]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG3/muon/AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG3 / muon / AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC.cxx
4c904d93 1/**************************************************************************
2 * This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project *
3 * All rights reserved. *
4 * *
5 * Primary Authors: *
6 * Artur Szostak <artursz@iafrica.com> *
7 * *
8 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
9 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
10 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
11 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
12 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
13 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
14 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
15 **************************************************************************/
18/// @file AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC.cxx
19/// @author Artur Szostak <artursz@iafrica.com>
20/// @date 27 Oct 2008
21/// @brief Implementation of the AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC task.
23/// The AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC connects reconstructed tracks found in the ESD
24/// to their corresponding Monte Carlo (MC) tracks via the proximity of their
25/// hit coordinates. Each ESD track is copied over to an AOD track and put into
26/// the AOD event container, but the AOD track label is filled such that the
27/// AOD track label is the same as the MC track label.
28/// If a MC track could not be found for a given ESD track then -1 is filled
29/// into the AOD track label.
30/// The corresponding MC track is found by correlating the reconstructed track
31/// clusters with the MC track references. For each cluster the closest track
32/// reference coordinate is found and a chi-squared value is computed for each
33/// X and Y dimension independently. The chi-square's are summed up and the MC
34/// track with the smallest total chi-squared is chosen as the best match to
35/// the ESD track.
37/// The following cuts control the conditions under which we consider a MC track
38/// to match a given ESD track:
39/// 1) SigmaCut(Double_t value) - This is maximum distance expressed in standard
40/// deviations that is allowed between a reconstructed cluster coordinate
41/// and the MC track reference coordinate. The condition is expressed as:
42/// (x_{cluster} - x_{trackref})^2 / (sigma_{x})^2 < #sigma_{cut}
43/// This conditions is applied to each X and Y dimension respectively and
44/// cluster / track reference pairs that do not pass this cut are considered
45/// not to match.
46/// 2) MinClusters(Int_t value) - Indicates the minimum number of clusters that
47/// must be matched to a track reference from a MC track for the ESD and
48/// MC track to be considered to match.
49/// The following are absolute cuts which are used mainly as a speed optimisation
50/// so as to skip over cluster / track reference pairs that are far away from
51/// each other early.
52/// 3) HardCutLimitX(Double_t value) - The absolute maximum distance in centimetres
53/// allowed between a cluster's X coordinate and a track reference's X coordinate.
54/// If a cluster / track reference pair does not pass this condition then the
55/// pair is considered not to match.
56/// 4) HardCutLimitY(Double_t value) - Similar to HardCutLimitX but applied to the
57/// Y dimension of the cluster and track reference coordinate.
58/// 5) HardCutLimitZ(Double_t value) - Similar to HardCutLimitX but applied to the
59/// Z dimension.
61/// The analysis task also optionally generates histograms which show can be used
62/// to check the quality of the correlation between ESD and MC tracks.
63/// The histograms are generated in 2D for the pT and rapidity variable,
64/// and are called:
65/// 1) findableTracksHist - Filled with the MC tracks which should in principle
66/// be findable by the reconstruction software. A findable track is defined
67/// by the IsFindable method.
68/// 2) foundTracksHistMC - Filled with the MC information for each muon track that
69/// was found in the ESD and for which we could match its corresponding MC track.
70/// 3) foundTracksHist - Filled just like the foundTracksHistMC histogram, but with
71/// the momentum information taken from the ESD track and not the corresponding
72/// MC track.
73/// 4) fakeTracksHist - Filled with all the ESD tracks for which we could not find
74/// its matching MC track and assume it is a fake track.
75/// These histograms are filled by default, but can be disabled by using the
76/// GenerateHistograms(false) method call.
79#include "AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC.h"
80#include "AliESDEvent.h"
81#include "AliESDMuonTrack.h"
82#include "AliESDMuonCluster.h"
83#include "AliMCEvent.h"
84#include "AliMCParticle.h"
85#include "AliAODVertex.h"
86#include "AliAODEvent.h"
87#include "AliAODTrack.h"
88#include "AliTrackReference.h"
89#include "AliStack.h"
90#include "AliLog.h"
91#include "TObjArray.h"
92#include "TCanvas.h"
93#include "TMath.h"
94#include "TMap.h"
95#include "TList.h"
96#include "TH2D.h"
97#include "TStyle.h"
805e576c 99ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC)
4c904d93 100
102void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::HardCutLimitX(Double_t value)
104 /// Sets the absolute maximum distance in centimetres between the cluster
105 /// and track reference that is allowed in the X direction.
