]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGHF/hfe/macros/PerformanceSpectrumUncorr.C
Merge branch 'master' of https://git.cern.ch/reps/AliRoot
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / hfe / macros / PerformanceSpectrumUncorr.C
8c1c76e9 1const Double_t ptmin = 0.2;
2const Double_t ptmax = 5.;
4void DefineTPChisto(TH2 *h2, const char *yname);
5void ALICEWorkInProgress(TCanvas *c, TString date = "today");
6void PerformanceSpectrumUncorr(const Char_t *fname = "HFEtask.root"){
8 gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
9 gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(0);
10 gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0);
11 gStyle->SetTitleX(0.1);
12 gStyle->SetTitleY(0.96);
14 TFile *in = TFile::Open(fname);
15 TList *res = (TList *)in->Get("HFE_Results");
16 TList *qa = (TList *)in->Get("HFE_QA");
17 gROOT->cd();
18 AliHFEcontainer *tcont = dynamic_cast<AliHFEcontainer *>(res->FindObject("trackContainer"));
19 AliCFContainer *c = tcont->GetCFContainer("recTrackContReco");
20 AliCFContainer *cb = tcont->GetCFContainer("hadronicBackground");
22 TH1 *spec = c->Project(c->GetNStep() - 1, 0);
23 spec->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} / GeV/c");
24 spec->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{dN}{dp_{T}} / (GeV/c)^{-1}");
25 spec->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(ptmin, ptmax);
26 spec->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1);
27 spec->SetTitle();
28 spec->SetStats(kFALSE);
30 spec->SetLineColor(kBlue);
31 spec->SetLineWidth(1);
32 spec->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
33 spec->SetMarkerStyle(22);
35 // Produce background subtracted spectrum
36 AliCFDataGrid tracks("tracks", "track grid", *c, c->GetNStep() - 1);
37 AliCFDataGrid background("background", "background grid", *cb, 1);
38 tracks.ApplyBGCorrection(background);
39 TH1 *spec_subtracted = tracks.Project(0);
40 spec_subtracted->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} / GeV/c");
41 spec_subtracted->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{dN}{dp_{T}} / (GeV/c)^{-1}");
42 spec_subtracted->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(ptmin, ptmax);
43 spec_subtracted->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1);
44 spec_subtracted->SetTitle();
45 spec_subtracted->SetStats(kFALSE);
46 spec_subtracted->SetLineColor(kRed);
47 spec_subtracted->SetLineWidth(1);
48 spec_subtracted->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
49 spec_subtracted->SetMarkerStyle(22);
51 TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.2, 0.25, 0.4, 0.35);
52 leg->SetBorderSize(0);
53 leg->SetFillStyle(0);
54 leg->AddEntry(spec, "Raw Spectrum", "p");
55 leg->AddEntry(spec_subtracted, "Spectrum after background subtraction", "p");
57 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("cspec", "Single-inclusive electron spectrum", 1200, 750);
58 c1->cd();
59 c1->SetLogy();
60 c1->SetGridx(kFALSE);
61 c1->SetGridy(kFALSE);
62 spec->Draw("ep");
63 spec_subtracted->Draw("epsame");
64 leg->Draw();
65 ALICEWorkInProgress(c1, "today");
67 // PID
68 TList *pidqa = (TList *)qa->FindObject("HFEpidQA");
69 AliHFEtpcPIDqa *tpcqa = (AliHFEtpcPIDqa *)pidqa->FindObject("TPCQA");
70 AliHFEtofPIDqa *tofqa = (AliHFEtofPIDqa *)pidqa->FindObject("TOFQA");
72 // Make Plots for TPC
73 // Create histograms by projecting the THnSparse
74 TH2 *hTPCall = tpcqa->MakeSpectrumdEdx(AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID);
75 TH2 *hTPCselected = tpcqa->MakeSpectrumdEdx(AliHFEdetPIDqa::kAfterPID);
76 TH2 *hTPCsigmaAll = tpcqa->MakeSpectrumNSigma(AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID);
77 TH2* hTPCsigmaSelected = tpcqa->MakeSpectrumNSigma(AliHFEdetPIDqa::kAfterPID);
78 // Make Plots for TOF
79 TH2 *hTOFsigmaAll = tofqa->MakeSpectrumNSigma(AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID);
80 TH2 *hTOFsigmaSelected = tofqa->MakeSpectrumNSigma(AliHFEdetPIDqa::kAfterPID);
82 hTPCsigmaAll->SetTitle("TPC n#sigma around the electron line");
83 hTPCsigmaSelected->SetTitle("TPC n#sigma around the electron line for selected tracks");
84 hTOFsigmaAll->SetTitle("TOF n#sigma around the electron line");
85 hTOFsigmaSelected->SetTitle("TOF n#sigma around the electron line for selected tracks");
86 DefineTPChisto(hTPCall, "TPC Signal / a.u");
87 DefineTPChisto(hTPCselected, "TPC Signal / a.u.");
88 DefineTPChisto(hTPCsigmaAll, "TPC Sigma");
