]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGHF/hfe/AliHFEextraEventCuts.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / hfe / AliHFEextraEventCuts.h
4 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * *
6 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
7 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
8 * *
9 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
10 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
11 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
12 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
13 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
14 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
15 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
16 **************************************************************************/
17// Cut on the Event at reconstructed level: for the moment
18// just the requirements on the number of charged tracks and on
19// the vertex position and resolution are implemented
20// The argument of IsSelected member function (passed object) is cast into
21// an AliESDEvent. In the future may be modified to use AliVEvent interface
22// and include more cut variables.
23// The class derives from AliCFCutBase
24// Author:R.Bailhache
27#include "AliCFCutBase.h"
28class TH1F;
29class TBits;
d87a9d29 30class AliVVertex;
31class AliVEvent;
4437a0d2 32class AliAnalysisUtils;
c2690925 33//_____________________________________________________________________________
34class AliHFEextraEventCuts: public AliCFCutBase
36 public :
37 AliHFEextraEventCuts() ;
38 AliHFEextraEventCuts(Char_t* name, Char_t* title) ;
39 AliHFEextraEventCuts(const AliHFEextraEventCuts& c) ;
40 AliHFEextraEventCuts& operator=(const AliHFEextraEventCuts& c) ;
41 ~AliHFEextraEventCuts();
42 Bool_t IsSelected(TObject* obj);
43 Bool_t IsSelected(TList* /*list*/) {return kTRUE;}
45 void SetRequireVtxCuts(Bool_t vtx=kFALSE) {fRequireVtxCuts=vtx;} // cut values setter
46 void SetVertexZCut(Double_t zMin=-1.e99, Double_t zMax=1.e99) { fVtxZMin=zMin; fVtxZMax=zMax;} // cut values setter
48 void SetVertexNContributors(Int_t min) {fVtxNCtrbMin=min;}
63bdf450 49 void SetUseMixedVertex() {fVtxMixed=kTRUE; fVtxSPD=kFALSE;} //default is vertex from tracks
50 void SetUseSPDVertex() {fVtxSPD=kTRUE; fVtxMixed=kFALSE;} //default is vertex from tracks
51 void SetCheckCorrelationSPDVtx() {fCheckCorrelationSPDVtx=kTRUE;} // check the correlation between z of different vertices
d87a9d29 52 void SetCheckSPDResolution() {fVtxResolution = kTRUE;} // check resolution on the SPD vertex
4437a0d2 53 void SetpAPileupCut() { fPApileupCut = kTRUE; }
c2690925 54
55 Bool_t GetRequireVtxCuts() const {return fRequireVtxCuts;} // cut value getter
56 Double_t GetVertexZMax() const {return fVtxZMax;} // cut values getter
57 Double_t GetVertexZMin() const {return fVtxZMin;} // cut values getter
59 // QA histogram setter
60 // please use indices from the enumeration below
61 void SetHistogramBins(Int_t index, Int_t nbins, Double_t *bins);
62 void SetHistogramBins(Int_t index, Int_t nbins, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax);
63 enum{kVtxPosZ,
64 kVtxNCtrb,
d87a9d29 65 kCorrelation,
66 kResolution,
4437a0d2 67 kpApileup,
c2690925 68 kNCuts,
69 kNStepQA=2
70 };
72 protected:
73 void SelectionBitMap(TObject* obj);
74 void AddQAHistograms(TList *qaList) ;
75 void DefineHistograms(); // books histograms
76 void Initialise(); // sets everything to 0
77 void FillHistograms(TObject* obj, Bool_t b);
d87a9d29 78 const AliVVertex *GetPrimaryVertexSPD(const AliVEvent * const inputEvent);
79 const AliVVertex *GetPrimaryVertexTracks(const AliVEvent *const inputEvent);
c2690925 80
4437a0d2 81 AliAnalysisUtils *fAnalysisUtils; // Analysis Utils for pA pileup cut
82 Bool_t fRequireVtxCuts ; // The type of trigger to be checked
83 Double_t fVtxZMax ; // Z vertex position, maximum value
84 Double_t fVtxZMin ; // Z vertex position, minimum value
85 Int_t fVtxNCtrbMin; // Min number of contributors to vertex
86 Bool_t fVtxMixed; // Flag for use of mixed vertex (primary vertex with track, if not SPD vertex)
87 Bool_t fVtxSPD; // Flag for use of SPD vertex
88 Bool_t fCheckCorrelationSPDVtx; // Check the correlation SPD, track vertex
89 Bool_t fVtxResolution; // Check vertex resolution cut
90 Bool_t fPApileupCut; // Apply pA-pileup cut
c2690925 91
92 TBits *fBitMap ; //cut mask
94 TH1F* fhQA[kNCuts][kNStepQA]; // QA Histograms
96 ClassDef(AliHFEextraEventCuts,3);