]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG4/PartCorrBase/AliCalorimeterUtils.cxx
adapt to updates in AliEMCALRecoUtils
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG4 / PartCorrBase / AliCalorimeterUtils.cxx
765d44e7 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
15/* $Id: $ */
18// Class utility for Calorimeter specific selection methods ///
22//-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (LPSC-Grenoble)
26// --- ROOT system ---
27#include "TGeoManager.h"
29//---- ANALYSIS system ----
30#include "AliCalorimeterUtils.h"
4b892846 31#include "AliESDEvent.h"
46a3cde6 32#include "AliMCEvent.h"
33#include "AliStack.h"
765d44e7 34#include "AliAODPWG4Particle.h"
c8fe2783 35#include "AliVCluster.h"
36#include "AliVCaloCells.h"
37#include "AliMixedEvent.h"
765d44e7 38
43 AliCalorimeterUtils::AliCalorimeterUtils() :
44 TObject(), fDebug(0),
7e4e67ab 45 fEMCALGeoName("EMCAL_COMPLETEV1"),fPHOSGeoName("PHOSgeo"),
765d44e7 46 fEMCALGeo(0x0), fPHOSGeo(0x0),
47 fEMCALGeoMatrixSet(kFALSE), fPHOSGeoMatrixSet(kFALSE),
3b13c34c 48 fLoadEMCALMatrices(kFALSE), fLoadPHOSMatrices(kFALSE),
247abff4 49 fRemoveBadChannels(kFALSE),fPHOSBadChannelMap(0x0),
50 fNCellsFromPHOSBorder(0), fRecalibration(kFALSE),
19db8f8c 51 fPHOSRecalibrationFactors(),
247abff4 52 fEMCALRecoUtils(new AliEMCALRecoUtils),
f2ccb5b8 53 fRecalculatePosition(kFALSE),fCorrectELinearity(kFALSE),
54 fRecalculateMatching(kFALSE),fCutR(20), fCutZ(20)
765d44e7 55{
56 //Ctor
58 //Initialize parameters
59 InitParameters();
3b13c34c 60 for(Int_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) fEMCALMatrix[i] = 0 ;
61 for(Int_t i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) fPHOSMatrix[i] = 0 ;
765d44e7 63}
765d44e7 64
66AliCalorimeterUtils::~AliCalorimeterUtils() {
67 //Dtor
4df35693 69 //if(fPHOSGeo) delete fPHOSGeo ;
765d44e7 70 if(fEMCALGeo) delete fEMCALGeo ;
247abff4 71
765d44e7 72 if(fPHOSBadChannelMap) {
73 fPHOSBadChannelMap->Clear();
74 delete fPHOSBadChannelMap;
75 }
09e819c9 77 if(fPHOSRecalibrationFactors) {
78219bac 78 fPHOSRecalibrationFactors->Clear();
79 delete fPHOSRecalibrationFactors;
09e819c9 80 }
9584c261 82 if(fEMCALRecoUtils) delete fEMCALRecoUtils ;
765d44e7 84}
c8fe2783 87Bool_t AliCalorimeterUtils::CheckCellFiducialRegion(AliVCluster* cluster, AliVCaloCells* cells, AliVEvent * event, Int_t iev) const {
765d44e7 89 // Given the list of AbsId of the cluster, get the maximum cell and
90 // check if there are fNCellsFromBorder from the calorimeter border
c8fe2783 92 //If the distance to the border is 0 or negative just exit accept all clusters
247abff4 93 if(cells->GetType()==AliVCaloCells::kEMCALCell && fEMCALRecoUtils->GetNumberOfCellsFromEMCALBorder() <= 0 ) return kTRUE;
