]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGCF/FLOW/macros/GenerateEventsOnTheFly.C
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGCF / FLOW / macros / GenerateEventsOnTheFly.C
09c93afd 1#include "TStopwatch.h"
2#include "Riostream.h"
3#include "TFile.h"
4#include "TTimer.h"
5#include "TPythia6.h"
6#include "TMath.h"
9 * macro to generate flow events on the fly
10 * if the macro is called with kFALSE as argument,
11 * an example function of how to do analysis on the output is called
12 *
90555064 13 * at the end of the macro, an example function is given that can be used
14 * to connect the on the fly events to the AliAnalysistwoParticleResonanceFlowTask
15 *
09c93afd 16 * Redmer Alexander Bertens (rbertens@cern.ch)
17 * Carlos Eugenio Perez Lara
18 * Andrea Dubla
19 */
21class AliFlowOnTheFlyGenerator;
90555064 22class AliAnalysisTwoParticleResonanceFlowTask;
23class AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants;
09c93afd 24// main function
26// you can call this macro in different modes.
27// a) default mode will launch the event genetor and write the output to file
28// b) called with kFALSE the macro will read events from file and do an example analysis
29// this could be expanded to support more modes (e.g. not writing to file but immediately
30// doing the desired v2 analysis)
31void GenerateEventsOnTheFly(Bool_t generate = kTRUE) {
32 if(!generate) {
90555064 33 LoadLibraries();
09c93afd 34 AnalyseEventsFromFile();
35 return;
36 }
37 TStopwatch aa;
38 aa.Start();
39 // load libraries
40 if(!LoadLibraries()) {
41 printf(" > problem loading libraries, maybe you need to fix your includes or pythia path <");
42 exit(0);
43 }
44 ///========= GENERATOR INTERFACE ======///
45 // this is the generator interface. here you can specify what your event should look like in terms of
46 // mother particles (define the available species and their multiplicities and define a background)
47 // see the decayer interface for decayer specifics
48 // in this example macro, pythia is used as a decayer.
49 // however, any decayer that inherits from TVirualMCDecayer can be used
50 //
51 // by default, all tracks are made rp's, so 'offline' tagging is necessary.
52 // decayed particles are not saved in the output events.
53 // output is built up from files containing AliFlowEventSimple objects, which in turn consist of
54 // AliFlowSimpleTracks, in which a few things should be noted:
55 // 1) Charge() tells whether a particle is a primary (-1) or a secondary (1)
56 // 2) Weight() stores the longitudinal momentum (Pz)
57 // 3) GetID() gives the pdg value of the genreated track
58 // ===================================///
59 //
60 // a) select which species you want to have in your initial event (pdg code)
61 Int_t nSpecies = 7; // number of poi species
62 Int_t species[] = { 22, 333, 221, 311, 3122, 3334, 313}; // gamma, phi eta, k0, lambda, omega, kstar
63 // b) specify their multiplicities per event
64 Int_t multiplicities[] = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10}; // so we get 10 particles of each species here
65 // c) set the multiplicity for charged background (mixture of pi, k, pi)
66 Int_t setChargedBackground = 300;
67 // d) poissonian fluctuations for above multiplicities
68 Bool_t fluctuate = kFALSE;
69 // e) which tracks should get a flow boost ?
70 Bool_t addMotherV2 = kTRUE;
71 Bool_t addDaughterV2 = kFALSE;
72 // f) for each species (poi or rp, or species that will be created by the decayer) you can specify 'custom'
73 // functions for pt, v2 or v3. this will override defaults
74 // exapmle: modify the v2 for species 310
75 TString myFunction = "0.05*TMath::Sin(x)+.07";
76 Int_t modifyV2 = 310;
77 // and call - once an instance of the class is created (see below)
78 // AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::SetPtDependentV2(myFunction.Data(), modifyV2)
80 // == done with the flow stuff, proceed to the decayer, qa and writing to file == //
82 // g) decayer modes. select which decays needs to be forced (in the example by pythia)
83 // note that by default gamma's are 'decayed' to e+ e- pairs
84 Int_t decayModes[] = { TPythia6Decayer::kHadronicD }; // some decay modes
85 // h) number of events you want to generate.
