]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGHF/hfe/AliHFEreducedEventCreatorAOD.cxx
Task Andrea Dubla low pt flow ITSTPCTOF
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / hfe / AliHFEreducedEventCreatorAOD.cxx
3513afb7 1/**************************************************************************
2* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3* *
4* Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5* Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6* *
7* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
16// Debug tree task
17// the tree is represented as reduced events
19// Authors:
20// M.Fasel <M.Fasel@gsi.de>
22#include <TArrayI.h>
23#include <TBits.h>
24#include <TFile.h>
25#include <TString.h>
26#include <TTree.h>
7e695443 27#include <TMath.h>
3513afb7 28
29#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
30#include "AliAnalysisUtils.h"
31#include "AliAODEvent.h"
32#include "AliAODMCHeader.h"
33#include "AliAODMCParticle.h"
34#include "AliAODPid.h"
35#include "AliAODTrack.h"
36#include "AliAODTracklets.h"
37#include "AliAODVertex.h"
38#include "AliCentrality.h"
39#include "AliInputEventHandler.h"
40#include "AliHFEcuts.h"
41#include "AliHFEextraCuts.h"
42#include "AliHFEpidTPC.h"
43#include "AliHFEreducedEvent.h"
44#include "AliHFEreducedTrack.h"
45#include "AliHFEreducedMCParticle.h"
46#include "AliHFEsignalCuts.h"
47#include "AliLog.h"
48#include "AliMCEvent.h"
49#include "AliPIDResponse.h"
50#include "AliVEvent.h"
51#include "AliVTrack.h"
52#include "AliVCluster.h"
53#include "AliVVZERO.h"
54#include "AliVZDC.h"
55#include "TTreeStream.h"
57#include "AliHFEreducedEventCreatorAOD.h"
62 AliAnalysisTaskSE(),
63 fAODMCHeader(NULL),
64 fAODArrayMCInfo(NULL),
65 fHFEtree(NULL),
66 fAnalysisUtils(NULL),
67 fHFEevent(NULL),
68 fTrackCuts(NULL),
69 fExtraCuts(NULL),
70 fSignalCuts(NULL),
71 fTPCpid(NULL),
72 fEventNumber(0),
73 fNclustersTPC(70),
74 fNclustersTPCPID(0),
75 fNclustersITS(2),
7e695443 76 fNbOfTOFSigma(-1.0),
3513afb7 77 fRemoveFirstEvent(kFALSE)
79 //
80 // Default constructor
81 //
84AliHFEreducedEventCreatorAOD::AliHFEreducedEventCreatorAOD(const char *name):
85 AliAnalysisTaskSE(name),
86 fAODMCHeader(NULL),
87 fAODArrayMCInfo(NULL),
88 fHFEtree(NULL),
89 fAnalysisUtils(NULL),
90 fHFEevent(NULL),
91 fTrackCuts(NULL),
92 fExtraCuts(NULL),
93 fSignalCuts(NULL),
94 fTPCpid(NULL),
95 fEventNumber(0),
96 fNclustersTPC(70),
97 fNclustersTPCPID(0),
98 fNclustersITS(2),
7e695443 99 fNbOfTOFSigma(-1.0),
3513afb7 100 fRemoveFirstEvent(kFALSE)
102 //
103 // Default constructor
104 //
105 fTPCpid = new AliHFEpidTPC("QAtpcPID");
106 fAnalysisUtils = new AliAnalysisUtils;
107 DefineOutput(1, TTree::Class());
111 //
112 // Default destructor
113 //
114 if(fTPCpid) delete fTPCpid;
115 if(fAnalysisUtils) delete fAnalysisUtils;
116 if(fHFEevent) delete fHFEevent;
119void AliHFEreducedEventCreatorAOD::UserCreateOutputObjects(){
120 //
121 // Create debug tree, signal cuts and track cuts
122 //
124 //printf("test\n");
