]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG2/FEMTOSCOPY/AliFemto/AliTwoTrackRes.cxx
AliCentrality for ESD and AOD analysis
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG2 / FEMTOSCOPY / AliFemto / AliTwoTrackRes.cxx
bd82160e 1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5// Tool to study two-track effects in ALICE for femtoscopic studies
6// J. Mercado. Last modified: 28.12.2009
10#include "AliTwoTrackRes.h"
11#include <iostream>
12#include <fstream>
13#include "TMath.h"
14#include "TROOT.h"
15#include "TFile.h"
16#include "TChain.h"
17#include "TLeaf.h"
18#include "TNtuple.h"
19#include "TRandom2.h"
24// Constructor(s)
26AliTwoTrackRes::AliTwoTrackRes(const char *name) :
27 AliAnalysisTask(name,""), fChain(0), fESDEvent(0),
28 fOutContainer(0), fTrackCuts(0), fNTuple1(0),
29 fNTuple2(0), fP1(), fP2(), fPb1(), fPb2(), fP(), fQ(), fTpcEnt1(), fTpcEnt2(),
30 fTpcDist()
32 DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); // Slot input 0 reads from a TChain
33 DefineOutput(0, TObjArray::Class()); // Slot output 0 writes into a TObjArray
36AliTwoTrackRes::AliTwoTrackRes(const AliTwoTrackRes& aTwoTrackRes) :
37 AliAnalysisTask(aTwoTrackRes), fChain(0), fESDEvent(0), fOutContainer(0),
38 fTrackCuts(0), fNTuple1(0), fNTuple2(0), fP1(), fP2(), fPb1(), fPb2(), fP(),
39 fQ(), fTpcEnt1(), fTpcEnt2(), fTpcDist()
41 //Copy constructor
42 fChain = aTwoTrackRes.fChain;
43 fESDEvent = aTwoTrackRes.fESDEvent;
44 fOutContainer = aTwoTrackRes.fOutContainer;
45 fTrackCuts = aTwoTrackRes.fTrackCuts;
46 fNTuple1 = aTwoTrackRes.fNTuple1;
47 fNTuple2 = aTwoTrackRes.fNTuple2;
48 fP1 = aTwoTrackRes.fP1;
49 fP2 = aTwoTrackRes.fP2;
50 fPb1 = aTwoTrackRes.fPb1;
51 fPb2 = aTwoTrackRes.fPb2;
52 fP = aTwoTrackRes.fP;
53 fQ = aTwoTrackRes.fQ;
54 fTpcEnt1 = aTwoTrackRes.fTpcEnt1;
55 fTpcEnt2 = aTwoTrackRes.fTpcEnt2;
56 fTpcDist = aTwoTrackRes.fTpcDist;
59AliTwoTrackRes& AliTwoTrackRes::operator=(const AliTwoTrackRes& aTwoTrackRes)
61 // Assignment operator
62 if (this == &aTwoTrackRes)
63 return *this;
64 fChain = aTwoTrackRes.fChain;
65 fESDEvent = aTwoTrackRes.fESDEvent;
66 fOutContainer = aTwoTrackRes.fOutContainer;
67 fTrackCuts = aTwoTrackRes.fTrackCuts;
68 fNTuple1 = aTwoTrackRes.fNTuple1;
69 fNTuple2 = aTwoTrackRes.fNTuple2;
70 fP1 = aTwoTrackRes.fP1;
71 fP2 = aTwoTrackRes.fP2;
72 fPb1 = aTwoTrackRes.fPb1;
73 fPb2 = aTwoTrackRes.fPb2;
74 fP = aTwoTrackRes.fP;
75 fQ = aTwoTrackRes.fQ;
76 fTpcEnt1 = aTwoTrackRes.fTpcEnt1;
77 fTpcEnt2 = aTwoTrackRes.fTpcEnt2;
78 fTpcDist = aTwoTrackRes.fTpcDist;
79 return *this;
82AliTwoTrackRes::~AliTwoTrackRes() {printf("AliTwoTrackRes destroyed\n");}
84void AliTwoTrackRes::ConnectInputData(Option_t *) {
86// Connect input data and initialize track cuts
88 fChain = (TChain*)GetInputData(0);
89 fESDEvent = new AliESDEvent();
90 fESDEvent->ReadFromTree(fChain);
92 // Cuts to select primary tracks (ITS+TPC)
93 fTrackCuts = new AliESDtrackCuts("AliESDtrackCuts");
94 Double_t cov1, cov2, cov3, cov4, cov5; // diagonal cov. matrix elements
95 Double_t nSigma; // max. DCA to primary vertex
96 Int_t minNClustersTPC; // min. number of clusters per TPC tracks
