]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG2/FLOW/AliFlowCommon/AliFlowCommonHist.cxx
settable rang phi histogram + few other fixes
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG2 / FLOW / AliFlowCommon / AliFlowCommonHist.cxx
f1d945a1 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
f1d945a1 16#include "Riostream.h" //needed as include
17#include "AliFlowCommonConstants.h" //needed as include
18#include "AliFlowCommonHist.h"
19#include "AliFlowEventSimple.h"
20#include "AliFlowTrackSimple.h"
22#include "TString.h"
23#include "TProfile.h"
24#include "TMath.h" //needed as include
e35ddff0 25#include "TList.h"
44e060e0 26#include "TH2F.h"
f1d945a1 27#include "AliFlowVector.h"
04f6283b 28#include "TBrowser.h"
f1d945a1 29
30class TH1F;
31class TH1D;
33// AliFlowCommonHist:
35// Description: Class to organise common histograms for Flow Analysis
a93de0f0 36//
20c03187 37// authors: N. van der Kolk (kolk@nikhef.nl), A. Bilandzic (anteb@nikhef.nl), RS
f1d945a1 38
44e060e0 44AliFlowCommonHist::AliFlowCommonHist():
45 TNamed(),
b7cb54d5 46 fHistMultRP(NULL),
47 fHistMultPOI(NULL),
1073c74a 48 fHistMultPOIvsRP(NULL),
b7cb54d5 49 fHistPtRP(NULL),
50 fHistPtPOI(NULL),
44e060e0 51 fHistPtSub0(NULL),
52 fHistPtSub1(NULL),
b7cb54d5 53 fHistPhiRP(NULL),
54 fHistPhiPOI(NULL),
44e060e0 55 fHistPhiSub0(NULL),
56 fHistPhiSub1(NULL),
b7cb54d5 57 fHistEtaRP(NULL),
58 fHistEtaPOI(NULL),
44e060e0 59 fHistEtaSub0(NULL),
60 fHistEtaSub1(NULL),
61 fHistPhiEtaRP(NULL),
62 fHistPhiEtaPOI(NULL),
7573885c 63 fHistProMeanPtperBin(NULL),
ef749f67 64 fHistWeightvsPhi(NULL),
7573885c 65 fHistQ(NULL),
a93de0f0 66 fHistAngleQ(NULL),
67 fHistAngleQSub0(NULL),
68 fHistAngleQSub1(NULL),
2aa4ebcd 69 fHarmonic(NULL),
c109b8c7 70 fRefMultVsNoOfRPs(NULL),
5c09ff70 71 fHistRefMult(NULL),
7573885c 72 fHistList(NULL)
75 //default constructor
79AliFlowCommonHist::AliFlowCommonHist(const AliFlowCommonHist& a):
80 TNamed(),
b7cb54d5 81 fHistMultRP(new TH1F(*a.fHistMultRP)),
82 fHistMultPOI(new TH1F(*a.fHistMultPOI)),
1073c74a 83 fHistMultPOIvsRP(new TH2F(*a.fHistMultPOIvsRP)),
b7cb54d5 84 fHistPtRP(new TH1F(*a.fHistPtRP)),
85 fHistPtPOI(new TH1F(*a.fHistPtPOI)),
44e060e0 86 fHistPtSub0(new TH1F(*a.fHistPtSub0)),
87 fHistPtSub1(new TH1F(*a.fHistPtSub1)),
b7cb54d5 88 fHistPhiRP(new TH1F(*a.fHistPhiRP)),
89 fHistPhiPOI(new TH1F(*a.fHistPhiPOI)),
44e060e0 90 fHistPhiSub0(new TH1F(*a.fHistPhiSub0)),
91 fHistPhiSub1(new TH1F(*a.fHistPhiSub1)),
b7cb54d5 92 fHistEtaRP(new TH1F(*a.fHistEtaRP)),
93 fHistEtaPOI(new TH1F(*a.fHistEtaPOI)),
44e060e0 94 fHistEtaSub0(new TH1F(*a.fHistEtaSub0)),
95 fHistEtaSub1(new TH1F(*a.fHistEtaSub1)),
96 fHistPhiEtaRP(new TH2F(*a.fHistPhiEtaRP)),
97 fHistPhiEtaPOI(new TH2F(*a.fHistPhiEtaPOI)),
7573885c 98 fHistProMeanPtperBin(new TProfile(*a.fHistProMeanPtperBin)),
ef749f67 99 fHistWeightvsPhi(new TH2F(*a.fHistWeightvsPhi)),
7573885c 100 fHistQ(new TH1F(*a.fHistQ)),
a93de0f0 101 fHistAngleQ(new TH1F(*a.fHistAngleQ)),
102 fHistAngleQSub0(new TH1F(*a.fHistAngleQSub0)),
103 fHistAngleQSub1(new TH1F(*a.fHistAngleQSub1)),
2aa4ebcd 104 fHarmonic(new TProfile(*a.fHarmonic)),
c109b8c7 105 fRefMultVsNoOfRPs(new TProfile(*a.fRefMultVsNoOfRPs)),
5c09ff70 106 fHistRefMult(new TH1F(*a.fHistRefMult)),
7573885c 107 fHistList(NULL)
109 // copy constructor
e35ddff0 110
7573885c 111 fHistList = new TList();
b7cb54d5 112 fHistList-> Add(fHistMultRP);
