]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGCF/FLOW/macros/runFlowAnalysisOnTheFly.C
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGCF / FLOW / macros / runFlowAnalysisOnTheFly.C
93417736 1// Settings for the simulation of events 'on the fly':
2// a) Determine how many events you want to create;
3// b) Set random or same seed for random generator;
4// c) Determine multiplicites of events;
5// d) Parametrize the phi distribution;
6// d1) Enable/disable uniform event-wise fluctuations of v2;
7// d2) Enable/diable pt dependence of v2;
8// e) Parametrize the pt distribution;
9// f) Determine how many times each sampled particle will be taken (simulating nonflow);
10// g) Configure detector's acceptance;
11// h) Decide which flow analysis methods you will use;
12// i) Define simple cuts for Reference Particle (RP) selection;
13// j) Define simple cuts for Particle of Interest (POI) selection;
14// k) Define the ranges for two subevents separated with eta gap (needed only for SP method);
15// l) Enable/disable usage of particle weights.
7fb984f6 16
93417736 17// a) Determine how many events you want to create:
18Int_t iNevts = 1000; // total statistics
7a01f4a7 19
93417736 20// b) Set random or same seed for random generator:
21Bool_t bSameSeed = kFALSE; // if kTRUE, the created events are the same when re-doing flow analysis 'on the fly'
e1911c19 22
93417736 23// c) Determine multiplicites of events:
24// Remark 1: Multiplicity M for each event is sampled uniformly from interval iMinMult <= M < iMaxMult;
25// Remark 2: For constant M of e.g. 500 for each event, set iMinMult = 500 and iMaxMult = 501.
26Int_t iMinMult = 500; // uniformly sampled multiplicity is >= iMinMult
27Int_t iMaxMult = 501; // uniformly sampled multiplicity is < iMaxMult
4d603348 28
93417736 29// d) Parametrize the phi distribution:
30// Remark 1: Hardwired is Fourier-like distribution f(phi) = (1/2pi)(1+sum_{n=1}^{4} 2v_n cos[n(phi-rp)]),
31// where reaction plane (rp) is sampled uniformly for each event from interval [0,2pi]
32Double_t dV1 = 0.0; // constant harmonic v1
33Double_t dV2 = 0.05; // constant harmonic v2
34Double_t dV3 = 0.0; // constant harmonic v3
35Double_t dV4 = 0.0; // constant harmonic v4
36// Remark 2: By default all harmonics are constant for each event and for each particle. However, for v2
37// the uniform event-wise fluctuations or pt dependence can be enabled:
38// d1) Enable/disable uniform event-wise fluctuations of v2:
39Bool_t bUniformFluctuationsV2 = kFALSE; // enable uniform event-wise flow fluctuations (set than also dMinV2 and dMaxV2 bellow)
40Double_t dMinV2 = 0.04; // lower boundary on v2, when bUniformFluctuationsV2 = kTRUE
41Double_t dMaxV2 = 0.06; // upper boundary on v2, when bUniformFluctuationsV2 = kTRUE
42// d2) Enable/disable pt dependence of v2:
43Bool_t bPtDependentV2 = kFALSE; // enable pt dependence of v2 (set then also dV2vsPtMax and dV2vsPtCutOff bellow)
44Double_t dV2vsPtCutOff = 2.0; // up to pt = dV2vsPtCutOff v2 is growing linearly as a function of pt
45Double_t dV2vsPtMax = 0.20; // for pt >= dV2vsPtCutOff, v2(pt) = dV2vsPtMax
93ff27bd 46
93417736 47// e) Parametrize the pt distribution:
48// Remark: Hardwired is Boltzmann distribution f(pt) = pt*exp[-sqrt(dMass^2+pt^2)/dT]
49Double_t dMass = 0.13957; // mass in GeV/c^2 (e.g. m_{pions} = 0.13957)
50Double_t dTemperature = 0.44; // "temperature" in GeV/c (increase this parameter to get more high pt particles)
598d292e 51
93417736 52// f) Determine how many times each sampled particle will be taken in the analysis (simulating nonflow):
53Int_t nTimes = 1; // e.g. for nTimes = 2, strong 2-particle nonflow correlations are introduced
7a01f4a7 54
93417736 55// g) Configure detector's acceptance:
56Bool_t uniformAcceptance = kTRUE; // if kTRUE: detectors has uniform azimuthal acceptance.
57 // if kFALSE: you will simulate detector with non-uniform acceptance in one or
58 // two sectors. For each sector you specify phiMin, phiMax and probability p.
59 // Then all particles emitted in direction phiMin < phi < phiMax will be taken
60 // with probability p. If p = 0, that sector is completely blocked. Set bellow
61 // phiMin1, phiMax1, p1 for the first sector and phiMin2, phiMax2, p2 for the second
62 // sector. If you set phiMin2 = phiMax2 = p2 = 0, only first non-uniform sector is
63 // simulated.