97 Double_t maxChi2PerClusterTPC; // max. chi2 per cluster per TPC track
98 Int_t cutMode = 1; // select cut mode
99 if (cutMode == 1) {
100 cov1 = 2; cov2 = 2; cov3 = 0.5; cov4 = 0.5; cov5 = 2;
101 nSigma = 3; minNClustersTPC = 100; maxChi2PerClusterTPC = 3.5;
102 fTrackCuts->SetMaxCovDiagonalElements(cov1, cov2, cov3, cov4, cov5);
103 fTrackCuts->SetMaxNsigmaToVertex(nSigma);
104 fTrackCuts->SetRequireSigmaToVertex(kTRUE);
105 fTrackCuts->SetRequireTPCRefit(kTRUE);
106 fTrackCuts->SetAcceptKinkDaughters(kFALSE);
107 fTrackCuts->SetMinNClustersTPC(minNClustersTPC);
108 fTrackCuts->SetMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(maxChi2PerClusterTPC);
109 TString tag("Global tracking");}
112void AliTwoTrackRes::CreateOutputObjects() {
114// Create output objects
116 fNTuple1 = new TNtuple("nt1","True pairs",
117 "pt1:eta1:phi1:nsh1:pt2:eta2:phi2:nsh2:qinv:mindist:dist:corr:qfac");
118 fNTuple2 = new TNtuple("nt2","Mixed pairs",
119 "pt1:eta1:phi1:nsh1:pt2:eta2:phi2:nsh2:qinv:mindist:dist:corr:qfac");
120 Int_t c = 0;
121 fOutContainer = new TObjArray(2);
122 fOutContainer->AddAt(fNTuple1, c++);
123 fOutContainer->AddAt(fNTuple2, c++);
126void AliTwoTrackRes::Exec(Option_t *) {
128// Create true and mixed pairs keeping some track parameters
130 double bfield = 5.0;
131 static int nr=0;
132 if (nr == 0) printf("\tStarting event loop...\n");
133 printf("\rProcessing event %8d", nr);
134 Double_t mpi = 0.13957; // [GeV/c^2]
135 Double_t pidTrk1[AliPID::kSPECIES], pidTrk2[AliPID::kSPECIES];
136 Int_t tpcIn = 80; // [cm]
137 Int_t tpcOut = 250; // [cm]
138 Double_t tdist[170];
139 Double_t tdistrot[170];
140 Double_t tpcEnt1[3], tpcEnt2[3], pos1[3];
141 TVector3 x1, x2, diff;
142 TBits clu1, clu2, sha1, sha2;
143 TRandom2 rnd;
144 Int_t ntracks = fESDEvent->GetNumberOfTracks();
145 for(Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < ntracks; itrack++) {
146 AliESDtrack *track1 = fESDEvent->GetTrack(itrack);
147 AliExternalTrackParam *trp1 = const_cast<AliExternalTrackParam*> (track1->GetTPCInnerParam());
148 if (!trp1) continue;
149 if (!track1->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kTPCpid)) continue;
150 track1->GetTPCpid(pidTrk1);
151 Int_t q1 = trp1->Charge();
152 if (!((fTrackCuts->AcceptTrack(track1)) && (q1 == 1) &&
153 (pidTrk1[AliPID::kPion]+pidTrk1[AliPID::kMuon] > 0.5))) continue;
154 if (!track1->GetInnerXYZ(tpcEnt1)) continue;
155 clu1 = track1->GetTPCClusterMap();
156 sha1 = track1->GetTPCSharedMap();
157 SetTr1(track1->Pt(), track1->Eta(), track1->Phi(), mpi);
158 SetTpcEnt1(tpcEnt1[0], tpcEnt1[1], tpcEnt1[2]);
159 for(Int_t jtrack = 0; jtrack < itrack; jtrack++) {
160 AliESDtrack *track2 = fESDEvent->GetTrack(jtrack);
161 AliExternalTrackParam *trp2 = const_cast<AliExternalTrackParam*> (track2->GetTPCInnerParam());
162 if (!trp2) continue;
163 if (!track2->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kTPCpid)) continue;
164 track2->GetTPCpid(pidTrk2);
165 Int_t q2 = trp2->Charge();
166 if (!((fTrackCuts->AcceptTrack(track2)) && (q2 == 1) &&
167 (pidTrk2[AliPID::kPion]+pidTrk2[AliPID::kMuon] > 0.5))) continue;
168 if (!track2->GetInnerXYZ(tpcEnt2)) continue;
