]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGHF/hfe/AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1.cxx
For pid in tracking fall-back to pion only if pidStatus==kDetNoSignal but tolerate...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / hfe / AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1.cxx
3a72645a 1/**************************************************************************
2* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3* *
4* Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5* Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6* *
7* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
16// Class AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1
17// Monitoring TRD PID in the HFE PID montioring framework. The following
18// quantities are monitored:
19// TRD electron likelihood
20// TRD dE/dx (Absolute values)
21// TPC dE/dx (Number of sigmas, control histogram)
22// (Always as function of momentum, particle species and centrality
23// before and after cut)
24// More information about the PID monitoring framework can be found in
25// AliHFEpidQAmanager.cxx and AliHFEdetPIDqa.cxx
27// Author:
28// Markus Fasel <M.Fasel@gsi.de>
31#include <TAxis.h>
e3ae862b 32#include <TBrowser.h>
3a72645a 33#include <TH2.h>
34#include <THnSparse.h>
35#include <TString.h>
e3ae862b 37#include "AliESDtrack.h"
6555e2ad 38#include "AliLog.h"
3a72645a 39#include "AliPID.h"
8c1c76e9 40#include "AliPIDResponse.h"
3a72645a 41
42#include "AliHFEcollection.h"
43#include "AliHFEpidBase.h"
6555e2ad 44#include "AliHFEpidQAmanager.h"
45#include "AliHFEpidTPC.h"
46#include "AliHFEpidTRD.h"
3a72645a 47#include "AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1.h"
53 AliHFEdetPIDqa(),
54 fHistos(NULL)
56 //
57 // Dummy constructor
58 //
62AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1::AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1(const Char_t *name):
63 AliHFEdetPIDqa(name, "QA for TRD"),
64 fHistos(NULL)
66 //
67 // Default constructor
68 //
72AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1::AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1(const AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1 &o):
73 AliHFEdetPIDqa(o),
74 fHistos(NULL)
76 //
77 // Copy constructor
78 //
82AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1 &AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1::operator=(const AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1 &o){
83 //
84 // Make assignment
85 //
aa1417ee 86 if(this == &o) return *this;
3a72645a 87 AliHFEdetPIDqa::operator=(o);
88 fHistos = o.fHistos;
90 return *this;
94 //
95 // Deconstructor
96 //
97 if(fHistos) delete fHistos;
3a72645a 98
df8926e7 99}
3a72645a 100//_________________________________________________________
101Long64_t AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1::Merge(TCollection *coll){
102 //
103 // Merge with other objects
104 //
105 if(!coll) return 0;
106 if(coll->IsEmpty()) return 1;
108 TIter it(coll);
109 AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1 *refQA = NULL;
110 TObject *o = NULL;
111 Long64_t count = 0;
112 TList listHistos;
113 while((o = it())){
114 refQA = dynamic_cast<AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1 *>(o);
115 if(!refQA) continue;
117 listHistos.Add(refQA->fHistos);
118 count++;
119 }
120 fHistos->Merge(&listHistos);
121 return count + 1;
e3ae862b 124//_________________________________________________________
125void AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1::Browse(TBrowser *b){
126 //
127 // Browse the PID QA
128 //
129 if(b){
130 if(fHistos){
131 b->Add(fHistos, fHistos->GetName());
133 // Make Projections of the dE/dx Spectra and add them to a new Folder
134 TString specnames[4] = {"All", "Electrons", "Pions", "Protons"};
135 Int_t specind[4] = {-1, AliPID::kElectron, AliPID::kPion, AliPID::kProton};
136 TList *listTM = new TList;
137 listTM->SetOwner();