89 DefineTPChisto(hTPCsigmaSelected, "TPC Sigma");
91 // Also make nice histograms for TOF
92 DefineTPChisto(hTOFsigmaAll, "TOF Sigma");
93 DefineTPChisto(hTOFsigmaSelected, "TOF Sigma");
95 // Plot them
96 TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("cTPCall", "TPC Signal for all tracks", 640, 480);
97 c2->cd();
98 c2->SetGridx(kFALSE);
99 c2->SetGridy(kFALSE);
100 c2->SetLogx();
101 c2->SetLogz();
102 hTPCall->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(40., 100.);
103 hTPCall->Draw("colz");
104 ALICEWorkInProgress(c2, "today");
106 TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("cTPCsel", "TPC Signal for selected tracks", 640, 480);
107 c3->cd();
108 c3->SetGridx(kFALSE);
109 c3->SetGridy(kFALSE);
110 c3->SetLogx();
111 c3->SetLogz();
112 hTPCselected->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(40., 100.);
113 hTPCselected->Draw("colz");
114 ALICEWorkInProgress(c3, "today");
116 TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("cTPCsigAll", "TPC Sigma for all tracks", 640, 480);
117 c4->cd();
118 c4->SetGridx(kFALSE);
119 c4->SetGridy(kFALSE);
120 c4->SetLogx();
121 c4->SetLogz();
122 //hTPCsigmaAll->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-3.5, 5.);
123 hTPCsigmaAll->Draw("colz");
124 ALICEWorkInProgress(c4, "today");
126 TCanvas *c5 = new TCanvas("cTPCsigSel", "TPC Sigma for selected tracks", 640, 480);
127 c5->cd();
128 c5->SetGridx(kFALSE);
129 c5->SetGridy(kFALSE);
130 c5->SetLogx();
131 c5->SetLogz();
132 hTPCsigmaSelected->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-3.5, 5.);
133 hTPCsigmaSelected->Draw("colz");
134 ALICEWorkInProgress(c5, "today");
136 TCanvas *c6 = new TCanvas("cTOFsigAll", "TOF Sigma for all tracks", 640, 480);
137 c6->cd();
138 c6->SetGridx(kFALSE);
139 c6->SetGridy(kFALSE);
140 c6->SetLogx();
141 c6->SetLogz();
142 hTOFsigmaAll->Draw("colz");
143 ALICEWorkInProgress(c6, "today");
145 TCanvas *c7 = new TCanvas("cTOFsigSel", "TOF Sigma for selected tracks", 640, 480);
146 c7->cd();
147 c7->SetGridx(kFALSE);
148 c7->SetGridy(kFALSE);
149 c7->SetLogx();
150 c7->SetLogz();
151 //hTOFsigmaSelected->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-3, 3);
152 hTOFsigmaSelected->Draw("colz");
153 ALICEWorkInProgress(c7, "today");
155 TFile *output = new TFile("Performance.root", "RECREATE");
156 output->cd();
157 spec->Write();
158 hTPCall->Write();
159 hTPCselected->Write();
160 hTPCsigmaAll->Write();
161 hTPCsigmaSelected->Write();
162 c1->Write();
163 c2->Write();
164 c3->Write();
165 c4->Write();
166 c5->Write();
167 c6->Write();
168 c7->Write();
169 output->Close();
170 delete output;
173void DefineTPChisto(TH2 *h, const char *yaxis){
174 h->SetStats(kFALSE);
175 h->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(ptmin, ptmax);
176 h->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
177 h->GetXaxis()->SetNoExponent();
178 h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p / GeV/c");
179 h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yaxis);
182void ALICEWorkInProgress(TCanvas *c,TString today){
183 //date must be in the form: 04/05/2010
184 if(today=="today"){
185 TDatime startt;
186 int date=startt.GetDate();
188 int y=date/10000;
189 int m=(date%10000)/100;
190 int d=date%100;
193 today="";
194 today+=d;
195 if(m<10)
196 today.Append("/0");
197 else today.Append("/");
198 today+=m;
199 today.Append("/");
200 today+=y;
202 }
203 TPad *myPadLogo = new TPad("myPadLogo", "Pad for ALICE Logo",0.67,0.65,0.82,0.89);
204 // myPadLogo->SetFillColor(2);
205 myPadLogo->SetBorderMode(0);
206 myPadLogo->SetBorderSize(2);
207 myPadLogo->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
208 myPadLogo->SetLeftMargin(0.0);
209 myPadLogo->SetTopMargin(0.0);
210 myPadLogo->SetBottomMargin(0.0);
211 myPadLogo->SetRightMargin(0.0);
212 myPadLogo->Draw();
213 myPadLogo->cd();
214 TASImage *myAliceLogo = new TASImage("/u/mfasel/work/electron/Spectrum/alice_logo.png");
215 myAliceLogo->Draw();
216 c->cd();
217 TPaveText* t1=new TPaveText(0.59,0.59,0.89,0.66,"NDC");
218 t1->SetFillStyle(0);
219 t1->SetBorderSize(0);
220 t1->AddText(0.,0.,"ALICE Performance");
221 t1->SetTextColor(kRed);
222 t1->SetTextFont(42);
223 t1->Draw();
224 TPaveText* t2=new TPaveText(0.59,0.54,0.89,0.60,"NDC");
225 t2->SetFillStyle(0);
226 t2->SetBorderSize(0);
227 t2->SetTextColor(kRed);
228 t2->SetTextFont(52);
229 t2->AddText(0.,0.,today.Data());
230 t2->Draw();