]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG2/FLOW/AliFlowEvent.h
added receiving of last run with same run type
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG2 / FLOW / AliFlowEvent.h
30a892e3 1//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3// $Id$
5// Author: Emanuele Simili
92016a03 9// Description: event format fitted to flow study, adapted from STAR.
10// The AliFlowEvent object stores global event variables, tracks and
11// v0s, and provides the method to calculate Flow observables (Q vector,
12// R.P. angle, phi weights). It needs an AliFlowSelection object.
30a892e3 14// Original Authors: Raimond Snellings & Art Poskanzer
18#ifndef AliFlowEvent_h
19#define AliFlowEvent_h
30a892e3 21#include "TVector.h"
22#include "TVector2.h"
23#include "TVector3.h"
92016a03 24#include "TClonesArray.h"
25#include "TNamed.h"
30a892e3 27#include "AliFlowConstants.h"
29class AliFlowTrack ;
30class AliFlowV0 ;
31class AliFlowSelection ;
30a892e3 32
33class AliFlowEvent : public TNamed {
da5aa0a0 37 AliFlowEvent() ; // default constructor (to read events)
38 AliFlowEvent(Int_t length) ; // (new) constructor (to create events)
30a892e3 39 virtual ~AliFlowEvent();
30a892e3 41 // Arrays
92016a03 42 TClonesArray* TrackCollection() const { return fTrackCollection; } // Returns a pointer to the TClonesArray of AliFlowTrack
43 TClonesArray* V0Collection() const { return fV0Collection; } // Returns a pointer to the TClonesArray of AliFlowV0
30a892e3 44
45 // Calculations
92016a03 46 void MakeAll() ; // In just one loop, makes all the calculaton (Q, psi, mult) basing on the selection.
47 Int_t Mult(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const ; // Returns Multiplicity of tracks selected for the event plane
48 Float_t MeanPt(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const ; // Returns Mean pt of tracks selected for the event plane
49 TVector2 Q(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const ; // Returns Event plane vector
50 TVector2 NormQ(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const ; // Returns normalized Q = Q/sqrt(weights^2++)
51 Float_t OldQ(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const ; // Returns Magnitude of normalized Q vector without pt or eta weighting
52 Float_t Psi(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const ; // Returns Event plane angle
53 Double_t SumWeightSquare(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const ; // Returns Sum of weights^2
54 Double_t WgtMultQ4(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const ; // old comulants
55 Double_t WgtMultQ6(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const ; // old comulants
56 void SetSelections(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) ; // Sets the tracks selection for R.P. calculations (see static cuts in AliFlowSelection class)
57 void MakeSubEvents() const ; // Makes sub-events, eta based (if EtaSubs()) or Random (otherwise)
58 void MakeRndSubEvents() const ; // Makes random sub-events
59 void MakeEtaSubEvents() const ; // Makes eta sub-events
da5aa0a0 60 void MakeChrSubEvents() const ; // Makes charged (+/-) sub-events
92016a03 61 void SetPids() ; // Re-sets the tracks P.id. (using the current fBayesianCs[] array)
62 void RandomShuffle() ; // Randomly re-shuffles the ObjArray of tracks
63 Double_t NewG(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect,Double_t Zx,Double_t Zy) const ; // Generating function for the new cumulant method (eq.3 in the Practical Guide)
