]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGHF/correlationHF/macros/AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection.C
fix: parse the delimiter correctly
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / correlationHF / macros / AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection.C
2229ac91 1//-*- Mode: C++ -*-
2// $Id: AddTaskDxHFECorrelation.C 60786 2013-02-08 18:16:19Z arossi $
4#ifndef __CINT__
5//#include "AliESDtrackCuts.h"
6//#include "AliAnalysisCuts.h"
7//#include "AliFlowTrackSimple.h" // added as hint for hidden library dependency to libPWGflowBase
8//#include "AliFlowCandidateTrack.h" // added as hint for hidden library dependency to libPWGflowTasks
9//#include "AliCFContainer.h" // added as hint for hidden library dependency to libCORRFW
10//#include "AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong.h" // added as hint for hidden library dependency to libPWGHFvertexingHF
11#include "AliHFAssociatedTrackCuts.h"
12#include "AliAnalysisTaskDxHFEParticleSelection.h"
13#include "AliDxHFEParticleSelection.h"
14#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
15#include "AliAnalysisDataContainer.h"
16#include "AliHFEcuts.h"
17#include "AliLog.h"
18#include "TObject.h"
19#include "TClass.h"
20#include "TDirectory.h"
21#include "TROOT.h"
22#include "AliRDHFCutsD0toKpi.h"
23using namespace std;
26const char* poolInfoName="PoolInfo";
27AliAnalysisCuts* createDefaultPoolConfig();
29/// @file AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection.C
30/// @author Matthias.Richter@ift.uib.no, Hege.Erdal@ift.uib.no
31/// @date 2013-02-12
32/// @brief Add the ParticleSelection task to the manager
b4779749 34int AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection(TString configuration="",TString analysisName="PWGHFCJParticleSelection")
2229ac91 35{
b4779749 36
37 //First check to see if user wants to see help
38 if (configuration.BeginsWith("help") ||
39 configuration.BeginsWith("--help") ||
40 configuration.BeginsWith("-h") ||
41 configuration.BeginsWith("options") ) {
42 cout <<"\n\n============================================" << endl;
43 cout << "Keywords for AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection.C:\n"
44 << "file= - Filename to store output in\n"
45 << "name= - Name of analysis, will correspond to directory inside the file \n"
46 << "cutname= - Filename where information on event pool for event-mixing is stored (if use external file)\n"
47 << "runD0MassReference - If you also want to include D2H task for D0selection (for comparison purposes)\n"
48 << "mc - Run on MC\n"
49 << "PbPb - Run on PbPbn"
50 << "usekine - To run on kinematical level \n"
51 << "particle=D0/electron - Which particle to run analysis on \n"
52 << "\nD0 settings: \n"
53 << "fillD0scheme=both/D0/D0bar - Which fillsheme to use for D0\n"
54 << "\nelectron settings: \n"
55 << "useinvmasscut - If you want to use invariant mass cut (default is 100MeV/c)\n"
56 << "invmasscut= - If you want to specify a different invariant mass cut \n"
57 << "extraname= - extraname for directory and list if you run several tasks at once\n"
58 << "tpcclusters= - How many TPC clusters to use on single track cuts for electrons (default=120)\n"
59 << "itsclusters= - How many itsclusters to be used in single track cuts for electrons (default=4) \n"
60 << "itsreq= - (kFirst,kAny,kNone) Which ITSpixel requirement you want to impose\n"
61 << "elmcreco= - (aftertrackcuts/aftertofpid/afterfullpid) Where you want to stop in track selection to look for electrons for mc \n\n";
62 return;
63 }
2229ac91 65 AliAnalysisManager *pManager = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager();
66 if (!pManager) {
