]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGHF/hfe/AliHFEspectrum.h
check the leading particle in the cone, apply the isolation cone condition just on...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / hfe / AliHFEspectrum.h
8c1c76e9 1/**************************************************************************
c04c80e6 2* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3* *
4* Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5* Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6* *
7* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
16// Class for spectrum correction
17// Subtraction of hadronic background, Unfolding of the data and
18// Renormalization done here
19// For more information see the implementation file
c2690925 21#ifndef ALIHFESPECTRUM_H
c04c80e6 24#ifndef ROOT_TNamed
25#include <TNamed.h>
28class TGraphErrors;
29class TObject;
30class TH1;
c2690925 31class TF1;
c04c80e6 32class TList;
e17c1f86 33class TObjArray;
c04c80e6 34class AliCFContainer;
3a72645a 35class AliHFEcontainer;
c04c80e6 36class AliCFDataGrid;
37class AliCFEffGrid;
39class AliHFEspectrum : public TNamed{
40 public:
41 enum CFContainer_t{
3a72645a 42 kDataContainer = 0,
43 kBackgroundData = 1,
44 kMCContainerMC = 2,
45 kMCContainerESD = 3,
8c1c76e9 46 kMCContainerCharmMC = 4,
47 kMCWeightedContainerNonHFEESD =5,
48 kMCWeightedContainerConversionESD = 6,
49 kDataContainerV0 = 7
e17c1f86 50 };
52 enum{
53 kElecBgSources = 6,
54 kBgLevels = 3,
a8ef1999 55 kBgPtBins = 44,
56 kCentrality = 12
e17c1f86 57 };
59 enum Chargetype_t{
60 kNegCharge = -1,
61 kPosCharge = 1,
62 kAllCharge = 0
8c1c76e9 63 };
3a72645a 64
c04c80e6 65 AliHFEspectrum(const char* name);
66 ~AliHFEspectrum();
3a72645a 67
c04c80e6 68
c2690925 69 Bool_t Init(const AliHFEcontainer *datahfecontainer, const AliHFEcontainer *mchfecontainer, const AliHFEcontainer *v0hfecontainer=0x0, const AliHFEcontainer *bghfecontainer=0x0);
3a72645a 70 Bool_t Correct(Bool_t subtractcontamination=kTRUE);
c2690925 71 Bool_t CorrectBeauty(Bool_t subtractcontamination=kTRUE);
3a72645a 72
73 AliCFDataGrid *SubtractBackground(Bool_t setBackground = kFALSE);
75 AliCFDataGrid *CorrectV0Efficiency(AliCFDataGrid* const bgsubpectrum = 0x0);
c2690925 76 AliCFDataGrid *CorrectParametrizedEfficiency(AliCFDataGrid* const bgsubpectrum = 0x0);
3a72645a 77
78 TList *Unfold(AliCFDataGrid* const bgsubpectrum = 0x0);
cedf0381 79 void UnfoldBG(AliCFDataGrid* const bgsubpectrum);
3a72645a 80 AliCFDataGrid *CorrectForEfficiency(AliCFDataGrid* const bgsubpectrum = 0x0);
c2690925 82 TGraphErrors *Normalize(THnSparse * const spectrum,Int_t i = 0) const;
83 TGraphErrors *Normalize(AliCFDataGrid * const spectrum,Int_t i = 0) const;
84 TGraphErrors *NormalizeTH1N(TH1 *input,Int_t normalization) const;
85 void CorrectFromTheWidth(TH1D *h1) const;
8c1c76e9 86 void CorrectStatErr(AliCFDataGrid *backgroundGrid) const;
3a72645a 87
c04c80e6 88 void SetCorrelation(THnSparseF * const correlation) {fCorrelation = correlation; };
89 void SetContainer(AliCFContainer *cont, AliHFEspectrum::CFContainer_t type);
c2690925 90 void SetEfficiencyFunction(TF1 *efficiencyFunction) { fEfficiencyFunction = efficiencyFunction; };
91 void SetPbPbAnalysis(Bool_t isPbPb = kFALSE) { fBeamType=(Char_t) isPbPb; };
cedf0381 92 void SetEtaSyst(Bool_t etaSyst = kTRUE) { fEtaSyst = etaSyst; };
