]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG2/FLOW/macros/runFlowTask.C
Consistent naming for FQD class
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG2 / FLOW / macros / runFlowTask.C
73160af6 1enum anaModes {mLocal,mLocalPAR,mPROOF,mGRID};
2//mLocal: Analyze locally files in your computer using aliroot
3//mLocalPAR: Analyze locally files in your computer using root + PAR files
4//mPROOF: Analyze CAF files with PROOF
73160af6 6// RUN SETTINGS
93329510 7
73160af6 8// Flow analysis method can be:(set to kTRUE or kFALSE)
56857739 9Bool_t SP = kTRUE;
10Bool_t LYZ1SUM = kTRUE;
11Bool_t LYZ1PROD = kTRUE;
c741f5d0 12Bool_t LYZ2SUM = kFALSE;
56857739 13Bool_t LYZ2PROD = kFALSE;
c741f5d0 14Bool_t LYZEP = kFALSE;
56857739 15Bool_t GFC = kTRUE;
16Bool_t QC = kTRUE;
421e92de 17Bool_t FQD = kTRUE;
18Bool_t MCEP = kTRUE; //not for pp
c741f5d0 19
93329510 21
22// Analysis type can be ESD, AOD, MC, ESDMC0, ESDMC1
23const TString type = "ESD";
73160af6 24
25// Boolean to fill/not fill the QA histograms
93329510 26Bool_t QA = kTRUE;
73160af6 27
93329510 28// Boolean to use/not use weights for the Q vector
29Bool_t WEIGHTS[] = {kFALSE,kFALSE,kFALSE}; //Phi, v'(pt), v'(eta)
73160af6 30
2aa4ebcd 32//void runFlowTask(Int_t mode=mLocal, Int_t nRuns = 100,
c741f5d0 33 //const Char_t* dataDir="/data/alice2/kolk/PP/LHC09a4/81119", Int_t offset = 0)
421e92de 34 //const Char_t* dataDir="/data/alice2/kolk/Therminator_midcentral", Int_t offset = 0)
2aa4ebcd 35 //const Char_t* dataDir="/Users/snelling/alice_data/Therminator_midcentral", Int_t offset = 0)
ce4a88f5 36void runFlowTask(Int_t mode=mPROOF, Int_t nRuns = 1000000,
37 const Char_t* dataDir="/COMMON/COMMON/LHC09a14_0.9TeV_0.5T", Int_t offset = 0)
38 //const Char_t* dataDir="/PWG2/akisiel/Therminator_midcentral_ESD", Int_t offset=0)
73160af6 39{
73160af6 40 TStopwatch timer;
41 timer.Start();
93329510 42
73160af6 43 LoadLibraries(mode);
93329510 44
73160af6 45 if (mode==mLocal || mode == mLocalPAR || mode == mGRID) {
93329510 46 if (type!="AOD") { TChain* chain = CreateESDChain(dataDir, nRuns, offset);}
73160af6 47 else { TChain* chain = CreateAODChain(dataDir, nRuns, offset);}
48 }
73160af6 49 //____________________________________________//
50 // Make the analysis manager
51 AliAnalysisManager *mgr = new AliAnalysisManager("FlowAnalysisManager");
93329510 52
73160af6 53 if (type == "ESD"){
54 AliVEventHandler* esdH = new AliESDInputHandler;
55 mgr->SetInputEventHandler(esdH);
4a1a86a5 56
57 AliMCEventHandler *mc = new AliMCEventHandler();
58 mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mc);
93329510 59 }
73160af6 60
61 if (type == "AOD"){
62 AliVEventHandler* aodH = new AliAODInputHandler;
63 mgr->SetInputEventHandler(aodH);
4a1a86a5 64
65 AliMCEventHandler *mc = new AliMCEventHandler();
66 mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mc);
93329510 67 }
73160af6 68
69 if (type == "MC" || type == "ESDMC0" || type == "ESDMC1"){
70 AliVEventHandler* esdH = new AliESDInputHandler;
71 mgr->SetInputEventHandler(esdH);
73 AliMCEventHandler *mc = new AliMCEventHandler();
4a1a86a5 74 mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mc);
75 }
73160af6 76
73160af6 77
73160af6 78 //____________________________________________//
93329510 79 // Load the tasks
80 gROOT->LoadMacro("AddTaskFlow.C");
81 AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent* taskFE = AddTaskFlow(type,METHODS,QA,WEIGHTS);