1073c74a 113 fHistList-> Add(fHistMultPOI);
114 fHistList-> Add(fHistMultPOIvsRP);
b7cb54d5 115 fHistList-> Add(fHistPtRP);
44e060e0 116 fHistList-> Add(fHistPtPOI);
117 fHistList-> Add(fHistPtSub0);
118 fHistList-> Add(fHistPtSub1);
b7cb54d5 119 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiRP);
44e060e0 120 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiPOI);
121 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiSub0);
122 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiSub1);
b7cb54d5 123 fHistList-> Add(fHistEtaRP);
44e060e0 124 fHistList-> Add(fHistEtaPOI);
125 fHistList-> Add(fHistEtaSub0);
126 fHistList-> Add(fHistEtaSub1);
127 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiEtaRP);
128 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiEtaPOI);
ef749f67 129 fHistList-> Add(fHistProMeanPtperBin);
130 fHistList-> Add(fHistWeightvsPhi);
2aa4ebcd 131 fHistList-> Add(fHarmonic);
c109b8c7 132 fHistList-> Add(fRefMultVsNoOfRPs);
5c09ff70 133 fHistList-> Add(fHistRefMult);
a93de0f0 134 fHistList-> Add(fHistQ);
135 fHistList-> Add(fHistAngleQ);
136 fHistList-> Add(fHistAngleQSub0);
137 fHistList-> Add(fHistAngleQSub1);
7573885c 138 // TListIter next = TListIter(a.fHistList);
e35ddff0 142
44e060e0 145 AliFlowCommonHist::AliFlowCommonHist(const char *anInput,const char *title):
146 TNamed(anInput,title),
44e060e0 147 fHistMultRP(NULL),
148 fHistMultPOI(NULL),
1073c74a 149 fHistMultPOIvsRP(NULL),
44e060e0 150 fHistPtRP(NULL),
151 fHistPtPOI(NULL),
152 fHistPtSub0(NULL),
153 fHistPtSub1(NULL),
154 fHistPhiRP(NULL),
155 fHistPhiPOI(NULL),
156 fHistPhiSub0(NULL),
157 fHistPhiSub1(NULL),
158 fHistEtaRP(NULL),
159 fHistEtaPOI(NULL),
160 fHistEtaSub0(NULL),
161 fHistEtaSub1(NULL),
162 fHistPhiEtaRP(NULL),
163 fHistPhiEtaPOI(NULL),
164 fHistProMeanPtperBin(NULL),
ef749f67 165 fHistWeightvsPhi(NULL),
44e060e0 166 fHistQ(NULL),
a93de0f0 167 fHistAngleQ(NULL),
168 fHistAngleQSub0(NULL),
169 fHistAngleQSub1(NULL),
44e060e0 170 fHarmonic(NULL),
c109b8c7 171 fRefMultVsNoOfRPs(NULL),
5c09ff70 172 fHistRefMult(NULL),
44e060e0 173 fHistList(NULL)
e35ddff0 175
f1d945a1 176 //constructor creating histograms
bee2efdc 177 Int_t iNbinsMult = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetNbinsMult();
178 Int_t iNbinsPt = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetNbinsPt();
179 Int_t iNbinsPhi = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetNbinsPhi();
180 Int_t iNbinsEta = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetNbinsEta();
181 Int_t iNbinsQ = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetNbinsQ();
e35ddff0 182 TString sName;
bee2efdc 184 Double_t dMultMin = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetMultMin();
185 Double_t dMultMax = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetMultMax();
186 Double_t dPtMin = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetPtMin();
187 Double_t dPtMax = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetPtMax();
188 Double_t dPhiMin = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetPhiMin();
189 Double_t dPhiMax = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetPhiMax();
190 Double_t dEtaMin = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetEtaMin();
191 Double_t dEtaMax = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetEtaMax();
192 Double_t dQMin = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetQMin();