107 if (value >= 0)
108 {
109 fHardCutLimitX = value;
110 }
111 else
112 {
113 AliWarning("Setting value for fHardCutLimitX which is negative."
114 " Will set it to a positive value."
115 );
116 fHardCutLimitX = TMath::Abs(value);
117 }
121void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::HardCutLimitY(Double_t value)
123 /// Sets the absolute maximum distance in centimetres between the cluster
124 /// and track reference that is allowed in the Y direction.
126 if (value >= 0)
127 {
128 fHardCutLimitY = value;
129 }
130 else
131 {
132 AliWarning("Setting value for fHardCutLimitY which is negative."
133 " Will set it to a positive value."
134 );
135 fHardCutLimitY = TMath::Abs(value);
136 }
140void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::HardCutLimitZ(Double_t value)
142 /// Sets the absolute maximum distance in centimetres between the cluster
143 /// and track reference that is allowed in the Z direction.
145 if (value >= 0)
146 {
147 fHardCutLimitZ = value;
148 }
149 else
150 {
151 AliWarning("Setting value for fHardCutLimitZ which is negative."
152 " Will set it to a positive value."
153 );
154 fHardCutLimitZ = TMath::Abs(value);
155 }
159Double_t AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::SigmaCut() const
161 /// Returns the maximum sigma value to allow for each X and Y dimension
162 /// between clusters and track references.
164 return TMath::Sqrt(fSigmaCut2);
168Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::ChamberMustMatch(Int_t chamber) const
170 /// Returns the flag indicating if the ESD track cluster on the given
171 /// chamber must match a corresponding track reference to be valid.
172 /// \param chamber The chamber number must be in the range 1 to 14.
174 if (chamber >= 1 and chamber <= 14)
175 {
176 return fChamberMustMatch[chamber-1];
177 }
178 else
179 {
180 AliError(Form("The chamber number %d is invalid. Expected a value"
181 " in the range [1..14]. Will return a value of 'false'.",
182 chamber
183 ));
184 return false;
185 }
189void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::ChamberMustMatch(Int_t chamber, Bool_t value)
191 /// Set the flag indicating if the ESD track cluster on the given chamber
192 /// must match a corresponding track reference to be valid.
193 /// \param chamber The chamber number must be in the range 1 to 14.
194 /// \param value The new value to set to.
196 if (chamber >= 1 and chamber <= 14)
197 {
198 fChamberMustMatch[chamber-1] = value;
199 }
200 else
201 {
202 AliError(Form("The chamber number %d is invalid. Expected a value"
203 " in the range [1..14]. Will not set any fChamberMustMatch flag.",
204 chamber
205 ));
206 }
210Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::StationMustMatch(Int_t station) const
212 /// Returns the flag indicating if at least one ESD track cluster on the
213 /// given station must match a corresponding track reference to be valid.
214 /// \param station The station number must be in the range 1..7. Station
215 /// 1 to 5 are the tracking stations while 6 is MT1 and 7 is MT2.
217 if (station >= 1 and station <= 7)
218 {
219 return fStationMustMatch[station-1];
220 }
221 else
222 {
223 AliError(Form("The station number %d is invalid. Expected a value"
224 " in the range [1..7]. Will return a value of 'false'.",
225 station
226 ));
227 return false;
228 }
232void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::StationMustMatch(Int_t station, Bool_t value)
234 /// Sets the flag indicating if at least one ESD track cluster on the
235 /// given station must match a corresponding track reference to be valid.
236 /// \param station The station number must be in the range 1..7. Station
237 /// 1 to 5 are the tracking stations while 6 is MT1 and 7 is MT2.
238 /// \param value The new value to set to.
240 if (station >= 1 and station <= 7)
241 {
242 fStationMustMatch[station-1] = value;
243 }
244 else
245 {
246 AliError(Form("The station number %d is invalid. Expected a value"
247 " in the range [1..7]. Will not set any fStationMustMatch flag.",
248 station
249 ));
250 }
254AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC() :
255 AliAnalysisTaskSE(),
256 fHistos(NULL),
257 fFindableHist(NULL),
258 fFoundHistMC(NULL),
259 fFoundHist(NULL),
260 fFakeHist(NULL),
261 fHardCutLimitX(4.), // cm
262 fHardCutLimitY(4.), // cm
263 fHardCutLimitZ(4.), // cm
264 fVarX(0.144*0.144), // cm^2
265 fVarY(0.01*0.01), // cm^2
266 fSigmaCut2(5*5), // sigma^2
267 fMinClusters(6),
268 fMinClustersInSt12(0), // no minimum requirement for stations 1 and 2.
269 fMinClustersInSt45(3), // 3 hits required on station 4 and 5 by default.
