]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG3/vertexingHF/RunAnalysisAODVertexingHF.C
Coding conventions (O. Borysov)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG3 / vertexingHF / RunAnalysisAODVertexingHF.C
8931206f 1class AliAnalysisGrid;
54d54d1a 2class AliAnalysisAlien;
8931206f 3
4void RunAnalysisAODVertexingHF()
6 //
7 // Test macro for AliAnalysisTaskSE's for heavy-flavour candidates
8 // It has the structure of a Analysis Train:
9 // - in this macro, change things related to running mode
10 // and input preparation
11 // - add your task using a AddTaskXXX macro
12 //
13 // A.Dainese, andrea.dainese@lnl.infn.it
14 // "grid" mode added by R.Bala, bala@to.infn.it
15 //
8931206f 19 //
20 TString trainName = "D2H";
21 TString analysisMode = "grid"; // "local", "grid", or "proof"
22 TString inputMode = "list"; // "list", "xml", or "dataset"
23 Long64_t nentries=123567890,firstentry=0;
9124d874 24 Bool_t useParFiles=kFALSE;
8931206f 25 Bool_t useAlienPlugin=kTRUE;
7dc1b6b2 26 TString pluginmode="full";
8931206f 27 Bool_t saveProofToAlien=kFALSE;
28 TString proofOutdir = "";
29 TString loadMacroPath="$ALICE_ROOT/PWG3/vertexingHF/macros/";
30 //TString loadMacroPath="./"; // this is normally needed for CAF
31 //
33 if(analysisMode=="grid") {
34 // Connect to AliEn
35 TGrid::Connect("alien://");
36 } else if(analysisMode=="proof") {
37 // Connect to the PROOF cluster
38 if(inputMode!="dataset") {printf("Input mode must be dataset, for proof analysis\n"); return;}
39 gEnv->SetValue("XSec.GSI.DelegProxy","2");
40 TProof::Open("alicecaf");
41 //TProof::Reset("alicecaf");
42 if(saveProofToAlien) {
43 TGrid::Connect("alien://");
44 if(gGrid) {
45 TString homedir = gGrid->GetHomeDirectory();
46 TString workdir = homedir + trainName;
47 if(!gGrid->Cd(workdir)) {
48 gGrid->Cd(homedir);
49 if(gGrid->Mkdir(workdir)) {
50 gGrid->Cd(trainName);
51 ::Info("VertexingTrain::Connect()", "Directory %s created", gGrid->Pwd());
52 }
53 }
54 gGrid->Mkdir("proof_output");
55 gGrid->Cd("proof_output");
56 proofOutdir = Form("alien://%s", gGrid->Pwd());
57 }
58 }
59 }
62 // AliRoot libraries
63 if(analysisMode=="local" || analysisMode=="grid") {
64 TString loadLibraries="LoadLibraries.C"; loadLibraries.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
65 gROOT->LoadMacro(loadLibraries.Data());
66 LoadLibraries(useParFiles);
67 } else if (analysisMode=="proof") {
68 gSystem->Load("libTree.so");
69 gSystem->Load("libGeom.so");
70 gSystem->Load("libPhysics.so");
71 gSystem->Load("libVMC.so");
72 gSystem->Load("libMinuit.so");
73 // Enable the needed packages
74 //gProof->ClearPackages();
75 TString parDir="/afs/cern.ch/user/d/dainesea/code/";
76 TString parFile;
77 if(!useParFiles) {
78 gProof->UploadPackage("AF-v4-17");
79 gProof->EnablePackage("AF-v4-17");
80 // --- Enable the PWG3vertexingHF Package
81 parFile="PWG3vertexingHF.par"; parFile.Prepend(parDir.Data());
82 gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data());
83 gProof->EnablePackage("PWG3vertexingHF");
84 } else {
85 // --- Enable the STEERBase Package
86 parFile="STEERBase.par"; parFile.Prepend(parDir.Data());
87 gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data());
88 gProof->EnablePackage("STEERBase");
89 // --- Enable the ESD Package
90 parFile="ESD.par"; parFile.Prepend(parDir.Data());
91 gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data());
92 gProof->EnablePackage("ESD");
93 // --- Enable the AOD Package
94 parFile="AOD.par"; parFile.Prepend(parDir.Data());
95 gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data());
96 gProof->EnablePackage("AOD");