193 Double_t dQMax = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetQMax();
644f1368 194 Double_t dHistWeightvsPhiMin = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetHistWeightvsPhiMin();
195 Double_t dHistWeightvsPhiMax = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetHistWeightvsPhiMax();
f1d945a1 196
197 cout<<"The settings for the common histograms are as follows:"<<endl;
e35ddff0 198 cout<<"Multiplicity: "<<iNbinsMult<<" bins between "<<dMultMin<<" and "<<dMultMax<<endl;
199 cout<<"Pt: "<<iNbinsPt<<" bins between "<<dPtMin<<" and "<<dPtMax<<endl;
200 cout<<"Phi: "<<iNbinsPhi<<" bins between "<<dPhiMin<<" and "<<dPhiMax<<endl;
201 cout<<"Eta: "<<iNbinsEta<<" bins between "<<dEtaMin<<" and "<<dEtaMax<<endl;
202 cout<<"Q: "<<iNbinsQ<<" bins between "<<dQMin<<" and "<<dQMax<<endl;
f1d945a1 203
204 //Multiplicity
b7cb54d5 205 sName = "Control_Flow_MultRP_";
e35ddff0 206 sName +=anInput;
b7cb54d5 207 fHistMultRP = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsMult, dMultMin, dMultMax);
208 fHistMultRP ->SetXTitle("Multiplicity for RP selection");
209 fHistMultRP ->SetYTitle("Counts");
f1d945a1 210
b7cb54d5 211 sName = "Control_Flow_MultPOI_";
e35ddff0 212 sName +=anInput;
b7cb54d5 213 fHistMultPOI = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsMult, dMultMin, dMultMax);
214 fHistMultPOI ->SetXTitle("Multiplicity for POI selection");
215 fHistMultPOI ->SetYTitle("Counts");
f1d945a1 216
1073c74a 217 sName = "Control_Flow_MultPOIvsRP_";
218 sName +=anInput;
623ed9af 219 fHistMultPOIvsRP = new TH2F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsMult, dMultMin, dMultMax,100, dMultMin, dMultMax);
1073c74a 220 fHistMultPOIvsRP->SetXTitle("Multiplicity for RP selection");
221 fHistMultPOIvsRP->SetYTitle("Multiplicity for POI selection");
f1d945a1 223 //Pt
b7cb54d5 224 sName = "Control_Flow_PtRP_";
e35ddff0 225 sName +=anInput;
b7cb54d5 226 fHistPtRP = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsPt, dPtMin, dPtMax);
227 fHistPtRP ->SetXTitle("P_{t} (GeV/c) for RP selection");
228 fHistPtRP ->SetYTitle("Counts");
f1d945a1 229
b7cb54d5 230 sName = "Control_Flow_PtPOI_";
e35ddff0 231 sName +=anInput;
b7cb54d5 232 fHistPtPOI = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsPt, dPtMin, dPtMax);
f1d945a1 233 //binning has to be the same as for fHistProVPt! use to get Nprime!
b7cb54d5 234 fHistPtPOI ->SetXTitle("P_{t} (GeV/c) for POI selection");
235 fHistPtPOI ->SetYTitle("Counts");
f1d945a1 236
44e060e0 237 sName = "Control_Flow_PtSub0_";
238 sName +=anInput;
239 fHistPtSub0 = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsPt, dPtMin, dPtMax);
240 fHistPtSub0 ->SetXTitle("P_{t} (GeV/c) for Subevent 0 selection");
241 fHistPtSub0 ->SetYTitle("Counts");
243 sName = "Control_Flow_PtSub1_";
244 sName +=anInput;
245 fHistPtSub1 = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsPt, dPtMin, dPtMax);
246 fHistPtSub1 ->SetXTitle("P_{t} (GeV/c) for Subevent 1 selection");
247 fHistPtSub1 ->SetYTitle("Counts");
f1d945a1 249 //Phi
b7cb54d5 250 sName = "Control_Flow_PhiRP_";
e35ddff0 251 sName +=anInput;
b7cb54d5 252 fHistPhiRP = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsPhi, dPhiMin, dPhiMax);
253 fHistPhiRP ->SetXTitle("#phi for RP selection");
254 fHistPhiRP ->SetYTitle("Counts");
f1d945a1 255
b7cb54d5 256 sName = "Control_Flow_PhiPOI_";
e35ddff0 257 sName +=anInput;
