]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG2/FLOW/macros/makeWeights.C
update for subevent phiweights
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG2 / FLOW / macros / makeWeights.C
04c6b875 1//=======================================================================//
2// Macro makeWeights.C is used to make phi, pt and eta weights.
3// Before using the macro makeWeights.C you should already have
4// available the output .root files from various methods stored
5// in the common output file "AnalysisResults.root".
6// When calling this macro you must specify the analysis type
7// and the method whose output file you would like to use
8// to make the weights for the subsequent runs (for cumulants, GFC and QC,
9// you must also specify the cumulant order).
bc1a7705 11
2ed70edf 12//========================= phi-weights ========================
13// Phi-weights are obtained by inverting and normalizing the
14// azimuthal acceptance profile. This procedure isn't applicable
15// if the detector has a gap in azimuthal acceptance (i.e. if
16// there exists a phi bin with no entries in the histogram for
17// detector's azimuthal acceptance profile).
18//========================= pt-weights =========================
19// You can make pt-weights in three different ways:
20// 1.) pt-weights are growing linearly as a function of pt for
21// pt <= ptCutoff. For pt > ptCutoff the pt-weights are
22// constant and equal to ptMax. To enable this option set
23// useLinearPtWeights = kTRUE;
24// 2.) pt-weights are growing quadratically as a function of pt
25// for pt <= ptCutoff. For pt > ptCutoff the pt-weights are
26// constant and equal to ptMax. To enable this option set
27// useQadraticPtWeights = kTRUE;
28// 3.) pt-weights are simply v(pt) from the specified method's
29// result for differential flow vs pt. To enable this option
30// set useLinearPtWeights = kFALSE and useQadraticPtWeights = kFALSE.
31Double_t ptCutoff = 2; // in GeV
32Double_t ptWeightsMax = 0.2;
33Bool_t useLinearPtWeights = kTRUE;
34Bool_t useQuadraticPtWeights = kFALSE;
35//========================= eta-weights ========================
36// Eta-weights are simply v(eta) from the specified method's
37// result for differential flow vs eta.
b25cc698 39
40enum libModes {mLocal,mLocalSource};
b25cc698 41
42//void makeWeights(TString type="", TString method="GFC", TString cumulantOrder="4th", Int_t mode=mLocalSource)
04c6b875 43void makeWeights(TString type="ESD", TString method="", TString cumulantOrder="", Int_t mode=mLocal)
2ed70edf 44{
940a5ed1 45 // 1. type: "ESD", "AOD", "ESDMCkineESD", "ESDMCkineMC", for Monte Carlo and 'on the fly' use simply "", ;
2ed70edf 46 // 2. method: MCEP, LYZ1, LYZ2, LYZEP, SP, FQD, GFC or QC;
47 // 3. cumulantOrder: 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th;
48 // 4. mode: if mode = mLocal -> analyze data on your computer using aliroot
49 // if mode = mLocalSource -> analyze data on your computer using root + source files
d88d29dc 50
2ed70edf 51 // Cross-check if the user's settings make sense:
52 CrossCheckSettings();
54 // Load needed libraries:
55 LoadLibrariesMW(mode);
57 // Name of the common output file:
58 TString outputFileName = "AnalysisResults.root";
d88d29dc 59 TFile *outputFile = NULL;