64// 1st non-uniform sector:
65Double_t phiMin1 = 60; // first non-uniform sector starts at this azimuth (in degrees)
66Double_t phiMax1 = 120; // first non-uniform sector ends at this azimuth (in degrees)
67Double_t p1 = 0.5; // probablitity that particles emitted in [phiMin1,phiMax1] are taken
68// 2nd non-uniform sector:
69Double_t phiMin2 = 0.; // first non-uniform sector starts at this azimuth (in degrees)
70Double_t phiMax2 = 0.; // first non-uniform sector ends at this azimuth (in degrees)
71Double_t p2 = 0.; // probablitity that particles emitted in [phiMin2,phiMax2] are taken
7a01f4a7 72
93417736 73// h) Decide which flow analysis methods you will use:
74Bool_t MCEP = kTRUE; // Monte Carlo Event Plane
75Bool_t SP = kTRUE; // Scalar Product (a.k.a 'flow analysis with eta gaps')
76Bool_t GFC = kTRUE; // Generating Function Cumulants
77Bool_t QC = kTRUE; // Q-cumulants
78Bool_t FQD = kTRUE; // Fitted q-distribution
79Bool_t LYZ1SUM = kTRUE; // Lee-Yang Zero (sum generating function), first pass over the data
80Bool_t LYZ1PROD = kTRUE; // Lee-Yang Zero (product generating function), first pass over the data
81Bool_t LYZ2SUM = kFALSE; // Lee-Yang Zero (sum generating function), second pass over the data
82Bool_t LYZ2PROD = kFALSE; // Lee-Yang Zero (product generating function), second pass over the data
83Bool_t LYZEP = kFALSE; // Lee-Yang Zero Event Plane
84Bool_t MH = kFALSE; // Mixed Harmonics (used for strong parity violation studies)
85Bool_t NL = kFALSE; // Nested Loops (neeed for debugging, only for developers)
e23cbd39 86
93417736 87// i) Define simple cuts for Reference Particle (RP) selection:
88Double_t ptMinRP = 0.0; // in GeV
89Double_t ptMaxRP = 10.0; // in GeV
90Double_t etaMinRP = -1.;
91Double_t etaMaxRP = 1.;
92Double_t phiMinRP = 0.0; // in degrees
93Double_t phiMaxRP = 360.0; // in degrees
94Bool_t bUseChargeRP = kFALSE; // if kFALSE, RPs with both sign of charges are taken
95Int_t chargeRP = 1; // +1 or -1
e23cbd39 96
93417736 97// j) Define simple cuts for Particle of Interest (POI) selection:
98Double_t ptMinPOI = 0.0; // in GeV
99Double_t ptMaxPOI = 10.0; // in GeV
100Double_t etaMinPOI = -1.; //
101Double_t etaMaxPOI = 1.;
102Double_t phiMinPOI = 0.0; // in degrees
103Double_t phiMaxPOI = 360.0; // in degrees
104Bool_t bUseChargePOI = kFALSE; // if kFALSE, POIs with both sign of charges are taken
105Int_t chargePOI = -1; // +1 or -1
7a01f4a7 106
93417736 107// k) Define the ranges for two subevents separated with eta gap (needed only for SP method):
108Double_t etaMinA = -0.8; // minimum eta of subevent A
109Double_t etaMaxA = -0.5; // maximum eta of subevent A
110Double_t etaMinB = 0.5; // minimum eta of subevent B
111Double_t etaMaxB = 0.8; // maximum eta of subevent B
524798bf 112
93417736 113// l) Enable/disable usage of particle weights:
114Bool_t usePhiWeights = kFALSE; // phi weights
115Bool_t usePtWeights = kFALSE; // pt weights
116Bool_t useEtaWeights = kFALSE; // eta weights
e23cbd39 117
4d603348 118enum anaModes {mLocal,mLocalSource,mLocalPAR};
93ff27bd 119// mLocal: Analyze data on your computer using aliroot
120// mLocalPAR: Analyze data on your computer using root + PAR files
121// mLocalSource: Analyze data on your computer using root + source files
93417736 123#include "TStopwatch.h"
124#include "TObjArray"
125#include "Riostream.h"
126#include "TFile.h"
128int runFlowAnalysisOnTheFly(Int_t mode=mLocal)
93ff27bd 129{
93417736 130 // Beging analysis 'on the fly'.
93ff27bd 131
93417736 132 // a) Formal necessities....;
133 // b) Initialize the flow event maker 'on the fly';
134 // c) If enabled, access particle weights from external file;
135 // d) Configure the flow analysis methods;
136 // e) Simple cuts for RPs;
137 // f) Simple cuts for POIs;
138 // g) Create and analyse events 'on the fly';
139 // h) Create the output file and directory structure for the final results of all methods;
140 // i) Calculate and store the final results of all methods.