a8ef1999 93
11ff28c5 94 void SetParameterizedEff(AliCFContainer *container, AliCFContainer *containermb, AliCFContainer *containeresd, AliCFContainer *containeresdmb, Int_t *dimensions);
3a72645a 95
c2690925 96 void SetNumberOfEvents(Int_t nEvents,Int_t i = 0) { fNEvents[i] = nEvents; };
97 void SetNumberOfMCEvents(Int_t nEvents) { fNMCEvents = nEvents; };
a8ef1999 98 void SetNumberOfMC2Events(Int_t nEvents,Int_t i = 0) { fNMCbgEvents[i] = nEvents; };
c04c80e6 99 void SetMCEffStep(Int_t step) { fStepMC = step; };
100 void SetMCTruthStep(Int_t step) { fStepTrue = step; };
101 void SetStepToCorrect(Int_t step) { fStepData = step; };
3a72645a 102 void SetStepBeforeCutsV0(Int_t step) { fStepBeforeCutsV0 = step; };
103 void SetStepAfterCutsV0(Int_t step) { fStepAfterCutsV0 = step; };
bf892a6a 104 void SetNbDimensions(Int_t nbDimensions) { fNbDimensions = nbDimensions; };
e17c1f86 105 void SetChargeChoosen(Chargetype_t chargechoosen) {fChargeChoosen = chargechoosen; };
8c1c76e9 106 void SetEtaRange(Double_t etamin, Double_t etamax) { fEtaRange[0] = etamin; fEtaRange[1] = etamax; fEtaSelected = kTRUE; }
c2690925 107 void SetUnSetCorrelatedErrors(Bool_t unsetcorrelatederrors) {fUnSetCorrelatedErrors = unsetcorrelatederrors;};
e156c3bb 108 void SetSmoothing(Bool_t setSmoothing) {fSetSmoothing = setSmoothing;};
0e30407a 109 void SetTestOneBinCentrality(Double_t centralitymin, Double_t centralitymax) { fTestCentralityLow = centralitymin; fTestCentralityHigh = centralitymax;}
cedf0381 110 void SetFillMoreCorrelationMatrix(Bool_t fillMoreCorrelationMatrix) { fFillMoreCorrelationMatrix = fillMoreCorrelationMatrix;}
c2690925 111
112 void SetNCentralityBinAtTheEnd(Int_t nCentralityBinAtTheEnd) {fNCentralityBinAtTheEnd = nCentralityBinAtTheEnd; };
113 void SetLowHighBoundaryCentralityBinAtTheEnd(Int_t low, Int_t high, Int_t i) { fLowBoundaryCentralityBinAtTheEnd[i] = low; fHighBoundaryCentralityBinAtTheEnd[i] = high;};
115 void SetBeautyAnalysis() { fInclusiveSpectrum = kFALSE; };
a8ef1999 116 void CallInputFileForBeauty2ndMethod();
117 void SetInputFileForBeauty2ndMethod(const char *filenameb = "BSpectrum2ndmethod.root"){fkBeauty2ndMethodfilename = filenameb; };
118 void SetBeautyAnalysis2ndMethod(Bool_t beauty2ndmethod) { fBeauty2ndMethod = beauty2ndmethod; }
11ff28c5 119 void SetIPEffCombinedSamples(Bool_t ipEffCombinedSamples) { fIPEffCombinedSamples = ipEffCombinedSamples; }
c2690925 120 void SetHadronEffbyIPcut(THnSparseF* hsHadronEffbyIPcut) { fHadronEffbyIPcut = hsHadronEffbyIPcut;};
e17c1f86 121 void SetNonHFEsyst(Bool_t syst){ fNonHFEsyst = syst; };
3a72645a 122
c04c80e6 123 void SetStepGuessedUnfolding(Int_t stepGuessedUnfolding) { fStepGuessedUnfolding = stepGuessedUnfolding; };
124 void SetNumberOfIteration(Int_t numberOfIteration) { fNumberOfIterations = numberOfIteration; };
7bdde22f 125 void SetUnfoldingRandomIterations(Int_t niter) { fNRandomIter = niter; }
3a72645a 126
c04c80e6 127 void SetDumpToFile(Bool_t dumpToFile) { fDumpToFile=dumpToFile; };
e17c1f86 129 void SetDebugLevel(Int_t debugLevel, Bool_t writeToFile = kFALSE) { fDebugLevel = debugLevel; fWriteToFile = writeToFile; };
cedf0381 130 void SetUnfoldBG() { fUnfoldBG = kTRUE; };
c04c80e6 131
a8ef1999 132
133 AliCFDataGrid* GetRawBspectra2ndMethod();
c2690925 134 AliCFDataGrid* GetCharmBackground();
