]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG1/TRD/AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ.cxx
move general OCDB services to the level of AliTRDinfoGen
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG1 / TRD / AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ.cxx
1ee39b3a 1/**************************************************************************
2* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3* *
4* Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5* Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6* *
7* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
16/* $Id: AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ.cxx 34163 2009-08-07 11:28:51Z cblume $ */
21// TRD calibration class for building reference data for PID
22// - 2D reference histograms (responsible A.Bercuci)
23// - 3D reference histograms (not yet implemented) (responsible A.Bercuci)
1ee39b3a 24//
25// Origin
26// Alex Bercuci (A.Bercuci@gsi.de)
b91fdd71 30#include <TSystem.h>
1ee39b3a 31#include <TROOT.h>
b91fdd71 32#include <TFile.h>
1ee39b3a 33#include <TTree.h>
34#include <TMath.h>
35#include <TEventList.h>
36#include <TH2D.h>
37#include <TH2I.h>
1ee39b3a 38#include <TCanvas.h>
1ee39b3a 39
40#include "AliLog.h"
da27d983 41#include "../STAT/TKDPDF.h"
4826d5b1 42#include "../STAT/TKDInterpolator.h"
1ee39b3a 43#include "AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ.h"
da27d983 44#include "Cal/AliTRDCalPID.h"
45#include "Cal/AliTRDCalPIDLQ.h"
1ee39b3a 46#include "AliTRDseedV1.h"
47#include "AliTRDcalibDB.h"
48#include "AliTRDgeometry.h"
4826d5b1 49#include "info/AliTRDpidInfo.h"
1ee39b3a 50
4826d5b1 54AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ::AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ()
705f8b0a 55 : AliTRDpidRefMaker()
a5a3321d 56 ,fPDF(NULL)
1ee39b3a 57{
58 //
59 // AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ default constructor
60 //
4fa7d600 61 SetNameTitle("TRDrefMakerLQ", "PID(LQ) Reference Maker");
705f8b0a 62}
65AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ::AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ(const char *name)
66 : AliTRDpidRefMaker(name, "PID(LQ) Reference Maker")
a5a3321d 67 ,fPDF(NULL)
705f8b0a 68{
69 //
70 // AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ default constructor
71 //
72 DefineOutput(3, TObjArray::Class());
1ee39b3a 73}
78 //
79 // AliTRDCalPIDQRef destructor
80 //
4826d5b1 81 if(fPDF){
705f8b0a 82 //fPDF->Write("PDF_LQ", TObject::kSingleKey);
4826d5b1 83 fPDF->Delete();
84 delete fPDF;
85 }
1ee39b3a 86}
b91fdd71 88// //________________________________________________________________________
f8f46e4d 89void AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ::UserCreateOutputObjects()
1ee39b3a 90{
91 // Create histograms
92 // Called once
b91fdd71 94 fContainer = Histos();
068e2c00 95 PostData(1, fContainer);
4826d5b1 96
a5a3321d 97 //OpenFile(2, "RECREATE");
092fbd8a 98 fPDF = new TObjArray(AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetNrefs());
99 fPDF->SetOwner();fPDF->SetName("PDF_LQ");
068e2c00 100 PostData(3, fPDF);
b91fdd71 101}
105TObjArray* AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ::Histos()