93ff27bd 141
93417736 142 // a) Formal necessities....:
143 CheckUserSettings();
144 WelcomeMessage();
145 TStopwatch timer;
146 timer.Start();
93ff27bd 147 LoadLibraries(mode);
4d603348 148
93417736 149 // b) Initialize the flow event maker 'on the fly':
150 UInt_t uiSeed = 0; // if uiSeed is 0, the seed is determined uniquely in space and time via TUUID
151 if(bSameSeed){uiSeed = 44;}
152 AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly* eventMakerOnTheFly = new AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly(uiSeed);
153 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetMinMult(iMinMult);
154 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetMaxMult(iMaxMult);
155 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetMass(dMass);
156 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetTemperature(dTemperature);
157 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetV1(dV1);
158 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetV2(dV2);
159 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetV3(dV3);
160 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetV4(dV4);
161 if(bUniformFluctuationsV2)
4d603348 162 {
93417736 163 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetUniformFluctuationsV2(bUniformFluctuationsV2);
164 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetMinV2(dMinV2);
165 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetMaxV2(dMaxV2);
166 }
167 if(bPtDependentV2)
168 {
169 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetPtDependentV2(bPtDependentV2);
170 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetV2vsPtCutOff(dV2vsPtCutOff);
171 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetV2vsPtMax(dV2vsPtMax);
4d603348 172 }
93417736 173 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetSubeventEtaRange(etaMinA,etaMaxA,etaMinB,etaMaxB);
174 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetNTimes(nTimes);
175 if(!uniformAcceptance)
4d603348 176 {
93417736 177 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetUniformAcceptance(kFALSE);
178 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetFirstSectorPhiMin(phiMin1);
179 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetFirstSectorPhiMax(phiMax1);
180 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetFirstSectorProbability(p1);
181 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetSecondSectorPhiMin(phiMin2);
182 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetSecondSectorPhiMax(phiMax2);
183 eventMakerOnTheFly->SetSecondSectorProbability(p2);
184 }
4d603348 185 eventMakerOnTheFly->Init();
93417736 186
187 // c) If enabled, access particle weights from external file:
188 TFile *fileWithWeights = NULL;
189 TList *listWithWeights = NULL;
190 if(usePhiWeights||usePtWeights||useEtaWeights)
191 {
192 fileWithWeights = TFile::Open("weights.root","READ");
193 if(fileWithWeights)
194 {
195 listWithWeights = (TList*)fileWithWeights->Get("weights");
196 }
197 else
198 {
199 cout << " WARNING: the file <weights.root> with weights from the previous run was not found."<<endl;
200 break;
201 }
202 } // end of if(usePhiWeights||usePtWeights||useEtaWeights)
204 // d) Configure the flow analysis methods:
ce4a88f5 205 AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants *qc = NULL;
206 AliFlowAnalysisWithCumulants *gfc = NULL;
207 AliFlowAnalysisWithFittingQDistribution *fqd = NULL;
208 AliFlowAnalysisWithLeeYangZeros *lyz1sum = NULL;
209 AliFlowAnalysisWithLeeYangZeros *lyz1prod = NULL;
210 AliFlowAnalysisWithLeeYangZeros *lyz2sum = NULL;
211 AliFlowAnalysisWithLeeYangZeros *lyz2prod = NULL;
212 AliFlowAnalysisWithLYZEventPlane *lyzep = NULL;
213 AliFlowAnalysisWithScalarProduct *sp = NULL;
d66d46f7 214 AliFlowAnalysisWithMixedHarmonics *mh = NULL;
83bc3e95 215 AliFlowAnalysisWithNestedLoops *nl = NULL;
ce4a88f5 216 AliFlowAnalysisWithMCEventPlane *mcep = NULL;
93ff27bd 217 // MCEP = monte carlo event plane
93417736 218 if(MCEP)
d66d46f7 219 {
93417736 220 //AliFlowAnalysisWithMCEventPlane *mcep = new AliFlowAnalysisWithMCEventPlane();
221 mcep = new AliFlowAnalysisWithMCEventPlane();
222 mcep->SetHarmonic(2); // default is v2
223 mcep->Init();
224 } // end of if(MCEP)
225 // SP = Scalar Product
226 if(SP)
