]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGHF/hfe/AliHFEtofPIDqa.cxx
Small update
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / hfe / AliHFEtofPIDqa.cxx
3a72645a 1/**************************************************************************
2* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3* *
4* Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5* Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6* *
7* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
16// Class AliHFEtofPIDqa
18// Monitoring TOF PID in the HFE PID montioring framework. The following
19// quantities are monitored:
20// TOF time distance to electron hypothesis (Number of sigmas)
21// TOF time distance to the pion hypothesis (Absolute value)
22// TPC dE/dx (Number of sigmas, as control histogram)
23// (Always as function of momentum, particle species and centrality
24// before and after cut)
25// More information about the PID monitoring framework can be found in
26// AliHFEpidQAmanager.cxx and AliHFEdetPIDqa.cxx
28// Author:
30// Markus Fasel <M.Fasel@gsi.de>
31#include <TClass.h>
32#include <TH2.h>
33#include <THnSparse.h>
34#include <TString.h>
3a72645a 36#include "AliLog.h"
37#include "AliPID.h"
8c1c76e9 38#include "AliPIDResponse.h"
6555e2ad 39#include "AliVParticle.h"
3a72645a 40
41#include "AliHFEcollection.h"
6555e2ad 42#include "AliHFEpid.h"
3a72645a 43#include "AliHFEpidBase.h"
6555e2ad 44#include "AliHFEpidQAmanager.h"
45#include "AliHFEpidTPC.h"
cedf0381 46#include "AliHFEpidTRD.h"
6555e2ad 47#include "AliHFEpidTOF.h"
3a72645a 48#include "AliHFEtools.h"
49#include "AliHFEtofPIDqa.h"
6555e2ad 51ClassImp(AliHFEpidTOF)
3a72645a 53//_________________________________________________________
55 AliHFEdetPIDqa()
56 , fHistos(NULL)
58 //
59 // Dummy constructor
60 //
64AliHFEtofPIDqa::AliHFEtofPIDqa(const char* name):
6555e2ad 65 AliHFEdetPIDqa(name, "QA for TOF")
3a72645a 66 , fHistos(NULL)
68 //
69 // Default constructor
70 //
74AliHFEtofPIDqa::AliHFEtofPIDqa(const AliHFEtofPIDqa &o):
75 AliHFEdetPIDqa(o)
76 , fHistos()
78 //
79 // Copy constructor
80 //
81 o.Copy(*this);
85AliHFEtofPIDqa &AliHFEtofPIDqa::operator=(const AliHFEtofPIDqa &o){
86 //
87 // Do assignment
88 //
89 AliHFEdetPIDqa::operator=(o);
90 if(&o != this) o.Copy(*this);
91 return *this;
96 //
97 // Destructor
98 //
99 if(fHistos) delete fHistos;
103void AliHFEtofPIDqa::Copy(TObject &o) const {
104 //
105 // Make copy
106 //
107 AliHFEtofPIDqa &target = dynamic_cast<AliHFEtofPIDqa &>(o);
108 if(target.fHistos){
109 delete target.fHistos;
110 target.fHistos = NULL;
111 }
112 if(fHistos) target.fHistos = new AliHFEcollection(*fHistos);
116Long64_t AliHFEtofPIDqa::Merge(TCollection *coll){
117 //
118 // Merge with other objects
119 //
120 if(!coll) return 0;
121 if(coll->IsEmpty()) return 1;
123 TIter it(coll);
124 AliHFEtofPIDqa *refQA = NULL;
125 TObject *o = NULL;
126 Long64_t count = 0;
127 TList listHistos;
128 while((o = it())){
129 refQA = dynamic_cast<AliHFEtofPIDqa *>(o);
130 if(!refQA) continue;
132 listHistos.Add(refQA->fHistos);
133 count++;
134 }
135 fHistos->Merge(&listHistos);
136 return count + 1;
140void AliHFEtofPIDqa::Initialize(){
141 //
142 // Define Histograms
143 //
145 fHistos = new AliHFEcollection("tofqahistos", "Collection of TOF QA histograms");
147 // Make common binning
148 const Int_t kPIDbins = AliPID::kSPECIES + 1;
3a72645a 149 const Int_t kSteps = 2;
c2690925 150 const Int_t kCentralityBins = 11;
3a72645a 151 const Double_t kMinPID = -1;
152 const Double_t kMinP = 0.;
153 const Double_t kMaxPID = (Double_t)AliPID::kSPECIES;
154 const Double_t kMaxP = 20.;
bf892a6a 155 // Quantities where one can switch between low and high resolution
156 Int_t kPbins = fQAmanager->HasHighResolutionHistos() ? 1000 : 100;
cedf0381 157 Int_t kSigmaBins = fQAmanager->HasHighResolutionHistos() ? 1400 : 140;
bf892a6a 158
3a72645a 159 // 1st histogram: TOF sigmas: (species, p nsigma, step)
c2690925 160 Int_t nBinsSigma[5] = {kPIDbins, kPbins, kSigmaBins, kSteps, kCentralityBins};
161 Double_t minSigma[5] = {kMinPID, kMinP, -12., 0, 0};
