]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGHF/vertexingHF/macros/CombineFeedDownMCSubtractionMethodsUncertainties.C
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / vertexingHF / macros / CombineFeedDownMCSubtractionMethodsUncertainties.C
066998f0 1#include "TFile.h"
2#include "TH1.h"
3#include "TH1D.h"
4#include "TH2.h"
5#include "TH2F.h"
6#include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
7#include "TCanvas.h"
8#include "TLegend.h"
9#include "TMath.h"
10#include "TROOT.h"
11#include "TStyle.h"
13#include "AliHFSystErr.h"
15#include <Riostream.h>
19// Macro to combine the the MonteCarlo B feed-down subtraction uncertainties
21// Take as input the output files from the HFPtSpectrum class
22// from both fc & Nb subtraction methods and combine the uncertainties.
23// The final central value is set as the one from the Nb-method.
24// The final uncertainties are defined as the envelope of both fc & Nb
25// uncertainties with respect to the new central-value.
26// The final global uncertainties are also defined and a preliminary drawing done.
29// Usage parameters:
30// 1. HFPtSpectrum fc subtraction file
31// 2. HFPtSpectrum Nb subtraction file
32// 3. Output file name
33// 4. FONLL theoretical predictions file to draw on top
34// 5. Decay channel as defined in the AliHFSystErr class
066c6b9b 38enum centrality{ kpp7, kpp276, k010, k020, k2040, k4060, k6080, k4080, k80100 };
066998f0 39
40void CombineFeedDownMCSubtractionMethodsUncertainties(const char *fcfilename="HFPtSpectrum_D0Kpi_method1_221110_newnorm.root",
41 const char *nbfilename="HFPtSpectrum_D0Kpi_method2_221110_newnorm.root",
42 const char *outfilename="HFPtSpectrum_D0Kpi_combinedFD.root",
43 const char *thfilename="D0DplusDstarPredictions_y05.root",
066c6b9b 44 Int_t decay=1, Int_t centrality=kpp7)
066998f0 45{
47 //
48 // Get fc file inputs
49 TFile * fcfile = new TFile(fcfilename,"read");
50 TH1D * histoSigmaCorrFc = (TH1D*)fcfile->Get("histoSigmaCorr");
51 histoSigmaCorrFc->SetNameTitle("histoSigmaCorrFc","histoSigmaCorrFc");
52 TGraphAsymmErrors * gSigmaCorrFc = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)fcfile->Get("gSigmaCorr");
53 gSigmaCorrFc->SetNameTitle("gSigmaCorrFc","gSigmaCorrFc");
54 TGraphAsymmErrors * gSigmaCorrConservativeFc = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)fcfile->Get("gSigmaCorrConservative");
ce4c4d27 55 gSigmaCorrConservativeFc->SetNameTitle("gSigmaCorrConservativeFc","Cross section (fc prompt fraction)");
56 TGraphAsymmErrors * gFcConservativeFc = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)fcfile->Get("gFcConservative");
57 gFcConservativeFc->SetNameTitle("gFcConservativeFc","fc prompt fraction");
066998f0 58
59 //
60 // Get Nb file inputs
61 TFile * nbfile = new TFile(nbfilename,"read");
62 TH1D * histoSigmaCorrNb = (TH1D*)nbfile->Get("histoSigmaCorr");
63 histoSigmaCorrNb->SetNameTitle("histoSigmaCorrNb","histoSigmaCorrNb");
64 TGraphAsymmErrors * gSigmaCorrNb = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)nbfile->Get("gSigmaCorr");
65 gSigmaCorrNb->SetNameTitle("gSigmaCorrNb","gSigmaCorrNb");
