]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG2/FEMTOSCOPY/AliFemto/AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis.cxx
Coding violations corrected.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG2 / FEMTOSCOPY / AliFemto / AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis.cxx
a5b23aa6 1///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2// //
3// AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis - the most basic analysis there is. All other //
4// inherit from this one. Provides basic functionality for the analysis. //
5// To properly set up the analysis the following steps should be taken: //
6// //
7// - create particle cuts and add them via SetFirstParticleCut and //
8// SetSecondParticleCut. If one analyzes identical particle //
9// correlations, the first particle cut must be also the second //
10// particle cut. //
11// //
12// - create pair cuts and add them via SetPairCut //
13// //
14// - create one or many correlation functions and add them via //
15// AddCorrFctn method. //
16// //
17// - specify how many events are to be strored in the mixing buffer for //
18// background construction //
19// //
20// Then, when the analysis is run, for each event, the EventBegin is //
21// called before any processing is done, then the ProcessEvent is called //
22// which takes care of creating real and mixed pairs and sending them //
23// to all the registered correlation functions. At the end of each event,//
24// after all pairs are processed, EventEnd is called. After the whole //
25// analysis finishes (there is no more events to process) Finish() is //
26// called. //
27// //
29#include "AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis.h"
30#include "AliFemtoTrackCut.h"
31#include "AliFemtoV0Cut.h"
32#include "AliFemtoKinkCut.h"
33#include <string>
34#include <iostream>
36// blah blah
38#ifdef __ROOT__
42AliFemtoEventCut* copyTheCut(AliFemtoEventCut*);
43AliFemtoParticleCut* copyTheCut(AliFemtoParticleCut*);
44AliFemtoPairCut* copyTheCut(AliFemtoPairCut*);
45AliFemtoCorrFctn* copyTheCorrFctn(AliFemtoCorrFctn*);
47// this little function used to apply ParticleCuts (TrackCuts or V0Cuts) and fill ParticleCollections of picoEvent
48// it is called from AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::ProcessEvent()
49void FillHbtParticleCollection(AliFemtoParticleCut* partCut,
50 AliFemtoEvent* hbtEvent,
51 AliFemtoParticleCollection* partCollection)
53 // Fill particle collections from the event
54 // by the particles that pass all the cuts
55 switch (partCut->Type()) {
56 case hbtTrack: // cut is cutting on Tracks
57 {
58 AliFemtoTrackCut* pCut = (AliFemtoTrackCut*) partCut;
59 AliFemtoTrack* pParticle;
60 AliFemtoTrackIterator pIter;
61 AliFemtoTrackIterator startLoop = hbtEvent->TrackCollection()->begin();
62 AliFemtoTrackIterator endLoop = hbtEvent->TrackCollection()->end();
63 for (pIter=startLoop;pIter!=endLoop;pIter++){
64 pParticle = *pIter;
65 bool tmpPassParticle = pCut->Pass(pParticle);
66 pCut->FillCutMonitor(pParticle, tmpPassParticle);
67 if (tmpPassParticle){
68 AliFemtoParticle* particle = new AliFemtoParticle(pParticle,pCut->Mass());
69 partCollection->push_back(particle);
70 }
71 }
72 break;
73 }
74 case hbtV0: // cut is cutting on V0s
75 {
76 AliFemtoV0Cut* pCut = (AliFemtoV0Cut*) partCut;
77 AliFemtoV0* pParticle;
78 AliFemtoV0Iterator pIter;
79 AliFemtoV0Iterator startLoop = hbtEvent->V0Collection()->begin();
80 AliFemtoV0Iterator endLoop = hbtEvent->V0Collection()->end();
81 // this following "for" loop is identical to the one above, but because of scoping, I can's see how to avoid repitition...
82 for (pIter=startLoop;pIter!=endLoop;pIter++){
83 pParticle = *pIter;
84 bool tmpPassV0 = pCut->Pass(pParticle);
85 pCut->FillCutMonitor(pParticle,tmpPassV0);
86 if (tmpPassV0){
87 AliFemtoParticle* particle = new AliFemtoParticle(pParticle,partCut->Mass());
88 partCollection->push_back(particle);
89 }
90 }
91 pCut->FillCutMonitor(hbtEvent,partCollection);// Gael 19/06/02
92 break;
93 }
94 case hbtKink: // cut is cutting on Kinks -- mal 25May2001
95 {
96 AliFemtoKinkCut* pCut = (AliFemtoKinkCut*) partCut;
97 AliFemtoKink* pParticle;
98 AliFemtoKinkIterator pIter;
99 AliFemtoKinkIterator startLoop = hbtEvent->KinkCollection()->begin();
100 AliFemtoKinkIterator endLoop = hbtEvent->KinkCollection()->end();
101 // this following "for" loop is identical to the one above, but because of scoping, I can's see how to avoid repitition...