b7cb54d5 258 fHistPhiPOI = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsPhi, dPhiMin, dPhiMax);
259 fHistPhiPOI ->SetXTitle("#phi for POI selection");
260 fHistPhiPOI ->SetYTitle("Counts");
f1d945a1 261
44e060e0 262 sName = "Control_Flow_PhiSub0_";
263 sName +=anInput;
264 fHistPhiSub0 = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsPhi, dPhiMin, dPhiMax);
265 fHistPhiSub0 ->SetXTitle("#phi for Subevent 0 selection");
266 fHistPhiSub0 ->SetYTitle("Counts");
268 sName = "Control_Flow_PhiSub1_";
269 sName +=anInput;
270 fHistPhiSub1 = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsPhi, dPhiMin, dPhiMax);
271 fHistPhiSub1 ->SetXTitle("#phi for Subevent 1 selection");
272 fHistPhiSub1 ->SetYTitle("Counts");
f1d945a1 274 //Eta
b7cb54d5 275 sName = "Control_Flow_EtaRP_";
e35ddff0 276 sName +=anInput;
b7cb54d5 277 fHistEtaRP = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsEta, dEtaMin, dEtaMax);
278 fHistEtaRP ->SetXTitle("#eta for RP selection");
279 fHistEtaRP ->SetYTitle("Counts");
f1d945a1 280
b7cb54d5 281 sName = "Control_Flow_EtaPOI_";
e35ddff0 282 sName +=anInput;
b7cb54d5 283 fHistEtaPOI = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsEta, dEtaMin, dEtaMax);
284 fHistEtaPOI ->SetXTitle("#eta for POI selection");
285 fHistEtaPOI ->SetYTitle("Counts");
f1d945a1 286
44e060e0 287 sName = "Control_Flow_EtaSub0_";
288 sName +=anInput;
289 fHistEtaSub0 = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsEta, dEtaMin, dEtaMax);
290 fHistEtaSub0 ->SetXTitle("#eta for Subevent 0 selection");
291 fHistEtaSub0 ->SetYTitle("Counts");
293 sName = "Control_Flow_EtaSub1_";
294 sName +=anInput;
295 fHistEtaSub1 = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsEta, dEtaMin, dEtaMax);
296 fHistEtaSub1 ->SetXTitle("#eta for Subevent 1 selection");
297 fHistEtaSub1 ->SetYTitle("Counts");
299 //Phi vs Eta
300 sName = "Control_Flow_PhiEtaRP_";
301 sName +=anInput;
302 fHistPhiEtaRP = new TH2F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsEta, dEtaMin, dEtaMax, iNbinsPhi, dPhiMin, dPhiMax);
303 fHistPhiEtaRP ->SetXTitle("#eta");
304 fHistPhiEtaRP ->SetYTitle("#phi");
306 sName = "Control_Flow_PhiEtaPOI_";
307 sName +=anInput;
308 fHistPhiEtaPOI = new TH2F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsEta, dEtaMin, dEtaMax, iNbinsPhi, dPhiMin, dPhiMax);
309 fHistPhiEtaPOI ->SetXTitle("#eta");
310 fHistPhiEtaPOI ->SetYTitle("#phi");
f1d945a1 312 //Mean Pt per pt bin
e35ddff0 313 sName = "Control_FlowPro_MeanPtperBin_";
314 sName +=anInput;
315 fHistProMeanPtperBin = new TProfile(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsPt,dPtMin,dPtMax);
7ebf0358 316 fHistProMeanPtperBin ->SetXTitle("P_{t} (GeV/c) ");
317 fHistProMeanPtperBin ->SetYTitle("<P_{t}> (GeV/c) ");
f1d945a1 318
ef749f67 319 //Particle weight
320 sName = "Control_Flow_WeightvsPhi_";
321 sName +=anInput;
644f1368 322 fHistWeightvsPhi = new TH2F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(), iNbinsPhi, dPhiMin, dPhiMax, 300, dHistWeightvsPhiMin, dHistWeightvsPhiMax);
ef749f67 323 fHistWeightvsPhi ->SetXTitle("#phi");
324 fHistWeightvsPhi ->SetYTitle("weight");
f1d945a1 326 //Q vector
e35ddff0 327 sName = "Control_Flow_Q_";
328 sName +=anInput;
329 fHistQ = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsQ, dQMin, dQMax);
7ebf0358 330 fHistQ ->SetXTitle("Q_{vector}/Mult");
f1d945a1 331 fHistQ ->SetYTitle("Counts");
2aa4ebcd 332
a93de0f0 333 //Angle of Q vector