d66d46f7 227 {
93417736 228 sp = new AliFlowAnalysisWithScalarProduct();
229 if(listWithWeights){sp->SetWeightsList(listWithWeights);}
230 sp->SetUsePhiWeights(usePhiWeights);
231 sp->SetHarmonic(2);
232 sp->SetApplyCorrectionForNUA(kFALSE);
233 sp->Init();
234 } // end of if(SP)
ce4a88f5 235 // QC = Q-cumulants
93417736 236 if(QC)
237 {
238 qc = new AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants();
239 if(listWithWeights){qc->SetWeightsList(listWithWeights);}
240 if(usePhiWeights){qc->SetUsePhiWeights(usePhiWeights);}
241 if(usePtWeights){qc->SetUsePtWeights(usePtWeights);}
242 if(useEtaWeights){qc->SetUseEtaWeights(useEtaWeights);}
243 qc->SetHarmonic(2);
244 qc->SetCalculateDiffFlow(kTRUE);
245 qc->SetCalculate2DDiffFlow(kFALSE); // vs (pt,eta)
246 qc->SetApplyCorrectionForNUA(kFALSE);
247 qc->SetFillMultipleControlHistograms(kFALSE);
248 qc->SetMultiplicityWeight("combinations"); // default (other supported options are "unit" and "multiplicity")
249 qc->SetCalculateCumulantsVsM(kFALSE);
62e36168 250 qc->SetCalculateAllCorrelationsVsM(kFALSE); // calculate all correlations in mixed harmonics "vs M"
93417736 251 qc->SetnBinsMult(10000);
252 qc->SetMinMult(0);
253 qc->SetMaxMult(10000);
62e36168 254 qc->SetBookOnlyBasicCCH(kFALSE); // book only basic common control histograms
255 qc->SetCalculateDiffFlowVsEta(kTRUE); // if you set kFALSE only differential flow vs pt is calculated
93417736 256 qc->Init();
257 } // end of if(QC)
93ff27bd 258 // GFC = Generating Function Cumulants
93417736 259 if(GFC)
260 {
261 gfc = new AliFlowAnalysisWithCumulants();
262 if(listWithWeights){gfc->SetWeightsList(listWithWeights);}
263 if(usePhiWeights){gfc->SetUsePhiWeights(usePhiWeights);}
264 if(usePtWeights){gfc->SetUsePtWeights(usePtWeights);}
265 if(useEtaWeights){gfc->SetUseEtaWeights(useEtaWeights);}
266 // calculation vs multiplicity:
267 gfc->SetCalculateVsMultiplicity(kFALSE);
268 gfc->SetnBinsMult(10000);
269 gfc->SetMinMult(0);
270 gfc->SetMaxMult(10000);
271 gfc->SetHarmonic(2);
272 // tuning of interpolating parameters:
273 gfc->SetTuneParameters(kFALSE);
274 Double_t r0[10] = {1.8,1.9,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,2.7}; // up to 10 values allowed
275 for(Int_t r=0;r<10;r++){gfc->SetTuningR0(r0[r],r);}
276 gfc->Init();
277 } // end of if(GFC)
93ff27bd 278 // FQD = Fitting q-distribution
93417736 279 if(FQD)
280 {
281 fqd = new AliFlowAnalysisWithFittingQDistribution();
282 if(listWithWeights){fqd->SetWeightsList(listWithWeights);}
283 if(usePhiWeights){fqd->SetUsePhiWeights(usePhiWeights);}
284 fqd->SetHarmonic(2);
285 fqd->Init();
286 } // end of if(FQD)
93ff27bd 287 // LYZ1 = Lee-Yang Zeroes first run
93417736 288 if(LYZ1SUM)
289 {
290 lyz1sum = new AliFlowAnalysisWithLeeYangZeros();
291 lyz1sum->SetFirstRun(kTRUE);
292 lyz1sum->SetUseSum(kTRUE);
293 lyz1sum->Init();
294 } // end of if(LYZ1SUM)
295 if(LYZ1PROD)
296 {
297 lyz1prod = new AliFlowAnalysisWithLeeYangZeros();
298 lyz1prod->SetFirstRun(kTRUE);
299 lyz1prod->SetUseSum(kFALSE);
300 lyz1prod->Init();
301 } // end of if(LYZ1PROD)
93ff27bd 302 // LYZ2 = Lee-Yang Zeroes second run
93417736 303 if(LYZ2SUM)
304 {
305 lyz2sum = new AliFlowAnalysisWithLeeYangZeros();
306 // read the input file from the first run
307 TString inputFileNameLYZ2SUM = "outputLYZ1SUManalysis.root" ;
308 TFile* inputFileLYZ2SUM = new TFile(inputFileNameLYZ2SUM.Data(),"READ");
309 if(!inputFileLYZ2SUM || inputFileLYZ2SUM->IsZombie())
310 {
311 cerr<<" ERROR: To run LYZ2SUM you need the output file from LYZ1SUM. This file is not there! Please run LYZ1SUM first."<<endl;
312 break;
313 } else
314 {
c741f5d0 315 TList* inputListLYZ2SUM = (TList*)inputFileLYZ2SUM->Get("cobjLYZ1SUM");
93417736 316 if(!inputListLYZ2SUM){cout<<"Input list LYZ2SUM is NULL pointer!"<<endl;break;}
317 else
318 {
319 cout<<"LYZ2SUM input file/list read..."<<endl;
320 lyz2sum->SetFirstRunList(inputListLYZ2SUM);
321 lyz2sum->SetFirstRun(kFALSE);
322 lyz2sum->SetUseSum(kTRUE);
323 lyz2sum->Init();
93ff27bd 324 }
325 }
93417736 326 } // end of if(LYZ2SUM)
327 if(LYZ2PROD)
328 {
329 lyz2prod = new AliFlowAnalysisWithLeeYangZeros();
330 // read the input file from the first run
331 TString inputFileNameLYZ2PROD = "outputLYZ1PRODanalysis.root" ;