2ed70edf 60 // Access the common output file:
61 if(!(gSystem->AccessPathName(Form("%s%s%s",gSystem->pwd(),"/",outputFileName.Data()),kFileExists)))
d88d29dc 62 {
2ed70edf 63 outputFile = TFile::Open(outputFileName.Data(),"READ");
64 } else
d88d29dc 65 {
2ed70edf 66 cout<<endl;
67 cout<<"WARNING: Couldn't find the file "<<outputFileName.Data()<<" in "<<endl;
68 cout<<" directory "<<gSystem->pwd()<<" !!!!"<<endl;
69 cout<<endl;
70 exit(0);
71 }
d88d29dc 72
2ed70edf 73 // Access the output file of the specified method in the common output file:
74 TString methodFileName = "output";
75 ((methodFileName.Append(method.Data())).Append("analysis")).Append(type.Data())));
76 TDirectoryFile *methodFile = (TDirectoryFile*)outputFile->FindObjectAny(methodFileName.Data());
77 TList *methodList = NULL;
78 if(methodFile)
6c10242b 79 {
2ed70edf 80 methodFile->GetObject(Form("cobj%s",method.Data()),methodList);
81 if(!methodList)
82 {
83 cout<<endl;
84 cout<<"WARNING: Couldn't access the list "<<methodList->GetName()<<" !!!!"<<endl;
85 cout<<endl;
86 exit(0);
87 }
88 } else
89 {
90 cout<<endl;
91 cout<<"WARNING: Couldn't find the file "<<methodFileName.Data()<<".root in "<<endl;
92 cout<<" common output file "<<gSystem->pwd()<<"/"<<outputFileName.Data()<<" !!!!"<<endl;
93 cout<<endl;
94 exit(0);
95 }
bc1a7705 96
2ed70edf 97 // Accessing common control and results histograms from which phi, pt and eta weights will be made:
bc1a7705 98 AliFlowCommonHist *commonHist = NULL;
99 AliFlowCommonHistResults *commonHistRes = NULL;
2ed70edf 100 if(!(method=="GFC"||method=="QC"))
bc1a7705 101 {
2ed70edf 102 commonHist = dynamic_cast<AliFlowCommonHist*> methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHist%s",method.Data()));
103 commonHistRes = dynamic_cast<AliFlowCommonHistResults*> methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHistResults%s",method.Data()));
104 } else if(method=="GFC") // GFC has distinct common hist results for different cumulant orders (but control histos are the same for different orders)
bc1a7705 105 {
2ed70edf 106 commonHist = dynamic_cast<AliFlowCommonHist*> methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHist%s",method.Data()));
107 commonHistRes = dynamic_cast<AliFlowCommonHistResults*> methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHistResults%sOrder%s",cumulantOrder.Data(),method.Data()));
108 } else // this is for sure QC - treated separately because it has distinct both common control and result histograms for different QC orders
bc1a7705 109 {
2ed70edf 110 commonHist = dynamic_cast<AliFlowCommonHist*> methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHist%sOrder%s",cumulantOrder.Data(),method.Data()));
111 commonHistRes = dynamic_cast<AliFlowCommonHistResults*> methodList->FindObject(Form("AliFlowCommonHistResults%sOrder%s",cumulantOrder.Data(),method.Data()));
bc1a7705 112 }
2ed70edf 113 if(!commonHist)
114 {
115 cout<<endl;
116 cout<<"WARNING: commonHist is NULL !!!!"<<endl;
117 cout<<endl;
118 exit(0);
119 }
120 if(!commonHistRes)
121 {
122 cout<<endl;
123 cout<<"WARNING: commonHistRes is NULL !!!!"<<endl;
124 cout<<endl;
125 exit(0);
126 }
bc1a7705 127
2ed70edf 128 // Making the output file "weights.root" in which list "weights" will be saved.
