]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGHF/hfe/macros/DrawContamination.C
change default acceptance option
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / hfe / macros / DrawContamination.C
8c1c76e9 1void DrawContamination(const char *fname = "HFEtask.root"){
2 //TVirtualFitter::Set
3 TFile *in = TFile::Open(fname);
4 TList *qa = (TList *)in->Get("HFE_QA");
6 // Make Plots for TPC
7 TList *pidqa = (TList *)qa->FindObject("PIDqa");
8 TList *tpc = (TList *)pidqa->FindObject("list_fQAhistosTPC");
9 // Create histograms by projecting the THnSparse
10 THnSparseF *hTPC = (THnSparseF *)tpc->FindObject("fHistTPCsignal");
11 hTPC->GetAxis(4)->SetRange(1,1);
12 TH2 *hTPCsig = hTPC->Projection(3,1);
13 hTPCsig->SetName("hTPCsig");
15 // define cut model
16 TF1 cutmodel("cutmodel", "[0] * TMath::Exp([1]*x) + [2]", 0, 20);
17 cutmodel.SetParameter(0, -2.75);
18 cutmodel.SetParameter(1, -0.8757);
19 cutmodel.SetParameter(2, -0.9);
21 Int_t offset = hTPCsig->GetXaxis()->FindBin(0.35);
22 Int_t nPoints = hTPCsig->GetXaxis()->FindBin(4.) - offset;
23 Int_t points = 0;
24 TArrayD ap(nPoints), apErr(nPoints), acont(nPoints), aeff(nPoints), aemean(nPoints), aesigma(nPoints), aemeanErr(nPoints), aeSigmaErr(nPoints);
25 Double_t p = 0., pmin = 0, pmax = 0, lowerbound = 0.;
26 TH1 *hde = NULL;
27 TCanvas outfit("outfit","Output of the fit", 640, 480);
28 TCanvas singlefit("singlefit","Output of the fit", 640, 480);
29 for(Int_t ipbin = hTPCsig->GetXaxis()->FindBin(0.5); ipbin < hTPCsig->GetXaxis()->FindBin(4.);ipbin+=12){
30 p = hTPCsig->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ipbin);
31 lowerbound = cutmodel.Eval(p);
32 printf("ipbin = %d, p = %f, Lower limit %f\n", ipbin, p, lowerbound);
33 hde = hTPCsig->ProjectionY("py", ipbin-6, ipbin+6);
34 pmin = hTPCsig->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ipbin-6);
35 pmax = hTPCsig->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(ipbin+6);
37 // First fit gaus for electrons and pions
38 TF1 gpsingle("gpsingle", "[0]*TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2])", -7, -1.5),
39 gesingle("gpsingle", "[0]*TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2])", -1.5, 3);
41 gesingle.SetParLimits(0, 1, 1e9); gpsingle.SetParLimits(0, 1, 1e9);
42 gesingle.SetParLimits(1, -0.7, 1.2); gpsingle.SetParLimits(1, -6, -4);
43 gesingle.SetParLimits(2, 0.95, 1.35); gpsingle.SetParLimits(2, 0.75, 1.35);
45 Double_t lowerlimitpi = -6, upperlimitpi = -2;
46 if(p > 2.7) {lowerlimitpi = -5; upperlimitpi = -1; gpsingle.SetParLimits(-5, -2)}
47 hde->Fit(&gpsingle, "", "N", lowerlimitpi, upperlimitpi);
48 hde->Fit(&gesingle, "", "N", -1, 2);
50 singlefit.cd();
51 singlefit.SetLogy();
52 hde->Draw();
53 gesingle.SetLineColor(kBlue);
54 gesingle.Draw("lsame");
55 gpsingle.SetLineColor(kGreen);
56 gpsingle.Draw("lsame");
57 singlefit.SaveAs(Form("singlegaus_input%dGeV.png", static_cast<Int_t>(p*100)));
59 printf("Model restricted, fit with double gauss\n");
60 // Define 2 gaussian model: 1st gauss electron, 2nd gauss pion
61 TF1 fitfun("2gausmodel", "[0]*TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2]) + [3]*TMath::Gaus(x,[4],[5])", -20, 20);
62 Double_t errmp = 0.1 * TMath::Abs(gpsingle.GetParameter(1)),