138 TList *listLike = new TList;
139 listLike->SetOwner();
140 TList *listCharge = new TList;
141 listCharge->SetOwner();
142 TList *listTPCnsigma = new TList;
143 listTPCnsigma->SetOwner();
145 TH2 *hptr = NULL;
e156c3bb 146 TList *lctm, *lclike, *lccharge, *lcTPCsig;
147 for(Int_t icent = -1; icent < 11; icent++){
148 lctm = new TList;
149 lctm->SetName(icent < 0 ? "MinBias" : Form("Centrality%d", icent));
150 lctm->SetOwner();
151 listTM->Add(lctm);
152 lclike = new TList;
153 lclike->SetName(icent < 0 ? "MinBias" : Form("Centrality%d", icent));
154 lclike->SetOwner();
155 listLike->Add(lclike);
156 lccharge = new TList;
157 lccharge->SetName(icent < 0 ? "MinBias" : Form("Centrality%d", icent));
158 lccharge->SetOwner();
159 listCharge->Add(lccharge);
160 lcTPCsig = new TList;
161 lcTPCsig->SetName(icent < 0 ? "MinBias" : Form("Centrality%d", icent));
162 lcTPCsig->SetOwner();
163 listTPCnsigma->Add(lcTPCsig);
164 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < 4; ispec++){
165 for(Int_t istep = 0; istep < 2; istep++){
166 hptr = MakeTRDspectrumTM(static_cast<AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t>(istep), specind[ispec], icent);
167 if(hptr){
168 hptr->SetName(Form("hTRDtm%s%s", specnames[ispec].Data(), istep == 0 ? "Before" : "After"));
169 lctm->Add(hptr);
170 }
171 hptr = MakeTRDlikelihoodDistribution(static_cast<AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t>(istep), specind[ispec], icent);
172 hptr->SetName(Form("hTRDlike%s%s", specnames[ispec].Data(), istep == 0 ? "Before" : "After"));
173 lclike->Add(hptr);
174 hptr = MakeTRDchargeDistribution(static_cast<AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t>(istep), specind[ispec], icent);
175 hptr->SetName(Form("hTRDcharge%s%s", specnames[ispec].Data(), istep == 0 ? "Before" : "After"));
176 lccharge->Add(hptr);
177 hptr = MakeTPCspectrumNsigma(static_cast<AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t>(istep), specind[ispec], icent);
178 hptr->SetName(Form("hTPCspectrum%s%s", specnames[ispec].Data(), istep == 0 ? "Before" : "After"));
179 lcTPCsig->Add(hptr);
ccc37cdc 180 }
e3ae862b 181 }
182 }
e156c3bb 183
e3ae862b 184 b->Add(listTM, "Projections Truncated Mean");
185 b->Add(listLike, "Projections Likelihood distribution");
186 b->Add(listCharge, "Projections Tracklet Charge");
187 b->Add(listTPCnsigma, "Projections TPC spectra");
188 }
189 }
3a72645a 192//____________________________________________________________
193void AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1::Initialize(){
194 //
195 // Initialize QA histos for TRD PID
196 //
198 AliDebug(1, "Initializing PID QA for TRD");
199 // Make common binning
200 const Int_t kPIDbins = AliPID::kSPECIES + 1;
3a72645a 201 const Int_t kSteps = 2;
202 const Double_t kMinPID = -1;
203 const Double_t kMinP = 0.;
204 const Double_t kMaxPID = (Double_t)AliPID::kSPECIES;
205 const Double_t kMaxP = 20.;
f9f097c0 206 const Int_t kCentralityBins = 11;
3a72645a 207
8c1c76e9 208 // Define number of bins
209 Int_t kPbins = fQAmanager->HasHighResolutionHistos() ? 1000 : 100;
3e03bd67 210 Int_t tpcSigmaBins = fQAmanager->HasHighResolutionHistos() ? 1400 : 140;
211 Int_t trdLikelihoodBins = fQAmanager->HasHighResolutionHistos() ? 200 : 100;
3a72645a 213 fHistos = new AliHFEcollection("trdqahistos", "Collection of TRD QA histograms");
215 // Create Control Histogram monitoring the TPC sigma between the selection steps
f9f097c0 216 Int_t nBinsTPCSigma[5] = {kPIDbins, kPbins, tpcSigmaBins, kSteps, kCentralityBins};
217 Double_t minTPCSigma[5] = {kMinPID, kMinP, -12., 0., 0.};
218 Double_t maxTPCSigma[5] = {kMaxPID, kMaxP, 12., 2., 11.};
e156c3bb 219 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse("hTPCsigma", "TPC sigma; species p [GeV/c]; TPC dEdx - <dE/dx>|_{el} [#sigma]; selection step", 5, nBinsTPCSigma, minTPCSigma, maxTPCSigma);
bf892a6a 220 fHistos->Sumw2("hTPCsigma");
3a72645a 221 // Create Monitoring histogram for the Likelihood distribution