c8fe2783 94 if(cells->GetType()==AliVCaloCells::kPHOSCell && fNCellsFromPHOSBorder <= 0 ) return kTRUE;
765d44e7 95
c8fe2783 96 Int_t absIdMax = -1;
765d44e7 97 Float_t ampMax = -1;
c8fe2783 98
99 AliMixedEvent * mixEvent = dynamic_cast<AliMixedEvent*> (event);
100 Int_t nMixedEvents = 0 ;
101 Int_t * cellsCumul = NULL ;
102 Int_t numberOfCells = 0 ;
103 if (mixEvent){
104 nMixedEvents = mixEvent->GetNumberOfEvents() ;
105 if (cells->GetType()==AliVCaloCells::kEMCALCell) {
106 cellsCumul = mixEvent->GetEMCALCellsCumul() ;
107 numberOfCells = mixEvent->GetNumberOfEMCALCells() ;
108 }
110 else if (cells->GetType()==AliVCaloCells::kPHOSCell) {
111 cellsCumul = mixEvent->GetPHOSCellsCumul() ;
112 numberOfCells = mixEvent->GetNumberOfPHOSCells() ;
113 }
898c9d44 114
115 if(cellsCumul){
117 Int_t startCell = cellsCumul[iev] ;
118 Int_t endCell = (iev+1 < nMixedEvents)?cellsCumul[iev+1]:numberOfCells;
c8fe2783 119 //Find cells with maximum amplitude
898c9d44 120 for(Int_t i = 0; i < cluster->GetNCells() ; i++){
121 Int_t absId = cluster->GetCellAbsId(i) ;
122 for (Int_t j = startCell; j < endCell ; j++) {
123 Short_t cellNumber;
124 Double_t amp ;
125 Double_t time;
126 cells->GetCell(j, cellNumber, amp, time) ;
127 if (absId == cellNumber) {
128 if(amp > ampMax){
129 ampMax = amp;
130 absIdMax = absId;
131 }
132 }
c8fe2783 133 }
898c9d44 134 }//loop on cluster cells
135 }// cells cumul available
136 else {
137 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::CheckCellFiducialRegion() - CellsCumul is NULL!!!\n");
138 abort();
c8fe2783 139 }
898c9d44 140 } else {//Normal SE Events
c8fe2783 141 for(Int_t i = 0; i < cluster->GetNCells() ; i++){
142 Int_t absId = cluster->GetCellAbsId(i) ;
143 Float_t amp = cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId);
144 if(amp > ampMax){
145 ampMax = amp;
146 absIdMax = absId;
147 }
148 }
149 }
765d44e7 150
151 if(fDebug > 1)
280e6766 152 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::CheckCellFiducialRegion() - Cluster Max AbsId %d, Cell Energy %2.2f, Cluster Energy %2.2f\n",
765d44e7 153 absIdMax, ampMax, cluster->E());
155 if(absIdMax==-1) return kFALSE;
157 //Check if the cell is close to the borders:
158 Bool_t okrow = kFALSE;
159 Bool_t okcol = kFALSE;
c8fe2783 161 if(cells->GetType()==AliVCaloCells::kEMCALCell){
765d44e7 162
163 Int_t iTower = -1, iIphi = -1, iIeta = -1, iphi = -1, ieta = -1, iSM = -1;
164 fEMCALGeo->GetCellIndex(absIdMax,iSM,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
165 fEMCALGeo->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSM,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,iphi,ieta);
280e6766 166 if(iSM < 0 || iphi < 0 || ieta < 0 ) {
167 Fatal("CheckCellFidutialRegion","Negative value for super module: %d, or cell ieta: %d, or cell iphi: %d, check EMCAL geometry name\n",iSM,ieta,iphi);