64 Double_t OldG(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect,Double_t Zx,Double_t Zy) const ; // Generating function for the old cumulant method (if expanded in Taylor series, one recovers G_New() in new new cumulant method)
65 Double_t PhiWeight(Int_t selN,Int_t harN,AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack) const ; // Returns PhiWeightRaw()*Weight()
66 Double_t PhiWeightRaw(Int_t selN,Int_t harN,AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack) const ; // Returns weights for making the R.P. isotropic in the lab
67 Double_t Weight(Int_t selN,Int_t harN,AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack) const ; // Returns weights for enhancing the resolution (+/-Sign(eta) for odd harmonics)
68 TVector Bayesian() const ; // Returns the stored particle abundances as a TVector
69 void Bayesian(Double_t bayes[AliFlowConstants::kPid]) const { for(Int_t i=0;i<AliFlowConstants::kPid;i++) { bayes[i] = AliFlowConstants::fgBayesian[i] ; } } // Returns the stored particle abundances
30a892e3 70
71 // Analysis flags
92016a03 72 void PrintFlagList() const ; // Prints a summary of the event's flag
73 Float_t PtWgtSaturation() const { return AliFlowConstants::fgPtWgtSaturation; } // Returns saturation value for pt weighting
74 Bool_t PtWgt() const { return fgPtWgt; } // Returns flag for pt weighting
75 Bool_t EtaWgt() const { return fgEtaWgt; } // Returns flag for eta weighting for odd harmonics
76 Bool_t FirstLastPhiWgt() const { return !fgOnePhiWgt ; } // Returns flag for using z of first and last points for phi weights (TPC +/-)
77 Bool_t OnePhiWgt() const { return fgOnePhiWgt ; } // Returns flag for using just one phi weight
78 Bool_t NoWgt() const { return fgNoWgt; } // returns kTRUE if weight are NOT used
4e566f2f 79 Bool_t CustomRespFunc() const { return fgCustomRespFunc ; }
da5aa0a0 80 Bool_t EtaSubs() const { if(fgEtaSubs == 1) { return kTRUE ; } return kFALSE ; } // Returns flag for charged (+/-) sub-events
81 Bool_t RndSubs() const { if(fgEtaSubs == 0) { return kTRUE ; } return kFALSE ; } // Returns flag for random sub-events
82 Bool_t ChrSubs() const { if(fgEtaSubs == -1) { return kTRUE ; } return kFALSE ; } // Returns flag for eta sub-events
83 Int_t Subs() const { return fgEtaSubs ; } // Returns flag for sub-events type (0 = random , 1 = eta , -1 = charged)
92016a03 84
85 // Gets
86 Int_t EventID() const { return fEventID; } // Returns ID of the event
87 Int_t RunID() const { return fRunID; } // Returns ID of the run
88 UInt_t OrigMult() const { return fOrigMult; } // Returns the original number of tracks (maybe some were trown away)
89 Long_t L0TriggerWord() const { return fL0Trigger; } // Returns L0 trigger word
90 Int_t ZDCpart() const { return fZDCpart; } // Returns estimated number of participants by the ZDC
91 Float_t ZDCenergy(Int_t npem) const { return fZDCenergy[npem]; } // Returns reconstructed energy in the neutron(1), proton(2), em(3) ZDC
92 Int_t V0Mult() const { return fV0Collection->GetEntries() ; } // Returns the number of V0s
93 Int_t TrackMult() const { return fTrackCollection->GetEntries() ; } // Returns number of tracks stored in the event
95 Int_t UncorrNegMult(Float_t eta = AliFlowConstants::fgEtaGood) const ; // Returns number of - tracks in eta (-eta;eta)
96 Int_t UncorrPosMult(Float_t eta = AliFlowConstants::fgEtaGood) const ; // Returns number of + tracks in eta (-eta;eta)
97 Int_t MultEta() const ; // Returns multiplicity in |eta|<AliFlowConstants::fgEetaMid
98 UInt_t Centrality() ; // Returns centrality class, if not there, it sets it with MultEta()
