]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGGA/GammaConv/AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz.h
1) Expend pt range for photons and pi0 from 30 to 40 GeV/c
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGGA / GammaConv / AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz.h
7f3c7cc6 3
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7// Analysis task for pi0->e+e-gamma (Dalitz decay)
9#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
11class AliESDInputHandler;
12class AliMCEventHandler;
13class AliESDEvent;
14class AliESDtrack;
15class AliESDtrackCuts;
16class AliESDpidCuts;
17class AliV0Reader;
18class AliGammaConversionHistograms;
92efd725 19class AliTriggerAnalysis;
7f3c7cc6 20
21class AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz: public AliAnalysisTaskSE
23 public:
25 AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz();
26 AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz( const char* name );
27 virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz();
29 virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option);
30 virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects();
7811d09e 31 virtual void ConnectInputData(Option_t *option);
7f3c7cc6 32 virtual void Terminate(Option_t *option);
92efd725 33
7f3c7cc6 34 enum TrackSelectionCriteria { kITSsaTrack=0, kGlobalTrack=1, kITSsaGlobalTrack=2 };
36 void SetRunStandalone( Bool_t flag=kFALSE ) { fStandalone = flag; }
37 void SetComputeBackground( Bool_t flag=kTRUE ) { fComputeBkg = flag; }
38 void SetUseBayesPID( Bool_t flag=kTRUE ) { fUseBayesPID = flag; }
39 void SetUseESDtrackIndexCut( Bool_t flag=kTRUE) { fUseTrackIndexCut = flag; }
40 void SetUsePsiPairCut(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) { fUsePsiPairCut = flag; }
41 void SetUseMassCut(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) { fUseMassCut = flag; }
42 void SetUseGammaCut(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) { fUseGammaCut = flag; }
43 void SetUseAliKF(Bool_t flag=kFALSE) { fUseAliKF = flag; }
44 void SetTrackSelectionCriteria(AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz::TrackSelectionCriteria sel=kGlobalTrack) { fTrkSelectionCriteria = sel; }
92efd725 45 void SetUseCorrectedTPCClsInfo(Bool_t flag){fUseCorrectedTPCClsInfo = flag;}
46 Bool_t GetUseCorrectedTPCClsInfo() const {return fUseCorrectedTPCClsInfo;}
49 void SetMinClsTPCCutToF(Double_t minClsTPCToF){fMinClsTPCToF=minClsTPCToF;}
7f3c7cc6 50 void SetPsiPairCut(Double_t psi=0.45, Double_t phiMin=0., Double_t phiMax=0.12, Bool_t readMagFieldSgn=kTRUE){fPsiPairCut = psi; fDeltaPhiCutMin = phiMin; fDeltaPhiCutMax = phiMax; fReadMagFieldSign = readMagFieldSgn;}
51 void SetMassCut(Double_t min, Double_t max) {fMassCutMin = min; fMassCutMax = max; }
92efd725 53 void SetDoTOFsigmaCut( Bool_t doTOFsigmaCut){fDoTOFsigmaCut=doTOFsigmaCut;}
54 void SetDoKaonRejectionLowP( Bool_t doKaonRejectionLowP){fDoKaonRejectionLowP=doKaonRejectionLowP;}
55 void SetDoProtonRejectionLowP( Bool_t doProtonRejectionLowP){fDoProtonRejectionLowP=doProtonRejectionLowP;}
56 void SetDoPionRejectionLowP( Bool_t doPionRejectionLowP){fDoPionRejectionLowP=doPionRejectionLowP;}
58 void SetNSigmasElecTPC( Double_t min, Double_t max) { fPIDnSigmaBelowElectronLine = min; fPIDnSigmaAboveElectronLine = max; }
59 void SetNSigmasElecTOF( Double_t min, Double_t max) { fTofPIDnSigmaBelowElectronLine = min; fTofPIDnSigmaAboveElectronLine = max; }
