(NULL)\r | |
108 | ,fMC(NULL)\r | |
109 | ,fHistos(NULL)\r | |
110 | ,fResults(NULL)\r | |
111 | {\r | |
112 | //\r | |
113 | // Default constructor\r | |
114 | //\r | |
115 | SetMC(kTRUE);\r | |
116 | SetTitle("Check TRD @ ESD level");\r | |
117 | DefineOutput(1, TObjArray::Class());\r | |
118 | }\r | |
119 | \r | |
120 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
121 | AliTRDcheckESD::~AliTRDcheckESD()\r | |
122 | {\r | |
123 | // Destructor\r | |
124 | if(fHistos){\r | |
125 | //fHistos->Delete();\r | |
126 | delete fHistos;\r | |
127 | }\r | |
128 | if(fResults){\r | |
129 | fResults->Delete();\r | |
130 | delete fResults;\r | |
131 | }\r | |
132 | }\r | |
133 | \r | |
134 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
135 | void AliTRDcheckESD::UserCreateOutputObjects()\r | |
136 | { \r | |
137 | //\r | |
138 | // Create Output Containers (TObjectArray containing 1D histograms)\r | |
139 | //\r | |
140 | Histos();\r | |
068e2c00 | 141 | PostData(1, fHistos);\r |
695019eb | 142 | }\r |
143 | \r | |
144 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
145 | void AliTRDcheckESD::MakeSummary(){\r | |
146 | TCanvas *cOut = new TCanvas(Form("summary%s1", GetName()), Form("Summary 1 for task %s", GetName()), 1024, 768);\r | |
147 | cOut->cd();\r | |
148 | GetRefFigure(4);\r | |
149 | cOut->SaveAs(Form("TRDsummary%s1.gif", GetName()));\r | |
150 | \r | |
151 | cOut = new TCanvas(Form("summary%s2", GetName()), Form("Summary 2 for task %s", GetName()), 1024, 768);\r | |
152 | cOut->cd();\r | |
153 | GetRefFigure(5);\r | |
154 | cOut->SaveAs(Form("TRDsummary%s2.gif", GetName()));\r | |
155 | }\r | |
156 | \r | |
157 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
158 | Bool_t AliTRDcheckESD::GetRefFigure(Int_t ifig)\r | |
159 | {\r | |
160 | if(ifig>=fNRefFigures){\r | |
161 | AliWarning(Form("Ref plot %d not available. Valid only up to %d", ifig, fNRefFigures));\r | |
162 | return kFALSE;\r | |
163 | }\r | |
164 | if(!gPad){\r | |
165 | AliWarning("Please provide a canvas to draw results.");\r | |
166 | return kFALSE;\r | |
167 | } else {\r | |
168 | gPad->SetLogx(0);gPad->SetLogy(0);\r | |
169 | gPad->SetMargin(0.125, 0.015, 0.1, 0.015);\r | |
170 | }\r | |
171 | \r | |
172 | const Char_t *title[20];\r | |
173 | Float_t nada(0.0);\r | |
174 | TH1 *hF(NULL);\r | |
175 | TH1 *hFeffP(NULL); TH1 *hFeffN(NULL);\r | |
176 | TH2 *h2F(NULL); TH2 *h2Feff(NULL);\r | |
177 | TH2 *h2FtpcP(NULL); TH2 *h2FtpcN(NULL);\r | |
178 | TH2 *h2FtrdP(NULL); TH2 *h2FtrdN(NULL);\r | |
179 | TH3 *h3F(NULL);\r | |
180 | if((hF=(TH1S*)gROOT->FindObject("hFcheckESD"))) delete hF;\r | |
181 | TLegend *leg(NULL);\r | |
182 | TList *l(NULL); TVirtualPad *pad(NULL);\r | |
183 | TGraphErrors *g(NULL);TGraphAsymmErrors *ga(NULL);\r | |
184 | TObjArray *arr(NULL);\r | |
185 | TProfile2D *hProf2D(NULL);\r | |
186 | TProfile *hProf(NULL);\r | |
187 | TLatex *lat=new TLatex();\r | |
188 | lat->SetTextSize(0.07);\r | |
189 | lat->SetTextColor(2);\r | |
190 | TLine line;\r | |
191 | TTimeStamp now;\r | |
192 | TF1* fitFunc(NULL);\r | |
193 | switch(ifig){\r | |
194 | case kNCl: // number of clusters/track\r | |
195 | if(!(arr = (TObjArray*)fResults->At(kNCl))) return kFALSE;\r | |
196 | \r | |
197 | leg = new TLegend(.83, .7, .99, .96);\r | |
198 | leg->SetHeader("Species");\r | |
199 | leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetFillStyle(0);\r | |
200 | for(Int_t ig(0); ig<fgkNgraph[kNCl]; ig++){\r | |
201 | if(!(g = (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(ig))) return kFALSE;\r | |
202 | if(!g->GetN()) continue;\r | |
203 | g->Draw(ig?"pc":"apc"); leg->AddEntry(g, g->GetTitle(), "pl");\r | |
204 | if(ig) continue;\r | |
205 | hF=g->GetHistogram();\r | |
206 | hF->SetXTitle("no of clusters");\r | |
207 | hF->SetYTitle("entries"); \r | |
208 | hF->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(1);\r | |
209 | hF->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);\r | |
210 | hF->SetMinimum(5);\r | |
211 | }\r | |
212 | leg->Draw(); gPad->SetLogy();\r | |
213 | break;\r | |
214 | case kTRDstat: // Efficiency\r | |
215 | if(!(arr = (TObjArray*)fResults->At(kTRDstat))) return kFALSE;\r | |
216 | leg = new TLegend(.62, .77, .98, .98);\r | |
217 | leg->SetHeader("TRD Efficiency");\r | |
218 | leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetFillStyle(0);\r | |
219 | title[0] = "Geometrical (TRDin/TPCout)";\r | |
220 | title[1] = "Tracking (TRDout/TRDin)";\r | |
221 | title[2] = "PID (TRDpid/TRDin)";\r | |
222 | title[3] = "Refit (TRDrefit/TRDin)";\r | |
223 | hF = new TH1S("hFcheckESD", ";p [GeV/c];Efficiency", 10, 0.1, 10.);\r | |
224 | hF->SetMaximum(1.4);\r | |
225 | hF->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();\r | |
226 | hF->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(1);\r | |
227 | hF->Draw("p");\r | |
228 | for(Int_t ig(0); ig<fgkNgraph[kTRDstat]; ig++){\r | |
229 | if(!(g = (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(ig))) return kFALSE;\r | |
230 | g->Draw("pl"); leg->AddEntry(g, title[ig], "pl");\r | |
231 | //PutTrendValue(name[id], g->GetMean(2));\r | |
232 | //PutTrendValue(Form("%sRMS", name[id]), g->GetRMS(2));\r | |
233 | }\r | |
234 | leg->Draw(); gPad->SetLogx();\r | |
235 | break;\r | |
236 | case kTRDmom: // Energy loss\r | |
237 | if(!(arr = (TObjArray*)fResults->At(kTRDmom))) return kFALSE;\r | |
238 | leg = new TLegend(.65, .7, .95, .99);\r | |
239 | leg->SetHeader("Energy Loss");\r | |
240 | leg->SetBorderSize(1); leg->SetFillColor(0);\r | |
241 | title[0] = "Max & 90% quantile";\r | |
242 | title[1] = "Mean & 60% quantile";\r | |
243 | hF = new TH1S("hFcheckESD", ";layer;#Delta E", 6, -0.5, 5.5);\r | |
244 | hF->SetMaximum(1.3);hF->SetMinimum(-.3);\r | |
245 | hF->Draw("p");\r | |
246 | for(Int_t ig(0); ig<fgkNgraph[kTRDmom]; ig++){\r | |
247 | if(!(ga = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)arr->At(ig))) return kFALSE;\r | |
248 | ga->Draw("pl"); leg->AddEntry(ga, title[ig], "pl");\r | |
249 | //PutTrendValue(name[id], g->GetMean(2));\r | |
250 | //PutTrendValue(Form("%sRMS", name[id]), g->GetRMS(2));\r | |
251 | }\r | |
252 | leg->Draw();gPad->SetLogx(kFALSE);\r | |
253 | break;\r | |
254 | case kPtRes: // Pt resolution @ vertex\r | |
255 | if(!(arr = (TObjArray*)fResults->At(kPtRes))) return kFALSE;\r | |
256 | gPad->Divide(2, 1, 1.e-5, 1.e-5); l=gPad->GetListOfPrimitives(); \r | |
257 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(0)); pad->cd(); pad->SetLogx();\r | |
258 | pad->SetMargin(0.1, 0.022, 0.1, 0.023);\r | |
259 | hF = new TH1S("hFcheckESD", "ITS+TPC+TRD;p_{t} [GeV/c];#Delta p_{t} / p_{t} [%]", 10, 0.2, 10.);\r | |
260 | hF->SetMaximum(10.);hF->SetMinimum(-3.);\r | |
261 | hF->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();\r | |
262 | hF->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);\r | |
263 | hF->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
264 | hF->Draw("p");\r | |
265 | //for(Int_t ig(0); ig<fgkNgraph[kPtRes]/2; ig++){\r | |
266 | for(Int_t ig(2); ig<6; ig++){\r | |
267 | if(!(g = (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(ig))) continue;\r | |
268 | if(!g->GetN()) continue;\r | |
269 | g->Draw("pl");\r | |
270 | //PutTrendValue(name[id], g->GetMean(2));\r | |
271 | //PutTrendValue(Form("%sRMS", name[id]), g->GetRMS(2));\r | |
272 | }\r | |
273 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(1)); pad->cd(); pad->SetLogx();\r | |
274 | pad->SetMargin(0.1, 0.22, 0.1, 0.023);\r | |
275 | hF = (TH1*)hF->Clone("hFcheckESD1");\r | |
276 | hF->SetTitle("ITS+TPC");\r | |
277 | hF->SetMaximum(10.);hF->SetMinimum(-3.);\r | |
278 | hF->Draw("p");\r | |
279 | leg = new TLegend(.78, .1, .99, .98);\r | |
280 | leg->SetHeader("P_{t} @ DCA");\r | |
281 | leg->SetBorderSize(1); leg->SetFillColor(0);\r | |
282 | leg->SetTextAlign(22);\r | |
283 | leg->SetTextFont(12);\r | |
284 | leg->SetTextSize(0.03813559);\r | |
285 | {\r | |
286 | Int_t nPlots(0);\r | |
287 | //for(Int_t ig(fgkNgraph[kPtRes]/2); ig<fgkNgraph[kPtRes]; ig++){\r | |
288 | for(Int_t ig(12); ig<16; ig++){\r | |
289 | if(!(g = (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(ig))) continue;\r | |
290 | if(!g->GetN()) continue;\r | |
291 | nPlots++;\r | |
292 | g->Draw("pl"); leg->AddEntry(g, g->GetTitle(), "pl");\r | |
293 | //PutTrendValue(name[id], g->GetMean(2));\r | |
294 | //PutTrendValue(Form("%sRMS", name[id]), g->GetRMS(2));\r | |
295 | }\r | |
296 | if(nPlots) leg->Draw();\r | |
297 | }\r | |
298 | break;\r | |
299 | case 4: // plot a 3x3 canvas with tracking related histograms\r | |
300 | gPad->SetTopMargin(0.05); gPad->SetBottomMargin(0.001);\r | |
301 | gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.001); gPad->SetRightMargin(0.001);\r | |
302 | gPad->Divide(3,3,0.,0.);\r | |
303 | l=gPad->GetListOfPrimitives();\r | |
304 | // eta-phi distr. for positive TPC tracks\r | |
305 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(0)); pad->cd();\r | |
306 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
307 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
308 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE); \r | |
309 | h3F = dynamic_cast<TH3F*>(fHistos->At(kTPCRefTracksPos));\r | |
310 | h2FtpcP = (TH2F*)Proj3D((TH3F*)h3F, 0x0, 1, h3F->GetZaxis()->GetNbins(), nada)->Clone();\r | |
311 | h2FtpcP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
312 | h2FtpcP->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
313 | h2FtpcP->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
314 | h2FtpcP->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
315 | h2FtpcP->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
316 | h2FtpcP->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
317 | h2FtpcP->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
318 | h2FtpcP->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
319 | h2FtpcP->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
320 | h2FtpcP->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
321 | h2FtpcP->SetTitle("");\r | |
322 | h2FtpcP->Draw("colz");\r | |
323 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "TPC positive ref. tracks");\r | |
324 | //-----------------\r | |
325 | // eta-phi distr. for negative TPC tracks\r | |
326 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(1)); pad->cd();\r | |
327 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
328 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
329 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
330 | h3F = dynamic_cast<TH3F*>(fHistos->At(kTPCRefTracksNeg));\r | |
331 | h2FtpcN = (TH2F*)Proj3D((TH3F*)h3F, 0x0, 1, h3F->GetZaxis()->GetNbins(), nada)->Clone();\r | |
332 | h2FtpcN->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
333 | h2FtpcN->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
334 | h2FtpcN->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
335 | h2FtpcN->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