99 TVector3 VertexPos() const; // Returns primary vertex position as a TVector3
100 void VertexPos(Float_t vtx[3]) const { for(Int_t ii=0;ii<3;ii++) { vtx[ii] = fVertexPos[ii] ; } } // Returns primary vertex position
102 Float_t ExtPsi(Int_t harN = 0) const { if(harN<AliFlowConstants::kHars) { return fExtPsi[harN] ; } else { return 0. ; } } // external RP angle
103 Float_t ExtRes(Int_t harN = 0) const { if(harN<AliFlowConstants::kHars) { return fExtRes[harN] ; } else { return 0. ; } } // external RP resolution
4e566f2f 105 Double_t CenterOfMassEnergy() const { return AliFlowConstants::fgCenterOfMassEnergy ; } // Returns center of mass energy (5.5 TeV)
106 Double_t MagneticField() const { return AliFlowConstants::fgMagneticField ; } // Returns magnetic field value
107 Short_t BeamMassNumberEast() const { return AliFlowConstants::fgBeamMassNumberEast ; } // Returns beam mass (Pb = 208)
108 Short_t BeamMassNumberWest() const { return AliFlowConstants::fgBeamMassNumberWest ; } // Returns beam mass (Pb = 208)
92016a03 109
110 // Sets
111 void SetEventID(const Int_t& id) { fEventID = id ; } // Sets Event ID and the Event name (name = evtNumber_runId)
112 void SetRunID(Int_t id) { fRunID = id; }
113 void SetOrigMult(UInt_t tracks) { fOrigMult = tracks; }
114 void SetL0TriggerWord(Long_t trigger) { fL0Trigger = trigger; }
115 void SetZDCpart(Int_t zdcp) { fZDCpart = zdcp ; }
116 void SetZDCenergy(Float_t n, Float_t p, Float_t em) { fZDCenergy[0] = n ; fZDCenergy[1] = p ; fZDCenergy[2] = em ; }
117 void SetVertexPos(Float_t v1=0.,Float_t v2=0.,Float_t v3=0.) { fVertexPos[0] = v1 ; fVertexPos[1] = v2 ; fVertexPos[2] = v3 ; }
119 void SetExtPsi(Int_t harN=0, Float_t psi=0.) { if(harN<AliFlowConstants::kHars) { fExtPsi[harN] = psi ; } }
120 void SetExtRes(Int_t harN=0, Float_t res=0.) { if(harN<AliFlowConstants::kHars) { fExtRes[harN] = res ; } }
122 void SetCentrality(Int_t cent) { fCentrality = cent ; } // Set the Centrality Classes to "cent"
123 void SetCentrality() ; // Sets the Centrality Classes basing on Multiplicity at mid rapidity
da5aa0a0 125 static void SetChrSubs() { fgEtaSubs = -1 ; }
126 static void SetRndSubs() { fgEtaSubs = 0 ; }
127 static void SetEtaSubs() { fgEtaSubs = 1 ; }
92016a03 128 static void SetOnePhiWgt() { fgOnePhiWgt = kTRUE ; }
129 static void SetFirstLastPhiWgt() { fgOnePhiWgt = kFALSE ; }
130 static void SetPtWgt(Bool_t ptWgt = kTRUE) { fgPtWgt = ptWgt; }
131 static void SetEtaWgt(Bool_t etaWgt = kTRUE) { fgEtaWgt = etaWgt ; }
132 static void SetNoWgt(Bool_t nowgt = kTRUE) { fgNoWgt = nowgt ; } // still for odd harmonics: Wgt = +1 (positive Eta) or -1 (negative Eta)
4e566f2f 133 static void SetCustomRespFunc(Bool_t crf = kTRUE) { fgCustomRespFunc = crf ; }
92016a03 134
135 void SetBayesian(Double_t bayes[AliFlowConstants::kPid]) const { for(Int_t i=0;i<AliFlowConstants::kPid;i++) { AliFlowConstants::fgBayesian[i] = bayes[i] ; } } // Set the Bayesian vector of particle abundances
136 void SetMagneticField(const Double_t& mf) const { AliFlowConstants::fgMagneticField = mf; }
137 void SetCenterOfMassEnergy(const Double_t& cms) const { AliFlowConstants::fgCenterOfMassEnergy = cms; }
138 void SetBeamMassNumberEast(const Short_t& bme) const { AliFlowConstants::fgBeamMassNumberEast = bme; }
139 void SetBeamMassNumberWest(const Short_t& bmw) const { AliFlowConstants::fgBeamMassNumberWest = bmw; }
141// Fills Weights from Arrays (from file: flowPhiWgt.hist.root)
142 void SetPhiWeight(const AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t& pPhiWgt) { memcpy (fPhiWgt, pPhiWgt, sizeof(AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t)); }