97 // --- Enable the ANALYSIS Package
98 parFile="ANALYSIS.par"; parFile.Prepend(parDir.Data());
99 gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data());
100 gProof->EnablePackage("ANALYSIS");
101 // --- Enable the ANALYSISalice Package
102 parFile="ANALYSISalice.par"; parFile.Prepend(parDir.Data());
103 gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data());
104 gProof->EnablePackage("ANALYSISalice");
105 // --- Enable the CORRFW Package
106 parFile="CORRFW.par"; parFile.Prepend(parDir.Data());
107 gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data());
108 gProof->EnablePackage("CORRFW");
109 // --- Enable the PWG3base Package
110 parFile="PWG3base.par"; parFile.Prepend(parDir.Data());
111 gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data());
112 gProof->EnablePackage("PWG3base");
113 // --- Enable the PWG3vertexingHF Package
114 parFile="PWG3vertexingHF.par"; parFile.Prepend(parDir.Data());
115 gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data());
116 gProof->EnablePackage("PWG3vertexingHF");
117 // --- Enable the PWG3muon Package
118 parFile="PWG3muon.par"; parFile.Prepend(parDir.Data());
119 gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data());
120 gProof->EnablePackage("PWG3muon");
121 }
122 gProof->ShowEnabledPackages(); // show a list of enabled packages
123 }
126 // Create Alien plugin, if requested
127 if(useAlienPlugin) {
128 if(analysisMode!="grid") {printf("Analysis mode must be grid, to use alien plugin\n"); return;}
129 AliAnalysisGrid *alienHandler = CreateAlienHandler(pluginmode,useParFiles);
130 if(!alienHandler) return;
131 }
134 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
135 // Prepare input
136 TChain *chainAOD = 0;
137 TString dataset; // for proof
139 if(!useAlienPlugin) {
cc3209fb 140 TString makeAODInputChain="../MakeAODInputChain.C"; makeAODInputChain.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
8931206f 141 if(inputMode=="list") {
142 // Local files
143 gROOT->LoadMacro(makeAODInputChain.Data());
144 chainAOD = MakeAODInputChain();// with this it reads ./AliAOD.root and ./AliAOD.VertexingHF.root
145 //chainAOD = MakeAODInputChain("alien:///alice/cern.ch/user/r/rbala/newtrain/out_lhc08x/180100/",1,1);
146 printf("ENTRIES %d\n",chainAOD->GetEntries());
147 } else if(inputMode=="xml") {
148 // xml
149 gROOT->LoadMacro(makeAODInputChain.Data());
150 chainAOD = MakeAODInputChain("collection_aod.xml","collection_aodHF.xml");
151 } else if(inputMode=="dataset") {
152 // CAF dataset
153 //gProof->ShowDataSets();
154 dataset="/ITS/dainesea/AODVertexingHF_LHC08x_180100";
155 }
156 }
158 // Create the analysis manager
159 AliAnalysisManager *mgr = new AliAnalysisManager("My Manager","My Manager");
160 mgr->SetDebugLevel(10);
161 // Connect plug-in to the analysis manager
162 if(useAlienPlugin) mgr->SetGridHandler(alienHandler);
164 // Input
165 AliAODInputHandler *inputHandler = new AliAODInputHandler();
8931206f 166 if(analysisMode=="proof" ) {
efb0a9e5 167 inputHandler->AddFriend("./AliAOD.VertexingHF.root");
168 //inputHandler->AddFriend("deltas/AliAOD.VertexingHF.root");
8931206f 169 if(saveProofToAlien) mgr->SetSpecialOutputLocation(proofOutdir);
170 }
171 mgr->SetInputEventHandler(inputHandler);
172 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
175 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
176 // Analysis tasks (wagons of the train)
177 //
178 TString taskName;
cc3209fb 181 /*taskName="../AddD2HTrain.C"; taskName.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
8931206f 182 gROOT->LoadMacro(taskName.Data());
183 Bool_t readMC=kFALSE;
