]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGCF/Correlations/DPhi/AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGCF / Correlations / DPhi / AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations.h
e0331fd9 1#ifndef AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations_H
2#define AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations_H
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
9// Analysis class for Underlying Event studies w.r.t. leading track
11// Look for correlations on the tranverse regions w.r.t
12// the leading track in the event
14// This class needs input AODs.
15// The output is a list of analysis-specific containers.
17// The AOD can be either connected to the InputEventHandler
18// for a chain of AOD files
19// or
20// to the OutputEventHandler
21// for a chain of ESD files,
22// in this case the class should be in the train after the jet-finder
24// Authors:
e0331fd9 25// Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus
e0331fd9 26//
29#include "AliAnalysisTask.h"
30#include "AliUEHist.h"
2a910c25 31#include "TString.h"
a1c31636 32#include "AliVParticle.h"
33#include "AliLog.h"
e0331fd9 34
35class AliAODEvent;
36class AliAnalyseLeadingTrackUE;
37class AliInputEventHandler;
38class AliMCEvent;
39class AliMCEventHandler;
40class AliUEHistograms;
41class AliVParticle;
42class TH1D;
43class TObjArray;
2a910c25 44class AliEventPoolManager;
85bfac17 45class AliESDEvent;
e0331fd9 46
47class AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations : public AliAnalysisTask
48 {
49 public:
50 AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations(const char* name="AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations");
51 virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations();
54 // Implementation of interace methods
55 virtual void ConnectInputData(Option_t *);
56 virtual void CreateOutputObjects();
57 virtual void Exec(Option_t *option);
59 // Setters/Getters
60 // general configuration
61 virtual void SetDebugLevel( Int_t level ) { fDebug = level; }
62 virtual void SetMode(Int_t mode) { fMode = mode; }
63 virtual void SetReduceMemoryFootprint(Bool_t flag) { fReduceMemoryFootprint = flag; }
eed401dc 64 virtual void SetEventMixing(Bool_t flag) { fFillMixed = flag; }
ac647b0f 65 virtual void SetMixingTracks(Int_t tracks) { fMixingTracks = tracks; }
c3294f09 66 virtual void SetCompareCentralities(Bool_t flag) { fCompareCentralities = flag; }
1bba939a 67 virtual void SetTwoTrackEfficiencyStudy(Bool_t flag) { fTwoTrackEfficiencyStudy = flag; }
d4b3dbfc 68 virtual void SetTwoTrackEfficiencyCut(Float_t value = 0.02) { fTwoTrackEfficiencyCut = value; }
44af28f9 69 virtual void SetUseVtxAxis(Bool_t flag) { fUseVtxAxis = flag; }
04af8d15 70 virtual void SetSkipTrigger(Bool_t flag) { fSkipTrigger = flag; }
e0331fd9 71
72 // histogram settings
73 void SetTrackingEfficiency( const TH1D* hist) { fkTrackingEfficiency = hist; }
75 // for event QA
76 void SetTracksInVertex( Int_t val ){ fnTracksVertex = val; }
77 void SetZVertex( Double_t val ) { fZVertex = val; }
79 // track cuts
80 void SetTrackEtaCut( Double_t val ) { fTrackEtaCut = val; }
9da2f080 81 void SetOnlyOneEtaSide(Int_t flag) { fOnlyOneEtaSide = flag; }
e0331fd9 82 void SetPtMin(Double_t val) { fPtMin = val; }
83 void SetFilterBit( UInt_t val ) { fFilterBit = val; }
2a910c25 84
e0331fd9 85 void SetEventSelectionBit( UInt_t val ) { fSelectBit = val; }
86 void SetUseChargeHadrons( Bool_t val ) { fUseChargeHadrons = val; }
2a910c25 87 void SetSelectCharge(Int_t selectCharge) { fSelectCharge = selectCharge; }
d38fa455 88 void SetTriggerRestrictEta(Float_t eta) { fTriggerRestrictEta = eta; }
00b6f3c6 89 void SetEtaOrdering(Bool_t flag) { fEtaOrdering = flag; }
b0d56b29 90 void SetPairCuts(Bool_t conversions, Bool_t resonances) { fCutConversions = conversions; fCutResonances = resonances; }
2a910c25 91 void SetCentralityMethod(const char* method) { fCentralityMethod = method; }
c05ff6be 92 void SetFillpT(Bool_t flag) { fFillpT = flag; }
a26093ba 93 void SetStepsFillSkip(Bool_t step0, Bool_t step6) { fFillOnlyStep0 = step0; fSkipStep6 = step6; }
5e053cad 94 void SetRejectCentralityOutliers(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) { fRejectCentralityOutliers = flag; }
e0331fd9 95
96 private:
97 AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations(const AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations &det);
98 AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations &det);
99 void AddSettingsTree(); // add list of settings to output list
100 // Analysis methods
101 void AnalyseCorrectionMode(); // main algorithm to get correction maps
102 void AnalyseDataMode(); // main algorithm to get raw distributions
103 void Initialize(); // initialize some common pointer
7a028750 104 TObjArray* CloneAndReduceTrackList(TObjArray* tracks);
e0331fd9 105
e0331fd9 106 // General configuration
107 Int_t fDebug; // Debug flag
108 Int_t fMode; // fMode = 0: data-like analysis
109 // fMode = 1: corrections analysis
110 Bool_t fReduceMemoryFootprint; // reduce memory consumption by writing less debug histograms
eed401dc 111 Bool_t fFillMixed; // enable event mixing (default: ON)
ac647b0f 112 Int_t fMixingTracks; // size of track buffer for event mixing
c3294f09 113 Bool_t fCompareCentralities; // use the z vtx axis for a centrality comparison
1bba939a 114 Bool_t fTwoTrackEfficiencyStudy; // two-track efficiency study on
d4b3dbfc 115 Float_t fTwoTrackEfficiencyCut; // enable two-track efficiency cut
44af28f9 116 Bool_t fUseVtxAxis; // use z vtx as axis (needs 7 times more memory!)