67 ::Error("AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection", "No analysis manager to connect to.");
68 return;
69 }
71 Bool_t bUseMC=kFALSE;
72 TString ofilename;
73 Int_t system=0;
74 TString taskOptions;
b4779749 75 Bool_t bUseKine=kFALSE;
76 Bool_t bUseMCReco=kFALSE;
77 Int_t NrTPCclusters=120; // quick fix for problems sending track cut objects in some instances to task
78 Int_t NrITSclusters=4; // quick fix for problem sending hfe track cut object to addtask
79 Int_t ITSreq=AliHFEextraCuts::kFirst;
2229ac91 80 Int_t Particle=AliAnalysisTaskDxHFEParticleSelection::kD0;
b4779749 81 TString extraname="";
2229ac91 82
83 // look for configuration arguments
b4779749 84 cout << endl << "===============================================" << endl;
85 cout << "Setting up Particle Selection task: " << configuration << endl;
87 // look for configuration arguments if nothing specified
88 // in the function call
89 if (configuration.IsNull() && gDirectory) {
2229ac91 90 const char* confObjectName="run_single_task_configuration";
91 TObject* confObject=gDirectory->FindObject(confObjectName);
92 if (confObject) {
b4779749 93 configuration=confObject->GetTitle();
94 }
95 }
96 {// deprecated, but keep for formatting
97 {// deprecated, but keep for formatting
2229ac91 98 TObjArray* tokens=configuration.Tokenize(" ");
99 if (tokens) {
100 TIter next(tokens);
101 TObject* token;
102 while ((token=next())) {
103 TString argument=token->GetName();
104 if (argument.BeginsWith("file=")) {
105 argument.ReplaceAll("file=", "");
106 ofilename=argument;
107 } else if (argument.BeginsWith("name=")) {
108 argument.ReplaceAll("name=", "");
b4779749 109 analysisName=" "+argument+"PartSel";
2229ac91 110 }
111 if (argument.BeginsWith("mc")) {
112 bUseMC=kTRUE;
113 taskOptions+=" mc";
114 }
fad30eb8 115 if (argument.BeginsWith("PbPb") || argument.BeginsWith("Pb-Pb")) {
2229ac91 116 system=1;
fad30eb8 117 taskOptions+=" system=Pb-Pb";
118 cout << "Use PbPb" << endl;
2229ac91 119 }
b4779749 120 if(argument.BeginsWith("tpcclusters=")){
121 argument.ReplaceAll("tpcclusters=", "");
122 NrTPCclusters=argument.Atoi();
123 ::Info("AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection",Form("Setting nr TPC clusters to %d",NrTPCclusters));
124 }
2229ac91 125 if (argument.BeginsWith("fillD0scheme=")){
126 argument.ReplaceAll("fillD0scheme=","");
127 taskOptions+=" fillD0scheme="+argument;
128 }
b4779749 129 if(argument.BeginsWith("elmcreco")){
130 bUseMCReco=kTRUE;
131 taskOptions+=" "+argument;
132 }
133 if (argument.BeginsWith("usekine") ||argument.BeginsWith("kine")) {
134 bUseKine=kTRUE;
135 taskOptions+=" usekine";
136 }
2229ac91 137 if (argument.BeginsWith("particle=")) {
138 taskOptions+=" "+argument;
139 argument.ReplaceAll("particle=","");
140 if (argument.CompareTo("D0")==0){
141 Particle=AliAnalysisTaskDxHFEParticleSelection::kD0;
142 }
143 else if (argument.CompareTo("electron")==0){
144 Particle=AliAnalysisTaskDxHFEParticleSelection::kElectron;
b4779749 145 }
146 }
147 if(argument.BeginsWith("useinvmasscut"))
148 taskOptions+=" "+argument;
fad30eb8 149 if(argument.BeginsWith("twoselectedinvmasscut"))
150 taskOptions+=" "+argument;
b4779749 151 if(argument.BeginsWith("invmasscut="))
152 taskOptions+=" "+argument;
fad30eb8 153 if(argument.BeginsWith("impactparamcut"))
154 taskOptions+=" "+argument;
155 if(argument.BeginsWith("etacut"))
156 taskOptions+=" "+argument;
157 if(argument.BeginsWith("storelastcutstep"))
158 taskOptions+=" "+argument;
b4779749 159 if(argument.BeginsWith("itsclusters=")){
160 argument.ReplaceAll("itsclusters=", "");
161 NrITSclusters=argument.Atoi();
162 }
163 if(argument.BeginsWith("itsreq=")){
164 argument.ReplaceAll("itsreq=", "");