66 TGraphAsymmErrors * gSigmaCorrConservativeNb = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)nbfile->Get("gSigmaCorrConservative");
ce4c4d27 67 gSigmaCorrConservativeNb->SetNameTitle("gSigmaCorrConservativeNb","Cross section (Nb prompt fraction)");
68 TGraphAsymmErrors * gFcConservativeNb = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)nbfile->Get("gFcConservative");
69 gFcConservativeNb->SetNameTitle("gFcConservativeNb","Nb prompt fraction");
066998f0 70
71 //
72 // Get the predictions input
73 TFile *thfile = new TFile(thfilename,"read");
74 TGraphAsymmErrors * thD0KpifromBprediction = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)thfile->Get("D0Kpiprediction");
75 TGraphAsymmErrors * thDpluskpipiprediction = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)thfile->Get("Dpluskpipiprediction");
76 TGraphAsymmErrors * thDstarD0piprediction = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)thfile->Get("DstarD0piprediction");
77 thD0KpifromBprediction->SetLineColor(4);
78 thD0KpifromBprediction->SetFillColor(kAzure+9);
79 thDpluskpipiprediction->SetLineColor(4);
80 thDpluskpipiprediction->SetFillColor(kAzure+9);
81 thDstarD0piprediction->SetLineColor(4);
82 thDstarD0piprediction->SetFillColor(kAzure+9);
84 //
85 // Get the spectra bins & limits
86 Int_t nbins = histoSigmaCorrFc->GetNbinsX();
87 Double_t *limits = new Double_t[nbins+1];
88 Double_t xlow=0., binwidth=0.;
89 for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) {
90 binwidth = histoSigmaCorrFc->GetBinWidth(i);
91 xlow = histoSigmaCorrFc->GetBinLowEdge(i);
92 limits[i-1] = xlow;
93 }
94 limits[nbins] = xlow + binwidth;
97 //
98 // Define a new histogram with the real-data reconstructed spectrum binning
99 // they will be filled with central value equal to the Nb result
100 // and uncertainties taken from the envelope of the result uncertainties
101 // The systematical unc. (but FD) will also be re-calculated
102 //
103 TH1D * histoSigmaCorr = new TH1D("histoSigmaCorr","corrected cross-section (combined fc and Nb MC feed-down subtraction)",nbins,limits);
104 TGraphAsymmErrors * gSigmaCorr = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nbins+1);
105 gSigmaCorr->SetNameTitle("gSigmaCorr","gSigmaCorr (combined fc and Nb MC FD)");
ce4c4d27 106 TGraphAsymmErrors * gFcCorrConservative = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nbins+1);
107 gFcCorrConservative->SetNameTitle("gFcCorrConservative","Combined prompt fraction");
066998f0 108 TGraphAsymmErrors * gSigmaCorrConservative = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nbins+1);
ce4c4d27 109 gSigmaCorrConservative->SetNameTitle("gSigmaCorrConservative","Cross section (combined prompt fraction)");
066998f0 110 TGraphAsymmErrors * gSigmaCorrConservativePC = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nbins+1);
111 gSigmaCorrConservativePC->SetNameTitle("gSigmaCorrConservativePC","Conservative gSigmaCorr (combined fc and Nb MC FD) in percentages [for drawing with AliHFSystErr]");
113 //
114 // Call the systematics uncertainty class for a given decay