135 AliCFDataGrid* GetConversionBackground();
136 AliCFDataGrid* GetNonHFEBackground();
8c1c76e9 137 THnSparse* GetCharmWeights();
0e30407a 138 THnSparse* GetBeautyIPEff(Bool_t isMCpt);
8c1c76e9 139 THnSparse* GetPIDxIPEff(Int_t source);
a8ef1999 140 void CalculateNonHFEsyst(Int_t centrality = 0);
c2690925 141
142 void EnableIPanaHadronBgSubtract() { fIPanaHadronBgSubtract = kTRUE; };
143 void EnableIPanaCharmBgSubtract() { fIPanaCharmBgSubtract = kTRUE; };
144 void EnableIPanaConversionBgSubtract() { fIPanaConversionBgSubtract = kTRUE; };
145 void EnableIPanaNonHFEBgSubtract() { fIPanaNonHFEBgSubtract = kTRUE; };
a8ef1999 146 void EnableIPParameterizedEff() { fIPParameterizedEff = kTRUE; };
c2690925 147
c04c80e6 148 protected:
3a72645a 149
c04c80e6 150 AliCFContainer *GetContainer(AliHFEspectrum::CFContainer_t contt);
0e30407a 151 AliCFContainer *GetSlicedContainer(AliCFContainer *cont, Int_t ndim, Int_t *dimensions,Int_t source=-1,Chargetype_t charge=kAllCharge,Int_t centralitylow=-1, Int_t centralityhigh=-1);
152 THnSparseF *GetSlicedCorrelation(THnSparseF *correlationmatrix,Int_t nDim, Int_t *dimensions,Int_t centralitylow=-1, Int_t centralityhigh=-1) const;
c2690925 153 TObject* GetSpectrum(const AliCFContainer * const c, Int_t step);
154 TObject* GetEfficiency(const AliCFContainer * const c, Int_t step, Int_t step0);
c04c80e6 155
156 void AddTemporaryObject(TObject *cont);
157 void ClearObject(TObject *o);
c2690925 159 TGraphErrors *NormalizeTH1(TH1 *input,Int_t i = 0) const;
c04c80e6 160
162 private:
163 AliHFEspectrum(const AliHFEspectrum &);
164 AliHFEspectrum &operator=(const AliHFEspectrum &);
e17c1f86 166 TObjArray *fCFContainers; // List of Correction Framework Containers
c04c80e6 167 TList *fTemporaryObjects; // Emulate garbage collection
168 THnSparseF *fCorrelation; // Correlation Matrices
169 AliCFDataGrid *fBackground; // Background Grid
c2690925 170 TF1 *fEfficiencyFunction; // Efficiency Function
a8ef1999 171 TF1 *fEfficiencyTOFPIDD[kCentrality]; // TOF PID efficiency parameterized
11ff28c5 172 TF1 *fEfficiencyesdTOFPIDD[kCentrality]; // TOF PID efficiency parameterized
a8ef1999 173 TF1 *fEfficiencyIPCharmD[kCentrality]; // IP efficiency parameterized for charm
174 TF1 *fEfficiencyIPBeautyD[kCentrality]; // IP efficiency parameterized for beauty
0e30407a 175 TF1 *fEfficiencyIPBeautyesdD[kCentrality]; // IP efficiency parameterized for beauty for esd
a8ef1999 176 TF1 *fEfficiencyIPConversionD[kCentrality]; // IP efficiency parameterized for conversion
177 TF1 *fEfficiencyIPNonhfeD[kCentrality]; // IP efficiency parameterized for nonhfe
c2690925 178
179 THnSparseF *fWeightCharm; // Weight for charm bg
c04c80e6 180
a8ef1999 181 AliCFContainer *fConvSourceContainer[kElecBgSources][kBgLevels][kCentrality]; //container for conversion electrons, divided into different photon sources
182 AliCFContainer *fNonHFESourceContainer[kElecBgSources][kBgLevels][kCentrality]; //container for non-HF electrons, divided into different sources
e17c1f86 183
3a72645a 184 Bool_t fInclusiveSpectrum; // Inclusive Spectrum
c04c80e6 185 Bool_t fDumpToFile; // Write Result in a file
8c1c76e9 187 Bool_t fEtaSelected; // Switch for eta selection
c2690925 188 Bool_t fUnSetCorrelatedErrors; // Unset correlated errors
e156c3bb 189 Bool_t fSetSmoothing; // Set smoothing
c2690925 190
191 Bool_t fIPanaHadronBgSubtract; // Hadron background subtraction
