]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG2/FLOW/AliFlowAnalyser.h
- Updated for modifications in AliMUONGeometryTransformer
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG2 / FLOW / AliFlowAnalyser.h
9777bfcb 1//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3// $Id$
5// Author: Emanuele Simili
327288af 9// Description: ALICE flow analysis for AliFlowEvent(s),
10// adapted from the STAR flow analysis .
9777bfcb 11// Original Authors: Raimond Snellings & Art Poskanzer
92016a03 18#include <TVector2.h>
9777bfcb 19#include <TFile.h>
20#include "AliFlowConstants.h"
22class TH1F;
23class TH1D;
24class TH2F;
25class TH2D;
26class TH3F;
27class TProfile;
28class TProfile2D;
29class TOrdCollection;
92016a03 30class TClonesArray;
9777bfcb 31
32class AliFlowTrack;
33class AliFlowV0;
34class AliFlowEvent;
35class AliFlowSelection;
9777bfcb 36
37class AliFlowAnalyser {
42 AliFlowAnalyser(const AliFlowSelection* flowSelect = 0); // Constructor with selection object (default selection if no one given)
43 virtual ~AliFlowAnalyser(); // Default destructor (no actions)
45 // Steps of the flow analysis
46 Bool_t Init() ; // Books histograms for flow analysis
47 Bool_t Finish() ; // Saves histograms, Closes stuff
49 // Analysis of 1 event (can be called from outside)
4e566f2f 50 Bool_t Analyze(AliFlowEvent* flowEvent = 0) ; // Fills the defaults histograms (init them first!) and performs the calculation for the given event
9777bfcb 51
52 // Resolution corrections to v_n (call it at the end of the evts loop)
53 Bool_t Resolution() ; // Calculates resolution and mean flow values
55 // Weights calculation and saving (call it at the end of the evts loop)
56 void Weightening() ; // Calculates weights and fills PhiWgt histograms
58 // Options
da5aa0a0 59 void SetSub(Int_t sub = 0) { fSub = sub ; } // Set subevents (1=eta,0=rnd,-1=charged)
60 void SetEtaSub() { SetSub(1) ; } // Set subevents (1=eta,0=rnd,-1=charged)
9777bfcb 61 void SetV1Ep1Ep2(Bool_t v1Ep1Ep2 = kTRUE) { fV1Ep1Ep2 = v1Ep1Ep2 ; } // Switches the v_1{EP1,EP2} calculation on/off
62 void SetShuffle(Bool_t sh = kTRUE) { fShuffle = sh ; } // Set to re-shuffle evt tracks
63 void SetUsePhiWgt(Bool_t pw = kTRUE) { fReadPhiWgt = pw ; } // Set to use phi weights (true by default...if there)
64 void SetUseBayWgt(Bool_t bw = kTRUE) { fBayWgt = bw ; } // Set to use bayesian weights for p.id. (false by default)
65 void SetUsePtWgt(Bool_t ptw = kTRUE) { fPtWgt = ptw ; } // uses pT as a weight for RP determination
66 void SetUseEtaWgt(Bool_t etw = kTRUE) { fEtaWgt = etw ; } // uses eta as a weight for RP determination
67 void SetUseOnePhiWgt(Bool_t opw = kTRUE) { fOnePhiWgt = opw ; } // just one wgt histogram
68 void SetUseFirstLastPhiWgt(Bool_t flw = kTRUE) { fOnePhiWgt = !flw ; } // uses 3 wgt histograms
69 void SetFlowForV0(Bool_t v0 = kTRUE) { fV0loop = v0 ; } // Enables Flow study for v0
70 void SetTrackLoop(Bool_t trkl = kTRUE) { fTrackLoop = trkl ; } // Enables Tracks loop (keep it kTRUE)
4e566f2f 71 void SetCustomRespFunc(Bool_t crf = kTRUE) { fCustomRespFunc = crf ; } // Enables to use a custom detector response function
9777bfcb 72 //void SetDebugg(Int_t db = 1) ; // set the cout's for debug (default is 1)
74 // Histograms
75 void SetPtRangevEta(Float_t lo, Float_t hi) { fPtRangevEta[0] = lo ; fPtRangevEta[1] = hi ; } // Sets the pt range for the v(eta) histograms.