efb0a9e5 184 AddD2HTrain(readMC);//,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);*/
8931206f 185
efb0a9e5 188
189 /* taskName="AddTaskCompareHF.C"; taskName.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
8931206f 190 gROOT->LoadMacro(taskName.Data());
191 AliAnalysisTaskSECompareHF *cmpTask = AddTaskCompareHF();
efb0a9e5 192 */
8931206f 193 taskName="AddTaskD0Mass.C"; taskName.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
194 gROOT->LoadMacro(taskName.Data());
195 AliAnalysisTaskSED0Mass *d0massTask = AddTaskD0Mass();
196 AliAnalysisTaskSED0Mass *d0massLikeSignTask = AddTaskD0Mass(1);
efb0a9e5 197 /*
8931206f 198 taskName="AddTaskDplus.C"; taskName.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
199 gROOT->LoadMacro(taskName.Data());
200 AliAnalysisTaskSEDplus *dplusTask = AddTaskDplus();
202 taskName="AddTaskDs.C"; taskName.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
203 gROOT->LoadMacro(taskName.Data());
204 AliAnalysisTaskSEDs *dsTask = AddTaskDs();
206 //taskName="AddTaskSelectHF.C"; taskName.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
207 //gROOT->LoadMacro(taskName.Data());
208 //AliAnalysisTaskSESelectHF *seleTask = AddTaskSelectHF();
210 taskName="AddTaskBkgLikeSignD0.C"; taskName.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
211 gROOT->LoadMacro(taskName.Data());
212 AliAnalysisTaskSEBkgLikeSignD0 *lsD0Task = AddTaskBkgLikeSignD0();
8931206f 214 taskName="AddTaskCFMultiVarMultiStep.C"; taskName.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
215 gROOT->LoadMacro(taskName.Data());
216 AliCFHeavyFlavourTaskMultiVarMultiStep *cfmvmsTask = AddTaskCFMultiVarMultiStep();
e047b348 218
219 taskName="AddTaskSECharmFraction.C";
220 taskName.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
8931206f 221 gROOT->LoadMacro(taskName.Data());
e047b348 222 Int_t switchMC[5]={0,0,0,0,0};
cc3209fb 223 Int_t ppPbPb=1;// 0 for pp, 1 for PbPb, used to siwtch on/off the removal of daughters from the primary vertex
224 AliAnalysisTaskSECharmFraction *cFractTask = AddTaskSECharmFraction("standard",switchMC,readMC,kTRUE,kFALSE,"D0toKpiCharmFractCuts.root","c",ppPbPb);
e047b348 225 // arguments: filename,switchMC,readmc,usepid,likesign,cutfilename,containerprefix
cc3209fb 226
8931206f 227
228 // attach a private task (not committed)
229 // (the files MyTask.h MyTask.cxx AddMyTask.C have to be declared in plugin
230 // configuration, see below)
232 if(analysisMode.Data()=="proof") {
233 gProof->LoadMacro("MyTask.cxx++g");
234 } else {
235 gROOT->LoadMacro("MyTask.cxx++g");
236 }
237 gROOT->LoadMacro("AddMyTask.C");
238 MyTask *myTask = AddMyTask();
241 if(analysisMode.Data()=="proof") {
242 gProof->LoadMacro("AliDStarJets.cxx++g");
243 } else {
244 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliDStarJets.cxx++g");
245 }
246 gROOT->LoadMacro("AddTaskDStarJets.C");
247 AliDStarJets *myTask = AddTaskDStarJets();
248 */
249 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
251 //
252 // Run the analysis
253 //
254 if(chainAOD) printf("CHAIN HAS %d ENTRIES\n",(Int_t)chainAOD->GetEntries());
256 if(!mgr->InitAnalysis()) return;
257 mgr->PrintStatus();
258 if(analysisMode=="grid" && !useAlienPlugin) analysisMode="local";
259 if(analysisMode!="proof") {
260 mgr->StartAnalysis(analysisMode.Data(),chainAOD,nentries,firstentry);
261 } else {
262 // proof
263 mgr->StartAnalysis(analysisMode.Data(),dataset.Data(),nentries,firstentry);
264 }
266 return;
270AliAnalysisGrid* CreateAlienHandler(TString pluginmode="test",Bool_t useParFiles=kFALSE)
272 // Check if user has a valid token, otherwise make one. This has limitations.