129 // List "weights" will hold histograms phiWeights, ptWeights and etaWeights which
130 // will hold the phi, pt and eta weights, respectively:
131 TFile *weightsFile = new TFile("weights.root","RECREATE");
132 TList *weightsList = new TList();
133 gStyle->SetOptStat(0); // remove statistic box from all histograms
135 // phi-weights:
136 TH1F *phiWeights = (TH1F*)commonHist->GetHistPhiRP()->Clone("phi_weights"); // to be improved (transferred into TH1D eventually)
137 phiWeights->SetTitle("#phi-weights: correcting for non-uniform acceptance");
138 phiWeights->SetYTitle("w_{#phi}");
139 phiWeights->SetXTitle("#phi");
140 Int_t nBinsPhi = 0; // number of phi bins
141 Int_t counterOfEmptyBinsPhi = 0; // number of empty phi bins
142 Double_t nParticlesInBin = 0.; // number of particles in particular phi bin
143 Double_t nParticlesPerBin = 0.; // average number of particles per phi bin
144 Double_t nParticles = 0.; // number of particles in all phi bins
145 // calculate phi-weights:
146 nBinsPhi = phiWeights->GetNbinsX();
147 nParticles = phiWeights->Integral();
148 if(nBinsPhi) nParticlesPerBin = nParticles/nBinsPhi;
149 for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBinsPhi;b++)
bc1a7705 150 {
2ed70edf 151 Double_t wPhi = 0.; // phi-weight for particular phi bin
152 nParticlesInBin = phiWeights->GetBinContent(b);
153 if(nParticlesInBin)
bc1a7705 154 {
2ed70edf 155 wPhi = nParticlesPerBin/nParticlesInBin;
156 } else
157 {
158 counterOfEmptyBinsPhi++;
159 }
160 phiWeights->SetBinContent(b,wPhi);
161 }
162 if(!counterOfEmptyBinsPhi)
bc1a7705 163 {
2ed70edf 164 weightsList->Add(phiWeights);
165 cout<<"Phi weights created."<<endl;
166 } else
167 {
168 cout<<"WARNING: Couldn't create phi weights because "<<counterOfEmptyBinsPhi<<" phi bins were empty !!!!"<<endl;
169 }
bc1a7705 170
04c6b875 171// phi-weights for eta subevents:
172if (method=="SP"){
173 //subevent 0
174 TH1F *phiWeightsSub0 = (TH1F*)commonHist->
175 GetHistPhiSub0()->Clone("phi_weights_sub0");
176 phiWeightsSub0->SetTitle("#phi-weights for subevent 0");
177 phiWeightsSub0->SetYTitle("w_{#phi}");
178 phiWeightsSub0->SetXTitle("#phi");
179 Int_t nBinsPhiSub0 = 0; // number of phi bins
180 Int_t counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub0 = 0; // number of empty phi bins
181 Double_t nParticlesInBinSub0 = 0.; // number of particles in this phi bin
182 Double_t nParticlesPerBinSub0 = 0.; // average number of particles/bin
183 Double_t nParticlesSub0 = 0.; // number of particles in all phi bins
184 //subevent 1
185 TH1F *phiWeightsSub1 = (TH1F*)commonHist->
186 GetHistPhiSub1()->Clone("phi_weights_sub1");
187 phiWeightsSub1->SetTitle("#phi-weights for subevent 0");
188 phiWeightsSub1->SetYTitle("w_{#phi}");
189 phiWeightsSub1->SetXTitle("#phi");
190 Int_t nBinsPhiSub1 = 0; // number of phi bins
191 Int_t counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub1 = 0; // number of empty phi bins
192 Double_t nParticlesInBinSub1 = 0.; // number of particles in this phi bin
193 Double_t nParticlesPerBinSub1 = 0.; // average number of particles/bin
194 Double_t nParticlesSub1 = 0.; // number of particles in all phi bins
196 // calculate phi-weights for subevent 0:
197 nBinsPhiSub0 = phiWeightsSub0->GetNbinsX();
198 nParticlesSub0 = phiWeightsSub0->Integral();
199 if(nBinsPhiSub0) nParticlesPerBinSub0 = nParticlesSub0/nBinsPhiSub0;
200 for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBinsPhiSub0;b++) {
201 Double_t wPhiSub0 = 0.; // phi-weight for particular phi bin
202 nParticlesInBinSub0 = phiWeightsSub0->GetBinContent(b);
203 if(nParticlesInBinSub0) {
204 wPhiSub0 = nParticlesPerBinSub0/nParticlesInBinSub0;
205 } else {
206 counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub0++;
207 }
208 phiWeightsSub0->SetBinContent(b,wPhiSub0);