76 void SetEtaRangevPt(Float_t lo, Float_t hi) { fEtaRangevPt[0] = lo ; fEtaRangevPt[1] = hi ; } // Sets the |eta| range for the v(pt) histograms.
77 //void SetMaxLabel(Int_t lab = 100) { fMaxLabel = lab ; }
79 // Output
80 void SetHistFileName(TString name) { fHistFileName = name ; } // Sets output file name
81 TString GetHistFileName() const { return fHistFileName ; }
83 // Phi Weights
84 TString GetWgtFileName() const { return (TString)fPhiWgtFile->GetName() ; }
85 void FillWgtArrays(TFile* wgtFile) ; // Loads phi & bayesian weights from file (flowPhiWgt.hist.root) and fills the arrays
87 // Results
327288af 88 Float_t GetRunBayesian(Int_t nPid=2, Int_t selN=0) const ; // Normalized Particle abundance (all events up to here)
89 void PrintRunBayesian(Int_t selN=0) const ; // Prints the normalized Particle abundance (up to here)
90 void PrintEventQuantities() const ; // Prints event by event calculated quantities
9777bfcb 91 Float_t Res(Int_t eventN, Int_t harN) const { return fRes[eventN][harN]; } // Returns the calculated resolution for the RP
92 Float_t ResErr(Int_t eventN, Int_t harN) const { return fResErr[eventN][harN]; } // Returns the estimated error on the resolution
95 protected:
97 // Internal methods to fill the histogram
98 Bool_t FillFromFlowEvent(AliFlowEvent* fFlowEvent) ; // Fills internal variables and array from Flow Events
99 void FillEventHistograms(AliFlowEvent* fFlowEvent) ; // Fills Events' histograms (from AliFlowEvent)
92016a03 100 void FillParticleHistograms(TClonesArray* fFlowTracks) ; // Fills Tracks' histograms (from AliFlowTrack)
101 void FillV0Histograms(TClonesArray* fFlowV0s) ; // Fills V0s' histograms
9777bfcb 102 Int_t HarmonicsLoop(AliFlowTrack* fFlowTrack) ; // Harmonics & Selections histograms (from AliFlowTracks)
103 //void FillLabels() ; // fills an histogram of Labels (the ones from ESD)
105 // Weights plugged to the event
106 void FillBayesianWgt(AliFlowEvent* fFlowEvent) ; // Plugs the bayesian weights (fBayesianWgt[0]*) into the AliFlowEvent
107 void FillEvtPhiWgt(AliFlowEvent* fFlowEvent) ; // Plugs the PhiWeights (fPhiWgt*, etc.) into the AliFlowEvent
109 // Resolution Calculation
110 Double_t Chi(Double_t res) ; // Calculates chi from the event plane resolution
111 Double_t ResEventPlane(Double_t chi) ; // Calculates the event plane resolution as a function of chi
112 Double_t ResEventPlaneK2(Double_t chi) ; // Calculates the event plane resolution as a function of chi for the case k=2.
113 Double_t ResEventPlaneK3(Double_t chi) ; // Calculates the event plane resolution as a function of chi for the case k=3.
114 Double_t ResEventPlaneK4(Double_t chi) ; // Calculates the event plane resolution as a function of chi for the case k=4.