115 // will help to compute the systematical unc. (but FD)
6ad825bf 116 AliHFSystErr systematics;
066c6b9b 117 if( centrality==kpp276 ) {
118 systematics.SetIsLowEnergy(true);
119 } else if( centrality!=kpp7 ) {
6ad825bf 120 systematics.SetCollisionType(1);
121 if ( centrality == k020 ) {
066c6b9b 122 systematics.SetCentrality("020");
6ad825bf 123 }
124 else if ( centrality == k4080 ) {
066c6b9b 125 systematics.SetCentrality("4080");
6ad825bf 126 }
127 else {
128 cout << " Systematics not yet implemented " << endl;
129 return;
130 }
131 }
132 else { systematics.SetCollisionType(0); }
133 systematics.Init(decay);
066998f0 134
135 //
136 // Loop on all the bins to do the calculations
137 //
138 Double_t pt=0., average = 0., averageStatUnc=0., avErrx=0., avErryl=0., avErryh=0., avErryfdl=0., avErryfdh=0.;
139 Double_t avErrylPC=0., avErryhPC=0., avErryfdlPC=0., avErryfdhPC=0.;
140 Double_t valFc = 0., valFcErrstat=0., valFcErrx=0., valFcErryl=0., valFcErryh=0., valFcErryfdl=0., valFcErryfdh=0.;
141 Double_t valNb = 0., valNbErrstat=0., valNbErrx=0., valNbErryl=0., valNbErryh=0., valNbErryfdl=0., valNbErryfdh=0.;
ce4c4d27 142 Double_t corrfd = 0., corrfdl=0., corrfdh=0.;
066998f0 143 //
144 for(Int_t ibin=1; ibin<=nbins; ibin++){
146 // Get input values from fc method
147 valFc = histoSigmaCorrFc->GetBinContent(ibin);
148 pt = histoSigmaCorrFc->GetBinCenter(ibin);
149 valFcErrstat = histoSigmaCorrFc->GetBinError(ibin);
150 Double_t value =0., ptt=0.;
151 gSigmaCorrConservativeFc->GetPoint(ibin,ptt,value);
066c6b9b 152 if (value<=0.) continue;
066998f0 153 if ( TMath::Abs(valFc-value)>0.1 || TMath::Abs(pt-ptt)>0.1 )
154 cout << "Hey you ! There might be a problem with the fc input file, please, have a look !" << endl;
155 valFcErrx = gSigmaCorrFc->GetErrorXlow(ibin);
156 valFcErryl = gSigmaCorrFc->GetErrorYlow(ibin);
157 valFcErryh = gSigmaCorrFc->GetErrorYhigh(ibin);
158 valFcErryfdl = TMath::Abs( gSigmaCorrConservativeFc->GetErrorYlow(ibin) );
159 valFcErryfdh = TMath::Abs( gSigmaCorrConservativeFc->GetErrorYhigh(ibin) );
ce4c4d27 160 Double_t valfdFc = 0., x=0.;
161 gFcConservativeFc->GetPoint(ibin,x,valfdFc);
162 Double_t valfdFch = gFcConservativeFc->GetErrorYhigh(ibin);
163 Double_t valfdFcl = gFcConservativeFc->GetErrorYlow(ibin);
066998f0 164
165 // Get input values from Nb method
166 valNb = histoSigmaCorrNb->GetBinContent(ibin);
167 pt = histoSigmaCorrNb->GetBinCenter(ibin);
168 valNbErrstat = histoSigmaCorrNb->GetBinError(ibin);
169 gSigmaCorrConservativeNb->GetPoint(ibin,ptt,value);
170 if ( TMath::Abs(valNb-value)>0.1 || TMath::Abs(pt-ptt)>0.1 )
171 cout << "Hey you ! There might be a problem with the Nb input file, please, have a look !" << endl;
172 valNbErrx = gSigmaCorrNb->GetErrorXlow(ibin);
173 valNbErryl = gSigmaCorrNb->GetErrorYlow(ibin);
174 valNbErryh = gSigmaCorrNb->GetErrorYhigh(ibin);
175 valNbErryfdl = gSigmaCorrConservativeNb->GetErrorYlow(ibin);
176 valNbErryfdh = gSigmaCorrConservativeNb->GetErrorYhigh(ibin);
ce4c4d27 177 Double_t valfdNb = 0.;
178 gFcConservativeNb->GetPoint(ibin,x,valfdNb);
179 Double_t valfdNbh = gFcConservativeNb->GetErrorYhigh(ibin);