60 void SetPIDMinMaxPnSigmaAbovePionLine(Double_t min, Double_t max){ fPIDMinPnSigmaAbovePionLine = min; fPIDMaxPnSigmaAbovePionLine = max;}
61 void SetPIDnSigmaAbovePionLine(Double_t val){ fPIDnSigmaAbovePionLine = val; };
62 void SetPIDnSigmaAbovePionLineHighPt(Double_t val){ fPIDnSigmaAbovePionLineHighPt = val; };
64 void SetPIDMinPKaonRejectionLowP (Double_t val){ fPIDMinPKaonRejectionLowP = val; }
65 void SetPIDMinPProtonRejectionLowP(Double_t val){ fPIDMinPProtonRejectionLowP = val; }
66 void SetPIDMinPPionRejectionLowP (Double_t val){ fPIDMinPPionRejectionLowP = val; }
68 void SetPIDnSigmaAtLowPAroundKaonLine(Double_t val) { fPIDnSigmaAtLowPAroundKaonLine = val; }
69 void SetPIDnSigmaAtLowPAroundProtonLine(Double_t val){ fPIDnSigmaAtLowPAroundProtonLine = val; }
70 void SetPIDnSigmaAtLowPAroundPionLine(Double_t val) { fPIDnSigmaAtLowPAroundPionLine = val; }
7f3c7cc6 72 void SetV0Reader( AliV0Reader* reader ) { fV0Reader = reader; }
73 void SetDoMC(Bool_t flag) { fDoMC = flag; }
74 void SetBGHandler( AliGammaConversionBGHandler* BG ) { fBGEventHandler = BG; }
76 void AdoptHistograms( AliGammaConversionHistograms* histograms ) { fHistograms = histograms; }
77 void AdoptITSsaTrackCuts( AliESDtrackCuts* esdCuts = 0 );
78 void AdoptESDtrackCuts( AliESDtrackCuts* esdCuts = 0 );
79 void AdoptESDpidCuts( AliESDpidCuts* esdPIDCuts = 0 );
92efd725 80
82 void SetBackgroundType(Int_t type){ fBackgroundType = type; }
83 void SetRemovePileUp(Bool_t removePileUp) { fRemovePileUp = removePileUp; }
84 void SetSelectV0AND(Bool_t selectV0AND) { fSelectV0AND = selectV0AND; }
85 void SetUseMultiplicity(Int_t useMultiplicity) {fUseMultiplicity=useMultiplicity;}
86 void SetUseMultiplicityBin(Int_t useMultiplicityBin) {fUseMultiplicityBin=useMultiplicityBin;}
87 void SetUseHBTMultiplicity(Int_t useHBTMultiplicity) {fUseHBTMultiplicity=useHBTMultiplicity;}
88 void SetUseHBTMultiplicityBin(Int_t useHBTMultiplicityBin) {fUseHBTMultiplicityBin=useHBTMultiplicityBin;}
89 void SetUseCentrality(Int_t useCentrality) {fUseCentrality=useCentrality;}
90 void SetUseCentralityBin(Int_t useCentralityBin) {fUseCentralityBin=useCentralityBin;}
92 private:
94 void ProcessMCData();
95 void CreateListOfDalitzPairCandidates();
96 void ProcessGammaElectronsForDalitzAnalysis();
98 void ESDtrackIndexCut(vector<Int_t>& pos, vector<Int_t>& neg, const TClonesArray* gamma);
99 void PsiPairCut(vector<Int_t>& pos, vector<Int_t>& neg);
100 void MassCut(vector<Int_t>& pos, vector<Int_t>& neg);
101 void CleanArray(vector<Int_t>& x, const vector<Bool_t>& tag);
103 TClonesArray* IndexToAliKFParticle(const vector<Int_t>& v, Int_t PDG);
104 TClonesArray* FindElectronFromPi0Dalitz(const vector<Int_t>& candidates, const Int_t PDG);
105 TClonesArray* FindGammaFromPi0Dalitz(const TClonesArray* candidates, const vector<Int_t>& pos, const vector<Int_t>& neg);
106 TClonesArray* FindGamma(const TClonesArray* candidates, const vector<Int_t>& pos, const vector<Int_t>& neg);
107 TClonesArray* FindDalitzPair(const TClonesArray* pos, const TClonesArray* neg);
108 TClonesArray* FindDalitzPair(const vector<Int_t>& pos, const vector<Int_t>& neg,Int_t motherOpc);
109 TClonesArray* FindJpsi(const vector<Int_t>& posIdx, const vector<Int_t>& negIdx,Int_t motherOpc);
110 TClonesArray* FindParticleDalitz(const TClonesArray* pos, const TClonesArray* neg, const TClonesArray* gamma,Int_t opc);
111 TClonesArray* FindParticleDalitz(const vector<Int_t>& pos, const vector<Int_t>& neg, const TClonesArray* gamma, const vector<Int_t>& posGam, const vector<Int_t>& negGam,Int_t motherOpc);
