]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGGA/CaloTrackCorrelations/AliAnaParticleIsolation.h
move histogram settings in the isolation analysis to the histogram settings container...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGGA / CaloTrackCorrelations / AliAnaParticleIsolation.h
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
1a31a9ab 5
8// Class for the analysis of particle isolation
9// Input is selected particles put in AOD branch (AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation)
11// Class created from old AliPHOSGammaJet
12// (see AliRoot versions previous Release 4-09)
14//-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF)
16// --- ROOT system ---
17class TH2F;
18class TList ;
19class TObjString;
21// --- ANALYSIS system ---
745913ae 22#include "AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass.h"
1a31a9ab 23class AliAODPWG4Particle;
24class AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation ;
745913ae 27class AliAnaParticleIsolation : public AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass {
1a31a9ab 28
29 public:
30 AliAnaParticleIsolation() ; // default ctor
803d06a8 31 virtual ~AliAnaParticleIsolation() { ; } //virtual dtor
1a31a9ab 32
1a31a9ab 33 // Main general methods
803d06a8 34
9b01dc66 35 void CalculateCaloUEBand (AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * pCandidate,
36 Float_t & etaBand, Float_t & phiBand) ;
37 void CalculateCaloCellUEBand(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * pCandidate,
38 Float_t & etaBand, Float_t & phiBand) ;
39 void CalculateTrackUEBand (AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * pCandidate,
40 Float_t & etaBand, Float_t & phiBand) ;
23130491 41
9b01dc66 42 void CalculateCaloSignalInCone (AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * aodParticle, Float_t & coneptsumCluster) ;
43 void CalculateCaloCellSignalInCone(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * aodParticle, Float_t & coneptsumCell) ;
44 void CalculateTrackSignalInCone (AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * aodParticle, Float_t & coneptsumTrack ) ;
727a309a 45
201d37ac 46
23130491 47 void CalculateNormalizeUEBandPerUnitArea(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * pCandidate,
b94e038e 48 Float_t coneptsumCluster, Float_t coneptsumCell, Float_t coneptsumTrack,
727a309a 49 Float_t &etaBandptsumTrackNorm, Float_t &etaBandptsumClusterNorm ) ;
1a31a9ab 50
b5dbb99b 51 TObjString * GetAnalysisCuts() ;
1a31a9ab 52
b5dbb99b 53 TList * GetCreateOutputObjects() ;
03bae431 55 void Init() ;
b5dbb99b 57 void InitParameters() ;
803d06a8 58
1a31a9ab 59 void MakeAnalysisFillAOD() ;
61 void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms() ;
23130491 63
b5dbb99b 64 void Print( const Option_t * opt ) const ;
1a31a9ab 65
1a31a9ab 66 //Analysis specific methods
b5dbb99b 67
2ad19c3d 68 void FillPileUpHistograms(Int_t clusterID) ;
dc9c6e78 70 void FillAcceptanceHistograms();
124bffb3 72 void FillTrackMatchingShowerShapeControlHistograms(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * pCandidate,
73 Int_t mcIndex) ;
b5dbb99b 74
124bffb3 75 void MakeSeveralICAnalysis( AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * ph, Int_t mcIndex ) ;
1a31a9ab 76
1a31a9ab 77 // Analysis Setters and Getters
b5dbb99b 79 TString GetCalorimeter() const { return fCalorimeter ; }
4b6cb0f2 80 TString GetTriggerDetector() const { return fIsoDetector ; }
b5dbb99b 81 Int_t GetNCones() const { return fNCones ; }
82 Int_t GetNPtThresFrac() const { return fNPtThresFrac ; }
83 Float_t GetConeSizes(Int_t i) const { return fConeSizes[i] ; }
84 Float_t GetPtThresholds(Int_t i) const { return fPtThresholds[i] ; }
db6fb352 85 Float_t GetSumPtThresholds(Int_t i) const { return fSumPtThresholds[i]; }
b5dbb99b 86 Float_t GetPtFractions(Int_t i) const { return fPtFractions[i] ; }
1a31a9ab 87
124bffb3 88 Int_t GetMCIndex(Int_t mcTag);
b5dbb99b 90 void SetCalorimeter(TString & det) { fCalorimeter = det ; }
4b6cb0f2 91 void SetTriggerDetector(TString & det) { fIsoDetector = det ; }
b5dbb99b 92 void SetNCones(Int_t ncs) { fNCones = ncs ; }
