]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGGA/CaloTrackCorrelations/AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGGA / CaloTrackCorrelations / AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation.h
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
1c5acb87 5
7// Class that contains the algorithm for the reconstruction of jet, cone around leading particle
8// The seed is a backward particle (direct photon)
78219bac 9// 1) Take the a trigger particle found stored in AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation,
1c5acb87 10// 2) Search for the highest pt leading particle opposite to the trigger within a phi, pt window
11// 3) Take all particles around leading in a cone R with pt larger than threshold and construct the jet
13// Class created from old AliPHOSGammaJet
14// (see AliRoot versions previous Release 4-09)
16//-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF)
18// --- ROOT system ---
19class TH2F;
21//---- Analysis system ----
22class AliAODTrack;
0ae57829 23class AliVCluster;
1c5acb87 24class AliCaloTrackReader;
25class AliNeutralMesonSelection;
1c5acb87 26
745913ae 27#include "AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass.h"
1c5acb87 28
745913ae 29class AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation : public AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass {
1c5acb87 30
1c5acb87 32 AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation() ; // default ctor
78219bac 33 virtual ~AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation() ; //virtual dtor
78219bac 34
1c5acb87 35 TList * GetCreateOutputObjects();
37 void InitParameters();
39 void Print(const Option_t * opt) const;
41 Bool_t AreJetsRecalculated() const {return fReMakeJet ; }
42 void SwitchOnJetsRecalculation(){fReMakeJet = kTRUE; }
43 void SwitchOffJetsRecalculation(){fReMakeJet = kFALSE; }
45 Bool_t AreJetsOnlyInCTS() const {return fJetsOnlyInCTS ; }
46 void SwitchOnJetsOnlyInCTS(){fJetsOnlyInCTS = kTRUE; }
47 void SwitchOffJetsOnlyInCTS(){fJetsOnlyInCTS = kFALSE; }
49 Bool_t AreSeveralConeAndPtCuts() const {return fSeveralConeAndPtCuts ; }
50 void SwitchOnSeveralConeAndPtCuts(){fSeveralConeAndPtCuts = kTRUE ;}
51 void SwitchOffSeveralConeAndPtCuts(){fSeveralConeAndPtCuts = kFALSE ;}
53 Bool_t IsPbPb() const {return fPbPb ; }
54 void SetppCollisions(){fPbPb = kFALSE; }
55 void SetPbPbCollisions(){fPbPb = kTRUE; }
57 Double_t GetDeltaPhiMaxCut() const {return fDeltaPhiMaxCut ; }
58 Double_t GetDeltaPhiMinCut() const {return fDeltaPhiMinCut ; }
59 Double_t GetLeadingRatioMaxCut() const {return fLeadingRatioMaxCut ; }
60 Double_t GetLeadingRatioMinCut() const {return fLeadingRatioMinCut ; }
62 Double_t GetPtTriggerSelectionCut() const {return fPtTriggerSelectionCut ; }
63 Double_t GetJetRatioMaxCut() const {return fJetRatioMaxCut ; }
64 Double_t GetJetRatioMinCut() const {return fJetRatioMinCut ; }
66 void SetPtTriggerSelectionCut(Double_t cut){fPtTriggerSelectionCut = cut; }
67 void SetJetSelectionMode(UInt_t select){ fSelect= select ; }
69 Int_t GetJetNCones() const {return fJetNCone ; }
70 Int_t GetJetNPtThres() const {return fJetNPt ; }
71 Float_t GetJetCone() const {return fJetCone ; }
72 Float_t GetJetPtThreshold() const {return fJetPtThreshold ; }
73 Float_t GetJetPtThresPbPb() const {return fJetPtThresPbPb ; }
74 Float_t GetJetCones(Int_t i) const {return fJetCones[i] ; }
75 Float_t GetJetPtThreshold(Int_t i) const {return fJetPtThres[i] ; }