83 //____________________________________________//
73160af6 84 // Run the analysis
73160af6 85 if (!mgr->InitAnalysis()) return;
86 mgr->PrintStatus();
88 if (mode==mLocal || mode == mLocalPAR) {
89 mgr->StartAnalysis("local",chain);
90 }
91 else if (mode==mPROOF) {
73160af6 92 mgr->StartAnalysis("proof",dataDir,nRuns,offset);
93 }
94 else if (mode==mGRID) {
95 mgr->StartAnalysis("local",chain);
96 }
98 timer.Stop();
99 timer.Print();
93329510 100
73160af6 101}
73160af6 103
93329510 104void LoadLibraries(const anaModes mode) {
106 //--------------------------------------
107 // Load the needed libraries most of them already loaded by aliroot
108 //--------------------------------------
109 gSystem->Load("libTree.so");
110 gSystem->Load("libGeom.so");
111 gSystem->Load("libVMC.so");
112 gSystem->Load("libXMLIO.so");
113 gSystem->Load("libPhysics.so");
115 //----------------------------------------------------------
116 // >>>>>>>>>>> Local mode <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
117 //----------------------------------------------------------
118 if (mode==mLocal) {
119 //--------------------------------------------------------
120 // If you want to use already compiled libraries
121 // in the aliroot distribution
122 //--------------------------------------------------------
123 gSystem->Load("libSTEERBase");
124 gSystem->Load("libESD");
125 gSystem->Load("libAOD");
126 gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS");
127 gSystem->Load("libANALYSISalice");
128 gSystem->Load("libCORRFW.so");
129 cerr<<"libCORRFW.so loaded..."<<endl;
130 gSystem->Load("libPWG2flowCommon.so");
131 cerr<<"libPWG2flowCommon.so loaded..."<<endl;
132 gSystem->Load("libPWG2flowTasks.so");
133 cerr<<"libPWG2flowTasks.so loaded..."<<endl;
134 }
136 else if (mode == mLocalPAR || mode == mGRID) {
137 //--------------------------------------------------------
138 //If you want to use root and par files from aliroot
139 //--------------------------------------------------------
140 SetupPar("STEERBase");
141 SetupPar("ESD");
142 SetupPar("AOD");
143 SetupPar("ANALYSIS");
144 SetupPar("ANALYSISalice");
145 SetupPar("PWG2AOD");
146 SetupPar("CORRFW");
147 SetupPar("PWG2flowCommon");
148 cerr<<"PWG2flowCommon.par loaded..."<<endl;
149 SetupPar("PWG2flowTasks");
150 cerr<<"PWG2flowTasks.par loaded..."<<endl;
151 }
153 //---------------------------------------------------------
154 // <<<<<<<<<< PROOF mode >>>>>>>>>>>>
155 //---------------------------------------------------------
156 else if (mode==mPROOF) {
157 //
159 // set to debug root versus if needed
2aa4ebcd 160 //TProof::Mgr("alicecaf")->SetROOTVersion("v5-24-00a_dbg");
161 TProof::Mgr("alicecaf")->SetROOTVersion("v5-24-00a");
93329510 163
164 // Connect to proof
165 // Put appropriate username here
166 // TProof::Reset("proof://snelling@alicecaf.cern.ch");
167 printf("*** Connect to PROOF ***\n");
168 // TProof::Open("abilandz@alicecaf.cern.ch");
169 // TProof::Open("nkolk@alicecaf.cern.ch");
170 TProof::Open("snelling@localhost");
172 // Enable the STEERBase Package
173 // gProof->ClearPackage("STEERBase.par");
174 gProof->UploadPackage("STEERBase.par");
175 gProof->EnablePackage("STEERBase");
176 // Enable the ESD Package
177 // gProof->ClearPackage("ESD.par");
178 gProof->UploadPackage("ESD.par");
179 gProof->EnablePackage("ESD");
180 // Enable the AOD Package
181 // gProof->ClearPackage("AOD.par");
182 gProof->UploadPackage("AOD.par");