112 TClonesArray* FindParticleChic(const vector<Int_t>& posIdx, const vector<Int_t>& negIdx, const TClonesArray* gamma, const vector<Int_t>& posGam, const vector<Int_t>& negGam,Int_t motherOpc);
114 void SetGammaPoolMaxSize(UInt_t maxSize=10) { fPoolMaxSize = maxSize; }
115 void UpdateGammaPool(const TClonesArray* gamma);
116 void UpdateElectronPool(TClonesArray* elec);
117 TClonesArray* GammasFromBGHandler() const;
118 TClonesArray* ElectronFromBGHandler() const;
120 Bool_t IsPi0DalitzDaughter( Int_t label ) const;
121 Bool_t IsDalitzPair( Int_t labelPos, Int_t labelNeg, Int_t motherOpc ) const;
122 Bool_t IsFromGammaConversion( Int_t labelPos, Int_t labelNeg ) const;
123 Bool_t IsFromGammaConversion( Double_t psiPair, Double_t deltaPhi ) const;
124 Bool_t HaveSameMother( Int_t label1, Int_t label2 ) const;
126 Double_t GetPsiPair( const AliKFParticle* pos, const AliKFParticle* neg ) const;
127 Double_t GetPsiPair( const TLorentzVector* pos, const TLorentzVector* neg ) const;
128 Double_t GetPsiPair( const AliESDtrack* trackPos, const AliESDtrack* trackNeg ) const;
130 Int_t GetMonteCarloPid(const AliESDtrack* t) const;
131 Int_t GetBayesPid(const AliESDtrack* t, Int_t trackType ) const;
132 Int_t GetNSigmaPid(const AliESDtrack* t, Int_t trackType ) const;
134 void GetGammaCandidates(TClonesArray*& gamma, vector<Int_t>& posIndex, vector<Int_t>& negIndex);
135 void AngleEposEnegGammaCut( const vector<Int_t>& xPosIndex, const vector<Int_t>& yNegIndex, const TClonesArray* zGamma, TClonesArray*& gamma, vector<Int_t>& posIndex, vector<Int_t>& negIndex);
136 void FillPsiPair(const TClonesArray* pos, const TClonesArray* neg, const TString& hName);
137 void FillAngle(const TClonesArray* x, const TClonesArray* y, const TString& hName);
138 Double_t Rapidity(const TParticle* p) const;
139 Double_t RapidityKF(const AliKFParticle p) const;
140 void FillPidTable(const TParticle* p, Int_t pid);
141 Int_t CalculateMultiplicityBin();
7f3c7cc6 142
144 // protected:
92efd725 145 private:
147 AliStack* fStack; //! MC particle stack
148 AliMCEvent* fGCMCEvent; //! for CF pointer to the MC Event
150 AliESDEvent* fESDEvent; //! ESD event
152 vector<Int_t> fEposCandidateIndex; //! track indexes of e+ candidates
153 vector<Int_t> fEnegCandidateIndex; //! track indexes of e- candidates
154 vector<Int_t> fGammaCandidatePosIndex; //! track indexes for gamma candidates positive track
155 vector<Int_t> fGammaCandidateNegIndex; //! track indexes for gamma candidates negative track
157 TClonesArray* fGammaCandidates; //! AliKFParticle gamma candidates
158 TClonesArray* fGammaPool; //! AliKFParticle gamma pool of previous events
159 Int_t fPoolMaxSize; // size of the gamma pool
160 Int_t fGamPoolPos; // Posisiton of last added gamma in the pool
162 AliGammaConversionBGHandler* fBGEventHandler; // Background event handler
164 TList* fOutputContainer; // Histogram container
165 AliMCEventHandler* fMCTruth; // for CF pointer to MCTruth
166 AliV0Reader* fV0Reader; // The V0 reader object
167 AliESDpid* fESDpid; // for dEdx cut based on nSigma to a particle line
168 AliESDtrackCuts* fESDtrackCuts; // ESD global track cuts
169 AliESDtrackCuts* fITSsaTrackCuts; // ITS standalone ESD track cuts
170 AliESDpidCuts* fESDpidCuts; // ESD PID cuts
172 Bool_t fRemovePileUp; // Remove Pile Up
173 Bool_t fSelectV0AND; // Select V0AND
174 AliTriggerAnalysis *fTriggerAnalysis; //! Trigger Analysis for Normalisation
175 Int_t fMultiplicity;
176 Int_t fUseMultiplicity;
177 Int_t fUseMultiplicityBin;