117 private:
92016a03 119 // to make the code checker happy
120 AliFlowAnalyser(const AliFlowAnalyser &flowAnal) ; // Copy Constructor (dummy)
121 AliFlowAnalyser &operator=(const AliFlowAnalyser &flowAnal) ; // Assignment Operator
327288af 122
9777bfcb 123 // Flags
124 Bool_t fTrackLoop ; //! tracks main loop
125 Bool_t fV0loop ; //! correlation analysis is done also for neutral secundary vertex
126 Bool_t fShuffle ; //! to randomly reshuffle tracks
127 Bool_t fV1Ep1Ep2; //! Flag for v_1{EP1,EP2} calculation on/off
128 Bool_t fEtaSub; //! eta subevents
129 Bool_t fReadPhiWgt ; //! Phi Weights are applied to Phi distrib. (default is false)
130 Bool_t fBayWgt ; //! Bayesian Weights are applied to P.Id. (default is false)
131 Bool_t fRePid ; //! Re-Calculates the P.Id. basing on the bayesian wgts (if plugged in)
4e566f2f 132 Bool_t fCustomRespFunc ; //! A custom "detector response function" is used for P.Id (default is false -> the combined response function from the ESD will be used)
da5aa0a0 133 Int_t fSub; //! subevents (1=eta,0=rnd,-1=charged)
9777bfcb 134
135 Bool_t fPtWgt ; //! flag to use pT as a weight for RP determination
136 Bool_t fEtaWgt ; //! flag to use eta as a weight for RP determination
137 Bool_t fOnePhiWgt ; //! if kTRUE: just one phi-wgt histogram, if kFALSE: three phi-wgt histogram (TPC+,TPC-,cross)
139 // Files
140 TFile* fHistFile ; //! histograms file (output)
141 TFile* fPhiWgtFile ; //! phi weight file
142 TString fHistFileName ; //! Output File Name (histograms from flow analysis)
143 //TString fFlowEvtFileName ; //! Input file name (Flow Events)
145 // enumerators
146 Int_t fEventNumber ; //! progressive enumeration of AliFlowEvents
147 Int_t fTrackNumber ; //! progressive enumeration of AliFlowTracks
148 Int_t fV0Number ; //! progressive enumeration of AliFlowV0s
149 //Int_t fNumberOfEvents ; //! total number of AliFlowEvents in file
150 Int_t fNumberOfTracks ; //! total number of tracks in the current event
151 Int_t fNumberOfV0s ; //! total number of v0s in the current event
152 Int_t fPidId ; //! Particle Id hypothesys of the track (0..4 for e,mu,pi,k,p)
92016a03 153 Int_t fSelParts ; //! n. of tracks selected for correlation analysis
154 Int_t fSelV0s ; //! n. of v0s selected for correlation analysis
9777bfcb 155
da5aa0a0 156 Int_t fTotalNumberOfEvents ; //! total number of analyzed AliFlowEvents
157 Int_t fTotalNumberOfTracks ; //! total number of analyzed tracks
158 Int_t fTotalNumberOfV0s ; //! total number of analyzed v0s
9777bfcb 160 // Internal pointers
161 AliFlowEvent* fFlowEvent ; //! pointer to AliFlowEvent
162 AliFlowTrack* fFlowTrack ; //! pointer to AliFlowTrack
163 AliFlowV0* fFlowV0 ; //! pointer to AliFlowV0
164 AliFlowSelection* fFlowSelect ; //! selection object
92016a03 165 TClonesArray* fFlowTracks ; //! pointer to the TrackCollection
166 TClonesArray* fFlowV0s ; //! pointer to the V0Collection
9777bfcb 167
168 Float_t fVertex[3] ; //! Event's Vertex position
170 // For weights
171 Int_t fPhiBins ; //! n. of phi bins
172 Float_t fPhiMin ; //! wgt histo range (phi)
173 Float_t fPhiMax ; //! wgt histo range (phi)
327288af 175 AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t fPhiWgt ; //! PhiWgt Array (all TPC)
176 AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t fPhiWgtPlus ; //! PhiWgt Array (TPC+)