63 errme = 0.2 * TMath::Abs(gesingle.GetParameter(1)),
64 errsp = 0.1 * gpsingle.GetParameter(2),
65 errse = 0.1 * gesingle.GetParameter(2);
66 printf("Limits:\n=============================================\n");
67 printf("Electrons: Mean:\t\t%.3f, Sigma:\t\t%.3f\n", errme, errse);
68 printf("Mean Lower:\t\t%.3f, Upper:\t\t%.3f\n", gesingle.GetParameter(1) - errme, gesingle.GetParameter(1) + errme);
69 printf("Sigma Lower:\t\t%.3f, Upper:\t\t%.3f\n", gesingle.GetParameter(2) - errse, gesingle.GetParameter(2) + errse);
70 printf("Pions: Mean:\t\t%.3f, Sigma:\t\t%.3f\n", errmp, errsp);
71 printf("Mean Lower:\t\t%.3f, Upper:\t\t%.3f\n", gpsingle.GetParameter(1) - errmp, gpsingle.GetParameter(1) + errmp);
72 printf("Mean Lower:\t\t%.3f, Upper:\t\t%.3f\n", gpsingle.GetParameter(2) - errsp, gpsingle.GetParameter(2) + errsp);
74 fitfun.SetParLimits(0, 0.1, 1e9);
75 fitfun.SetParLimits(3, 0.1, 1e9);
76 fitfun.SetParLimits(1, gesingle.GetParameter(1) - errme, gesingle.GetParameter(1) + errme);
77 fitfun.SetParLimits(4, gpsingle.GetParameter(1) - errmp, gpsingle.GetParameter(1) + errmp);
78 fitfun.SetParLimits(2, gesingle.GetParameter(2) - errse, gesingle.GetParameter(2) + errse);
79 fitfun.SetParLimits(5, gpsingle.GetParameter(2) - errsp, gpsingle.GetParameter(2) + errsp);
80 fitfun.SetParameter(1, gesingle.GetParameter(1));
81 fitfun.SetParameter(4, gpsingle.GetParameter(1));
82 fitfun.SetParameter(2, gesingle.GetParameter(2));
83 fitfun.SetParameter(5, gpsingle.GetParameter(2));
84 // Fit the histogram
85 hde->Fit(&fitfun, "","", lowerlimitpi, 3);
86 // Save monitoring plot
87 outfit.cd();
88 outfit.SetLogy();
89 outfit.Clear();
90 hde->SetTitle();
91 hde->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Yield");
92 hde->SetStats(kFALSE);
93 hde->Draw();
94 TPaveText plabel(0.1, 0.7, 0.3, 0.89, "NDC");
95 plabel.AddText(Form("p = %0.2fGeV/c", p));
96 plabel.SetBorderSize(0);
97 plabel.SetFillStyle(0);
98 plabel.Draw();
99 TPaveText fitpar(0.6, 0.5, 0.89, 0.89, "NDC"); fitpar.AddText("Fit Patameters");
100 fitpar.SetBorderSize(0); fitpar.SetFillStyle(0);
101 for(Int_t ipar = 0; ipar < 6; ipar++) fitpar.AddText(Form("p%d: %0.3e #pm %0.3e", ipar, fitfun.GetParameter(ipar), fitfun.GetParError(ipar)));
102 fitpar.Draw();
103 outfit.SaveAs(Form("contaminationFit%dGeV.png", static_cast<Int_t>(p*100)));
105 // Make single gaus functions, integrate them within the electron selection band
106 TF1 gausele("gausele", "[0]*TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2])", -20, 20),
107 gauspi("gausele", "[0]*TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2])", -20, 20);
108 for(Int_t ipar = 0; ipar < 3; ipar++){
109 gausele.SetParameter(ipar, fitfun.GetParameter(ipar));
110 gauspi.SetParameter(ipar, fitfun.GetParameter(ipar+3));
111 }
112 Double_t cele = gausele.Integral(lowerbound, 2.);
113 Double_t celt = gausele.Integral(-10, 10);
114 Double_t cpi = gauspi.Integral(lowerbound, 2.);
115 Double_t ct = fitfun.Integral(lowerbound, 2);
116 Double_t cont = cpi / ct;
117 Double_t eff = celt ? cele/celt : 0;
118 printf("Contamination level at p = %0.2f: %f\n", p, cont);
119 printf("Efficiency level at p = %0.2f: %f\n", p, eff);
121 ap[points] = p;
122 apErr[points] = (pmax - pmin)/2;
123 acont[points] = cont;