178 Int_t fUseHBTMultiplicity;
179 Int_t fUseHBTMultiplicityBin;
180 Int_t fUseCentrality;
181 Int_t fUseCentralityBin;
185 AliGammaConversionHistograms* fHistograms; // histogram container
187 Bool_t fStandalone; // Run the task as standalone for the V0reader
188 Bool_t fDoMC; // process montecarlo simulation
189 Bool_t fComputeBkg; // Compute combinatorial background
190 Bool_t fUseBayesPID; // use bayesian pid
191 Bool_t fUseTrackIndexCut; // use esd track index cut
192 Bool_t fUsePsiPairCut; // use psi pair cut
193 Bool_t fUseMassCut; // use mass cut
194 Bool_t fUseGammaCut; // use e+e- plane angle gamma cut
195 Bool_t fUseCorrectedTPCClsInfo; // use
196 Bool_t fReadMagFieldSign; // Read the magnetic field sign from the ESD for Psi pair cut
197 Bool_t fUseAliKF; // Use AliKFParticle to reconstruct the pi0 instead of TLorentzVector class
198 Int_t fBackgroundType;
200 Double_t fMinClsTPCToF; // minimum clusters to findable clusters
202 Int_t fMagFieldSign; // Magnetic field sign
203 const Double_t fkElectronMass; // Electron mass
204 Double_t fPsiPairCut; // Psi pair cut value
205 Double_t fDeltaPhiCutMin; // Delta_Phi minimum cut value
206 Double_t fDeltaPhiCutMax; // Delta_Phi maximum cut value
207 Double_t fMassCutMin; // Minimum value of e+e- mass (GeV/c2)
208 Double_t fMassCutMax; // Maximum value of e+e- mass (GeV/c2)
210 /*Double_t fNSigmaBelowElecTPCbethe; // Number of sigmas below the electron BB in the TPC
211 Double_t fNSigmaAboveElecTPCbethe; // Number of sigmas above the electron BB in the TPC
212 Double_t fNSigmaAbovePionTPCbethe; // Number of sigmas above the Pion BB in the TPC
213 Double_t fNSigmaAboveKaonTPCbethe; // Number of sigmas above the Kaon BB in the TPC
214 Double_t fNSigmaAboveProtonTPCbethe; // Number of sigmas above the Proton BB in the TPC*/
216 ////////////////PID de/dx/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
217 Bool_t fDoTOFsigmaCut;
218 Double_t fPIDnSigmaAboveElectronLine; // sigma cut
219 Double_t fPIDnSigmaBelowElectronLine; // sigma cut
220 Double_t fTofPIDnSigmaAboveElectronLine; // sigma cut RRnewTOF
221 Double_t fTofPIDnSigmaBelowElectronLine; // sigma cut RRnewTOF
222 Double_t fPIDnSigmaAbovePionLine; // sigma cut
223 Double_t fPIDnSigmaAbovePionLineHighPt; // sigma cut
224 Double_t fPIDMinPnSigmaAbovePionLine; // sigma cut
225 Double_t fPIDMaxPnSigmaAbovePionLine; // sigma cut
228 Bool_t fDoKaonRejectionLowP; // Kaon rejection at low p
229 Bool_t fDoProtonRejectionLowP; // Proton rejection at low p
230 Bool_t fDoPionRejectionLowP; // Pion rejection at low p*/
233 Double_t fPIDnSigmaAtLowPAroundKaonLine; // sigma cut
234 Double_t fPIDnSigmaAtLowPAroundProtonLine; // sigma cut
235 Double_t fPIDnSigmaAtLowPAroundPionLine; // sigma cut
238 Double_t fPIDMinPKaonRejectionLowP; // Momentum limit to apply kaon rejection
239 Double_t fPIDMinPProtonRejectionLowP; // Momentum limit to apply proton rejection
240 Double_t fPIDMinPPionRejectionLowP; // Momentum limit to apply proton rejection
241 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
243 TrackSelectionCriteria fTrkSelectionCriteria; // Selected criteria for track cuts
245 private:
246 AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz( const AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz& ); // Not implemented
247 AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz& operator=( const AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz& ); // Not implemented
249 ClassDef( AliAnalysisTaskGammaConvDalitz, 2 );
7f3c7cc6 250};