107 // Create histograms
a5a3321d 109 if(fContainer) return fContainer;
110 fContainer = new TObjArray(AliTRDCalPID::kNMom);
1ee39b3a 111
112 // save dE/dx references
092fbd8a 113 TH1 *h(NULL);
1ee39b3a 114 for(Int_t ip=AliTRDCalPID::kNMom; ip--;){
092fbd8a 115 TObjArray *arr = new TObjArray(2*AliPID::kSPECIES);
b91fdd71 116 arr->SetName(Form("Pbin%02d", ip)); arr->SetOwner();
1ee39b3a 117 for(Int_t is=AliPID::kSPECIES; is--;) {
092fbd8a 118 h = new TH1D(Form("h1%s%d", AliPID::ParticleShortName(is), ip), Form("1D %s @ Pbin[%d]", AliPID::ParticleName(is), ip), 50, 7., 12.);
119 h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("log(dE/dx) [au]");
120 h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#");
121 h->SetLineColor(AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetPartColor(is));
122 arr->AddAt(h, is);
123 }
124 for(Int_t is=AliPID::kSPECIES; is--;) {
125 h = new TH2D(Form("h2%s%d", AliPID::ParticleShortName(is), ip), Form("2D %s @ Pbin[%d]", AliPID::ParticleName(is), ip), 50, 7., 12., 50, 6.5, 11.);
126 h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("log(dE/dx_{am}) [au]");
127 h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("log(dE/dx_{dr}) [au]");
128 h->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("#");
129 arr->AddAt(h, AliPID::kSPECIES+is);
1ee39b3a 130 }
a5a3321d 131 fContainer->AddAt(arr, ip);
1ee39b3a 132 }
a5a3321d 133 fNRefFigures=AliTRDCalPID::kNMom;
b91fdd71 134 return fContainer;
1ee39b3a 135}
1ee39b3a 137
4826d5b1 139TObject* AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ::GetOCDBEntry(Option_t */*opt*/)
1ee39b3a 140{
141// Steer loading of OCDB LQ PID
4826d5b1 143 if(gSystem->AccessPathName(Form("TRD.Calib%s.root", GetName()), kReadPermission)){
144 AliError(Form("File TRD.Calib%s.root not readable", GetName()));
145 return NULL;
146 }
1ee39b3a 147 AliTRDCalPIDLQ *cal = new AliTRDCalPIDLQ("pidLQ", "LQ TRD PID object");
4826d5b1 148 cal->LoadReferences(Form("TRD.Calib%s.root", GetName()));
1ee39b3a 149 return cal;
153Bool_t AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ::GetRefFigure(Int_t ifig)
155// Steering reference picture
b91fdd71 157 if(ifig<0 || ifig>=fNRefFigures){
1ee39b3a 158 AliError("Ref fig requested outside definition.");
159 return kFALSE;
160 }
161 if(!gPad){
162 AliWarning("Please provide a canvas to draw results.");
163 return kFALSE;
164 }
092fbd8a 166 TObjArray *arr(NULL);TList *l(NULL);TH1 *h(NULL);
167 if(!(arr = (TObjArray*)fContainer->At(ifig))){
168 AliError(Form("PDF container @ pBin[%d] missing.", ifig));
169 return kFALSE;
170 }
171 gPad->Divide(5, 2, 1.e-5, 1.e-5);l=gPad->GetListOfPrimitives();
172 for(Int_t is=0; is<AliPID::kSPECIES; is++){
173 ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(is))->cd();
174 if(!(h=(TH1*)arr->At(is))){
175 AliError(Form("1D for %s @ pBin[%d] missing.", AliPID::ParticleShortName(is), ifig));
b91fdd71 176 return kFALSE;
177 }
092fbd8a 178 h->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 1.2);
179 h->Draw("l");
181 ((TVirtualPad*)l->At(AliPID::kSPECIES+is))->cd();
182 if(!(h=(TH1*)arr->At(AliPID::kSPECIES+is))){
183 AliError(Form("2D for %s @ pBin[%d] missing.", AliPID::ParticleShortName(is), ifig));