270 fMakeHists(true), // Generate histograms for monitoring by default
271 fUseZCoordinate(false) // Just use detElemId to match in the Z direction.
273 /// Default constructor.
274 /// Sets input slot 0 to TChain input for ESDs, output slot 0 to TTree
275 /// for AODs and output slot 1 to TList for the list of output histograms.
276 /// The output histograms generated are to cross check the quality of the
277 /// correlation and their generation can be turned off with
278 /// AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::GenerateHistograms(false).
280 // Do not force any matching for particular chambers by default.
281 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 14; i++)
282 {
283 fChamberMustMatch[i] = false;
284 }
285 // Only force a minimum of 1 hit to be matched on stations 1, 2 and 3 by default.
286 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
287 {
288 fStationMustMatch[i] = true;
289 }
290 for (Int_t i = 3; i < 7; i++)
291 {
292 fStationMustMatch[i] = false;
293 }
295 DefineOutput(1, TList::Class());
299AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC(const char* name) :
300 AliAnalysisTaskSE(name),
301 fHistos(NULL),
302 fFindableHist(NULL),
303 fFoundHistMC(NULL),
304 fFoundHist(NULL),
305 fFakeHist(NULL),
306 fHardCutLimitX(4.), // cm
307 fHardCutLimitY(4.), // cm
308 fHardCutLimitZ(4.), // cm
309 fVarX(0.144*0.144), // cm^2
310 fVarY(0.01*0.01), // cm^2
311 fSigmaCut2(5*5), // sigma^2
312 fMinClusters(6),
313 fMinClustersInSt12(0), // no minimum requirement for stations 1 and 2.
314 fMinClustersInSt45(3), // 3 hits required on station 4 and 5 by default.
315 fMakeHists(true), // Generate histograms for monitoring by default
316 fUseZCoordinate(false) // Just use detElemId to match in the Z direction.
318 /// Constructor with a task name.
319 /// Sets input slot 0 to TChain input for ESDs, output slot 0 to TTree
320 /// for AODs and output slot 1 to TList for the list of output histograms
321 /// storing histograms generated to cross check the quility of the
322 /// correlation.
323 /// \param name The name of the task.
325 // Do not force any matching for particular chambers by default.
326 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 14; i++)
327 {
328 fChamberMustMatch[i] = false;
329 }
330 // Only force a minimum of 1 hit to be matched on stations 1, 2 and 3 by default.
331 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
332 {
333 fStationMustMatch[i] = true;
334 }
335 for (Int_t i = 3; i < 7; i++)
336 {
337 fStationMustMatch[i] = false;
338 }
340 DefineOutput(1, TList::Class());
344void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::UserCreateOutputObjects()
346 /// Creates the output histograms containing findable tracks, found tracks
347 /// and fake tracks. The binning range for all histograms is 30 bins along
348 /// the pT dimension (X direction) from 0 to 20 GeV/c and 30 bins in the
349 /// rapidity dimension (Y direction) form -4 to -2.4 units.
351 fHistos = new TList;
353 char name[1024];
354 char title[1024];
356 Int_t nBinsX = 30;
357 Double_t minX = 0.;
358 Double_t maxX = 20.;
359 Int_t nBinsY = 30;
360 Double_t minY = -4.;
361 Double_t maxY = -2.4;
363 sprintf(name, "findableTracksHist");
364 sprintf(title, "Findable tracks");
365 fFindableHist = new TH2D(name, title, nBinsX, minX, maxX, nBinsY, minY, maxY);
366 fFindableHist->SetXTitle("p_{T} [GeV/c]");
367 fFindableHist->SetYTitle("Rapidity (Y)");
368 fHistos->Add(fFindableHist);
370 sprintf(name, "foundTracksHistMC");
371 sprintf(title, "Found tracks (filled with Monte Carlo kinematic information)");
372 fFoundHistMC = new TH2D(name, title, nBinsX, minX, maxX, nBinsY, minY, maxY);
373 fFoundHistMC->SetXTitle("p_{T} [GeV/c]");
374 fFoundHistMC->SetYTitle("Rapidity (Y)");
375 fHistos->Add(fFoundHistMC);
377 sprintf(name, "foundTracksHist");
378 sprintf(title, "Found tracks (filled with reconstructed kinematic information)");
379 fFoundHist = new TH2D(name, title, nBinsX, minX, maxX, nBinsY, minY, maxY);
380 fFoundHist->SetXTitle("p_{T} [GeV/c]");
381 fFoundHist->SetYTitle("Rapidity (Y)");
382 fHistos->Add(fFoundHist);
384 sprintf(name, "fakeTracksHist");
385 sprintf(title, "Fake tracks");
386 fFakeHist = new TH2D(name, title, nBinsX, minX, maxX, nBinsY, minY, maxY);
387 fFakeHist->SetXTitle("p_{T} [GeV/c]");
388 fFakeHist->SetYTitle("Rapidity (Y)");
389 fHistos->Add(fFakeHist);
393void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::UserExec(Option_t* /*option*/)
395 /// This is the top level method that performs the work of the task.