336 | h2FtpcN->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
337 | h2FtpcN->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
338 | h2FtpcN->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
339 | h2FtpcN->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
340 | h2FtpcN->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
341 | h2FtpcN->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
342 | h2FtpcN->SetTitle("");\r | |
343 | h2FtpcN->Draw("colz");\r | |
344 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "TPC negative ref. tracks");\r | |
345 | // eta-phi distr. for positive TRD tracks\r | |
346 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(3)); pad->cd();\r | |
347 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
348 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
349 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
350 | h3F = dynamic_cast<TH3F*>(fHistos->At(kTRDRefTracksPos));\r | |
351 | h2FtrdP = (TH2F*)Proj3D((TH3F*)h3F, 0x0, 1, h3F->GetZaxis()->GetNbins(), nada)->Clone();\r | |
352 | h2FtrdP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
353 | h2FtrdP->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
354 | h2FtrdP->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
355 | h2FtrdP->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
356 | h2FtrdP->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
357 | h2FtrdP->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
358 | h2FtrdP->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
359 | h2FtrdP->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
360 | h2FtrdP->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
361 | h2FtrdP->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
362 | h2FtrdP->SetMaximum(h2FtpcP->GetMaximum());\r | |
363 | h2FtrdP->SetTitle("");\r | |
364 | h2FtrdP->Draw("colz");\r | |
365 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "TRD positive ref. tracks");\r | |
366 | //-----------------\r | |
367 | // eta-phi distr. for negative TRD tracks\r | |
368 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(4)); pad->cd();\r | |
369 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
370 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
371 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
372 | h3F = dynamic_cast<TH3F*>(fHistos->At(kTRDRefTracksNeg));\r | |
373 | h2FtrdN = (TH2F*)Proj3D((TH3F*)h3F, 0x0, 1, h3F->GetZaxis()->GetNbins(), nada)->Clone();\r | |
374 | h2FtrdN->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
375 | h2FtrdN->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
376 | h2FtrdN->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
377 | h2FtrdN->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
378 | h2FtrdN->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
379 | h2FtrdN->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
380 | h2FtrdN->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
381 | h2FtrdN->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
382 | h2FtrdN->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
383 | h2FtrdN->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
384 | h2FtrdN->SetMaximum(h2FtpcN->GetMaximum());\r | |
385 | h2FtrdN->SetTitle("");\r | |
386 | h2FtrdN->Draw("colz");\r | |
387 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "TRD negative ref. tracks");\r | |
388 | // eta-phi efficiency for positive TRD tracks\r | |
389 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(6)); pad->cd();\r | |
390 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
391 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
392 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
393 | h2Feff = (TH2F*)h2FtrdP->Clone();\r | |
394 | h2Feff->Reset();\r | |
395 | h2Feff->Divide(h2FtrdP, h2FtpcP);\r | |
396 | h2Feff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
397 | h2Feff->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
398 | h2Feff->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
399 | h2Feff->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
400 | h2Feff->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
401 | h2Feff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
402 | h2Feff->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
403 | h2Feff->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
404 | h2Feff->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
405 | h2Feff->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
406 | h2Feff->SetMaximum(1.0);\r | |
407 | h2Feff->SetTitle("");\r | |
408 | h2Feff->Draw("colz");\r | |
409 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "Efficiency positive tracks");\r | |
410 | // eta-phi efficiency for negative TRD tracks\r | |
411 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(7)); pad->cd();\r | |
412 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
413 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
414 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
415 | h2Feff = (TH2F*)h2FtrdN->Clone();\r | |
416 | h2Feff->Reset();\r | |
417 | h2Feff->Divide(h2FtrdN, h2FtpcN);\r | |
418 | h2Feff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
419 | h2Feff->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
420 | h2Feff->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
421 | h2Feff->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
422 | h2Feff->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
423 | h2Feff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
424 | h2Feff->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
425 | h2Feff->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
426 | h2Feff->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);\r | |
427 | h2Feff->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
428 | h2Feff->SetMaximum(1.0);\r | |
429 | h2Feff->SetTitle("");\r | |
430 | h2Feff->Draw("colz");\r | |
431 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "Efficiency negative tracks");\r | |
432 | \r | |
433 | // <ntracklets> vs (phi,eta)\r | |
434 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(2)); pad->cd();\r | |
435 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
436 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
437 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
438 | hProf2D = dynamic_cast<TProfile2D*>(fHistos->At(kTRDEtaPhiAvNtrkl));\r | |
439 | hProf2D->SetStats(kFALSE);\r | |
440 | hProf2D->SetTitle("");\r | |
441 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
442 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
443 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
444 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
445 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
446 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
447 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
448 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
449 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
450 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
451 | hProf2D->SetMinimum(0.);\r | |
452 | hProf2D->SetMaximum(6.);\r | |
453 | hProf2D->Draw("colz");\r | |
454 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "TRD <N_{tracklets}>");\r | |
455 | // TPC-TRD matching efficiency vs pt\r | |
456 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(5)); pad->cd();\r | |
457 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.02);\r | |
458 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.02); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
459 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
460 | hFeffP = TRDEfficiency(+1);\r | |
461 | hFeffN = TRDEfficiency(-1);\r | |
462 | h2F=new TH2F("rangeEffPt", "",10,0.,10.,10,0.,1.1);\r | |
463 | h2F->SetStats(kFALSE);\r | |
464 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} [GeV/c]");\r | |
465 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
466 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
467 | h2F->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
468 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
469 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("TRD-TPC matching efficiency");\r | |
470 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
471 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
472 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
473 | h2F->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
474 | h2F->Draw();\r | |
475 | line.SetLineStyle(2);\r | |
476 | line.SetLineWidth(2);\r | |
477 | line.DrawLine(h2F->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), 0.7, h2F->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), 0.7);\r | |
478 | line.DrawLine(h2F->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), 0.9, h2F->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), 0.9);\r | |
479 | hFeffP->SetMarkerStyle(20);\r | |
480 | hFeffP->SetMarkerColor(2);\r | |
481 | hFeffN->SetMarkerStyle(22);\r | |
482 | hFeffN->SetMarkerColor(4);\r | |
483 | hFeffP->Draw("same");\r | |
484 | hFeffN->Draw("same");\r | |
485 | leg=new TLegend(0.65, 0.2, 0.95, 0.4);\r | |
486 | leg->SetFillColor(0);\r | |
487 | leg->AddEntry(hFeffP, "positives", "p");\r | |
488 | leg->AddEntry(hFeffN, "negatives", "p");\r | |
489 | leg->Draw();\r | |
490 | // create trending values for the TPC-TRD matching efficiency\r | |
491 | // fit the efficiency histos with a constant in the range [1.0,1.5] GeV/c\r | |
492 | fitFunc = new TF1("constantFunc","[0]",1.0,1.5);\r | |
493 | hFeffP->Fit(fitFunc,"Q0","",1.0,1.5);\r | |
494 | PutTrendValue("TrackingEffPos1GeV", fitFunc->GetParameter(0));\r | |
495 | PutTrendValue("TrackingEffPos1GeVErr", fitFunc->GetParError(0));\r | |
496 | hFeffN->Fit(fitFunc,"Q0","",1.0,1.5);\r | |
497 | PutTrendValue("TrackingEffNeg1GeV", fitFunc->GetParameter(0));\r | |
498 | PutTrendValue("TrackingEffNeg1GeVErr", fitFunc->GetParError(0));\r | |
499 | \r | |
500 | // Nclusters per TRD track\r | |
501 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(8)); pad->cd();\r | |
502 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.12);\r | |
503 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.02); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
504 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
505 | pad->SetLogz();\r | |
506 | h2F = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(fHistos->At(kNClsTrackTRD));\r | |
507 | h2F->SetStats(kFALSE);\r | |
508 | h2F->SetTitle("");\r | |
509 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p [GeV/c]");\r | |
510 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
511 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
512 | h2F->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
513 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
514 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#clusters per TRD track");\r | |
515 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