b91fdd71 184 return kFALSE;
185 }
092fbd8a 186 h->Draw("cont4z");
b91fdd71 187 }
092fbd8a 188
b91fdd71 189 return kTRUE;
fe1d1beb 194Bool_t AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ::Load(const Char_t *file, const Char_t *dir)
b91fdd71 195{
fe1d1beb 196 if(gSystem->AccessPathName(file, kReadPermission)){
197 AliError(Form("File %s not readable", file));
b91fdd71 198 return kFALSE;
199 }
fe1d1beb 200 if(!TFile::Open(file)) {
201 AliError(Form("File %s corrupted", file));
b91fdd71 202 return kFALSE;
203 }
fe1d1beb 204 if(!gFile->cd(dir)){
205 AliWarning(Form("Couldn't cd to %s in %s.", dir, file));
206 return kFALSE;
207 }
208 if (!(fData = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(gDirectory->Get("PIDrefMaker")))) {
209 AliError("PIDref Tree not available");
b91fdd71 210 return kFALSE;
1ee39b3a 211 }
b91fdd71 212 LinkPIDdata();
1ee39b3a 213
b91fdd71 214 TObjArray *o(NULL);
092fbd8a 215/* if(!(o = (TObjArray*)gFile->Get(Form("Moni%s", GetName())))){
b91fdd71 216 AliWarning(Form("Monitor container Moni%s not available.", name));
217 return kFALSE;
218 }
219 fContainer = (TObjArray*)o->Clone("monitor");
4826d5b1 220 fNRefFigures=AliTRDCalPID::kNMom;
092fbd8a 221*/
222 // temporary until new calibration data are being produced
223 Histos();
4826d5b1 224
226 if(!TFile::Open(Form("TRD.Calib%s.root", GetName()), "UPDATE")){
227 AliError(Form("File TRD.Calib%s.root corrupted", GetName()));
228 return kFALSE;
229 }
092fbd8a 230 if(!(o = (TObjArray*)gFile->Get(Form("PDF_LQ")))) {
231 AliInfo("PDF container not available. Create.");
232 fPDF = new TObjArray(AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetNrefs());
233 fPDF->SetOwner();fPDF->SetName("PDF_LQ");
234 } else fPDF = (TObjArray*)o->Clone("PDF_LQ");
4826d5b1 235
1ee39b3a 236 return kTRUE;
4826d5b1 239
b91fdd71 240//________________________________________________________________________
f8f46e4d 241void AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ::UserExec(Option_t */*opt*/)
b91fdd71 242{
4826d5b1 243// Load PID data into local data storage
87c9fc00 245 if(!(fInfo = dynamic_cast<TObjArray*>(GetInputData(3)))) return;
a5a3321d 247 AliDebug(2, Form("ENTRIES pid[%d]\n", fInfo->GetEntriesFast()));
4826d5b1 248 AliTRDpidInfo *pid(NULL);
249 const AliTRDpidInfo::AliTRDpidData *data(NULL);
250 Char_t s(-1);
251 for(Int_t itrk=fInfo->GetEntriesFast(); itrk--;){
252 if(!(pid=(AliTRDpidInfo*)fInfo->At(itrk))) continue;
253 if((s=pid->GetPID())<0) continue;
254 for(Int_t itrklt=pid->GetNtracklets();itrklt--;){
255 data=pid->GetData(itrklt);
256 Int_t ip(data->Momentum());
4826d5b1 257
258 Double_t dedx[] = {0., 0.};
259 if(!AliTRDCalPIDLQ::CookdEdx(data->fdEdx, dedx)) continue;
092fbd8a 260 ((TH2*)((TObjArray*)fContainer->At(ip))->At(s+Int_t(AliPID::kSPECIES)))->Fill(dedx[0], dedx[1]);
261 AliTRDCalPIDLQ::CookdEdx(data->fdEdx, dedx, kFALSE);
a5a3321d 262 ((TH1*)((TObjArray*)fContainer->At(ip))->At(s))->Fill(dedx[0]+dedx[1]);
4826d5b1 263 }
264 }
b91fdd71 265}
1ee39b3a 268//________________________________________________________________________
269Bool_t AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ::PostProcess()
271// Analyse merged dedx = f(p) distributions.