396 /// It will fill the histograms for quality checking with the Monte
397 /// Carlo (MC) information if they are to be generated.
398 /// The input event is then processed which must be of type AliESDEvent.
399 /// For all the ESD muon tracks we try to find the corresponding MC
400 /// track and build a TMap for the mapping.
401 /// If the AOD output event is available then it is filled with AOD
402 /// tracks which copy the information form the ESD track and the AOD
403 /// track label is filled with the corresponding MC track label.
404 /// If a corresponding MC track could not be found then the AOD track
405 /// label is filled with -1.
406 /// Finally the checking histograms are further filled with the ESD
407 /// information based on the ESD to MC track map.
409 if (fMakeHists and
410 (fFindableHist == NULL or fFoundHistMC == NULL or fFoundHist == NULL or fFakeHist == NULL)
411 )
412 {
413 AliError("Histograms have not been created.");
414 return;
415 }
417 if (fMakeHists and MCEvent() != NULL) FillHistsFromMC();
419 if (InputEvent() != NULL)
420 {
421 if (InputEvent()->IsA() == AliESDEvent::Class())
422 {
423 if (MCEvent() != NULL)
424 {
425 TMap links;
426 FindLinksToMC(links);
427 if (AODEvent() != NULL) CreateAODTracks(links);
428 if (fMakeHists) FillHistsFromLinks(links);
429 }
430 else
431 {
432 AliError("To process the ESD event we must have the Monte Carlo data also.");
433 }
434 }
435 else
436 {
437 AliError(Form("The input event is of type \"%s\". Do not know how to handle it so it will be skipped.",
438 InputEvent()->ClassName()
439 ));
440 }
441 }
443 if (fMakeHists) PostData(1, fHistos);
447void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::Terminate(Option_t* /*option*/)
449 /// The terminate method will draw the histograms filled by this task if
450 /// they were filled by setting appropriate flag with the
451 /// GenerateHistograms(true) method, which is the default.
453 if (fMakeHists)
454 {
455 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
456 new TCanvas;
457 fFindableHist->DrawCopy("colz");
458 new TCanvas;
459 fFoundHistMC->DrawCopy("colz");
460 new TCanvas;
461 fFoundHist->DrawCopy("colz");
462 new TCanvas;
463 fFakeHist->DrawCopy("colz");
465 AliInfo(Form("Findable tracks = %d", Int_t(fFindableHist->GetEntries()) ));
466 AliInfo(Form("Found tracks = %d", Int_t(fFoundHistMC->GetEntries()) ));
467 AliInfo(Form("Fake tracks = %d", Int_t(fFakeHist->GetEntries()) ));
468 }
472bool AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::IsFindable(AliMCParticle* track) const
474 /// This method is used to identify if a Monte Carlo (MC) track is in principle
475 /// findable in the muon spectrometer.
476 /// This means the MC track must be a muon particle and leave at least one track
477 /// reference point on either chamber in each tracking station.
478 /// \param track The MC track to check.
479 /// \returns true if the track is findable by the muon spectrometer
480 /// and false otherwise.
481 /// \note The definition of track find-ability does not affect the correlation
482 /// between ESD and MC tracks nor the generation of the AOD output tracks,
483 /// only the histogram of findable tracks is effected if it is generated at all.
485 // Select only muons.
486 if (TMath::Abs(track->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) != 13) return false;
488 // Build hit mask for chambers.
489 bool hitOnCh[14];
490 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 14; i++)
491 {
492 hitOnCh[i] = false;
493 }
494 for (Int_t i = 0; i < track->GetNumberOfTrackReferences(); i++)
495 {
496 AliTrackReference* ref = track->GetTrackReference(i);
497 if (ref->DetectorId() != AliTrackReference::kMUON) continue;
498 Int_t chamberId = ref->UserId() / 100 - 1;
499 if (0 <= chamberId and chamberId < 14)
500 {
501 hitOnCh[chamberId] = true;
502 }
503 }
505 // Check that enough hits are available on all tracking chambers.