93 void SetNPtThresFrac(Int_t npt) { fNPtThresFrac = npt ; }
94 void SetConeSizes(Int_t i, Float_t r) { fConeSizes[i] = r ; }
95 void SetPtThresholds(Int_t i, Float_t pt) { fPtThresholds[i] = pt ; }
96 void SetPtFractions(Int_t i, Float_t pt) { fPtFractions[i] = pt ; }
b0a31c92 97 void SetSumPtThresholds(Int_t i, Float_t pt){ fSumPtThresholds[i] = pt ; }
977564f5 98
b5dbb99b 99 Bool_t IsReIsolationOn() const { return fReMakeIC ; }
100 void SwitchOnReIsolation() { fReMakeIC = kTRUE ; }
101 void SwitchOffReIsolation() { fReMakeIC = kFALSE ; }
1a31a9ab 102
b5dbb99b 103 Bool_t IsSeveralIsolationOn() const { return fMakeSeveralIC ; }
104 void SwitchOnSeveralIsolation() { fMakeSeveralIC = kTRUE ; }
105 void SwitchOffSeveralIsolation() { fMakeSeveralIC = kFALSE ; }
09273901 106
2ad19c3d 107 void SwitchOnFillPileUpHistograms() { fFillPileUpHistograms = kTRUE ; }
108 void SwitchOffFillPileUpHistograms() { fFillPileUpHistograms = kFALSE ; }
b5dbb99b 110 void SwitchOnTMHistoFill() { fFillTMHisto = kTRUE ; }
111 void SwitchOffTMHistoFill() { fFillTMHisto = kFALSE ; }
09273901 112
b5dbb99b 113 void SwitchOnSSHistoFill() { fFillSSHisto = kTRUE ; }
114 void SwitchOffSSHistoFill() { fFillSSHisto = kFALSE ; }
09273901 115
977564f5 116 void SwitchOnUEBandSubtractionHistoFill() { fFillUEBandSubtractHistograms = kTRUE ; }
117 void SwitchOffUEBandSubtractionHistoFill() { fFillUEBandSubtractHistograms = kFALSE ; }
119 void SwitchOnCellHistoFill() { fFillCellHistograms = kTRUE ; }
120 void SwitchOffCellHistoFill() { fFillCellHistograms = kFALSE; }
122 void SwitchOnHighMultiplicityHistoFill() { fFillHighMultHistograms = kTRUE ; }
123 void SwitchOffHighMultiplicityHistoFill() { fFillHighMultHistograms = kFALSE; }
125 void SwitchOnNLMHistoFill() { fFillNLMHistograms = kTRUE ; }
126 void SwitchOffNLMHistoFill() { fFillNLMHistograms = kFALSE; }
128 void SwitchOnDecayTaggedHistoFill() { fFillTaggedDecayHistograms = kTRUE ; }
129 void SwitchOffDecayTaggedHistoFill() { fFillTaggedDecayHistograms = kFALSE; }
d2d42179 131 // For primary histograms in arrays, index in the array, corresponding to a photon origin
bf8a7dac 132 enum mcPrimTypes { kmcPrimPhoton = 0, kmcPrimPi0Decay = 1, kmcPrimOtherDecay = 2,
133 kmcPrimPrompt = 3, kmcPrimFrag = 4, kmcPrimISR = 5 } ;
d2d42179 134
135 // For histograms in arrays, index in the array, corresponding to any particle origin
124bffb3 136 enum mcTypes { kmcPhoton = 0, kmcPrompt = 1, kmcFragment = 2,
137 kmcPi0 = 3, kmcPi0Decay = 4, kmcEtaDecay = 5, kmcOtherDecay = 6,
138 kmcElectron = 7, kmcHadron = 8 } ;
dc9c6e78 139
1a31a9ab 140 private:
142 TString fCalorimeter ; // Calorimeter where neutral particles in cone for isolation are;
4b6cb0f2 143 TString fIsoDetector ; // Candidate particle for isolation detector ;
1a31a9ab 144 Bool_t fReMakeIC ; // Do isolation analysis
145 Bool_t fMakeSeveralIC ; // Do analysis for different IC
2ad19c3d 146 Bool_t fFillPileUpHistograms; // Fill pile-up related histograms
09273901 147 Bool_t fFillTMHisto; // Fill track matching plots
148 Bool_t fFillSSHisto; // Fill Shower shape plots
977564f5 149 Bool_t fFillUEBandSubtractHistograms; // Fill histograms working on the UE subtraction
150 Bool_t fFillCellHistograms; // Fill cell histograms
151 Bool_t fFillHighMultHistograms; // Fill high multiplicity histograms
152 Bool_t fFillTaggedDecayHistograms; // Fill histograms for clusters tagged as decay
153 Bool_t fFillNLMHistograms; // Fill NLM histograms
09273901 154
803d06a8 155 // Analysis data members for multiple cones and pt thresholds
156 Int_t fNCones ; //! Number of cone sizes to test
157 Int_t fNPtThresFrac ; //! Number of ptThres and ptFrac to test
159 Float_t fConeSizes[5] ; //! Array with cones to test
160 Float_t fPtThresholds[5] ; //! Array with pt thresholds to test
db6fb352 161 Float_t fPtFractions[5] ; //! Array with pt thresholds to test frac
162 Float_t fSumPtThresholds[5] ; //! Array with pt thresholds to test frac
1a31a9ab 163
164 //Histograms
b1f720a7 166 TH1F * fhEIso ; //! Number of isolated particles vs energy
167 TH1F * fhPtIso ; //! Number of isolated particles vs pT