334 sName = "Control_Flow_AngleQ_";
335 sName +=anInput;
336 fHistAngleQ = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),72, 0., TMath::Pi());
337 fHistAngleQ ->SetXTitle("Angle of Q_{vector}");
338 fHistAngleQ ->SetYTitle("Counts");
340 sName = "Control_Flow_AngleQSub0_";
341 sName +=anInput;
342 fHistAngleQSub0 = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),72, 0., TMath::Pi());
343 fHistAngleQSub0 ->SetXTitle("Angle of Q_{vector} for Subevent 0");
344 fHistAngleQSub0 ->SetYTitle("Counts");
346 sName = "Control_Flow_AngleQSub1_";
347 sName +=anInput;
348 fHistAngleQSub1 = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),72, 0., TMath::Pi());
349 fHistAngleQSub1 ->SetXTitle("Angle of Q_{vector} for Subevent 1");
350 fHistAngleQSub1 ->SetYTitle("Counts");
2aa4ebcd 352 //harmonic
353 sName = "Control_Flow_Harmonic_";
354 sName +=anInput;
355 fHarmonic = new TProfile(sName.Data(),sName.Data(),1,0,1);
356 fHarmonic ->SetYTitle("harmonic");
c109b8c7 357
358 //<reference multiplicity> versus # of RPs
359 sName = "Reference_Multiplicity_Vs_Number_Of_RPs_";
360 sName +=anInput;
361 fRefMultVsNoOfRPs = new TProfile(sName.Data(),sName.Data(),iNbinsMult, dMultMin, dMultMax);
362 fRefMultVsNoOfRPs->SetYTitle("<reference multiplicity>");
363 fRefMultVsNoOfRPs->SetXTitle("# of RPs");
e35ddff0 364
5c09ff70 365 //reference multiplicity
366 sName = "Control_Flow_Ref_Mult_";
367 sName +=anInput;
368 fHistRefMult = new TH1F(sName.Data(), sName.Data(),iNbinsMult, dMultMin, dMultMax);
369 fHistRefMult->SetXTitle("Reference multiplicity");
370 fHistRefMult->SetYTitle("Counts");
7573885c 372 //list of histograms if added here also add in copy constructor
e35ddff0 373 fHistList = new TList();
b7cb54d5 374 fHistList-> Add(fHistMultRP);
1073c74a 375 fHistList-> Add(fHistMultPOI);
376 fHistList-> Add(fHistMultPOIvsRP);
b7cb54d5 377 fHistList-> Add(fHistPtRP);
44e060e0 378 fHistList-> Add(fHistPtPOI);
379 fHistList-> Add(fHistPtSub0);
380 fHistList-> Add(fHistPtSub1);
b7cb54d5 381 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiRP);
44e060e0 382 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiPOI);
383 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiSub0);
384 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiSub1);
b7cb54d5 385 fHistList-> Add(fHistEtaRP);
44e060e0 386 fHistList-> Add(fHistEtaPOI);
387 fHistList-> Add(fHistEtaSub0);
388 fHistList-> Add(fHistEtaSub1);
389 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiEtaRP);
390 fHistList-> Add(fHistPhiEtaPOI);
2aa4ebcd 391 fHistList-> Add(fHistProMeanPtperBin);
ef749f67 392 fHistList-> Add(fHistWeightvsPhi);
c109b8c7 393 fHistList-> Add(fHarmonic);
394 fHistList-> Add(fRefMultVsNoOfRPs);
5c09ff70 395 fHistList-> Add(fHistRefMult);
e35ddff0 396 fHistList-> Add(fHistQ);
a93de0f0 397 fHistList-> Add(fHistAngleQ);
398 fHistList-> Add(fHistAngleQSub0);
399 fHistList-> Add(fHistAngleQSub1);
e35ddff0 400
f1d945a1 401}
408 //deletes histograms
b7cb54d5 409 delete fHistMultRP;
1073c74a 410 delete fHistMultPOI;
411 delete fHistMultPOIvsRP;
b7cb54d5 412 delete fHistPtRP;
44e060e0 413 delete fHistPtPOI;
414 delete fHistPtSub0;
415 delete fHistPtSub1;
b7cb54d5 416 delete fHistPhiRP;
44e060e0 417 delete fHistPhiPOI;
418 delete fHistPhiSub0;
419 delete fHistPhiSub1;
b7cb54d5 420 delete fHistEtaRP;
421 delete fHistEtaPOI;
44e060e0 422 delete fHistEtaSub0;
423 delete fHistEtaSub1;