1d89e44d 86 const int events = 50000;
09c93afd 87 // i) write output to file
88 Bool_t writeOutput = kTRUE;
89 // j) do qa. qa histograms will be created at the end of generation adn written to a rootfile in your working directory
90 Bool_t qa = kTRUE;
91 // k) write analysis to an output file
92 TString trunkName = "OnTheFlyEvent"; // trunk of output file name
93 // l) specify the max number of events per file (new files will be generated automatically)
1d89e44d 94 const int maxEventsPerFile = 1000; // specify the maximum number of events that is stored per file
09c93afd 95 // note that events are stored temporarily in RAM memory before writing to file
96 // so setting this number to a very large value could lead to an unresponsive system
98 // from here there's nothing that needs to be changed for the event generation
100 int nFileCounter(0);
101 TClonesArray *event = new TClonesArray("TParticle",5000);
102 TObjArray *dataContainer = new TObjArray(maxEventsPerFile);
103 dataContainer->SetOwner(kTRUE);
104 TFile* _tmpfile = 0x0;
105 // setup the decayer
106 TPythia6Decayer* decayer = new TPythia6Decayer();
107 Int_t nDecayModes(sizeof(decayModes)/sizeof(Int_t));
108 // get an estimate of no of tracks per event
109 Int_t nMult(setChargedBackground);
110 for(Int_t i(0); i < nSpecies; i++) nMult += species[i];
111 for(Int_t i(0); i < nDecayModes; i++) decayer->SetForceDecay(decayModes[i]);
112 // get an instance of the class that we'll use to generate events
113 AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator* eventGenerator = new AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator( qa, // make some QA plots
1d89e44d 114 3, // introduce flow fluctuations
09c93afd 115 nMult, // set initial value for evnet multiplcity
116 decayer, // specify the decayer (NULL is no decay)
117 addMotherV2, // add v2 for mothers
118 NULL, // add v3 for mothers (not implemented yet)
119 addDaughterV2, // add v2 for daughters
120 NULL); // add v3 for daughters (not implemented yet)
121 // example of how to pass a custom function for v2 for a certain species to the generator
122 // eventGenerator->SetPtDependentV2(myFunction.Data(), modifyV2);
123 for(int i(0); i < events; i++) { // event generator loop
124 // prepare I/O necessities
125 if(!_tmpfile) _tmpfile = new TFile(Form("%s_%i.root", trunkName.Data(), nFileCounter), "RECREATE"); // new file, overwrite if already exists
126 // for each event, one can embed a TClonesArray of type TParticle*, e.g. do
127 // eventGenerator->EmbedEvent(myEmbeddedEvent);
128 // now that the generator is prepared, generate the actual event
129 AliFlowEventSimple* _tmpevent = eventGenerator->GenerateOnTheFlyEvent(event, nSpecies, species, multiplicities, setChargedBackground, fluctuate);
130 if(i==0) printf(" \n\n > Generating events on the fly, please be patient ... < \n");
131 _tmpevent->Write();
132 // check if we need to open a new file, or if we've reached the end of the generator cycle
133 if((i-nFileCounter*maxEventsPerFile)==(maxEventsPerFile-1) || i == (events-1)) {
134 printf(" - writing memory buffer %i to output file ... \n", nFileCounter);
135 dataContainer->Write();
136 dataContainer->Clear();
137 _tmpfile->Close();
138 _tmpfile->Delete();
139 _tmpfile = 0x0;
140 nFileCounter++;
141 }
142 }
143 if(qa) eventGenerator->DoGeneratorQA(kTRUE, kFALSE);
144 delete eventGenerator;
145 delete decayer;
146 delete event;
147 aa.Stop();
148 printf("\n > events have been generated and written to file ! < \n");
149 aa.Print();
152void AnalyseEventsFromFile() {
153 // example function: read events from file and do some analysis.
09c93afd 154 Int_t nFiles(0); // file counter
155 // setup analysis methods
90555064 156 AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants* qc = new AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants();
157 PrepareQCumulants(qc);
09c93afd 158
159 while(kTRUE) {
160 TFile file(Form("OnTheFlyEvent_%i.root",nFiles)); // open the root file
161 if(file.IsZombie()) break;
162 TIter iter(file.GetListOfKeys()); // get a list of keys
164 // loop over all the events in the file
165 while(kTRUE) { // infinite loop ...
166 TKey* key = iter(); // get the next key from the file
167 if(!key) break; // ... and exit the loop if the key is empty
168 AliFlowEventSimple* event = (AliFlowEventSimple*)key->ReadObj(); // cast to a flow event
169 printf(" - read event with %i tracks\n", event->NumberOfTracks());
170 // track loop
171 for(int i(0); i < event->NumberOfTracks(); i++) {
172 // do some offline fun stuff with the events
173 AliFlowTrackSimple* track = event->GetTrack(i);
174 if(!track) continue; // break the loop when we don't find a track
175 // do some next stuff with the tracks
176 // example: retag the primary kaons as poi's and the rest as reference
177 if(track->Charge()!=-1) continue; // reject secondary tracks UGLY !!!
178 if(TMath::Abs(track->GetID()==321)) { // find the kaons
179 if(track->InRPSelection()) { // if the kaon is an rp (it should be by default)
180 track->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); // set it as poi ...