f9f097c0 222 Int_t nBinsTRDlike[5] = {kPIDbins, kPbins, trdLikelihoodBins, kSteps, kCentralityBins};
223 Double_t minTRDlike[5] = {kMinPID, kMinP, 0., 0., 0.};
224 Double_t maxTRDlike[5] = {kMaxPID, kMaxP, 1., 2., 11.};
e156c3bb 225 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse("hTRDlikelihood", "TRD Likelihood Distribution; species; p [GeV/c]; TRD electron Likelihood; selection step", 5, nBinsTRDlike, minTRDlike, maxTRDlike);
bf892a6a 226 fHistos->Sumw2("hTRDlikelihood");
3a72645a 227 // Create Monitoring histogram for the TRD total charge
228 const Int_t kTRDchargeBins = 1000;
f9f097c0 229 Int_t nBinsTRDcharge[5] = {kPIDbins, kPbins, kTRDchargeBins, kSteps, kCentralityBins};
230 Double_t minTRDcharge[5] = {kMinPID, kMinP, 0., 0., 0.};
231 Double_t maxTRDcharge[5] = {kMaxPID, kMaxP, 100000., 2., 11.};
e156c3bb 232 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse("hTRDcharge", "Total TRD charge; species; p [GeV/c]; TRD charge [a.u.]; selection step", 5, nBinsTRDcharge, minTRDcharge, maxTRDcharge);
bf892a6a 233 fHistos->Sumw2("hTRDcharge");
e3ae862b 234 // Monitoring of the TRD truncated mean according to version 1
235 const Int_t kTRDtmBins = 1000;
f9f097c0 236 Int_t nBinsTRDtm[5] = {kPIDbins, kPbins, kTRDtmBins, kSteps, kCentralityBins};
237 Double_t minTRDtm[5] = {kMinPID, kMinP, 0., 0., 0.};
238 Double_t maxTRDtm[5] = {kMaxPID, kMaxP, 20000., 2., 11.};
e156c3bb 239 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse("hTRDtruncatedMean", "TRD truncated Mean; species; p [GeV/c]; TRD signal [a.u.]; selection step", 5, nBinsTRDtm, minTRDtm, maxTRDtm);
ccc37cdc 240 fHistos->Sumw2("hTRDtruncatedMean");
e17c1f86 241
242 // Monitoring of the number of tracklets
243 fHistos->CreateTH2F("hNtrackletsBefore", "Number of tracklets before PID; species; p (GeV/c), Number of Tracklets", kPbins, kMinP, kMaxP, 7, 0., 7.);
244 fHistos->Sumw2("hNtrackletsBefore");
245 fHistos->CreateTH2F("hNtrackletsAfter", "Number of tracklets after PID; species; p (GeV/c), Number of Tracklets", kPbins, kMinP, kMaxP, 7, 0., 7.);
246 fHistos->Sumw2("hNtrackletsAfter");
3a72645a 247}
6555e2ad 250void AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1::ProcessTrack(const AliHFEpidObject *track, AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t step){
3a72645a 251 //
252 // Process the track, fill the containers
253 //
254 AliDebug(1, Form("QA started for TRD PID for step %d", (Int_t)step));
255 Int_t species = track->GetAbInitioPID();
e3ae862b 256 if(species >= AliPID::kSPECIES) species = -1;
6555e2ad 257 AliHFEpidObject::AnalysisType_t anatype = track->IsESDanalysis() ? AliHFEpidObject::kESDanalysis : AliHFEpidObject::kAODanalysis;
3a72645a 258
6555e2ad 259 AliHFEpidTRD *trdpid = dynamic_cast<AliHFEpidTRD *>(fQAmanager->GetDetectorPID(AliHFEpid::kTRDpid));
8c1c76e9 260 const AliPIDResponse *pidResponse = trdpid ? trdpid->GetPIDResponse() : NULL;
6555e2ad 261
f9f097c0 262 Double_t container[5];
3a72645a 263 container[0] = species;
bf892a6a 264 container[1] = trdpid ? trdpid->GetP(track->GetRecTrack(), anatype) : 0.;
8c1c76e9 265 container[2] = pidResponse ? pidResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track->GetRecTrack(), AliPID::kElectron) : 0.;
3a72645a 266 container[3] = step;
f9f097c0 267 container[4] = track->GetCentrality();
85358761 268 AliDebug(1, Form("Species %d, p %f, number of sigma TPC %f, step %f, centrality %f", (Int_t)species,(Float_t) container[1],(Float_t) container[2],(Float_t) container[3],(Float_t) container[4]));
3a72645a 269 fHistos->Fill("hTPCsigma", container);
85358761 270 AliDebug(1, "Filled TPC sigma\n");
3a72645a 273
8c1c76e9 274 container[2] = trdpid ? trdpid->GetElectronLikelihood(static_cast<const AliVTrack*>(track->GetRecTrack()), anatype) : 0;
3a72645a 275 fHistos->Fill("hTRDlikelihood", container);
85358761 276 AliDebug(1, "Filled likelihood\n");
3a72645a 277
e3ae862b 278 if(track->IsESDanalysis()){