76 TString GetJetConeName(Int_t i) const {return fJetNameCones[i] ; }
77 TString GetJetPtThresName(Int_t i) const {return fJetNamePtThres[i] ; }
80 void SetDeltaPhiCutRange(Double_t phimin, Double_t phimax)
81 {fDeltaPhiMaxCut =phimax; fDeltaPhiMinCut =phimin;}
82 void SetLeadingRatioCutRange(Double_t ratiomin, Double_t ratiomax)
83 {fLeadingRatioMaxCut =ratiomax; fLeadingRatioMinCut = ratiomin ; }
85 void SetJetNCones(Int_t n){fJetNCone = n ; }
86 void SetJetNPtThresholds(Int_t n){fJetNPt = n ; }
87 void SetJetCones(Int_t i, Float_t cone, TString sc) {fJetCones[i] = cone ; fJetNameCones[i] = sc; };
88 void SetCone(Float_t cone) {fJetCone = cone; }
89 void SetJetPtThreshold(Float_t pt){fJetPtThreshold = pt; };
90 void SetJetPtThresPbPb(Float_t pt){fJetPtThresPbPb = pt; };
91 void SetJetPtThresholds(Int_t i,Float_t pt, TString spt){fJetPtThres[i] = pt ; fJetNamePtThres[i] = spt; };
93 void SetJetRatioCutRange(Double_t ratiomin, Double_t ratiomax)
94 {fJetRatioMaxCut =ratiomax; fJetRatioMinCut = ratiomin ; }
95 void SetJetCTSRatioCutRange(Double_t ratiomin, Double_t ratiomax)
96 {fJetCTSRatioMaxCut =ratiomax; fJetCTSRatioMinCut = ratiomin ; }
477d6cee 98 Bool_t OnlyIsolated() const {return fSelectIsolated ; }
99 void SelectIsolated(Bool_t select) {fSelectIsolated = select ; }
1c5acb87 101 private:
103 Double_t CalculateJetRatioLimit(const Double_t ptTrig, const Double_t *param, const Double_t *x) const ;
105 void FillJetHistos(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * particle, const TLorentzVector leading, const TLorentzVector jet, const TString type, const TString lastname);
107 TList * GetOutputContainer() const {return fOutCont; }
109 Bool_t IsJetSelected(const Double_t ptTrig, const Double_t ptjet) const ;
110 Bool_t IsParticleInJetCone(const Double_t eta, Double_t phi, const Double_t etal, Double_t phil) const ;
233e0df8 112 void GetLeadingCharge(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* const particle, TLorentzVector & pLeading) const ;
decca433 113 void GetLeadingPi0 (AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* const particle, TLorentzVector & pLeading) ;
114 Bool_t GetLeadingParticle(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation *particle, TLorentzVector & pLeading) ;
1c5acb87 115
116 void MakeAnalysisFillAOD();
117 void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms();
67a9899b 118 void MakeAODJet(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * particle, const TLorentzVector pLeading) ;
1c5acb87 119 void MakeJetFromAOD(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * particle, const TLorentzVector pLeading,
120 TLorentzVector & jet, TLorentzVector & bkg) const ;
0ae57829 122 Bool_t SelectCluster(AliVCluster * calo, Double_t *vertex, TLorentzVector & mom, Int_t & pdg) ;
1c5acb87 123
124 private:
126 Bool_t fJetsOnlyInCTS ; // Jets measured only in TPC+ITS.
127 Bool_t fPbPb; // PbPb event
128 Bool_t fSeveralConeAndPtCuts; // To play with the jet cone size and pt th.
129 Bool_t fReMakeJet ; //Re make the jet reconstruction from AODParticleCorrelation input
131 //Leading particle selection parameters
132 Double_t fDeltaPhiMaxCut ; // Minimum Delta Phi Gamma-Leading
133 Double_t fDeltaPhiMinCut ; // Maximum Delta Phi Gamma-Leading
134 Double_t fLeadingRatioMaxCut ; // Leading /gamma Ratio cut maximum
135 Double_t fLeadingRatioMinCut ; // Leading/gamma Ratio cut minimum
137 //Jet selection parameters
138 //Fixed cuts (old)