272// - select momentum - species bins
273// - rotate to principal components
274// - locally interpolate with TKDPDF
275// - save interpolation to monitoring histograms
276// - write pdf to file for loading to OCDB
674c7d26 279 TCanvas *fMonitor(NULL);
b91fdd71 280 // allocate working storage
674c7d26 281 const Int_t kWS(AliPID::kSPECIES*AliTRDCalPID::kNMom);
092fbd8a 282 Float_t *data[2*kWS], *data1D[kWS];
283 for(Int_t i(0); i<kWS; i++){
284 data1D[i] = new Float_t[kMaxStat];
285 data[i] = new Float_t[kMaxStat];
286 data[kWS+i] = new Float_t[kMaxStat];
287 }
674c7d26 288 Int_t ndata[kWS]; memset(ndata, 0, kWS*sizeof(Int_t));
ca50a37e 290 AliDebug(1, Form("Loading %d entries.", (Int_t)fData->GetEntries()));
674c7d26 291 for(Int_t itrk=0; itrk < fData->GetEntries(); itrk++){
292 if(!(fData->GetEntry(itrk))) continue;
a5a3321d 293 Int_t sbin(fPIDdataArray->GetPID());
294 for(Int_t itrklt=fPIDdataArray->GetNtracklets(); itrklt--;){
295 Int_t pbin(fPIDdataArray->GetData(itrklt)->Momentum());
674c7d26 296
092fbd8a 297 Double_t dedx[] = {0., 0.},
298 dedx1D[] = {0., 0.};
a5a3321d 299 if(!AliTRDCalPIDLQ::CookdEdx(fPIDdataArray->GetData(itrklt)->fdEdx, dedx)) continue;
300 AliTRDCalPIDLQ::CookdEdx(fPIDdataArray->GetData(itrklt)->fdEdx, dedx1D, kFALSE);
674c7d26 301 Int_t idx=AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetModelID(pbin,sbin);
302 if(ndata[idx]==kMaxStat) continue;
304 // store data
092fbd8a 305 data1D[idx][ndata[idx]] = dedx1D[0];
306 data[idx][ndata[idx]] = dedx[0];
674c7d26 307 data[idx+kWS][ndata[idx]] = dedx[1];
308 ndata[idx]++;
309 }
310 }
092fbd8a 311
312 TKDPDF *pdf(NULL);
313 Int_t in(0); Float_t par[6], *pp(NULL);
4826d5b1 314 for(Int_t ip=0;ip<AliTRDCalPID::kNMom;ip++){
1ee39b3a 315 for(Int_t is=AliPID::kSPECIES; is--;) {
1ee39b3a 316 // estimate bucket statistics
674c7d26 317 Int_t idx(AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetModelID(ip,is)),
318 nb(kMinBuckets), // number of buckets
44c98bbd 319 ns((Int_t)(((Float_t)(ndata[idx]))/nb)); //statistics/bucket
1ee39b3a 320
674c7d26 321 AliDebug(2, Form("pBin[%d] sBin[%d] n[%d] ns[%d] nb[%d]", ip, is, ndata[idx], ns, nb));
1ee39b3a 322 if(ns<Int_t(kMinStat)){
674c7d26 323 AliWarning(Form("Not enough entries [%d] for %s[%d].", ndata[idx], AliPID::ParticleShortName(is), ip));
1ee39b3a 324 continue;
325 }
092fbd8a 327 // build helper 1D PDF
328 pdf = new TKDPDF(ndata[idx], 1, ns, &data1D[idx]);
329 pdf->SetCOG(kFALSE);
330 pdf->SetWeights();
331 //pdf->SetStore();
332 pdf->SetAlpha(15.);
333 //pdf.GetStatus();