506 bool hitOnSt1 = hitOnCh[0] or hitOnCh[1];
507 bool hitOnSt2 = hitOnCh[2] or hitOnCh[3];
508 bool hitOnSt3 = hitOnCh[4] or hitOnCh[5];
509 bool hitOnSt4 = hitOnCh[6] or hitOnCh[7];
510 bool hitOnSt5 = hitOnCh[8] or hitOnCh[9];
512 return (hitOnSt1 and hitOnSt2 and hitOnSt3 and hitOnSt4 and hitOnSt5);
516void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::FillHistsFromMC()
518 /// Fills the histogram containing findable tracks from the MC event information.
519 /// Only MC tracks for which the IsFindable method returns true are added
520 /// to the histogram.
522 for (Int_t i = 0; i < MCEvent()->GetNumberOfTracks(); i++)
523 {
7aad0c47 524 AliMCParticle* mcTrack = (AliMCParticle*) MCEvent()->GetTrack(i);
4c904d93 525
526 // Select only reconstructible tracks to fill into findable hist.
527 if (IsFindable(mcTrack))
528 {
529 fFindableHist->Fill(mcTrack->Pt(), mcTrack->Y());
530 }
531 }
535void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::FillHistsFromLinks(TMap& links)
537 /// Fills the histograms containing found tracks and fake tracks.
538 /// Found tracks are all those that have a ESD muon track in the ESD event
539 /// and for which a corresponding MC track could be found.
540 /// Fake tracks are ESD muon tracks for which no corresponding MC track
541 /// could be matched so it is considered a fake track.
542 /// \param links This contains the mapping between ESD muon tracks and
543 /// MC tracks. ESD tracks for which no MC track could be matched should
544 /// have the "value" of the key/value pair in the mapping set to NULL.
546 TIter itmap(links.GetTable());
547 TPair* pair = NULL;
548 while ( (pair = static_cast<TPair*>(itmap())) != NULL )
549 {
550 if (pair->Value() != NULL)
551 {
552 AliESDMuonTrack* esdTrack = static_cast<AliESDMuonTrack*>(pair->Key());
553 fFoundHist->Fill(esdTrack->Pt(), esdTrack->Y());
555 AliMCParticle* mcTrack = static_cast<AliMCParticle*>(pair->Value());
556 fFoundHistMC->Fill(mcTrack->Pt(), mcTrack->Y());
557 }
558 else
559 {
560 AliESDMuonTrack* esdTrack = static_cast<AliESDMuonTrack*>(pair->Key());
561 fFakeHist->Fill(esdTrack->Pt(), esdTrack->Y());
562 }
563 }
567void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::CreateAODTracks(TMap& links)
569 /// This code is copied from AliAnalysisTaskESDMuonFilter::ConvertESDtoAOD with
570 /// modifications to fill the MC track label using the ESD to MC track mapping.
571 /// \param links This is the mapping between ESD tracks and MC tracks.
573 // ESD Muon Filter analysis task executed for each event
574 AliESDEvent* esd = dynamic_cast<AliESDEvent*>(InputEvent());
576 // Define arrays for muons
577 Double_t pos[3];
578 Double_t p[3];
579 Double_t pid[10];
581 // has to be changed once the muon pid is provided by the ESD
805be8a6 582 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 10; pid[i++] = 0.) {}
4c904d93 583 pid[AliAODTrack::kMuon]=1.;
585 AliAODHeader* header = AODEvent()->GetHeader();
586 AliAODTrack *aodTrack = 0x0;
587 AliESDMuonTrack *esdMuTrack = 0x0;
589 // Access to the AOD container of tracks
590 TClonesArray &tracks = *(AODEvent()->GetTracks());
591 Int_t jTracks = tracks.GetEntriesFast();
593 // Read primary vertex from AOD event
594 AliAODVertex *primary = AODEvent()->GetPrimaryVertex();
595 if (primary != NULL) primary->Print();
597 // Loop on muon tracks to fill the AOD track branch
598 Int_t nMuTracks = esd->GetNumberOfMuonTracks();
599 printf("Number of Muon Tracks=%d\n",nMuTracks);
601 // Update number of positive and negative tracks from AOD event (M.G.)