516 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
517 | h2F->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
518 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
519 | h2F->Draw("colz");\r | |
520 | break;\r | |
521 | case 5: // plot a 3x3 canvas with PID related histograms\r | |
522 | gPad->SetTopMargin(0.05); gPad->SetBottomMargin(0.001);\r | |
523 | gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.001); gPad->SetRightMargin(0.001);\r | |
524 | gPad->Divide(3,3,0.,0.);\r | |
525 | l=gPad->GetListOfPrimitives();\r | |
526 | // eta-phi distr. for <Qtot> in layer 0\r | |
527 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(0)); pad->cd();\r | |
528 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
529 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
530 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
531 | hProf2D = dynamic_cast<TProfile2D*>(fHistos->At(kTRDEtaPhiAvQtot+0));\r | |
532 | hProf2D->SetStats(kFALSE);\r | |
533 | hProf2D->SetTitle("");\r | |
534 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
535 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
536 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
537 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
538 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
539 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
540 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
541 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
542 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
543 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
544 | hProf2D->SetMinimum(0.);\r | |
545 | hProf2D->SetMaximum(25.);\r | |
546 | hProf2D->Draw("colz");\r | |
547 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "TRD <Q_{tot}> Layer 0");\r | |
548 | // eta-phi distr. for <Qtot> in layer 1\r | |
549 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(3)); pad->cd();\r | |
550 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
551 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
552 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
553 | hProf2D = dynamic_cast<TProfile2D*>(fHistos->At(kTRDEtaPhiAvQtot+1));\r | |
554 | hProf2D->SetStats(kFALSE);\r | |
555 | hProf2D->SetTitle("");\r | |
556 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
557 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
558 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
559 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
560 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
561 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
562 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
563 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
564 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
565 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
566 | hProf2D->SetMinimum(0.);\r | |
567 | hProf2D->SetMaximum(25.);\r | |
568 | hProf2D->Draw("colz");\r | |
569 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "TRD <Q_{tot}> Layer 1");\r | |
570 | // eta-phi distr. for <Qtot> in layer 2\r | |
571 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(6)); pad->cd();\r | |
572 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
573 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
574 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
575 | hProf2D = dynamic_cast<TProfile2D*>(fHistos->At(kTRDEtaPhiAvQtot+2));\r | |
576 | hProf2D->SetStats(kFALSE);\r | |
577 | hProf2D->SetTitle("");\r | |
578 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
579 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
580 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
581 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
582 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
583 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
584 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
585 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
586 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
587 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
588 | hProf2D->SetMinimum(0.);\r | |
589 | hProf2D->SetMaximum(25.);\r | |
590 | hProf2D->Draw("colz");\r | |
591 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "TRD <Q_{tot}> Layer 2");\r | |
592 | // eta-phi distr. for <Qtot> in layer 3\r | |
593 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(1)); pad->cd();\r | |
594 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
595 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
596 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
597 | hProf2D = dynamic_cast<TProfile2D*>(fHistos->At(kTRDEtaPhiAvQtot+3));\r | |
598 | hProf2D->SetStats(kFALSE);\r | |
599 | hProf2D->SetTitle("");\r | |
600 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
601 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
602 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
603 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
604 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
605 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
606 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
607 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
608 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
609 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
610 | hProf2D->SetMinimum(0.);\r | |
611 | hProf2D->SetMaximum(25.);\r | |
612 | hProf2D->Draw("colz");\r | |
613 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "TRD <Q_{tot}> Layer 3");\r | |
614 | // eta-phi distr. for <Qtot> in layer 4\r | |
615 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(4)); pad->cd();\r | |
616 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
617 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
618 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
619 | hProf2D = dynamic_cast<TProfile2D*>(fHistos->At(kTRDEtaPhiAvQtot+4));\r | |
620 | hProf2D->SetStats(kFALSE);\r | |
621 | hProf2D->SetTitle("");\r | |
622 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
623 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
624 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
625 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
626 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
627 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
628 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
629 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
630 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
631 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
632 | hProf2D->SetMinimum(0.);\r | |
633 | hProf2D->SetMaximum(25.);\r | |
634 | hProf2D->Draw("colz");\r | |
635 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "TRD <Q_{tot}> Layer 4");\r | |
636 | // eta-phi distr. for <Qtot> in layer 5\r | |
637 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(7)); pad->cd();\r | |
638 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
639 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
640 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
641 | hProf2D = dynamic_cast<TProfile2D*>(fHistos->At(kTRDEtaPhiAvQtot+5));\r | |
642 | hProf2D->SetStats(kFALSE);\r | |
643 | hProf2D->SetTitle("");\r | |
644 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");\r | |
645 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
646 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
647 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
648 | hProf2D->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
649 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("detector #varphi");\r | |
650 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
651 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
652 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
653 | hProf2D->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
654 | hProf2D->SetMinimum(0.);\r | |
655 | hProf2D->SetMaximum(25.);\r | |
656 | hProf2D->Draw("colz");\r | |
657 | lat->DrawLatex(-0.9, 3.6, "TRD <Q_{tot}> Layer 5");\r | |
658 | // PH versus slice number\r | |
659 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(2)); pad->cd();\r | |
660 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
661 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
662 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
663 | h2F = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(fHistos->At(kPHSlice));\r | |
664 | h2F->SetStats(kFALSE);\r | |
665 | h2F->SetTitle("");\r | |
666 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("slice");\r | |
667 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
668 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
669 | h2F->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
670 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
671 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("PH");\r | |
672 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
673 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
674 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
675 | h2F->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
676 | h2F->Draw("colz");\r | |
677 | //hProf = h2F->ProfileX("profileX");\r | |
678 | //hProf->SetLineWidth(2);\r | |
679 | //hProf->Draw("same");\r | |
680 | // Qtot vs P\r | |
681 | pad = ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(5)); pad->cd();\r | |
682 | pad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad->SetRightMargin(0.1);\r | |
683 | pad->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad->SetBottomMargin(0.15);\r | |
684 | pad->SetGridx(kFALSE); pad->SetGridy(kFALSE);\r | |
685 | pad->SetLogz();\r | |
686 | h2F = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(fHistos->At(kQtotP));\r | |
687 | h2F->SetStats(kFALSE);\r | |
688 | h2F->SetTitle("");\r | |
689 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P [GeV/c]");\r | |
690 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
691 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
692 | h2F->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
693 | h2F->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
694 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0,100.0);\r | |
695 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Q_{tot}");\r | |
696 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); \r | |
697 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);\r | |
698 | h2F->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);\r | |
699 | h2F->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();\r | |
700 | h2F->Draw("colz");\r | |
701 | // create trending value for the average Qtot at 1 GeV/c\r | |
702 | hProf = h2F->ProfileX("profileQtot",1,h2F->GetYaxis()->FindBin(40.));\r | |
703 | PutTrendValue("AvQtot1GeV", hProf->GetBinContent(hProf->GetXaxis()->FindBin(1.)));\r | |
704 | PutTrendValue("AvQtot1GeVErr", hProf->GetBinError(hProf->GetXaxis()->FindBin(1.)));\r | |
705 | break;\r | |