165 if(argument.CompareTo("kFirst")==0) ITSreq=AliHFEextraCuts::kFirst;
166 else if(argument.CompareTo("kAny")==0) ITSreq=AliHFEextraCuts::kAny;
167 else if(argument.CompareTo("kNone")==0) ITSreq=AliHFEextraCuts::kNone;
168 }
169 if(argument.BeginsWith("extraname=")){
170 argument.ReplaceAll("extraname=", "");
171 extraname=argument;
2229ac91 172 }
173 }
175 }
176 delete tokens;
177 }
178 }
b4779749 180 if(bUseMCReco && bUseKine) {
181 ::Fatal("AddTaskDxHFECorrelation","CAN'T SET BOTH usekine AND elmcreco AT THE SAME TIME");
182 return;
183 }
2229ac91 185 // check for existence of PID task and add if not available
186 const char* pidTaskName="PIDResponseTask";
187 const char* pidTaskMacro="$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskPIDResponse.C";
188 AliAnalysisTask* pidTask=pManager->GetTask(pidTaskName);
189 if (!pidTask) {
190 gROOT->LoadMacro(pidTaskMacro);
191 TString pidFunction;
192 pidFunction.Form("AddTaskPIDResponse(%d, %d)", bUseMC, kTRUE);
193 gROOT->ProcessLine(pidFunction);
194 if (pManager->GetTask(pidTaskName)==NULL) {
195 ::Error("AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection", Form("failed to add PID task '%s' from macro '%s'",
196 pidTaskName, pidTaskMacro));
197 return 0;
198 }
199 } else {
200 // TODO: would like to check if the PID task was set up
201 // with consistent parameters, however there are no getters at the moment
202 ::Info("AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection", Form("PID task '%s' already existing", pidTaskName));
203 }
205 if (ofilename.IsNull()) ofilename=AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName();
206 ofilename+=":"+analysisName;
208 ///______________________________________________________________________
209 /// Cuts For D0
2229ac91 210 AliRDHFCutsD0toKpi* RDHFD0toKpi=new AliRDHFCutsD0toKpi();
fad30eb8 211 if (system==0) {
212 RDHFD0toKpi->SetStandardCutsPP2010();
213 } else {
214 // TODO: think about p-Pb
215 RDHFD0toKpi->SetStandardCutsPbPb2011();
217 // For centrality 0-10%, add centrality flattening
219 TFile *fFlat=TFile::Open("CentrDistrBins005.root","READ");
220 TCanvas *c=fFlat->Get("cintegral");
221 TH1F *hfl=(TH1F*)c->FindObject("hint");
222 RDHFD0toKpi->SetHistoForCentralityFlattening(hfl,0.,10.,0.,0);
223 // RDHFD0toKpi->SetUseCentrality(AliRDHFCuts::kCentV0M);
225 RDHFD0toKpi->SetMinCentrality(0.);// 40.*1.01
226 RDHFD0toKpi->SetMaxCentrality(10.);// 80.*1.01
227 }
2229ac91 228
229 ///______________________________________________________________________
230 /// Cuts for HFE
231 AliHFEcuts *hfecuts = new AliHFEcuts("hfeCutsTPCTOF","HFE Standard Cuts");
232 hfecuts->CreateStandardCuts();
234 hfecuts->SetTPCmodes(AliHFEextraCuts::kFound,AliHFEextraCuts::kFoundOverFindable);
b4779749 235 hfecuts->SetMinNClustersTPC(NrTPCclusters); //Default = 80
2229ac91 236 hfecuts->SetMinNClustersTPCPID(80); //Default = 80
237 hfecuts->SetMinRatioTPCclusters(0.6); //Default = 0.6
239 ///ITS
b4779749 240 hfecuts->SetCutITSpixel(ITSreq); //Cut on SPD
2229ac91 241 //hfecuts->SetCutITSdrift(AliHFEextraCuts::kAny); //Cut on SDD
242 //hfecuts->SetCheckITSLayerStatus(kFALSE);
b4779749 243 hfecuts->SetMinNClustersITS(NrITSclusters); //Default = 4
2229ac91 245 ///TOF
246 hfecuts->SetTOFPIDStep(kTRUE);
248 ///Additional Cuts
249 hfecuts->SetPtRange(0.30, 10.5);
250 hfecuts->SetMaxImpactParam(1.,2.);
251 hfecuts->SetVertexRange(10.);
253 // ________________________________________________________________________
254 // PID for HFE
255 // PID for Only TOF
256 AliHFEpid *fPIDOnlyTOF = new AliHFEpid("hfePidTOF");
257 if(!fPIDOnlyTOF->GetNumberOfPIDdetectors()) {
258 fPIDOnlyTOF->AddDetector("TOF",0);
259 }