c8710850 168 TH2F * fhPtCentralityIso ; //! centrality vs pT
169 TH2F * fhPtEventPlaneIso ; //! event plane angle vs pT
8736d400 170 TH2F * fhPtNLocMaxIso ; //! Number of isolated particles vs NLM in cluster
1a31a9ab 171 TH2F * fhPhiIso ; //! Phi of isolated particles
172 TH2F * fhEtaIso ; //! eta of isolated particles
0fb69ade 173 TH2F * fhEtaPhiIso ; //! eta vs phi of isolated particles
d0a4f937 174 TH2F * fhEtaPhiNoIso ; //! eta vs phi of not isolated leading particles
b1f720a7 175 TH1F * fhENoIso ; //! Number of not isolated leading particles vs Energy
176 TH1F * fhPtNoIso ; //! Number of not isolated leading particles vs pT
8736d400 177 TH2F * fhPtNLocMaxNoIso ; //! Number of not isolated particles vs NLM in cluster
803d06a8 178 TH1F * fhPtDecayIso ; //! Number of isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag)
179 TH1F * fhPtDecayNoIso ; //! Number of not isolated Pi0 decay leading particles (invariant mass tag)
d0a4f937 180 TH2F * fhEtaPhiDecayIso ; //! eta vs phi of isolated Pi0 decay particles
181 TH2F * fhEtaPhiDecayNoIso ; //! eta vs phi of not isolated leading Pi0 decay particles
23130491 182
fedea415 183 TH2F * fhPtInCone ; //! Cluster/track Pt in the cone
23130491 184 TH2F * fhPtClusterInCone ; //! Cluster Pt in the cone
9b01dc66 185 TH2F * fhPtCellInCone ; //! Cell amplitude in the cone
fedea415 186 TH2F * fhPtTrackInCone ; //! Track Pt in the cone
187 TH2F * fhPtTrackInConeOtherBC ; //! Track Pt in the cone, tracks out of main BC Time window
188 TH2F * fhPtTrackInConeOtherBCPileUpSPD ; //! Track Pt in the cone, tracks out of main BC Time window
2a9171b5 189 TH2F * fhPtTrackInConeBC0 ; //! Track Pt in the cone, tracks in BC=0
cc944149 190 TH2F * fhPtTrackInConeVtxBC0 ; //! Track Pt in the cone, tracks in BC=0
2a9171b5 191 TH2F * fhPtTrackInConeBC0PileUpSPD ; //! Track Pt in the cone, tracks in BC=0
8958866f 192 TH2F * fhPtInConePileUp[7] ; //! Particle Pt in the cone, if event is from pile-up (SPD method)
b7ce43b4 193 TH2F * fhPtInConeCent ; //! Particle Pt in the cone versus centrality
23130491 194 TH2F * fhPerpConeSumPt ; //! Sum Pt in cone at the perpendicular phi region to trigger axis (phi +90)
195 TH2F * fhPtInPerpCone ; //! Particle Pt in cone at the perpendicular phi region to trigger axis (phi +90)
9004af1c 197 TH2F * fhEtaPhiInConeCluster ; //! Eta vs. phi of clusters in cone
198 TH2F * fhEtaPhiCluster ; //! Eta vs. phi of all clusters
199 TH2F * fhEtaPhiInConeTrack ; //! Eta vs. phi of tracks in cone
200 TH2F * fhEtaPhiTrack ; //! Eta vs. phi of all tracks
23130491 202 TH2F * fhEtaBandCluster ; //! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, only clusters
203 TH2F * fhPhiBandCluster ; //! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, only clusters
204 TH2F * fhEtaBandTrack ; //! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, only tracks
205 TH2F * fhPhiBandTrack ; //! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, only tracks
9b01dc66 206 TH2F * fhEtaBandCell ; //! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, only cells
207 TH2F * fhPhiBandCell ; //! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, only cells
23130491 209 TH2F * fhConeSumPt ; //! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
9b01dc66 210 TH2F * fhConeSumPtCellTrack ; //! Cells and tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
211 TH2F * fhConeSumPtCell ; //! Cells Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
814d1087 212 TH2F * fhConeSumPtCluster ; //! Clusters Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
213 TH2F * fhConeSumPtTrack ; //! Tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
23130491 214 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaBandUECluster; //! Cluster Sum Pt in the eta band for clusters, before normalization
215 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiBandUECluster; //! Cluster Sum Pt in the phi band for clusters, before normalization
216 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaBandUETrack; //! Track Sum Pt in the eta band for tracks , before normalization
217 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiBandUETrack; //! Track Sum Pt in the phi badn for tracks , before normalization