602 Int_t nPosTracks = header->GetRefMultiplicityPos();
603 Int_t nNegTracks = header->GetRefMultiplicityNeg();
605 for (Int_t nMuTrack = 0; nMuTrack < nMuTracks; ++nMuTrack)
606 {
607 esdMuTrack = esd->GetMuonTrack(nMuTrack);
609 //if (!esdMuTrack->ContainTrackerData()) continue;
611 UInt_t selectInfo = 0;
613 p[0] = esdMuTrack->Px();
614 p[1] = esdMuTrack->Py();
615 p[2] = esdMuTrack->Pz();
617 pos[0] = esdMuTrack->GetNonBendingCoor();
618 pos[1] = esdMuTrack->GetBendingCoor();
619 pos[2] = esdMuTrack->GetZ();
621 Int_t label = -1;
622 TPair* pair = static_cast<TPair*>( links.FindObject(esdMuTrack) );
623 if (pair != NULL and pair->Value() != NULL)
624 {
625 AliMCParticle* mcTrack = static_cast<AliMCParticle*>(pair->Value());
626 label = mcTrack->GetLabel();
627 if (label == -1)
628 {
629 AliWarning("The MC track was set to -1.");
630 }
631 }
633 aodTrack = new(tracks[jTracks++]) AliAODTrack(
634 esdMuTrack->GetUniqueID(), // ID
635 label, // label
636 p, // momentum
637 kTRUE, // cartesian coordinate system
638 pos, // position
639 kFALSE, // isDCA
640 0x0, // covariance matrix
641 esdMuTrack->Charge(), // charge
642 0, // ITSClusterMap
643 pid, // pid
644 primary, // primary vertex
645 kFALSE, // used for vertex fit?
646 kFALSE, // used for primary vertex fit?
647 AliAODTrack::kPrimary,// track type
648 selectInfo
649 );
651 aodTrack->SetXYAtDCA(esdMuTrack->GetNonBendingCoorAtDCA(), esdMuTrack->GetBendingCoorAtDCA());
652 aodTrack->SetPxPyPzAtDCA(esdMuTrack->PxAtDCA(), esdMuTrack->PyAtDCA(), esdMuTrack->PzAtDCA());
653 aodTrack->ConvertAliPIDtoAODPID();
654 aodTrack->SetChi2perNDF(esdMuTrack->GetChi2() / (2.*esdMuTrack->GetNHit() - 5.));
655 aodTrack->SetChi2MatchTrigger(esdMuTrack->GetChi2MatchTrigger());
656 aodTrack->SetHitsPatternInTrigCh(esdMuTrack->GetHitsPatternInTrigCh());
657 aodTrack->SetMuonClusterMap(esdMuTrack->GetMuonClusterMap());
658 aodTrack->SetMatchTrigger(esdMuTrack->GetMatchTrigger());
660 if (primary != NULL) primary->AddDaughter(aodTrack);
662 if (esdMuTrack->Charge() > 0) nPosTracks++;
663 else nNegTracks++;
664 }
666 header->SetRefMultiplicity(jTracks);
667 header->SetRefMultiplicityPos(nPosTracks);
668 header->SetRefMultiplicityNeg(nNegTracks);
670 // Note: we do not have to call PostData for the AOD because the AliAnalysisTaskSE
671 // base class already does so just after the UserExec.
675void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::FindLinksToMC(TMap& links)
677 /// Finds all MC tracks that correspond to their ESD tracks and creates a
678 /// mapping between the ESD tracks and MC tracks which is filled into the
679 /// 'links' TMap object.
680 /// \param links This will be filled with the ESD and MC track pairs which
681 /// have been matched. Thus, for each ESD track which is set as the TMap key,
682 /// the corresponding MC track is identified by the TMap value. If no
683 /// MC track could be matched then the MC track value is set to NULL.
685 // Algorithm description for connecting reconstructed ESD muon tracks to MC:
686 //
687 // Build ESD track list
688 // Build MC track list
689 // while ESD track list not empty and MC track list not empty:
690 // Find ESD/MC track pair with best compatibility.
691 // if no pair is compatible then break loop.
692 // Store found pair in return list.
693 // Remove pair from ESD and MC track list.
694 // Mark remaining tracks in ESD track list as fakes.
695 //
696 // To find ESD/MC track pair with best compatibility:
697 // bestQuality := 1e100
698 // bestESDTrack := nil
699 // bestMCTrack := nil
700 // for each ESD track:
701 // for each MC track:
702 // chi^2 / numOfClustersMatched := calculate compatibility
703 // if tracks are compatible and chi^2 / numOfClustersMatched < bestQuality then:
704 // bestQuality := chi^2 / noOfClustersMatched
705 // bestESDTrack := current ESD track
706 // bestMCTrack := current MC track
707 //
708 // To calculate compatibility (ESD track, MC track):
709 // chi^2 := 1e100
710 // numberOfClustersAssociated := 0
711 // for each cluster in ESD track:
712 // find nearest 2 track refs from MC track
713 // if 2 track refs found then find average of them into MChit
714 // else MChit := nearest ref track.