180 Double_t valfdNbl = gFcConservativeNb->GetErrorYlow(ibin);
066998f0 181
183 // Compute the FD combined value
184 // average = valNb
185 average = valNb ;
ce4c4d27 186 corrfd = valfdNb;
066998f0 187 avErrx = valFcErrx;
188 if ( TMath::Abs( valFcErrx - valNbErrx ) > 0.1 )
189 cout << "Hey you ! There might be consistency problem with the fc & Nb input files, please, have a look !" << endl;
190 averageStatUnc = valNbErrstat ;
191// cout << " pt=" << pt << ", average="<<average<<endl;
192// cout << " stat unc (pc)=" << averageStatUnc/average << ", stat-fc (pc)="<<(valFcErrstat/valFc) << ", stat-Nb (pc)="<<(valNbErrstat/valNb)<<endl;
194 // now estimate the new feed-down combined uncertainties
195 Double_t minimum[2] = { (valFc - valFcErryfdl), (valNb - valNbErryfdl) };
196 Double_t maximum[2] = { (valFc + valFcErryfdh), (valNb + valNbErryfdh) };
197 avErryfdl = average - TMath::MinElement(2,minimum);
198 avErryfdh = TMath::MaxElement(2,maximum) - average;
199 avErryfdlPC = avErryfdl / average ; // in percentage
200 avErryfdhPC = avErryfdh / average ; // in percentage
201// cout << " fc : val " << valFc << " + " << valFcErryfdh <<" - " << valFcErryfdl <<endl;
202// cout << " Nb : val " << valNb << " + " << valNbErryfdh <<" - " << valNbErryfdl <<endl;
203// cout << " fc & Nb: val " << average << " + " << avErryfdh <<" - " << avErryfdl <<endl;
ce4c4d27 204 Double_t minimumfc[2] = { (valfdNb - valfdNbl), (valfdFc - valfdFcl) };
205 Double_t maximumfc[2] = { (valfdNb + valfdNbh), (valfdFc + valfdFch) };
206 corrfdl = corrfd - TMath::MinElement(2,minimumfc);
207 corrfdh = TMath::MaxElement(2,maximumfc) - corrfd;
066998f0 208
210 // compute the global systematics
211 avErrylPC = systematics.GetTotalSystErr(pt,avErryfdlPC); // in percentage
212 avErryhPC = systematics.GetTotalSystErr(pt,avErryfdhPC); // in percentage
213 avErryl = avErrylPC * average ;
214 avErryh = avErryhPC * average ;
215// cout << " syst av-l="<<avErryl<<", av-h="<<avErryh<<endl;
216// cout << " fd-l-pc="<<avErryfdlPC<<", fd-h-pc="<<avErryfdhPC<<", syst err(no fd)-pc="<<systematics.GetTotalSystErr(pt)<<", av-l-pc="<<avErrylPC<<", av-h-pc="<<avErryhPC<<endl;
218 // fill in the histos and TGraphs
219 // fill them only when for non empty bins
220 if ( average > 0.1 ) {
221 histoSigmaCorr->SetBinContent(ibin,average);
222 histoSigmaCorr->SetBinError(ibin,averageStatUnc);
223 gSigmaCorr->SetPoint(ibin,pt,average);
224 gSigmaCorr->SetPointError(ibin,valFcErrx,valFcErrx,avErryl,avErryh);
225 gSigmaCorrConservative->SetPoint(ibin,pt,average);
226 gSigmaCorrConservative->SetPointError(ibin,valFcErrx,valFcErrx,avErryfdl,avErryfdh);
227 gSigmaCorrConservativePC->SetPoint(ibin,pt,0.);
228 gSigmaCorrConservativePC->SetPointError(ibin,valFcErrx,valFcErrx,avErryfdlPC,avErryfdhPC);
ce4c4d27 229 gFcCorrConservative->SetPoint(ibin,pt,corrfd);
230 gFcCorrConservative->SetPointError(ibin,valFcErrx,valFcErrx,corrfdl,corrfdh);
066998f0 231 }
233 }
236 gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
237 gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
239 //
240 // Plot the results
