]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG2/UNICOR/AliUnicorAnalCorrel.cxx
Fixing warnings
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG2 / UNICOR / AliUnicorAnalCorrel.cxx
621688e4 1/*************************************************************************
2* Copyright(c) 1998-2048, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3* *
4* Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5* Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6* *
7* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
16// Author: Dariusz Miskowiec <mailto:d.miskowiec@gsi.de> 2005
19// two-particle correlation analyzer
20// Loop over pairs and fill pair histograms. The first particle is always
21// taken from ev0 and the second from ev1 so for ev0=ev1 one is getting true
22// pairs, otherwise mixed ones.
25#include <TROOT.h>
26#include <TMath.h>
27#include <TRandom2.h>
28#include "AliUnicorEvent.h"
29#include "AliUnicorHN.h"
30#include "AliUnicorAnalCorrel.h"
35AliUnicorAnalCorrel::AliUnicorAnalCorrel(Char_t *nam, Double_t emi, Double_t ema,
36 Int_t pid0, Int_t pid1):
37 AliUnicorAnal(nam), fPid0(pid0), fPid1(pid1), fMass0(0), fMass1(0), fPa()
39 // constructor
40 // emi and ema define the rapidity range for histogram
42 TParticlePDG *part0 = AliUnicorAnal::fgPDG.GetParticle(fPid0);
43 TParticlePDG *part1 = AliUnicorAnal::fgPDG.GetParticle(fPid1);
44 fMass0 = part0? part0->Mass() : 0;
45 fMass1 = part1? part1->Mass() : 0;
621688e4 46 double pi = TMath::Pi();
c6fc7f72 47
48 // correlation function
76d78859 50 //int npt = 7; double ptbins[]={0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.7,1.0};
51 //int npt = 6; double ptbins[]={0,0.1,0.25,0.35,0.55,1.0,2.0}; // like Adam, except last bin split
52 int npt = 7; double ptbins[]={0,0.1,0.25,0.40,0.55,0.7,1.0,2.0}; // like Adam in Mar-2010, + first+last
c6fc7f72 54 double qbins[100];
55 for (int i=0;i<20;i++) qbins[i]=i*0.005;
56 for (int i=0;i<45;i++) qbins[20+i]=0.1+i*0.02;
621688e4 58 TAxis *ax[8];
59 ax[0] = new TAxis(3,-0.5,2.5);ax[0]->SetTitle("trumixrot");
040da09c 60 ax[1] = new TAxis(5,0,1.0); ax[1]->SetTitle("centrality");
76d78859 61 ax[2] = new TAxis(3,emi,ema); ax[2]->SetTitle("y"); // pair y
62 // ax[3] = new TAxis(8,-pi,pi); ax[3]->SetTitle("phi"); // wrt event plane
63 ax[3] = new TAxis(1,-pi,pi); ax[3]->SetTitle("phi"); // wrt event plane
64 ax[4] = new TAxis(npt,ptbins);ax[4]->SetTitle("kt (GeV/c)"); // pair pt/2
621688e4 65 ax[5] = new TAxis(8,0,pi); ax[5]->SetTitle("q-theta");
66 ax[6] = new TAxis(16,-pi,pi); ax[6]->SetTitle("q-phi");
040da09c 67 //ax[7] = new TAxis(64,qbins); ax[7]->SetTitle("q (GeV/c)");
76d78859 68 ax[7] = new TAxis(150,0,3.0); ax[7]->SetTitle("q (GeV/c)");
621688e4 69 AliUnicorHN *pair = new AliUnicorHN("pair",8,ax);
70 for (int i=0; i<8; i++) delete ax[i];
71 fHistos.Add(pair);
c6fc7f72 72
76d78859 73 // correlation function bin monitor (needed to get <kt> etc.)
