]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGGA/PHOSTasks/PHOS_PbPb/macros/production/DrawProduction.C
fixed some bugs/logical errors in DrawProduction.C
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGGA / PHOSTasks / PHOS_PbPb / macros / production / DrawProduction.C
f4b109c4 1#include "TCanvas.h"
2#include <TH1.h>
3#include <TF1.h>
4#include <TFile.h>
5#include <Rtypes.h>
6#include <TLegend.h>
7#include <TString.h>
6c3d03d7 8#include <TAttMarker.h>
9#include <RtypesCint.h>
10#include <TNamed.h>
11#include "TDirectoryFile.h"
12#include <TPRegexp.h>
13#include <X3DDefs.h>
f4b109c4 14
15namespace RawProduction {
16 class Output;
6c3d03d7 19enum EffVersion { LHC10h_1234_Apr_10 };
20EffVersion effVersion = LHC10h_1234_Apr_10;
21bool canvHalfWidth=false;
23TF1* GetEfficency(const TString& trigger, int fromCent, int toCent, const TString& pid, const TString& methode)
f4b109c4 24{
6c3d03d7 25 // Dmitri LHC10h Apr. 10 Efficiencies
26 // avalible pids: Allcore Disp2core CPVcore Both2core Disp2 All CPV Both2
27 if( effVersion == LHC10h_1234_Apr_10 ) {
28 if( ! methode.Contains("yr1") ) {
29 Printf("ERROR:GetEfficency: only pol1 efficiancies avalible");
30 return 0x0;
31 }
33 // Cent bin defintion as extracted from PHOS_embedding/
34 int cent = -1;
35 if( 0 == fromCent && 5 == toCent ) cent = 0;
36 if( 5 == fromCent && 10 == toCent ) cent = 1;
37 if( 10 == fromCent && 20 == toCent ) cent = 2;
38 if( 20 == fromCent && 40 == toCent ) cent = 3;
39 if( 40 == fromCent && 60 == toCent ) cent = 4;
40 if( 60 == fromCent && 80 == toCent ) cent = 5;
41 if( cent < 0 ) {
42 Printf("ERROR:GetEfficency not avalible for centrality [%i,%i)", fromCent, toCent);
43 return 0x0;
44 }
46 // determine name and return efficiancy function
47 TDirectory* pastDir = gDirectory;
48 TFile* file = TFile::Open("PHOS_eff_Full_PbPb_1234.root", "READ");
49 char funcName[256];
50 if ( methode.Contains("int") )
51 sprintf(funcName, "eff_int_Pi0_Gaus_PbPb_%s_cen%i", pid.Data(), cent);
52 else
53 sprintf(funcName, "eff_int_Pi0_Gaus_PbPb_%s_cen%i", pid.Data(), cent);
54 TF1* func = dynamic_cast<TF1*> ( file->Get(funcName) );
55 pastDir->cd();
57 if( ! func )
58 Printf("ERROR:GetEfficency: efficiancy function %s does not exist", funcName);
59 return func;
60 }
61 return 0x0; // should not be reached
f4b109c4 62}
6c3d03d7 64TH1* GetRawProduction(const RawProduction::Output& rawOutput, const TString& trigger="kMB", int fromCent=0, int toCent=10,
65 const TString& pid="All", const TString& graphName="yr1", Color_t color=kBlack, Style_t style=kFullDotSmall)
f4b109c4 66{
1c471965 67 TString newName = Form("raw_%s_%02i-%02i_%s_%s", trigger.Data(), fromCent, toCent, pid.Data(), graphName.Data());
68 TH1* hist = dynamic_cast<TH1*> ( gDirectory->Get(newName.Data()) );
70 if( ! hist ) {
71 TString oldName(Form("%s/c%02i-%02i/%s/%s", trigger.Data(), fromCent, toCent, pid.Data(), graphName.Data()));
72 TH1* hist = rawOutput.GetHistogram(oldName.Data());
73 hist->SetName(newName.Data());
74 hist->SetTitle(Form("%s, %02i-%02i%%, %s", trigger.Data(), fromCent, toCent, graphName.Data()));
75 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T}");
76 }
6c3d03d7 77 hist->SetLineColor(color);
78 hist->SetMarkerColor(color);
79 hist->SetMarkerStyle(style);
6c3d03d7 80 return hist;
f4b109c4 82
6c3d03d7 83TH1* MakeProduction(const RawProduction::Output& rawOutput, const TString& trigger="kMB", int fromCent=0, int toCent=10,
84 const TString& pid="All", const TString& graphName="yr1", Color_t color=kBlack, Style_t style=kFullDotSmall)
86 // First, check if production histogram allready exist in cd.