162 Double_t maxSigma[5] = {kMaxPID, kMaxP, 12., 2., 11.};
163 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse("tofnSigma", "TOF signal; species; p [GeV/c]; TOF signal [a.u.]; Selection Step; Centrality", 5, nBinsSigma, minSigma, maxSigma);
3a72645a 164
3a72645a 165 // 3rd histogram: TPC sigmas to the electron line: (species, p nsigma, step - only filled if apriori PID information available)
c2690925 166 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse("tofMonitorTPC", "TPC signal; species; p [GeV/c]; TPC signal [a.u.]; Selection Step; Centrality", 5, nBinsSigma, minSigma, maxSigma);
3a72645a 167}
6555e2ad 170void AliHFEtofPIDqa::ProcessTrack(const AliHFEpidObject *track, AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t step){
3a72645a 171 //
172 // Fill TPC histograms
173 //
8c1c76e9 174 //AliHFEpidObject::AnalysisType_t anatype = track->IsESDanalysis() ? AliHFEpidObject::kESDanalysis : AliHFEpidObject::kAODanalysis;
cedf0381 175 AliHFEpidObject::AnalysisType_t anatype = track->IsESDanalysis() ? AliHFEpidObject::kESDanalysis : AliHFEpidObject::kAODanalysis;
c2690925 177 Float_t centrality = track->GetCentrality();
3a72645a 178 Int_t species = track->GetAbInitioPID();
179 if(species >= AliPID::kSPECIES) species = -1;
3a72645a 180
3a72645a 181 AliDebug(1, Form("Monitoring particle of type %d for step %d", species, step));
6555e2ad 182 AliHFEpidTOF *tofpid= dynamic_cast<AliHFEpidTOF *>(fQAmanager->GetDetectorPID(AliHFEpid::kTOFpid));
cedf0381 183 AliHFEpidTRD *trdpid= dynamic_cast<AliHFEpidTRD *>(fQAmanager->GetDetectorPID(AliHFEpid::kTRDpid));
3a72645a 184
8c1c76e9 185 const AliPIDResponse *pidResponse = tofpid ? tofpid->GetPIDResponse() : NULL;
c2690925 186 Double_t contentSignal[5];
3a72645a 187 contentSignal[0] = species;
6555e2ad 188 contentSignal[1] = track->GetRecTrack()->P();
8c1c76e9 189 contentSignal[2] = pidResponse ? pidResponse->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track->GetRecTrack(), AliPID::kElectron): 0.;
3a72645a 190 contentSignal[3] = step;
c2690925 191 contentSignal[4] = centrality;
bf892a6a 192 fHistos->Fill("tofnSigma", contentSignal);
cedf0381 193 //if(species > -1){
194 contentSignal[1] =trdpid ? trdpid->GetP(track->GetRecTrack(), anatype) : 0.;
195 contentSignal[2] = pidResponse ? pidResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track->GetRecTrack(), AliPID::kElectron) : 0.;
3a72645a 196 fHistos->Fill("tofMonitorTPC", contentSignal);
cedf0381 197 //}
201TH2 *AliHFEtofPIDqa::MakeTPCspectrumNsigma(AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t step, Int_t species, Int_t centralityClass){
202 //
203 // Get the TPC control histogram for the TRD selection step (either before or after PID)
204 //
205 THnSparseF *histo = dynamic_cast<THnSparseF *>(fHistos->Get("tofMonitorTPC"));
206 if(!histo){
207 AliError("QA histogram monitoring TPC nSigma not available");
208 return NULL;
209 }
210 if(species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES){
211 // cut on species (if available)
212 histo->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(species + 2, species + 2); // undef + underflow
213 }
214 TString centname, centtitle;
215 Bool_t hasCentralityInfo = kTRUE;
216 if(centralityClass > -1){
217 if(histo->GetNdimensions() < 5){
218 AliError("Centrality Information not available");
219 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
220 hasCentralityInfo = kFALSE;
221 } else {
222 // Project centrality classes
223 // -1 is Min. Bias
224 histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(centralityClass+1, centralityClass+1);
225 centname = Form("Cent%d", centralityClass);
226 centtitle = Form("Centrality %d", centralityClass);
227 }
228 } else {
229 histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(1, histo->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins()-1);
230 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
231 hasCentralityInfo = kTRUE;
3a72645a 232 }
cedf0381 233 histo->GetAxis(3)->SetRange(step + 1, step + 1);
235 TH2 *hSpec = histo->Projection(2, 1);