168 }
765d44e7 170 //Check rows/phi
247abff4 171 Int_t nborder = fEMCALRecoUtils->GetNumberOfCellsFromEMCALBorder();
765d44e7 172 if(iSM < 10){
247abff4 173 if(iphi >= nborder && iphi < 24-nborder) okrow =kTRUE;
765d44e7 174 }
175 else{
247abff4 176 if(iphi >= nborder && iphi < 12-nborder) okrow =kTRUE;
765d44e7 177 }
247abff4 179 //Check columns/eta
180 if(!fEMCALRecoUtils->IsEMCALNoBorderAtEta0()){
181 if(ieta > nborder && ieta < 48-nborder) okcol =kTRUE;
765d44e7 182 }
183 else{
184 if(iSM%2==0){
247abff4 185 if(ieta >= nborder) okcol = kTRUE;
765d44e7 186 }
187 else {
247abff4 188 if(ieta < 48-nborder) okcol = kTRUE;
765d44e7 189 }
190 }//eta 0 not checked
191 if(fDebug > 1)
192 {
280e6766 193 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::CheckCellFiducialRegion() - EMCAL Cluster in %d cells fiducial volume: ieta %d, iphi %d, SM %d ?",
247abff4 194 nborder, ieta, iphi, iSM);
765d44e7 195 if (okcol && okrow ) printf(" YES \n");
196 else printf(" NO: column ok? %d, row ok? %d \n",okcol,okrow);
197 }
198 }//EMCAL
c8fe2783 199 else if(cells->GetType()==AliVCaloCells::kPHOSCell){
765d44e7 200 Int_t relId[4];
201 Int_t irow = -1, icol = -1;
202 fPHOSGeo->AbsToRelNumbering(absIdMax,relId);
203 irow = relId[2];
204 icol = relId[3];
205 //imod = relId[0]-1;
206 if(irow >= fNCellsFromPHOSBorder && irow < 64-fNCellsFromPHOSBorder) okrow =kTRUE;
207 if(icol >= fNCellsFromPHOSBorder && icol < 56-fNCellsFromPHOSBorder) okcol =kTRUE;
208 if(fDebug > 1)
209 {
280e6766 210 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::CheckCellFiducialRegion() - PHOS Cluster in %d cells fiducial volume: icol %d, irow %d, Module %d?",
765d44e7 211 fNCellsFromPHOSBorder, icol, irow, relId[0]-1);
212 if (okcol && okrow ) printf(" YES \n");
213 else printf(" NO: column ok? %d, row ok? %d \n",okcol,okrow);
214 }
215 }//PHOS
217 if (okcol && okrow) return kTRUE;
218 else return kFALSE;
765d44e7 222//_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
223Bool_t AliCalorimeterUtils::ClusterContainsBadChannel(TString calorimeter,UShort_t* cellList, Int_t nCells){
224 // Check that in the cluster cells, there is no bad channel of those stored
225 // in fEMCALBadChannelMap or fPHOSBadChannelMap
227 if (!fRemoveBadChannels) return kFALSE;
36037088 228 //printf("fEMCALBadChannelMap %p, fPHOSBadChannelMap %p \n",fEMCALBadChannelMap,fPHOSBadChannelMap);
247abff4 229 if(calorimeter == "EMCAL" && !fEMCALRecoUtils->GetEMCALChannelStatusMap(0)) return kFALSE;
78219bac 230 if(calorimeter == "PHOS" && !fPHOSBadChannelMap) return kFALSE;
765d44e7 231
232 Int_t icol = -1;
233 Int_t irow = -1;
234 Int_t imod = -1;
235 for(Int_t iCell = 0; iCell<nCells; iCell++){
237 //Get the column and row
238 if(calorimeter == "EMCAL"){