332 TFile* inputFileLYZ2PROD = new TFile(inputFileNameLYZ2PROD.Data(),"READ");
333 if(!inputFileLYZ2PROD || inputFileLYZ2PROD->IsZombie())
334 {
335 cerr<<" ERROR: To run LYZ2PROD you need the output file from LYZ1PROD. This file is not there! Please run LYZ1PROD first."<<endl;
336 break;
337 } else
338 {
c741f5d0 339 TList* inputListLYZ2PROD = (TList*)inputFileLYZ2PROD->Get("cobjLYZ1PROD");
93417736 340 if(!inputListLYZ2PROD){cout<<"Input list LYZ2PROD is NULL pointer!"<<endl;break;}
341 else
342 {
343 cout<<"LYZ2PROD input file/list read..."<<endl;
344 lyz2prod->SetFirstRunList(inputListLYZ2PROD);
345 lyz2prod->SetFirstRun(kFALSE);
346 lyz2prod->SetUseSum(kFALSE);
347 lyz2prod->Init();
c741f5d0 348 }
349 }
93417736 350 } // end of if(LYZ2PROD)
93ff27bd 351 // LYZEP = Lee-Yang Zeroes event plane
93417736 352 if(LYZEP)
353 {
354 AliFlowLYZEventPlane *ep = new AliFlowLYZEventPlane() ;
355 AliFlowAnalysisWithLYZEventPlane* lyzep = new AliFlowAnalysisWithLYZEventPlane();
93ff27bd 356 // read the input file from the second lyz run
c741f5d0 357 TString inputFileNameLYZEP = "outputLYZ2SUManalysis.root" ;
93ff27bd 358 TFile* inputFileLYZEP = new TFile(inputFileNameLYZEP.Data(),"READ");
359 if(!inputFileLYZEP || inputFileLYZEP->IsZombie()) {
5b40431d 360 cerr << " ERROR: To run LYZEP you need the output file from LYZ2SUM. This file is not there! Please run LYZ2SUM first." << endl ;
93ff27bd 361 break;
362 }
363 else {
c741f5d0 364 TList* inputListLYZEP = (TList*)inputFileLYZEP->Get("cobjLYZ2SUM");
365 if (!inputListLYZEP) {cout<<"Input list LYZEP is NULL pointer!"<<endl; break;}
93ff27bd 366 else {
367 cout<<"LYZEP input file/list read..."<<endl;
368 ep ->SetSecondRunList(inputListLYZEP);
369 lyzep->SetSecondRunList(inputListLYZEP);
370 ep ->Init();
371 lyzep->Init();
372 }
373 }
374 }
93417736 375 // Mixed Harmonics:
376 if(MH)
bdb5c432 377 {
93417736 378 mh = new AliFlowAnalysisWithMixedHarmonics();
379 mh->SetHarmonic(1); // integer n in expression cos[n(2phi1-phi2-phi3)] = v2n*vn^2
380 mh->SetMinMultiplicity(100);
381 mh->SetNoOfMultipicityBins(5);
382 mh->SetMultipicityBinWidth(200);
383 mh->Init();
384 } // end of if(MH)
385 // NL = Nested Loops:
386 if(NL)
e23cbd39 387 {
93417736 388 nl = new AliFlowAnalysisWithNestedLoops();
389 nl->Init();
390 } // end of if(NL)
e1911c19 391
93417736 392 // e) Simple cuts for RPs:
e1911c19 393 AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts *cutsRP = new AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts();
394 cutsRP->SetPtMax(ptMaxRP);
395 cutsRP->SetPtMin(ptMinRP);
396 cutsRP->SetEtaMax(etaMaxRP);
397 cutsRP->SetEtaMin(etaMinRP);
398 cutsRP->SetPhiMax(phiMaxRP*TMath::Pi()/180.);
399 cutsRP->SetPhiMin(phiMinRP*TMath::Pi()/180.);
93417736 400 if(bUseChargeRP){cutsRP->SetCharge(chargeRP);}
402 // f) Simple cuts for POIs:
e1911c19 403 AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts *cutsPOI = new AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts();
404 cutsPOI->SetPtMax(ptMaxPOI);
405 cutsPOI->SetPtMin(ptMinPOI);
406 cutsPOI->SetEtaMax(etaMaxPOI);
407 cutsPOI->SetEtaMin(etaMinPOI);
408 cutsPOI->SetPhiMax(phiMaxPOI*TMath::Pi()/180.);
409 cutsPOI->SetPhiMin(phiMinPOI*TMath::Pi()/180.);
93417736 410 if(bUseChargePOI){cutsPOI->SetCharge(chargePOI);}
e1911c19 411
93417736 412 // g) Create and analyse events 'on the fly':
413 for(Int_t i=0;i<iNevts;i++)
414 {
415 // Creating the event 'on the fly':
416 AliFlowEventSimple *event = eventMakerOnTheFly->CreateEventOnTheFly(cutsRP,cutsPOI);
417 // Passing the created event to flow analysis methods:
418 if(MCEP){mcep->Make(event);}
419 if(QC){qc->Make(event);}
420 if(GFC){gfc->Make(event);}
421 if(FQD){fqd->Make(event);}
422 if(LYZ1SUM){lyz1sum->Make(event);}
423 if(LYZ1PROD){lyz1prod->Make(event);}
424 if(LYZ2SUM){lyz2sum->Make(event);}
425 if(LYZ2PROD){lyz2prod->Make(event);}
426 if(LYZEP){lyzep->Make(event,ep);}
427 if(SP){sp->Make(event);}
428 if(MH){mh->Make(event);}
429 if(NL){nl->Make(event);}
430 delete event;
431 } // end of for(Int_t i=0;i<iNevts;i++)
93ff27bd 432
93417736 433 // h) Create the output file and directory structure for the final results of all methods:
ad87ae62 434 TString outputFileName = "AnalysisResults.root";
435 TFile *outputFile = new TFile(outputFileName.Data(),"RECREATE");