126 // printf("testa\n");
127 fSignalCuts = new AliHFEsignalCuts("HFEsignalCuts", "HFE MC Signal definition");
128 //printf("testb\n");
130 fTrackCuts = new AliHFEcuts("fTrackCuts", "Basic HFE track cuts");
131 fTrackCuts->CreateStandardCuts();
132 fTrackCuts->SetAOD();
133 // Track cuts
134 fTrackCuts->SetMinNClustersTPC(fNclustersTPC);
135 fTrackCuts->SetMinRatioTPCclusters(0);
136 fTrackCuts->SetTPCmodes(AliHFEextraCuts::kFound, AliHFEextraCuts::kFoundOverFindable);
137 fTrackCuts->SetMinNClustersTPCPID(fNclustersTPCPID);
138 fTrackCuts->SetMinNClustersITS(fNclustersITS);
139 // Event cuts
140 fTrackCuts->SetUseMixedVertex(kTRUE);
141 fTrackCuts->SetVertexRange(10.);
142 //printf("testa\n");
143 fTrackCuts->Initialize();
144 //printf("testb\n");
146 fExtraCuts = new AliHFEextraCuts("hfeExtraCuts","HFE Extra Cuts");
148 fHFEevent = new AliHFEreducedEvent;
149 OpenFile(1);
150 fHFEtree = new TTree("HFEtree", "HFE event tree");
151 fHFEtree->Branch("HFEevent", "AliHFEreducedEvent", fHFEevent,128000,0);
152 PostData(1, fHFEtree);
155void AliHFEreducedEventCreatorAOD::UserExec(Option_t *){
156 //
157 // User Exec: Fill debug Tree
158 //
160 // Get PID response
161 AliPIDResponse *pid = NULL;
162 AliInputEventHandler *handler = dynamic_cast<AliInputEventHandler *>(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler());
163 if(handler){
7e695443 164 // printf("testb\n");
3513afb7 165 pid = handler->GetPIDResponse();
166 } else {
167 AliError("No Handler");
168 }
169 if(!pid){
7e695443 170 // printf("testc\n");
3513afb7 171 AliError("No PID response");
172 return;
173 }
174 if(!fInputEvent) {
175 AliError("No Input event");
176 return;
177 }
179 if(fRemoveFirstEvent){
180 if(fAnalysisUtils->IsFirstEventInChunk(fInputEvent)) return;
181 }
183 AliAODTrack copyTrack;
185 // MC info
186 Bool_t mcthere = kTRUE;
187 AliAODEvent *aodE = dynamic_cast<AliAODEvent *>(fInputEvent);
188 if(!aodE){
7e695443 189 // printf("testd\n");
3513afb7 190 AliError("No AOD Event");
191 return;
192 }
193 fAODMCHeader = dynamic_cast<AliAODMCHeader *>(fInputEvent->FindListObject(AliAODMCHeader::StdBranchName()));
194 if(!fAODMCHeader){
195 mcthere = kFALSE;
7e695443 196 // return;
3513afb7 197 }
198 fAODArrayMCInfo = dynamic_cast<TClonesArray *>(fInputEvent->FindListObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName()));
199 if(!fAODArrayMCInfo){
200 mcthere = kFALSE;
7e695443 201 // return;
3513afb7 202 }
203 else {
204 fSignalCuts->SetMCAODInfo(fAODArrayMCInfo);
205 fTrackCuts->SetMCEvent(aodE);
206 }
208 // Set for track cuts
209 if(mcthere){
210 // Check Monte-Carlo events for AODs
211 AliDebug(1, Form("Monte-Carlo Event: %p\n", fMCEvent));
212 if(fMCEvent){
213 AliDebug(1, Form("Available! Number of particles: %d\n", fMCEvent->GetNumberOfTracks()));
214 }
215 }
216 fTrackCuts->SetRecEvent(fInputEvent);
218 if(!fTrackCuts->CheckEventCuts("fCutsEvRec", fInputEvent)){
219 AliDebug(1, "Event rejected by the event cuts\n");
220 return;
221 }
222 if(!fExtraCuts){