247abff4 239 return fEMCALRecoUtils->ClusterContainsBadChannel((AliEMCALGeometry*)fEMCALGeo,cellList,nCells);
765d44e7 240 }
241 else if(calorimeter=="PHOS"){
242 Int_t relId[4];
243 fPHOSGeo->AbsToRelNumbering(cellList[iCell],relId);
244 irow = relId[2];
245 icol = relId[3];
246 imod = relId[0]-1;
247 if(fPHOSBadChannelMap->GetEntries() <= imod)continue;
248 if(GetPHOSChannelStatus(imod, icol, irow)) return kTRUE;
249 }
250 else return kFALSE;
252 }// cell cluster loop
254 return kFALSE;
9584c261 258//____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
259void AliCalorimeterUtils::CorrectClusterEnergy(AliVCluster *clus){
260 // Correct cluster energy non linearity
261 clus->SetE(fEMCALRecoUtils->CorrectClusterEnergyLinearity(clus));
765d44e7 264//____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
265Int_t AliCalorimeterUtils::GetModuleNumber(AliAODPWG4Particle * particle, AliVEvent * inputEvent) const
267 //Get the EMCAL/PHOS module number that corresponds to this particle
269 Int_t absId = -1;
270 if(particle->GetDetector()=="EMCAL"){
271 fEMCALGeo->GetAbsCellIdFromEtaPhi(particle->Eta(),particle->Phi(), absId);
272 if(fDebug > 2)
273 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::GetModuleNumber(PWG4AOD) - EMCAL: cluster eta %f, phi %f, absid %d, SuperModule %d\n",
274 particle->Eta(), particle->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),absId, fEMCALGeo->GetSuperModuleNumber(absId));
275 return fEMCALGeo->GetSuperModuleNumber(absId) ;
276 }//EMCAL
277 else if(particle->GetDetector()=="PHOS"){
46a3cde6 278 // In case we use the MC reader, the input are TParticles,
279 // in this case use the corresponing method in PHOS Geometry to get the particle.
280 if(strcmp(inputEvent->ClassName(), "AliMCEvent") == 0 )
281 {
282 Int_t mod =-1;
283 Double_t z = 0., x=0.;
284 TParticle* primary = 0x0;
285 AliStack * stack = ((AliMCEvent*)inputEvent)->Stack();
286 if(stack) {
287 primary = stack->Particle(particle->GetCaloLabel(0));
288 }
289 else {
280e6766 290 Fatal("GetModuleNumber(PWG4AOD)", "Stack not available, stop!");
46a3cde6 291 }
898c9d44 292
293 if(primary){
294 fPHOSGeo->ImpactOnEmc(primary,mod,z,x) ;
295 }
296 else{
297 Fatal("GetModuleNumber(PWG4AOD)", "Primary not available, stop!");
298 }
46a3cde6 299 return mod;
300 }
301 // Input are ESDs or AODs, get the PHOS module number like this.
302 else{
2206e918 303 //FIXME
304 //AliVCluster *cluster = inputEvent->GetCaloCluster(particle->GetCaloLabel(0));
305 //return GetModuleNumber(cluster);
306 //MEFIX
307 return -1;
46a3cde6 308 }
765d44e7 309 }//PHOS
311 return -1;
c8fe2783 315Int_t AliCalorimeterUtils::GetModuleNumber(AliVCluster * cluster) const
765d44e7 316{
280e6766 317 //Get the EMCAL/PHOS module number that corresponds to this cluster
765d44e7 318 TLorentzVector lv;