192 Bool_t fIPanaCharmBgSubtract; // Charm background subtraction
193 Bool_t fIPanaConversionBgSubtract; // Conversion background subtraction
194 Bool_t fIPanaNonHFEBgSubtract; // nonHFE except for conversion background subtraction
a8ef1999 195 Bool_t fIPParameterizedEff; // switch to use parameterized efficiency for ip analysis
e17c1f86 196 Bool_t fNonHFEsyst; // choose NonHFE background level (upper, lower, central)
a8ef1999 197 Bool_t fBeauty2ndMethod; // 2nd method to get beauty spectrum
11ff28c5 198 Bool_t fIPEffCombinedSamples; // flag to combine two different samples
c2690925 199
3a72645a 200 Int_t fNbDimensions; // Number of dimensions for the correction
c2690925 201 Int_t fNEvents[20]; // Number of Events
202 Int_t fNMCEvents; // Number of MC Events
a8ef1999 203 Int_t fNMCbgEvents[20]; // Number of BG MC Events
c04c80e6 204 Int_t fStepMC; // MC step (for unfolding)
205 Int_t fStepTrue; // MC step of the final spectrum
206 Int_t fStepData; // Data Step (various applications)
3a72645a 207 Int_t fStepBeforeCutsV0; // Before cuts V0
208 Int_t fStepAfterCutsV0; // After cuts V0
c04c80e6 209 Int_t fStepGuessedUnfolding; // Step for first guessed unfolding
210 Int_t fNumberOfIterations; // Number of iterations
7bdde22f 211 Int_t fNRandomIter; // Number of random iterations
e17c1f86 212 Chargetype_t fChargeChoosen; // Select positive or negative electrons
c2690925 213
8c1c76e9 214 Double_t fEtaRange[2]; // Eta range
e17c1f86 215 Double_t fEtaRangeNorm[2]; // Eta range used in the normalization
8c1c76e9 216
11ff28c5 217 Int_t fNCentralityBinAtTheEnd;// Number of centrality class at the end
c2690925 218 Int_t fLowBoundaryCentralityBinAtTheEnd[20]; // Boundary of the bins
219 Int_t fHighBoundaryCentralityBinAtTheEnd[20]; // Boundary of the bins
0e30407a 220 Int_t fTestCentralityLow; // To test one bin in centrality only
221 Int_t fTestCentralityHigh; // To test one bin in centrality only
cedf0381 222 Bool_t fFillMoreCorrelationMatrix; // For low stats to have reasonable errors
c2690925 223
224 THnSparseF *fHadronEffbyIPcut;// container for hadron efficiency by IP cut
a8ef1999 225 TH1D *fEfficiencyCharmSigD[kCentrality]; // charm IP cut eff from signal enhanced MC
226 TH1D *fEfficiencyBeautySigD[kCentrality]; // beauty IP cut eff from signal enhanced MC
0e30407a 227 TH1D *fEfficiencyBeautySigesdD[kCentrality]; // beauty IP cut eff from signal enhanced MC for esd
a8ef1999 228 TH1D *fConversionEff[kCentrality]; // conversion IP cut eff
229 TH1D *fNonHFEEff[kCentrality]; // nonhfe IP cut eff
11ff28c5 230 TH1D *fCharmEff[kCentrality]; // charm IP cut eff
231 TH1D *fBeautyEff[kCentrality]; // beauty IP cut eff
232 TH1D *fConversionEffbgc; // conversion IP cut eff
233 TH1D *fNonHFEEffbgc; // nonhfe IP cut eff
a8ef1999 234 TH1D *fBSpectrum2ndMethod; // beauty spectrum for 2nd method
235 const char *fkBeauty2ndMethodfilename; // name of file, which contains beauty spectrum for 2ndmethod
8c1c76e9 236 Char_t fBeamType; // beamtype; default -1; pp =0; PbPb=1
cedf0381 237 Bool_t fEtaSyst; // pp 2.76 TeV (= kTRUE) or 7 TeV (= kFALSE)
c2690925 238
c04c80e6 239
3a72645a 240 Int_t fDebugLevel; // Debug Level
e17c1f86 241 Bool_t fWriteToFile; // Write plots to eps files
cedf0381 242 Bool_t fUnfoldBG; // flag to unfold backgroud
c04c80e6 243
244 ClassDef(AliHFEspectrum, 1)