169 clu2 = track2->GetTPCClusterMap();
170 sha2 = track2->GetTPCSharedMap();
171 SetTr2(track2->Pt(), track2->Eta(), track2->Phi(), mpi);
172 SetTpcEnt2(tpcEnt2[0], tpcEnt2[1], tpcEnt2[2]);
173 for (Int_t i = tpcIn; i < tpcOut; i++) { // Minimum distance
174 trp1->GetDistance(trp2, (double) i, pos1, bfield);
175 x1.SetXYZ(pos1[0], pos1[1], pos1[2]);
176 tdist[i-tpcIn] = x1.Mag();
177 x1.SetXYZ(-pos1[0], -pos1[1], pos1[2]);
178 tdistrot[i-tpcIn] = x1.Mag();
179 }
180 Double_t maxdist = 0.0;
181 for (Int_t j = 0; j < tpcOut-tpcIn; j++) {
182 if (tdist[j] > maxdist) { maxdist = tdist[j]; }
183 }
184 Double_t mindist = maxdist;
185 int jmin=0;
186 for (Int_t j = 0; j < tpcOut-tpcIn; j++) {
187 if (tdist[j] < mindist) {jmin=j; mindist = tdist[j]; }
188 }
189 // Double_t mindist = MinDist(track1, track2);
190 Double_t dist = Dist();
191 Double_t dphi = DPhi();
192 Double_t deta = DEta();
193 Int_t nsh1 = GetNSha(clu1, sha1);
194 Int_t nsh2 = GetNSha(clu2, sha2);
195 Double_t corr = Corr(clu1, clu2, sha1, sha2);
196 Double_t qfac = Qfac(clu1, clu2, sha1, sha2);
197 if ((TMath::Abs(dphi)<0.35)&&(deta<0.35)) {
198 FillNTuple1(mindist,dist,corr,qfac,nsh1,nsh2);} // True
199 Double_t tr2rot = RotTr2Phi(); // Rotate trck2
200 SetTr2(track2->Pt(), track2->Eta(), tr2rot, mpi);
201 tpcEnt2[0] = -tpcEnt2[0];
202 tpcEnt2[1] = -tpcEnt2[1];
203 Double_t distrot = Dist();
204 Double_t dphirot = DPhi();
205 Double_t mindistrot = 100000;
206 jmin=0;
207 for (Int_t j = 0; j < tpcOut-tpcIn; j++) {
208 if (tdistrot[j] < mindistrot) {jmin=j; mindistrot = tdistrot[j]; }
209 }
210 if ((TMath::Abs(dphirot)<0.35)&&(deta<0.35)) {
211 if (rnd.Rndm() < 0.5) NoSwap();
212 else Swap();
213 FillNTuple2(mindistrot,distrot,corr,qfac,nsh1,nsh2);} // Mixed
214 }
215 }
216 PostData(0, fOutContainer);
217 nr++;
220void AliTwoTrackRes::Terminate(Option_t *) {
222// Write output and clean up
224 fOutContainer = (TObjArray*)GetOutputData(0);
225 TFile *f1 = new TFile( "twotrackres_femto.root", "RECREATE" );
226 fOutContainer->Write();
227 f1->Flush();
228 f1->Close();
229 delete f1;
230 delete fChain;
231 delete fNTuple1;
232 delete fNTuple2;
233 printf("\n");
237// Miscellaneous methods
239// Set tracks
240void AliTwoTrackRes::SetTr1(double pt1, double eta1, double phi1, double m) {
241 fP1.SetPtEtaPhiM(pt1, eta1, phi1, m);}
242void AliTwoTrackRes::SetTr2(double pt2, double eta2, double phi2, double m) {
243 fP2.SetPtEtaPhiM(pt2, eta2, phi2, m);}
245// Set nominal TPC entrance coordinates
246void AliTwoTrackRes::SetTpcEnt1(double x1, double y1, double z1) {
247 fTpcEnt1.SetX(x1); fTpcEnt1.SetY(y1); fTpcEnt1.SetZ(z1);}
248void AliTwoTrackRes::SetTpcEnt2(double x2, double y2, double z2) {
249 fTpcEnt2.SetX(x2); fTpcEnt2.SetY(y2); fTpcEnt2.SetZ(z2);}
251double AliTwoTrackRes::MinDist(AliExternalTrackParam *trk1,
252 AliExternalTrackParam *trk2) {
253// Calculate minimum track separation within the TPC
255 int tpcIn = 0; // [cm]
256 int tpcOut = 170; // [cm]
257 double tdist[170], pos[3];
258 TVector3 x;
259 for (int i = tpcIn; i < tpcOut; i++) {
260 trk1->GetDistance(trk2, i, pos, 5000);
261 x.SetXYZ(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