63bffcf1 279 const AliESDtrack *esdtrack = dynamic_cast<const AliESDtrack *>(track->GetRecTrack());
280 if(esdtrack){
281 container[2] = trdpid ? trdpid->GetTRDSignalV1(esdtrack) : 0;
282 fHistos->Fill("hTRDtruncatedMean", container);
283 }
e3ae862b 284 }
6555e2ad 285 for(UInt_t ily = 0; ily < 6; ily++){
f9f097c0 286 container[2] = trdpid ? trdpid->GetChargeLayer(track->GetRecTrack(), ily, anatype) : 0;
e156c3bb 287 if(container[2] < 1e-3) continue; // Filter out 0 entries
3a72645a 288 fHistos->Fill("hTRDcharge", container);
85358761 289 AliDebug(1, "Filled TRD charge\n");
3a72645a 290 }
e17c1f86 291
292 Int_t ntracklets = track->GetRecTrack()->GetTRDntrackletsPID();
293 if(step == AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID)
294 fHistos->Fill("hNtrackletsBefore", trdpid ? trdpid->GetP(track->GetRecTrack(), anatype) : 0., ntracklets);
295 else
296 fHistos->Fill("hNtrackletsAfter", trdpid ? trdpid->GetP(track->GetRecTrack(), anatype) : 0., ntracklets);
85358761 297 AliDebug(1, "Filled tracklet\n");
3a72645a 298}
e156c3bb 301TH2 *AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1::MakeTPCspectrumNsigma(AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t step, Int_t species, Int_t centralityClass){
3a72645a 302 //
303 // Get the TPC control histogram for the TRD selection step (either before or after PID)
304 //
3a72645a 305 THnSparseF *histo = dynamic_cast<THnSparseF *>(fHistos->Get("hTPCsigma"));
306 if(!histo){
307 AliError("QA histogram monitoring TPC nSigma not available");
308 return NULL;
309 }
310 if(species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES){
311 // cut on species (if available)
312 histo->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(species + 2, species + 2); // undef + underflow
313 }
e156c3bb 314 TString centname, centtitle;
315 Bool_t hasCentralityInfo = kTRUE;
316 if(centralityClass > -1){
317 if(histo->GetNdimensions() < 5){
318 AliError("Centrality Information not available");
319 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
320 hasCentralityInfo = kFALSE;
321 } else {
322 // Project centrality classes
323 // -1 is Min. Bias
324 histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(centralityClass+1, centralityClass+1);
325 centname = Form("Cent%d", centralityClass);
326 centtitle = Form("Centrality %d", centralityClass);
327 }
328 } else {
329 histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(1, histo->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins()-1);
330 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
331 hasCentralityInfo = kTRUE;
332 }
6555e2ad 333 histo->GetAxis(3)->SetRange(step + 1, step + 1);
3a72645a 334
335 TH2 *hSpec = histo->Projection(2, 1);
336 // construct title and name
6555e2ad 337 TString stepname = step == AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID ? "before" : "after";
3a72645a 338 TString speciesname = species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES ? AliPID::ParticleName(species) : "all Particles";
339 TString specID = species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES ? AliPID::ParticleName(species) : "unid";
e156c3bb 340 TString histname = Form("hSigmaTPC%s%s%s", specID.Data(), stepname.Data(), centname.Data());
341 TString histtitle = Form("TPC Sigma for %s %s PID %s", speciesname.Data(), stepname.Data(), centtitle.Data());
3a72645a 342 hSpec->SetName(histname.Data());
343 hSpec->SetTitle(histtitle.Data());
345 // Unset range on the original histogram
e3ae862b 346 histo->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(0)->GetNbins());
e156c3bb 347 histo->GetAxis(3)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(3)->GetNbins());
348 if(hasCentralityInfo)histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins());
e3ae862b 349 return hSpec;
e156c3bb 353TH2 *AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1::MakeTRDspectrumTM(AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t step, Int_t species, Int_t centralityClass){