706 | }\r | |
707 | return kTRUE;\r | |
708 | }\r | |
709 | \r | |
710 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
711 | void AliTRDcheckESD::UserExec(Option_t *){\r | |
712 | //\r | |
713 | // Run the Analysis\r | |
714 | //\r | |
715 | fESD = dynamic_cast<AliESDEvent*>(InputEvent());\r | |
716 | fMC = MCEvent();\r | |
717 | \r | |
718 | if(!fESD){\r | |
719 | AliError("ESD event missing.");\r | |
720 | return;\r | |
721 | }\r | |
722 | \r | |
723 | // Get MC information if available\r | |
724 | AliStack * fStack = NULL;\r | |
725 | if(HasMC()){\r | |
726 | if(!fMC){ \r | |
727 | AliWarning("MC event missing");\r | |
728 | SetMC(kFALSE);\r | |
729 | } else {\r | |
730 | if(!(fStack = fMC->Stack())){\r | |
731 | AliWarning("MC stack missing");\r | |
732 | SetMC(kFALSE);\r | |
733 | }\r | |
734 | }\r | |
735 | }\r | |
736 | TH1 *h(NULL);\r | |
737 | \r | |
738 | // fill event vertex histos\r | |
739 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kTPCVertex);\r | |
740 | if(fESD->GetPrimaryVertexTPC()) h->Fill(fESD->GetPrimaryVertexTPC()->GetZv());\r | |
741 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kEventVertex);\r | |
742 | if(fESD->GetPrimaryVertex()) h->Fill(fESD->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZv());\r | |
743 | // fill the uncutted number of tracks\r | |
744 | h = (TH1I*)fHistos->At(kNTracksAll);\r | |
745 | h->Fill(fESD->GetNumberOfTracks());\r | |
746 | \r | |
747 | // counters for number of tracks in acceptance&DCA and for those with a minimum of TPC clusters\r | |
748 | Int_t nTracksAcc=0;\r | |
749 | Int_t nTracksTPC=0;\r | |
750 | \r | |
751 | AliESDtrack *esdTrack(NULL);\r | |
752 | for(Int_t itrk = 0; itrk < fESD->GetNumberOfTracks(); itrk++){\r | |
753 | esdTrack = fESD->GetTrack(itrk);\r | |
754 | \r | |
755 | // track status\r | |
756 | ULong_t status = esdTrack->GetStatus(); //PrintStatus(status);\r | |
757 | \r | |
758 | // track selection\r | |
759 | Bool_t selected(kTRUE);\r | |
760 | if(esdTrack->Pt() < fgkPt){ \r | |
761 | AliDebug(2, Form("Reject Ev[%4d] Trk[%3d] Pt[%5.2f]", fESD->GetEventNumberInFile(), itrk, esdTrack->Pt()));\r | |
762 | selected = kFALSE;\r | |
763 | }\r | |
764 | if(TMath::Abs(esdTrack->Eta()) > fgkEta){\r | |
765 | AliDebug(2, Form("Reject Ev[%4d] Trk[%3d] Eta[%5.2f]", fESD->GetEventNumberInFile(), itrk, TMath::Abs(esdTrack->Eta())));\r | |
766 | selected = kFALSE;\r | |
767 | }\r | |
768 | if(!Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kTPCout)){\r | |
769 | AliDebug(2, Form("Reject Ev[%4d] Trk[%3d] !TPCout", fESD->GetEventNumberInFile(), itrk));\r | |
770 | selected = kFALSE;\r | |
771 | }\r | |
772 | if(esdTrack->GetKinkIndex(0) > 0){\r | |
773 | AliDebug(2, Form("Reject Ev[%4d] Trk[%3d] Kink", fESD->GetEventNumberInFile(), itrk));\r | |
774 | selected = kFALSE;\r | |
775 | }\r | |
776 | \r | |
777 | Float_t par[2], cov[3];\r | |
778 | esdTrack->GetImpactParameters(par, cov);\r | |
779 | if(selected && esdTrack->GetTPCNcls()>=10) {\r | |
780 | // fill DCA histograms\r | |
781 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kDCAxy); h->Fill(par[0]);\r | |
782 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kDCAz); h->Fill(par[1]);\r | |
783 | // fill pt distribution at this stage\r | |
784 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kPt1); h->Fill(esdTrack->Pt());\r | |
785 | }\r | |
786 | if(IsCollision()){ // cuts on DCA\r | |
787 | if(TMath::Abs(par[0]) > fgkTrkDCAxy){ \r | |
788 | AliDebug(2, Form("Reject Ev[%4d] Trk[%3d] DCAxy[%f]", fESD->GetEventNumberInFile(), itrk, TMath::Abs(par[0])));\r | |
789 | selected = kFALSE;\r | |
790 | }\r | |
791 | if(TMath::Abs(par[1]) > fgkTrkDCAz){ \r | |
792 | AliDebug(2, Form("Reject Ev[%4d] Trk[%3d] DCAz[%f]", fESD->GetEventNumberInFile(), itrk, TMath::Abs(par[1])));\r | |
793 | selected = kFALSE;\r | |
794 | }\r | |
795 | }\r | |
796 | Float_t theta=esdTrack->Theta();\r | |
797 | Float_t phi=esdTrack->Phi();\r | |
798 | Int_t nClustersTPC = esdTrack->GetTPCNcls();\r | |
799 | Float_t eta=-TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(theta/2.));\r | |
800 | if(selected) {\r | |
801 | nTracksAcc++; // number of tracks in acceptance and DCA cut\r | |
802 | // fill pt distribution at this stage\r | |
803 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kPt2); h->Fill(esdTrack->Pt());\r | |
804 | // TPC nclusters distribution\r | |
805 | h = (TH1I*)fHistos->At(kNTPCCl); h->Fill(nClustersTPC);\r | |
806 | if(esdTrack->Pt()>1.0) {\r | |
807 | h = (TH1I*)fHistos->At(kNTPCCl2); h->Fill(nClustersTPC);\r | |
808 | }\r | |
809 | // (eta,nclustersTPC) distrib of TPC ref. tracks\r | |
810 | h = (TH2F*)fHistos->At(kEtaNclsTPC); h->Fill(eta, nClustersTPC);\r | |
811 | // (phi,nclustersTPC) distrib of TPC ref. tracks\r | |
812 | h = (TH2F*)fHistos->At(kPhiNclsTPC); h->Fill(phi, nClustersTPC);\r | |
813 | \r | |
814 | }\r | |
815 | \r | |
816 | if(nClustersTPC < fgkNclTPC){ \r | |
817 | AliDebug(2, Form("Reject Ev[%4d] Trk[%3d] NclTPC[%d]", fESD->GetEventNumberInFile(), itrk, nClustersTPC));\r | |
818 | selected = kFALSE;\r | |
819 | }\r | |
820 | if(!selected) continue;\r | |
821 | \r | |
822 | // number of TPC reference tracks\r | |
823 | nTracksTPC++;\r | |
824 | \r | |
825 | Int_t nTRD(esdTrack->GetNcls(2));\r | |
826 | Double_t pt(esdTrack->Pt());\r | |
827 | Double_t p[AliPID::kSPECIES]; esdTrack->GetTRDpid(p);\r | |
828 | // pid quality\r | |
829 | Bool_t kBarrel = Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kTRDin);\r | |
830 | \r | |
831 | TH3F *hhh;\r | |
832 | // find position and momentum of the track at entrance in TRD\r | |
833 | Double_t localCoord[3] = {0., 0., 0.};\r | |
834 | Bool_t localCoordGood = esdTrack->GetXYZAt(298., fESD->GetMagneticField(), localCoord);\r | |
835 | if(localCoordGood) {\r | |
836 | hhh = (TH3F*)fHistos->At(kPropagXYvsP); hhh->Fill(localCoord[0], localCoord[1], esdTrack->GetP());\r | |
837 | hhh = (TH3F*)fHistos->At(kPropagRZvsP); hhh->Fill(localCoord[2], TMath::Sqrt(localCoord[0]*localCoord[0]+localCoord[1]*localCoord[1]), esdTrack->GetP());\r | |
838 | }\r | |
839 | Double_t localMom[3] = {0., 0., 0.};\r | |
840 | Bool_t localMomGood = esdTrack->GetPxPyPzAt(298., fESD->GetMagneticField(), localMom);\r | |
841 | Double_t localPhi = (localMomGood ? TMath::ATan2(localMom[1], localMom[0]) : 0.0);\r | |
842 | Double_t localSagitaPhi = (localCoordGood ? TMath::ATan2(localCoord[1], localCoord[0]) : 0.0);\r | |
843 | \r | |
844 | // fill pt distribution at this stage\r | |
845 | if(esdTrack->Charge()>0) {\r | |
846 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kPt3pos); h->Fill(pt);\r | |
847 | // fill eta-phi map of TPC positive ref. tracks\r | |
848 | if(localCoordGood && localMomGood) {\r | |
849 | hhh = (TH3F*)fHistos->At(kTPCRefTracksPos); hhh->Fill(eta, localSagitaPhi, pt);\r | |
850 | }\r | |
851 | }\r | |
852 | if(esdTrack->Charge()<0) {\r | |
853 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kPt3neg); h->Fill(pt);\r | |
854 | // fill eta-phi map of TPC negative ref. tracks\r | |
855 | if(localCoordGood && localMomGood) {\r | |
856 | hhh = (TH3F*)fHistos->At(kTPCRefTracksNeg); hhh->Fill(eta, localSagitaPhi, pt);\r | |
857 | }\r | |
858 | }\r | |
859 | // TPC dE/dx vs P\r | |
860 | h = (TH2F*)fHistos->At(kTPCDedx); h->Fill(esdTrack->GetP(), esdTrack->GetTPCsignal());\r | |
861 | // (eta,phi) distrib of TPC ref. tracks\r | |
862 | h = (TH2F*)fHistos->At(kEtaPhi); h->Fill(eta, phi);\r | |
863 | \r | |
864 | Int_t nTRDtrkl = esdTrack->GetTRDntracklets();\r | |
865 | // TRD reference tracks\r | |
866 | if(nTRDtrkl>=1) {\r | |
867 | // fill pt distribution at this stage\r | |
868 | if(esdTrack->Charge()>0) {\r | |
869 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kPt4pos); h->Fill(pt);\r | |
870 | // fill eta-phi map of TRD positive ref. tracks\r | |
871 | if(localCoordGood && localMomGood) {\r | |
872 | hhh = (TH3F*)fHistos->At(kTRDRefTracksPos); hhh->Fill(eta, localSagitaPhi, pt);\r | |
873 | }\r | |
874 | }\r | |
875 | if(esdTrack->Charge()<0) {\r | |
876 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kPt4neg); h->Fill(pt);\r | |
877 | // fill eta-phi map of TRD negative ref. tracks\r | |
878 | if(localCoordGood && localMomGood) {\r | |
879 | hhh = (TH3F*)fHistos->At(kTRDRefTracksNeg); hhh->Fill(eta, localSagitaPhi, pt);\r | |
880 | }\r | |
881 | }\r | |
882 | TProfile2D *h2d;\r | |
883 | // fill eta-phi map of TRD negative ref. tracks\r | |
884 | if(localCoordGood && localMomGood) {\r | |
885 | h2d = (TProfile2D*)fHistos->At(kTRDEtaPhiAvNtrkl); h2d->Fill(eta, localSagitaPhi, (Float_t)nTRDtrkl);\r | |
886 | h2d = (TProfile2D*)fHistos->At(kTRDEtaDeltaPhiAvNtrkl); h2d->Fill(eta, localPhi-localSagitaPhi, (Float_t)nTRDtrkl);\r | |
887 | }\r | |
888 | // ntracklets/track vs P\r | |
889 | h = (TH2F*)fHistos->At(kNTrackletsTRD); h->Fill(esdTrack->GetP(), nTRDtrkl);\r | |
890 | // ntracklets/track vs P\r | |
891 | h = (TH2F*)fHistos->At(kNClsTrackTRD); h->Fill(esdTrack->GetP(), esdTrack->GetTRDncls());\r | |
892 | // (slicePH,sliceNo) distribution and Qtot from slices\r | |
893 | for(Int_t iPlane=0; iPlane<6; iPlane++) {\r | |
894 | Float_t Qtot=0;\r | |
895 | for(Int_t iSlice=0; iSlice<8; iSlice++) {\r | |
896 | if(esdTrack->GetTRDslice(iPlane, iSlice)>20.) {\r | |
897 | h = (TH2F*)fHistos->At(kPHSlice); h->Fill(iSlice, esdTrack->GetTRDslice(iPlane, iSlice));\r | |
898 | Qtot += esdTrack->GetTRDslice(iPlane, iSlice);\r | |
899 | }\r | |
900 | }\r | |
901 | // Qtot>100 to avoid noise\r | |
902 | if(Qtot>100.) {\r | |
903 | h = (TH2F*)fHistos->At(kQtotP); h->Fill(esdTrack->GetTRDmomentum(iPlane), fgkQs*Qtot);\r | |
904 | }\r | |
905 | // Qtot>100 to avoid noise\r | |
906 | // fgkQs*Qtot<40. so that the average will give a value close to the peak\r | |
907 | if(localCoordGood && localMomGood && Qtot>100. && fgkQs*Qtot<40.) {\r | |
908 | h2d = (TProfile2D*)fHistos->At(kTRDEtaPhiAvQtot+iPlane);\r | |
909 | h2d->Fill(eta, localSagitaPhi, fgkQs*Qtot);\r | |
910 | }\r | |
911 | }\r | |
912 | // theta distribution\r | |
913 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kTheta); h->Fill(theta);\r | |
914 | h = (TH1F*)fHistos->At(kPhi); h->Fill(phi);\r | |
915 | } // end if nTRDtrkl>=1\r | |
916 | \r | |
917 | // look at external track param\r | |
918 | const AliExternalTrackParam *op = esdTrack->GetOuterParam();\r | |
919 | const AliExternalTrackParam *ip = esdTrack->GetInnerParam();\r | |
920 | \r | |
921 | Double_t pt0(0.), eta0(0.), phi0(0.), ptTRD(0.); \r | |
922 | // read MC info if available\r | |
923 | Bool_t kFOUND(kFALSE), kPhysPrim(kFALSE);\r | |
924 | AliMCParticle *mcParticle(NULL);\r | |
925 | if(HasMC()){\r | |
926 | AliTrackReference *ref(NULL); \r | |
927 | Int_t fLabel(esdTrack->GetLabel());\r | |
928 | Int_t fIdx(TMath::Abs(fLabel));\r | |
929 | if(fIdx > fStack->GetNtrack()) continue; \r | |
930 | \r | |
931 | // read MC particle \r | |
932 | if(!(mcParticle = (AliMCParticle*) fMC->GetTrack(fIdx))) {\r | |
