]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGHF/correlationHF/AliHFCorrelationFDsubtraction.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / correlationHF / AliHFCorrelationFDsubtraction.h
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id: $ */
90c41c30 9// Class for subtracting D-hadron correlations from secondary D from B meson decay from D-hadron correlations of prompt+secondary D mesons
10// n.b. requires the evaluation of the fraction of prompt D mesons using the same receipes used for D meson cross-section and RAA in D2H pag
11// (-> fprompt obtained from FONLL predictions of prompt and secondary D, prompt and secondary D meson efficiencies and a range of hypotheses for
12// RAA(DfromB)/RAA(promptD) (if needed)
ec9cbe08 13//
14// Author: A. Rossi, andrea.rossi@cern.ch
18#include <TH1D.h>
19#include <TGraphAsymmErrors.h>
20#include <TCanvas.h>
22class AliHFCorrelationFDsubtraction : public TNamed {
24 public:
26 AliHFCorrelationFDsubtraction();
27 AliHFCorrelationFDsubtraction(const char* name, const char* title);
28 ~AliHFCorrelationFDsubtraction();
30 void SetUncorrectedHistogram(TH1D *h){fhDataUncorrected=(TH1D*)h->Clone();}
31 Bool_t AddTemplateHisto(TH1D *h);
32 void SetDptRange(Double_t ptmin,Double_t ptmax){fptmin=ptmin;fptmax=ptmax;}
33 Bool_t Init();
34 void SetNTemplates(Int_t ntempl){fnTemplates=ntempl;}
35 void SetFpromptGraphFc(TGraphAsymmErrors *gr){fgrConservativeFc=(TGraphAsymmErrors*)gr->Clone();}
36 void SetFpromptGraphNb(TGraphAsymmErrors *gr){fgrConservativeNb=(TGraphAsymmErrors*)gr->Clone();}
37 void SetMethod(Int_t method){fmethod=method;}
695050b7 38 void SetSystOption(Int_t systOpt){fSystUseRMSfromFlatDistr=systOpt;}
39 Int_t GetSystOption(){return fSystUseRMSfromFlatDistr;}
ec9cbe08 40 void SubtractFeedDown(TH1D *hFDTempl);
695050b7 41
ec9cbe08 42 TGraphAsymmErrors* GetUncGraphFromHistos(TH1D *hRef,TH1D *hMin,TH1D *hMax);
43 void CalculateEnvelope();
44 TGraphAsymmErrors* GetGraphEnvelope(){return fgrEnvelope;}
45 TGraphAsymmErrors* GetGraphEnvelopeRatio(){return fgrEnvelopeRatio;}
46 TH1D* GetHistoEnvelopeRatioMin(){return fhEnvelopeMinRatio;}
47 TH1D* GetHistoEnvelopeRatioMax(){return fhEnvelopeMaxRatio;}
48 TH1D* GetHistoRelSystUncMin();
49 TH1D* GetHistoRelSystUncMax();
50 TH1D* GetHistoEnvelopeMin(){return fhEnvelopeMin;}
51 TH1D* GetHistoEnvelopeMax(){return fhEnvelopeMax;}
52 TH1D* GetCentralSubtractedPlot(){return fhDataCorrected[0];}
53 TH1D* GetTemplate(Int_t i){
54 if (i>=fLastTemplAdded){Printf("Get Template: Error"); return 0;}
55 else return fhTemplates[i];
56 }
695050b7 57 TH1D* ReflectHisto(TH1D *h,Double_t scale=1.);
58 TH1D* DuplicateHistoTo2piRange(TH1D *h,Double_t scale=0.5);
ec9cbe08 60 private:
62 Double_t fptmin; // min pt (D meson pt range)
63 Double_t fptmax; // max pt (D meson pt range)
64 TH1D* fhDataUncorrected; // Input correlation histogram
65 Int_t fmethod; // method: 1= fc, 2= Nb, 3= both
66 TGraphAsymmErrors* fgrConservativeFc; // fc graph, fc method
67 TGraphAsymmErrors* fgrConservativeNb; // fc graph, Nb method
68 Int_t fnTemplates; // maximum number of templates that will be included
69 Int_t fLastTemplAdded; // counter of templates included
70 TH1D **fhTemplates; // Array with template histo, size fnTemplates
71 TH1D **fhDataCorrected; // Array with corrected histo, size 3*fnTemplates
72 TH1D **fhRatioSameTemplate; // Array with ratio of histo based on the same template
73 TH1D **fhRatioAllToCentralTempl; // array with ratio of all histos with respect to the central hypo
74 TCanvas **fcCompare; // array of canvases with comparison (template by template)
75 TCanvas **fcRatio; // array of canvases with ratio (templ by templ)
76 Int_t fCountTempl; // internal counter
77 TCanvas *fcAllRatio; // canva with all ratios with respect to central hypo
78 TH1D* fhEnvelopeMax; // envelope with max variation
79 TH1D* fhEnvelopeMin; // envelope with min variation
80 TH1D* fhEnvelopeMaxRatio; // envelope with max relative variation
81 TH1D* fhEnvelopeMinRatio; // envelope with min relative variation
82 TGraphAsymmErrors* fgrEnvelope; // graph with envelope
83 TGraphAsymmErrors* fgrEnvelopeRatio; // graph with envelope of ratios
695050b7 84 Int_t fSystUseRMSfromFlatDistr; // different option to extract the systematic uncertainty. See .cxx, GetHistoRelSystUncMin method for a description
85 ClassDef(AliHFCorrelationFDsubtraction,2);
ec9cbe08 86