424 delete fHistPhiEtaRP;
425 delete fHistPhiEtaPOI;
f1d945a1 426 delete fHistProMeanPtperBin;
ef749f67 427 delete fHistWeightvsPhi;
f1d945a1 428 delete fHistQ;
a93de0f0 429 delete fHistAngleQ;
430 delete fHistAngleQSub0;
431 delete fHistAngleQSub1;
2aa4ebcd 432 delete fHarmonic;
c109b8c7 433 delete fRefMultVsNoOfRPs;
5c09ff70 434 delete fHistRefMult;
e35ddff0 435 delete fHistList;
f1d945a1 436}
ef749f67 441Bool_t AliFlowCommonHist::FillControlHistograms(AliFlowEventSimple* anEvent,TList *weightsList, Bool_t usePhiWeights, Bool_t usePtWeights, Bool_t useEtaWeights)
f1d945a1 442{
443 //Fills the control histograms
e35ddff0 444 if (!anEvent){
f1d945a1 445 cout<<"##### FillControlHistograms: FlowEvent pointer null"<<endl;
446 return kFALSE;
447 }
ef749f67 449 //track datamembers
450 Double_t dPt = 0.;
451 Double_t dPhi = 0.;
452 Double_t dEta = 0.;
453 Double_t dWeight = 1.;
455 //weights used for corrections
456 Double_t dWPhi = 1.;
457 Double_t dWPt = 1.;
458 Double_t dWEta = 1.;
460 TH1F *phiWeights = NULL;
461 TH1F *phiWeightsSub0 = NULL;
462 TH1F *phiWeightsSub1 = NULL;
463 TH1D *ptWeights = NULL;
464 TH1D *etaWeights = NULL;
466 Int_t nBinsPhi = 0;
467 Int_t nBinsPhiSub0 = 0;
468 Int_t nBinsPhiSub1 = 0;
469 Double_t dBinWidthPt = 0.;
470 Double_t dPtMin = 0.;
471 Double_t dBinWidthEta = 0.;
472 Double_t dEtaMin = 0.;
474 if(weightsList)
475 {
476 if(usePhiWeights)
477 {
478 phiWeights = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(weightsList->FindObject("phi_weights"));
479 if(phiWeights) nBinsPhi = phiWeights->GetNbinsX();
480 phiWeightsSub0 = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(weightsList->FindObject("phi_weights_sub0"));
481 if(phiWeightsSub0) nBinsPhiSub0 = phiWeightsSub0->GetNbinsX();
482 phiWeightsSub1 = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(weightsList->FindObject("phi_weights_sub1"));
483 if(phiWeightsSub1) nBinsPhiSub1 = phiWeightsSub1->GetNbinsX();
484 }
485 if(usePtWeights)
486 {
487 ptWeights = dynamic_cast<TH1D *>(weightsList->FindObject("pt_weights"));
488 if(ptWeights)
489 {
490 dBinWidthPt = ptWeights->GetBinWidth(1); // assuming that all bins have the same width
491 dPtMin = (ptWeights->GetXaxis())->GetXmin();
492 }
493 }
494 if(useEtaWeights)
495 {
496 etaWeights = dynamic_cast<TH1D *>(weightsList->FindObject("eta_weights"));
497 if(etaWeights)
498 {
499 dBinWidthEta = etaWeights->GetBinWidth(1); // assuming that all bins have the same width
500 dEtaMin = (etaWeights->GetXaxis())->GetXmin();
501 }
502 }
503 } // end of if(weightsList)
f1d945a1 504
ef749f67 505
f1d945a1 507 //fill the histograms
ef749f67 508 AliFlowVector vQ = anEvent->GetQ(2, weightsList, usePhiWeights, usePtWeights, useEtaWeights);
f1d945a1 509 //weight by the Multiplicity
9d062fe3 510 Double_t dQX = 0.;
511 Double_t dQY = 0.;
e60cd248 512 if (vQ.GetMult()!=0) {
9d062fe3 513 dQX = vQ.X()/vQ.GetMult();
514 dQY = vQ.Y()/vQ.GetMult();
515 }
e35ddff0 516 vQ.Set(dQX,dQY);
517 fHistQ->Fill(vQ.Mod());
a93de0f0 518 fHistAngleQ->Fill(vQ.Phi()/2);
520 AliFlowVector* vQSub = new AliFlowVector[2];
ef749f67 521 anEvent->Get2Qsub(vQSub, 2, weightsList, usePhiWeights, usePtWeights, useEtaWeights);
a93de0f0 522 AliFlowVector vQa = vQSub[0];
523 AliFlowVector vQb = vQSub[1];
524 fHistAngleQSub0->Fill(vQa.Phi()/2);
525 fHistAngleQSub1->Fill(vQb.Phi()/2);
f1d945a1 526
04c6b875 527 Double_t dMultRP = 0.;
528 Double_t dMultPOI = 0.;