319 Double_t v[]={0.,0.,0.}; //not necessary to pass the real vertex.
9cbbc28b 320 if(!cluster){
321 if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::GetModuleNumber() - NUL Cluster, please check!!!");
322 return -1;
323 }
765d44e7 324 cluster->GetMomentum(lv,v);
325 Float_t phi = lv.Phi();
326 if(phi < 0) phi+=TMath::TwoPi();
327 Int_t absId = -1;
c8fe2783 328 if(cluster->IsEMCAL()){
765d44e7 329 fEMCALGeo->GetAbsCellIdFromEtaPhi(lv.Eta(),phi, absId);
330 if(fDebug > 2)
280e6766 331 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::GetModuleNumber() - EMCAL: cluster eta %f, phi %f, absid %d, SuperModule %d\n",
765d44e7 332 lv.Eta(), phi*TMath::RadToDeg(),absId, fEMCALGeo->GetSuperModuleNumber(absId));
333 return fEMCALGeo->GetSuperModuleNumber(absId) ;
334 }//EMCAL
c8fe2783 335 else if(cluster->IsPHOS()) {
765d44e7 336 Int_t relId[4];
337 if ( cluster->GetNCells() > 0) {
338 absId = cluster->GetCellAbsId(0);
339 if(fDebug > 2)
280e6766 340 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::GetModuleNumber() - PHOS: cluster eta %f, phi %f, e %f, absId %d\n",
765d44e7 341 lv.Eta(), phi*TMath::RadToDeg(), lv.E(), absId);
342 }
343 else return -1;
345 if ( absId >= 0) {
346 fPHOSGeo->AbsToRelNumbering(absId,relId);
347 if(fDebug > 2)
280e6766 348 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::GetModuleNumber() - PHOS: Module %d\n",relId[0]-1);
765d44e7 349 return relId[0]-1;
350 }
351 else return -1;
352 }//PHOS
354 return -1;
765d44e7 357//_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
358Int_t AliCalorimeterUtils::GetModuleNumberCellIndexes(const Int_t absId, const TString calo, Int_t & icol, Int_t & irow, Int_t & iRCU) const
360 //Get the EMCAL/PHOS module, columns, row and RCU number that corresponds to this absId
361 Int_t imod = -1;
362 if ( absId >= 0) {
363 if(calo=="EMCAL"){
364 Int_t iTower = -1, iIphi = -1, iIeta = -1;
365 fEMCALGeo->GetCellIndex(absId,imod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
366 fEMCALGeo->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(imod,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,irow,icol);
280e6766 367 if(imod < 0 || irow < 0 || icol < 0 ) {
368 Fatal("GetModuleNumberCellIndexes()","Negative value for super module: %d, or cell icol: %d, or cell irow: %d, check EMCAL geometry name\n",imod,icol,irow);
369 }
765d44e7 371 //RCU0
372 if (0<=irow&&irow<8) iRCU=0; // first cable row
373 else if (8<=irow&&irow<16 && 0<=icol&&icol<24) iRCU=0; // first half;
374 //second cable row
375 //RCU1
376 else if(8<=irow&&irow<16 && 24<=icol&&icol<48) iRCU=1; // second half;
377 //second cable row
378 else if(16<=irow&&irow<24) iRCU=1; // third cable row
380 if (imod%2==1) iRCU = 1 - iRCU; // swap for odd=C side, to allow us to cable both sides the same
381 if (iRCU<0) {
280e6766 382 Fatal("GetModuleNumberCellIndexes()","Wrong EMCAL RCU number = %d\n", iRCU);
765d44e7 383 }
385 return imod ;
386 }//EMCAL
387 else{//PHOS
388 Int_t relId[4];
389 fPHOSGeo->AbsToRelNumbering(absId,relId);
390 irow = relId[2];
391 icol = relId[3];
392 imod = relId[0]-1;
393 iRCU= (Int_t)(relId[2]-1)/16 ;
394 //Int_t iBranch= (Int_t)(relid[3]-1)/28 ; //0 to 1
395 if (iRCU >= 4) {
280e6766 396 Fatal("GetModuleNumberCellIndexes()","Wrong PHOS RCU number = %d\n", iRCU);
765d44e7 397 }
398 return imod;
399 }//PHOS
400 }
402 return -1;
406//void AliCalorimeterUtils::Init()
408// //Init reader. Method to be called in AliAnaPartCorrMaker
410// fEMCALBadChannelMap->SetName(Form("EMCALBadMap_%s",fTaskName.Data()));
411// fPHOSBadChannelMap->SetName(Form("PHOSBadMap_%s",fTaskName.Data()));
415void AliCalorimeterUtils::InitParameters()
417 //Initialize the parameters of the analysis.