102 for (pIter=startLoop;pIter!=endLoop;pIter++){
103 pParticle = *pIter;
104 bool tmpPass = pCut->Pass(pParticle);
105 pCut->FillCutMonitor(pParticle,tmpPass);
106 if (tmpPass){
107 AliFemtoParticle* particle = new AliFemtoParticle(pParticle,partCut->Mass());
108 partCollection->push_back(particle);
109 }
110 }
111 break;
112 }
113 default:
114 cout << "FillHbtParticleCollection function (in AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis.cxx) - undefined Particle Cut type!!! \n";
115 }
118AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis() :
119 fPicoEventCollectionVectorHideAway(0),
120 fPairCut(0),
121 fCorrFctnCollection(0),
122 fEventCut(0),
123 fFirstParticleCut(0),
124 fSecondParticleCut(0),
125 fMixingBuffer(0),
126 fPicoEvent(0),
127 fNumEventsToMix(0),
128 fNeventsProcessed(0),
129 fMinSizePartCollection(0)
131 // Default constructor
132 // mControlSwitch = 0;
133 fCorrFctnCollection = new AliFemtoCorrFctnCollection;
134 fMixingBuffer = new AliFemtoPicoEventCollection;
138AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) :
139 AliFemtoAnalysis(),
140 fPicoEventCollectionVectorHideAway(0),
141 fPairCut(0),
142 fCorrFctnCollection(0),
143 fEventCut(0),
144 fFirstParticleCut(0),
145 fSecondParticleCut(0),
146 fMixingBuffer(0),
147 fPicoEvent(0),
148 fNumEventsToMix(0),
149 fNeventsProcessed(0),
150 fMinSizePartCollection(0)
152 // Copy constructor
153 //AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis();
154 fCorrFctnCollection = new AliFemtoCorrFctnCollection;
155 fMixingBuffer = new AliFemtoPicoEventCollection;
157 // find the right event cut
158 fEventCut = a.fEventCut->Clone();
159 // find the right first particle cut
160 fFirstParticleCut = a.fFirstParticleCut->Clone();
161 // find the right second particle cut
162 if (a.fFirstParticleCut==a.fSecondParticleCut)
163 SetSecondParticleCut(fFirstParticleCut); // identical particle hbt
164 else
165 fSecondParticleCut = a.fSecondParticleCut->Clone();
167 fPairCut = a.fPairCut->Clone();
169 if ( fEventCut ) {
170 SetEventCut(fEventCut); // this will set the myAnalysis pointer inside the cut
171 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - event cut set " << endl;
172 }
173 if ( fFirstParticleCut ) {
174 SetFirstParticleCut(fFirstParticleCut); // this will set the myAnalysis pointer inside the cut
175 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - first particle cut set " << endl;
176 }
177 if ( fSecondParticleCut ) {
178 SetSecondParticleCut(fSecondParticleCut); // this will set the myAnalysis pointer inside the cut
179 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - second particle cut set " << endl;
180 } if ( fPairCut ) {
181 SetPairCut(fPairCut); // this will set the myAnalysis pointer inside the cut
182 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - pair cut set " << endl;
183 }
185 AliFemtoCorrFctnIterator iter;
186 for (iter=a.fCorrFctnCollection->begin(); iter!=a.fCorrFctnCollection->end();iter++){
187 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - looking for correlation functions " << endl;
188 AliFemtoCorrFctn* fctn = (*iter)->Clone();
189 if (fctn) AddCorrFctn(fctn);
190 else cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - correlation function not found " << endl;
191 }
193 fNumEventsToMix = a.fNumEventsToMix;
195 fMinSizePartCollection = a.fMinSizePartCollection; // minimum # particles in ParticleCollection
197 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - analysis copied " << endl;
202 // destructor
203 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::~AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis()" << endl;
204 if (fEventCut) delete fEventCut; fEventCut=0;
205 if (fFirstParticleCut == fSecondParticleCut) fSecondParticleCut=0;
206 if (fFirstParticleCut) delete fFirstParticleCut; fFirstParticleCut=0;
207 if (fSecondParticleCut) delete fSecondParticleCut; fSecondParticleCut=0;
208 if (fPairCut) delete fPairCut; fPairCut=0;
209 // now delete every CorrFunction in the Collection, and then the Collection itself
210 AliFemtoCorrFctnIterator iter;
211 for (iter=fCorrFctnCollection->begin(); iter!=fCorrFctnCollection->end();iter++){
212 delete *iter;
213 }
214 delete fCorrFctnCollection;
215 // now delete every PicoEvent in the EventMixingBuffer and then the Buffer itself
216 if (fMixingBuffer) {
217 AliFemtoPicoEventIterator piter;
218 for (piter=fMixingBuffer->begin();piter!=fMixingBuffer->end();piter++){
219 delete *piter;
220 }
221 delete fMixingBuffer;
222 }
225AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::operator=(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& aAna)
227 // Assignment operator
228 if (this == &aAna)
229 return *this;
231 fCorrFctnCollection = new AliFemtoCorrFctnCollection;
232 fMixingBuffer = new AliFemtoPicoEventCollection;
234 // find the right event cut
235 fEventCut = aAna.fEventCut->Clone();
236 // find the right first particle cut
237 fFirstParticleCut = aAna.fFirstParticleCut->Clone();
238 // find the right second particle cut
239 if (aAna.fFirstParticleCut==aAna.fSecondParticleCut)
240 SetSecondParticleCut(fFirstParticleCut); // identical particle hbt
241 else
242 fSecondParticleCut = aAna.fSecondParticleCut->Clone();
244 fPairCut = aAna.fPairCut->Clone();
246 if ( fEventCut ) {
247 SetEventCut(fEventCut); // this will set the myAnalysis pointer inside the cut
248 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - event cut set " << endl;
249 }
250 if ( fFirstParticleCut ) {
251 SetFirstParticleCut(fFirstParticleCut); // this will set the myAnalysis pointer inside the cut
252 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - first particle cut set " << endl;
253 }
254 if ( fSecondParticleCut ) {
255 SetSecondParticleCut(fSecondParticleCut); // this will set the myAnalysis pointer inside the cut
256 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - second particle cut set " << endl;
257 } if ( fPairCut ) {
258 SetPairCut(fPairCut); // this will set the myAnalysis pointer inside the cut
259 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - pair cut set " << endl;
260 }
262 AliFemtoCorrFctnIterator iter;
263 for (iter=aAna.fCorrFctnCollection->begin(); iter!=aAna.fCorrFctnCollection->end();iter++){
264 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - looking for correlation functions " << endl;
265 AliFemtoCorrFctn* fctn = (*iter)->Clone();
266 if (fctn) AddCorrFctn(fctn);
267 else cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - correlation function not found " << endl;
268 }
270 fNumEventsToMix = aAna.fNumEventsToMix;
272 fMinSizePartCollection = aAna.fMinSizePartCollection; // minimum # particles in ParticleCollection
274 cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis(const AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis& a) - analysis copied " << endl;
276 return *this;
279AliFemtoCorrFctn* AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::CorrFctn(int n){
280 // return pointer to n-th correlation function
281 if ( n<0 || n > (int)fCorrFctnCollection->size() )
282 return NULL;
283 AliFemtoCorrFctnIterator iter=fCorrFctnCollection->begin();
284 for (int i=0; i<n ;i++){
285 iter++;
286 }
287 return *iter;
290AliFemtoString AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::Report()
292 // Create a simple report from the analysis execution
293 cout << "AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis - constructing Report..."<<endl;
294 string temp = "-----------\nHbt Analysis Report:\n";
295 temp += "\nEvent Cuts:\n";
296 temp += fEventCut->Report();
297 temp += "\nParticle Cuts - First Particle:\n";
298 temp += fFirstParticleCut->Report();
299 temp += "\nParticle Cuts - Second Particle:\n";
300 temp += fSecondParticleCut->Report();
301 temp += "\nPair Cuts:\n";
302 temp += fPairCut->Report();
303 temp += "\nCorrelation Functions:\n";
304 AliFemtoCorrFctnIterator iter;
305 if ( fCorrFctnCollection->size()==0 ) {
306 cout << "AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis-Warning : no correlations functions in this analysis " << endl;
307 }
308 for (iter=fCorrFctnCollection->begin(); iter!=fCorrFctnCollection->end();iter++){
309 temp += (*iter)->Report();
310 temp += "\n";
311 }
312 temp += "-------------\n";
313 AliFemtoString returnThis=temp;
314 return returnThis;
317void AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::ProcessEvent(const AliFemtoEvent* hbtEvent) {
318 // Add event to processed events
319 fPicoEvent=0; // we will get a new pico event, if not prevent corr. fctn to access old pico event
320 AddEventProcessed();
321 // startup for EbyE
322 EventBegin(hbtEvent);
323 // event cut and event cut monitor
324 bool tmpPassEvent = fEventCut->Pass(hbtEvent);
325 fEventCut->FillCutMonitor(hbtEvent, tmpPassEvent);
326 if (tmpPassEvent) {
327 cout << "AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::ProcessEvent() - Event has passed cut - build picoEvent from " <<
328 hbtEvent->TrackCollection()->size() << " tracks in TrackCollection" << endl;
329 // OK, analysis likes the event-- build a pico event from it, using tracks the analysis likes...