143 void SetPhiWeightPlus(const AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t& pPhiWgtPlus) { memcpy (fPhiWgtPlus, pPhiWgtPlus, sizeof(AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t)); }
144 void SetPhiWeightMinus(const AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t& pPhiWgtMinus) { memcpy (fPhiWgtMinus, pPhiWgtMinus, sizeof(AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t)); }
145 void SetPhiWeightCross(const AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t& pPhiWgtCross) { memcpy (fPhiWgtCross, pPhiWgtCross, sizeof(AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t)); }
30a892e3 146
92016a03 150 // to make the code checker happy
151 AliFlowEvent(const AliFlowEvent &flowEvent) ; // Copy Constructor (dummy)
152 AliFlowEvent &operator=(const AliFlowEvent &flowEvent) ; // Assignment Operator (dummy)
30a892e3 154 // Data Members
155 Int_t fEventID; // ID of the event
156 Int_t fRunID; // ID of the run
157 UInt_t fOrigMult; // Original number of tracks
92016a03 158 Long_t fL0Trigger; // Level 0 trigger
30a892e3 159 Int_t fZDCpart; // ZDC estimated number of participants
160 Float_t fZDCenergy[3]; // ZDC reconstructed energy [neutron,proton,em]
161 Float_t fVertexPos[3]; // primary vertex position
162 Int_t fCentrality; //! Centrality Class (calculated from mult.)
164 // extension
92016a03 165 Float_t fExtPsi[AliFlowConstants::kHars] ; // external RP angle (should be an input)
166 Float_t fExtRes[AliFlowConstants::kHars] ; // external RP resolution (should be an input as well)
30a892e3 167
168 // Tracks & V0s
92016a03 169 TClonesArray* fTrackCollection ; // collection of Flow Tracks
170 TClonesArray* fV0Collection ; // collection of Flow V0s
30a892e3 171
172 // Weights
327288af 173 AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t fPhiWgt; //! flattening weights (single hist)
174 AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t fPhiWgtPlus; //! flattening weights (3 hist) - plus Z
175 AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t fPhiWgtMinus; //! flattening weights (3 hist) - minus Z
176 AliFlowConstants::PhiWgt_t fPhiWgtCross; //! flattening weights (3 hist) - cross Z
177 //Double_t fBayesianCs[AliFlowConstants::kPid] ; //! expected particles abundance (see Bayesian P.Id.)
30a892e3 178
179 // Weighting & Settings
92016a03 180 static Bool_t fgPtWgt; //! flag for pt weighting
181 static Bool_t fgEtaWgt; //! flag for eta weighting for odd harmonics
182 static Bool_t fgOnePhiWgt; //! flag for phi weights (just one hist)
183 static Bool_t fgNoWgt; //! No Weights (Wgt == 1)
4e566f2f 184 static Bool_t fgCustomRespFunc ; //! A custom "detector response function" is used for P.Id
da5aa0a0 185 static Int_t fgEtaSubs; //! Flag type of Sub-Events (0 = random , 1 = eta , -1 = charged)
30a892e3 187
30a892e3 188 // shortcuts (to speed up the execution)
4e566f2f 189 Bool_t fDone ; //! flag setted kTRUE when the loop is done
190 TVector2 fQ[AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! flow vector
191 UInt_t fMult[AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! multiplicity
192 Float_t fSumOfWeightSqr[AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! Sqrt(Sum(wgt)) ~ Sqrt(Mult)
193 TVector2 fQSub[AliFlowConstants::kSubs][AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! flow vector subs
194 UInt_t fMultSub[AliFlowConstants::kSubs][AliFlowConstants::kSels][AliFlowConstants::kHars]; //! multiplicity subs
30a892e3 195
196 ClassDef(AliFlowEvent,2) ; // macro for rootcint