7e4e67ab 418 fEMCALGeoName = "EMCAL_COMPLETEV1";
765d44e7 419 fPHOSGeoName = "PHOSgeo";
421 if(gGeoManager) {// geoManager was set
422 if(fDebug > 2)printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::InitParameters() - Geometry manager available\n");
423 fEMCALGeoMatrixSet = kTRUE;
424 fPHOSGeoMatrixSet = kTRUE;
425 }
426 else{
427 fEMCALGeoMatrixSet = kFALSE;
428 fPHOSGeoMatrixSet = kFALSE;
429 }
431 fRemoveBadChannels = kFALSE;
765d44e7 433 fNCellsFromPHOSBorder = 0;
765d44e7 434}
765d44e7 436
438void AliCalorimeterUtils::InitPHOSBadChannelStatusMap(){
439 //Init PHOS bad channels map
440 if(fDebug > 0 )printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::InitPHOSBadChannelStatusMap()\n");
441 //In order to avoid rewriting the same histograms
442 Bool_t oldStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
443 TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
78219bac 444
445 fPHOSBadChannelMap = new TObjArray(5);
765d44e7 446 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)fPHOSBadChannelMap->Add(new TH2I(Form("PHOSBadChannelMap_Mod%d",i),Form("PHOSBadChannelMap_Mod%d",i), 56, 0, 56, 64, 0, 64));
448 fPHOSBadChannelMap->SetOwner(kTRUE);
449 fPHOSBadChannelMap->Compress();
451 //In order to avoid rewriting the same histograms
452 TH1::AddDirectory(oldStatus);
09e819c9 455//________________________________________________________________
456void AliCalorimeterUtils::InitPHOSRecalibrationFactors(){
457 //Init EMCAL recalibration factors
458 if(fDebug > 0 )printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::InitPHOSRecalibrationFactors()\n");
459 //In order to avoid rewriting the same histograms
460 Bool_t oldStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
461 TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
78219bac 462
463 fPHOSRecalibrationFactors = new TObjArray(5);
09e819c9 464 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)fPHOSRecalibrationFactors->Add(new TH2F(Form("PHOSRecalFactors_Mod%d",i),Form("PHOSRecalFactors_Mod%d",i), 56, 0, 56, 64, 0, 64));
465 //Init the histograms with 1
466 for (Int_t m = 0; m < 5; m++) {
467 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 56; i++) {
468 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
469 SetPHOSChannelRecalibrationFactor(m,i,j,1.);
470 }
471 }
472 }
473 fPHOSRecalibrationFactors->SetOwner(kTRUE);
474 fPHOSRecalibrationFactors->Compress();
476 //In order to avoid rewriting the same histograms
477 TH1::AddDirectory(oldStatus);
765d44e7 481//________________________________________________________________
482void AliCalorimeterUtils::InitEMCALGeometry()
484 //Initialize EMCAL geometry if it did not exist previously
485 if (!fEMCALGeo){
a38a48f2 486 fEMCALGeo = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(fEMCALGeoName);
765d44e7 487 if(fDebug > 0){
488 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::InitEMCALGeometry()");
489 if (!gGeoManager) printf(" - Careful!, gGeoManager not loaded, load misalign matrices");
490 printf("\n");
491 }
492 }
496void AliCalorimeterUtils::InitPHOSGeometry()
498 //Initialize PHOS geometry if it did not exist previously
499 if (!fPHOSGeo){
500 fPHOSGeo = new AliPHOSGeoUtils(fPHOSGeoName);
501 if(fDebug > 0){
502 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::InitPHOSGeometry()");
503 if (!gGeoManager) printf(" - Careful!, gGeoManager not loaded, load misalign matrices");
504 printf("\n");
505 }
506 }
510void AliCalorimeterUtils::Print(const Option_t * opt) const
513 //Print some relevant parameters set for the analysis
514 if(! opt)
515 return;
517 printf("***** Print: %s %s ******\n", GetName(), GetTitle() ) ;
518 printf("Remove Clusters with bad channels? %d\n",fRemoveBadChannels);
519 printf("Remove Clusters with max cell at less than %d cells from EMCAL border and %d cells from PHOS border\n",
247abff4 520 fEMCALRecoUtils->GetNumberOfCellsFromEMCALBorder(), fNCellsFromPHOSBorder);
521 if(fEMCALRecoUtils->IsEMCALNoBorderAtEta0()) printf("Do not remove EMCAL clusters at Eta = 0\n");
09e819c9 522 printf("Recalibrate Clusters? %d\n",fRecalibration);
9584c261 523 printf("Recalculate Clusters Position? %d\n",fRecalculatePosition);
524 printf("Recalculate Clusters Energy? %d\n",fCorrectELinearity);
f2ccb5b8 525 printf("Matching criteria: dR < %2.2f[cm], dZ < %2.2f[cm]\n",fCutR,fCutZ);
765d44e7 526
527 printf(" \n") ;
09e819c9 530//________________________________________________________________
c8fe2783 531Float_t AliCalorimeterUtils::RecalibrateClusterEnergy(AliVCluster * cluster, AliVCaloCells * cells){
09e819c9 532 // Recalibrate the cluster energy, considering the recalibration map and the energy of the cells that compose the cluster.