93417736 436 const Int_t nMethods = 12;
437 TString method[nMethods] = {"MCEP","SP","GFC","QC","FQD","LYZ1SUM","LYZ1PROD","LYZ2SUM","LYZ2PROD","LYZEP","MH","NL"};
ad87ae62 438 TDirectoryFile *dirFileFinal[nMethods] = {NULL};
439 TString fileName[nMethods];
440 for(Int_t i=0;i<nMethods;i++)
441 {
ad87ae62 442 fileName[i]+="output";
443 fileName[i]+=method[i].Data();
444 fileName[i]+="analysis";
445 dirFileFinal[i] = new TDirectoryFile(fileName[i].Data(),fileName[i].Data());
446 }
93417736 448 // i) Calculate and store the final results of all methods:
449 if(MCEP){mcep->Finish();mcep->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[0]);}
450 if(SP){sp->Finish();sp->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[1]);}
451 if(GFC){gfc->Finish();gfc->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[2]);}
452 if(QC){qc->Finish();qc->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[3]);}
453 if(FQD){fqd->Finish();fqd->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[4]);}
454 if(LYZ1SUM){lyz1sum->Finish();lyz1sum->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[5]);}
ad87ae62 455 if(LYZ1PROD){lyz1prod->Finish();lyz1prod->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[6]);}
93417736 456 if(LYZ2SUM){lyz2sum->Finish();lyz2sum->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[7]);}
ad87ae62 457 if(LYZ2PROD){lyz2prod->Finish();lyz2prod->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[8]);}
93417736 458 if(LYZEP){lyzep->Finish();lyzep->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[9]);}
459 if(MH){mh->Finish();mh->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[10]);}
460 if(NL){nl->Finish();nl->WriteHistograms(dirFileFinal[11]);}
93ff27bd 461
ad87ae62 462 outputFile->Close();
463 delete outputFile;
93ff27bd 464
465 cout<<endl;
466 cout<<endl;
467 cout<<" ---- LANDED SUCCESSFULLY ---- "<<endl;
468 cout<<endl;
470 timer.Stop();
471 cout << endl;
472 timer.Print();
93417736 473
474} // end of int runFlowAnalysisOnTheFly(Int_t mode=mLocal)
93ff27bd 475
476void SetupPar(char* pararchivename)
478 //Load par files, create analysis libraries
479 //For testing, if par file already decompressed and modified
480 //classes then do not decompress.
482 TString cdir(Form("%s", gSystem->WorkingDirectory() )) ;
483 TString parpar(Form("%s.par", pararchivename)) ;
484 if ( gSystem->AccessPathName(parpar.Data()) ) {
485 gSystem->ChangeDirectory(gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")) ;
486 TString processline(Form(".! make %s", parpar.Data())) ;
487 gROOT->ProcessLine(processline.Data()) ;
488 gSystem->ChangeDirectory(cdir) ;
489 processline = Form(".! mv /tmp/%s .", parpar.Data()) ;
490 gROOT->ProcessLine(processline.Data()) ;
491 }
492 if ( gSystem->AccessPathName(pararchivename) ) {
493 TString processline = Form(".! tar xvzf %s",parpar.Data()) ;
494 gROOT->ProcessLine(processline.Data());
495 }
497 TString ocwd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();
498 gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pararchivename);
500 // check for BUILD.sh and execute
501 if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) {
502 printf("*******************************\n");
503 printf("*** Building PAR archive ***\n");
504 cout<<pararchivename<<endl;
505 printf("*******************************\n");
507 if (gSystem->Exec("PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) {
508 Error("runProcess","Cannot Build the PAR Archive! - Abort!");
509 return -1;
510 }
511 }
512 // check for SETUP.C and execute
513 if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C")) {
514 printf("*******************************\n");
515 printf("*** Setup PAR archive ***\n");
516 cout<<pararchivename<<endl;
517 printf("*******************************\n");
518 gROOT->Macro("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C");
519 }
521 gSystem->ChangeDirectory(ocwd.Data());
522 printf("Current dir: %s\n", ocwd.Data());
bdb5c432 525void CheckUserSettings()
93417736 527 // Check if user settings make sense before taking off.
bdb5c432 528
93417736 529 if(iNevts <= 0)
bdb5c432 530 {
93417736 531 printf("\n WARNING: nEvts <= 0 !!!! Please check your settings before taking off.\n\n");
532 exit(0);
533 }
534 if(iMinMult < 0.)