933 | AliWarning(Form("MC particle missing. Label[ %d].", fLabel));\r | |
934 | continue;\r | |
935 | }\r | |
936 | pt0 = mcParticle->Pt();\r | |
937 | eta0 = mcParticle->Eta();\r | |
938 | phi0 = mcParticle->Phi();\r | |
939 | kPhysPrim = fMC->IsPhysicalPrimary(fIdx);\r | |
940 | \r | |
941 | // read track references\r | |
942 | Int_t nRefs = mcParticle->GetNumberOfTrackReferences();\r | |
943 | if(!nRefs){\r | |
944 | AliWarning(Form("No TR found for track @ Label[%d].", fLabel));\r | |
945 | continue;\r | |
946 | }\r | |
947 | Int_t iref = 0;\r | |
948 | while(iref<nRefs){\r | |
949 | ref = mcParticle->GetTrackReference(iref);\r | |
950 | if(ref->LocalX() > fgkxTPC) break;\r | |
951 | ref=NULL; iref++;\r | |
952 | }\r | |
953 | if(ref){ \r | |
954 | if(ref->LocalX() > fgkxTOF){ // track skipping TRD fiducial volume\r | |
955 | ref = mcParticle->GetTrackReference(TMath::Max(iref-1, 0));\r | |
956 | }\r | |
957 | } else { // track stopped in TPC \r | |
958 | ref = mcParticle->GetTrackReference(TMath::Max(iref-1, 0));\r | |
959 | }\r | |
960 | ptTRD = ref->Pt();kFOUND=kTRUE;\r | |
961 | } else { // use reconstructed values\r | |
962 | if(op){\r | |
963 | Double_t x(op->GetX());\r | |
964 | if(x<fgkxTOF && x>fgkxTPC){\r | |
965 | ptTRD=op->Pt();\r | |
966 | kFOUND=kTRUE;\r | |
967 | }\r | |
968 | }\r | |
969 | \r | |
970 | if(!kFOUND && ip){\r | |
971 | ptTRD=ip->Pt();\r | |
972 | kFOUND=kTRUE;\r | |
973 | }\r | |
974 | } // end if(HasMC())\r | |
975 | \r | |
976 | if(kFOUND){\r | |
977 | h = (TH2I*)fHistos->At(kTRDstat);\r | |
978 | if(status & AliESDtrack::kTPCout) h->Fill(ptTRD, kTPCout);\r | |
979 | if(status & AliESDtrack::kTRDin) h->Fill(ptTRD, kTRDin);\r | |
980 | if(kBarrel && (status & AliESDtrack::kTRDout)) h->Fill(ptTRD, kTRDout);\r | |
981 | if(kBarrel && (status & AliESDtrack::kTRDpid)) h->Fill(ptTRD, kTRDpid);\r | |
982 | if(kBarrel && (status & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit)) h->Fill(ptTRD, kTRDref);\r | |
983 | }\r | |
984 | Int_t idx(HasMC() ? Pdg2Idx(TMath::Abs(mcParticle->PdgCode())): 0)\r | |
985 | ,sgn(esdTrack->Charge()<0?0:1);\r | |
986 | if(kBarrel && kPhysPrim) {\r | |
987 | TH3 *h3 = (TH3S*)fHistos->At(kPtRes);\r | |
988 | Int_t offset = (status & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit) ? 0 : 10; \r | |
989 | h3->Fill(pt0, 1.e2*(pt/pt0-1.), \r | |
990 | offset + 2*idx + sgn);\r | |
991 | }\r | |
992 | ((TH1*)fHistos->At(kNCl))->Fill(nTRD, 2*idx + sgn);\r | |
993 | if(ip){\r | |
994 | h = (TH2I*)fHistos->At(kTRDmom);\r | |
995 | Float_t pTRD(0.);\r | |
996 | for(Int_t ily=6; ily--;){\r | |
997 | if((pTRD=esdTrack->GetTRDmomentum(ily))<0.) continue;\r | |
998 | h->Fill(ip->GetP()-pTRD, ily);\r | |
999 | }\r | |
1000 | }\r | |
1001 | } // end loop over tracks\r | |
1002 | \r | |
1003 | // fill the number of tracks histograms\r | |
1004 | h = (TH1I*)fHistos->At(kNTracksAcc);\r | |
1005 | h->Fill(nTracksAcc);\r | |
1006 | h = (TH1I*)fHistos->At(kNTracksTPC);\r | |
1007 | h->Fill(nTracksTPC);\r | |
695019eb | 1008 | }\r |
1009 | \r | |
1010 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
1011 | TObjArray* AliTRDcheckESD::Histos()\r | |
1012 | {\r | |
1013 | // Retrieve histograms array if already build or build it\r | |
1014 | \r | |
1015 | if(fHistos) return fHistos;\r | |
1016 | \r | |
1017 | fHistos = new TObjArray(kNhistos);\r | |
1018 | //fHistos->SetOwner(kTRUE);\r | |
1019 | \r | |
1020 | TH1 *h = NULL;\r | |
1021 | \r | |
1022 | // clusters per track\r | |
1023 | const Int_t kNpt(30);\r | |
1024 | Float_t Pt(0.2);\r | |
1025 | Float_t binsPt[kNpt+1];\r | |
1026 | for(Int_t i=0;i<kNpt+1; i++,Pt+=(TMath::Exp(i*i*.001)-1.)) binsPt[i]=Pt;\r | |
1027 | if(!(h = (TH2S*)gROOT->FindObject("hNCl"))){\r | |
1028 | h = new TH2S("hNCl", "Clusters per TRD track;N_{cl}^{TRD};SPECIES;entries", 60, 0., 180., 10, -0.5, 9.5);\r | |
1029 | TAxis *ay(h->GetYaxis());\r | |
1030 | ay->SetLabelOffset(0.015);\r | |
1031 | for(Int_t i(0); i<AliPID::kSPECIES; i++){\r | |
1032 | ay->SetBinLabel(2*i+1, Form("%s^{-}", AliPID::ParticleLatexName(i)));\r | |
1033 | ay->SetBinLabel(2*i+2, Form("%s^{+}", AliPID::ParticleLatexName(i)));\r | |
1034 | }\r | |
1035 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1036 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kNCl); fNRefFigures++;\r | |
1037 | \r | |
1038 | // status bits histogram\r | |
1039 | const Int_t kNbits(5);\r | |
1040 | Float_t Bits(.5);\r | |
1041 | Float_t binsBits[kNbits+1];\r | |
1042 | for(Int_t i=0; i<kNbits+1; i++,Bits+=1.) binsBits[i]=Bits;\r | |
1043 | if(!(h = (TH2I*)gROOT->FindObject("hTRDstat"))){\r | |
1044 | h = new TH2I("hTRDstat", "TRD status bits;p_{t} @ TRD [GeV/c];status;entries", kNpt, binsPt, kNbits, binsBits);\r | |
1045 | TAxis *ay(h->GetYaxis());\r | |
1046 | ay->SetBinLabel(1, "kTPCout");\r | |
1047 | ay->SetBinLabel(2, "kTRDin");\r | |
1048 | ay->SetBinLabel(3, "kTRDout");\r | |
1049 | ay->SetBinLabel(4, "kTRDpid");\r | |
1050 | ay->SetBinLabel(5, "kTRDrefit");\r | |
1051 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1052 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTRDstat);\r | |
1053 | \r | |
1054 | // energy loss\r | |
1055 | if(!(h = (TH2I*)gROOT->FindObject("hTRDmom"))){\r | |
1056 | h = new TH2I("hTRDmom", "TRD energy loss;p_{inner} - p_{ly} [GeV/c];ly;entries", 100, -1., 2., 6, -0.5, 5.5);\r | |
1057 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1058 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTRDmom);\r | |
1059 | //if(!HasMC()) return fHistos;\r | |
1060 | \r | |
1061 | // pt resolution\r | |
1062 | const Int_t kNdpt(100), kNspec(4*AliPID::kSPECIES);\r | |
1063 | Float_t DPt(-3.), Spec(-0.5);\r | |
1064 | Float_t binsDPt[kNdpt+1], binsSpec[kNspec+1];\r | |
1065 | for(Int_t i=0; i<kNdpt+1; i++,DPt+=6.e-2) binsDPt[i]=DPt;\r | |
1066 | for(Int_t i=0; i<kNspec+1; i++,Spec+=1.) binsSpec[i]=Spec;\r | |
1067 | if(!(h = (TH3S*)gROOT->FindObject("hPtRes"))){\r | |
1068 | h = new TH3S("hPtRes", "P_{t} resolution @ DCA;p_{t}^{MC} [GeV/c];#Delta p_{t}/p_{t}^{MC} [%];SPECIES", kNpt, binsPt, kNdpt, binsDPt, kNspec, binsSpec);\r | |
1069 | TAxis *az(h->GetZaxis());\r | |
1070 | az->SetLabelOffset(0.015);\r | |
1071 | for(Int_t i(0); i<AliPID::kSPECIES; i++){\r | |
1072 | az->SetBinLabel(2*i+1, Form("%s^{-}", AliPID::ParticleLatexName(i)));\r | |
1073 | az->SetBinLabel(2*i+2, Form("%s^{+}", AliPID::ParticleLatexName(i)));\r | |
1074 | az->SetBinLabel(10+2*i+1, Form("%s^{-}", AliPID::ParticleLatexName(i)));\r | |
1075 | az->SetBinLabel(10+2*i+2, Form("%s^{+}", AliPID::ParticleLatexName(i)));\r | |
1076 | }\r | |
1077 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1078 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPtRes);\r | |
1079 | \r | |
1080 | // TPC event vertex distribution\r | |
1081 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hTPCVertex"))){\r | |
1082 | h = new TH1F("hTPCVertex", "Event vertex Z coord. from TPC tracks", 100, -25., 25.);\r | |
1083 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1084 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTPCVertex);\r | |
1085 | \r | |
1086 | // Event vertex\r | |
1087 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hEventVertex"))){\r | |
1088 | h = new TH1F("hEventVertex", "Event vertex Z coord.", 100, -25., 25.);\r | |
1089 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1090 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kEventVertex);\r | |
1091 | \r | |
1092 | // Number of all tracks\r | |
1093 | if(!(h = (TH1I*)gROOT->FindObject("hNTracksAll"))){\r | |
1094 | h = new TH1I("hNTracksAll", "Number of tracks per event, event vertex cuts", 5000, 0, 5000);\r | |
1095 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1096 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kNTracksAll);\r | |
1097 | \r | |
1098 | // Number of tracks in acceptance and DCA cut\r | |
1099 | if(!(h = (TH1I*)gROOT->FindObject("hNTracksAcc"))){\r | |
1100 | h = new TH1I("hNTracksAcc", Form("Number of tracks per event, |#eta|<%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f",\r | |
1101 | fgkEta, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz), 5000, 0, 5000);\r | |
1102 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1103 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kNTracksAcc);\r | |
1104 | \r | |
1105 | // Number of tracks in TPC (Ncls>10)\r | |
1106 | if(!(h = (TH1I*)gROOT->FindObject("hNTracksTPC"))){\r | |
1107 | h = new TH1I("hNTracksTPC", Form("Number of tracks per event, |#eta|<%.1f, pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1108 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 5000, 0, 5000);\r | |
1109 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1110 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kNTracksTPC);\r | |
1111 | \r | |
1112 | // Distribution of DCA-xy\r | |
1113 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hDCAxy"))){\r | |
1114 | h = new TH1F("hDCAxy", "Distribution of transverse DCA", 100, -100., 100.);\r | |
1115 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1116 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kDCAxy);\r | |
1117 | \r | |
1118 | // Distribution of DCA-z\r | |
1119 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hDCAz"))){\r | |
1120 | h = new TH1F("hDCAz", "Distribution of longitudinal DCA", 100, -100., 100.);\r | |
1121 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1122 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kDCAz);\r | |
1123 | \r | |
1124 | Float_t binPtLimits[33] = {0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9,\r | |
1125 | 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, \r | |
1126 | 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0,\r | |
1127 | 3.4, 3.8, 4.2, 4.6, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0};\r | |
1128 | // Pt distributions\r | |
1129 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hPt1"))){\r | |
1130 | h = new TH1F("hPt1", Form("dN/dpt, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f", fgkEta, fgkPt), 32, binPtLimits);\r | |
1131 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1132 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPt1);\r | |
1133 | \r | |
1134 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hPt2"))){\r | |
1135 | h = new TH1F("hPt2", Form("dN/dpt, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f",\r | |
1136 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz), 32, binPtLimits);\r | |
1137 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1138 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPt2);\r | |
1139 | \r | |
1140 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hPt3pos"))){\r | |
1141 | h = new TH1F("hPt3pos", Form("dN/dpt (positives), |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1142 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 32, binPtLimits);\r | |