181 track->SetForRPSelection(kFALSE); // ... and 'detag' it as rp
182 // make sure to correct the reference multiplicity
183 event->SetReferenceMultiplicity(-1+event->GetReferenceMultiplicity());
184 }
185 else track->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); // tag as poi
186 }
187 else { // if track is not a kaon
188 if(!track->InRPSelection()) { // check if it's an rp
189 track->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); // if not, tag as rp (it should be there, but just to be safe ... )
190 // and again correct the reference multiplicity
191 event->SetReferenceMultiplicity(1+event->GetReferenceMultiplicity());
192 }
193 }
194 }
195 // insert the poor guy into the flow anaysis method
196 qc->Make(event);
09c93afd 197 delete event;
198 }
199 nFiles++;
200 }
201 // prepare output for the flow package analyses
202 TString outputFileName = "AnalysisResults.root";
203 TFile *outputFile = new TFile(outputFileName.Data(),"RECREATE");
90555064 204 const Int_t nMethods(1);
205 TString method[] = {"QC"};
09c93afd 206 TDirectoryFile *dirFileFinal[nMethods] = {NULL};
207 TString fileName[nMethods];
208 for(Int_t i(0); i < nMethods; i++) {
209 fileName[i]+="output";
210 fileName[i]+=method[i].Data();
211 fileName[i]+="analysis";
212 dirFileFinal[i] = new TDirectoryFile(fileName[i].Data(),fileName[i].Data());
213 }
90555064 214 qc->Finish();qc->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[0]);
09c93afd 215 outputFile->Close();
216 delete outputFile;
90555064 218
219/* ====================================================
220 *
221 * the following two functions serve as an exmaple
222 * of how to run the phi and kstar analysis on on the
223 * fly events
224 *
225 * ====================================================
226 */
229void TwoParticleResonanceFlowOnTheFly() {
231 // load additional libraries
232 gSystem->Load("libGeom");
233 gSystem->Load("libVMC");
234 gSystem->Load("libXMLIO");
235 gSystem->Load("libPhysics");
236 gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS");
237 gSystem->Load("libANALYSISalice");
238 gSystem->Load("libPWGflowBase");
239 gSystem->Load("libPWGflowTasks");
241 TString dirName = "reconstruction";
242 Int_t nFiles(0);
243 // define the poi cuts, see AddTwoParticelResonanceFlowTask.C for more info
244 const Int_t mb(30); // no of massbands available for analysis
245 Float_t minMass(.99), maxMass(1.092); // upper and lower bound
246 AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* POIfilterQC[mb]; // pointers to poi filters
247 Double_t flowBands[2][mb]; // define the invm regins
248 Double_t _inc = (maxMass-minMass)/(float)mb;
249 for (Int_t _mb = 0; _mb < mb; _mb++) { // create the poi filters
250 flowBands[0][_mb] = minMass + _mb * _inc;
251 flowBands[1][_mb] = minMass + (_mb + 1) * _inc;
252 POIfilterQC[_mb] = new AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts(Form("FilterPOIQC_MB%d", _mb));
253 POIfilterQC[_mb]->SetEtaMin(-0.8); // eta range
254 POIfilterQC[_mb]->SetEtaMax(+0.8);
255 POIfilterQC[_mb]->SetMassMin(flowBands[0][_mb]); // invm range lower bound
256 POIfilterQC[_mb]->SetMassMax(flowBands[1][_mb]); // invm rnage upper bound
257 }
258 // do the flow analysis
259 AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants* qc[mb];
260 for(int i(0); i < mb; i++) { // init the q-cumulant tasks, one for each invm bin
261 qc[i] = new AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants();
262 PrepareQCumulants(qc[i]);
263 printf(" > init qc task %i < \n", i);
264 }
265 AliAnalysisTwoParticleResonanceFlowTask* task = new AliAnalysisTwoParticleResonanceFlowTask("onthefly");
266 SetUpTask(task, minMass,maxMass);// setup the task
267 // open files
268 while(kTRUE) { // infinite loop which we will break when we've looked through all the files
269 TFile file(Form("OnTheFlyEvent_%i.root", nFiles)); // open the root file
270 if(nFiles==0&&file.IsZombie()) { // something went wrong ...
271 printf(" > cannot get input files ... exiting < \n");
272 exit(0);
273 }
274 if(file.IsZombie()) break; // break the loop on the first empty file
275 TIter iter(file.GetListOfKeys()); // get a list of keys
276 while(kTRUE) { // infinite loop over events ...