334 fPDF->AddAt(pdf, idx);
335 in=pdf->GetNTNodes(); pp=&par[0];
336 while(in--){
337 const TKDNodeInfo *nn = pdf->GetNodeInfo(in);
338 nn->GetCOG(pp);
339 Double_t p(par[0]),r,e;
340 pdf->Eval(&p,r,e,1);
341 }
343 // build helper 2D PDF
674c7d26 344 Float_t *ldata[2]={data[idx], data[kWS+idx]};
092fbd8a 345 pdf = new TKDPDF(ndata[idx], 2, ns, ldata);
4826d5b1 346 pdf->SetCOG(kFALSE);
347 pdf->SetWeights();
674c7d26 348 //pdf->SetStore();
4826d5b1 349 pdf->SetAlpha(5.);
350 //pdf.GetStatus();
092fbd8a 351 fPDF->AddAt(pdf, AliTRDCalPIDLQ::GetModelID(ip,is, 2));
352 in=pdf->GetNTNodes(); pp=&par[0];
4826d5b1 353 while(in--){
354 const TKDNodeInfo *nn = pdf->GetNodeInfo(in);
355 nn->GetCOG(pp);
4826d5b1 356 Double_t p[] = {par[0], par[1]}, r,e;
357 pdf->Eval(p,r,e,1);
1ee39b3a 358 }
4826d5b1 359/*
360 Int_t nnodes = pdf.GetNTNodes(),
361 nside = Int_t(0.05*nnodes),
362 nzeros = 4*(nside+1);
363 printf("nnodes[%d] nside[%d] nzeros[%d]\n", nnodes, nside, nzeros);
366 // Build interpolator on the pdf skeleton
367 TKDInterpolator interpolator(2, nnodes+nzeros);
368 for(Int_t in=nnodes; in--;)
369 interpolator.SetNode(in, *pdf.GetNodeInfo(in));
370 TKDNodeInfo *nodes = new TKDNodeInfo[nzeros], *node = &nodes[0];
371 Float_t ax0min, ax0max, ax1min, ax1max;
372 pdf.GetRange(0, ax0min, ax0max); Float_t dx = (ax0max-ax0min)/nside;
373 pdf.GetRange(1, ax1min, ax1max); Float_t dy = (ax1max-ax1min)/nside;
374 printf("x=[%f %f] y[%f %f]\n", ax0min, ax0max, ax1min, ax1max);
376 Int_t jn = nnodes;
377 SetZeroes(&interpolator, node, nside, jn, ax0min, dx, ax1min, -dy, 'x');
378 SetZeroes(&interpolator, node, nside, jn, ax1min, dy, ax0max, dx, 'y');
379 SetZeroes(&interpolator, node, nside, jn, ax0max,-dx, ax1max, dy, 'x');
380 SetZeroes(&interpolator, node, nside, jn ,ax1max, -dy, ax0min, -dx, 'y');
381 delete [] nodes;
674c7d26 382 Int_t in=nnodes; Float_t par[6], *pp=&par[0];
4826d5b1 383 while(in--){
384 const TKDNodeInfo *nn = interpolator.GetNodeInfo(in);
385 nn->GetCOG(pp);
386 //printf("evaluate for node[%d] @ [%f %f]\n",in, par[0], par[1]);
387 Double_t p[] = {par[0], par[1]}, r,e;
388 interpolator.Eval(p,r,e,1);
389 }
092fbd8a 391
4826d5b1 392 // visual on-line monitoring
674c7d26 393 if(HasOnlineMonitor()){
394 if(!fMonitor) fMonitor = new TCanvas("cc", "PDF 2D LQ", 500, 500);
395 pdf->DrawProjection();
396 fMonitor->Modified(); fMonitor->Update();
397 fMonitor->SaveAs(Form("pdf_%s%02d.gif", AliPID::ParticleShortName(is), ip));
398 }
1ee39b3a 399
4826d5b1 400 //fContainer->ls();
1ee39b3a 401 // save a discretization of the PDF for result monitoring