223 fExtraCuts = new AliHFEextraCuts("hfeExtraCuts","HFE Extra Cuts");
224 }
225 fExtraCuts->SetRecEventInfo(fInputEvent);
228 // Make Reduced Event
229 //AliHFEreducedEvent hfeevent;
230 fHFEevent->~AliHFEreducedEvent();
231 new(fHFEevent)AliHFEreducedEvent();
233 // Get run number
234 fHFEevent->SetRunNumber(fInputEvent->GetRunNumber());
236 // Derive trigger
0a4bd5d7 237 AliDebug(1, "Get triggers\n");
3513afb7 238 UInt_t trigger = fInputHandler->IsEventSelected();
239 if(trigger & AliVEvent::kMB) fHFEevent->SetMBTrigger();
240 if(trigger & AliVEvent::kCentral) fHFEevent->SetCentralTrigger();
241 if(trigger & AliVEvent::kSemiCentral) fHFEevent->SetCentralTrigger();
242 if(trigger & AliVEvent::kEMCEJE) fHFEevent->SetEMCALTrigger();
244 // Get Primary Vertex
0a4bd5d7 245 AliDebug(1, "Get Primary Vertex\n");
3513afb7 246 const AliVVertex *vertex = fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex();
247 Double_t vtx[3];
0a4bd5d7 248 Double_t vcov[6];
249 Int_t ncontrib = -1;
250 if(vertex) {
251 AliDebug(1, "Found vertex\n");
252 vertex->GetXYZ(vtx);
253 ncontrib = vertex->GetNContributors();
254 vertex->GetCovarianceMatrix(vcov);
255 }
3513afb7 256 fHFEevent->SetVX(vtx[0]);
257 fHFEevent->SetVY(vtx[1]);
258 fHFEevent->SetVZ(vtx[2]);
3513afb7 259 fHFEevent->SetNContribVertex(ncontrib);
0a4bd5d7 260 fHFEevent->SetVertexResolution(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(vcov[5])));
7e695443 261 // Get Primary Vertex from SPD
262 const AliVVertex *vertexSPD = aodE->GetPrimaryVertexSPD();
263 if(vertexSPD){
0a4bd5d7 264 AliDebug(1, "Found SPD vertex\n");
265 memset(vtx, 0, sizeof(Double_t) *3);
7e695443 266 vertexSPD->GetXYZ(vtx);
267 fHFEevent->SetVXSPD(vtx[0]);
268 fHFEevent->SetVYSPD(vtx[1]);
269 fHFEevent->SetVZSPD(vtx[2]);
270 fHFEevent->SetNContribVertexSPD(vertexSPD->GetNContributors());
271 memset(vcov, 0, sizeof(Double_t)*6);
0a4bd5d7 272 vertexSPD->GetCovarianceMatrix(vcov);
273 AliDebug(1, Form("Covariance Matrix vcov[5] %f\n",vcov[5]));
274 fHFEevent->SetVertexResolutionSPD(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(vcov[5])));
7e695443 275 }
3513afb7 276
277 // Get centrality
0a4bd5d7 278 AliDebug(1, "Centrality\n");
3513afb7 279 AliCentrality *hicent = fInputEvent->GetCentrality();
0a4bd5d7 280 if(hicent) fHFEevent->SetCentrality(
3513afb7 281 hicent->GetCentralityPercentile("V0M"),
282 hicent->GetCentralityPercentile("V0A"),
283 hicent->GetCentralityPercentile("V0C"),
284 hicent->GetCentralityPercentile("TKL"),
285 hicent->GetCentralityPercentile("TRK"),
4437a0d2 286 hicent->GetCentralityPercentile("ZNA"),
287 hicent->GetCentralityPercentile("ZNC"),
288 hicent->GetCentralityPercentile("CL0"),
289 hicent->GetCentralityPercentile("CL1"),
290 hicent->GetCentralityPercentile("CND")
3513afb7 291 );
293 // Get VZERO Information
0a4bd5d7 294 AliDebug(1, "VZERO info\n");
3513afb7 295 AliVVZERO *vzeroinfo = fInputEvent->GetVZEROData();
296 if(vzeroinfo) fHFEevent->SetV0Multiplicity(vzeroinfo->GetMTotV0A(), vzeroinfo->GetMTotV0C());
298 // Get ZDC Information