260 fPIDOnlyTOF->ConfigureTOF(3); // number of sigma TOF
261 fPIDOnlyTOF->InitializePID();
263 // PID object for TPC and TOF combined
264 // Check if PID is set from outside (passed as argument)
b4779749 265 ::Info("AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection",Form("Setting up new combined PID object"));
266 AliHFEpid* fPID = new AliHFEpid("hfePid");
267 if(!fPID->GetNumberOfPIDdetectors()) {
268 fPID->AddDetector("TOF",0);
269 fPID->AddDetector("TPC",1);
2229ac91 270 }
b4779749 271 //Add settings for asymmetric cut on nSigma TPC
272 const int paramSize=4;
273 Double_t params[paramSize];
274 memset(params, 0, sizeof(Double_t)*paramSize);
275 params[0]=-1.;
276 fPID->ConfigureTPCdefaultCut(NULL, params, 3.);
277 fPID->InitializePID();
fad30eb8 278
279 // PID for Only TPC
280 AliHFEpid *fPIDOnlyTPC = new AliHFEpid("hfePidTPC");
281 if(!fPIDOnlyTPC->GetNumberOfPIDdetectors()) {
282 fPIDOnlyTPC->AddDetector("TPC",0);
283 }
284 fPIDOnlyTPC->ConfigureTPCdefaultCut(NULL, params, 3.);
285 fPIDOnlyTPC->InitializePID();
2229ac91 286
287 //=========================================================
288 //Create TList of cut (and pid) objects for D0 or electron
289 TList *Cutlist = new TList;
290 if(Particle==AliAnalysisTaskDxHFEParticleSelection::kD0){
291 Cutlist->SetName("cut objects D0");
292 Cutlist->Add(RDHFD0toKpi);
293 }
294 else if(Particle==AliAnalysisTaskDxHFEParticleSelection::kElectron){
295 Cutlist->SetName("cut objects HFE");
296 Cutlist->Add(hfecuts);
297 Cutlist->Add(fPID);
298 Cutlist->Add(fPIDOnlyTOF);
fad30eb8 299 Cutlist->Add(fPIDOnlyTPC);
2229ac91 300 }
302 //=======================Setting up the task=========================================
303 AliAnalysisTaskDxHFEParticleSelection *pTask=new AliAnalysisTaskDxHFEParticleSelection(taskOptions);
304 if (!pTask) {
305 ::Error("AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection", "failed to create task.");
306 return 0;
307 }
308 pTask->SetCutList(Cutlist);
309 pManager->AddTask(pTask);
311 // The AnalysisManager handles the output file name in the following way:
312 // The output file names are set by the function SetOutputFiles
313 // If the file name given to the container begins with one of the initialized
314 // file names, the data is stored in the corresponding file in a folder with
315 // the full name specified to the container
316 // E.g. output file has been set to "myanalysis", the container is created with
317 // file name "myanalysis_A", data ends up in file "myanalysis" in folder
318 // "myanalysis_A"
319 // IMPORTANT: choosing a file name with a different stem at this point will
320 // probably lead to an empty file.
322 TString listName="";
324 TString cutname="";
325 if(Particle==AliAnalysisTaskDxHFEParticleSelection::kD0){
fad30eb8 326 listName="D0list"+extraname;
327 cutname="cutsD0Selection"+extraname;
2229ac91 328 }
329 else if(Particle==AliAnalysisTaskDxHFEParticleSelection::kElectron){
fad30eb8 330 listName="ElList"+extraname;
331 cutname="cutsElectronSelection"+extraname;
2229ac91 332 }
334 ::Info("AddTaskDxHFEParticleSelection", Form("\ninitializing analysis '%s'%s, output file '%s'", analysisName.Data(), bUseMC?" (using MC)":"", ofilename.Data()));
337 AliAnalysisDataContainer *pContainer=pManager->CreateContainer(listName, TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, ofilename.Data());
338 AliAnalysisDataContainer *pContainer2=pManager->CreateContainer(cutname,TList::Class(),AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, ofilename.Data()); //cuts D0/El
340 pManager->ConnectInput(pTask,0,pManager->GetCommonInputContainer());
341 pManager->ConnectOutput(pTask,1,pContainer);
342 pManager->ConnectOutput(pTask,2,pContainer2);
345 return 1;