330 fPicoEvent = new AliFemtoPicoEvent; // this is what we will make pairs from and put in Mixing Buffer
331 // no memory leak. we will delete picoevents when they come out of the mixing buffer
332 FillHbtParticleCollection(fFirstParticleCut,(AliFemtoEvent*)hbtEvent,fPicoEvent->FirstParticleCollection());
333 if ( !(AnalyzeIdenticalParticles()) )
334 FillHbtParticleCollection(fSecondParticleCut,(AliFemtoEvent*)hbtEvent,fPicoEvent->SecondParticleCollection());
335 cout <<"AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::ProcessEvent - #particles in First, Second Collections: " <<
336 fPicoEvent->FirstParticleCollection()->size() << " " <<
337 fPicoEvent->SecondParticleCollection()->size() << endl;
339 // mal - implement a switch which allows only using events with ParticleCollections containing a minimum
340 // number of entries (jun2002)
341 if ((fPicoEvent->FirstParticleCollection()->size() >= fMinSizePartCollection )
342 && ( AnalyzeIdenticalParticles() || (fPicoEvent->SecondParticleCollection()->size() >= fMinSizePartCollection ))) {
346// Temporary comment:
347// This whole section rewritten so that all pairs are built using the
348// same code... easier to read and manage, and MakePairs() can be called by
349// derived classes. Also, the requirement of a full mixing buffer before
350// mixing is removed.
351// Dan Magestro, 11/2002
353 //------ Make real pairs. If identical, make pairs for one collection ------//
355 if (AnalyzeIdenticalParticles()) {
356 MakePairs("real", fPicoEvent->FirstParticleCollection() );
357 }
358 else {
359 MakePairs("real", fPicoEvent->FirstParticleCollection(),
360 fPicoEvent->SecondParticleCollection() );
361 }
362 cout << "AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::ProcessEvent() - reals done ";
364 //---- Make pairs for mixed events, looping over events in mixingBuffer ----//
366 AliFemtoPicoEvent* storedEvent;
367 AliFemtoPicoEventIterator fPicoEventIter;
368 for (fPicoEventIter=MixingBuffer()->begin();fPicoEventIter!=MixingBuffer()->end();fPicoEventIter++){
369 storedEvent = *fPicoEventIter;
370 if (AnalyzeIdenticalParticles()) {
371 MakePairs("mixed",fPicoEvent->FirstParticleCollection(),
372 storedEvent->FirstParticleCollection() );
373 }
374 else {
375 MakePairs("mixed",fPicoEvent->FirstParticleCollection(),
376 storedEvent->SecondParticleCollection() );
378 MakePairs("mixed",storedEvent->FirstParticleCollection(),
379 fPicoEvent->SecondParticleCollection() );
380 }
381 }
382 cout << " - mixed done " << endl;
384 //--------- If mixing buffer is full, delete oldest event ---------//
386 if ( MixingBufferFull() ) {
387 delete MixingBuffer()->back();
388 MixingBuffer()->pop_back();
389 }
391 //-------- Add current event (fPicoEvent) to mixing buffer --------//
393 MixingBuffer()->push_front(fPicoEvent);
396// Temporary comment: End of rewritten section... Dan Magestro, 11/2002
400 } // if ParticleCollections are big enough (mal jun2002)
401 else{
402 delete fPicoEvent;
403 }
404 } // if currentEvent is accepted by currentAnalysis
405 EventEnd(hbtEvent); // cleanup for EbyE
406 //cout << "AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::ProcessEvent() - return to caller ... " << endl;
409void AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::MakePairs(const char* typeIn, AliFemtoParticleCollection *partCollection1,
410 AliFemtoParticleCollection *partCollection2){
411// Build pairs, check pair cuts, and call CFs' AddRealPair() or
412// AddMixedPair() methods. If no second particle collection is
413// specfied, make pairs within first particle collection.