177 AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t fPhiWgtMinus ; //! PhiWgt Array (TPC-)
178 AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t fPhiWgtCross ; //! PhiWgt Array (TPC/)
9777bfcb 179
180 // For bayesian weights
327288af 181 Double_t fBayesianWgt[AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kPid] ; //! Bayesian weights (expected particle abundance)
327288af 182 TVector2 fQ[AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! flow vector
183 Float_t fPsi[AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! event plane angle
184 UInt_t fMult[AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! multiplicity
185 Float_t fQnorm[AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! Q/Sqrt(Mult)
186 TVector2 fQSub[AliFlowConstants::kSubs][AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! flow vector subs
187 Float_t fPsiSub[AliFlowConstants::kSubs][AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! plane angle of subevents
188 UInt_t fMultSub[AliFlowConstants::kSubs][AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! multiplicity subs
189 Float_t fRes[AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! event plane resolution
190 Float_t fResErr[AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! event plane resolution error
9777bfcb 191
192 // for Histograms
193 TString fLabel ; //! label axis : rapidity or pseudorapidity
194 Float_t fEtaMin ; //! histo range (eta)
195 Float_t fEtaMax ; //! histo range (eta)
196 Float_t fPtMin ; //! histo range (pt)
197 Float_t fPtMax ; //! histo range (pt)
198 Float_t fPtMaxPart ; //! max pt for _part histo
199 Int_t fEtaBins ; //! n. of eta bins
200 Int_t fPtBins ; //! n. of pt bins
201 Int_t fPtBinsPart ; //! n. of pt bins for _part histo
202 Float_t fPtRangevEta[2] ; //! pt range for the v(eta) histograms.
203 Float_t fEtaRangevPt[2] ; //! |eta| range for the v(pt) histograms.
204 Int_t fMaxLabel ; //! for the MC labels histogram (max bin)
206 TOrdCollection* fPhiWgtHistList ; //! Weights: histogram list
207 TOrdCollection* fVnResHistList ; //! Resolution and Vn: histogram list
209// for Single histograms
211 // *****************
213 // *****************
327288af 214 TH1F* fHistTrigger; //! histogram ...
215 TH1F* fHistMult; //! histogram ...
216 TH1F* fHistV0Mult; //! histogram ...
217 TH1F* fHistOrigMult; //! histogram ...
218 TH1F* fHistMultOverOrig; //! histogram ...
219 TH1F* fHistMultEta; //! histogram ...
220 TH1F* fHistCent; //! histogram ...
221 TH1F* fHistVertexZ; //! histogram ...
222 TH2F* fHistVertexXY2D; //! histogram ...
223 TH2F* fHistEnergyZDC; //! histogram ...
224 TH1F* fHistPartZDC; //! histogram ...
225 TProfile* fHistPidMult; //! histogram ...
226 TH1F* fHistBayPidMult; //! histogram ...
227 TH1F* fHistEtaSym; //! histogram ...
228 TH1F* fHistEtaSymPart; //! histogram ...
229 TH2F* fHistEtaSymVerZ2D; //! histogram ...
230 TH2F* fHistEtaSymVerZ2DPart; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 231 // selected (TR & V0)
327288af 232 TH1F* fHistMultPart; //! histogram ...
233 TH1F* fHistV0MultPart; //! histogram ...
234 TH1F* fHistBayPidMultPart; //! histogram ...
235 TH1F* fHistMultPartUnit; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 236
237 // *****************
238 // TRACKs HISTOGRAMS (all tracks)
239 // *****************
327288af 240 TH1F* fHistPtot ; //! histogram ...