04af8d15 117 Bool_t fSkipTrigger; // skip trigger selection
e0331fd9 118
119 // Pointers to external UE classes
120 AliAnalyseLeadingTrackUE* fAnalyseUE; //! points to class containing common analysis algorithms
121 AliUEHistograms* fHistos; //! points to class to handle histograms/containers
122 AliUEHistograms* fHistosMixed; //! points to class to handle mixed histograms/containers
124 const TH1D* fkTrackingEfficiency; // used for study of bias by tracking
126 // Handlers and events
127 AliAODEvent* fAOD; //! AOD Event
85bfac17 128 AliESDEvent* fESD; //! ESD Event
e0331fd9 129 TClonesArray* fArrayMC; //! Array of MC particles
130 AliInputEventHandler* fInputHandler; //! Generic InputEventHandler
131 AliMCEvent* fMcEvent; //! MC event
132 AliMCEventHandler* fMcHandler; //! MCEventHandler
2a910c25 133 AliEventPoolManager* fPoolMgr; //! event pool manager
e0331fd9 134
135 // Histogram settings
136 TList* fListOfHistos; // Output list of containers
138 // Event QA cuts
c05ff6be 139 Int_t fnTracksVertex; // QA tracks pointing to principal vertex
e0331fd9 140 Double_t fZVertex; // Position of Vertex in Z direction
2a910c25 141 TString fCentralityMethod; // Method to determine centrality
e0331fd9 142
143 // Track cuts
144 Double_t fTrackEtaCut; // Eta cut on particles
9da2f080 145 Int_t fOnlyOneEtaSide; // decides that only trigger particle from one eta side are considered (0 = all; -1 = negative, 1 = positive)
e0331fd9 146 Double_t fPtMin; // Min pT to start correlations
147 UInt_t fFilterBit; // Select tracks from an specific track cut (default 0xFF all track selected)
148 UInt_t fSelectBit; // Select events according to AliAnalysisTaskJetServices bit maps
149 Bool_t fUseChargeHadrons; // Only use charge hadrons
2a910c25 151 Int_t fSelectCharge; // (un)like sign selection when building correlations: 0: no selection; 1: unlike sign; 2: like sign
d38fa455 152 Float_t fTriggerRestrictEta; // restrict eta range for trigger particle (default: -1 [off])
00b6f3c6 153 Bool_t fEtaOrdering; // eta ordering, see AliUEHistograms.h for documentation
b0d56b29 154 Bool_t fCutConversions; // cut on conversions (inv mass)
155 Bool_t fCutResonances; // cut on resonances (inv mass)
a26093ba 156 Bool_t fFillOnlyStep0; // fill only step 0
157 Bool_t fSkipStep6; // skip step 6 when filling
5e053cad 158 Bool_t fRejectCentralityOutliers; // enable rejection of outliers in centrality vs no track correlation
d38fa455 159
c05ff6be 160 Bool_t fFillpT; // fill sum pT instead of number density
2a910c25 161
5e053cad 162 ClassDef( AliAnalysisTaskPhiCorrelations, 11); // Analysis task for delta phi correlations
e0331fd9 163 };
a1c31636 165class AliDPhiBasicParticle : public AliVParticle
167 public:
168 AliDPhiBasicParticle(Float_t eta, Float_t phi, Float_t pt, Short_t charge)
169 : fEta(eta), fPhi(phi), fpT(pt), fCharge(charge)
170 {
171 }
172 ~AliDPhiBasicParticle() {}
174 // kinematics
175 virtual Double_t Px() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
176 virtual Double_t Py() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
177 virtual Double_t Pz() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
178 virtual Double_t Pt() const { return fpT; }
179 virtual Double_t P() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
180 virtual Bool_t PxPyPz(Double_t[3]) const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
182 virtual Double_t Xv() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
183 virtual Double_t Yv() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
184 virtual Double_t Zv() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
185 virtual Bool_t XvYvZv(Double_t[3]) const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
187 virtual Double_t OneOverPt() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
188 virtual Double_t Phi() const { return fPhi; }
189 virtual Double_t Theta() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
192 virtual Double_t E() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
193 virtual Double_t M() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
195 virtual Double_t Eta() const { return fEta; }
196 virtual Double_t Y() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
198 virtual Short_t Charge() const { return fCharge; }
199 virtual Int_t GetLabel() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
200 // PID
201 virtual Int_t PdgCode() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
202 virtual const Double_t *PID() const { AliFatal("Not implemented"); return 0; }
204 private:
205 Float_t fEta; // eta
206 Float_t fPhi; // phi
207 Float_t fpT; // pT
208 Short_t fCharge; // charge
210 ClassDef( AliDPhiBasicParticle, 1); // class which contains only quantities requires for this analysis to reduce memory consumption for event mixing
e0331fd9 213#endif