7ffdc193 529
a93de0f0 530 Int_t iNumberOfTracks = anEvent->NumberOfTracks();
e35ddff0 531 AliFlowTrackSimple* pTrack = NULL;
533 for (Int_t i=0;i<iNumberOfTracks;i++) {
534 pTrack = anEvent->GetTrack(i);
535 if (pTrack ) {
04c6b875 536 dWeight = pTrack->Weight();
ef749f67 537 dPt = pTrack->Pt();
538 dPhi = pTrack->Phi();
539 if (dPhi<0.) dPhi+=2*TMath::Pi();
540 dEta = pTrack->Eta();
542 //weights are only used for the RP selection
b7cb54d5 543 if (pTrack->InRPSelection()){
ef749f67 544 // determine Phi weight:
545 if(phiWeights && nBinsPhi) {
546 dWPhi = phiWeights->GetBinContent(1+(Int_t)(TMath::Floor(dPhi*nBinsPhi/TMath::TwoPi())));
547 }
548 // determine v'(pt) weight:
549 if(ptWeights && dBinWidthPt) {
550 dWPt=ptWeights->GetBinContent(1+(Int_t)(TMath::Floor((dPt-dPtMin)/dBinWidthPt)));
551 }
552 // determine v'(eta) weight:
553 if(etaWeights && dBinWidthEta) {
554 dWEta=etaWeights->GetBinContent(1+(Int_t)(TMath::Floor((dEta-dEtaMin)/dBinWidthEta)));
555 }
557 //the total weight is the product
558 Double_t dW = dWeight*dWPhi*dWPt*dWEta;
44e060e0 560 //pt
ef749f67 561 fHistPtRP->Fill(dPt,dW);
44e060e0 562 //phi
ef749f67 563 fHistPhiRP->Fill(dPhi,dW);
44e060e0 564 //eta
ef749f67 565 fHistEtaRP->Fill(dEta,dW);
44e060e0 566 //eta vs phi
ef749f67 567 fHistPhiEtaRP->Fill(dEta,dPhi,dW);
568 //weight vs phi
569 fHistWeightvsPhi->Fill(dPhi,dW);
44e060e0 570 //count
ef749f67 571 dMultRP += dW;
572 }
573 if (pTrack->InRPSelection() && pTrack->InSubevent(0)) {
574 // determine Phi weight:
575 if(phiWeightsSub0 && nBinsPhiSub0){
576 dWPhi = phiWeightsSub0->GetBinContent(1+(Int_t)(TMath::Floor(dPhi*nBinsPhiSub0/TMath::TwoPi())));
577 }
578 // determine v'(pt) weight:
579 if(ptWeights && dBinWidthPt) {
580 dWPt=ptWeights->GetBinContent(1+(Int_t)(TMath::Floor((dPt-dPtMin)/dBinWidthPt)));
581 }
582 // determine v'(eta) weight:
583 if(etaWeights && dBinWidthEta) {
584 dWEta=etaWeights->GetBinContent(1+(Int_t)(TMath::Floor((dEta-dEtaMin)/dBinWidthEta)));
585 }
587 //the total weight is the product
588 Double_t dW = dWeight*dWPhi*dWPt*dWEta;
590 //pt
591 fHistPtSub0 ->Fill(dPt,dW);
592 //phi
593 fHistPhiSub0 ->Fill(dPhi,dW);
594 //eta
595 fHistEtaSub0 ->Fill(dEta,dW);
596 }
597 if (pTrack->InRPSelection() && pTrack->InSubevent(1)) {
598 // determine Phi weight:
599 if(phiWeightsSub1 && nBinsPhiSub1){
600 dWPhi = phiWeightsSub1->GetBinContent(1+(Int_t)(TMath::Floor(dPhi*nBinsPhiSub1/TMath::TwoPi())));
601 }
602 // determine v'(pt) weight:
603 if(ptWeights && dBinWidthPt) {
604 dWPt=ptWeights->GetBinContent(1+(Int_t)(TMath::Floor((dPt-dPtMin)/dBinWidthPt)));
605 }
606 // determine v'(eta) weight:
607 if(etaWeights && dBinWidthEta) {
608 dWEta=etaWeights->GetBinContent(1+(Int_t)(TMath::Floor((dEta-dEtaMin)/dBinWidthEta)));
609 }
611 //the total weight is the product
612 Double_t dW = dWeight*dWPhi*dWPt*dWEta;
614 //pt
615 fHistPtSub1 -> Fill(dPt,dW);
616 //phi
617 fHistPhiSub1 -> Fill(dPhi,dW);
618 //eta
619 fHistEtaSub1 -> Fill(dEta,dW);
f1d945a1 620 }
b7cb54d5 621 if (pTrack->InPOISelection()){
ef749f67 622
623 Double_t dW = dWeight; //no pt, phi or eta weights
44e060e0 625 //pt
ef749f67 626 fHistPtPOI ->Fill(dPt,dW);
44e060e0 627 //phi
ef749f67 628 fHistPhiPOI ->Fill(dPhi,dW);
44e060e0 629 //eta
ef749f67 630 fHistEtaPOI ->Fill(dEta,dW);
44e060e0 631 //eta vs phi
ef749f67 632 fHistPhiEtaPOI ->Fill(dEta,dPhi,dW);
44e060e0 633 //mean pt