273 // One can always follow the standard procedure of calling alien-token-init then
274 // source /tmp/gclient_env_$UID in the current shell.
8931206f 275 AliAnalysisAlien *plugin = new AliAnalysisAlien();
276 // Set the run mode (can be "full", "test", "offline", "submit" or "terminate")
277 plugin->SetRunMode(pluginmode.Data());
a9e59aee 278 plugin->SetUser();
8931206f 279 // Set versions of used packages
280 plugin->SetAPIVersion("V1.1x");
a9e59aee 281 plugin->SetROOTVersion();
282 plugin->SetAliROOTVersion();
8931206f 284 // Declare input data to be processed.
b9015c51 285 //************************************************
286 // Set data search pattern for DATA
a9e59aee 287 //************************************************
9124d874 288 plugin->SetGridDataDir("/alice/data/2010/LHC10d"); // specify LHC period
289 plugin->SetDataPattern("pass2/AOD018/*AliAOD.root"); // specify reco pass and AOD set
b2b62321 290 plugin->SetFriendChainName("./AliAOD.VertexingHF.root");
b9015c51 291 // OR plugin->SetFriendChainName("deltas/AliAOD.VertexingHF.root");
46627015 292 // Adds only the good runs from the Monalisa Run Condition Table
b9015c51 293 // More than one period can be added but the period name has to be removed from GridDataDir (to be tested)
b2b62321 294 Int_t totruns=0;
9124d874 295 //totruns += AddGoodRuns(plugin,"LHC10b"); // specify LHC period
b9015c51 296 //totruns += AddGoodRuns(plugin,"LHC10c"); // specify LHC period
9124d874 297 totruns += AddGoodRuns(plugin,"LHC10d"); // specify LHC period
b2b62321 298 plugin->SetNrunsPerMaster(totruns);
9124d874 299
b9015c51 300 //************************************************
301 // Set data search pattern for MONTECARLO
302 //************************************************
9124d874 303 /*
b2b62321 304 plugin->SetGridDataDir("/alice/sim/LHC10d3"); // specify MC sample
305 plugin->SetDataPattern("AOD005/*AliAOD.root"); // specify AOD set
b9015c51 306 plugin->SetFriendChainName("./AliAOD.VertexingHF.root");
307 // OR plugin->SetFriendChainName("deltas/AliAOD.VertexingHF.root");
308 // Adds only the good runs from the Monalisa Run Condition Table
309 // More than one period can be added!
310 Int_t totruns=0;
b2b62321 311 totruns += AddGoodRuns(plugin,"LHC10b","LHC10d3"); // specify LHC period for anchor runs; and the name of the MC production
312 //totruns += AddGoodRuns(plugin,"LHC10c","LHC10f7"); // specify LHC period for anchor runs; and the name of the MC production
313 //totruns += AddGoodRuns(plugin,"LHC10d","LHC10f7"); // specify LHC period for anchor runs; and the name of the MC production
b9015c51 314 plugin->SetNrunsPerMaster(totruns);
9124d874 315 */
b9015c51 316 //
8931206f 317 // Define alien work directory where all files will be copied. Relative to alien $HOME.
318 plugin->SetGridWorkingDir("myHFanalysis");
319 // Declare alien output directory. Relative to working directory.