09e819c9 533
898c9d44 534 //Initialize some used variables
535 Float_t energy = 0;
536 Int_t absId = -1;
537 Int_t icol = -1, irow = -1, iRCU = -1, module=1;
538 Float_t factor = 1, frac = 0;
540 if(cells) {
09e819c9 542 //Get the cluster number of cells and list of absId, check what kind of cluster do we have.
543 UShort_t * index = cluster->GetCellsAbsId() ;
544 Double_t * fraction = cluster->GetCellsAmplitudeFraction() ;
545 Int_t ncells = cluster->GetNCells();
546 TString calo = "EMCAL";
547 if(cluster->IsPHOS()) calo = "PHOS";
09e819c9 548
549 //Loop on the cells, get the cell amplitude and recalibration factor, multiply and and to the new energy
550 for(Int_t icell = 0; icell < ncells; icell++){
551 absId = index[icell];
552 frac = fraction[icell];
553 if(frac < 1e-3) frac = 1; //in case of EMCAL, this is set as 0, not used.
554 module = GetModuleNumberCellIndexes(absId,calo,icol,irow,iRCU);
555 if(cluster->IsPHOS()) factor = GetPHOSChannelRecalibrationFactor (module,icol,irow);
556 else factor = GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactor(module,icol,irow);
557 if(fDebug>2)
280e6766 558 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::RecalibrateClusterEnergy() - recalibrate cell: %s, module %d, col %d, row %d, cell fraction %f, recalibration factor %f, cell energy %f\n",
09e819c9 559 calo.Data(),module,icol,irow,frac,factor,cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId));
561 energy += cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId)*factor*frac;
562 }
564 if(fDebug>1)
280e6766 565 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::RecalibrateClusterEnergy() - Energy before %f, after %f\n",cluster->E(),energy);
898c9d44 566
567 }// cells available
568 else{
569 Fatal("RecalibrateClusterEnergy()","Cells pointer does not exist!");
570 }
09e819c9 572 return energy;
09e819c9 573}
765d44e7 575//________________________________________________________________
576void AliCalorimeterUtils::SetGeometryTransformationMatrices(AliVEvent* inputEvent)
578 //Set the calorimeters transformation matrices
4b892846 579
765d44e7 580 //Get the EMCAL transformation geometry matrices from ESD
3b13c34c 581 if(!fEMCALGeoMatrixSet && fEMCALGeo){
582 if(fLoadEMCALMatrices){
583 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::SetGeometryTransformationMatrices() - Load user defined geometry matrices\n");
584 for(Int_t mod=0; mod < (fEMCALGeo->GetEMCGeometry())->GetNumberOfSuperModules(); mod++){
585 if(fEMCALMatrix[mod]){
586 if(fDebug > 1)
587 fEMCALMatrix[mod]->Print();
588 fEMCALGeo->SetMisalMatrix(fEMCALMatrix[mod],mod) ;
589 }
590 }//SM loop
591 fEMCALGeoMatrixSet = kTRUE;//At least one, so good
593 }//Load matrices
594 else if (!gGeoManager) {
4b892846 595
3b13c34c 596 if(fDebug > 1)
597 printf(" AliCalorimeterUtils::SetGeometryTransformationMatrices() - Load EMCAL misalignment matrices. \n");