1143 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1144 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPt3pos);\r | |
1145 | \r | |
1146 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hPt3neg"))){\r | |
1147 | h = new TH1F("hPt3neg", Form("dN/dpt (negatives), |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1148 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 32, binPtLimits);\r | |
1149 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1150 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPt3neg);\r | |
1151 | \r | |
1152 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hPt4pos"))){\r | |
1153 | h = new TH1F("hPt4pos", Form("dN/dpt (positives), |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d, nTRDtracklets#geq 1",\r | |
1154 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 32, binPtLimits);\r | |
1155 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1156 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPt4pos);\r | |
1157 | \r | |
1158 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hPt4neg"))){\r | |
1159 | h = new TH1F("hPt4pos", Form("dN/dpt (negatives), |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d, nTRDtracklets#geq 1",\r | |
1160 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 32, binPtLimits);\r | |
1161 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1162 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPt4neg);\r | |
1163 | \r | |
1164 | // theta distribution of TRD tracks\r | |
1165 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hTheta"))){\r | |
1166 | h = new TH1F("hTheta", Form("dN/d#theta, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d, nTRDtracklets#geq 1",\r | |
1167 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 220,.5,2.7);\r | |
1168 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1169 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTheta);\r | |
1170 | \r | |
1171 | // phi distribution of TRD tracks\r | |
1172 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hPhi"))){\r | |
1173 | h = new TH1F("hPhi", Form("dN/d#varphi, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d, nTRDtracklets#geq 1",\r | |
1174 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 157,0,6.28);\r | |
1175 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1176 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPhi);\r | |
1177 | \r | |
1178 | // TPC cluster distribution\r | |
1179 | if(!(h = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hNTPCCl"))){\r | |
1180 | h = new TH1I("hNTPCCl", Form("Number of TPC clusters/track, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f",\r | |
1181 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz), 160, 0, 160);\r | |
1182 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1183 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kNTPCCl);\r | |
1184 | \r | |
1185 | if(!(h = (TH1I*)gROOT->FindObject("hNTPCCl2"))){\r | |
1186 | h = new TH1F("hNTPCCl2", Form("Number of TPC clusters/track, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, pt>1.0 GeV/c",\r | |
1187 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz), 160, 0, 160);\r | |
1188 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1189 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kNTPCCl2);\r | |
1190 | \r | |
1191 | // dE/dx vs P for TPC reference tracks\r | |
1192 | if(!(h = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hTPCDedx"))){\r | |
1193 | h = new TH2F("hTPCDedx", Form("TPC dE/dx vs P, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1194 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 100, 0.1,10.1, 120, 0,600.);\r | |
1195 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1196 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTPCDedx);\r | |
1197 | \r | |
1198 | // eta,phi distribution of TPC reference tracks\r | |
1199 | if(!(h = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hEtaPhi"))){\r | |
1200 | h = new TH2F("hEtaPhi", Form("TPC (#eta,#varphi), |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1201 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 50, -1, 1, 157, 0, 6.28);\r | |
1202 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1203 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kEtaPhi);\r | |
1204 | \r | |
1205 | // Nclusters vs eta distribution for TPC tracks\r | |
1206 | if(!(h = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hEtaNclsTPC"))){\r | |
1207 | h = new TH2F("hEtaNclsTPC", Form("TPC Nclusters vs. #eta, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f",\r | |
1208 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz), 50, -1, 1, 160, 0, 160.);\r | |
1209 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1210 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kEtaNclsTPC);\r | |
1211 | \r | |
1212 | // Nclusters vs phi distribution for TPC reference tracks\r | |
1213 | if(!(h = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hPhiNclsTPC"))){\r | |
1214 | h = new TH2F("hPhiNclsTPC", Form("TPC Nclusters vs. #varphi, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f",\r | |
1215 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz), 157, 0, 6.28, 160, 0, 160.);\r | |
1216 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1217 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPhiNclsTPC);\r | |
1218 | \r | |
1219 | // Ntracklets/track vs P for TRD reference tracks\r | |
1220 | Double_t binsP[19] = {0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.7, 2.0,\r | |
1221 | 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 9.0, 12.0};\r | |
1222 | if(!(h = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hNTrackletsTRD"))){\r | |
1223 | h = new TH2F("hNTrackletsTRD", Form("TRD Ntracklets/track vs. P, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1224 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 18, binsP, 7, -0.5, 6.5);\r | |
1225 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1226 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kNTrackletsTRD);\r | |
1227 | \r | |
1228 | // Nclusters/track vs P for TRD reference tracks\r | |
1229 | if(!(h = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hNClsTrackTRD"))){\r | |
1230 | h = new TH2F("hNClsTrackTRD", Form("TRD Nclusters/track vs. P, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1231 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 18, binsP, 180, 0., 180.);\r | |
1232 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1233 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kNClsTrackTRD);\r | |
1234 | \r | |
1235 | // <PH> vs slice number for TRD reference tracklets\r | |
1236 | if(!(h = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hPHSlice"))){\r | |
1237 | h = new TH2F("hPHSlice", Form("<PH> vs sliceNo, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1238 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 8, -0.5, 7.5, 2000, 0., 2000.);\r | |
1239 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1240 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPHSlice);\r | |
1241 | \r | |
1242 | // Qtot vs P for TRD reference tracklets\r | |
1243 | if(!(h = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hQtotP"))){\r | |
1244 | h = new TH2F("hQtotP", Form("Qtot(from slices) vs P, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1245 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 18, binsP, 400, 0., 200);\r | |
1246 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1247 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kQtotP);\r | |
1248 | \r | |
1249 | // (X,Y,momentum) distribution after AliESDtrack::PropagateTo(r=300.)\r | |
1250 | if(!(h = (TH3F*)gROOT->FindObject("hPropagXYvsP"))){\r | |
1251 | h = new TH3F("hPropagXYvsP", Form("(x,y) vs P after AliESDtrack::PropagateTo(r=300.), |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1252 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 100,-500,500, 100,-500,500, 10, 0.,10.);\r | |
1253 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1254 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPropagXYvsP);\r | |
1255 | \r | |
1256 | // (R,Z,momentum) distribution after AliESDtrack::PropagateTo(r=300.)\r | |
1257 | if(!(h = (TH3F*)gROOT->FindObject("hPropagRZvsP"))){\r | |
1258 | h = new TH3F("hPropagRZvsP", Form("(r,z) vs P after AliESDtrack::PropagateTo(r=300.), |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1259 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 100,-350., 350., 100,0.,500., 10, 0.,10.);\r | |
1260 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1261 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kPropagRZvsP);\r | |
1262 | \r | |
1263 | Float_t etaBinLimits[101]; \r | |
1264 | for(Int_t i=0; i<101; i++) etaBinLimits[i] = -1.0 + i*2.0/100.;\r | |
1265 | Float_t phiBinLimits[151];\r | |
1266 | for(Int_t i=0; i<151; i++) phiBinLimits[i] = -1.1*TMath::Pi() + i*2.2*TMath::Pi()/150.;\r | |
1267 | // (eta,detector phi,P) distribution of reference TPC positive tracks\r | |
1268 | if(!(h = (TH3F*)gROOT->FindObject("hTPCRefTracksPos"))){\r | |
1269 | h = new TH3F("hTPCRefTracksPos", Form("(#eta,detector #varphi,p) for TPC positive reference tracks, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1270 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 100, etaBinLimits, 150, phiBinLimits, 32, binPtLimits);\r | |
1271 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1272 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTPCRefTracksPos);\r | |
1273 | \r | |
1274 | // (eta,detector phi,P) distribution of reference TPC negative tracks\r | |
1275 | if(!(h = (TH3F*)gROOT->FindObject("hTPCRefTracksNeg"))){\r | |
1276 | h = new TH3F("hTPCRefTracksNeg", Form("(#eta,detector #varphi,p) for TPC negative reference tracks, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d",\r | |
1277 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 100, etaBinLimits, 150, phiBinLimits, 32, binPtLimits);\r | |
1278 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1279 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTPCRefTracksNeg);\r | |
1280 | \r | |
1281 | // (eta,detector phi,P) distribution of reference TRD positive tracks\r | |
1282 | if(!(h = (TH3F*)gROOT->FindObject("hTRDRefTracksPos"))){\r | |
1283 | h = new TH3F("hTRDRefTracksPos", Form("(#eta,detector #varphi,p) for TRD positive reference tracks, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d, nTRDtracklets#geq1",\r | |
1284 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 100, etaBinLimits, 150, phiBinLimits, 32, binPtLimits);\r | |
1285 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1286 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTRDRefTracksPos);\r | |
1287 | \r | |
1288 | // (eta,detector phi,P) distribution of reference TRD negative tracks\r | |
1289 | if(!(h = (TH3F*)gROOT->FindObject("hTRDRefTracksNeg"))){\r | |
1290 | h = new TH3F("hTRDRefTracksNeg", Form("(#eta,detector #varphi,p) for TRD negative reference tracks, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d, nTRDtracklets#geq1",\r | |