ef749f67 634 fHistProMeanPtperBin ->Fill(dPt,dPt,dW);
44e060e0 635 //count
ef749f67 636 dMultPOI += dW;
f1d945a1 637 }
638 } //track
639 } //loop over tracks
04c6b875 641 fHistMultRP->Fill(dMultRP);
642 fHistMultPOI->Fill(dMultPOI);
1073c74a 643 fHistMultPOIvsRP->Fill(dMultRP,dMultPOI);
c109b8c7 644
645 //<reference multiplicity> versus # of RPs:
646 fRefMultVsNoOfRPs->Fill(dMultRP+0.5,anEvent->GetReferenceMultiplicity(),1.);
5c09ff70 647
648 //reference multiplicity:
649 fHistRefMult->Fill(anEvent->GetReferenceMultiplicity());
f1d945a1 650
651 return kTRUE;
e8c3ff94 656Double_t AliFlowCommonHist::GetEntriesInPtBinRP(Int_t aBin)
b7cb54d5 658 //get entries in bin aBin from fHistPtRP
659 Double_t dEntries = fHistPtRP->GetBinContent(aBin);
e8c3ff94 660
661 return dEntries;
667Double_t AliFlowCommonHist::GetEntriesInPtBinPOI(Int_t aBin)
f1d945a1 668{
b7cb54d5 669 //get entries in bin aBin from fHistPtPOI
670 Double_t dEntries = fHistPtPOI->GetBinContent(aBin);
f1d945a1 671
e35ddff0 672 return dEntries;
f1d945a1 673
e8c3ff94 678Double_t AliFlowCommonHist::GetEntriesInEtaBinRP(Int_t aBin)
b7cb54d5 680 //get entries in bin aBin from fHistPtRP
681 Double_t dEntries = fHistEtaRP->GetBinContent(aBin);
e8c3ff94 682
683 return dEntries;
689Double_t AliFlowCommonHist::GetEntriesInEtaBinPOI(Int_t aBin)
b7cb54d5 691 //get entries in bin aBin from fHistPtPOI
692 Double_t dEntries = fHistEtaPOI->GetBinContent(aBin);
e8c3ff94 693
694 return dEntries;
e35ddff0 700Double_t AliFlowCommonHist::GetMeanPt(Int_t aBin)
f1d945a1 701{
e35ddff0 702 //Get entry from bin aBin from fHistProMeanPtperBin
703 Double_t dMeanPt = fHistProMeanPtperBin->GetBinContent(aBin);
f1d945a1 704
e35ddff0 705 return dMeanPt;
f1d945a1 706
0683b7d5 707}
e35ddff0 710//-----------------------------------------------------------------------
711 Double_t AliFlowCommonHist::Merge(TCollection *aList)
713 //merge fuction
567b3738 714 //cout<<"entering merge function"<<endl;
e35ddff0 715 if (!aList) return 0;
716 if (aList->IsEmpty()) return 0; //no merging is needed
718 Int_t iCount = 0;
719 TIter next(aList); // list is supposed to contain only objects of the same type as this
720 AliFlowCommonHist *toMerge;
721 // make a temporary list
722 TList *pTemp = new TList();
723 while ((toMerge=(AliFlowCommonHist*)next())) {
724 pTemp->Add(toMerge->GetHistList());
725 iCount++;
726 }
727 // Now call merge for fHistList providing temp list
728 fHistList->Merge(pTemp);
729 // Cleanup
730 delete pTemp;
567b3738 732 //cout<<"Merged"<<endl;
e35ddff0 733 return (double)iCount;
9825d4a9 737void AliFlowCommonHist::Print(Option_t *option) const
20c03187 739 // -*-*-*-*-*Print some global quantities for this histogram collection class *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
740 // ===============================================
9825d4a9 741 // printf( "TH1.Print Name = %s, Entries= %d, Total sum= %g\n",GetName(),Int_t(fEntries),GetSumOfWeights());
20c03187 742 printf( "Class.Print Name = %s, Histogram list:\n",GetName());
099e1753 743
744 if (fHistList) {
745 fHistList->Print(option);
746 }
747 else
748 {
749 printf( "Empty histogram list \n");
750 }
9825d4a9 751}
04f6283b 753//-----------------------------------------------------------------------
754 void AliFlowCommonHist::Browse(TBrowser *b)
9825d4a9 756
04f6283b 757 if (!b) return;
758 if (fHistList) b->Add(fHistList,"AliFlowCommonHistList");
9825d4a9 760
e35ddff0 761