87 TString name = Form("prod_%s_%02i-%02i_%s_%s", trigger.Data(), fromCent, toCent, pid.Data(), graphName.Data());
88 TH1* hist = dynamic_cast<TH1*> ( gDirectory->Get(name.Data()) );
f4b109c4 89
1c471965 90 if( ! hist ) { // else clone raw and correct for efficiancy
91 const TH1* rawHist = GetRawProduction(rawOutput, trigger, fromCent, toCent, pid, graphName, color, style);
92 hist = (TH1*) rawHist->Clone(name.Data());
93 hist->Divide(GetEfficency(trigger, fromCent, toCent, pid, graphName));
94 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{d^{2}N_{#pi^{0}}}{p_{T}dp_{T}dy N_{ev}}");
95 }
96 hist->SetLineColor(color);
97 hist->SetMarkerColor(color);
98 hist->SetMarkerStyle(style);
6c3d03d7 99 return hist;
f4b109c4 101
6c3d03d7 102TH1* MakeRatio(TH1* h1, TH1* h2, const TString& title ="")
104 TString name = Form("%s_%s", h1->GetName(), h2->GetName());
105 TH1* hist = dynamic_cast<TH1*> ( gDirectory->Get(name.Data()) );
106 if( hist )
107 return hist;
f4b109c4 108
6c3d03d7 109 hist = (TH1*)h1->Clone(name.Data());
110 hist->Divide(h2);
111 hist->SetTitle(title.Data());
112 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Ratio");
113 return hist;
f4b109c4 115
f4b109c4 116
6c3d03d7 117TCanvas* DrawPIDProductionWithRatios(const RawProduction::Output& rawOutput, const TString& trigger,
118 int fromCent, int toCent, const TString& methode="yr1",
119 const TString& pids = TString("Allcore CPVcore Disp2core Both2core"), bool raw = false)
121 const int capacity = 8;
122 const int nHists = TMath::Min( pids.CountChar(' ')+1, capacity);
123 TStringToken pidst = TStringToken(pids, " ");
124 char pidsa[capacity][64] ={""};
f4b109c4 125
6c3d03d7 126 TH1* hists[capacity] = {0x0};
127 const Style_t markers[capacity] = {22, 22, 23, 33, 24, 26, 32, 27};
128 const Color_t colors[capacity] = {kBlack, kRed, kBlue, kGreen, kGray, kMagenta, kCyan, kOrange};
f4b109c4 129
6c3d03d7 130 int index = 0;
131 while(pidst.NextToken() && index < capacity) {
132 sprintf(pidsa[index], "%s", pidst.Data());
133 if(raw)
134 hists[index] = GetRawProduction(rawOutput, trigger, fromCent, toCent, pidst, methode, colors[index], markers[index]);
135 else
136 hists[index] = MakeProduction(rawOutput, trigger, fromCent, toCent, pidst, methode, colors[index], markers[index]);
137 index++;
138 }
f4b109c4 139
6c3d03d7 140 //TString pids_underscore = TString(pids); pids_underscore.ReplaceAll(" ", "_");
141 TString key = Form("PIDRatios_%s_c%02i-%02i_%s_%s_raw%i_h%i", trigger.Data(), fromCent, toCent, methode.Data(), TString(pids).ReplaceAll(" ", "_").Data(), raw, canvHalfWidth);
142 //TString key = Form("PIDRatios_%s_c%02i-%02i_%s_raw%i", trigger.Data(), fromCent, toCent, methode.Data(), raw);
f4b109c4 143
6c3d03d7 144 TCanvas* canv = 0x0;
145 if( canvHalfWidth)
146 canv = new TCanvas(key.Data(), key.Data(), 1024/2, 768);
147 else
148 canv = new TCanvas(key.Data(), key.Data(), 1024, 768);
150 // Direct
151 canv->cd();
152 TPad *pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1",0,0.4,1,1);
153 pad1->SetBottomMargin(0);
154 pad1->SetLogy();
155 pad1->Draw();
156 pad1->cd();
157 if( canvHalfWidth ) {
158 hists[0]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); //font in pixels
159 hists[0]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(10); //in pixels
160 hists[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.03);
161 hists[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
162 } else {
163 hists[0]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); //font in pixels
164 hists[0]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(20); //in pixels
