]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWG4/PartCorrDep/AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG4 / PartCorrDep / AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation.h
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
5/* $Id: $ */
8// Class that contains the algorithm for the analysis of particle - hadron correlations
9// Particle (for example direct gamma) must be found in a previous analysis
10//-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF)
dd4871cd 12// Modified by Yaxian Mao:
13// 1. add the UE subtraction for corrlation study
14// 2. change the correlation variable
1c5acb87 16// --- ROOT system ---
17class TH2F;
19// --- Analysis system ---
20#include "AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass.h"
21class AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation ;
23class AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation : public AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass {
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25 public:
1c5acb87 26
27 AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation() ; // default ctor
28 AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation(const AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation & ph) ; // cpy ctor
29 AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation & operator = (const AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation & ph) ;//cpy assignment
30 virtual ~AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation() {;} //virtual dtor
477d6cee 31
1c5acb87 32 TList * GetCreateOutputObjects();
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1c5acb87 34 Double_t GetDeltaPhiMaxCut() const {return fDeltaPhiMaxCut ; }
35 Double_t GetDeltaPhiMinCut() const {return fDeltaPhiMinCut ; }
36 void SetDeltaPhiCutRange(Double_t phimin, Double_t phimax)
37 {fDeltaPhiMaxCut =phimax; fDeltaPhiMinCut =phimin;}
dde5a268 38
39 Double_t GetUeDeltaPhiMaxCut() const {return fUeDeltaPhiMaxCut ; }
40 Double_t GetUeDeltaPhiMinCut() const {return fUeDeltaPhiMinCut ; }
41 void SetUeDeltaPhiCutRange(Double_t uephimin, Double_t uephimax)
42 {fUeDeltaPhiMaxCut =uephimax; fUeDeltaPhiMinCut =uephimin;}
43 Bool_t IsSeveralUEOn() const {return fMakeSeveralUE ; }
44 void SwitchOnSeveralUECalculation() { fMakeSeveralUE = kTRUE;}
45 void SwitchOffSeveralUECalculation() { fMakeSeveralUE = kFALSE;}
6639984f 47 Bool_t OnlyIsolated() const {return fSelectIsolated ; }
48 void SelectIsolated(Bool_t select) {fSelectIsolated = select ; }
1c5acb87 50 void InitParameters();
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1c5acb87 52 void Print(const Option_t * opt) const;
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233e0df8 54 void MakeChargedCorrelation(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * aodParticle,TObjArray* const pl, const Bool_t bFillHisto) ;
55 void MakeNeutralCorrelationFillAOD(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* const aodParticle, TObjArray* const pl, TString detector) ;
56 void MakeNeutralCorrelationFillHistograms(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* const aodParticle) ;
9415d854 57
1c5acb87 58 void MakeAnalysisFillAOD() ;
1c5acb87 59 void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms() ;
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1c5acb87 61 Bool_t SelectCluster(AliAODCaloCluster * calo, Double_t *vertex, TLorentzVector & mom, Int_t & pdg) const ;
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63 private:
1c5acb87 64
65 Double_t fDeltaPhiMaxCut ; // Minimum Delta Phi Gamma-Hadron
6639984f 66 Double_t fDeltaPhiMinCut ; // Maximum Delta Phi Gamma-Hadron
67 Bool_t fSelectIsolated ; // Select only trigger particles isolated
dde5a268 68 Bool_t fMakeSeveralUE ; // Do analysis for several underlying events contribution
69 Double_t fUeDeltaPhiMaxCut ; // Minimum Delta Phi Gamma-Underlying Hadron
70 Double_t fUeDeltaPhiMinCut ; // Maximum Delta Phi Gamma-Underlying Hadron
477d6cee 72
1c5acb87 73 //Histograms
dd4871cd 74 TH2F * fhPhiCharged ; //! Phi distribution of charged particles
75 TH2F * fhPhiNeutral ; //! Phi distribution of neutral particles
76 TH2F * fhEtaCharged ; //! Eta distribution of charged particles
77 TH2F * fhEtaNeutral ; //! Eta distribution of neutral particles
1c5acb87 78 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT
79 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiNeutral ; //! Difference of neutral particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT
80 TH2F * fhDeltaEtaCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT
81 TH2F * fhDeltaEtaNeutral ; //! Difference of neutral particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT
82 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPt ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of charged particle pT
83 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiNeutralPt ; //! Difference of neutral particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of neutral particle particle pT
dde5a268 84 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeChargedPt ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi as function of charged particle pT
123fc3bd 85 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeNeutralPt ; //! Difference of neutral particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of neutral particle particle pT
1c5acb87 86
87 TH2F * fhPtImbalanceNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
88 TH2F * fhPtImbalanceCharged ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentim imbalance histogram
dde5a268 89 TH2F * fhPtImbalanceUeCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentim imbalance histogram
123fc3bd 90 TH2F * fhPtImbalanceUeNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
dde5a268 91
dd4871cd 92 //with different imblance varible defination HBP distribution
93 TH2F * fhPtHbpCharged ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentim HBP histogram
94 TH2F * fhPtHbpUeCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentim HBP histogram
95 TH2F * fhPtHbpNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -neutral particle momentim HBP histogram
96 TH2F * fhPtHbpUeNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentim HBP histogram
dde5a268 99//if several UE calculation is on, most useful for jet-jet events contribution
123fc3bd 100 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeLeftCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi as function of charged particle pT
101 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeRightCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi
102 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeLeftNeutral ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi as function of neutral particle pT
103 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeRightNeutral ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi
dde5a268 104 TH2F * fhPtImbalanceUeLeftCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentim imbalance histogram
105 TH2F * fhPtImbalanceUeRightCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentim imbalance histogram
123fc3bd 106 TH2F * fhPtImbalanceUeLeftNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentim imbalance histogram
dd4871cd 107 TH2F * fhPtImbalanceUeRightNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentim imbalance histogram
108 TH2F * fhPtHbpUeLeftCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentim HBP histogram
109 TH2F * fhPtHbpUeRightCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentim HBP histogram
110 TH2F * fhPtHbpUeLeftNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentim HBP histogram
111 TH2F * fhPtHbpUeRightNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentim HBP histogram
123fc3bd 114 ClassDef(AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation,2)
1c5acb87 115} ;