]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG1/TRD/AliTRDcheckESD.h
fix bug in merging routine
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG1 / TRD / AliTRDcheckESD.h
1ee39b3a 1#ifndef ALITRDCHECKESD_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id: AliTRDcheckESD.h 27496 2008-07-22 08:35:45Z cblume $ */
10// Check basic detector results at ESD level
12// Author
13// Alex Bercuci <A.Bercuci@gsi.de>
f8f46e4d 18#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
1ee39b3a 19#endif
21class AliESDEvent;
22class AliMCEvent;
fb65de21 23class AliESDpid;
1ee39b3a 24class TH1;
f2e89a4c 25class TH2;
64d57299 26class TH1F;
27class TH2F;
28class TH3F;
bd97a050 29class TH3;
1ee39b3a 30class TObjArray;
31class TGraph;
32class TGraphErrors;
f8f46e4d 33class AliTRDcheckESD : public AliAnalysisTaskSE {
1ee39b3a 34public:
35 enum ETRDcheckESDstatus {
36d21092 36 kMC = BIT(0) // use MC info
97d0ccba 37 ,kCollision = BIT(1) //
1ee39b3a 38 };
39 enum ETRDcheckESDhistos {
f76b8071 40 kNCl = 0 // number of clusters per track
41 ,kTRDstat // TRD tracks status
42 ,kTRDmom // TRD track momentum
43 ,kPtRes // Pt resolution @ vertex for TRD
44 ,kTPCVertex // event vertex from TPC
45 ,kEventVertex // event vertex
46 ,kNTracksAll // ntracks - all
47 ,kNTracksAcc // ntracks - inside acc. and DCA cut
48 ,kNTracksTPC // additional cut on number of TPC clusters
49 ,kDCAxy // transverse DCA
50 ,kDCAz // z - DCA
51 ,kPt1 // Pt distribution, eta and ptmin cuts
52 ,kPt2 // Pt distribution, cuts from kPt1 and DCA cuts
53 ,kPt3pos // Pt distribution, cuts from kPt2 and cut on TPC clusters for positives (>100)
54 ,kPt3neg // Pt distribution, cuts from kPt2 and cut on TPC clusters for negatives (>100)
55 ,kPt4pos // Pt distribution, cuts from kPt3pos and at least one TRD tracklet
56 ,kPt4neg // Pt distribution, cuts from kPt3neg and at least one TRD tracklet
57 ,kTheta // distribution of theta for tracks passing the cuts from kPt4pos and kPt4neg
58 ,kPhi // distribution of phi for tracks passing the cuts from kPt4pos and kPt4neg
59 ,kNTPCCl // number of TPC clusters, cuts from kPt2
60 ,kNTPCCl2 // number of TPC clusters, cuts from kPt2 + pt>1 GeV/c
61 ,kTPCDedx // TPC dE/dx, cuts from kPt3pos or kPt3neg
62 ,kEtaPhi // (eta,phi) distrib. for tracks after the cuts from kPt3pos or kPt3neg
63 ,kEtaNclsTPC // (TPC_Ncls,eta) distrib. for tracks after the cuts from kPt3pos or kPt3neg
64 ,kPhiNclsTPC // (TPC_Ncls,phi) distrib. for tracks after the cuts from kPt3pos or kPt3neg
65 ,kNTrackletsTRD // (TRD tracklets per track, P) distribution, after cuts from kPt4pos or kPt4neg
66 ,kNClsTrackTRD // (TRD clusters per track, P) distribution, after cuts from kPt4pos or kPt4neg
67 ,kPHSlice // (slicePH,sliceNo) distribution, after cuts from kPt4pos or kPt4neg
fb65de21 68 ,kPHSliceTPCpions // (slicePH,sliceNo) distribution for TPC pions, after cuts from kPt4pos or kPt4neg
69 ,kTPCdedxPions // (TPC dedx,P) for selected TPC pions
70 ,kPHSliceTPCelectrons // (slicePH,sliceNo) distribution for TPC electrons, after cuts from kPt4pos or kPt4neg
71 ,kTPCdedxElectrons // (TPC dedx,P) for selected TPC electrons
f76b8071 72 ,kQtotP // (total Q from slices, momentum) distribution, after cuts from kPt4pos or kPt4neg
73 ,kPropagXYvsP // (X,Y,momentum) distribution after AliESDtrack::PropagateTo(r=300.)