1291 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 100, etaBinLimits, 150, phiBinLimits, 32, binPtLimits);\r | |
1292 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1293 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTRDRefTracksNeg);\r | |
1294 | \r | |
1295 | // (eta,detector phi) profile of average number of TRD tracklets/track\r | |
1296 | if(!(h = (TProfile2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hTRDEtaPhiAvNtrkl"))){\r | |
1297 | h = new TProfile2D("hTRDEtaPhiAvNtrkl", Form("<Ntracklets/track> vs (#eta,detector #varphi) for TRD reference tracks, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d, nTRDtracklets#geq1",\r | |
1298 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 100, -1.0, 1.0, 150, -1.1*TMath::Pi(), 1.1*TMath::Pi());\r | |
1299 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1300 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTRDEtaPhiAvNtrkl);\r | |
1301 | \r | |
1302 | // (eta,delta phi) profile of average number of TRD tracklets/track\r | |
1303 | if(!(h = (TProfile2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hTRDEtaDeltaPhiAvNtrkl"))){\r | |
1304 | h = new TProfile2D("hTRDEtaDeltaPhiAvNtrkl", Form("<Ntracklets/track> vs (#eta, #Delta#varphi) for TRD reference tracks, |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d, nTRDtracklets#geq1",\r | |
1305 | fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 100, -1.0, 1.0, 50, -0.4*TMath::Pi(), 0.4*TMath::Pi());\r | |
1306 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1307 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTRDEtaDeltaPhiAvNtrkl);\r | |
1308 | \r | |
1309 | // (eta, detector phi) profile of average tracklet Qtot from slices\r | |
1310 | for(Int_t iLayer=0;iLayer<6;iLayer++) {\r | |
1311 | if(!(h = (TProfile2D*)gROOT->FindObject(Form("hTRDEtaPhiAvQtot_Layer%d",iLayer)))) {\r | |
1312 | h = new TProfile2D(Form("hTRDEtaPhiAvQtot_Layer%d",iLayer),\r | |
1313 | Form("<Q_{tot}> vs (#eta, detector #varphi) for TRD reference tracks (layer %d), |#eta|<%.1f and pt>%.1f, |DCAxy|<%.1f, |DCAz|<%.1f, TPC nclusters>%d, nTRDtracklets#geq1",\r | |
1314 | iLayer, fgkEta, fgkPt, fgkTrkDCAxy, fgkTrkDCAz, fgkNclTPC), 100, -1.0, 1.0, 50, -1.1*TMath::Pi(), 1.1*TMath::Pi());\r | |
1315 | } else h->Reset();\r | |
1316 | fHistos->AddAt(h, kTRDEtaPhiAvQtot+iLayer);\r | |
1317 | }\r | |
1318 | \r | |
1319 | return fHistos;\r | |
1320 | }\r | |
1321 | \r | |
1322 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
1323 | Bool_t AliTRDcheckESD::Load(const Char_t *file, const Char_t *dir, const Char_t *name)\r | |
1324 | {\r | |
1325 | // Load data from performance file\r | |
1326 | \r | |
1327 | if(!TFile::Open(file)){\r | |
1328 | AliWarning(Form("Couldn't open file %s.", file));\r | |
1329 | return kFALSE;\r | |
1330 | }\r | |
1331 | if(dir){\r | |
1332 | if(!gFile->cd(dir)){\r | |
1333 | AliWarning(Form("Couldn't cd to %s in %s.", dir, file));\r | |
1334 | return kFALSE;\r | |
1335 | }\r | |
1336 | }\r | |
1337 | TObjArray *o(NULL);\r | |
1338 | const Char_t *tn=(name ? name : GetName());\r | |
1339 | if(!(o = (TObjArray*)gDirectory->Get(tn))){\r | |
1340 | AliWarning(Form("Missing histogram container %s.", tn));\r | |
1341 | return kFALSE;\r | |
1342 | }\r | |
1343 | fHistos = (TObjArray*)o->Clone(GetName());\r | |
1344 | gFile->Close();\r | |
1345 | return kTRUE;\r | |
1346 | }\r | |
1347 | \r | |
1348 | //_______________________________________________________\r | |
1349 | Bool_t AliTRDcheckESD::PutTrendValue(const Char_t *name, Double_t val)\r | |
1350 | {\r | |
1351 | // Dump trending value to default file\r | |
1352 | \r | |
1353 | if(!fgFile){\r | |
1354 | fgFile = fopen("TRD.Performance.txt", "at");\r | |
1355 | }\r | |
1356 | fprintf(fgFile, "%s_%s %f\n", GetName(), name, val);\r | |
1357 | return kTRUE;\r | |
1358 | }\r | |
1359 | \r | |
1360 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
1361 | void AliTRDcheckESD::Terminate(Option_t *)\r | |
1362 | {\r | |
1363 | // Steer post-processing \r | |
1364 | if(!fHistos){\r | |
1365 | fHistos = dynamic_cast<TObjArray *>(GetOutputData(1));\r | |
1366 | if(!fHistos){\r | |
1367 | AliError("Histogram container not found in output");\r | |
1368 | return;\r | |
1369 | }\r | |
1370 | }\r | |
1371 | \r | |
1372 | const Char_t *name[kNrefs] = {\r | |
1373 | "Ncl", "Eff", "Eloss", "PtResDCA"\r | |
1374 | };\r | |
1375 | TObjArray *arr(NULL); TGraph *g(NULL);\r | |
1376 | if(!fResults){\r | |
1377 | fResults = new TObjArray(kNrefs);\r | |
1378 | fResults->SetOwner();\r | |
1379 | fResults->SetName("results");\r | |
1380 | for(Int_t iref(0); iref<kNrefs; iref++){\r | |
1381 | fResults->AddAt(arr = new TObjArray(fgkNgraph[iref]), iref);\r | |
1382 | arr->SetName(name[iref]); arr->SetOwner();\r | |
1383 | switch(iref){\r | |
1384 | case kNCl:\r | |
1385 | for(Int_t ig(0); ig<fgkNgraph[iref]; ig++){\r | |
1386 | arr->AddAt(g = new TGraphErrors(), ig);\r | |
1387 | g->SetLineColor(ig+1); \r | |
1388 | g->SetMarkerColor(ig+1); \r | |
1389 | g->SetMarkerStyle(ig+20); \r | |
1390 | g->SetName(Form("s%d", ig));\r | |
1391 | switch(ig){\r | |
1392 | case 0: g->SetTitle("ALL"); break;\r | |
1393 | case 1: g->SetTitle("NEG"); break;\r | |
1394 | case 2: g->SetTitle("POS"); break;\r | |
1395 | default: g->SetTitle(AliPID::ParticleLatexName(ig-3)); break;\r | |
1396 | };\r | |
1397 | }\r | |
1398 | break;\r | |
1399 | case kTRDmom:\r | |
1400 | for(Int_t ig(0); ig<fgkNgraph[iref]; ig++){\r | |
1401 | arr->AddAt(g = new TGraphAsymmErrors(), ig);\r | |
1402 | g->SetLineColor(ig+1); \r | |
1403 | g->SetMarkerColor(ig+1); \r | |
1404 | g->SetMarkerStyle(ig+20); \r | |
1405 | }\r | |
1406 | break;\r | |
1407 | case kPtRes:\r | |
1408 | for(Int_t idx(0); idx<AliPID::kSPECIES; idx++){\r | |
1409 | Int_t ig(2*idx);\r | |
1410 | arr->AddAt(g = new TGraphErrors(), ig);\r | |
1411 | g->SetLineColor(kRed-idx); \r | |
1412 | g->SetMarkerColor(kRed-idx); \r | |
1413 | g->SetMarkerStyle(20+idx); \r | |
1414 | g->SetNameTitle(Form("s%d", ig), Form("res %s", AliPID::ParticleLatexName(idx)));\r | |
1415 | arr->AddAt(g = new TGraphErrors(), ig+1);\r | |
1416 | g->SetLineColor(kBlue-idx); \r | |
1417 | g->SetMarkerColor(kBlue-idx); \r | |
1418 | g->SetMarkerStyle(20+idx); \r | |
1419 | g->SetNameTitle(Form("m%d", ig+1), Form("sys %s", AliPID::ParticleLatexName(idx)));\r | |
1420 | \r | |
1421 | ig+=10;\r | |
1422 | arr->AddAt(g = new TGraphErrors(), ig);\r | |
1423 | g->SetLineColor(kRed-idx); \r | |
1424 | g->SetMarkerColor(kRed-idx); \r | |
1425 | g->SetMarkerStyle(20+idx); \r | |
1426 | g->SetNameTitle(Form("s%d", ig), Form("sigma %s", AliPID::ParticleLatexName(idx)));\r | |
1427 | arr->AddAt(g = new TGraphErrors(), ig+1);\r | |
1428 | g->SetLineColor(kBlue-idx); \r | |
1429 | g->SetMarkerColor(kBlue-idx); \r | |
1430 | g->SetMarkerStyle(20+idx); \r | |
1431 | g->SetNameTitle(Form("m%d", ig+1), Form("mean %s", AliPID::ParticleLatexName(idx)));\r | |
1432 | }\r | |
1433 | break;\r | |
1434 | default:\r | |
1435 | for(Int_t ig(0); ig<fgkNgraph[iref]; ig++){\r | |
1436 | arr->AddAt(g = new TGraphErrors(), ig);\r | |
1437 | g->SetLineColor(ig+1); \r | |
1438 | g->SetMarkerColor(ig+1); \r | |
1439 | g->SetMarkerStyle(ig+20); \r | |
1440 | }\r | |
1441 | break;\r | |
1442 | }\r | |
1443 | }\r | |
1444 | }\r | |
1445 | TH1 *h1[2] = {NULL, NULL};\r | |
1446 | TH2I *h2(NULL);\r | |
1447 | TAxis *ax(NULL);\r | |
1448 | \r | |
1449 | // No of clusters\r | |
1450 | if(!(h2 = (TH2I*)fHistos->At(kNCl))) return;\r | |
1451 | ax = h2->GetXaxis();\r | |
1452 | arr = (TObjArray*)fResults->At(kNCl);\r | |
1453 | // All tracks\r | |
1454 | h1[0] = h2->ProjectionX("Ncl_px");\r | |
1455 | TGraphErrors *ge=(TGraphErrors*)arr->At(0);\r | |
1456 | for(Int_t ib=2; ib<=ax->GetNbins(); ib++){\r | |
1457 | ge->SetPoint(ib-2, ax->GetBinCenter(ib), h1[0]->GetBinContent(ib));\r | |
1458 | }\r | |
1459 | // All charged tracks\r | |
1460 | TH1 *hNclCh[2] = {(TH1D*)h1[0]->Clone("NEG"), (TH1D*)h1[0]->Clone("POS")};\r | |
1461 | hNclCh[0]->Reset();hNclCh[1]->Reset();\r | |
1462 | for(Int_t is(1); is<=AliPID::kSPECIES; is++){\r | |
1463 | hNclCh[0]->Add(h2->ProjectionX("Ncl_px", 2*is-1, 2*is-1)); // neg\r | |
1464 | hNclCh[1]->Add(h2->ProjectionX("Ncl_px", 2*is, 2*is)); // pos\r | |
1465 | }\r | |
1466 | if(Int_t(hNclCh[0]->GetEntries())){\r | |
1467 | ge=(TGraphErrors*)arr->At(1);\r | |
1468 | for(Int_t ib=2; ib<=ax->GetNbins(); ib++){\r | |
1469 | ge->SetPoint(ib-2, ax->GetBinCenter(ib), hNclCh[0]->GetBinContent(ib));\r | |
1470 | }\r | |
1471 | }\r | |
1472 | if(Int_t(hNclCh[1]->GetEntries())){\r | |
1473 | ge=(TGraphErrors*)arr->At(2);\r | |
1474 | for(Int_t ib=2; ib<=ax->GetNbins(); ib++){\r | |
1475 | ge->SetPoint(ib-2, ax->GetBinCenter(ib), hNclCh[1]->GetBinContent(ib));\r | |
1476 | }\r | |
1477 | }\r | |
1478 | // Species wise\r | |
1479 | for(Int_t is(1); is<=AliPID::kSPECIES; is++){\r | |
1480 | h1[0] = h2->ProjectionX("Ncl_px", 2*is-1, 2*is);\r | |
1481 | if(!Int_t(h1[0]->GetEntries())) continue;\r | |
1482 | ge=(TGraphErrors*)arr->At(2+is);\r | |
1483 | for(Int_t ib=2; ib<=ax->GetNbins(); ib++){\r | |
1484 | ge->SetPoint(ib-2, ax->GetBinCenter(ib), h1[0]->GetBinContent(ib));\r | |
1485 | }\r | |
1486 | }\r | |
1487 | fNRefFigures = 1;\r | |
1488 | \r | |
1489 | // EFFICIENCY\r | |
1490 | // geometrical efficiency\r | |
1491 | if(!(h2 = (TH2I*)fHistos->At(kTRDstat))) return;\r | |
1492 | arr = (TObjArray*)fResults->At(kTRDstat);\r | |
1493 | h1[0] = h2->ProjectionX("checkESDx0", kTPCout, kTPCout);\r | |
1494 | h1[1] = h2->ProjectionX("checkESDx1", kTRDin, kTRDin);\r | |
1495 | Process(h1, (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(0));\r | |
1496 | delete h1[0];delete h1[1];\r | |
1497 | // tracking efficiency\r | |
1498 | h1[0] = h2->ProjectionX("checkESDx0", kTRDin, kTRDin);\r | |
1499 | h1[1] = h2->ProjectionX("checkESDx1", kTRDout, kTRDout);\r | |
1500 | Process(h1, (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(1));\r | |
1501 | delete h1[1];\r | |
1502 | // PID efficiency\r | |
1503 | h1[1] = h2->ProjectionX("checkESDx1", kTRDpid, kTRDpid);\r | |
1504 | Process(h1, (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(2));\r | |
1505 | delete h1[1];\r | |
1506 | // Refit efficiency\r | |
1507 | h1[1] = h2->ProjectionX("checkESDx1", kTRDref, kTRDref);\r | |
1508 | Process(h1, (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(3));\r | |
1509 | delete h1[1];\r | |
1510 | fNRefFigures++;\r | |
1511 | \r | |
1512 | // ENERGY LOSS\r | |
1513 | if(!(h2 = dynamic_cast<TH2I*>(fHistos->At(kTRDmom)))) return;\r | |
1514 | arr = (TObjArray*)fResults->At(kTRDmom);\r | |
1515 | TGraphAsymmErrors *g06 = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)arr->At(0), *g09 = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)arr->At(1);\r | |
1516 | ax=h2->GetXaxis();\r | |
1517 | const Int_t nq(4);\r | |