535 {
536 printf("\n WARNING: iMinMult < 0 !!!! Please check your settings before taking off.\n\n");
537 exit(0);
bdb5c432 538 }
93417736 539 if(iMaxMult <= 0.)
bdb5c432 540 {
93417736 541 printf("\n WARNING: iMaxMult <= 0 !!!! Please check your settings before taking off.\n\n");
542 exit(0);
bdb5c432 543 }
93417736 544 if(iMinMult >= iMaxMult)
bdb5c432 545 {
93417736 546 printf("\n WARNING: iMinMult >= iMaxMult !!!! Please check your settings before taking off.\n\n");
547 exit(0);
bdb5c432 548 }
93417736 549 if(dMass < 0.)
bdb5c432 550 {
93417736 551 printf("\n WARNING: dMass < 0 !!!! Please check your settings before taking off.\n\n");
552 exit(0);
bdb5c432 553 }
93417736 554 if(dTemperature <= 1e-44)
555 {
556 printf("\n WARNING: dTemperature <= 0 !!!! Please check your settings before taking off.\n\n");
557 exit(0);
598d292e 558 }
93417736 559 if(TMath::Abs(dV1) > 0.5)
560 {
561 printf("\n WARNING: |dV1| > 0.5 !!!! Please check your settings before taking off.\n\n");
562 exit(0);
563 }
564 if(TMath::Abs(dV2) > 0.5)
565 {
566 printf("\n WARNING: |dV2| > 0.5 !!!! Please check your settings before taking off.\n\n");
567 exit(0);
568 }
569 if(TMath::Abs(dV3) > 0.5)
570 {
571 printf("\n WARNING: |dV3| > 0.5 !!!! Please check your settings before taking off.\n\n");
572 exit(0);
573 }
574 if(TMath::Abs(dV4) > 0.5)
bdb5c432 575 {
93417736 576 printf("\n WARNING: |dV4| > 0.5 !!!! Please check your settings before taking off.\n\n");
bdb5c432 577 exit(0);
578 }
93417736 579 if(LYZ1SUM && LYZ2SUM)
bdb5c432 580 {
93417736 581 cout<<" WARNING: You cannot run LYZ1 and LYZ2 at the same time! LYZ2 needs the output from LYZ1."<<endl;
bdb5c432 582 exit(0);
583 }
93417736 584 if(LYZ1PROD && LYZ2PROD)
bdb5c432 585 {
93417736 586 cout<<" WARNING: You cannot run LYZ1 and LYZ2 at the same time! LYZ2 needs the output from LYZ1."<<endl;
bdb5c432 587 exit(0);
588 }
93417736 589 if(LYZ2SUM && LYZEP)
bdb5c432 590 {
93417736 591 cout<<" WARNING: You cannot run LYZ2 and LYZEP at the same time! LYZEP needs the output from LYZ2."<<endl;
bdb5c432 592 exit(0);
593 }
93417736 594 if(LYZ1SUM && LYZEP)
1f89f68d 595 {
93417736 596 cout<<" WARNING: You cannot run LYZ1 and LYZEP at the same time! LYZEP needs the output from LYZ2."<<endl;
1f89f68d 597 exit(0);
598 }
93417736 599
600 if(!uniformAcceptance && phiMin1 > phiMax1)
601 {
602 cout<<" WARNING: You must have phiMin1 < phiMax1 !!!!"<<endl;
603 exit(0);
604 }
605 if(!uniformAcceptance && !((TMath::Abs(phiMin2) < 1.e-44) && (TMath::Abs(phiMax2) < 1.e-44) && (TMath::Abs(p2) < 1.e-44))
606 && (phiMin2 < phiMax1 || phiMin2 > phiMax2))
607 {
608 cout<<" WARNING: You must have phiMin2 > phiMax1 and phiMin2 < phiMax2 !!!!"<<endl;
609 exit(0);
610 }
611 if((phiMin1 < 0 || phiMin1 > 360) || (phiMax1 < 0 || phiMax1 > 360) ||
612 (phiMin2 < 0 || phiMin2 > 360) || (phiMax2 < 0 || phiMax2 > 360) )
613 {
614 cout<<" WARNING: You must take azimuthal angles from interval [0,360] !!!!"<<endl;
615 exit(0);
616 }
617 if((p1 < 0 || p1 > 1) || (p2 < 0 || p2 > 1))
618 {
619 cout<<" WARNING: you must take p1 and p2 from interval [0,1] !!!!"<<endl;
620 exit(0);
621 }
622 if(bPtDependentV2 && bUniformFluctuationsV2)
623 {
624 cout<<" WARNING: Uniform fluctuations not supported for pt denependent v2 !!!!"<<endl;
625 exit(0);
626 }
bdb5c432 628} // end of void CheckUserSettings()
93417736 630void WelcomeMessage()
632 // Welcome.