320 plugin->SetGridOutputDir("output"); // In this case will be $HOME/work/output
321 // Declare the analysis source files names separated by blancs. To be compiled runtime
322 // using ACLiC on the worker nodes.
323 //plugin->SetAnalysisSource("AliDStarJets.cxx");
324 // Declare all libraries (other than the default ones for the framework. These will be
325 // loaded by the generated analysis macro. Add all extra files (task .cxx/.h) here.
9a36a6cc 326 plugin->SetAdditionalLibs("libPWG3base.so libPWG3vertexingHF.so");
8931206f 327 // use par files
328 if(useParFiles) {
329 plugin->EnablePackage("STEERBase.par");
330 plugin->EnablePackage("ESD.par");
331 plugin->EnablePackage("AOD.par");
332 plugin->EnablePackage("ANALYSIS.par");
333 plugin->EnablePackage("ANALYSISalice.par");
334 plugin->EnablePackage("CORRFW.par");
335 plugin->EnablePackage("PWG3base.par");
336 plugin->EnablePackage("PWG3vertexingHF.par");
8931206f 337 }
a9e59aee 339
8931206f 340 plugin->SetDefaultOutputs(kTRUE);
9a36a6cc 341 // merging via jdl
342 plugin->SetMergeViaJDL(kTRUE);
343 plugin->SetOneStageMerging(kFALSE);
344 plugin->SetMaxMergeStages(2);
8931206f 346 // Optionally set a name for the generated analysis macro (default MyAnalysis.C)
347 plugin->SetAnalysisMacro("AnalysisHF.C");
348 // Optionally set maximum number of input files/subjob (default 100, put 0 to ignore)
8931206f 349 // Optionally modify the name of the generated JDL (default analysis.jdl)
350 plugin->SetJDLName("TaskHF.jdl");
8931206f 351
352 return plugin;
46627015 354//----------------------------------------------------------------------------
b2b62321 355Int_t AddGoodRuns(AliAnalysisAlien* plugin,TString lhcPeriod,TString mcprod="") {
46627015 356 //
357 // Adds good runs from the Monalisa Run Condition Table
358 //
b2b62321 359 if(mcprod=="") plugin->SetRunPrefix("000"); // DATA
361 Int_t firstrun=0,lastrun=9999999;
362 Int_t nruns=0,ngoodruns=0;
b9015c51 363
b2b62321 364 if(mcprod=="LHC10d3") {firstrun=117054;lastrun=117222;}
365 if(mcprod=="LHC10d5") {firstrun=117086;lastrun=117222;}
a58ce4ca 366
46627015 367
368 if(lhcPeriod=="LHC10b") {
ff7602a5 369 nruns=31;
370 Int_t runlist[31]={117222, 117220, 117116, 117112, 117109, 117099, 117092, 117086, 117077, 117065, 117063, 117060, 117059, 117054, 117053, 117052, 117050, 117048, 116645, 116643, 116574, 116571, 116562, 116403, 116288, 116102, 115401, 115393, 115193, 115186, 114931};
46627015 371
372 for(Int_t k=0;k<nruns;k++){
b2b62321 373 if(runlist[k]<firstrun || runlist[k]>lastrun) continue;
46627015 374 plugin->AddRunNumber(runlist[k]);
b2b62321 375 ngoodruns++;
46627015 376 }
b2b62321 377 plugin->SetNrunsPerMaster(ngoodruns);
46627015 378 }
380 if(lhcPeriod=="LHC10c") {
b2b62321 381 nruns=36;
382 Int_t runlist[36]={120829, 120825, 120824, 120823, 120822, 120821, 120820, 120758, 120750, 120741, 120671, 120617, 120616, 120505, 120504, 120503, 120244, 120079, 120076, 120073, 120072, 120069, 120067, 119862, 119859, 119856, 119853, 119849, 119846, 119845, 119844, 119842, 119841, 119163, 119161, 119159};