139 Double_t fJetCTSRatioMaxCut ; // Jet(CTS) /gamma Ratio cut maximum
140 Double_t fJetCTSRatioMinCut ; // Jet(CTS) /gamma Ratio cut maximum
141 Double_t fJetRatioMaxCut ; // Jet(EMCAL+CTS)/gamma Ratio cut maximum
142 Double_t fJetRatioMinCut ; // Jet(EMCAL+CTS)/gamma Ratio cut minimum
144 //Cuts depending on jet pt
145 Double_t fJetE1[2]; //Rec. jet energy parameters
146 Double_t fJetE2[2]; //Rec. jet energy parameters
147 Double_t fJetSigma1[2];//Rec. sigma of jet energy parameters
148 Double_t fJetSigma2[2];//Rec. sigma of jet energy parameters
149 Double_t fBkgMean[6]; //Background mean energy
150 Double_t fBkgRMS[6]; //Background RMS
151 Double_t fJetXMin1[6]; //X Factor to set jet min limit for pp
152 Double_t fJetXMin2[6]; //X Factor to set jet min limit for PbPb
153 Double_t fJetXMax1[6]; //X Factor to set jet max limit for pp
154 Double_t fJetXMax2[6]; //X Factor to set jet max limit for PbPb
156 Int_t fJetNCone ; // Number of jet cones sizes, maximum 5
157 Int_t fJetNPt ; // Number of jet particle pT threshold, maximum 5
158 Double_t fJetCone ; // Jet cone sizes under study (!fSeveralConeAndPtCuts)
159 Double_t fJetCones[5]; // Jet cone sizes under study (fSeveralConeAndPtCuts)
160 TString fJetNameCones[5]; // String name of cone to append to histos
161 Double_t fJetPtThreshold; // Jet pT threshold under study(!fSeveralConeAndPtCuts)
162 Double_t fJetPtThresPbPb; // Jet pT threshold under study(!fSeveralConeAndPtCuts)
163 Double_t fJetPtThres[5]; // Jet pT threshold under study(fSeveralConeAndPtCuts)
164 TString fJetNamePtThres[5]; // String name of pt th to append to histos
165 Double_t fPtTriggerSelectionCut; // Jet pt to change to low pt jets analysis
166 UInt_t fSelect ; //kTRUE: Selects all jets, no limits.
477d6cee 167 Bool_t fSelectIsolated ; // Select only trigger particles isolated
1c5acb87 169 //Histograms
170 //Leading particle distributions
171 TList * fOutCont ; //! Container for histograms
173 TH2F * fhChargedLeadingPt ; //! Pt(Pt trigger) distribution of charged hadrons
174 TH2F * fhChargedLeadingPhi ; //! Phi(Pt trigger) distribution of charged hadrons
175 TH2F * fhChargedLeadingEta ; //! Eta(Pt trigger) distribution of charged hadrons
176 TH2F * fhChargedLeadingDeltaPt ; //! Difference of charged hadron and trigger pT as function of trigger p
177 TH2F * fhChargedLeadingDeltaPhi ; //! Difference of charged hadron and trigger phi as function of trigger pT
178 TH2F * fhChargedLeadingDeltaEta ; //! Difference of charged particle and trigger eta as function of trigger pT
179 TH2F * fhChargedLeadingRatioPt ; //! Ratio of Pt leading charge and trigger
181 TH2F * fhNeutralLeadingPt ; //! Pt(Pt trigger) distribution of neutral hadrons
182 TH2F * fhNeutralLeadingPhi ; //! Phi(Pt trigger) distribution of neutral hadrons
183 TH2F * fhNeutralLeadingEta ; //! Eta(Pt trigger) distribution of neutral hadrons
184 TH2F * fhNeutralLeadingDeltaPt ; //! Difference of neutral hadron and trigger pT as function of trigger pT
185 TH2F * fhNeutralLeadingDeltaPhi ; //! Difference of neutral hadron and trigger phi as function of trigger pT
186 TH2F * fhNeutralLeadingDeltaEta ; //! Difference of charged particle and trigger eta as function of trigger pT
187 TH2F * fhNeutralLeadingRatioPt ; //! Ratio of Pt leading neutral and trigger
9415d854 188
189 TH2F * fhChargedLeadingXi ; //! Ln (pt leading charge / pt trigger)
190 TH2F * fhNeutralLeadingXi ; //! Ln (pt leading neutral / pt trigger)
dde5a268 191
192 TH2F * fhChargedLeadingDeltaPhiRatioPt30 ; //! Difference of charged hadron and trigger phi as function of pT leading / trigger pT, pT Trigger > 30 GeV
193 TH2F * fhNeutralLeadingDeltaPhiRatioPt30 ; //! Difference of neutral hadron and trigger phi as function of pT leading / trigger pT, pT Trigger > 30 GeV
194 TH2F * fhChargedLeadingDeltaPhiRatioPt50 ; //! Difference of charged hadron and trigger phi as function of pT leading / trigger pT, pT Trigger > 50 GeV
