]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGJE/AliPWG4HighPtSpectra.h
Add class storing a global binning setup shared between the steering task and the...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGJE / AliPWG4HighPtSpectra.h
fdceab34 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
15711836 17// Author : Marta Verweij, D. Keijdener - UU
fdceab34 18//-----------------------------------------------------------------------
23#include "AliAnalysisTask.h"
24#include "AliCFManager.h"
26class TH1I;
b5cc0c6d 27class TH1F;
fdceab34 28class TH1D;
a337a5a9 29class TH2F;
b4691ee7 30class TProfile;
31class TFile;
32class TList;
67ebd013 34//class AliCFManager;
fdceab34 35class AliESDtrackCuts;
36class AliESDEvent;
9477b466 37class AliAODEvent;
38class AliVEvent;
39class AliVVertex;
b4691ee7 40class AliMCEvent;
cce400da 41class AliStack;
b4691ee7 42class AliGenPythiaEventHeader;
03372fd1 43class AliGenHijingEventHeader;
fdceab34 44
45class AliPWG4HighPtSpectra : public AliAnalysisTask {
b5cc0c6d 46 public:
fdceab34 47
48 enum {
ec555a3c 49 kStepReconstructed = 0,
2b553e6f 50 kStepSecondaries = 1,
51 kStepReconstructedMC = 2,
52 kStepMCAcceptance = 3
fdceab34 53 };
55 AliPWG4HighPtSpectra();
56 AliPWG4HighPtSpectra(const Char_t* name);
67ebd013 57 // AliPWG4HighPtSpectra& operator= (const AliPWG4HighPtSpectra& c);
58 // AliPWG4HighPtSpectra(const AliPWG4HighPtSpectra& c);
59 ~AliPWG4HighPtSpectra() {;};
fdceab34 60
61 // ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK STUFF to loop on data and fill output objects
e5abcde9 62 virtual void LocalInit();
fdceab34 63 virtual void ConnectInputData(Option_t *);
64 virtual void CreateOutputObjects();
65 virtual void Exec(Option_t *option);
66 virtual void Terminate(Option_t *);
b4691ee7 67 virtual Bool_t Notify(); //Copied from AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2
fdceab34 68
2b553e6f 69 Bool_t IsPbPb() {return fIsPbPb;} //is PbPb data?
cce400da 70 Bool_t SelectEvent(); //decides if event is used for analysis
9477b466 71 Int_t CalculateCentrality(AliVEvent *event);
cce400da 72
2b553e6f 73 //Setters
74 void SetIsPbPb(Bool_t cs) {fIsPbPb = cs;}
75 void SetCentralityClass(int cent) {fCentClass=cent;}
5d87a047 76 void SetTriggerMask(UInt_t t) {fTriggerMask=t;}
2b553e6f 77
67ebd013 79 void SetCFManagerPos(const AliCFManager* io1) {fCFManagerPos = io1;} // global correction manager
80 const AliCFManager * GetCFManagerPos() const {return fCFManagerPos;} // get corr manager
81 void SetCFManagerNeg(const AliCFManager* io2) {fCFManagerNeg = io2;} // global correction manager
82 const AliCFManager * GetCFManagerNeg() const {return fCFManagerNeg;} // get corr manager
2b553e6f 83
84 //if fTrackType=0 (Global)
85 //if fTrackType=1 (TPConly)
86 //if fTrackType=2 (TPConly constrained)
34fc6450 87 void SetTrackType(Int_t trackType) {fTrackType = trackType;}
fdceab34 88 //AliESDtrackCuts setters
9477b466 89 void SetCuts(AliESDtrackCuts* trackCuts) {fTrackCuts = trackCuts;} // Needs to be specified for ESD analysis, not for AOD analysis
90 void SetFilterMask(Int_t filtermask) {fFilterMask = filtermask;} // Needs to be specified for AOD analysis, not for ESD analysis
327d12da 91 void SetCutsReject(AliESDtrackCuts* trackCuts) {fTrackCutsReject = trackCuts;}
03372fd1 92 void SelectHIJINGOnly(Bool_t b) {fbSelectHIJING = b;}
94 Bool_t IsHIJINGParticle(Int_t label);
2b553e6f 95
96 void SetSigmaConstrainedMax(Double_t sigma) {fSigmaConstrainedMax=sigma;}
fdceab34 97
98 // Data types
99 Bool_t IsReadAODData() const {return fReadAODData;}