715 // k := calculate chi^2 distance between ESD cluster and MChit
716 // if k <= maxValue then:
717 // chi^2 := chi^2 + k
718 // numberOfClustersAssociated := numberOfClustersAssociated + 1
719 // else:
720 // chi^2 := chi^2 + maxAllowedChi2
721 // if numberOfClustersAssociated >= minGoodClusters then:
722 // return (compatible, chi^2)
723 // else:
724 // return (not compatible, 1e100)
726 AliESDEvent* esd = static_cast<AliESDEvent*>(InputEvent());
728 TObjArray esdTracks;
729 TObjArray mcTracks;
730 for (Int_t i = 0; i < esd->GetNumberOfMuonTracks(); i++)
731 {
732 esdTracks.Add(esd->GetMuonTrack(i));
733 }
734 for (Int_t i = 0; i < MCEvent()->GetNumberOfTracks(); i++)
735 {
736 mcTracks.Add(MCEvent()->GetTrack(i));
737 }
739 while (not esdTracks.IsEmpty() and not mcTracks.IsEmpty())
740 {
741 Double_t bestQuality = 1e100;
742 Int_t bestNoOfClusters = 0;
743 AliESDMuonTrack* bestEsdTrack = NULL;
744 AliMCParticle* bestMcTrack = NULL;
745 TIter itesd(&esdTracks);
746 TIter itmc(&mcTracks);
747 AliESDMuonTrack* esdTrack = NULL;
748 AliMCParticle* mcTrack = NULL;
750 // Find the ESD and MC track pair that matches the best.
751 while ( (esdTrack = static_cast<AliESDMuonTrack*>(itesd())) != NULL )
752 {
753 while ( (mcTrack = static_cast<AliMCParticle*>(itmc())) != NULL )
754 {
755 Double_t chi2 = 1e100;
756 bool tracksCompatible = false;
757 Int_t noOfClusters = 0;
758 CalculateTrackCompatibility(esdTrack, mcTrack, tracksCompatible, chi2, noOfClusters);
759 Double_t quality = noOfClusters > 0 ? chi2 / Double_t(noOfClusters) : 1e100;
760 if (tracksCompatible and quality < bestQuality and noOfClusters >= bestNoOfClusters)
761 {
762 bestQuality = quality;
763 bestNoOfClusters = noOfClusters;
764 bestEsdTrack = esdTrack;
765 bestMcTrack = mcTrack;
766 }
767 }
768 itmc.Reset();
769 }
771 // If no track pair could be matched then we are done because we
772 // will not be able to match anything more next time.
773 if (bestMcTrack == NULL) break;
775 links.Add(bestEsdTrack, bestMcTrack);
777 esdTracks.Remove(bestEsdTrack);
778 mcTracks.Remove(bestMcTrack);
779 }
781 // Add all remaining ESD tracks which could not be matched to any MC track
782 // to the mapping but with NULL for the MC track.
783 TIter itesd(&esdTracks);
784 AliESDMuonTrack* esdTrack = NULL;
785 while ( (esdTrack = static_cast<AliESDMuonTrack*>(itesd())) != NULL )
786 {
787 links.Add(esdTrack, NULL);
788 }
792void AliAnalysisTaskLinkToMC::CalculateTrackCompatibility(
793 AliESDMuonTrack* esdTrack, AliMCParticle* mcTrack,
794 bool& tracksCompatible, Double_t& chi2, Int_t& noOfClusters
795 )
797 /// Calculates the compatibility between a ESD and MC track pair.
798 /// For each cluster of the ESD track, two track references are found
799 /// which are spatially closest to it. If the distance between the cluster
800 /// and track reference is larger than the HardCutLimit*() parameters then
801 /// the track reference is not used. The average coordinate is calculated
802 /// from the two track references found and the chi-square between the cluster
803 /// and average coordinate is calculated. If only one track reference is
804 /// found then it is used for the calculation without taking an average.
805 /// If no track references are found then the cluster is not matched and
806 /// we continue to the next cluster.
807 /// If the chi-squared value for the cluster / track reference pair is
808 /// larger than that allowed by the SigmaCut() parameter then the cluster
809 /// is also considered not to be matched.
810 /// The tracks are compatible if the ESD track has a minimum number of
811 /// clusters matched with MC track references from the MC track.
812 /// [in] \param esdTrack The ESD track we are trying to match.
813 /// [in] \param mcTrack The MC track we are trying to match the ESD track to.
814 /// [out] \param tracksCompatible Filled with true if the given esdTrack
815 /// and mcTrack are compatible.
816 /// [out] \param chi2 Filled with the total chi-squared calculated for all
817 /// matched clusters.
818 /// [out] \param noOfClusters Filled with the number of clusters that were
819 /// matched to at least one track reference.