165 hists[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.055);
166 hists[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7);
f4b109c4 167 }
6c3d03d7 168 if( raw )
169 hists[0]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1.e-7, 1.e1);
170 else
171 hists[0]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1.e-5, 1.e3);
172 // Draw
173 hists[0]->DrawCopy();
174 for(int i=1;i<nHists;++i)
175 hists[i]->DrawCopy("same");
176 // Legend
177 TLegend* leg1 = new TLegend(0.7,0.6,0.85,0.88);
178 for(int i=0;i<nHists;++i)
179 leg1->AddEntry(hists[i], pidsa[i] , "lep");
180 leg1->Draw();
182 // Ratios
183 canv->cd();
184 TPad *pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2",0,0,1,0.4);
185 pad2->SetTopMargin(0);
186 pad2->Draw();
187 pad2->cd();
188 pad2->SetGridy();
189 TH1* firstRatio = MakeRatio(hists[1], hists[0]);
190 if ( raw )
191 firstRatio->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 2.);
192 else
193 firstRatio->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.6, 1.4);
194 firstRatio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("");
195 firstRatio->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(63);
196 firstRatio->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(25);
197 firstRatio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(63);
198 firstRatio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(20);
199 firstRatio->SetTitle("Ratio");
200 // Draw
201 firstRatio->DrawCopy("AXIS");
202 firstRatio->DrawCopy("AXIGsame");
203 firstRatio->DrawCopy("same");
204 for(int i=2;i<nHists;++i)
205 MakeRatio(hists[i],hists[0])->DrawCopy("same");
206 // Ratios
207 TLegend* leg2 = new TLegend(0.7,0.63,0.85,0.98);
208 for(int i=1;i<nHists;++i)
209 leg2->AddEntry(MakeRatio(hists[i],hists[0]), Form("%s/%s", pidsa[i], pidsa[0]), "lep");
210 leg2->Draw();
212 canv->SaveAs(Form("imgs/%s.pdf", key.Data()));
213 canv->SaveAs(Form("imgs/%s.png", key.Data()));
215 return canv;
216 //delete canv;
f4b109c4 217}
6c3d03d7 220void DrawPIDRatios(const RawProduction::Output& rawOutput)
f4b109c4 221{
6c3d03d7 222 const int nCent = 2;
223 int centBins[nCent][2] = {{0,5}, {5,10}/*, {10,20}, {20,40}, {40,60}, {60,80}*/};
224 TStringToken methodes("yr1 yr1int", " ");
225 while( methodes.NextToken() ) {
226 for(int ic=0; ic<nCent; ++ic) {
1c471965 227 DrawPIDProductionWithRatios(rawOutput, "kCentral", centBins[ic][0], centBins[ic][1], methodes.Data(), "Allcore CPVcore Disp2core Both2core All CPV Disp2 Both2", true );
228 DrawPIDProductionWithRatios(rawOutput, "kCentral", centBins[ic][0], centBins[ic][1], methodes.Data(), "Allcore CPVcore Disp2core Both2core All CPV Disp2 Both2", false );
6c3d03d7 229 DrawPIDProductionWithRatios(rawOutput, "kCentral", centBins[ic][0], centBins[ic][1], methodes.Data(), "Allcore CPVcore Disp2core Both2core", true );
230 DrawPIDProductionWithRatios(rawOutput, "kCentral", centBins[ic][0], centBins[ic][1], methodes.Data(), "Allcore CPVcore Disp2core Both2core", false );
1c471965 231 DrawPIDProductionWithRatios(rawOutput, "kCentral", centBins[ic][0], centBins[ic][1], methodes.Data(), "All Disp2 CPV Both2 Allcore", true );
232 DrawPIDProductionWithRatios(rawOutput, "kCentral", centBins[ic][0], centBins[ic][1], methodes.Data(), "All Disp2 CPV Both2 Allcore", false );
6c3d03d7 233 }
234 }
f4b109c4 235}
237void DrawProduction()
239 gROOT->LoadMacro("MakeRawProduction.C+g");
6c3d03d7 240 RawProduction::Output rawOutput;
f4b109c4 241 gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
6c3d03d7 243 DrawPIDRatios(rawOutput);
f4b109c4 244}