ce4c4d27 241 TH2F *histo2Draw = new TH2F("histo2Draw","histo2 (for drawing)",100,0,20.,100,1e3,5e7);
066998f0 242 histo2Draw->SetStats(0);
243 histo2Draw->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} [GeV]");
244 histo2Draw->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
245 histo2Draw->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.95);
246 histo2Draw->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{1}{BR} #times #frac{d#sigma}{dp_{T}} |_{|y|<0.5}");
247 histo2Draw->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
248 //
249 TCanvas *combinefdunc = new TCanvas("combinefdunc","show the FD results combination");
250 //
251 histo2Draw->Draw();
252 //
253 histoSigmaCorrFc->SetMarkerStyle(20);
254 histoSigmaCorrFc->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2);
255 histoSigmaCorrFc->SetLineColor(kGreen+2);
256 histoSigmaCorrFc->Draw("esame");
257 gSigmaCorrConservativeFc->SetMarkerStyle(20);
258 gSigmaCorrConservativeFc->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2);
259 gSigmaCorrConservativeFc->SetLineColor(kGreen+2);
ce4c4d27 260 gSigmaCorrConservativeFc->SetFillStyle(3004);//2);
066998f0 261 gSigmaCorrConservativeFc->SetFillColor(kGreen);
262 gSigmaCorrConservativeFc->Draw("2[]same");
263 //
264 histoSigmaCorrNb->SetMarkerStyle(25);
265 histoSigmaCorrNb->SetMarkerColor(kViolet+5);
266 histoSigmaCorrNb->SetLineColor(kViolet+5);
267 histoSigmaCorrNb->Draw("esame");
268 gSigmaCorrConservativeNb->SetMarkerStyle(25);
ce4c4d27 269 gSigmaCorrConservativeNb->SetMarkerColor(kOrange+7);//kViolet+5);
270 gSigmaCorrConservativeNb->SetLineColor(kOrange+7);//kOrange+7);//kViolet+5);
271 gSigmaCorrConservativeNb->SetFillStyle(3018);//02);
066998f0 272 gSigmaCorrConservativeNb->SetFillColor(kMagenta);
273 gSigmaCorrConservativeNb->Draw("2[]same");
274 //
275 gSigmaCorrConservative->SetLineColor(kRed);
ce4c4d27 276 gSigmaCorrConservative->SetLineWidth(2);
066998f0 277 gSigmaCorrConservative->SetFillColor(kRed);
278 gSigmaCorrConservative->SetFillStyle(0);
279 gSigmaCorrConservative->Draw("2");
280 histoSigmaCorr->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
281 histoSigmaCorr->Draw("esame");
282 //
ce4c4d27 283 //
284 TLegend* leg=combinefdunc->BuildLegend();
285 leg->SetFillStyle(0);
066998f0 286 combinefdunc->SetLogy();
287 combinefdunc->Update();
ce4c4d27 289 TCanvas *combinefcunc = new TCanvas("combinefcunc","show the fc FD results combination");
290 //
291 TH2F *histo3Draw = new TH2F("histo3Draw","histo3 (for drawing)",100,0,20.,10,0.,1.);
292 histo3Draw->SetStats(0);
293 histo3Draw->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} [GeV]");
294 histo3Draw->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
295 histo3Draw->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.95);
296 histo3Draw->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Prompt fraction of the raw yields");
297 histo3Draw->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
298 histo3Draw->Draw();
299 //
300 gFcConservativeFc->SetMarkerStyle(20);
301 gFcConservativeFc->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2);