241 TH1F* fHistPt ; //! histogram ...
242 TH1F* fHistCharge; //! histogram ...
243 TH1F* fHistDcaGlobal; //! histogram ...
244 TH1F* fHistDca; //! histogram ...
245 TH1F* fHistTransDca; //! histogram ...
246 TH1F* fHistChi2; //! histogram ...
247 TH1F* fHistLenght; //! histogram ...
248 TH1F* fHistInvMass ; //! histogram ...
249 TH1F* fHistFitOverMax; //! histogram ...
250 TH2D* fHistPhiPtCon ; //! histogram ...
251 TH2D* fHistPhiPtUnc ; //! histogram ...
252 TH2D* fHistPtPhiPos ; //! histogram ...
253 TH2D* fHistPtPhiNeg ; //! histogram ...
254 TH3F* fHistAllEtaPtPhi3D; //! histogram ...
255 TProfile* fHistCosPhi; //! histogram ...
256 TH2F* fHistPidPt; //! histogram ...
257 TH1F* fHistPhi ; //! histogram ...
258 TH1F* fHistPhiCons ; //! histogram ...
259 TH2D* fHistYieldAll2D; //! histogram ...
260 TH2D* fHistYieldCon2D; //! histogram ...
261 TH2D* fHistYieldUnc2D; //! histogram ...
262 TH3F* fHistConsEtaPtPhi3D; //! histogram ...
263 TH3F* fHistGlobEtaPtPhi3D; //! histogram ...
264 TH3F* fHistUncEtaPtPhi3D ; //! histogram ...
265 // fit & dE/dX for each detector (all tracks)
266 TH1F* fHistChi2ITS; //! histogram ...
267 TH1F* fHistChi2normITS; //! histogram ...
268 TH1F* fHistFitPtsITS; //! histogram ...
269 TH1F* fHistMaxPtsITS; //! histogram ...
270 TH2F* fHistMeanDedxPos2DITS; //! histogram ...
271 TH2F* fHistMeanDedxNeg2DITS; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 272 // -
327288af 273 TH1F* fHistChi2TPC; //! histogram ...
274 TH1F* fHistChi2normTPC; //! histogram ...
275 TH1F* fHistFitPtsTPC; //! histogram ...
276 TH1F* fHistMaxPtsTPC; //! histogram ...
277 TH1F* fHistFitOverMaxTPC; //! histogram ...
278 TH2F* fHistMeanDedxPos2D; //! histogram ...
279 TH2F* fHistMeanDedxNeg2D; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 280 // -
327288af 281 TH1F* fHistChi2TRD; //! histogram ...
282 TH1F* fHistChi2normTRD; //! histogram ...
283 TH1F* fHistFitPtsTRD; //! histogram ...
284 TH1F* fHistMaxPtsTRD; //! histogram ...
285 TH2F* fHistMeanDedxPos2DTRD; //! histogram ...
286 TH2F* fHistMeanDedxNeg2DTRD; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 287 // -
327288af 288 TH1F* fHistChi2TOF; //! histogram ...
289 TH1F* fHistChi2normTOF; //! histogram ...
290 TH1F* fHistFitPtsTOF; //! histogram ...
291 TH1F* fHistMaxPtsTOF; //! histogram ...
292 TH2F* fHistMeanDedxPos2DTOF; //! histogram ...
293 TH2F* fHistMeanDedxNeg2DTOF; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 294 // detector response for particle type (all tracks, based on Pid)
327288af 295 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCPiPlus ; //! histogram ...
296 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCPiMinus ; //! histogram ...
297 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCProton ; //! histogram ...
298 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCPbar ; //! histogram ...
299 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCKplus ; //! histogram ...
300 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCKminus ; //! histogram ...
301 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCDeuteron ; //! histogram ...
302 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCAntiDeuteron ; //! histogram ...
303 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCPositron ; //! histogram ...
304 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCElectron ; //! histogram ...
305 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCMuonPlus ; //! histogram ...
306 TH2F* fHistMeanTPCMuonMinus ; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 307 // -
327288af 308 TH2F* fHistMeanITSPiPlus ; //! histogram ...