236 // construct title and name
237 TString stepname = step == AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID ? "before" : "after";
238 TString speciesname = species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES ? AliPID::ParticleName(species) : "all Particles";
239 TString specID = species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES ? AliPID::ParticleName(species) : "unid";
240 TString histname = Form("hSigmaTPC%s%s%s", specID.Data(), stepname.Data(), centname.Data());
241 TString histtitle = Form("TPC Sigma for %s %s PID %s", speciesname.Data(), stepname.Data(), centtitle.Data());
242 hSpec->SetName(histname.Data());
243 hSpec->SetTitle(histtitle.Data());
245 // Unset range on the original histogram
246 histo->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(0)->GetNbins());
247 histo->GetAxis(3)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(3)->GetNbins());
248 if(hasCentralityInfo)histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins());
249 return hSpec;
3a72645a 250}
3a72645a 252//_________________________________________________________
4437a0d2 253TH2 *AliHFEtofPIDqa::MakeSpectrumNSigma(AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t istep, Int_t species, Int_t centralityClass){
3a72645a 254 //
255 // Plot the Spectrum
256 //
257 THnSparseF *hSignal = dynamic_cast<THnSparseF *>(fHistos->Get("tofnSigma"));
bf892a6a 258 if(!hSignal) return NULL;
3a72645a 259 hSignal->GetAxis(3)->SetRange(istep + 1, istep + 1);
e3ae862b 260 if(species >= 0 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES)
3a72645a 261 hSignal->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(2 + species, 2 + species);
4437a0d2 262 TString centname, centtitle;
263 Bool_t hasCentralityInfo = kTRUE;
264 if(centralityClass > -1){
265 if(hSignal->GetNdimensions() < 5){
266 AliError("Centrality Information not available");
267 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
268 hasCentralityInfo = kFALSE;
269 } else {
270 // Project centrality classes
271 // -1 is Min. Bias
272 AliInfo(Form("Centrality Class: %d", centralityClass));
273 hSignal->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(centralityClass+1, centralityClass+1);
274 centname = Form("Cent%d", centralityClass);
275 centtitle = Form("Centrality %d", centralityClass);
276 }
277 } else {
278 hSignal->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(1, hSignal->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins()-1);
279 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
280 hasCentralityInfo = kTRUE;
281 }
3a72645a 282 TH2 *hTmp = hSignal->Projection(2,1);
4437a0d2 283 TString hname = Form("hTOFsigma%s%s", istep == AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID ? "before" : "after", centname.Data()),
284 htitle = Form("Time-of-flight spectrum[#sigma] %s selection %s", istep == AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID ? "before" : "after", centtitle.Data());
3a72645a 285 if(species > -1){
bf892a6a 286 hname += AliPID::ParticleName(species);
287 htitle += Form(" for %ss", AliPID::ParticleName(species));
3a72645a 288 }
bf892a6a 289 hTmp->SetName(hname.Data());
290 hTmp->SetTitle(htitle.Data());
3a72645a 291 hTmp->SetStats(kFALSE);
292 hTmp->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p [GeV/c]");
293 hTmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("TOF time|_{el} - expected time|_{el} [#sigma]");
294 hSignal->GetAxis(3)->SetRange(0, hSignal->GetAxis(3)->GetNbins());
295 hSignal->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(0, hSignal->GetAxis(0)->GetNbins());
4437a0d2 296 if(hasCentralityInfo)hSignal->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(0, hSignal->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins());
3a72645a 297 return hTmp;
301TH1 *AliHFEtofPIDqa::GetHistogram(const char *name){
302 //
303 // Get the histogram
304 //
305 if(!fHistos) return NULL;
306 TObject *histo = fHistos->Get(name);
307 if(!histo->InheritsFrom("TH1")) return NULL;
308 return dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(histo);