821 chi2 = 0;
822 noOfClusters = 0;
823 tracksCompatible = false;
824 Int_t noOfClustersSt12 = 0;
825 Int_t noOfClustersSt45 = 0;
826 bool chamberMatched[14] = {
827 false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
828 false, false, false, false, false, false, false
829 };
830 bool stationMatched[7] = {
831 false, false, false, false, false, false, false
832 };
834 for (Int_t i = 0; i < esdTrack->GetNClusters(); i++)
835 {
836 AliESDMuonCluster* cluster = static_cast<AliESDMuonCluster*>( esdTrack->GetClusters()[i] );
837 Double_t varX = cluster->GetErrX2();
838 Double_t varY = cluster->GetErrY2();
839 // If the variance is zero then use the default one or just 1
840 // if the default is also not set.
841 if (varX == 0) varX = fVarX != 0 ? fVarX : 1.;
842 if (varY == 0) varY = fVarY != 0 ? fVarY : 1.;
844 Double_t chi2A = 1e100;
845 AliTrackReference* refA = NULL;
846 Double_t chi2B = 1e100;
847 AliTrackReference* refB = NULL;
849 for (Int_t j = 0; j < mcTrack->GetNumberOfTrackReferences(); j++)
850 {
851 AliTrackReference* ref = mcTrack->GetTrackReference(j);
853 if (ref->DetectorId() != AliTrackReference::kMUON) continue;
854 if (ref->UserId() != cluster->GetDetElemId()) continue;
856 Double_t dx = ref->X() - cluster->GetX();
857 if (TMath::Abs(dx) > fHardCutLimitX) continue;
858 Double_t dy = ref->Y() - cluster->GetY();
859 if (TMath::Abs(dy) > fHardCutLimitY) continue;
860 if (fUseZCoordinate)
861 {
862 Double_t dz = ref->Z() - cluster->GetZ();
863 if (TMath::Abs(dz) > fHardCutLimitZ) continue;
864 }
866 Double_t chi2sum = dx*dx / varX + dy*dy / varY;
867 if (chi2sum < chi2A)
868 {
869 // Copy track reference A to B and set new value for A
870 chi2B = chi2A;
871 refB = refA;
872 chi2A = chi2sum;
873 refA = ref;
874 }
875 else if (chi2sum < chi2B)
876 {
877 // Track reference A still has smaller chi2 so just replace B.
878 chi2B = chi2sum;
879 refB = ref;
880 }
881 }
883 Double_t x = 0, y = 0;
884 if (refA != NULL and refB != NULL)
885 {
886 // Average the track references if 2 were found.
887 x = (refA->X() + refB->X()) * 0.5;
888 y = (refA->Y() + refB->Y()) * 0.5;
889 }
890 else if (refA != NULL)
891 {
892 x = refA->X();
893 y = refA->Y();
894 }
895 else
896 {
897 continue; // no track reference hit found.
898 }
900 Double_t dx = x - cluster->GetX();
901 Double_t dy = y - cluster->GetY();
903 Double_t chi2x = dx*dx / varX;
904 if (chi2x > fSigmaCut2) continue;
905 Double_t chi2y = dy*dy / varY;
906 if (chi2y > fSigmaCut2) continue;
908 chi2 += chi2x + chi2y;
909 noOfClusters++;
910 if (cluster->GetChamberId() >= 0 and cluster->GetChamberId() < 4)
911 {
912 noOfClustersSt12++;
913 }
914 if (cluster->GetChamberId() >= 6 and cluster->GetChamberId() < 10)
915 {
916 noOfClustersSt45++;
917 }
919 if (0 <= cluster->GetChamberId() and cluster->GetChamberId() < 14)
920 {
921 chamberMatched[cluster->GetChamberId()] = true;
922 stationMatched[cluster->GetChamberId()/2] = true;
923 }
924 }
926 // Need to check that all the chambers and stations that had to match we
927 // actually found matching track references.
929 bool forcedChambersMatched = true;
930 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 14; i++)
931 {
932 if (fChamberMustMatch[i] and not chamberMatched[i])
933 {
934 forcedChambersMatched = false;
935 }
936 }
937 bool forcedStationsMatched = true;
938 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 7; i++)
939 {
940 if (fStationMustMatch[i] and not stationMatched[i])
941 {
942 forcedStationsMatched = false;
943 }
944 }
946 if (noOfClusters >= fMinClusters and
947 noOfClustersSt12 >= fMinClustersInSt12 and
948 noOfClustersSt45 >= fMinClustersInSt45 and
949 forcedChambersMatched and forcedStationsMatched
950 )
951 {
952 tracksCompatible = true;
953 }