309 TH2F* fHistMeanITSPiMinus ; //! histogram ...
310 TH2F* fHistMeanITSProton ; //! histogram ...
311 TH2F* fHistMeanITSPbar ; //! histogram ...
312 TH2F* fHistMeanITSKplus ; //! histogram ...
313 TH2F* fHistMeanITSKminus ; //! histogram ...
314 TH2F* fHistMeanITSDeuteron ; //! histogram ...
315 TH2F* fHistMeanITSAntiDeuteron ; //! histogram ...
316 TH2F* fHistMeanITSPositron ; //! histogram ...
317 TH2F* fHistMeanITSElectron ; //! histogram ...
318 TH2F* fHistMeanITSMuonPlus ; //! histogram ...
319 TH2F* fHistMeanITSMuonMinus ; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 320 // -
327288af 321 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFPiPlus ; //! histogram ...
322 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFPiMinus ; //! histogram ...
323 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFProton ; //! histogram ...
324 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFPbar ; //! histogram ...
325 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFKplus ; //! histogram ...
326 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFKminus ; //! histogram ...
327 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFDeuteron ; //! histogram ...
328 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFAntiDeuteron ; //! histogram ...
329 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFPositron ; //! histogram ...
330 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFElectron ; //! histogram ...
331 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFMuonPlus ; //! histogram ...
332 TH2F* fHistMeanTOFMuonMinus ; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 333 // -
327288af 334 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDPiPlus ; //! histogram ...
335 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDPiMinus ; //! histogram ...
336 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDProton ; //! histogram ...
337 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDPbar ; //! histogram ...
338 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDKplus ; //! histogram ...
339 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDKminus ; //! histogram ...
340 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDDeuteron ; //! histogram ...
341 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDAntiDeuteron ; //! histogram ...
342 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDPositron ; //! histogram ...
343 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDElectron ; //! histogram ...
344 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDMuonPlus ; //! histogram ...
345 TH2F* fHistMeanTRDMuonMinus ; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 346 // pid probability for all particle (all tracks)
327288af 347 TH1F* fHistPidPiPlus; //! histogram ...
348 TH1F* fHistPidPiMinus; //! histogram ...
349 TH1F* fHistPidProton; //! histogram ...
350 TH1F* fHistPidAntiProton; //! histogram ...
351 TH1F* fHistPidKplus; //! histogram ...
352 TH1F* fHistPidKminus; //! histogram ...
353 TH1F* fHistPidDeuteron; //! histogram ...
354 TH1F* fHistPidAntiDeuteron; //! histogram ...
355 TH1F* fHistPidElectron; //! histogram ...
356 TH1F* fHistPidPositron; //! histogram ...
357 TH1F* fHistPidMuonMinus; //! histogram ...
358 TH1F* fHistPidMuonPlus; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 359 // pid probability for particle type (all tracks, based on Pid)
327288af 360 TH1F* fHistPidPiPlusPart; //! histogram ...
361 TH1F* fHistPidPiMinusPart; //! histogram ...
362 TH1F* fHistPidProtonPart; //! histogram ...
363 TH1F* fHistPidAntiProtonPart; //! histogram ...
364 TH1F* fHistPidKplusPart; //! histogram ...
365 TH1F* fHistPidKminusPart; //! histogram ...
366 TH1F* fHistPidDeuteronPart; //! histogram ...
367 TH1F* fHistPidAntiDeuteronPart; //! histogram ...
368 TH1F* fHistPidElectronPart; //! histogram ...
369 TH1F* fHistPidPositronPart; //! histogram ...
370 TH1F* fHistPidMuonMinusPart; //! histogram ...
371 TH1F* fHistPidMuonPlusPart; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 372 // MC labels from the simulation (all tracks)
327288af 373 //TH2F* fLabHist; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 374 // *****************
375 // selected TRACKS
376 // *****************
327288af 377 TProfile* fHistBinEta; //! histogram ...
378 TProfile* fHistBinPt; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 379 //
327288af 380 TH3F* fHistEtaPtPhi3DPart ; //! histogram ...