e3ae862b 354 //
355 // Get the TPC control histogram for the TRD selection step (either before or after PID)
356 //
357 THnSparseF *histo = dynamic_cast<THnSparseF *>(fHistos->Get("hTRDtruncatedMean"));
358 if(!histo){
359 AliError("QA histogram monitoring TPC nSigma not available");
360 return NULL;
361 }
362 if(species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES){
363 // cut on species (if available)
364 histo->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(species + 2, species + 2); // undef + underflow
365 }
e156c3bb 366 TString centname, centtitle;
367 Bool_t hasCentralityInfo = kTRUE;
368 if(centralityClass > -1){
369 if(histo->GetNdimensions() < 5){
370 AliError("Centrality Information not available");
371 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
372 hasCentralityInfo= kFALSE;
373 } else {
374 // Project centrality classes
375 // -1 is Min. Bias
376 histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(centralityClass+1, centralityClass+1);
377 centname = Form("Cent%d", centralityClass);
378 centtitle = Form("Centrality %d", centralityClass);
379 }
380 } else {
381 histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(1, histo->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins()-1);
382 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
383 hasCentralityInfo= kFALSE;
384 }
e3ae862b 385 histo->GetAxis(3)->SetRange(step + 1, step + 1);
387 TH2 *hSpec = histo->Projection(2, 1);
388 // construct title and name
389 TString stepname = step == AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID ? "before" : "after";
390 TString speciesname = species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES ? AliPID::ParticleName(species) : "all Particles";
391 TString specID = species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES ? AliPID::ParticleName(species) : "unid";
e156c3bb 392 TString histname = Form("hTMTRD%s%s%s", specID.Data(), stepname.Data(), centname.Data());
393 TString histtitle = Form("TRD Truncated Mean for %s %s PID %s", speciesname.Data(), stepname.Data(), centtitle.Data());
e3ae862b 394 hSpec->SetName(histname.Data());
395 hSpec->SetTitle(histtitle.Data());
397 // Unset range on the original histogram
3a72645a 398 histo->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(0)->GetNbins());
399 histo->GetAxis(2)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(2)->GetNbins());
e156c3bb 400 if(hasCentralityInfo)histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins());
3a72645a 401 return hSpec;
e156c3bb 405TH2 *AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1::MakeTRDlikelihoodDistribution(AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t step, Int_t species, Int_t centralityClass){
3a72645a 406 //
407 // Make Histogram for TRD Likelihood distribution
408 //
409 THnSparseF *histo = dynamic_cast<THnSparseF *>(fHistos->Get("hTRDlikelihood"));
410 if(!histo){
411 AliError("QA histogram monitoring TRD Electron Likelihood not available");
412 return NULL;
413 }
414 if(species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES){
415 // cut on species (if available)
416 histo->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(species + 2, species + 2); // undef + underflow
417 }
e156c3bb 418 TString centname, centtitle;
419 Bool_t hasCentralityInfo = kTRUE;
420 if(centralityClass > -1){
421 if(histo->GetNdimensions() < 5){
422 AliError("Centrality Information not available");
423 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
424 hasCentralityInfo= kFALSE;
425 } else {
426 // Project centrality classes
427 // -1 is Min. Bias
428 histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(centralityClass+1, centralityClass+1);
429 centname = Form("Cent%d", centralityClass);
430 centtitle = Form("Centrality %d", centralityClass);
431 }
432 } else {
433 histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(1, histo->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins()-1);