183 gProof->EnablePackage("AOD");
184 // Enable the Analysis Package
185 // gProof->ClearPackage("ANALYSIS.par");
186 gProof->UploadPackage("ANALYSIS.par");
187 gProof->EnablePackage("ANALYSIS");
188 // Enable the Analysis Package alice
189 // gProof->ClearPackage("ANALYSISalice.par");
190 gProof->UploadPackage("ANALYSISalice.par");
191 gProof->EnablePackage("ANALYSISalice");
192 // Load the PWG2 AOD
193 // gProof->ClearPackage("PWG2AOD.par");
194 gProof->UploadPackage("PWG2AOD.par");
195 gProof->EnablePackage("PWG2AOD");
196 // Enable the Correction Framework
197 // gProof->ClearPackage("CORRFW.par");
198 gProof->UploadPackage("CORRFW.par");
199 gProof->EnablePackage("CORRFW");
200 // Enable Flow Analysis
2aa4ebcd 201 gProof->ClearPackage("PWG2flowCommon");
93329510 202 gProof->UploadPackage("PWG2flowCommon.par");
203 gProof->EnablePackage("PWG2flowCommon");
2aa4ebcd 204 gProof->ClearPackage("PWG2flowTasks");
93329510 205 gProof->UploadPackage("PWG2flowTasks.par");
206 gProof->EnablePackage("PWG2flowTasks");
207 //
208 gProof->ShowEnabledPackages();
209 }
73160af6 211}
213void SetupPar(char* pararchivename) {
93329510 214 //Load par files, create analysis libraries
215 //For testing, if par file already decompressed and modified
216 //classes then do not decompress.
218 TString cdir(Form("%s", gSystem->WorkingDirectory() )) ;
219 TString parpar(Form("%s.par", pararchivename)) ;
220 if ( gSystem->AccessPathName(parpar.Data()) ) {
221 gSystem->ChangeDirectory(gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")) ;
222 TString processline(Form(".! make %s", parpar.Data())) ;
223 gROOT->ProcessLine(processline.Data()) ;
224 gSystem->ChangeDirectory(cdir) ;
225 processline = Form(".! mv /tmp/%s .", parpar.Data()) ;
226 gROOT->ProcessLine(processline.Data()) ;
227 }
228 if ( gSystem->AccessPathName(pararchivename) ) {
229 TString processline = Form(".! tar xvzf %s",parpar.Data()) ;
230 gROOT->ProcessLine(processline.Data());
231 }
233 TString ocwd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();
234 gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pararchivename);
236 // check for BUILD.sh and execute
237 if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) {
238 printf("*******************************\n");
239 printf("*** Building PAR archive ***\n");
240 cout<<pararchivename<<endl;
241 printf("*******************************\n");
242 if (gSystem->Exec("PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) {
243 Error("runProcess","Cannot Build the PAR Archive! - Abort!");
244 return -1;
245 }
246 }
247 // check for SETUP.C and execute
248 if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C")) {
249 printf("*******************************\n");
250 printf("*** Setup PAR archive ***\n");
251 cout<<pararchivename<<endl;
252 printf("*******************************\n");
253 gROOT->Macro("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C");
254 }
256 gSystem->ChangeDirectory(ocwd.Data());
257 printf("Current dir: %s\n", ocwd.Data());
73160af6 258}
261// Helper macros for creating chains
262// from: CreateESDChain.C,v 1.10 jgrosseo Exp
264TChain* CreateESDChain(const char* aDataDir, Int_t aRuns, Int_t offset)
93329510 266 // creates chain of files in a given directory or file containing a list.
267 // In case of directory the structure is expected as:
268 // <aDataDir>/<dir0>/AliESDs.root
269 // <aDataDir>/<dir1>/AliESDs.root
270 // ...