381 TH2D* fHistYieldPart2D; //! histogram ...
382 TH1F* fHistDcaGlobalPart ; //! histogram ...
383 TH1F* fHistInvMassPart ; //! histogram ...
384 TH3F* fHistEtaPtPhi3DOut ; //! histogram ...
385 TH2D* fHistYieldOut2D; //! histogram ...
386 TH1F* fHistDcaGlobalOut ; //! histogram ...
387 TH1F* fHistInvMassOut ; //! histogram ...
388 TH3F* fHistMeanDedxPos3DPart ; //! histogram ...
389 TH3F* fHistMeanDedxNeg3DPart ; //! histogram ...
390 TH3F* fHistMeanDedxPos3DPartITS ; //! histogram ...
391 TH3F* fHistMeanDedxNeg3DPartITS ; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 392//
394 // *****************
395 // V0s HISTOGRAMS (all v0s)
396 // *****************
327288af 397 TH1F* fHistV0Mass; //! histogram ...
398 TH3F* fHistV0EtaPtPhi3D; //! histogram ...
399 TH2D* fHistV0YieldAll2D; //! histogram ...
400 TH2D* fHistV0PYall2D; //! histogram ...
401 TH1F* fHistV0Dca; //! histogram ...
402 TH1F* fHistV0Chi2; //! histogram ...
403 TH1F* fHistV0Lenght; //! histogram ...
404 TH1F* fHistV0Sigma; //! histogram ...
405 TProfile* fHistV0CosPhi; //! histogram ...
406 TH2D* fHistV0MassPtSlices; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 407 // *****************
408 // selected V0s
409 // *****************
327288af 410 TProfile* fHistV0BinEta; //! histogram ...
411 TProfile* fHistV0BinPt; //! histogram ...
412 TProfile* fHistV0sbBinEta; //! histogram ...
413 TProfile* fHistV0sbBinPt; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 414 //
327288af 415 TH1F* fHistV0MassWin ; //! histogram ...
416 TH3F* fHistV0EtaPtPhi3DPart ; //! histogram ...
417 TH2D* fHistV0YieldPart2D; //! histogram ...
418 TH1F* fHistV0DcaPart ; //! histogram ...
419 TH1F* fHistV0LenghtPart ; //! histogram ...
420 TH1F* fHistV0sbMassSide ; //! histogram ...
421 TH3F* fHistV0sbEtaPtPhi3DPart ; //! histogram ...
422 TH2D* fHistV0sbYieldPart2D; //! histogram ...
423 TH1F* fHistV0sbDcaPart ; //! histogram ...
424 TH1F* fHistV0sbLenghtPart ; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 425
426// for each harmonic, each selection, and each sub-event
428 // *****************
430 // *****************
327288af 431 struct AliHistSubHars {
432 TH1F* fHistPsiSubs; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 433 };
327288af 434
435 struct AliHistSubs {
436 struct AliHistSubHars fHistSubHar[AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! structure array ...
9777bfcb 437 };
327288af 438 struct AliHistSubs fHistSub[AliFlowConstants::kSels*AliFlowConstants::kSubs]; //! structure ...
9777bfcb 439
440// for each harmonic and each selection
327288af 442 struct AliHistFullHars
9777bfcb 443 {
444 // weights
327288af 445 TH1D* fHistPhiPlus; //! histogram ...
446 TH1D* fHistPhiMinus; //! histogram ...
447 TH1D* fHistPhiAll; //! histogram ...
448 TH1D* fHistPhiWgtPlus; //! histogram ...
449 TH1D* fHistPhiWgtMinus; //! histogram ...
450 TH1D* fHistPhiWgtAll; //! histogram ...
451 TH1D* fHistPhiFlatPlus; //! histogram ...
452 TH1D* fHistPhiFlatMinus; //! histogram ...
453 TH1D* fHistPhiFlatAll; //! histogram ...
454 TH1D* fHistPhi; //! histogram ...
455 TH1D* fHistPhiWgt; //! histogram ...
456 TH1D* fHistPhiFlat; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 457 // flow (events)
327288af 458 TH1F* fHistPsi; //! histogram ...