75 ax[0] = new TAxis(5,0,1); ax[0]->SetTitle("centrality");
76 ax[1] = new TAxis(30,emi,ema); ax[1]->SetTitle("y"); // pair y
77 ax[2] = new TAxis(100,0,2); ax[2]->SetTitle("kt (GeV/c)"); // pair pt/2
78 AliUnicorHN *bimo = new AliUnicorHN("bimo",3,ax);
79 for (int i=0; i<3; i++) delete ax[i];
80 fHistos.Add(bimo);
c6fc7f72 82 // two-track resolution monitoring histogram
84 ax[0] = new TAxis(3,-0.5,2.5); ax[0]->SetTitle("trumixrot");
85 ax[1] = new TAxis(2,-0.5,1.5); ax[1]->SetTitle("cut applied");
76d78859 86 ax[2] = new TAxis(npt,ptbins); ax[2]->SetTitle("(pair pt)/2 (GeV)");
c6fc7f72 87 ax[3] = new TAxis(80,-0.02,0.02); ax[3]->SetTitle("dtheta");
88 ax[4] = new TAxis(80,-0.04,0.04); ax[4]->SetTitle("dphi");
89 AliUnicorHN *twot = new AliUnicorHN("twot",5,ax);
90 for (int i=0; i<5; i++) delete ax[i];
91 fHistos.Add(twot);
621688e4 93 gROOT->cd();
94 printf("%s object named %s created\n",ClassName(),GetName());
c6fc7f72 97void AliUnicorAnalCorrel::Process(Int_t tmr, const AliUnicorEvent * const ev0, const AliUnicorEvent * const ev1, Double_t phirot)
621688e4 98{
99 // process pairs from one or two (if mixing) events
100 // tmr tells which histogram (bins) to fill: tru,mix,rot
102 // Could be possibly accelerated by checking the "good particle" only once
103 // and caching the result. (Maybe the optimizer does it already.)
105 static TRandom2 ran;
106 AliUnicorHN *pair = (AliUnicorHN*) fHistos.At(0);
76d78859 107 AliUnicorHN *bimo = (AliUnicorHN*) fHistos.At(1);
108 AliUnicorHN *twot = (AliUnicorHN*) fHistos.At(2);
621688e4 109
110 // mixing-and-rotating-proof centrality and reaction plane angle
111 // (but not rotation-proof for rotation angles much different from 0 and 180)
112 // true and rotated pairs are within the triangle (j<i), mixed - all
113 // thus, proper rotation is either by 180, or by 170 AND 190, etc.
115 double cent = (ev0->Centrality()+ev1->Centrality())/2.0;
116 double q0x,q0y,q1x,q1y;
117 ev0->RP(q0x,q0y);
118 ev1->RP(q1x,q1y);
119 double rpphi = atan2(q0y+q1y,q0x+q1x);
121 // loop over pairs
123 for (int i=0; i<ev0->NParticles(); i++) {
124 if (!ev0->ParticleGood(i,fPid0)) continue;
125 for (int j=0; j<ev1->NParticles(); j++) {
126 if (ev0==ev1 && j<i && fPid0==fPid1 ) continue;
127 if (ev0==ev1 && j==i) continue; // beware, not even when rotated or non-identical
128 if (!ev1->ParticleGood(j,fPid1)) continue;
621688e4 129 fPa.Set0(fMass0,ev0->ParticleP(i),ev0->ParticleTheta(i),ev0->ParticlePhi(i));
130 fPa.Set1(fMass1,ev1->ParticleP(j),ev1->ParticleTheta(j),ev1->ParticlePhi(j)+phirot);
131 if (ev0==ev1 && fPid0==fPid1 && ran.Rndm()>=0.5) fPa.Swap();
c6fc7f72 132 twot->Fill((double) tmr, 0.0, fPa.Pt()/2.0, fPa.DTheta(), fPa.DPhi(),1.0);
133 if (!ev0->PairGood(ev0->ParticleP(i),ev0->ParticleTheta(i),ev0->ParticlePhi(i),
134 ev1->ParticleP(j),ev1->ParticleTheta(j),ev1->ParticlePhi(j)+phirot)) continue;
135 twot->Fill((double) tmr, 1.0, fPa.Pt()/2.0, fPa.DTheta(), fPa.DPhi(),1.0);
621688e4 136 fPa.CalcLAB();
137 fPa.CalcPairCM();
76d78859 138 //fPa.CalcLcmsCM();
621688e4 139 if (fPa.QCM()==0) return; // should not be too frequent
140 double phi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(fPa.Phi()-rpphi);
040da09c 141 double weigth = 1.0;
76d78859 142 // if (tmr==0) weigth = 1.0+0.5*exp(-fPa.QCM()*fPa.QCM()*1*1/0.197/0.197);
c6fc7f72 143 pair->Fill((double) tmr, // 0 for tru, 1 for mix, 2 for rot
621688e4 144 cent, // centrality
145 fPa.Rapidity(), // pair rapidity
146 phi, // pair phi wrt reaction plane
147 fPa.Pt()/2.0, // half of pair pt
148 fPa.QCMTheta(), // polar angle of Q
149 fPa.QCMPhiOut(), // azimuthal angle of Q w.r.t. out
150 fPa.QCM(), // |p2-p1| in c.m.s.
040da09c 151 weigth); // weigth
76d78859 152 if (tmr) continue;
153 if (fPa.QCM()>0.2) continue;
154 bimo->Fill(cent, fPa.Rapidity(), fPa.Pt()/2.0, 1.0);
621688e4 155 }
156 }