272 if (!aDataDir)
273 return 0;
275 Long_t id, size, flags, modtime;
276 if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(aDataDir, &id, &size, &flags, &modtime))
277 {
278 printf("%s not found.\n", aDataDir);
279 return 0;
280 }
282 TChain* chain = new TChain("esdTree");
283 TChain* chaingAlice = 0;
285 if (flags & 2)
286 {
287 TString execDir(gSystem->pwd());
288 TSystemDirectory* baseDir = new TSystemDirectory(".", aDataDir);
289 TList* dirList = baseDir->GetListOfFiles();
290 Int_t nDirs = dirList->GetEntries();
291 gSystem->cd(execDir);
293 Int_t count = 0;
295 for (Int_t iDir=0; iDir<nDirs; ++iDir)
73160af6 296 {
297 TSystemFile* presentDir = (TSystemFile*) dirList->At(iDir);
298 if (!presentDir || !presentDir->IsDirectory() || strcmp(presentDir->GetName(), ".") == 0 || strcmp(presentDir->GetName(), "..") == 0)
299 continue;
301 if (offset > 0)
302 {
303 --offset;
304 continue;
305 }
307 if (count++ == aRuns)
308 break;
310 TString presentDirName(aDataDir);
311 presentDirName += "/";
312 presentDirName += presentDir->GetName();
313 chain->Add(presentDirName + "/AliESDs.root/esdTree");
314 // cerr<<presentDirName<<endl;
315 }
93329510 316
317 }
318 else
319 {
320 // Open the input stream
321 ifstream in;
322 in.open(aDataDir);
324 Int_t count = 0;
326 // Read the input list of files and add them to the chain
327 TString esdfile;
328 while(in.good()) {
73160af6 329 in >> esdfile;
330 if (!esdfile.Contains("root")) continue; // protection
332 if (offset > 0)
333 {
334 --offset;
335 continue;
336 }
338 if (count++ == aRuns)
339 break;
93329510 341 // add esd file
73160af6 342 chain->Add(esdfile);
93329510 343 }
345 in.close();
346 }
348 return chain;
73160af6 349}
93329510 351
73160af6 352// Helper macros for creating chains
353// from: CreateESDChain.C,v 1.10 jgrosseo Exp
355TChain* CreateAODChain(const char* aDataDir, Int_t aRuns, Int_t offset)
93329510 357 // creates chain of files in a given directory or file containing a list.
358 // In case of directory the structure is expected as:
359 // <aDataDir>/<dir0>/AliAOD.root
360 // <aDataDir>/<dir1>/AliAOD.root
361 // ...
363 if (!aDataDir)
364 return 0;
366 Long_t id, size, flags, modtime;
367 if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(aDataDir, &id, &size, &flags, &modtime))
368 {
369 printf("%s not found.\n", aDataDir);
370 return 0;
371 }
373 TChain* chain = new TChain("aodTree");
374 TChain* chaingAlice = 0;
376 if (flags & 2)
377 {
378 TString execDir(gSystem->pwd());
379 TSystemDirectory* baseDir = new TSystemDirectory(".", aDataDir);
380 TList* dirList = baseDir->GetListOfFiles();
381 Int_t nDirs = dirList->GetEntries();
382 gSystem->cd(execDir);
384 Int_t count = 0;
386 for (Int_t iDir=0; iDir<nDirs; ++iDir)
73160af6 387 {
388 TSystemFile* presentDir = (TSystemFile*) dirList->At(iDir);
389 if (!presentDir || !presentDir->IsDirectory() || strcmp(presentDir->GetName(), ".") == 0 || strcmp(presentDir->GetName(), "..") == 0)
390 continue;
392 if (offset > 0)
393 {
394 --offset;
395 continue;
396 }
398 if (count++ == aRuns)
399 break;
401 TString presentDirName(aDataDir);
402 presentDirName += "/";
403 presentDirName += presentDir->GetName();
404 chain->Add(presentDirName + "/AliAOD.root/aodTree");
405 // cerr<<presentDirName<<endl;
406 }
93329510 407
408 }
409 else
410 {
411 // Open the input stream
412 ifstream in;
413 in.open(aDataDir);
415 Int_t count = 0;
417 // Read the input list of files and add them to the chain
418 TString aodfile;
419 while(in.good()) {
73160af6 420 in >> aodfile;
421 if (!aodfile.Contains("root")) continue; // protection
423 if (offset > 0)
424 {
425 --offset;
426 continue;
427 }
429 if (count++ == aRuns)
430 break;
93329510 432 // add aod file
73160af6 433 chain->Add(aodfile);
93329510 434 }
436 in.close();
437 }
439 return chain;
73160af6 440}