]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnMiniOutput.h
Macros to plot QA train output
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG2 / RESONANCES / AliRsnMiniOutput.h
03d23846 1#ifndef ALIRSNMINIOUTPUT_H
5// Mini-Output
6// All the definitions needed for building a RSN histogram
7// including:
8// -- properties of resonance (mass, PDG code if needed)
9// -- properties of daughters (assigned mass, charges)
10// -- definition of output histogram
13#include "AliRsnDaughter.h"
14#include "AliRsnMiniParticle.h"
16class THnSparse;
17class TList;
18class TH1;
20class TList;
21class TClonesArray;
22class AliRsnMiniAxis;
23class AliRsnMiniPair;
24class AliRsnMiniEvent;
26typedef AliRsnDaughter::ESpecies RSNPID;
28class AliRsnMiniOutput : public TNamed {
31 enum EOutputType {
32 kHistogram,
33 kHistogramSparse,
34 kTypes
35 };
37 enum EComputation {
38 kEventOnly,
39 kTrackPair,
40 kTrackPairMix,
6aaeb33c 41 kTrackPairRotated1,
42 kTrackPairRotated2,
03d23846 43 kTruePair,
44 kMother,
45 kComputations
46 };
48 AliRsnMiniOutput();
49 AliRsnMiniOutput(const char *name, EOutputType type, EComputation src = kTrackPair);
50 AliRsnMiniOutput(const char *name, const char *outType, const char *compType);
51 AliRsnMiniOutput(const AliRsnMiniOutput &copy);
52 AliRsnMiniOutput& operator=(const AliRsnMiniOutput &copy);
54 Bool_t IsEventOnly() const {return (fComputation == kEventOnly);}
55 Bool_t IsTrackPair() const {return (fComputation == kTrackPair);}
56 Bool_t IsTrackPairMix() const {return (fComputation == kTrackPairMix);}
57 Bool_t IsTruePair() const {return (fComputation == kTruePair);}
58 Bool_t IsMother() const {return (fComputation == kMother);}
59 Bool_t IsDefined() const {return (IsEventOnly() || IsTrackPair() || IsTrackPairMix() || IsTruePair() || IsMother());}
d573d2fb 60 Bool_t IsLikeSign() const {return (fCharge[0] == fCharge[1]);}
61 Bool_t IsSameCut() const {return (fCutID[0] == fCutID[1]);}
62 Bool_t IsSymmetric() const {return (IsLikeSign() && IsSameCut());}
03d23846 63
64 EOutputType GetOutputType() const {return fOutputType;}
65 EComputation GetComputation() const {return fComputation;}
66 Int_t GetCutID(Int_t i) const {if (i <= 0) return fCutID [0]; else return fCutID [1];}
67 RSNPID GetDaughter(Int_t i) const {if (i <= 0) return fDaughter[0]; else return fDaughter[1];}
68 Double_t GetMass(Int_t i) const {return AliRsnDaughter::SpeciesMass(GetDaughter(i));}
69 Int_t GetPDG(Int_t i) const {return AliRsnDaughter::SpeciesPDG(GetDaughter(i));}
70 Int_t GetCharge(Int_t i) const {if (i <= 0) return fCharge[0]; else return fCharge[1];}
71 Int_t GetMotherPDG() const {return fMotherPDG;}
72 Double_t GetMotherMass() const {return fMotherMass;}
74 void SetOutputType(EOutputType type) {fOutputType = type;}
75 void SetComputation(EComputation src) {fComputation = src;}
76 void SetCutID(Int_t i, Int_t value) {if (i <= 0) fCutID [0] = value; else fCutID [1] = value;}
77 void SetDaughter(Int_t i, RSNPID value) {if (i <= 0) fDaughter[0] = value; else fDaughter[1] = value;}
78 void SetCharge(Int_t i, Char_t value) {if (i <= 0) fCharge[0] = value; else fCharge[1] = value;}
79 void SetMotherPDG(Int_t pdg) {fMotherPDG = pdg;}
80 void SetMotherMass(Double_t mass) {fMotherMass = mass;}
81 void SetPairCuts(AliRsnCutSet *set) {fPairCuts = set;}
83 void AddAxis(Int_t id, Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max);
84 void AddAxis(Int_t id, Double_t min, Double_t max, Double_t step);
85 void AddAxis(Int_t id, Int_t nbins, Double_t *values);
86 AliRsnMiniAxis* GetAxis(Int_t i) {if (i >= 0 && i < fAxes.GetEntries()) return (AliRsnMiniAxis*)fAxes[i]; return 0x0;}
87 Double_t* GetAllComputed() {return fComputed.GetArray();}
89 AliRsnMiniPair& Pair() {return fPair;}
90 Bool_t Init(const char *prefix, TList *list);
45aa62b9 91 Bool_t FillMother(const AliRsnMiniPair *pair, AliRsnMiniEvent *event, TClonesArray *valueList);
92 Bool_t FillEvent(AliRsnMiniEvent *event, TClonesArray *valueList);
d573d2fb 93 Int_t FillPair(AliRsnMiniEvent *event1, AliRsnMiniEvent *event2, TClonesArray *valueList, Bool_t refFirst = kTRUE);
03d23846 94
97 void CreateHistogram(const char *name);
98 void CreateHistogramSparse(const char *name);
45aa62b9 99 void ComputeValues(AliRsnMiniEvent *event, TClonesArray *valueList);
100 void FillHistogram();
03d23846 101
102 EOutputType fOutputType; // type of output
103 EComputation fComputation; // type of computation
104 Int_t fCutID[2]; // ID of cut set used to select tracks
105 RSNPID fDaughter[2]; // species of daughters
106 Char_t fCharge[2]; // required track charge
107 Int_t fMotherPDG; // PDG code of resonance
108 Double_t fMotherMass; // nominal resonance mass
109 AliRsnCutSet *fPairCuts; // cuts on the pair
111 Int_t fOutputID; // index of output object in container list
112 TClonesArray fAxes; // definitions for the axes of each value
113 TArrayD fComputed; //! temporary container for all computed values
114 AliRsnMiniPair fPair; //! minipair for computations
115 TList *fList; //! pointer to the TList containing the output
117 ClassDef(AliRsnMiniOutput,1) // AliRsnMiniOutput class