]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG4/CaloCalib/AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0CalibSelection.h
Update in AliEMCALRecoUtils, some of its new functionalities moved from AliCalorimete...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG4 / CaloCalib / AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0CalibSelection.h
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
8// Fill histograms with two-cluster invariant mass //
9// using calibration coefficients of the previous iteration. //
12// Root includes
13class TH1F;
6eb2a715 14#include "TH2I.h"
15#include "TObjArray.h"
375cec9b 16
17// AliRoot includes
18#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
19class AliEMCALGeometry;
20class AliAODCaloCluster;
21class AliAODCaloCells;
6eb2a715 22//class AliEMCALCalibData ;
375cec9b 23#include "AliEMCALGeoParams.h"
9584c261 24class AliEMCALRecoUtils;
375cec9b 25
26class AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0CalibSelection : public AliAnalysisTaskSE
375cec9b 30 AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0CalibSelection(const char* name);
375cec9b 31 virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0CalibSelection();
9584c261 33private:
35 AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0CalibSelection(const AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0CalibSelection&);
36 AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0CalibSelection& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0CalibSelection&);
375cec9b 40 // Implementation of interface methods
41 virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects();
42 virtual void UserExec(Option_t * opt);
6eb2a715 43 virtual void LocalInit() ;
9fdaff9a 44
45 void SetAsymmetryCut(Float_t asy) {fAsyCut = asy ;}
46 void SetClusterMinEnergy(Float_t emin) {fEmin = emin;}
47 void SetClusterMaxEnergy(Float_t emax) {fEmax = emax;}
48 void SetClusterMinNCells(Int_t n) {fMinNCells = n ;}
49 void SetNCellsGroup(Int_t n) {fGroupNCells = n ;}
50 void SetLogWeight(Float_t w) {fLogWeight = w ;}
6eb2a715 52 //void SetCalibCorrections(AliEMCALCalibData* const cdata);
375cec9b 53 void CreateAODFromESD();
54 void CreateAODFromAOD();
9fdaff9a 56 void CopyAOD(Bool_t copy) { fCopyAOD = copy ; }
375cec9b 57 Bool_t IsAODCopied() const { return fCopyAOD ; }
2dfb1428 59 void SwitchOnSameSM() {fSameSM = kTRUE ; }
60 void SwitchOffSameSM() {fSameSM = kFALSE ; }
62 Int_t GetEMCALClusters(AliVEvent* event, TRefArray *clusters) const;
63 Bool_t IsEMCALCluster(AliVCluster *clus) const;
64 void SwitchOnOldAODs() {fOldAOD = kTRUE ; }
65 void SwitchOffOldAODs() {fOldAOD = kFALSE ; }
9fdaff9a 67 void SetGeometryName(TString name) { fEMCALGeoName = name ; }
68 TString GeometryName() const { return fEMCALGeoName ; }
6eb2a715 69
cfce8d44 70 //Modules fiducial region
71 Bool_t CheckCellFiducialRegion(AliVCluster* cluster, AliVCaloCells* cells) ;
72 void SetNumberOfCellsFromEMCALBorder(Int_t n) {fNCellsFromEMCALBorder = n; }
73 Int_t GetNumberOfCellsFromEMCALBorder() const {return fNCellsFromEMCALBorder; }
6eb2a715 75 // Bad channels, copy from PWG4/PartCorrBase/AliCalorimeterUtils
76 Bool_t IsBadChannelsRemovalSwitchedOn() const { return fRemoveBadChannels ; }
77 void SwitchOnBadChannelsRemoval () {fRemoveBadChannels = kTRUE ; InitEMCALBadChannelStatusMap();}
78 void SwitchOffBadChannelsRemoval() {fRemoveBadChannels = kFALSE ; }
80 void InitEMCALBadChannelStatusMap() ;
82 Int_t GetEMCALChannelStatus(Int_t iSM , Int_t iCol, Int_t iRow) const {
83 if(fEMCALBadChannelMap) return (Int_t) ((TH2I*)fEMCALBadChannelMap->At(iSM))->GetBinContent(iCol,iRow);
84 else return 0;}//Channel is ok by default
86 void SetEMCALChannelStatus(Int_t iSM , Int_t iCol, Int_t iRow, Double_t c = 1) {
87 if(!fEMCALBadChannelMap)InitEMCALBadChannelStatusMap() ;
88 ((TH2I*)fEMCALBadChannelMap->At(iSM))->SetBinContent(iCol,iRow,c);}
90 TH2I * GetEMCALChannelStatusMap(Int_t iSM) const {return (TH2I*)fEMCALBadChannelMap->At(iSM);}
9fdaff9a 91 void SetEMCALChannelStatusMap(TObjArray *map) {fEMCALBadChannelMap = map;}
6eb2a715 92
93 Bool_t ClusterContainsBadChannel(UShort_t* cellList, Int_t nCells);
19db8f8c 94
9584c261 95 void SetEMCALRecoUtils(AliEMCALRecoUtils * ru) {fRecoUtils = ru;}
9fdaff9a 96 AliEMCALRecoUtils* GetEMCALRecoUtils() const {return fRecoUtils;}
9584c261 97
6eb2a715 98 void SetInvariantMassHistoBinRange(Int_t nBins, Float_t minbin, Float_t maxbin){
99 fNbins = nBins; fMinBin = minbin; fMaxBin = maxbin; }
9584c261 100
9584c261 101 void GetMaxEnergyCellPosAndClusterPos(AliVCaloCells* cells, AliVCluster* clu, Int_t& iSM, Int_t& ieta, Int_t& iphi);
375cec9b 102
cf028690 105 AliEMCALGeometry * fEMCALGeo; //! EMCAL geometry
6eb2a715 106 //AliEMCALCalibData* fCalibData; // corrections to CC from the previous iteration