4826d5b1 402 Double_t rxy[]={0.,0.};
092fbd8a 403 TH2 *h2s = (TH2D*)((TObjArray*)fContainer->At(ip))->At(AliPID::kSPECIES+is);
1ee39b3a 404 TAxis *ax = h2s->GetXaxis(), *ay = h2s->GetYaxis();
405 h2s->Clear();
406 for(int ix=1; ix<=ax->GetNbins(); ix++){
407 rxy[0] = ax->GetBinCenter(ix);
408 for(int iy=1; iy<=ay->GetNbins(); iy++){
409 rxy[1] = ay->GetBinCenter(iy);
411 Double_t rr,ee;
4826d5b1 412 pdf->Eval(rxy, rr, ee, kFALSE);
1ee39b3a 413 if(rr<0. || ee/rr>.15) continue; // 15% relative error
414 //printf("x[%2d] x[%2d] r[%f] e[%f]\n", ix, iy, rr, ee);
415 h2s->SetBinContent(ix, iy, rr);
416 }
417 }
092fbd8a 418
419 pdf=dynamic_cast<TKDPDF*>(fPDF->At(idx));
420 TH1 *h1 = (TH1D*)((TObjArray*)fContainer->At(ip))->At(is);
421 ax = h1->GetXaxis();
422 h1->Clear();
423 for(int ix=1; ix<=ax->GetNbins(); ix++){
424 rxy[0] = ax->GetBinCenter(ix);
426 Double_t rr,ee;
427 pdf->Eval(rxy, rr, ee, kFALSE);
428 if(rr<0. || ee/rr>.15) continue; // 15% relative error
429 //printf("x[%2d] x[%2d] r[%f] e[%f]\n", ix, iy, rr, ee);
430 h1->SetBinContent(ix, rr);
431 }
1ee39b3a 432 }
433 }
092fbd8a 434 for(Int_t i(0); i<kWS; i++){
435 delete [] data1D[i];
436 delete [] data[i];
437 delete [] data[i+kWS];
438 }
4826d5b1 439 return kTRUE;
1ee39b3a 440}
4826d5b1 443//__________________________________________________________________
444void AliTRDpidRefMakerLQ::SetZeroes(TKDInterpolator *interpolator, TKDNodeInfo *node, Int_t n, Int_t& idx, Float_t x, Float_t dx, Float_t y, Float_t dy, const Char_t opt)
446// Set extra nodes to ensure boundary conditions
448 printf("SetZeroes(%c)\n", opt);
449 Float_t par[6], val[] = {0., 1.};
450 Int_t a[6];
451 if(opt=='x'){
452 a[0]=0; a[1]=1; a[2]=2; a[3]=3; a[4]=4; a[5]=5;
453 } else if(opt=='y'){
454 a[0]=1; a[1]=0; a[2]=4; a[3]=5; a[4]=2; a[5]=3;
455 } else return;
456 Float_t tmp;
457 par[a[1]] = y;
458 par[a[4]] = y; par[a[5]] = y+dy;
459 if(dy<0.){tmp=par[a[4]]; par[a[4]]=par[a[5]]; par[a[5]]=tmp;}
460 for(Int_t in=n; in--; node++, idx++, x+=dx){
461 par[a[0]] = x+.5*dx;
462 par[a[2]] = x; par[a[3]] = x+dx;
463 if(dx<0.){tmp=par[a[2]]; par[a[2]]=par[a[3]]; par[a[3]]=tmp;}
464 node->SetNode(2, par, val);
465 printf("\n\tnode[%d]\n", idx); node->Print();
466 interpolator->SetNode(idx, *node);
467 }
468 par[a[0]] = x;
469 par[a[2]] = x; par[a[3]] = x+dx;
470 if(dx<0.){tmp=par[a[2]]; par[a[2]]=par[a[3]]; par[a[3]]=tmp;}
471 node->SetNode(2, par, val);
472 printf("\n\tnode[%d]\n", idx); node->Print();
473 interpolator->SetNode(idx, *node);node++;idx++;