302 gFcConservativeFc->SetLineColor(kGreen+2);
303 gFcConservativeFc->SetFillStyle(3004);
304 gFcConservativeFc->SetFillColor(kGreen);
305 gFcConservativeFc->Draw("2P");
306 //
307 gFcConservativeNb ->SetMarkerStyle(25);
308 gFcConservativeNb ->SetMarkerSize(1.3);
309 gFcConservativeNb->SetMarkerColor(kOrange+7);//kViolet+5);
310 gFcConservativeNb->SetLineColor(kOrange+7);//kViolet+5);
311 gFcConservativeNb->SetFillStyle(3018);
312 gFcConservativeNb->SetFillColor(kMagenta);
313 gFcConservativeNb->Draw("2P");
314 //
315 gFcCorrConservative->SetMarkerStyle(21);
316 gFcCorrConservative->SetLineColor(kRed);
317 gFcCorrConservative->SetLineWidth(2);
318 gFcCorrConservative->SetFillColor(kRed);
319 gFcCorrConservative->SetFillStyle(0);
320 gFcCorrConservative->Draw("2P");
321 //
322 leg=combinefcunc->BuildLegend();
323 leg->SetFillStyle(0);
324 //
325 combinefcunc->Update();
066998f0 327 //
328 // Plot the results
329 TCanvas *finalresults = new TCanvas("finalresults","show all combined results");
330 //
331 if ( decay==1 ) {
332 thD0KpifromBprediction->SetLineColor(kGreen+2);
333 thD0KpifromBprediction->SetLineWidth(3);
334 thD0KpifromBprediction->SetFillColor(kGreen-6);
335 thD0KpifromBprediction->Draw("3CA");
336 thD0KpifromBprediction->Draw("CX");
337 }
338 else if ( decay==2 ) {
339 thDpluskpipiprediction->SetLineColor(kGreen+2);
340 thDpluskpipiprediction->SetLineWidth(3);
341 thDpluskpipiprediction->SetFillColor(kGreen-6);
342 thDpluskpipiprediction->Draw("3CA");
343 thDpluskpipiprediction->Draw("CX");
344 }
345 else if ( decay==3 ) {
346 thDstarD0piprediction->SetLineColor(kGreen+2);
347 thDstarD0piprediction->SetLineWidth(3);
348 thDstarD0piprediction->SetFillColor(kGreen-6);
349 thDstarD0piprediction->Draw("3CA");
350 thDstarD0piprediction->Draw("CX");
351 }
352 //
353 gSigmaCorr->SetLineColor(kRed);
354 gSigmaCorr->SetLineWidth(1);
355 gSigmaCorr->SetFillColor(kRed);
356 gSigmaCorr->SetFillStyle(0);
357 gSigmaCorr->Draw("2");
358 histoSigmaCorr->SetMarkerStyle(21);
359 histoSigmaCorr->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
360 histoSigmaCorr->Draw("esame");
361 //
ce4c4d27 362 leg = new TLegend(0.7,0.75,0.87,0.5);
066998f0 363 leg->SetBorderSize(0);
364 leg->SetLineColor(0);
365 leg->SetFillColor(0);
366 leg->SetTextFont(42);
367 if ( decay==1 ) leg->AddEntry(thD0KpifromBprediction,"FONLL ","fl");
368 else if ( decay==2 ) leg->AddEntry(thDpluskpipiprediction,"FONLL ","fl");
369 else if ( decay==3 ) leg->AddEntry(thDstarD0piprediction,"FONLL ","fl");
370 leg->AddEntry(histoSigmaCorr,"data stat. unc.","pl");
371 leg->AddEntry(gSigmaCorr,"data syst. unc.","f");
372 leg->Draw();
373 //
374 finalresults->SetLogy();
375 finalresults->Update();
378 //
379 // Draw all the systematics independently
380 systematics.DrawErrors(gSigmaCorrConservativePC);
383 // Write the output to a file
384 TFile * out = new TFile(outfilename,"recreate");
385 histoSigmaCorr->Write();
386 gSigmaCorr->Write();
387 gSigmaCorrConservative->Write();
388 gSigmaCorrConservativePC->Write();
ce4c4d27 389 gFcCorrConservative->Write();
066998f0 390 out->Write();