9b01dc66 218 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaBandUECell; //! Cell Sum amplitude in the eta band for cells, before normalization
219 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiBandUECell; //! Cell Sum amplitude in the phi band for cells, before normalization
23130491 221 TH2F * fhConeSumPtTrigEtaPhi ; //! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, per eta-phi bin of trigger,
9b01dc66 222 TH2F * fhConeSumPtCellTrackTrigEtaPhi ; //! Cell and tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, per eta-phi bin of trigger,
23130491 223 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaBandUEClusterTrigEtaPhi; //! Cluster Sum Pt in the eta band for clusters, per eta-phi bin of trigger,before normalization
224 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiBandUEClusterTrigEtaPhi; //! Cluster Sum Pt in the phi band for clusters, per eta-phi bin of trigger, before normalization
225 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaBandUETrackTrigEtaPhi; //! Track Sum Pt in the eta band for tracks , per eta-phi bin of trigger, before normalization
226 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiBandUETrackTrigEtaPhi; //! Track Sum Pt in the phi badn for tracks , per eta-phi bin of trigger, before normalization
9b01dc66 227 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaBandUECellTrigEtaPhi; //! Cluster Sum amplitude in the eta band for cells, per eta-phi bin of trigger, before normalization
228 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiBandUECellTrigEtaPhi; //! Cluster Sum amplitude in the phi band for cells, per eta-phi bin of trigger, before normalization
23130491 230 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESub; //! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
231 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESub; //! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
232 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESubTrigEtaPhi; //! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
233 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESubTrigEtaPhi; //! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
9b01dc66 234
235 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESubTrackCell; //! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
236 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESubTrackCell; //! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
237 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESubTrackCellTrigEtaPhi;//! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
238 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESubTrackCellTrigEtaPhi;//! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
23130491 240 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESubCluster; //! Cluster Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
241 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESubCluster; //! Cluster Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
242 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESubClusterTrigEtaPhi; //! Cluster Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
243 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESubClusterTrigEtaPhi; //! Cluster Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
9b01dc66 245 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESubCell; //! Cell Sum amplitude in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
246 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESubCell; //! Cell Sum amplitude in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
247 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESubCellTrigEtaPhi; //! Cell Sum amplitude in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
248 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESubCellTrigEtaPhi; //! Cell Sum amplitude in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
23130491 250 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESubTrack; //! Track Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