277 TKey* key = iter(); // get the next key from the file
278 if(!key) break; // ... and exit the loop if the key is empty
279 AliFlowEventSimple* event = (AliFlowEventSimple*)key->ReadObj(); // cast to a flow event
280 printf(" - read event with %i tracks from file %i \n > task ", event->NumberOfTracks(), nFiles);
281 task->DoAnalysisOnTheFly(event); // do the on the fly analysis
282 AliFlowEventSimple* flowEvent = task->GetFlowEvent(); // retrieve the flow event
283 for(int j(0); j < mb; j++) { // loop over all invm bands
284 flowEvent->TagPOI(POIfilterQC[j]); // 'offline' tagging of poi's in certain mass range
285 flowEvent->TagSubeventsInEta(-.8, 0, 0, .8); // setup subevents
286 qc[j]->Make(flowEvent); // do qc analysis
287 printf(" %i", j);
288 }
289 }
290 nFiles++;
291 }
292 // prepare output for the flow package analyses
293 TFile *outputFile = new TFile("AnalysisResults.root","RECREATE"); // common outputfile
294 TDirectoryFile* dirFileFinal[mb]; // tdirectory files
295 TString fileName[mb]; // dir names
296 for(Int_t i(0); i < mb; i++) { // loop over all bands ...
297 fileName[i]+=Form("QC_minv_%i", i);
298 dirFileFinal[i] = new TDirectoryFile(fileName[i].Data(),fileName[i].Data());
299 qc[i]->Finish(); // finalize the method
300 qc[i]->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[i]); // and write it to file
301 }
302 // write the output of the phi reconstruction to the same file
303 TDirectoryFile* dir = new TDirectoryFile(dirName.Data(), dirName.Data());
304 task->DoAnalysisOnTheFly(dir);
305 // end of analysis
306 outputFile->Close();
307 delete outputFile;
310void SetUpTask(AliAnalysisTwoParticleResonanceFlowTask* task, Float_t minMass, Float_t maxMass)
312 // some magic which is necessary to 'trick' the analysis task into thinking
313 // that we're actually doing an analysis on aod events.
314 // some of these configurations are used (e.g. setupSpecies, common constants
315 // and the binning in pt)
316 // others have no meaning (PID, DCA, RP and POI cuts)
317 // note that UserCreateOutputObjects is necessary since it initializes
318 // the output of the analysis
319 gSystem->Load("libPWGflowTasks");
320 Float_t PIDconfig[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0.3}; // not used
321 task->SetPIDConfiguration(PIDconfig); // not used
322 task->SetupSpeciesA(321, 1, 4.93676999e-01, 0.15, 5.); // pid and charge
323 task->SetupSpeciesB(-321, -1, 4.93676999e-01, 0.15, 5.); // pid and charge
324 task->SetRPCuts(new AliFlowTrackCuts("unused_rp_cuts")); // not used
325 task->SetPOICuts(new AliFlowTrackCuts("unused_poi_cuts")); // not used
326 Float_t POIDCA[] = {0,0,0,0,0}; // not used
327 task->SetPOIDCAXYZ(POIDCA); // not used
328 task->SetCommonConstants(30, minMass, maxMass); // necesssary
329 Float_t _pt[] = {0., 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3., 4., 5., 6., 7.}; // same
330 task->SetPtBins(_pt, (Int_t)(sizeof(_pt)/sizeof(_pt[1]))-1); // same
331 task->UserCreateOutputObjects(); // necessary
334void PrepareQCumulants(AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants* qc)
336 // prepare the cumulants task
337 qc->SetHarmonic(2);
338 qc->SetCalculateDiffFlow(kTRUE);
339 qc->SetCalculate2DDiffFlow(kFALSE); // vs (pt,eta)
340 qc->SetApplyCorrectionForNUA(kFALSE);
341 qc->SetFillMultipleControlHistograms(kFALSE);
342 qc->SetMultiplicityWeight("combinations"); // default (other supported options are "unit" and "multiplicity")
343 qc->SetCalculateCumulantsVsM(kFALSE);
344 qc->SetCalculateAllCorrelationsVsM(kFALSE); // calculate all correlations in mixed harmonics "vs M"
345 qc->SetnBinsMult(10000);
346 qc->SetMinMult(0);
347 qc->SetMaxMult(10000);
348 qc->SetBookOnlyBasicCCH(kFALSE); // book only basic common control histograms
349 qc->SetCalculateDiffFlowVsEta(kTRUE); // if you set kFALSE only differential flow vs pt is calculated
350 qc->Init();
09c93afd 352//_____________________________________________________________________________
353Bool_t LoadLibraries() {
354 // load libraries
356 gSystem->Load("libGeom");
357 gSystem->Load("libVMC");
358 gSystem->Load("libXMLIO");
359 gSystem->Load("libPhysics");
360 gSystem->Load("libEG");
361 gSystem->Load("libPWGflowBase");
362 if(gSystem->Load("$ALICE_ROOT/lib/tgt_linuxx8664gcc/libpythia6")!=0) {
363 printf(" \n\n\n *** fatal error, couldn't load pythia, exiting ! *** \n\n\n");
364 return kFALSE;
365 }
366 return kTRUE;