0a4bd5d7 299 AliDebug(1, "ZDC info\n");
3513afb7 300 AliVZDC *zdcinfo = fInputEvent->GetZDCData();
301 if(zdcinfo) fHFEevent->SetZDCEnergy(zdcinfo->GetZNAEnergy(), zdcinfo->GetZNCEnergy(), zdcinfo->GetZPAEnergy(), zdcinfo->GetZPCEnergy());
303 // Set SPD multiplicity
0a4bd5d7 304 AliDebug(1, "SPD multiplicity\n");
3513afb7 305 AliAODTracklets *tls = aodE->GetTracklets();
306 if(tls) fHFEevent->SetSPDMultiplicity(tls->GetNumberOfTracklets());
308 // Look for kink mother
0a4bd5d7 309 AliDebug(1, "Vertices\n");
3513afb7 310 Int_t numberofvertices = aodE->GetNumberOfVertices();
311 Double_t listofmotherkink[numberofvertices];
312 Int_t numberofmotherkink = 0;
313 //printf("Number of vertices %d\n",numberofvertices);
314 for(Int_t ivertex=0; ivertex < numberofvertices; ivertex++) {
315 AliAODVertex *aodvertex = aodE->GetVertex(ivertex);
316 if(!aodvertex) continue;
317 //printf("Type %d\n",aodvertex->GetType());
318 if(aodvertex->GetType()==AliAODVertex::kKink) {
319 //printf("Find one kink\n");
320 AliAODTrack *mother = (AliAODTrack *) aodvertex->GetParent();
321 if(!mother) continue;
322 Int_t idmother = mother->GetID();
323 listofmotherkink[numberofmotherkink] = idmother;
324 //printf("ID %d\n",idmother);
325 numberofmotherkink++;
326 }
327 }
328 //printf("Number of kink mother in the events %d\n",numberofmotherkink);
330 //
331 // Loop on MC tracks only
332 //
333 AliAODMCParticle *mctrack(NULL);
334 // Monte-Carlo info
335 Int_t source(5);
336 if(mcthere){
0a4bd5d7 337 AliDebug(1, "Loop MC tracks\n");
3513afb7 338 for(Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < fAODArrayMCInfo->GetEntriesFast(); itrack++) {
339 mctrack = (AliAODMCParticle *)(fAODArrayMCInfo->At(itrack));
340 if(!mctrack) continue;
341 AliHFEreducedMCParticle hfemcpart;
4437a0d2 342 if(fTrackCuts->CheckParticleCuts(static_cast<UInt_t>(AliHFEcuts::kStepMCGenerated), mctrack)) continue;
343 hfemcpart.SetSignal();
3513afb7 344 // Kinematics
345 hfemcpart.SetSignedPt(mctrack->Pt(), mctrack->Charge() > 0.);
346 hfemcpart.SetP(mctrack->P());
347 hfemcpart.SetEta(mctrack->Eta());
348 hfemcpart.SetPhi(mctrack->Phi());
349 hfemcpart.SetPdg(mctrack->GetPdgCode());
351 // Get Production Vertex in radial direction
352 hfemcpart.SetProductionVertex(mctrack->Xv(),mctrack->Yv(),mctrack->Zv());
354 // Get Mother PDG code of the particle
355 Int_t motherlabel = TMath::Abs(mctrack->GetMother());
356 if(motherlabel >= 0 && motherlabel < fAODArrayMCInfo->GetEntriesFast()){
357 AliAODMCParticle *mother = dynamic_cast<AliAODMCParticle *>(fAODArrayMCInfo->At(motherlabel));
358 if(mother) hfemcpart.SetMotherPdg(mother->GetPdgCode());
359 }
361 // derive source
362 source = 5;
363 if(fSignalCuts->IsCharmElectron(mctrack)) source = 0;
364 else if(fSignalCuts->IsBeautyElectron(mctrack)) source = 1;
365 else if(fSignalCuts->IsGammaElectron(mctrack)) source = 2;
366 else if(fSignalCuts->IsNonHFElectron(mctrack)) source = 3;
367 else if(TMath::Abs(mctrack->GetPdgCode()) == 11) source = 4;
368 else source = 5;