251 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESubTrack; //! Track Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
252 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESubTrackTrigEtaPhi; //! Track Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
253 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESubTrackTrigEtaPhi; //! Track Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
255 TH2F * fhFractionTrackOutConeEta; //! Fraction of cone out of tracks acceptance in eta
256 TH2F * fhFractionTrackOutConeEtaTrigEtaPhi; //! Fraction of cone out of tracks acceptance in eta, vs trigger eta-phi
257 TH2F * fhFractionClusterOutConeEta; //! Fraction of cone out of clusters acceptance in eta
258 TH2F * fhFractionClusterOutConeEtaTrigEtaPhi; //! Fraction of cone out of clusters acceptance in eta, vs trigger eta-phi
259 TH2F * fhFractionClusterOutConePhi; //! Fraction of cone out of clusters acceptance in phi
260 TH2F * fhFractionClusterOutConePhiTrigEtaPhi; //! Fraction of cone out of clusters acceptance in phi, vs trigger eta-phi
1a31a9ab 261
9b01dc66 262 TH2F * fhFractionCellOutConeEta; //! Fraction of cone out of cells acceptance in eta
263 TH2F * fhFractionCellOutConeEtaTrigEtaPhi; //! Fraction of cone out of cells acceptance in eta, vs trigger eta-phi
264 TH2F * fhFractionCellOutConePhi; //! Fraction of cone out of cells acceptance in phi
265 TH2F * fhFractionCellOutConePhiTrigEtaPhi; //! Fraction of cone out of cells acceptance in phi, vs trigger eta-phi
814d1087 267 TH2F * fhConeSumPtClustervsTrack ; //! Cluster vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
268 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESubClustervsTrack ; //! Cluster vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, after subtraction in eta band
269 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESubClustervsTrack ; //! Cluster vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, after subtraction in phi band
9b01dc66 270 TH2F * fhConeSumPtCellvsTrack; //! Cell vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
271 TH2F * fhConeSumPtEtaUESubCellvsTrack ; //! Cell vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, after subtraction in eta band
272 TH2F * fhConeSumPtPhiUESubCellvsTrack ; //! Cell vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, after subtraction in phi band
814d1087 274 TH2F * fhEtaBandClustervsTrack ; //! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, clusters vs tracks
275 TH2F * fhPhiBandClustervsTrack ; //! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, clusters vs tracks
276 TH2F * fhEtaBandNormClustervsTrack ; //! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, normalized to cone size, clusters vs tracks
277 TH2F * fhPhiBandNormClustervsTrack ; //! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, normalized to cone size, clusters vs tracks
b5d10017 278 TH2F * fhEtaBandCellvsTrack ; //! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, cells vs tracks
279 TH2F * fhPhiBandCellvsTrack ; //! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, cells vs tracks
280 TH2F * fhEtaBandNormCellvsTrack ; //! Accumulated pT cell in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, normalized to cone size, clusters vs tracks
281 TH2F * fhPhiBandNormCellvsTrack ; //! Accumulated pT cell in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, normalized to cone
32d244b0 283 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotPhiTrack; //! Tracks, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
284 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotPhiTrack; //! Tracks, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
285 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotEtaTrack; //! Tracks, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
286 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotEtaTrack; //! Tracks, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
287 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotPhiCluster; //! Clusters, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
b5d10017 288 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotPhiCluster; //! Clusters, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