209 }
210 if(!counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub0) {
211 weightsList->Add(phiWeightsSub0);
212 cout<<"Phi weights created."<<endl;
213 } else {
214 cout<<"WARNING: Couldn't create phi weights for subevent 0 because "<<counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub0<<" phi bins were empty !!!!"<<endl;
215 }
217 // calculate phi-weights for subevent 1:
218 nBinsPhiSub1 = phiWeightsSub1->GetNbinsX();
219 nParticlesSub1 = phiWeightsSub1->Integral();
220 if(nBinsPhiSub1) nParticlesPerBinSub1 = nParticlesSub1/nBinsPhiSub1;
221 for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBinsPhiSub1;b++) {
222 Double_t wPhiSub1 = 0.; // phi-weight for particular phi bin
223 nParticlesInBinSub1 = phiWeightsSub1->GetBinContent(b);
224 if(nParticlesInBinSub1) {
225 wPhiSub1 = nParticlesPerBinSub1/nParticlesInBinSub1;
226 } else {
227 counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub1++;
228 }
229 phiWeightsSub1->SetBinContent(b,wPhiSub1);
230 }
231 if(!counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub1) {
232 weightsList->Add(phiWeightsSub1);
233 cout<<"Phi weights created."<<endl;
234 } else {
235 cout<<"WARNING: Couldn't create phi weights for subevent 1 because "<<counterOfEmptyBinsPhiSub1<<" phi bins were empty !!!!"<<endl;
236 }
238 }
2ed70edf 240 // pt-weights:
241 Double_t ptMin = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetPtMin();
242 Double_t ptMax = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetPtMax();
243 Int_t nBinsPt = AliFlowCommonConstants::GetMaster()->GetNbinsPt();
244 Double_t ptBinWidth = 0.;
245 if(nBinsPt) ptBinWidth = (ptMax-ptMin)/nBinsPt;
246 TH1D *ptWeights = new TH1D("pt_weights","",nBinsPt,ptMin,ptMax);
247 ptWeights->SetXTitle("p_{t} [GeV]");
248 ptWeights->SetYTitle("w_{p_{T}}");
249 if(useLinearPtWeights)
6c10242b 250 {
2ed70edf 251 ptWeights->SetTitle("Linear p_{T}-weights: optimizing the flow signal");
252 } else if(useQuadraticPtWeights)
253 {
254 ptWeights->SetTitle("Quadratic p_{T}-weights: optimizing the flow signal");
255 } else
256 {
257 ptWeights->SetTitle("Differential flow as p_{T}-weights: optimizing the flow signal");
258 }
259 // calculate pt weights:
260 for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBinsPt;b++)
261 {
262 if(useLinearPtWeights)
6c10242b 263 {
2ed70edf 264 if(ptMin+b*ptBinWidth < ptCutoff)
6c10242b 265 {
2ed70edf 266 ptWeights->SetBinContent(b,(ptMin+b*ptBinWidth)*(ptWeightsMax/ptCutoff));
267 } else
268 {
269 ptWeights->SetBinContent(b,ptWeightsMax);
270 }
271 if(b==nBinsPt)
272 {
273 weightsList->Add(ptWeights);
274 cout<<"Pt weights (linear) created."<<endl;
275 }
276 } else if(useQuadraticPtWeights)
6c10242b 277 {
2ed70edf 278 if(ptMin+b*ptBinWidth < ptCutoff)
279 {
280 ptWeights->SetBinContent(b,pow(ptMin+b*ptBinWidth,2.)*(ptWeightsMax/pow(ptCutoff,2.)));
281 } else
282 {
283 ptWeights->SetBinContent(b,ptWeightsMax);
284 }
285 if(b==nBinsPt)
286 {
287 weightsList->Add(ptWeights);
288 cout<<"Pt weights (quadratic) created."<<endl;
289 }
290 } else // differential flow result is used as a pt-weight:
291 {
292 ptWeights->SetBinContent(b,commonHistRes->GetHistDiffFlowPtPOI()->GetBinContent(b));
293 if(b==nBinsPt)
294 {
295 weightsList->Add(ptWeights);
296 cout<<"Pt weights (from differential flow) created."<<endl;
297 }
298 }
299 } // end of for(Int_t b=1;b<=nBinsPt;b++)
03a02aca 300
2ed70edf 301 // eta-weights:
302 TH1D *etaWeights = commonHistRes->GetHistDiffFlowEtaPOI()->Clone("eta_weights");
303 etaWeights->SetXTitle("#eta [GeV]");
304 etaWeights->SetYTitle("w_{#eta}");
305 etaWeights->SetTitle("Differential flow as #eta-weights: optimizing the flow signal");
306 if(etaWeights)
307 {
308 weightsList->Add(etaWeights);
309 cout<<"Eta weights (from differential flow) created."<<endl;
310 }