369 hfemcpart.SetSource(source);
371 fHFEevent->AddMCParticle(&hfemcpart);
372 }
373 }
375 //
376 // Loop on reconstructed tracks
377 //
378 TArrayI arraytrack(fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks());
379 Int_t counterdc=0;
381 AliAODTrack *track = 0x0;
0a4bd5d7 382 AliDebug(1, "Loop reconstructed tracks\n");
3513afb7 383 for(Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); itrack++){
384 // Run track loop
385 track = dynamic_cast<AliAODTrack *>(fInputEvent->GetTrack(itrack));
386 if(!track) continue;
387 // Cut track (Only basic track cuts)
388 // printf("testv\n");
389 if(!fTrackCuts->CheckParticleCuts(AliHFEcuts::kNcutStepsMCTrack + AliHFEcuts::kStepRecKineITSTPC, track)) continue;
390 //
391 //printf("testu\n");
393 // Kinematics
394 AliHFEreducedTrack hfetrack;
395 hfetrack.SetSignedPt(track->Pt(), track->Charge() > 0);
396 hfetrack.SetP(track->P());
397 hfetrack.SetEta(track->Eta());
398 hfetrack.SetPhi(track->Phi());
399 hfetrack.SetTPCmomentum(track->GetDetPid() ? track->GetDetPid()->GetTPCmomentum() : track->P());
401 // Track ID
402 hfetrack.SetTrackID(track->GetID());
404 // status
405 ULong_t status = track->GetStatus();
406 if((status & AliVTrack::kITSrefit) == AliVTrack::kITSrefit) hfetrack.SetITSrefit();
407 if((status & AliVTrack::kTPCrefit) == AliVTrack::kTPCrefit) hfetrack.SetTPCrefit();
408 if((status & AliVTrack::kTOFpid) == AliVTrack::kTOFpid) hfetrack.SetTOFpid();
409 //if((status & AliVTrack::kTOFmismatch) == AliVTrack::kTOFmismatch) hfetrack.SetTOFmismatch();
410 if(IsTOFmismatch(track, pid)) hfetrack.SetTOFmismatch(); // New version suggested by Pietro Antonioli
411 if(track->IsEMCAL()) hfetrack.SetEMCALpid();
412 // Filter
413 for(Int_t k=0; k<20; k++) {
414 Int_t u = 1<<k;
415 if((track->TestFilterBit(u))) {
416 hfetrack.SetFilterBit(k);
417 }
418 }
420 if(mcthere){
421 // Fill Monte-Carlo Information
422 Int_t label = TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel());
4437a0d2 423 if(label < fAODArrayMCInfo->GetEntriesFast())
3513afb7 424 mctrack = dynamic_cast<AliAODMCParticle *>(fAODArrayMCInfo->At(label));
4437a0d2 425 if(mctrack){
426 AliDebug(2, "Associated MC particle found\n");
427 if(fTrackCuts->CheckParticleCuts(static_cast<UInt_t>(AliHFEcuts::kStepMCGenerated), mctrack)) hfetrack.SetMCSignal();
428 // Kinematics
429 hfetrack.SetMCSignedPt(mctrack->Pt(),mctrack->Charge() > 0.);
430 hfetrack.SetMCP(mctrack->P());
431 hfetrack.SetMCEta(mctrack->Eta());
432 hfetrack.SetMCPhi(mctrack->Phi());
433 hfetrack.SetMCPDG(mctrack->GetPdgCode());
3513afb7 434
4437a0d2 435 // Get Production Vertex in radial direction
436 hfetrack.SetMCProdVtx(mctrack->Xv(),mctrack->Yv(),mctrack->Zv());
3513afb7 437
4437a0d2 438 // Get Mother PDG code of the particle
439 Int_t motherlabel = TMath::Abs(mctrack->GetMother());
440 if(motherlabel >= 0 && motherlabel < fAODArrayMCInfo->GetEntriesFast()){
441 AliAODMCParticle *mother = dynamic_cast<AliAODMCParticle *>(fAODArrayMCInfo->At(motherlabel));