415 string type = typeIn;
417 AliFemtoPair* tPair = new AliFemtoPair;
419 AliFemtoCorrFctnIterator tCorrFctnIter;
421 AliFemtoParticleIterator tPartIter1, tPartIter2;
423 AliFemtoParticleIterator tStartOuterLoop = partCollection1->begin(); // always
424 AliFemtoParticleIterator tEndOuterLoop = partCollection1->end(); // will be one less if identical
425 AliFemtoParticleIterator tStartInnerLoop;
426 AliFemtoParticleIterator tEndInnerLoop;
427 if (partCollection2) { // Two collections:
428 tStartInnerLoop = partCollection2->begin(); // Full inner & outer loops
429 tEndInnerLoop = partCollection2->end(); //
430 }
431 else { // One collection:
432 tEndOuterLoop--; // Outer loop goes to next-to-last particle
433 tEndInnerLoop = partCollection1->end() ; // Inner loop goes to last particle
434 }
435 for (tPartIter1=tStartOuterLoop;tPartIter1!=tEndOuterLoop;tPartIter1++) {
436 if (!partCollection2){
437 tStartInnerLoop = tPartIter1;
438 tStartInnerLoop++;
439 }
440 tPair->SetTrack1(*tPartIter1);
441 for (tPartIter2 = tStartInnerLoop; tPartIter2!=tEndInnerLoop;tPartIter2++) {
442 tPair->SetTrack2(*tPartIter2);
444 // The following lines have to be uncommented if you want pairCutMonitors
445 // they are not in for speed reasons
446 // bool tmpPassPair = fPairCut->Pass(tPair);
447 // fPairCut->FillCutMonitor(tPair, tmpPassPair);
448 // if ( tmpPassPair )
450 //---- If pair passes cut, loop over CF's and add pair to real/mixed ----//
452 if (fPairCut->Pass(tPair)){
453 for (tCorrFctnIter=fCorrFctnCollection->begin();
454 tCorrFctnIter!=fCorrFctnCollection->end();tCorrFctnIter++){
455 AliFemtoCorrFctn* tCorrFctn = *tCorrFctnIter;
456 if(type == "real")
457 tCorrFctn->AddRealPair(tPair);
458 else if(type == "mixed")
459 tCorrFctn->AddMixedPair(tPair);
460 else
461 cout << "Problem with pair type, type = " << type.c_str() << endl;
462 }
463 }
465 } // loop over second particle
467 } // loop over first particle
469 delete tPair;
473void AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::EventBegin(const AliFemtoEvent* ev){
474 // Perform initialization operations at the beginning of the event processing
475 //cout << " AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::EventBegin(const AliFemtoEvent* ev) " << endl;
476 fFirstParticleCut->EventBegin(ev);
477 fSecondParticleCut->EventBegin(ev);
478 fPairCut->EventBegin(ev);
479 for (AliFemtoCorrFctnIterator iter=fCorrFctnCollection->begin(); iter!=fCorrFctnCollection->end();iter++){
480 (*iter)->EventBegin(ev);
481 }
484void AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::EventEnd(const AliFemtoEvent* ev){
485 // Fiinsh operations at the end of event processing
486 fFirstParticleCut->EventEnd(ev);
487 fSecondParticleCut->EventEnd(ev);
488 fPairCut->EventEnd(ev);
489 for (AliFemtoCorrFctnIterator iter=fCorrFctnCollection->begin(); iter!=fCorrFctnCollection->end();iter++){
490 (*iter)->EventEnd(ev);
491 }
494void AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::Finish(){
495 // Perform finishing operations after all events are processed
496 AliFemtoCorrFctnIterator iter;
497 for (iter=fCorrFctnCollection->begin(); iter!=fCorrFctnCollection->end();iter++){
498 (*iter)->Finish();
499 }
502void AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::AddEventProcessed() {
503 // Increase count of processed events
504 fNeventsProcessed++;
507TList* AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis::ListSettings()
509 TList *tListSettings = new TList();
511 TList *p1Cut = fFirstParticleCut->ListSettings();
513 TListIter nextp1(p1Cut);
514 while (TObject *obj = nextp1.Next()) {
515 TString cuts(obj->GetName());
516 cuts.Prepend("AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis.");
517 tListSettings->Add(new TObjString(cuts.Data()));
518 }
520 if (fSecondParticleCut != fFirstParticleCut) {
521 TList *p2Cut = fSecondParticleCut->ListSettings();
523 TIter nextp2(p2Cut);
524 while (TObject *obj = nextp2()) {
525 TString cuts(obj->GetName());
526 cuts.Prepend("AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis.");
527 tListSettings->Add(new TObjString(cuts.Data()));
528 }
529 }
531 TList *pairCut = fPairCut->ListSettings();
533 TIter nextpair(pairCut);
534 while (TObject *obj = nextpair()) {
535 TString cuts(obj->GetName());
536 cuts.Prepend("AliFemtoSimpleAnalysis.");
537 tListSettings->Add(new TObjString(cuts.Data()));
538 }
540 return tListSettings;