375cec9b 107
108 Float_t fEmin; // min. cluster energy
cf028690 109 Float_t fEmax; // max. cluster energy
9fdaff9a 110 Float_t fAsyCut; // Asymmetry cut
cf028690 111 Int_t fMinNCells; // min. ncells in cluster
70ae4900 112 Int_t fGroupNCells; // group n cells
375cec9b 113 Float_t fLogWeight; // log weight used in cluster recalibration
114 Bool_t fCopyAOD; // Copy calo information only to AOD?
2dfb1428 115 Bool_t fSameSM; // Combine clusters in channels on same SM
116 Bool_t fOldAOD; // Reading Old AODs, created before release 4.20
375cec9b 117 TString fEMCALGeoName; // Name of geometry to use.
cfce8d44 118 Int_t fNCellsFromEMCALBorder; // Number of cells from EMCAL border the cell with maximum amplitude has to be.
6eb2a715 120 Bool_t fRemoveBadChannels; // Check the channel status provided and remove clusters with bad channels
121 TObjArray *fEMCALBadChannelMap; // Array of histograms with map of bad channels, EMCAL
9584c261 122 AliEMCALRecoUtils * fRecoUtils; // Access to reconstruction utilities
375cec9b 124 //Output histograms
6eb2a715 125 Int_t fNbins; // N mass bins of invariant mass histograms
126 Float_t fMinBin; // Minimum mass bins of invariant mass histograms
127 Float_t fMaxBin; // Maximum mass bins of invariant mass histograms
cf028690 129 TList* fOutputContainer; //!histogram container
130 TH1F* fHmpi0[AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules][AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols][AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows];//! two-cluster inv. mass assigned to each cell.
9584c261 131
132 TH2F* fHmgg; //! two-cluster inv.mass vs pt of pair
133 TH2F* fHmggDifferentSM; //! two-cluster inv.mass vs pt of pair, each cluster in different SM
2dfb1428 134 TH2F* fHmggSM[4]; //! two-cluster inv.mass per SM
135 TH2F* fHmggPairSM[4]; //! two-cluster inv.mass per Pair
9584c261 136
137 TH2F* fHOpeningAngle; //! two-cluster opening angle vs pt of pair, with mass close to pi0
138 TH2F* fHOpeningAngleDifferentSM; //! two-cluster opening angle vs pt of pair, each cluster in different SM, with mass close to pi0
139 TH2F* fHOpeningAngleSM[4]; //! two-cluster opening angle vs pt per SM,with mass close to pi0
140 TH2F* fHOpeningAnglePairSM[4]; //! two-cluster opening angle vs pt per Pair,with mass close to pi0
142 TH2F* fHIncidentAngle; //! cluster incident angle vs pt of pair, with mass close to pi0
143 TH2F* fHIncidentAngleDifferentSM; //! cluster incident angle vs pt of pair, each cluster in different SM, with mass close to pi0
144 TH2F* fHIncidentAngleSM[4]; //! cluster incident angle vs pt per SM,with mass close to pi0
145 TH2F* fHIncidentAnglePairSM[4]; //! cluster incident angle vs pt per Pair,with mass close to pi0
147 TH2F* fHAsymmetry; //! two-cluster asymmetry vs pt of pair, with mass close to pi0
148 TH2F* fHAsymmetryDifferentSM; //! two-cluster asymmetry vs pt of pair, each cluster in different SM, with mass close to pi0
149 TH2F* fHAsymmetrySM[4]; //! two-cluster asymmetry vs pt per SM,with mass close to pi0
150 TH2F* fHAsymmetryPairSM[4]; //! two-cluster asymmetry vs pt per Pair,with mass close to pi0
152 TH2F* fhTowerDecayPhotonHit[4] ; //! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, number of times a decay photon hits
153 TH2F* fhTowerDecayPhotonEnergy[4] ; //! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, accumulated energy in the tower by decay photons.
154 TH2F* fhTowerDecayPhotonAsymmetry[4] ; //! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, accumulated asymmetry in the tower by decay photons.
6eb2a715 156 TH1I* fhNEvents; //! Number of events counter histogram
157 TList * fCuts ; //! List with analysis cuts
375cec9b 158
19db8f8c 159 ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0CalibSelection,9);
375cec9b 160