442 if(mother) hfetrack.SetMCMotherPdg(mother->GetPdgCode());
443 }
3513afb7 444
4437a0d2 445 // derive source
446 source = 5;
447 if(fSignalCuts->IsCharmElectron(mctrack)) source = 0;
448 else if(fSignalCuts->IsBeautyElectron(mctrack)) source = 1;
449 else if(fSignalCuts->IsGammaElectron(mctrack)) source = 2;
450 else if(fSignalCuts->IsNonHFElectron(mctrack)) source = 3;
451 else if(TMath::Abs(mctrack->GetPdgCode()) == 11) source = 4;
452 else source = 5;
453 hfetrack.SetMCSource(source);
454 } else {
455 AliDebug(2, "Associated MC particle not found\n");
456 }
3513afb7 457 }
459 // HFE DCA
460 Float_t dcaxy = -999.,
461 dcaz = -999.;
462 fExtraCuts->GetImpactParameters((AliVTrack *)track,dcaxy,dcaz);
463 hfetrack.SetDCA(dcaxy, dcaz);
4437a0d2 464 Double_t hfeImpactParam(-999.), hfeImpactParamResol(-999.);
465 fExtraCuts->GetHFEImpactParameters((AliVTrack *)track,hfeImpactParam,hfeImpactParamResol);
466 hfetrack.SetHFEImpactParam(hfeImpactParam,hfeImpactParamResol);
3513afb7 467
468 // Different number of clusters definitions
469 Int_t nclustersITS(track->GetITSNcls()),
470 nclustersTPC(track->GetTPCNcls()),
471 nclustersTPCall(track->GetTPCClusterMap().CountBits()),
472 nclustersTPCshared(0);
473 UChar_t nfindableTPC = track->GetTPCNclsF();
474 const TBits &sharedTPC = track->GetTPCSharedMap();
475 for(Int_t ibit = 0; ibit < 160; ibit++) if(sharedTPC.TestBitNumber(ibit)) nclustersTPCshared++;
476 hfetrack.SetITSnclusters(nclustersITS);
477 hfetrack.SetTPCnclusters(track->GetTPCNcls());
478 hfetrack.SetTRDnclusters(track->GetTRDncls());
479 hfetrack.SetTPCnclustersPID(track->GetTPCsignalN());
480 hfetrack.SetTPCcrossedRows(track->GetTPCNCrossedRows());
481 hfetrack.SetTPCnclustersAll(nclustersTPCall);
482 hfetrack.SetTPCsharedClusters(nclustersTPCshared);
483 hfetrack.SetTPCclusterRatio(nfindableTPC ? static_cast<Float_t>(nclustersTPC)/static_cast<Float_t>(nfindableTPC) : 0);
484 hfetrack.SetTPCclusterRatioAll(nfindableTPC ? static_cast<Float_t>(nclustersTPCall)/static_cast<Float_t>(nfindableTPC) : 0);
485 UChar_t itsPixel = track->GetITSClusterMap();
486 for(int ily = 0; ily < 6; ily++)
487 if(TESTBIT(itsPixel, ily)) hfetrack.SetITScluster(ily);
489 // TRD related quantities (Yvonne)
490 hfetrack.SetTRDntrackletsPID(track->GetTRDntrackletsPID());
491 hfetrack.SetTRDnslices(track->GetDetPid()->GetTRDnSlices());
492 hfetrack.SetTRDchi2(track->GetTRDchi2());
493 AliAODPid* aodpid= track->GetDetPid();
494 Double_t* arraytrdsignals;
495 arraytrdsignals=aodpid->GetTRDslices();
496 Int_t nslicetemp=0;
497 for(Int_t iplane = 0; iplane < 6; iplane++){
498 nslicetemp=0;
499 for(Int_t b=(iplane*8);b<((iplane*8)+8);b++){
500 if(track->GetTRDntrackletsPID()>0){
501 if(arraytrdsignals[b]>0.001) nslicetemp++;
502 }
503 }
504 if(nslicetemp > 0) hfetrack.SetTRDstatus(iplane);
505 }
508 // Kink
4437a0d2 509 if(fExtraCuts->IsKinkDaughter(track)) hfetrack.SetIsKinkDaughter();
3513afb7 510
511 // kink mother
3513afb7 512 for(Int_t kinkmother = 0; kinkmother < numberofmotherkink; kinkmother++) {