634 cout<<endl;
635 cout<<endl;
636 cout<<" ---- ARE YOU READY TO FLY ? ---- "<<endl;
637 cout<<endl;
639 gSystem->Sleep(1544);
641 cout<<endl;
642 cout<<" ---- BEGIN FLOW ANALYSIS 'ON THE FLY' ---- "<<endl;
643 cout<<endl;
644 cout<<endl;
646 gSystem->Sleep(1544);
648} // end of void WelcomeMessage()
93ff27bd 650void LoadLibraries(const anaModes mode) {
652 //--------------------------------------
653 // Load the needed libraries most of them already loaded by aliroot
654 //--------------------------------------
ad87ae62 655 //gSystem->Load("libTree");
5d040cf3 656 gSystem->Load("libGeom");
657 gSystem->Load("libVMC");
658 gSystem->Load("libXMLIO");
659 gSystem->Load("libPhysics");
93ff27bd 660
661 //----------------------------------------------------------
662 // >>>>>>>>>>> Local mode <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
663 //----------------------------------------------------------
664 if (mode==mLocal) {
665 //--------------------------------------------------------
666 // If you want to use already compiled libraries
667 // in the aliroot distribution
668 //--------------------------------------------------------
669 gSystem->Load("libSTEERBase");
670 gSystem->Load("libESD");
671 gSystem->Load("libAOD");
672 gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS");
673 gSystem->Load("libANALYSISalice");
5d040cf3 674 gSystem->Load("libCORRFW");
675 cerr<<"libCORRFW loaded..."<<endl;
2e311896 676 gSystem->Load("libPWGflowBase");
677 cerr<<"libPWGflowBase loaded..."<<endl;
678 gSystem->Load("libPWGflowTasks");
679 cerr<<"libPWGflowTasks loaded..."<<endl;
93ff27bd 680 }
682 else if (mode == mLocalPAR) {
683 //--------------------------------------------------------
684 //If you want to use root and par files from aliroot
685 //--------------------------------------------------------
686 //If you want to use root and par files from aliroot
687 //--------------------------------------------------------
688 SetupPar("STEERBase");
689 SetupPar("ESD");
690 SetupPar("AOD");
691 SetupPar("ANALYSIS");
692 SetupPar("ANALYSISalice");
693 SetupPar("PWG2AOD");
694 SetupPar("CORRFW");
2e311896 695 SetupPar("PWGflowBase");
696 cerr<<"PWGflowBase.par loaded..."<<endl;
697 SetupPar("PWGflowTasks");
698 cerr<<"PWGflowTasks.par loaded..."<<endl;
93ff27bd 699 }
701 //---------------------------------------------------------
702 // <<<<<<<<<< Source mode >>>>>>>>>>>>
703 //---------------------------------------------------------
704 else if (mode==mLocalSource) {
706 // In root inline compile
93ff27bd 708 // Constants
2e311896 709 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowCommonConstants.cxx+");
710 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowLYZConstants.cxx+");
93ff27bd 711
712 // Flow event
2e311896 713 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowVector.cxx+");
714 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowTrackSimple.cxx+");
715 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts.cxx+");
716 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowEventSimple.cxx+");
93ff27bd 717
718 // Output histosgrams
2e311896 719 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowCommonHist.cxx+");
720 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowCommonHistResults.cxx+");
721 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowLYZHist1.cxx+");
722 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowLYZHist2.cxx+");
93ff27bd 723
724 // Functions needed for various methods
2e311896 725 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliCumulantsFunctions.cxx+");
726 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowLYZEventPlane.cxx+");
93ff27bd 727
728 // Flow Analysis code for various methods
2e311896 729 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowAnalysisWithMCEventPlane.cxx+");
730 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowAnalysisWithScalarProduct.cxx+");
731 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowAnalysisWithLYZEventPlane.cxx+");
732 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowAnalysisWithLeeYangZeros.cxx+");
733 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowAnalysisWithCumulants.cxx+");
734 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowAnalysisWithQCumulants.cxx+");
735 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowAnalysisWithFittingQDistribution.cxx+");
736 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowAnalysisWithMixedHarmonics.cxx+");
737 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowAnalysisWithNestedLoops.cxx+");
93ff27bd 738
a47dc7e4 739 // Class to fill the FlowEvent on the fly (generate Monte Carlo events)
2e311896 740 gROOT->LoadMacro("Base/AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly.cxx+");
93ff27bd 741
742 cout << "finished loading macros!" << endl;
744 }