b5cc0c6d 100 void SetReadAODData(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) {fReadAODData=flag;}
b4691ee7 101
9477b466 102 Bool_t IsUsingPythiaInfo() const {return fNoPythiaInfo;}
103 void SetNoPythiaInfo() {fNoPythiaInfo=kTRUE;}
b4691ee7 105 static AliGenPythiaEventHeader* GetPythiaEventHeader(AliMCEvent *mcEvent);
03372fd1 106 static AliGenHijingEventHeader* GetHijingEventHeader(AliMCEvent *mcEvent);
3abf7501 107 static AliGenHijingEventHeader* GetHijingEventHeaderAOD(AliAODEvent *aodEvent);
03372fd1 108
b4691ee7 109 static Bool_t PythiaInfoFromFile(const char* currFile,Float_t &fXsec,Float_t &fTrials);// get the cross section and the trails either from pyxsec.root or from pysec_hists.root
03372fd1 110
b5cc0c6d 112
fdceab34 113 protected:
9477b466 114 Bool_t fReadAODData ; // flag for AOD/ESD input files
115 Bool_t fNoPythiaInfo ; // flag to skip reading pyxsec.root and plotting output
72c131b0 116 const AliCFManager *fCFManagerPos ; // pointer to the CF manager for positive charged particles
117 const AliCFManager *fCFManagerNeg ; // pointer to the CF manager for negative charged particles
67ebd013 118
cce400da 119 AliESDEvent *fESD; //! ESD object
9477b466 120 AliAODEvent *fAOD; //! AOD object
121 AliMCEvent *fMC; //! MC event object, only used in ESD analysis
3abf7501 122 AliStack *fStack; //! stack object, only used in ESD analysis
123 TClonesArray *fArrayMCAOD; //! TClonesArray of AliAODMCParticles, only used in AOD analysis
cce400da 124
9477b466 125 const AliVVertex *fVtx; //! vertex object
34fc6450 126
5d87a047 127 UInt_t fTriggerMask; // Trigger mask to select events
128 Bool_t fIsPbPb; // kTRUE if PbPb
129 Int_t fCentClass; // Select only events from predefined centrality class
34fc6450 130
131 Int_t fTrackType; // Type of track to be used in analysis
9477b466 132 //AliESDtrackCuts options and FilterMask. The former is must be setted in AddTaskPWG4HighPTSpectra.C for ESD analysis, the latter must be setted in AddTaskPWG4HighPTSpectra.C for AOD analysis. The AliESDtrackCuts correspond with different steps in container.
1f329128 133 AliESDtrackCuts *fTrackCuts; // trackCuts applied to global tracks
327d12da 134 AliESDtrackCuts *fTrackCutsReject; // trackCuts to reject tracks (hybrid case)
9477b466 135 Int_t fFilterMask; // Filtermask specifying track cuts. See https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE/PWGPPAODTrackCuts for values.
2b553e6f 136
03372fd1 137 Bool_t fbSelectHIJING; //Select only particles from HIJING event
2b553e6f 139 Double_t fSigmaConstrainedMax; // max sigma on constrained fit
fdceab34 140
141 private:
1f329128 142 AliPWG4HighPtSpectra(const AliPWG4HighPtSpectra&);
143 AliPWG4HighPtSpectra& operator=(const AliPWG4HighPtSpectra&);
fdceab34 144
b4691ee7 145 Float_t fAvgTrials; // Average number of trials
fdceab34 147 // Histograms
148 //Number of events
b4691ee7 149 TList *fHistList; //! List of output histograms
1f329128 150 TH1F *fNEventAll; //! Event counter
151 TH1F *fNEventSel; //! Event counter: Selected events for analysis
2b553e6f 152 TH1F *fNEventReject; //! Book keeping of reason of rejecting events
154 TH1F *fh1Centrality; //! Centrality
b5cc0c6d 155
b4691ee7 156 TProfile* fh1Xsec; //! pythia cross section and trials
157 TH1F* fh1Trials; //! trials which are added
158 TH1F* fh1PtHard; //! pt hard of the event
159 TH1F* fh1PtHardTrials; //! pt hard of the event
a337a5a9 161 TH2F *fPtRelUncertainty1PtPrim; //! Pt vs relUncertainty1Pt for primary particles
162 TH2F *fPtRelUncertainty1PtSec; //! Pt vs relUncertainty1Pt for secondary particles
72c131b0 164 ClassDef(AliPWG4HighPtSpectra,5);
fdceab34 165};