32d244b0 289 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotEtaCluster; //! Clusters, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
b5d10017 290 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotEtaCluster; //! Clusters, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
32d244b0 291 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotPhiCell; //! Cells, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
292 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotPhiCell; //! Cells, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
293 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotEtaCell; //! Cells, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
294 TH2F * fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotEtaCell; //! Cells, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
295 TH2F * fhConeSumPtVSUETracksEtaBand; //! fhConeSumPtVSUETracksEtaBand
296 TH2F * fhConeSumPtVSUETracksPhiBand; //! fhConeSumPtVSUETracksPhiBand
297 TH2F * fhConeSumPtVSUEClusterEtaBand; //! fhConeSumPtVSUEClusterEtaBand
298 TH2F * fhConeSumPtVSUEClusterPhiBand; //! fhConeSumPtVSUEClusterPhiBand
814d1087 299
1a31a9ab 300 //MC
124bffb3 301 //
bf8a7dac 302 TH2F * fhEtaPrimMC [6]; //! Pt vs Eta of generated photon
303 TH2F * fhPhiPrimMC [6]; //! Pt vs Phi of generated photon
304 TH1F * fhEPrimMC [6]; //! Number of generated photon vs E
305 TH1F * fhPtPrimMCiso[6]; //! Number of generated isolated photon vs pT
124bffb3 306
307 TH1F * fhPtNoIsoMC[9]; //! Number of not isolated mcTypes particle
308 TH1F * fhPtIsoMC [9]; //! Number of isolated mcTypes particle
309 TH2F * fhPhiIsoMC [9]; //! Phi of isolated mcTypes particle
310 TH2F * fhEtaIsoMC [9]; //! eta of isolated mcTypes particle
124bffb3 311
312 TH2F * fhPtLambda0MC[9][2]; //! Shower shape of (non) isolated candidates originated by mcTypes particle (do not apply SS cut previously)
f5b702a0 313
314 // Multiple cut analysis
ca134929 315 TH2F * fhSumPtLeadingPt[5] ; //! Sum Pt in the cone
316 TH2F * fhPtLeadingPt[5] ; //! Particle Pt in the cone
23130491 317 TH2F * fhPerpSumPtLeadingPt[5] ; //! Sum Pt in the cone at the perpendicular phi region to trigger axis (phi +90)
318 TH2F * fhPerpPtLeadingPt[5]; //! Sum Pt in the cone at the perpendicular phi region to trigger axis (phi +90)
44e48e82 319
ca134929 320 TH1F * fhPtThresIsolated[5][5] ; //! Isolated particle with pt threshold
db6fb352 321 TH1F * fhPtFracIsolated[5][5] ; //! Isolated particle with pt threshold frac
f5b702a0 322 TH1F * fhSumPtIsolated[5][5] ; //! Isolated particle with threshold on cone pt sum
db6fb352 323
324 TH2F * fhEtaPhiPtThresIso[5][5] ; //! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt threshold
325 TH2F * fhEtaPhiPtThresDecayIso[5][5] ; //! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt threshold
326 TH1F * fhPtPtThresDecayIso[5][5] ; //! Number of isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag) with pt threshold
328 TH2F * fhEtaPhiPtFracIso[5][5] ; //! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt frac
329 TH2F * fhEtaPhiPtFracDecayIso[5][5] ; //! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt frac
330 TH1F * fhPtPtFracDecayIso[5][5] ; //! Number of isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag) with pt fra
b0a31c92 331
db6fb352 332 TH2F * fhEtaPhiPtSumIso[5][5] ; //! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt sum
333 TH2F * fhEtaPhiPtSumDecayIso[5][5] ; //! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt sum
334 TH1F * fhPtPtSumDecayIso[5][5] ; //! Number of isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag) with pt sum
e2c74e5d 336 TH2F * fhEtaPhiSumDensityIso[5][5]; //! Isolated particle with threshold on cone sum density
337 TH2F * fhEtaPhiSumDensityDecayIso[5][5]; //! Isolated particle with threshold on cone sum density
db6fb352 338 TH1F * fhPtSumDensityIso[5][5]; //! Isolated particle with threshold on cone sum density
339 TH1F * fhPtSumDensityDecayIso[5][5]; //! Isolated decay particle with threshold on cone sum density