46627015 383
384 for(Int_t k=0;k<nruns;k++){
b2b62321 385 if(runlist[k]<firstrun || runlist[k]>lastrun) continue;
46627015 386 plugin->AddRunNumber(runlist[k]);
b2b62321 387 ngoodruns++;
46627015 388 }
b2b62321 389 plugin->SetNrunsPerMaster(ngoodruns);
46627015 390 }
b01ef8f7 392 if(lhcPeriod=="LHC10dhighmu") { // only runs with high mu
c5023622 393 nruns=17;
394 Int_t runlist[17]={124750, 124746, 124702, 124608, 124607, 124606, 124605, 124604, 124381, 124380, 124378, 124367, 124362, 124358, 124355, 124191, 124187};
b01ef8f7 395
396 for(Int_t k=0;k<nruns;k++){
b2b62321 397 if(runlist[k]<firstrun || runlist[k]>lastrun) continue;
b01ef8f7 398 plugin->AddRunNumber(runlist[k]);
b2b62321 399 ngoodruns++;
b01ef8f7 400 }
b2b62321 401 plugin->SetNrunsPerMaster(ngoodruns);
b01ef8f7 402 }
404 if(lhcPeriod=="LHC10d") { // runs with high mu excluded
c5023622 405 nruns=55;
406 Int_t runlist[55]={126437, 126432, 126425, 126424, 126422, 126409, 126408, 126407, 126406, 126405, 126404, 126403, 126359, 126352, 126351, 126350, 126285, 126284, 126283, 126168, 126167, 126160, 126158, 126097, 126090, 126088, 126082, 126081, 126078, 126073, 126008, 126007, 126004, 125855, 125851, 125850, 125849, 125848, 125847, 125844, 125843, 125842, 125633, 125632, 125630, 125296, 125134, 125101, 125100, 125097, 125085, 125023, 124751, 122375, 122374};
b01ef8f7 407
408 for(Int_t k=0;k<nruns;k++){
b2b62321 409 if(runlist[k]<firstrun || runlist[k]>lastrun) continue;
b01ef8f7 410 plugin->AddRunNumber(runlist[k]);
b2b62321 411 ngoodruns++;
b01ef8f7 412 }
b2b62321 413 plugin->SetNrunsPerMaster(ngoodruns);
b01ef8f7 414 }
7b621486 416 if(lhcPeriod=="LHC10h") {
c83ff4d3 417 nruns=116;
418 Int_t runlist[116]={139510, 139507, 139505, 139504, 139503, 139465, 139440, 139439, 139438, 139437, 139360, 139329, 139328, 139316, 139314, 139311, 139310, 139309, 139308, 139173, 139172, 139107, 139105, 139104, 139042, 139038, 139037, 139036, 139029, 139028, 138980, 138979, 138978, 138977, 138872, 138871, 138870, 138837, 138836, 138830, 138828, 138826, 138740, 138732, 138731, 138730, 138666, 138662, 138653, 138652, 138638, 138637, 138624, 138621, 138583, 138582, 138578, 138534, 138533, 138469, 138442, 138439, 138438, 138396, 138364, 138359, 138275, 138225, 138201, 138200, 138197, 138192, 138190, 138154, 138150, 138126, 138125, 137848, 137843, 137752, 137751, 137748, 137724, 137722, 137718, 137704, 137693, 137692, 137691, 137686, 137685, 137639, 137638, 137608, 137595, 137549, 137546, 137544, 137541, 137539, 137531, 137530, 137443, 137441, 137440, 137439, 137434, 137432, 137431, 137430, 137366, 137243, 137236, 137235, 137232, 137230};
7b621486 419
420 for(Int_t k=0;k<nruns;k++){
421 if(runlist[k]<firstrun || runlist[k]>lastrun) continue;
422 plugin->AddRunNumber(runlist[k]);
423 ngoodruns++;
424 }
425 plugin->SetNrunsPerMaster(ngoodruns);
426 }
b01ef8f7 429
b2b62321 430 return ngoodruns;
46627015 431}