598 if(!strcmp(inputEvent->GetName(),"AliESDEvent")) {
599 for(Int_t mod=0; mod < (fEMCALGeo->GetEMCGeometry())->GetNumberOfSuperModules(); mod++){
4b892846 600 //printf("Load matrix %d, %p\n",mod,((AliESDEvent*)inputEvent)->GetEMCALMatrix(mod));
601 if(((AliESDEvent*)inputEvent)->GetEMCALMatrix(mod)) {
602 fEMCALGeo->SetMisalMatrix(((AliESDEvent*)inputEvent)->GetEMCALMatrix(mod),mod) ;
3b13c34c 603 }
604 }// loop over super modules
605 fEMCALGeoMatrixSet = kTRUE;//At least one, so good
607 }//ESD as input
608 else {
609 if(fDebug > 1)
610 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::SetGeometryTransformationMatrices() - Setting of EMCAL transformation matrixes for AODs not implemented yet. \n Import geometry.root file\n");
611 }//AOD as input
612 }//Get matrix from data
04131edb 613 else if(gGeoManager){
614 fEMCALGeoMatrixSet = kTRUE;
615 }
765d44e7 616 }//EMCAL geo && no geoManager
618 //Get the PHOS transformation geometry matrices from ESD
3b13c34c 619 if(!fPHOSGeoMatrixSet && fPHOSGeo){
620 if(fLoadPHOSMatrices){
621 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::SetGeometryTransformationMatrices() - Load user defined geometry matrices\n");
622 for(Int_t mod=0; mod < 5; mod++){
623 if(fPHOSMatrix[mod]){
624 if(fDebug > 1)
625 fPHOSMatrix[mod]->Print();
626 fPHOSGeo->SetMisalMatrix(fPHOSMatrix[mod],mod) ;
627 }
628 }//SM loop
629 fPHOSGeoMatrixSet = kTRUE;//At least one, so good
630 }//Load matrices
631 else if (!gGeoManager) {
632 if(fDebug > 1)
633 printf(" AliCalorimeterUtils::SetGeometryTransformationMatrices() - Load PHOS misalignment matrices. \n");
765d44e7 634 if(!strcmp(inputEvent->GetName(),"AliESDEvent")) {
635 for(Int_t mod=0; mod < 5; mod++){
4b892846 636 if( ((AliESDEvent*)inputEvent)->GetPHOSMatrix(mod)) {
765d44e7 637 //printf("PHOS: mod %d, matrix %p\n",mod, ((AliESDEvent*)inputEvent)->GetPHOSMatrix(mod));
4b892846 638 fPHOSGeo->SetMisalMatrix( ((AliESDEvent*)inputEvent)->GetPHOSMatrix(mod),mod) ;
765d44e7 639 }
3b13c34c 640 }// loop over modules
641 fPHOSGeoMatrixSet = kTRUE; //At least one so good
765d44e7 642 }//ESD as input
643 else {
644 if(fDebug > 1)
645 printf("AliCalorimeterUtils::SetGeometryTransformationMatrices() - Setting of EMCAL transformation matrixes for AODs not implemented yet. \n Import geometry.root file\n");
3b13c34c 646 }//AOD as input
647 }// get matrix from data
04131edb 648 else if(gGeoManager){
649 fPHOSGeoMatrixSet = kTRUE;
650 }
765d44e7 651 }//PHOS geo and geoManager was not set
765d44e7 652}
9584c261 654//________________________________________________________________
655void AliCalorimeterUtils::RecalculateClusterPosition(AliVCaloCells* cells, AliVCluster* clu){
657 //Recalculate EMCAL cluster position
19db8f8c 659 fEMCALRecoUtils->RecalculateClusterPosition((AliEMCALGeometry*)fEMCALGeo, cells,clu);
9584c261 661}