262 tdist[i-tpcIn] = x.Mag();
263 }
264 double maxdist = 0.0;
265 for (int j = 0; j < tpcOut-tpcIn; j++) {
266 if (tdist[j] > maxdist) { maxdist = tdist[j]; }
267 }
268 double mindist = maxdist;
269 for (int j = 0; j < tpcOut-tpcIn; j++) {
270 if (tdist[j] < mindist) { mindist = tdist[j]; }
271 }
272 return mindist;}
274int AliTwoTrackRes::GetNSha(TBits cl, TBits sh) {
275// Get number of shared clusters
277 int ncl = cl.GetNbits();
278 int sum = 0;
279 for(int i = 0; i < ncl; i++) {
280 if (!cl.TestBitNumber(i)) continue;
281 int n = sh.TestBitNumber(i);
282 sum += n;}
283 return sum;}
285double AliTwoTrackRes::Corr(TBits cl1, TBits cl2, TBits sh1, TBits sh2) {
286// Calculate correlation coefficient
288 int ncl1 = cl1.GetNbits();
289 int ncl2 = cl2.GetNbits();
290 double sumN = 0; double sumX = 0; double sumY = 0;
291 double sumXX = 0; double sumYY = 0; double sumXY = 0; double corr = -2.0;
292 for(int i = 0; i < ncl1 && i < ncl2; i++) {
293 if (!(cl1.TestBitNumber(i)&&cl2.TestBitNumber(i))) continue;
294 int x = sh1.TestBitNumber(i);
295 int y = sh2.TestBitNumber(i);
296 sumN += 1.0;
297 sumX += x;
298 sumY += y;
299 sumXX += x*x;
300 sumYY += y*y;
301 sumXY += x*y;
302 }
303 double meanX = sumX/sumN;
304 double meanY = sumY/sumN;
305 double meanXX = sumXX/sumN;
306 double meanYY = sumYY/sumN;
307 double meanXY = sumXY/sumN;
308 double sX = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(meanXX-meanX*meanX));
309 double sY = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(meanYY-meanY*meanY));
310 if (sX*sY!=0) corr = (meanXY-meanX*meanY)/(sX*sY);
311 return corr;}
313double AliTwoTrackRes::Qfac(TBits cl1, TBits cl2, TBits sh1, TBits sh2) {
314// Quality factor from AliFemto
316 int ncl1 = cl1.GetNbits();
317 int ncl2 = cl2.GetNbits();
318 int sumCls = 0; int sumSha = 0; int sumQ = 0;
319 double shfrac = 0; double qfactor = 0;
320 for(int i = 0; i < ncl1 && i < ncl2; i++) {
321 if (cl1.TestBitNumber(i) && cl2.TestBitNumber(i)) { // Both clusters
322 if (sh1.TestBitNumber(i) && sh2.TestBitNumber(i)) { // Shared
323 sumQ++;
324 sumCls+=2;
325 sumSha+=2;}
326 else {sumQ--; sumCls+=2;}
327 }
328 else if (cl1.TestBitNumber(i) || cl2.TestBitNumber(i)) { // Non shared
329 sumQ++;
330 sumCls++;}
331 }
332 if (sumCls>0) {
333 qfactor = sumQ*1.0/sumCls;
334 shfrac = sumSha*1.0/sumCls;
335 }
336 return qfactor;
339// Rotate second track for mixed pairs
340double AliTwoTrackRes::RotTr2Phi() {
341 double rot = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(fP2.Phi()+TMath::Pi());
342 fTpcEnt2.SetPhi(TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(fTpcEnt2.Phi()+TMath::Pi()));
343 return rot;}
345// Fill NTuples
346void AliTwoTrackRes::FillNTuple1(double minsep, double sep, double corr,
347 double qf, int ns1, int ns2) {
348 fNTuple1->Fill(fP1.Pt(),fP1.Eta(),fP1.Phi(),ns1,fP2.Pt(),fP2.Eta(),
349 fP2.Phi(),ns2,Qinv(),minsep,sep,corr,qf);}
350void AliTwoTrackRes::FillNTuple2(double minsep, double sep, double corr,
351 double qf, int ns1, int ns2) {
352 fNTuple2->Fill(fPb1.Pt(),fPb1.Eta(),fPb1.Phi(),ns1,fPb2.Pt(),fPb2.Eta(),
353 fPb2.Phi(),ns2,Qinv(),minsep,sep,corr,qf);}
356// EOF