1518 | const Double_t xq[nq] = {0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.95};\r | |
1519 | Double_t yq[nq];\r | |
1520 | for(Int_t ily=6; ily--;){\r | |
1521 | h1[0] = h2->ProjectionX("checkESDp0", ily+1, ily+1);\r | |
1522 | h1[0]->GetQuantiles(nq,yq,xq);\r | |
1523 | g06->SetPoint(ily, Float_t(ily), ax->GetBinCenter(h1[0]->GetMaximumBin()));\r | |
1524 | g06->SetPointError(ily, 0., 0., TMath::Abs(yq[0]), yq[3]);\r | |
1525 | g09->SetPoint(ily, Float_t(ily), h1[0]->GetMean());\r | |
1526 | g09->SetPointError(ily, 0., 0., TMath::Abs(yq[1]), yq[2]);\r | |
1527 | \r | |
1528 | //printf(" max[%f] mean[%f] q[%f %f %f %f]\n", ax->GetBinCenter(h1[0]->GetMaximumBin()), h1[0]->GetMean(), yq[0], yq[1], yq[2], yq[3]);\r | |
1529 | delete h1[0];\r | |
1530 | }\r | |
1531 | fNRefFigures++;\r | |
1532 | // if(!HasMC()) return;\r | |
1533 | \r | |
1534 | // Pt RESOLUTION @ DCA\r | |
1535 | TH3S* h3(NULL); TGraphErrors *gg[2] = {NULL,NULL};\r | |
1536 | if(!(h3 = dynamic_cast<TH3S*>(fHistos->At(kPtRes)))) return;\r | |
1537 | arr = (TObjArray*)fResults->At(kPtRes);\r | |
1538 | TAxis *az(h3->GetZaxis());\r | |
1539 | for(Int_t i(0); i<AliPID::kSPECIES; i++){\r | |
1540 | Int_t idx(2*i);\r | |
1541 | az->SetRange(idx+1, idx+2); \r | |
1542 | gg[1] = (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(idx);\r | |
1543 | gg[0] = (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(idx+1);\r | |
1544 | Process2D((TH2*)h3->Project3D("yx"), gg);\r | |
1545 | \r | |
1546 | idx+=10;\r | |
1547 | az->SetRange(idx+1, idx+2); \r | |
1548 | gg[1] = (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(idx);\r | |
1549 | gg[0] = (TGraphErrors*)arr->At(idx+1);\r | |
1550 | Process2D((TH2*)h3->Project3D("yx"), gg);\r | |
1551 | }\r | |
1552 | fNRefFigures++;\r | |
1553 | \r | |
1554 | // 3x3 tracking summary canvas\r | |
1555 | fNRefFigures++;\r | |
1556 | // 3x3 PID summary canvas\r | |
1557 | fNRefFigures++;\r | |
1558 | }\r | |
1559 | \r | |
1560 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
1561 | Int_t AliTRDcheckESD::Pdg2Idx(Int_t pdg)\r | |
1562 | {\r | |
1563 | switch(pdg){\r | |
1564 | case kElectron: \r | |
1565 | case kPositron: return AliPID::kElectron; \r | |
1566 | case kMuonPlus:\r | |
1567 | case kMuonMinus: return AliPID::kMuon; \r | |
1568 | case kPiPlus: \r | |
1569 | case kPiMinus: return AliPID::kPion; \r | |
1570 | case kKPlus: \r | |
1571 | case kKMinus: return AliPID::kKaon;\r | |
1572 | case kProton: \r | |
1573 | case kProtonBar: return AliPID::kProton;\r | |
1574 | } \r | |
1575 | return -1;\r | |
1576 | }\r | |
1577 | \r | |
1578 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
1579 | void AliTRDcheckESD::Process(TH1 **h1, TGraphErrors *g)\r | |
1580 | {\r | |
1581 | // Generic function to process one reference plot\r | |
1582 | \r | |
1583 | Int_t n1 = 0, n2 = 0, ip=0;\r | |
1584 | Double_t eff = 0.;\r | |
1585 | \r | |
1586 | TAxis *ax = h1[0]->GetXaxis();\r | |
1587 | for(Int_t ib=1; ib<=ax->GetNbins(); ib++){\r | |
1588 | if(!(n1 = (Int_t)h1[0]->GetBinContent(ib))) continue;\r | |
1589 | n2 = (Int_t)h1[1]->GetBinContent(ib);\r | |
1590 | eff = n2/Float_t(n1);\r | |
1591 | \r | |
1592 | ip=g->GetN();\r | |
1593 | g->SetPoint(ip, ax->GetBinCenter(ib), eff);\r | |
1594 | g->SetPointError(ip, 0., n2 ? eff*TMath::Sqrt(1./n1+1./n2) : 0.);\r | |
1595 | }\r | |
1596 | } \r | |
1597 | //________________________________________________________\r | |
1598 | void AliTRDcheckESD::Process2D(TH2 * const h2, TGraphErrors **g)\r | |
1599 | {\r | |
1600 | //\r | |
1601 | // Do the processing\r | |
1602 | //\r | |
1603 | \r | |
1604 | Int_t n = 0;\r | |
1605 | if((n=g[0]->GetN())) for(;n--;) g[0]->RemovePoint(n);\r | |
1606 | if((n=g[1]->GetN())) for(;n--;) g[1]->RemovePoint(n);\r | |
1607 | TF1 f("fg", "gaus", -3.,3.);\r | |
1608 | for(Int_t ibin = 1; ibin <= h2->GetNbinsX(); ibin++){\r | |
1609 | Double_t x = h2->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ibin);\r | |
1610 | TH1D *h = h2->ProjectionY("py", ibin, ibin);\r | |
1611 | if(h->GetEntries()<100) continue;\r | |
1612 | //AdjustF1(h, f);\r | |
1613 | \r | |
1614 | h->Fit(&f, "QN");\r | |
1615 | Int_t ip = g[0]->GetN();\r | |
1616 | g[0]->SetPoint(ip, x, f.GetParameter(1));\r | |
1617 | g[0]->SetPointError(ip, 0., f.GetParError(1));\r | |
1618 | g[1]->SetPoint(ip, x, f.GetParameter(2));\r | |
1619 | g[1]->SetPointError(ip, 0., f.GetParError(2));\r | |
1620 | }\r | |
1621 | return;\r | |
1622 | }\r | |
1623 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
1624 | void AliTRDcheckESD::PrintStatus(ULong_t status)\r | |
1625 | {\r | |
1626 | // Dump track status to stdout\r | |
1627 | \r | |
1628 | printf("ITS[i(%d) o(%d) r(%d)] TPC[i(%d) o(%d) r(%d) p(%d)] TRD[i(%d) o(%d) r(%d) p(%d) s(%d)] HMPID[o(%d) p(%d)]\n"\r | |
1629 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kITSin)\r | |
1630 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kITSout)\r | |
1631 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kITSrefit)\r | |
1632 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kTPCin)\r | |
1633 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kTPCout)\r | |
1634 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit)\r | |
1635 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kTPCpid)\r | |
1636 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kTRDin)\r | |
1637 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kTRDout)\r | |
1638 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit)\r | |
1639 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kTRDpid)\r | |
1640 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kTRDStop)\r | |
1641 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kHMPIDout)\r | |
1642 | ,Bool_t(status & AliESDtrack::kHMPIDpid)\r | |
1643 | );\r | |
1644 | }\r | |
1645 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
1646 | TH2F* AliTRDcheckESD::Proj3D(TH3F* hist, TH2F* accMap, Int_t zbinLow, Int_t zbinHigh, Float_t &entries) {\r | |
1647 | //\r | |
1648 | // Project a 3D histogram to a 2D histogram in the Z axis interval [zbinLow,zbinHigh] \r | |
1649 | // Return the 2D histogram and also the number of entries into this projection (entries)\r | |
1650 | \r | |
1651 | Int_t nBinsX = hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); // X and Y axis bins are assumed to be all equal\r | |
1652 | Float_t minX = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();\r | |
1653 | Float_t maxX = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();\r | |
1654 | Int_t nBinsY = hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();\r | |
1655 | Float_t minY = hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();\r | |
1656 | Float_t maxY = hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();\r | |
1657 | Int_t nBinsZ = hist->GetZaxis()->GetNbins(); // Z axis bins (pt) might have different widths\r | |
1658 | //Float_t minZ = hist->GetZaxis()->GetXmin();\r | |
1659 | //Float_t maxZ = hist->GetZaxis()->GetXmax();\r | |
1660 | \r | |
1661 | TH2F* projHisto = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("projHisto");\r | |
1662 | if(projHisto) \r | |
1663 | projHisto->Reset();\r | |
1664 | else\r | |
1665 | projHisto = new TH2F("projHisto", "projection", nBinsX, minX, maxX, nBinsY, minY, maxY);\r | |
1666 | \r | |
1667 | const Double_t kMinAccFraction = 0.1;\r | |
1668 | entries = 0.0;\r | |
1669 | Double_t maxAcc = (accMap ? accMap->GetMaximum() : -1);\r | |
1670 | \r | |
1671 | for(Int_t iZ=1; iZ<=nBinsZ; iZ++) {\r | |
1672 | if(iZ<zbinLow) continue;\r | |
1673 | if(iZ>zbinHigh) continue;\r | |
1674 | for(Int_t iX=1; iX<=nBinsX; iX++) {\r | |
1675 | for(Int_t iY=1; iY<=nBinsY; iY++) {\r | |
1676 | if(accMap && maxAcc>0) {\r | |
1677 | if(accMap->GetBinContent(iX,iY)/maxAcc>kMinAccFraction)\r | |
1678 | projHisto->SetBinContent(iX, iY, projHisto->GetBinContent(iX, iY)+hist->GetBinContent(iX,iY,iZ));\r | |
1679 | }\r | |
1680 | else // no acc. cut \r | |
1681 | projHisto->SetBinContent(iX, iY, projHisto->GetBinContent(iX, iY)+hist->GetBinContent(iX,iY,iZ));\r | |
1682 | // count only the entries which are inside the acceptance map\r | |
1683 | if(accMap && maxAcc>0) { \r | |
1684 | if(accMap->GetBinContent(iX,iY)/maxAcc>kMinAccFraction)\r | |
1685 | entries+=hist->GetBinContent(iX,iY,iZ);\r | |
1686 | }\r | |
1687 | else // no acc. cut\r | |
1688 | entries+=hist->GetBinContent(iX,iY,iZ);\r | |
1689 | }\r | |
1690 | }\r | |
1691 | }\r | |
1692 | return projHisto;\r | |
1693 | }\r | |
1694 | //____________________________________________________________________\r | |
1695 | TH1F* AliTRDcheckESD::TRDEfficiency(Short_t positives) {\r | |
1696 | //\r | |
1697 | // Calculate the TRD-TPC matching efficiency as function of pt\r | |
1698 | //\r | |
1699 | TH3F* tpc3D(NULL); TH3F* trd3D(NULL);\r | |
1700 | if(positives>0) { // get the histos for positive tracks \r | |
1701 | if(!(tpc3D = dynamic_cast<TH3F*>(fHistos->At(kTPCRefTracksPos)))) return 0x0;\r | |
1702 | if(!(trd3D = dynamic_cast<TH3F*>(fHistos->At(kTRDRefTracksPos)))) return 0x0;\r | |
1703 | }\r | |
1704 | else { // get the histos for positive tracks\r | |
1705 | if(!(tpc3D = dynamic_cast<TH3F*>(fHistos->At(kTPCRefTracksNeg)))) return 0x0;\r | |
1706 | if(!(trd3D = dynamic_cast<TH3F*>(fHistos->At(kTRDRefTracksNeg)))) return 0x0;\r | |
1707 | }\r | |
1708 | \r | |
1709 | Int_t nBinsZ = trd3D->GetZaxis()->GetNbins();\r | |
1710 | // project everything on the eta-phi map to obtain an acceptance map (make sure there is enough statistics)\r | |
1711 | Float_t nada = 0.;\r | |
1712 | TH2F *trdAcc = (TH2F*)Proj3D(trd3D, 0x0, 1, nBinsZ, nada)->Clone();\r | |
1713 | // get the bin limits from the Z axis of 3D histos\r | |
1714 | Float_t *ptBinLimits = new Float_t[nBinsZ+1];\r | |
1715 | for(Int_t i=1; i<=nBinsZ; i++) {\r | |
1716 | ptBinLimits[i-1] = trd3D->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(i);\r | |
1717 | }\r | |
1718 | ptBinLimits[nBinsZ] = trd3D->GetZaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(nBinsZ);\r | |
1719 | TH1F *efficiency = new TH1F("eff", "TRD-TPC matching efficiency", nBinsZ, ptBinLimits);\r | |
1720 | // loop over Z bins\r | |
1721 | for(Int_t i=1; i<=nBinsZ; i++) {\r | |
1722 | Float_t tpcEntries = 0.0; Float_t trdEntries = 0.0;\r | |
1723 | Proj3D(tpc3D, trdAcc, i, i, tpcEntries);\r | |
1724 | Proj3D(trd3D, trdAcc, i, i, trdEntries);\r | |
1725 | Float_t ratio = 0;\r | |
1726 | if(tpcEntries>0) ratio = trdEntries/tpcEntries;\r | |
1727 | Float_t error = 0;\r | |
1728 | if(tpcEntries>0 && trdEntries>0) \r | |
1729 | error = ratio*TMath::Sqrt((1.0/tpcEntries)+(1.0/trdEntries));\r | |
1730 | if(ratio>0.0) {\r | |
1731 | efficiency->SetBinContent(i,ratio);\r | |
1732 | efficiency->SetBinError(i,error);\r | |
1733 | }\r | |
1734 | } // end loop over Z bins\r | |
1735 | \r | |
1736 | efficiency->SetLineColor((positives>0 ? 2 : 4));\r | |
1737 | return efficiency;\r | |
1738 | }\r |