124 aeff[points] = eff;
125 aemean[points] = fitfun.GetParameter(1);
126 aesigma[points] = fitfun.GetParameter(2);
127 aemeanErr[points] = fitfun.GetParError(1);
128 aeSigmaErr[points] = fitfun.GetParError(2);
129 points++;
130 delete hde;
131 }
132 TGraph *contamination = new TGraph(points);
133 TGraph *efficiency = new TGraph(points);
134 TGraphErrors *electronMean = new TGraphErrors(points);
135 TGraphErrors *electronSigma = new TGraphErrors(points);
136 for(Int_t ip = 0; ip < points; ip++){
137 contamination->SetPoint(ip, ap[ip], acont[ip]);
138 efficiency->SetPoint(ip, ap[ip], aeff[ip]);
139 electronMean->SetPoint(ip, ap[ip], aemean[ip]);
140 electronMean->SetPointError(ip, apErr[ip], aemeanErr[ip]);
141 electronSigma->SetPoint(ip, ap[ip], aesigma[ip]);
142 electronSigma->SetPointError(ip, apErr[ip], aeSigmaErr[ip]);
143 }
145 contamination->SetName("contamination");
146 efficiency->SetName("efficiency");
148 TFile *outfile = new TFile("Fitresults.root", "recreate");
149 outfile->cd();
150 efficiency->Write();
151 contamination->Write();
152 gROOT->cd();
154 // Draw Plots
155 TCanvas *cCont = new TCanvas("cContamination", "Contamination", 800, 600);
156 cCont->cd();
157 contamination->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
158 contamination->SetMarkerStyle(22);
159 contamination->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} / GeV/c");
160 contamination->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("contamination");
161 contamination->Draw("ap");
162 TCanvas *cEff = new TCanvas("cEfficiency", "Efficiency", 800, 600);
163 cEff->cd();
164 efficiency->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
165 efficiency->SetMarkerStyle(22);
166 efficiency->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} / GeV/c");
167 efficiency->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("efficiency");
168 efficiency->Draw("ap");
169 outfile->Close();
170 TCanvas *cElectrons = new TCanvas("cElectrons", "Electron Mean and Sigma");
171 cElectrons->cd();
172 electronMean->SetMarkerStyle(22);
173 electronMean->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
174 electronMean->SetLineColor(kBlue);
175 electronMean->SetLineWidth(1);
176 electronMean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p [GeV/c]");
177 electronMean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Electron Mean/Sigma [n#sigma]");
178 electronMean->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1., 2);
179 electronSigma->SetMarkerStyle(22);
180 electronSigma->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
181 electronSigma->SetLineColor(kRed);
182 electronSigma->SetLineWidth(1);
183 electronSigma->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p [GeV/c]");
184 electronSigma->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Electron Mean/Sigma [n#sigma]");
185 electronSigma->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1., 2.);
186 electronMean->Draw("ape");
187 electronSigma->Draw("epsame");
188 TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.7, 0.75, 0.89, 0.89);
189 leg->SetBorderSize(0);
190 leg->SetFillStyle(0);
191 leg->AddEntry(electronMean, "Mean", "p");
192 leg->AddEntry(electronSigma, "Sigma", "p");
193 leg->Draw();
194 delete outfile;