195 TH2F * fhNeutralLeadingDeltaPhiRatioPt50 ; //! Difference of neutral hadron and trigger phi as function of pT leading / trigger pT, pT Trigger > 50 GeV
9415d854 196
1c5acb87 197 // Jet distributions
198 // Fixed cone and pt threshold
199 TH2F * fhJetPt ; //! leading pt jet vs pt trigger
200 TH2F * fhJetRatioPt ; //! Ratio of pt jet and pt trigger
201 TH2F * fhJetDeltaPhi ; //! Delta phi jet-trigger
202 TH2F * fhJetDeltaEta ; //! Delta eta jet-trigger
203 TH2F * fhJetLeadingRatioPt ; //! Ratio of pt leading and pt jet
204 TH2F * fhJetLeadingDeltaPhi ; //! Delta phi jet-leading
205 TH2F * fhJetLeadingDeltaEta ; //! Delta eta jet-leading
206 TH2F * fhJetFFz; //! Accepted reconstructed jet fragmentation function, z=ptjet/pttrig
207 TH2F * fhJetFFxi; //! Accepted reconstructed jet fragmentation function, xsi = ln(pttrig/ptjet)
208 TH2F * fhJetFFpt; //! Jet particle pt distribution in cone
209 TH2F * fhJetNTracksInCone ; //! jet multiplicity in cone
211 TH2F * fhBkgPt ; //! leading pt bakground vs pt trigger
212 TH2F * fhBkgRatioPt ; //! Ratio of pt background and pt trigger
213 TH2F * fhBkgDeltaPhi ; //! Delta phi background-trigger
214 TH2F * fhBkgDeltaEta ; //! Delta eta background-trigger
215 TH2F * fhBkgLeadingRatioPt ; //! Ratio of pt leading and pt background
216 TH2F * fhBkgLeadingDeltaPhi ; //! Delta phi background-leading
217 TH2F * fhBkgLeadingDeltaEta ; //! Delta eta background-leading
218 TH2F * fhBkgFFz; //! Accepted reconstructed background fragmentation function, z=ptjet/pttrig
219 TH2F * fhBkgFFxi; //! Accepted reconstructed background fragmentation function, xsi = ln(pttrig/ptjet)
220 TH2F * fhBkgFFpt; //! Background particle pt distribution in cone
221 TH2F * fhBkgNTracksInCone ; //! Background multiplicity in cone
223 // Variable cone and pt threshold
225 TH2F * fhJetPts[5][5]; //! leading pt jet vs pt trigger
226 TH2F * fhJetRatioPts[5][5]; //! Ratio of pt jet and pt trigger
227 TH2F * fhJetDeltaPhis[5][5]; //! Delta phi jet-trigger
228 TH2F * fhJetDeltaEtas[5][5]; //! Delta eta jet-trigger
229 TH2F * fhJetLeadingRatioPts[5][5]; //! Ratio of pt leading and pt jet
230 TH2F * fhJetLeadingDeltaPhis[5][5]; //! Delta phi jet-leading
231 TH2F * fhJetLeadingDeltaEtas[5][5]; //! Delta eta jet-leading
232 TH2F * fhJetFFzs[5][5]; //! Accepted reconstructed jet fragmentation function, z=ptjet/pttrig
233 TH2F * fhJetFFxis[5][5]; //! Accepted reconstructed jet fragmentation function, xsi = ln(pttrig/ptjet)
234 TH2F * fhJetFFpts[5][5]; //! Jet particle pt distribution in cone
235 TH2F * fhJetNTracksInCones[5][5]; //! jet multiplicity in cone
237 TH2F * fhBkgPts[5][5]; //! leading pt bakground vs pt trigger
238 TH2F * fhBkgRatioPts[5][5]; //! Ratio of pt background and pt trigger
239 TH2F * fhBkgDeltaPhis[5][5]; //! Delta phi background-trigger
240 TH2F * fhBkgDeltaEtas[5][5]; //! Delta eta background-trigger
241 TH2F * fhBkgLeadingRatioPts[5][5]; //! Ratio of pt leading and pt background
242 TH2F * fhBkgLeadingDeltaPhis[5][5]; //! Delta phi background-leading
243 TH2F * fhBkgLeadingDeltaEtas[5][5]; //! Delta eta background-leading
244 TH2F * fhBkgFFzs[5][5]; //! Accepted reconstructed background fragmentation function, z=ptjet/pttrig
245 TH2F * fhBkgFFxis[5][5]; //! Accepted reconstructed background fragmentation function, xsi = ln(pttrig/ptjet)
246 TH2F * fhBkgFFpts[5][5]; //! Background particle pt distribution in cone
247 TH2F * fhBkgNTracksInCones[5][5]; //! Background multiplicity in cone
c5693f62 249 AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation(const AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation & g) ; // cpy ctor
250 AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation & operator = (const AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation & g) ;//cpy assignment
1c5acb87 251
252 ClassDef(AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation,1)
253 } ;