434 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
435 hasCentralityInfo= kTRUE;
436 }
c2690925 437 histo->GetAxis(3)->SetRange(step + 1, step + 1);
3a72645a 438
439 TH2 *hSpec = histo->Projection(2, 1);
440 // construct title and name
6555e2ad 441 TString stepname = step == AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID ? "before" : "after";
3a72645a 442 TString speciesname = species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES ? AliPID::ParticleName(species) : "all Particles";
443 TString specID = species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES ? AliPID::ParticleName(species) : "unid";
e156c3bb 444 TString histname = Form("hLikeElTRD%s%s%s", specID.Data(), stepname.Data(),centname.Data());
445 TString histtitle = Form("TRD electron Likelihood for %s %s PID %s", speciesname.Data(), stepname.Data(),centtitle.Data());
3a72645a 446 hSpec->SetName(histname.Data());
447 hSpec->SetTitle(histtitle.Data());
449 // Unset range on the original histogram
450 histo->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(0)->GetNbins());
451 histo->GetAxis(2)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(2)->GetNbins());
e156c3bb 452 if(hasCentralityInfo)histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins());
3a72645a 453 return hSpec;
e156c3bb 457TH2 *AliHFEtrdPIDqaV1::MakeTRDchargeDistribution(AliHFEdetPIDqa::EStep_t step, Int_t species, Int_t centralityClass){
3a72645a 458 //
459 // Make Histogram for TRD Likelihood distribution
460 //
461 THnSparseF *histo = dynamic_cast<THnSparseF *>(fHistos->Get("hTRDcharge"));
462 if(!histo){
463 AliError("QA histogram monitoring TRD total charge not available");
464 return NULL;
465 }
466 if(species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES){
467 // cut on species (if available)
468 histo->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(species + 2, species + 2); // undef + underflow
469 }
e156c3bb 470 TString centname, centtitle;
471 Bool_t hasCentralityInfo = kTRUE;
472 if(centralityClass > -1){
473 if(histo->GetNdimensions() < 5){
474 AliError("Centrality Information not available");
475 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
476 hasCentralityInfo= kFALSE;
477 } else {
478 // Project centrality classes
479 // -1 is Min. Bias
480 histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(centralityClass+1, centralityClass+1);
481 centname = Form("Cent%d", centralityClass);
482 centtitle = Form("Centrality %d", centralityClass);
483 }
484 } else {
485 histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(1, histo->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins()-1);
486 centname = centtitle = "MinBias";
487 hasCentralityInfo= kTRUE;
488 }
6555e2ad 489 histo->GetAxis(3)->SetRange(step + 1, step + 1);
3a72645a 490
491 TH2 *hSpec = histo->Projection(2, 1);
492 // construct title and name
6555e2ad 493 TString stepname = step == AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID ? "before" : "after";
3a72645a 494 TString speciesname = species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES ? AliPID::ParticleName(species) : "all Particles";
495 TString specID = species > -1 && species < AliPID::kSPECIES ? AliPID::ParticleName(species) : "unid";
e156c3bb 496 TString histname = Form("hChargeTRD%s%s%s", specID.Data(), stepname.Data(), centname.Data());
497 TString histtitle = Form("TRD total charge for %s %s PID %s", speciesname.Data(), stepname.Data(), centtitle.Data());
3a72645a 498 hSpec->SetName(histname.Data());
499 hSpec->SetTitle(histtitle.Data());
501 // Unset range on the original histogram
502 histo->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(0)->GetNbins());
503 histo->GetAxis(2)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(2)->GetNbins());
e156c3bb 504 if(hasCentralityInfo)histo->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(0, histo->GetAxis(4)->GetNbins());
3a72645a 505 return hSpec;