74 ,kPropagRZvsP // (R,Z,momentum) distribution after AliESDtrack::PropagateTo(r=300.)
bd97a050 75 ,kTPCRefTracksPos // (eta,detector phi,Pt) distribution of reference TPC positive tracks (fulfill cuts from kPt3pos)
76 ,kTPCRefTracksNeg // (eta,detector phi,Pt) distribution of reference TPC negative tracks (fulfill cuts from kPt3neg)
77 ,kTRDRefTracksPos // (eta,detector phi,Pt) distribution of reference TRD positive tracks (fulfill cuts from kPt4pos)
78 ,kTRDRefTracksNeg // (eta,detector phi,Pt) distribution of reference TRD negative tracks (fulfill cuts from kPt4neg)
f76b8071 79 ,kTRDEtaPhiAvNtrkl // (eta, detector phi) profile of average number of tracklets
80 ,kTRDEtaDeltaPhiAvNtrkl // (eta, delta-phi) profile of average number of tracklets
81 // delta-phi is the angle made by the track with the normal to the chamber entrance plane
bd97a050 82 ,kTRDEtaPhiAvQtot // (eta, detector phi) profile of total tracklet charge from slices
fb65de21 83 ,kNhistos = 49 // number of histograms
84 ,kNrefs = 7 // number of reference plots
1ee39b3a 85 };
86 enum ETRDcheckESDbits {
87 kTPCout = 1 // track left TPC
88 ,kTRDin // track reach TRD fiducial volume
89 ,kTRDout // track reconstructed in TRD
90 ,kTRDpid // PID calculated in TRD
91 ,kTRDref // track refitted in TRD
1ee39b3a 92 };
93 AliTRDcheckESD();
f8f46e4d 94 AliTRDcheckESD(char* name);
1ee39b3a 95 virtual ~AliTRDcheckESD();
f8f46e4d 97 void UserCreateOutputObjects();
e2e3cec2 98 Bool_t GetRefFigure(Int_t ifig);
36d21092 99 Int_t GetNRefFigures() const { return fNRefFigures; }
f8f46e4d 100 void UserExec(Option_t *);
1ee39b3a 101
102 Bool_t HasMC() const { return TESTBIT(fStatus, kMC);}
36d21092 103 Bool_t IsCollision() const {return TESTBIT(fStatus, kCollision);}
104 void SetCollision(Bool_t set=kTRUE) {set ? SETBIT(fStatus, kCollision) : CLRBIT(fStatus, kCollision);}
1ee39b3a 105 TObjArray* Histos();
97d0ccba 106 Bool_t Load(const Char_t *fn="AnalysisResults.root", const Char_t *dir="TRD_Performance", const Char_t *name=NULL);
1ee39b3a 107 void SetMC(Bool_t mc = kTRUE) { mc ? SETBIT(fStatus, kMC) : CLRBIT(fStatus, kMC);}
108 Bool_t PutTrendValue(const Char_t *name, Double_t val);
109 void Terminate(Option_t *);
b795b480 110 void MakeSummary();
1ee39b3a 111
113 static const Float_t fgkxTPC; // end radial position of TPC
114 static const Float_t fgkxTOF; // start radial position of TOF
629ae9b8 115 static const UChar_t fgkNgraph[kNrefs]; // number of graphs/ref plot
1ee39b3a 116
117 AliTRDcheckESD(const AliTRDcheckESD&);
118 AliTRDcheckESD& operator=(const AliTRDcheckESD&);
f3ef94fc 119 Int_t Pdg2Idx(Int_t pdg) const;
1ee39b3a 120 void Process(TH1 **h, TGraphErrors *g);
629ae9b8 121 void Process2D(TH2 * const h, TGraphErrors **g);
1ee39b3a 122 void PrintStatus(ULong_t s);
bd97a050 123 TH2F* Proj3D(TH3F* hist, TH2F* accMap, Int_t binLow, Int_t binHigh, Float_t &entries);
fb65de21 124 TH1F* Proj2D(TH2F* hist);
64d57299 125 TH1F* EfficiencyTRD(Short_t positives=1);
bd97a050 126
1ee39b3a 127 Int_t fStatus; // bit mask for controlling the task
629ae9b8 128 Int_t fNRefFigures; // number of current ref plots
a96ac33a 129 AliESDEvent *fESD; //! ESD event
130 AliMCEvent *fMC; //! MC event
fb65de21 131 AliESDpid *fESDpid; // ESD pid object
a96ac33a 132 TObjArray *fHistos; //! QA histos
1ee39b3a 133 TObjArray *fResults; // QA graphs
629ae9b8 134 static FILE *fgFile; //! trend file streamer
36d21092 135 // Vertex selection
136 static const Float_t fgkEvVertexZ;// cm
137 static const Int_t fgkEvVertexN;// cm
138 // Track selection
139 static const Float_t fgkTrkDCAxy; // cm
140 static const Float_t fgkTrkDCAz; // cm
141 static const Int_t fgkNclTPC; // N clusters TPC
142 static const Float_t fgkPt; // min. pt
143 static const Float_t fgkEta; // eta range
f76b8071 144
145 static const Float_t fgkQs; // scale for the total charge
97d0ccba 146
36d21092 147 ClassDef(AliTRDcheckESD, 5) // user oriented TRD analysis based on ESD-MC data
1ee39b3a 148};
02281b83 149#endif