312 // Save list holding histogram with weights:
313 weightsFile->WriteObject(weightsList,"weights","SingleKey");
315 cout<<"New file \"weights.root\" created to hold those phi, pt and eta weights."<<endl;
317 delete weightsList;
318 delete weightsFile;
320} // end of void makeWeights(TString type="", TString method="QC", TString cumulantOrder="4th", Int_t mode=mLocal)
03a02aca 321
2ed70edf 322void CrossCheckSettings()
324 // Check in this method if the settings make sense
326 if(useLinearPtWeights && useQuadraticPtWeights)
327 {
328 cout<<endl;
329 cout<<"WARNING: You cannot set useLinearPtWeights and useQuadraticPtWeights to kTRUE"<<endl;
330 cout<<" at the same time. Please make up your mind."<<endl;
331 cout<<endl;
332 exit(0);
333 }
334 if(ptCutoff<0.)
335 {
336 cout<<endl;
337 cout<<"WARNING: It doesn't make much sense to have ptCutoff < 0."<<endl;
338 cout<<endl;
339 exit(0);
340 }
341 if(ptWeightsMax<0.)
342 {
343 cout<<endl;
344 cout<<"WARNING: It doesn't make much sense to have ptWeightsMax < 0."<<endl;
345 cout<<endl;
346 exit(0);
347 }
349} // end of void CrossCheckSettings()
03a02aca 350
2ed70edf 351void LoadLibrariesMW(const libModes mode) {
b25cc698 352
353 //--------------------------------------
354 // Load the needed libraries most of them already loaded by aliroot
355 //--------------------------------------
d88d29dc 356 //gSystem->Load("libTree");
5d040cf3 357 gSystem->Load("libGeom");
358 gSystem->Load("libVMC");
359 gSystem->Load("libXMLIO");
360 gSystem->Load("libPhysics");
b25cc698 361
362 //----------------------------------------------------------
363 // >>>>>>>>>>> Local mode <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
364 //----------------------------------------------------------
365 if (mode==mLocal) {
366 //--------------------------------------------------------
367 // If you want to use already compiled libraries
368 // in the aliroot distribution
369 //--------------------------------------------------------
371 //==================================================================================
372 //load needed libraries:
373 gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ROOTSYS/include");
d88d29dc 374 //gSystem->Load("libTree");
b25cc698 375
376 // for AliRoot
377 gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/include");
5d040cf3 378 gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS");
379 gSystem->Load("libPWG2flowCommon");
d88d29dc 380 //cerr<<"libPWG2flowCommon loaded ..."<<endl;
b25cc698 381
382 }
384 else if (mode==mLocalSource) {
386 // In root inline compile
d90df6c3 387
388 // Constants
389 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowCommonConstants.cxx+");
390 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowLYZConstants.cxx+");
391 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowCumuConstants.cxx+");
393 // Flow event
394 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowVector.cxx+");
7382279b 395 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowTrackSimple.cxx+");
396 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowEvent.cxx+");
d90df6c3 397 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowEventSimple.cxx+");
399 // Cuts
400 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts.cxx+");
b25cc698 401
402 // Output histosgrams
403 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowCommonHist.cxx+");
404 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowCommonHistResults.cxx+");
405 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowLYZHist1.cxx+");
406 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliFlowCommon/AliFlowLYZHist2.cxx+");
408 cout << "finished loading macros!" << endl;
410 }
2ed70edf 412} // end of void LoadLibrariesMW(const libModes mode)
b25cc698 415
03a02aca 417