e2c74e5d 341 TH1F * fhPtFracPtSumIso[5][5] ; //! Number of isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag) with pt sum
342 TH1F * fhPtFracPtSumDecayIso[5][5] ; //! Number of isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag) with pt sum
343 TH2F * fhEtaPhiFracPtSumIso[5][5]; //! Isolated particle with threshold on cone sum density
344 TH2F * fhEtaPhiFracPtSumDecayIso[5][5]; //! Isolated particle with threshold on cone sum density
b0a31c92 345
f5b702a0 346 // Multiple cut MC
347 TH1F * fhPtThresIsolatedMC[9][5][5]; //! Isolated mcTypes particle with pt threshold
348 TH1F * fhPtFracIsolatedMC [9][5][5]; //! Isolated mcTypes particle with pt frac
349 TH1F * fhSumPtIsolatedMC [9][5][5]; //! Isolated mcTypes particle with threshold on cone pt sum
350 TH2F * fhSumPtLeadingPtMC [9][5]; //! mcTypes particle for sum Pt, different cone
09273901 353 // Track matching studies
b7ce43b4 354 TH2F * fhTrackMatchedDEta[2] ; //! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E
355 TH2F * fhTrackMatchedDPhi[2] ; //! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E
356 TH2F * fhTrackMatchedDEtaDPhi[2] ; //! Eta vs Phi distance between track and cluster, E cluster > 0.5 GeV
357 TH2F * fhdEdx[2] ; //! matched track dEdx vs cluster E
358 TH2F * fhEOverP[2]; //! matched track E cluster over P track vs cluster E, after dEdx cut
359 TH2F * fhTrackMatchedMCParticle[2]; //! Trace origin of matched particle
31ae6d59 360
09273901 361 // Shower Shape histograms
32d244b0 362 TH2F * fhELambda0[2]; //! Shower shape of (non) isolated photons (do not apply SS cut previously)
363 TH2F * fhPtLambda0[2]; //! Shower shape of (non) isolated photons (do not apply SS cut previously)
b7ce43b4 364 TH2F * fhELambda1[2]; //! Shower shape of (non) isolated photons (do not apply SS cut previously)
365 TH2F * fhELambda0TRD[2]; //! Shower shape of (non) isolated photons, SM behind TRD (do not apply SS cut previously)
32d244b0 366 TH2F * fhPtLambda0TRD[2]; //! Shower shape of (non) isolated photons, SM behind TRD (do not apply SS cut previously)
b7ce43b4 367 TH2F * fhELambda1TRD[2]; //! Shower shape of (non) isolated photons, SM behind TRD (do not apply SS cut previously)
764ab1f4 368
5c46c992 369 // Local maxima
b7ce43b4 370 TH2F * fhNLocMax[2]; //! number of maxima in selected clusters
371 TH2F * fhELambda0LocMax1[2] ; //! E vs lambda0 of selected cluster, 1 local maxima in cluster
372 TH2F * fhELambda1LocMax1[2] ; //! E vs lambda1 of selected cluster, 1 local maxima in cluster
373 TH2F * fhELambda0LocMax2[2] ; //! E vs lambda0 of selected cluster, 2 local maxima in cluster
374 TH2F * fhELambda1LocMax2[2] ; //! E vs lambda1 of selected cluster, 2 local maxima in cluster
375 TH2F * fhELambda0LocMaxN[2] ; //! E vs lambda0 of selected cluster, N>2 local maxima in cluster
376 TH2F * fhELambda1LocMaxN[2] ; //! E vs lambda1 of selected cluster, N>2 local maxima in cluster
5c46c992 377
2ad19c3d 378 // Pile-up
8958866f 379 TH1F * fhEIsoPileUp[7] ; //! Number of isolated particles
380 TH1F * fhPtIsoPileUp[7] ; //! Number of isolated particles
381 TH1F * fhENoIsoPileUp[7] ; //! Number of not isolated particles
382 TH1F * fhPtNoIsoPileUp[7] ; //! Number of not isolated particles
2ad19c3d 383 TH2F * fhTimeENoCut; //! time of cluster vs E, no cut
384 TH2F * fhTimeESPD; //! time of cluster vs E, IsSPDPileUp
385 TH2F * fhTimeESPDMulti; //! time of cluster vs E, IsSPDPileUpMulti
386 TH2F * fhTimeNPileUpVertSPD; //! time of cluster vs n pile-up vertices from SPD
387 TH2F * fhTimeNPileUpVertTrack; //! time of cluster vs n pile-up vertices from Tracks
388 TH2F * fhTimeNPileUpVertContributors; //! time of cluster vs n pile-up vertex from SPD contributors
389 TH2F * fhTimePileUpMainVertexZDistance; //! time of cluster vs difference of z main vertex and pile-up vertex
390 TH2F * fhTimePileUpMainVertexZDiamond; //! time of cluster vs difference of z diamond and pile-up vertex
09273901 392 AliAnaParticleIsolation( const AliAnaParticleIsolation & iso) ; // cpy ctor
393 AliAnaParticleIsolation & operator = (const AliAnaParticleIsolation & iso) ; // cpy assignment
c5693f62 394
98287a43 395 ClassDef(AliAnaParticleIsolation,27)
1a31a9ab 396} ;