]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGGA/CaloTrackCorrelations/AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGGA / CaloTrackCorrelations / AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation.h
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
1c5acb87 5
7// Class that contains the algorithm for the analysis of particle (direct gamma) - jet
8// (standard jet found with JETAN) correlation
9// Particle and jet for correlation found by independent algorithms.
10// For Example direct isolated photon found in AliAnaGammaDirect and the jet with JETAN
12//-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF)
14// --- ROOT system ---
15class TH2F;
17//---- Analysis system ----
745913ae 18#include "AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass.h"
1c5acb87 19
745913ae 20class AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation : public AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass {
1c5acb87 21
78219bac 22 public:
745913ae 23 AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation() ; // default ctor
24 virtual ~AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation() { ; } // virtual dtor
78219bac 25
c5693f62 26 // General methods
477d6cee 27
c5693f62 28 void InitParameters();
477d6cee 29
c5693f62 30 TList * GetCreateOutputObjects();
32 void MakeAnalysisFillAOD() ;
477d6cee 33
c5693f62 34 void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms() ;
477d6cee 35
c5693f62 36 Int_t SelectJet(AliAODPWG4Particle * particle, const AliAODEvent * event) const ;
38 void Print(const Option_t * opt) const;
477d6cee 39
c5693f62 40 // Settings
477d6cee 41
c5693f62 42 Bool_t OnlyIsolated() const { return fSelectIsolated ; }
43 void SelectIsolated(Bool_t select) { fSelectIsolated = select ; }
477d6cee 44
c5693f62 45 Float_t GetConeSize() const { return fConeSize ; }
46 Float_t GetPtThresholdInCone() const { return fPtThresholdInCone ; }
47 Double_t GetDeltaPhiMaxCut() const { return fDeltaPhiMaxCut ; }
48 Double_t GetDeltaPhiMinCut() const { return fDeltaPhiMinCut ; }
49 Double_t GetRatioMaxCut() const { return fRatioMaxCut ; }
50 Double_t GetRatioMinCut() const { return fRatioMinCut ; }
51 Bool_t AreJetRefTracks() const { return fUseJetRefTracks ; }
52 Bool_t IsCorrelationMadeInHistoMaker() const { return fMakeCorrelationInHistoMaker ; }
477d6cee 53
c5693f62 54 void SetConeSize(Float_t cone) { fConeSize = cone ; }
55 void SetPtThresholdInCone(Float_t pt) { fPtThresholdInCone = pt ; }
56 void SetDeltaPhiCutRange(Double_t phimin, Double_t phimax)
57 { fDeltaPhiMaxCut =phimax; fDeltaPhiMinCut =phimin ; }
58 void SetRatioCutRange(Double_t ratiomin, Double_t ratiomax)
59 { fRatioMaxCut =ratiomax; fRatioMinCut = ratiomin ; }
60 void UseJetRefTracks(Bool_t use) { fUseJetRefTracks = use ; }
61 void SetMakeCorrelationInHistoMaker(Bool_t make) { fMakeCorrelationInHistoMaker = make ; }
477d6cee 65 //selection parameters
c5693f62 66 Double_t fDeltaPhiMaxCut ; //! Minimum Delta Phi Gamma-Leading
67 Double_t fDeltaPhiMinCut ; //! Maximum Delta Phi Gamma-Leading
68 Double_t fRatioMaxCut ; //! Jet/ particle Ratio cut maximum
69 Double_t fRatioMinCut ; //! Jet/particle Ratio cut minimum
477d6cee 70
71 Double_t fConeSize ; //! Jet cone size
72 Double_t fPtThresholdInCone ; //! Jet pT threshold in jet cone
c5693f62 73 Bool_t fUseJetRefTracks ; //! Use track references from JETAN not the AOD tracks
477d6cee 74 Bool_t fMakeCorrelationInHistoMaker ; //!Make particle-jet correlation in histogram maker
c5693f62 75 Bool_t fSelectIsolated ; // Select only trigger particles isolated
77 // Histograms
78 TH2F * fhDeltaEta; //! Difference of jet eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT
79 TH2F * fhDeltaPhi; //! Difference of jet phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT
80 TH2F * fhDeltaPt; //! Difference of jet pT and trigger particle pT as function of trigger particle pT
81 TH2F * fhPtRatio; //! Ratio of jet pT and trigger particle pT as function of trigger particle pT
82 TH2F * fhPt; //! jet pT vs trigger particle pT
477d6cee 83
c5693f62 84 TH2F * fhFFz ; //! Accepted reconstructed jet fragmentation function, z=ptjet/pttrig
85 TH2F * fhFFxi; //! Accepted reconstructed jet fragmentation function, xsi = ln(pttrig/ptjet)
86 TH2F * fhFFpt; //! Jet particle pt distribution in cone
87 TH2F * fhNTracksInCone; //! jet multiplicity in cone
477d6cee 88
745913ae 89 AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation( const AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation & g) ; // cpy ctor
c5693f62 90 AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation & operator = (const AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation & g) ; // cpy assignment
477d6cee 91
92 ClassDef(AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation,2)
c5693f62 93
1c5acb87 94 } ;