513 if(track->GetID() == listofmotherkink[kinkmother]) {
4437a0d2 514 hfetrack.SetIsKinkMother();
3513afb7 515 continue;
516 }
517 }
4437a0d2 519
3513afb7 520 // Double counted
521 Int_t id(track->GetID());
522 for(Int_t l=0; l < counterdc; l++){
523 Int_t iTrack2 = arraytrack.At(l);
524 if(iTrack2==id){
525 hfetrack.SetDoubleCounted();
526 break;
527 }
528 }
529 // Add the id at this place
530 arraytrack.AddAt(id,counterdc);
531 counterdc++;
533 // PID
534 hfetrack.SetTPCdEdx(track->GetDetPid() ? track->GetDetPid()->GetTPCsignal() : 0.);
535 hfetrack.SetTPCsigmaEl(pid->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track, AliPID::kElectron));
536 hfetrack.SetTOFsigmaEl(pid->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track, AliPID::kElectron));
537 hfetrack.SetTOFmismatchProbability(pid->GetTOFMismatchProbability(track));
4437a0d2 538 hfetrack.SetITSsigmaEl(pid->NumberOfSigmasITS(track, AliPID::kElectron));
3513afb7 539 // Eta correction
540 copyTrack.~AliAODTrack();
541 new(&copyTrack) AliAODTrack(*track);
542 if(fTPCpid->HasCentralityCorrection()) fTPCpid->ApplyCentralityCorrection(&copyTrack, static_cast<Double_t>(ncontrib),AliHFEpidObject::kAODanalysis);
543 if(fTPCpid->HasEtaCorrection()) fTPCpid->ApplyEtaCorrection(&copyTrack, AliHFEpidObject::kAODanalysis);
544 hfetrack.SetTPCsigmaElCorrected(pid->NumberOfSigmasTPC(&copyTrack, AliPID::kElectron));
545 hfetrack.SetTPCdEdxCorrected(copyTrack.GetDetPid() ? copyTrack.GetDetPid()->GetTPCsignal() : 0.);
546 if(track->IsEMCAL()){
547 // EMCAL cluster
548 Double_t emcalEnergyOverP = -1.,
549 showershape[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
550 hfetrack.SetEMCALSigmaEl(pid->NumberOfSigmasEMCAL(track, AliPID::kElectron, emcalEnergyOverP, &showershape[0]));
551 hfetrack.SetEMCALEoverP(emcalEnergyOverP);
552 hfetrack.SetEMCALShowerShape(showershape);
553 }
7e695443 555 // If TOF cut
556 if(fNbOfTOFSigma>0.0){
0a4bd5d7 557 AliDebug(1, "TOF cut\n");
7e695443 558 if(!((status & AliVTrack::kTOFpid) == AliVTrack::kTOFpid)) continue;
559 if(TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track, AliPID::kElectron))> fNbOfTOFSigma) continue;
560 }
3513afb7 562 // Track finished, add NOW to the Event
563 fHFEevent->AddTrack(&hfetrack);
564 //printf("after\n");
565 }
567 // Fill the debug tree
568 AliInfo(Form("Number of tracks: %d\n", fHFEevent->GetNumberOfTracks()));
569 AliInfo(Form("Number of MC particles: %d\n", fHFEevent->GetNumberOfMCParticles()));
570 fHFEtree->Fill();
572 fEventNumber++;
573 PostData(1, fHFEtree);
576void AliHFEreducedEventCreatorAOD::Terminate(Option_t *){
577 //
578 // Terminate
579 //
580 AliInfo("terminating...\n");
584Bool_t AliHFEreducedEventCreatorAOD::IsTOFmismatch(const AliVTrack *const track, const AliPIDResponse *const pid) const {
585 //
586 // is TOF mismatch
587 //
588 Double_t probs[AliPID::kSPECIESC];
589 AliPIDResponse::EDetPidStatus status = pid->ComputeTOFProbability(track, AliPID::kSPECIESC, probs);
590 return status == AliPIDResponse::kDetMismatch;