459 TH1F* fHistPsiSubCorr; //! histogram ...
460 TH1F* fHistPsiSubCorrDiff; //! histogram ...
461 TH1F* fHistPsiDiff; //! histogram ...
462 TH1F* fHistMult; //! histogram ...
463 TH1F* fHistQnorm; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 464 // flow (tracks)
327288af 465 TH1F* fHistPhiCorr; //! histogram ...
466 TProfile2D* fHistvObs2D; //! histogram ...
467 TProfile* fHistvObsEta; //! histogram ...
468 TProfile* fHistvObsPt; //! histogram ...
469 TH2D* fHistv2D; //! histogram ...
470 TH1D* fHistvEta; //! histogram ...
471 TH1D* fHistvPt; //! histogram ...
472 // flow (v0s)
473 TH1F* fHistV0PhiCorr; //! histogram ...
474 TProfile2D* fHistV0vObs2D; //! histogram ...
475 TProfile* fHistV0vObsEta; //! histogram ...
476 TProfile* fHistV0vObsPt; //! histogram ...
477 TH2D* fHistV0v2D; //! histogram ...
478 TH1D* fHistV0vEta; //! histogram ...
479 TH1D* fHistV0vPt; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 480 // flow (v0s sidebands)
327288af 481 TProfile* fHistV0sbvObsEtaSx ; //! histogram ...
482 TProfile* fHistV0sbvObsPtSx ; //! histogram ...
483 TProfile* fHistV0sbvObsEtaDx ; //! histogram ...
484 TProfile* fHistV0sbvObsPtDx ; //! histogram ...
485 TH1F* fHistV0sbPhiCorr ; //! histogram ...
486 TProfile2D* fHistV0sbvObs2D ; //! histogram ...
487 TProfile* fHistV0sbvObsEta ; //! histogram ...
488 TProfile* fHistV0sbvObsPt ; //! histogram ...
489 TH2D* fHistV0sbv2D ; //! histogram ...
490 TH1D* fHistV0sbvEta ; //! histogram ...
491 TH1D* fHistV0sbvPt ; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 492 // check (tracks used for R.P.)
327288af 493 TH1F* fHistYieldPt ; //! histogram ...
494 TH3F* fHistEtaPtPhi3D ; //! histogram ...
495 TH2D* fHistYield2D ; //! histogram ...
496 TH1F* fHistDcaGlob ; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 497 // check (tracks excluded)
327288af 498 TH1F* fHistYieldPtout; //! histogram ...
499 TH3F* fHistEtaPtPhi3Dout ; //! histogram ...
500 TH2D* fHistYield2Dout ; //! histogram ...
501 TH1F* fHistDcaGlobout ; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 502 };
504// for each selection
327288af 506 struct AliHistFulls
9777bfcb 507 {
327288af 508 TH1F* fHistBayPidMult; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 509 // flow (events)
327288af 510 TProfile* fHistCos; //! histogram ...
511 TH1F* fHistRes; //! histogram ...
512 TProfile* fHistvObs; //! histogram ...
513 TH1D* fHistv; //! histogram ...
514 TProfile* fHistV0vObs; //! histogram ...
515 TProfile* fHistV0sbvObsSx; //! histogram ...
516 TProfile* fHistV0sbvObsDx; //! histogram ...
517 TH1D* fHistV0v; //! histogram ...
9777bfcb 518 // wgt, evts, trks, v0s (as defined above)
327288af 519 struct AliHistFullHars fHistFullHar[AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! structure array ...
9777bfcb 520 };
327288af 521 struct AliHistFulls fHistFull[AliFlowConstants::kSels]; //! structure array ...
9777bfcb 522
523 ClassDef(AliFlowAnalyser,0) // macro for rootcint
530// lame = not productive; poorly designed; uncool ...